Business plan business model business ideas. Ready-made business plans for small businesses with calculations

I am glad to welcome regular readers and a new audience! Today we will continue talking about starting your own business. To help you, I suggest ready business small business plan. And those who are used to relying on themselves will learn how to properly compose it from scratch and adapt it for a particular case. When you read the article to the end, there will be no questions left!

Business Plan Key Success Factors: 3 Key Rules

A business plan is a document that brings an idea to implementation in a form understandable to an entrepreneur and investors. It analyzes the situation and describes the mechanisms of the systems involved.

The plan will be based on following rules:

  1. Unbiasedly determine the current level. Employed but want to start a business? You will need to consider what you have: skills, connections, availability of start-up capital and premises - everything plays a role.
  2. List a specific outcome. Starting a business with the wording “I want to become rich” is dooming it to failure. Determine the market niche, profit level, turnover.
  3. Consider the steps that will lead to the designated outcome. Be logical and conduct additional analysis if you are not sure of the knowledge.

Stick to these rules, whether you want to impress investors or are building a project for yourself. Constantly ask the question, “Why does a business need to succeed?” The key to success can be a successful product, the qualifications of the team, the influence of partners, etc. Having found the answer, use the advantage to the maximum, and the result will meet expectations.

Business plan structure: main sections

Thinking about how to make business plans for a small business yourself? Adhere to a clear structure that will allow both you and your partners to navigate the document.

Title page layout

The name of the project is written on the title page. , indicate the amount of investment and the expected payback period. It is also appropriate to provide information about the organization: address, contact numbers, full name of the owner.

Writing a resume: briefly about the main

The summary is the first section of interest to potential contributors. So that this acquaintance with the project does not end, state the essence of the idea. Focus on the goals and objectives, list the necessary resources and methods for implementing projects. Be sure to highlight why the offer is unique.

Finally, let's get down to the numbers:

  • necessary for opening investments;
  • project start date;
  • the planned and actual time for the return of funds.

Finally, state the expected profit. No need to use lengthy stories about the benefits of the enterprise: it is enough to make a competent calculation.

Setting Goals and Objectives: Be Concise

In the "Goals and Objectives" section, the position you plan to take is determined. Mention technological processes necessary to achieve the result, but do not go into details - you will provide information in the applications. The main task is to tell why the proposal wins against competitors. But avoid unsubstantiated statements, because every word must be supported by facts.

Do you want to emphasize the originality of the idea? List patents and copyright documents. Indicate ways for further development so that investors see the long-term benefits of cooperation.

Carrying out market analysis, identifying the desired segment

After conducting a market analysis, you will determine the availability of available niches. It is necessary to consider the internal state of the selected industry and the influence of external factors (for example, a difficult economic situation, a shortage of personnel). Take into account the risk of facing competition and tell what advantages your product has.

To improve the effectiveness of the plan, define the market segment. You will need to draw up a portrait of the buyer, considering the following:

  • age;
  • social status;
  • needs;
  • reasons why the client will contact you.

Defining a portrait potential buyer and his needs, assess the capabilities of the enterprise. Particular attention should be paid to this part if you are planning to open a new business.

The description of the product or service is presented with an emphasis on the benefits of the consumer. Simply put, do not tell what a great product you have, but describe why the client needs it.

The list of characteristics and properties should include the following:

  • the product's name;
  • appointment;
  • enumeration of the main properties and a brief story about the secondary ones;
  • definition of competitiveness;
  • availability of copyrights or a license (if they are only to be obtained, mention this point);
  • information about deliveries, guarantees, availability after-sales service;
  • description appearance;
  • availability of certificates;
  • performance characteristics;
  • disposal methods.

Describing items will make planning easier and help you understand which properties need improvement.

Marketing Analysis and Plan: Promotion Strategy

A task marketing analysis consists in developing the image of the product and determining the promotion strategy. When you outline the circle of buyers and set the required volume of goods, consider ways to convey information to the audience.

