Ferroli gas boiler life. Varieties and correction of malfunctions of Ferroli boilers. Wall units with atmospheric burner

Today we will consider the types of gas heaters of the Italian manufacturer Ferroli. So, there are two types of Ferroli boilers: wall and floor. Units that are suspended are also divided into two groups - conventional and condensing. The latter are characterized by high efficiency.

Ferroli wall mounted gas boilers

Wall heater Italian company Ferroli.

Ferroli wall-mounted boilers are available in different configurations and capacities, so you can choose a unit according to your requirements and budget. The first characteristic is the number of circuits. So, heaters can work not only to heat water in the heating system, but also simultaneously supply the house with hot water. Accordingly, single-circuit and double-circuit boilers are distinguished.

The second aspect is the type of combustion chamber and its configuration. The combustion chamber may be open or sealed. Open combustion chambers, like a conventional stove burner, burn the air out of the room (there is no fire without oxygen). Sealed chambers draw in air from the street through a special chimney called.

A heat exchanger (one or two) is installed in the combustion chamber. One heat exchanger (bithermic) is a pipe in a pipe, into which pipes are cut for separate smoke removal. The heat exchanger is made of copper. If there are two heat exchangers, then they are separated from each other. The primary is made of copper and the secondary is made of stainless steel.

The richer the equipment, the more expensive the repair of Ferroli gas boilers.

Complete set of Ferroli gas boilers according to the instructions:

  • heat exchanger (one or two);
  • gas valve - Siemens or HoneyWell;
  • three-speed Wilo;
  • branch pipes for smoke removal - separate smoke exhaust system;
  • Control block.

There are models with and without LCD display. The display shows information about the parameters of the heater and errors that occur during operation. The display lights up blue. The DivaTop 60 model is available with a built-in 60 liter boiler.

The efficiency of the Ferroli wall-mounted heating boiler of any model is approximately 93%. The minimum power is 7.2 kW, the maximum is 40 kW. The heat carrier for high-temperature heating systems, the unit heats up to 85 degrees, and water for hot water supply - up to 55 degrees. Boilers operate on natural and liquefied gas. The nominal energy consumption is indicated in the passport for each model. The inlet gas pressure must be at least 20 mbar for natural gas and 37 mbar for liquefied gas.

Floor heaters Ferroli

Inflatable burner must be purchased separately.

Floor cast-iron boilers are available with a built-in and with a removable (inflatable) burner. To begin with, consider models with a built-in burner. The equipment of the simplest boilers (up to 1 thousand Euros) is very modest:

  • single stage burner;
  • cast iron heat exchanger;
  • gas valve HoneyWell or Sit;
  • connectors for additional equipment (pump, thermostat).

Boilers priced from 1 thousand euros, in addition to the standard set, are equipped with a display, connectors for connecting a three-way valve, a boiler pump, outdoor temperature sensors, and boiler sensors. Thanks to this set of options, the heater itself can control the degree of heating of the coolant according to weather conditions. The complete set of each model is indicated in the instruction manual for the Ferroli boiler.

Units over 2 thousand Euros, for example Pegasus-DK, have a built-in boiler for 130 liters and a 12 liter expander, two pumps, a magnesium anode is installed in the boiler. A magnesium anode is needed so that the boiler tank does not rust. This is a consumable material, the anode must be changed periodically (as it splits). Heaters for 3 thousand Euros (Pegasus 2S and PegasusF3 N2S) have the same equipment as the cheapest models, with the exception of the burner - in expensive units it is two-stage. This allows you to expand the range of boiler power adjustment.

If any problems arise during the operation of the Ferroli gas boiler, a fault code is displayed on the liquid crystal display.

The peculiarity of boilers with a removable inflatable heater is that they can operate on both gas and diesel fuel, it depends on the type of burner:

  • for gas - Sun M;
  • for diesel - Sun G.

In the Atlas heater it is possible to connect an internal one or two-stage gas burner instead of an external air burner. In a rich configuration, for example, Atlas DK, there is a built-in 10 l expansion tank and a 100 or 130 l boiler, two pumps, and a liquid crystal display. The external inflatable burner is not included and is supplied separately.

Ferroli condensing boilers

All condensing boilers with closed combustion chamber.