It will be easier to formulate the needs of future buyers by answering a number of questions:

  1. Describe what they are purchasing now that your product is not on the market. List popular suppliers, volume of purchases, indicate the average price.
  2. The hardest part is understanding why a consumer prefers a particular product. When buying kitchen utensils, the client can choose a set with the largest number components, bet on convenience or evaluate attractive design. You need to determine his motivation, which will help desk research, telephone surveys and expert interviews.
  3. Ask the main question: “How to get my product to buy?” It is possible to attract customers with promotions, participation in exhibitions, sending out flyers, and providing free samples.

The nuances of work depend on whether the activity is aimed at a wholesale or retail consumer, whether you are going to involve legal or individuals etc.

Production and organization plan

In the next section, you will list the stages of production, mentioning the availability of facilities, equipment, and personnel. Describe everything in detail; if a partner is involved in the business, the costs must be clear to him. It is also necessary to calculate the cost of production, making an adjustment for variable factors.

In the organizational part, the implementation schedule is given, the deadlines are indicated. Also listed legislative acts regulating activity in the chosen area.

Financial plan: calculate the funds

In 70% of cases, the reason why startups close is the lack of funds. To avoid this prospect, make a financial plan. It includes the following:

  • plan of income and expenses;
  • project implementation period;
  • approximate balance for the 1st year of operation;
  • breakeven analysis.

For investors to evaluate the prospects, provide a debt repayment schedule. Focus on the rational use of funds by reducing costs. But save wisely: one of the mistakes that dooms entrepreneurship to failure is underestimating upcoming expenses.

Risk Analysis: Spare yourself the surprises

Finally, consider situations that threaten your business and suggest ways to solve problems. The right strategy will attract investors and make your job easier.

The structure of the business plan can be changed by adding paragraphs and applications. If you have an idea of ​​what you are going to do, then you can do it.

New tool at work: SWOT analysis

After learning how to write a business plan, you will take on the strategic part. It is necessary to identify external and internal factors that affect the development of the organization, and describe the current situation. A SWOT analysis will help you cope with the task, which implies that you highlight 4 aspects of the project:

The versatility of the method allows you to apply it in any area, whether you choose a farm or a car service. Use does not require special knowledge, just avoid common beginner mistakes:

  • reassessment of strengths;
  • attempts to pass off a disadvantage as an advantage;
  • intentional or accidental ignoring of minuses.

To get the result, be honest with yourself: you can remain silent about the shortcomings when conducting advertising campaigns, but when drawing up a business plan, a mistake will be fatal. First of all, look at the product or service through the eyes of the consumer, evaluate the strengths and weak sides. Be meticulous and use different sources: consult with the team, conduct testing, make several SWOT tables for the relevant market segments. And so that you get an idea of ​​​​how to conduct analytics step by step, look at an example:

Business plan for an atelier

The option of opening an atelier is suitable for novice entrepreneurs with skills in tailoring and repairing clothes. After all, despite the abundance of shops, finished products remains standardized. Fashion trends put individuality at the forefront, so there will be no shortage of customers. You just need to think about how to attract them and convert them into the status of regular customers.

First steps: define goals and think over the price

Even a small business will need a business plan that defines goals. I recommend the following to them:

  • creation of a profitable organization;
  • receiving income;
  • Satisfying consumer needs for tailoring and repairing clothes within a particular region.

As legal form choose sole proprietorship as accounting requirements are simpler and tax fees are lower. Then define the range of services provided, which will include:

  • sewing new clothes;
  • minor repairs of the old;
  • restoration.

Although tailoring remains the most expensive service, most of the profit will come from repairs. This is due to the fact that the creation of a new model takes an average of 14 days, and you can put an old thing in order in 15-30 minutes. The cost of repairs starts from 200 rubles, which will ensure a quick payback if there are customers.

Choice of premises and equipment

Location remains a key factor, so look for accommodation in mall or on the 1st floor of the building. The option with the shopping center is more profitable due to the traffic, besides, the customers of the stores will want to fit the purchased clothes on the spot on the spot.

But to equip the workshop, making repairs in ordinary apartment, will be easier. Keep in mind that accommodation on the upper floors is acceptable in cases where you already have an established customer base.

Ideally, the atelier is located in the city center, close to sewing shops.

Choose a room with an area of ​​20 sq. m. and more to arrange everything you need. On the initial stage will need:

  • 3 professional cars (about 7,000 rubles per piece);
  • special iron or steam generator (11,000 rubles);
  • overlock (5,000 rubles).

Not to do without furniture for equipment working area and comfortable waiting area for customers. You will have to buy the following:

  • cutting table;
  • tables for cars;
  • chairs;
  • mirrors;
  • dummy;
  • hanger for outerwear employees and visitors;
  • sofas and coffee table for the waiting area.

Buy consumables as well, because respectable clients will not want to bring threads, elastic bands, zippers along with the fabric. Together with the cost of furniture, you will need to allocate 24,000 rubles.

Recruitment and pay

Recruitment determines success, so look for people who love what they do. You will need 2-3 seamstresses and a cutter, who can be found through online ads or recruitment agencies. The average salary of a seamstress is 15,000 rubles, a cutter - 20,000. A percentage of completed orders (20-40%) is added to the rate, which stimulates work better.

When hiring employees, specify the nuances of responsibility. It is not uncommon for clients to bring in expensive materials, and their damage to the seamstress or cutter must reimburse all costs.

Subject to well-conducted marketing campaigns, studios pay off in 2 years. It is only necessary to think over all stages of business promotion, reducing the share of advertising in local media. If you invest in a prominent sign, develop branded packages, send out a small discount coupon mailing list, you will soon acquire a permanent clientele.

Business plan for mobile car service

Since car sales do not stop even during the crisis, their service will become a constant source of income. A field car service is in demand: you will provide services that do not require a lift and take a couple of hours. The price will include system adjustments, checking the operation of the battery, the presence of oil and other liquids, simple replacement details. At right approach the profitability of the enterprise is at the level of service stations.

What you need to start

To get started, do not do without the following:

  1. Make sure you have a vehicle that can accommodate the necessary equipment. A Gazelle minibus, which you will rent, will do.
  2. Of the equipment, you will need jacks (without them, you cannot replace the pads or filters) and a lounger on rollers. Also purchase a vacuum cleaner and a couple of compressors, including a suction one. The importance of having keys and other tools can be left out.
  3. Sales will become a profit item Supplies. You will buy oil, candles, liquids at wholesale prices, and sell them at retail prices.

To begin with, you will perform the work yourself, expanding the staff as needed. With an increase in the customer base, it is worth hiring a dispatcher who explains the nuances: you do not have to break away from business.

How to define clientele

Who makes up the clientele of such organizations? Basically, these are people who drive budget cars of old models. Their cars need regular maintenance (oil changes, brake pads, tire pressure checks), but due to busy work, the owners delay visits to the service station. The result is unplanned breakdowns, thanks to which your services will become in demand.

To find customers, do not put up ads in garages. Such niches are occupied, therefore, as part of an advertising campaign, it is better to hire a pretty girl promoter. She will hand out brochures to car owners in the parking lot, and later you will fix the remaining advertising under the wipers.

How to write text for a booklet? Offer customers to save not money, but time. Bet that they will not have to go to the service station after work, but the car will still be in in perfect order. Accompanying the offer with a transparent pricing policy, you will attract the consumer.

"Distress services" are also popular: they are resorted to when the owner has lost the keys or cannot start the engine for no apparent reason.

How to increase profitability

To make the business pay off, purchase high-quality equipment and take care of the selection of employees. After all, it is difficult to find a master: people are guided by the principle “I didn’t find a job in construction - I’ll go to a car service”. If you or your employee is not qualified, then it is useless to take out a loan to open a business or purchase equipment.

Business plan: sample and purpose of the document + reasons for drawing up + 5 stages of creation + features of writing for investors and for personal purposes + structure + 15 tips + 7 illustrative examples.