If you look through the operating instructions for the Ferroli gas boiler, then among the condensing units there are the following differences:

  • the number of heat exchangers - one or two;
  • heat exchanger material - stainless steel or aluminum;
  • burner material - ceramic or steel;
  • the presence of a boiler;
  • the presence of an air separator.

All heaters have a display, a bypass and a built-in modulating or three-speed circulation pump (except for the Energy Top W model, which does not have a pump). Condensing boilers have an efficiency of 109%. The minimum power is 2.1 kW, and the maximum is 79.5 kW. Prices range from 730 to 3000 Euros.

Ferroli boilers - Experts answer questions


The Ferroli Domiproject f24 boiler worked fine for a year. Then he began to work intermittently. It works for a few seconds, goes out and lights up again and so on all the time. Both during heating operation and during DHW operation. Checked the exhaust system, everything is fine. Replacing the pressure switch did nothing. I took off the plugs on the top cover of the boiler, it did not help. When I remove the cover of the sealed chamber, it works fine. What
could be the reason?


If the boiler does not show any error and the voltage is more than 200 volts, then the heat exchanger for heating is most likely clogged. You can check by connecting the heating sensor for a few minutes in the air or, which is easier, by reducing the gas with a tap in front of the boiler. If the burning interval has increased, then flushing is necessary.


The Ferroli Domiproject f 24 boiler does not cope, the coolant temperature does not rise above 40, and the potentiometer is 70. The heated area is 70m2. And it's 12 degrees outside. What should be done?


So there is not enough flow. Here's what to do: check the return filter, check the pump power and see if the main heat exchanger is clogged.


When the heating system is turned off, the pressure in the system drops to 0 (approximately a day to 0.5 with the ECO turned off; or to 0 with the ECO turned on in a few hours) and the DHW, respectively, also cuts down. I add water. The pressure drops again after a while. When the heating is on, the pressure does not drop or does not drop very noticeably. Feeding 1 time in 1-2 months.


First of all, you need to pump the expansion tank with nitrogen - air up to 0.8 bar - at a pressure on the water pressure gauge in the boiler = 0. And then look for a leak, check the blast valve to see if water is leaving it.


After installing the Ferroli Domiproject 24 boiler, the hot water pressure was almost at the level of the cold water pressure. Six months later, the pressure dropped. What could be the reasons? If this is scale formation in the secondary heat exchanger, then how to rinse it and how, as well as how to avoid scale formation?


This boiler does not have a secondary heat exchanger, it is bithermic, and scale forms in it in winter mode, especially when the flow sensor is not working and when DHW water leaks. You can rinse with sulfamic acid, for example, or hydrochloric acid.


Tell me please, if the boiler is completely out, nothing burns and does not turn on, although it comes to the board 220, the fuses and the varistor are intact, what burned out?


Switching power supply on the board.


The Ferolli boiler worked normally for 2 weeks, after the arrival of the master from the service center for the first start-up, the hot water lights up and breaks off the flame. If I screw on the gas cock, it works fine. The heating works normally and with the gas cock fully open. How to eliminate?


If you can adjust the gas valve yourself in the instructions, the procedure is described quite well, if you are not sure, it is better to call the specialist again. It is necessary to set the MAX on the gas valve - use the "reset" button to go to the test mode, press the heating knob three times in the MAX if it breaks the flame with the key 10 counterclockwise, and then use the "reset" button to go to the test mode to adjust the power for heating and ignition with the heating temperature knob - power for heating with water temperature knob - ignition. Procedure 5 minutes


Hello, I have a problem with the hot water supply, the ventilation hatches are regularly turned off and the heating is turned off with the hatches closed, the pipe is clean, the fan works, and sometimes it also displays an error. How to be?


If everything is in order with the chimney, then the sensor - the pressure switch needs to be checked.


Ferroli boiler in hot water mode. Periodically, in the standby mode, the upper and lower LEDs start flashing (simultaneously). When hot water is turned on, after 3 minutes the burner goes out, although the burner on LED is on. Also, periodically, when hot water or heating is turned on, the upper and lower LEDs start flashing alternately. ON-LiNE stabilizer with output inverter
sinusoid and 220. The boiler has one heating season.


First, check the dual temperature sensor.


The Ferroli Domiproject boiler was in operation for 1 month, worked normally and one night began to make strange sounds similar to strong boiling (it was heard through the closed door). The unit was turned off until the morning, in the morning I checked the pump, the supply voltage (there is a stabilizer) - everything is normal. I started the boiler - the sound returned, I think the scale formed - I flushed the heat exchanger, nothing helped - at a temperature of 40 and above, cacophony begins, if you open hot water - the sound disappears, you close it - it appears again.


Perhaps the return filter is clogged, low flow through the heat exchanger - the heating system.


When the heating circuit is heated, above 55 degrees, the heat exchanger starts to make noise, as if boiling. Can the temperature in the DHW be exceeded due to a large circulation in the heating circuit? I set the temperature with the heating potentiometer from 45 to 60 degrees. For half an hour the boiler gained temperature, then it began to make hissing sounds, did not wait any longer, turned the knob to 55, the burner turned off.

I watched the gas pressure parameters, after ignition in the furnace, the pressure on the burner maximum, after about 10 seconds, drops to a minimum, so it burns for about five minutes, then it starts adding 10 pascals, and stops. Somewhere at three millibars, it starts to make noise, it works for another three minutes, then after gaining a temperature of 55-60 degrees, it turns off.

I cleaned the boiler (pump, heat exchanger, furnace, filter) - it didn’t help, then I set the lower gas pressure setting to 40% lower than the passport one - the noise disappeared at 60 degrees. Paradox - you remove the cover of a closed combustion chamber - the boiler does not make noise. You dress - it starts to make noise. What could be?


Or scale in the heating circuit or some kind of dirt. It is necessary to flush with a booster, if it helps - well, it doesn’t help - install another heat exchanger or another boiler with separate heat exchangers.


I have the following problem. Boiler Ferroli DOMIproject C24. When hot water is switched off, the circulation pump of the heating circuit may not start. It does not turn on until the burner is ignited for heating. The water in the boiler boils and the red LED starts flashing. The boiler is in trouble. This happens several times a day. How can you solve this problem yourself?


Clean the DHW flow sensor.


The 2A fuses on the Ferroli DOMIproject C24 boiler burn out. What can be done?


Just like that, fuses cannot burn, you need to look for where the circuit occurs, leading to the fuse burning. First, check the operation of the pump.


I bought a Ferolli boiler and installed it. Bespereboynik SMART APC 750. Hot water goes without problems. I turn on the heating, it gives an error "the overheating protection has tripped". The pump is not working. What to do?


Unlock the pump shaft. If this does not help, connect the pump directly. If not working, replace pump. If it doesn't help, pay for repairs.


There is such a problem. The Ferroli Domiproect F24 boiler, when hot water is turned on, the heating is periodically turned off, and then it starts up again. What could be the problem? The board has been replaced.


It is necessary to adjust the operation of the gas valve - minimum power.


Tell me what could be. When I turn on the boiler, the red and yellow lights immediately turn on (they often flash, what can be in addition to the sensor? And another related question, if you remove and bridge the contacts that fit the sensor, then the flashing of the lights should stop if the problem is in the sensor, I think correctly or wrong?


If the wires are bridged, the error does not disappear, the sensor needs to be replaced.


Boiler Ferroli DOMIcompact c24. Relieves pressure to 0. There are no leaks in the system. It seems to reset when hot water is turned on. Cold water supply pressure 2-3 atmospheres. The boiler worked for two years.


There may be a breakdown between the circuits, and the pressure drops below the cold water supply pressure due to ejection. You most likely have a different problem! The expansion tank has lost air. The heating system cools down and the pressure drops when you turn on the DHW.


Tell me, is it possible to adjust the minimum pressure switch so that the boiler turns on at a pressure of 0.8 bar?


There is an adjusting screw on the pressure sensor under the cap on top.


Boiler Ferroli Domicompact C 24 kW. There is a problem. The chimney is clean, the pressure of water and gas is normal, but the boiler works as it pleases. I set it to 45C, it heats up normally, then like crazy. Turns on at any time. There is a leak in the make-up tap into the heating system, but after make-up, I turn off the taps for supplying and discharging hot water. What do you advise?


Repair the make-up valve, check the NTC sensor (replace). According to the NTC, the boiler turns on for heating. When t changes, the NTC resistance changes. If the readings are incorrect, then the inclusion of the boiler is inadequate. Alternatively, you can check the variable on the board.


Boiler Ferroli domicompact F 24, 4.5 years. Heat exchanger leaked last year. They called the master - soldered. This winter, another problem appeared: The heating temperature jumped to 60 C, and the pipes heated up to 80 C. The pressure went off scale to 3.5 bar. Or it drops to 0. Tell me what's the problem?


Replace NTC, bleed volume compensator and do preventive maintenance.


The Ferroli Domicompact F24 boiler operates with the room thermostat jumper removed. The problem came up when I connected the thermostat (COMPUTHERM Q7 RF). For some time everything works fine, then after opening the contacts in the thermostat receiver, the boiler continued to work as it did. Depending on the position of the temperature controller, heating occurs, heating is turned off, the pump drives water. Thermostat
connected correctly and works on the circuit-opening - checked by the tester.

Moreover, when to turn it off completely i.e. the jumper is removed, the boiler is working, the position of the DHW regulator is on or off, it does not matter - everything is the same. Sometimes after turning on the DHW, it turns off and then (as expected) it works normally from the thermostat. Sometimes, after turning off the thermostat, it tries to start, but immediately turns off, so several times, after which the pump works for 6 minutes and the boiler turns off. If possible, can you tell me what's wrong?


Check the wires from the board to the room thermostat connector. When the circuit is closed (or the thermostat closes the contacts) - the boiler works for heating, when it is open - it waits for the contacts to close to turn on the heating.


There is such a problem: the Ferroli DomiCompact F24 boiler works fine from the 220V network, and when the Leoton 500 watt converter is connected, the gas does not ignite. What to do?


Turn the fork over.


I have a Ferolli DOMIcompact C24 boiler. Everything worked fine, and then suddenly, when the heating of the apartment was turned on, the pressure on the boiler began to rise sharply to 3 bar. To make it clearer: The boiler does not work - I set the pressure to 1 (I hear a click, the light stops flashing). I set the temperature to 40. The device starts up and starts heating the water.

Literally, in 5 minutes, the pressure increases sharply to 2.5 or more. (This was not the case before). I drain the water from the system (through the return valve), thereby reducing the pressure. And so I do until the water heats up to the desired temperature. When the water has warmed up, I lower the water from the tap and set the pressure to 2 bar. When the boiler works constantly at this temperature and does not turn off (in winter), the pressure remains unchanged (sometimes it slightly increases).

And when you turn off the heating of the heating system, the pressure drops below 1 and the device does not ignite. You have to open the make-up tap and draw water to increase the pressure to start the boiler. It's summer now and the heating system is not working. I set the pressure to 1.5 to heat the water. It's been like this for 2 months now. Tell me, what's the problem?


The problem is the lack of air in the expansion tank.






Ferroli gas boilers have earned the trust of consumers and are now positioned as high-quality equipment from Europe. The company itself is one of the world's leading manufacturers of heating equipment.

In a private home, Ferroli boilers always provide the latest in performance, reliability (time between failures) and user friendliness (ergonomics, noise, convenience ...).

What is Ferroli - history

The company for the production of boilers was founded by the Ferroli brothers in 1955 in the Italian city of San Bonifacio (Verona). The first order is the supply of gas-fired steel boilers for municipal houses in Verona.
In the future, thanks to perseverance, resourcefulness, the creators managed to significantly expand the company, turning it into a leading manufacturer.

  • In 1962, Ferroli introduces cast-iron boilers to the market, for the production of which an automated casting process was created.
  • In 1967, an automatic line for the production of cast-iron radiators was put into operation on new automatic lines.
  • 1973 - a factory for the production of steel and aluminum radiators, ... etc. started working.

Now Ferroli assembly plants are located in Italy, Germany, Spain… The company supplies a range of modern equipment:

  • heating boilers;
  • climate systems;
  • shower cubicles;
  • radiators and heating equipment;
  • electric motors.

Classification of models, names of Ferroli boiler lines

Wall mounted boilers:

  • diva,
  • Domina N,
  • arena,
  • Divatop Micro,
  • Divatop-H,
  • Divatop Micro LN,
  • Divatop 60,
  • Domiproject-D

Floor units, - examples of models:

  • Pegasus-56,
  • Pegasus-2S,
  • Pegasus D,
  • atlas,

Condensing options:

  • econcepttech,
  • econcept-ST,
  • energy top,
  • econcept combo,

Features of the most economical condensing boilers

In Europe, condensing boilers are required to be used at the legislative level. Since these devices save energy and pollute the environment less.

In the technical specifications of the condensing boiler, you can find that the efficiency is estimated to be more than 100%. This technical nonsense is obtained because the boiler uses the energy of the phase transition of water from vapor to liquid. This energy is not taken into account when determining the calorific value of fuel combustion. Thus, there is a fuel saving of 10 - 25%, depending on the ability to fully use low-temperature heating.

The fact is that the boiler will operate in a super-economical mode only at low coolant temperatures - the heating system in the house must be appropriate. You can learn more about such heating on this resource ...

In addition to collecting energy from water vapor, Ferroli condensing boilers use other innovations - the best automation, weather-dependent control, the latest materials and equipment ...

But it is in our conditions that the increased price makes them weakly competitive, and the reason is low energy prices ...

Modern models of gas boilers Ferroli

Consumers in the recent past have had popular models of gas boilers Domiproject-D and Divatech-D. Now they have been replaced by model lines called Diva, Domina and others. But it is likely that these lines of European-quality gas heating equipment will be replaced by more advanced models in the near future ... After all, the company shows dynamic development and constantly updates its lineup.

More often at Ferroli you can find double-circuit versions of boilers, where hot water is prepared in a second additional heat exchanger.

Power is presented in a wide range, for example, wall-mounted automated gas heat generators can easily cover the heat needs of private houses and apartments. A power step of 4 kW will allow you to choose the right option in the model range - ... 20 kW, - 24, 28, 32 ...

Open and close combustion chamber

Design features of the modern range of heating boilers from Ferroli - the ability to purchase the same model with either an open or a closed combustion chamber. Options with an open chamber are indicated in the names with an additional letter "C". The option with a closed (forced) burner is marked as "F".

Often, consumers ask the question, which boiler is better - with an open or closed burner. The answer is known - both are good for their conditions. Atmospheric open burner operates under the influence of chimney draft, takes air from the room, it can only be placed in a special furnace, with a regulated fresh air inflow, and a high chimney that creates the necessary draft.

A boiler with a closed forced combustion chamber can be located in any non-residential premises, for example, in the kitchen, and the air will move through the burner under the action of a fan along the same double pipeline - fresh from the street, exhaust gases back.

Line of wall-mounted boilers Domina-N

The Domina-N model has a copper heat exchanger with a particularly resistant coating, which is claimed to have the longest trouble-free operation.

Modulating burner, change of heating power and domestic hot water floor by microprocessor control. Low-noise injection burner made of AISI 304 stainless steel.


The Ferroli Diva line, like other modern models, is equipped with a copper heat exchanger with an aluminum alloy coating, which is considered to be very resistant to thermo-chemical aggression. Information liquid crystal display, a large degree of automation and self-diagnosis. As well as other achievements of modern technologies used on Ferroli boilers:

  • electric ignition without igniter;
  • frost protection system;
  • water hammer protection;
    And much more.

Divatop Micro

The Divatop Micro range is a small wall-mounted boiler with the latest innovations. Provides programming for a long period of operation.

  • Possibility to connect Romeo remote control;
  • Possibility to connect Oscar room programmer device;
  • the ability to operate both on liquefied and natural gas (subject to the use of a special kit).
    As well as all other achievements of the company…

Reviews that say about Ferroli boilers

Boilers of this brand have been in operation for a long time, a lot of reviews have appeared, which basically indicate that we are talking about high-quality European equipment.

Note first of all:

  • general ergonomics that meets the highest modern requirements;
  • the use of parts, materials of the highest quality, from other leading world manufacturers. For example, there is a Siemens valve ...;
  • relatively quiet operation;
  • long maintenance-free service life, reliability.

Negative reviews about Ferolia boilers that can be found are mainly associated with poor gas quality and unstable power supply:

  • high gas consumption - but it is equally increased in the gas stove, to heat the kettle;
  • the ignition of the burner occurs with cotton, - it is difficult to ignite the gas on the stove ...;
  • failure of the electronics - turning on the boiler without a protective voltage stabilizer, which the trading organization warns about, and without which it does not give a guarantee for the equipment ...

Ferroli products have been known to consumers all over the world since 1955. Gas boilers of this manufacturer are of high quality and reasonable cost. But only for 15 years this equipment has been sold in Russia. Over the years of the existence of products on the domestic market, gas boilers of the mentioned manufacturer have earned positive feedback from buyers and specialists who carry out installation work.

Positive reviews

Ferroli Italian appliances are characterized by ease of settings, excellent design and ease of operation. The company has been on the market for more than 50 years, and this is not so much when compared with other manufacturers. But during this time, the brand has become one of the European leaders in the production of heating equipment.

Consumers note that the equipment is constantly being upgraded, and its appearance is distinguished by an increasingly attractive design. The devices meet the requirements of safety and performance, which is important for the consumer, as well as maintainability, as well as ease of maintenance.

If you are also interested in Ferroli products, you can consider gas boilers from this manufacturer in more detail. For example, mounted models are the most popular in Russia and are offered for sale in a wide range. They are compact and practical. According to users, such a boiler is ideal for heating an apartment or a medium-sized house. The range of mounted boilers is quite wide, the manufacturer offers users a lot of models, this allows you to choose the right configuration that will meet all the requirements. Owners of real estate of a more impressive area can consider Ferroli floor products, gas boilers of this line are highly reliable and durable.

Environmental friendliness and economy

Such equipment is perfectly adapted to the conditions of reduced pressure in the system. But the PegasusF2 model has a two-stage burner, which provides economical operation and durability of the components. Air during the operation of such a device is polluted much less. This modification, according to users, can be used even for the installation of cascade heating systems. If you additionally purchase a controller, you will create a system of 4 boilers, the total power of which can reach 1 MW.


Quite often recently, consumers choose Ferroli devices. Gas boilers, which can be floor or wall-mounted, must be operated according to the instructions. Each device comes with a user manual. If malfunctions occur during operation, the user should contact technical support specialists. As an alternative solution, the owner of the equipment should look at the user manual.

The most popular problems that may arise are low pressure levels, the device will report this with error f37. In this case, the user should check the gas and water supply, as well as clean the system. If you do not want to encounter malfunctions, then you must remember that when the equipment is disconnected from the power supply system or the gas line, the anti-freeze function will be disabled. In order to prevent damage from freezing, which can occur when the boiler is switched off for a long time in winter, it is necessary to drain the water from the boiler, this also applies to the heating system, as well as the hot water circuit. Otherwise, water is drained only from the DHW circuit, and antifreeze is added to the heating system, while you should read the manufacturer's recommendations.

The instruction manual for the Ferroli gas boiler indicates the possibility of adjusting the air temperature in the room, this can be done using the optional thermostat. The latter allows you to set a specific temperature. If you need to adjust the temperature of the water in the heating system, use the remote control or interactive panel on the device.

Installation nuances

The wall-mounted installation instructions for which are presented in the user manual must be installed in a room where the ventilation system is constantly operating. If the air supply is insufficient, the device will not be able to work normally, and the combustion products will not be removed. If such conditions are created, then harmful substances can enter the premises of the house, which can harm human health. If you purchased hanging equipment, you can use the kit with a bracket that is attached to the wall. For basting on the surface of suspension points, a metal template can be supplied on special order.

Main malfunctions and ways to eliminate them

The Ferroli gas boiler diagram will allow you to understand what design features the purchased equipment has. Some home masters are also able to figure out the causes of the malfunction, as well as fix the problems on their own. If the device does not turn on, then there may be no gas in the network, but when the water pressure drops in the boiler, the main reason may be a malfunction of the circulation pump. Similar problems sometimes occur when the ignition power is insufficient, in this case it must be increased. However, damage to the electronic control board of the boiler cannot be ruled out.

If you purchased a Ferroli gas boiler, malfunctions can also be expressed in extraneous noise inside the device. Only a master can deal with such a problem, and you need to contact support as soon as possible. If the water pressure drops, the water supply system may be clogged, so the plug should be disposed of immediately.

Sometimes repair of Ferroli gas boilers is not required at all. If you are faced with the fact that the equipment does not turn on, then you can try unplugging the plug from the outlet and plug it back in after a few minutes. If after that nothing has changed, then you should seek help from the master.


In the event of a breakdown of the components of the gas boiler, you can replace them. For example, gas burners are quite often made of steel. Despite the fact that these components are highly wear resistant, they can be damaged by mechanical stress.

Ferroli, a manufacturer of gas heating equipment, produces devices that meet European quality standards and have a CE certificate, i.e. made in accordance with all the rules and requirements of GOST. The specialists of the manufacturing company are constantly striving to improve the performance and improve the heating equipment as a whole. Read the instruction manual for the gas boiler Proterm Panther.

Technical characteristics of Ferroli boilers

Ferroli gas boilers run on natural and liquefied gas. Heating equipment is incredibly easy to use, because all the elements are freely available.

  • It is possible to control the devices both using the control panel on the body of the heater, and using the remote control panel. Boilers are easy to install and operate.
  • The units have a high level of efficiency - 93%.
  • Due to the modernized control system, the devices have high performance and provide independent system diagnostics.
  • Ferroli equipment has a small weight and dimensions.
  • The device is reliable and safe.

Types of Italian gas boilers Ferroli

The most common models of Ferroli boilers are the following models:

  1. gas boiler Ferroli Diva - a wall-mounted boiler, has electric ignition and the functions of heating and heating water.
  2. Ferroli Domina gas boiler - a wall-mounted boiler, available with both open and closed combustion chambers.
  3. Ferroli Divatop gas boiler is the most progressive model, which is distinguished by a huge number of innovations. Has a high level of performance.

Types of gas double-circuit wall-mounted boilers Ferroli:

  • gas floor boiler Ferroli pegasus d 45
  • gas boiler Ferroli Diva f24 - a boiler with a closed combustion chamber, easy to install. It has a beautiful elegant design;
  • the Ferroli Comiproject f24 and c24 boilers are equipped with the latest intelligent control board; they differ only in the type of combustion chamber: (f) - closed, (c) - open. The Ferroli Comiproject boiler is the experience of the past years and progressive control systems, which together give a unique design and reliability.
  • Ferroli f30d gas boiler is a wall-mounted gas boiler with forced draft and a copper heat exchanger. Type of combustion chamber - closed.
  • gas heating boilers Ferroli 200 kW - a double-circuit heater with a built-in boiler.
    Gas equipment has an anti-blocker of the pumping system of the hot water supply and heating circuit.

The boilers are equipped with a frost protection system.

Installation and connection of the Ferroli boiler

It is necessary to install and connect heating equipment in accordance with all GOSTs. It is necessary to take into account the requirements that apply to the room. It should be:


The installation of the device intended for heating the room should be carried out by a technical support specialist, despite the ease of use, the unit must be embedded into the heating system, because poor-quality installation can lead to irreversible consequences.

Ferroli boiler instruction manual

The most popular problems faced by the user:

  • error f37 of the ferroli boiler - low pressure level (check the gas and water supply, clean the system)
  • the ferroli gas boiler does not turn on (it is necessary to unplug the plug from the outlet and re-insert it after a few minutes, if nothing has changed, you should contact the master for help);
  • the water pressure in the Ferroli gas boiler drops (the water supply system should be checked, perhaps a blockage has formed in one of the nodes);
  • something rumbles inside the Ferroli gas boiler - this type of malfunction should be fixed with the help of a wizard. And this must be done as quickly as possible.

Spare parts for gas boilers Ferroli

In the event of a breakdown, components for Ferroli gas boilers can be replaced, for example:
  • gas burners for Ferroli boilers are often made of steel, have high wear resistance, can be damaged due to mechanical stress;
  • a heat exchanger for a gas boiler Ferroli - when using boilers with such a heat exchanger, it is imperative to soften the water;
  • room thermostat for the Ferroli gas boiler, all these elements can be changed to others.