Any actions must be planned and displayed on paper. This is especially true for entrepreneurship. Without business planning, i.e. detailed optimization of resources and determination of further tasks, even an experienced entrepreneur will not be able to achieve their goals.

That's why it's so important to have sample business plan and compose it correctly. This material will help you with this.

Why and who needs a business plan?

There are several definitions of a business plan on the Internet.

Here are the most common ones:

Those. A business plan is a document that details how to implement it. Thanks to it, you can fully justify your project, evaluate the effectiveness from all sides. decisions taken to understand the feasibility of financing in a particular activity.

The business plan shows:

  • business development prospects;
  • volumes of the sales market, potential consumers;
  • profitability of the project;
  • forthcoming expenses for the production and sale of products, their supply to the market, etc.

A business development plan is a tool that evaluates the final results of activities for a specific period of time. It can be used to attract investors and is necessary in creating a business concept, company strategy.

Drawing up a business plan is one of the important, crucial stages of planning. It is developed both for those enterprises that produce goods, and for those whose specialization is the provision of services.

Before writing a business plan, specialists or the owner of the company determine the tasks and means for their implementation. The developed document can attract creditors to implement ideas. For this reason, its importance cannot be overstated.

The purpose of the business development plan:

  • analysis of aspects of entrepreneurship;
  • competent management of finances, operations;
  • justification of the need to obtain investments (bank loans, equity participation of companies in the project, budget allocations, etc.);
  • accounting of financial opportunities and threats (risks) of the enterprise;
  • choice of the optimal direction of development.

Entrepreneurs write business plans for the following reasons:

Features of drawing up a plan for personal purposes and creditors

It is important to see the difference between a business plan, which is written for internal use, and a document, so to speak, "ceremonial", to be transferred to creditors.

1. Create a plan for personal goals.

If you intend to use the sample business plan and write it for yourself, please note that it will take the form practical guide to further action.

The business development plan in this case should answer the following questions:

  1. What activities do you (will you) do?
  2. What product/service does your company offer to the market?
  3. Who are the consumers, clients?
  4. What goals should you achieve?
  5. What means are needed to achieve the goals?
  6. Who is responsible for performing certain tasks?
  7. How long does it take to get it done?
  8. What capital investment will be required?
  9. What results should the actions lead to?

You need to understand that when drawing up a working document, you need to reflect the real state of affairs in order to know in which direction to move, what to do, what to strive for.

2. Document for investors.

When developing a business plan to provide to lenders/investors, the methodology is different. The person or organization that will finance your venture should receive a document detailing the situation and the main tasks.

You have to convince depositors that their money will be used rationally, to identify benefits for them. A business plan must be drawn up logically, each action must be justified.

If you have doubts in any area, study it more carefully, because according to the program you outlined, creditors will certainly have “uncomfortable” questions. And how you answer them will depend on the amount of initial investment in opening / developing your own business.

Also special meaning has the confidence of submission. It’s good if you manage to display statistics in a business plan, referring to the example of another company. This will increase your chances of getting an investment.

When writing a business plan, you should follow business style and follow the structure.

Sample business plan: structure

Regardless of the purpose for which you draw up a plan, working with it takes place in 5 stages:

As a business builder, you can make up the first two without any problems. But what should be the competent structure of a business plan?

We will analyze the main sections, what information they contain and how to correctly compose them.

No. 1. Title page.

It acts as such a calling card. It indicates: the name of your company, contact information, address data, phone numbers of the founders.

In addition, the title should contain the content of the entire document (chapter - page number). When composing the title, be concise, state the information concisely.

The total volume of the business plan is about 30-35 pages, including applications.

*Business plan (sample title page)

No. 2. Introductory part of a sample business development plan.

It takes approximately 2 A4 sheets. The introduction describes the main aspects of your business, its essence, what advantages it has.

It is necessary to write what is attractive for buyers of the product / service, what is the expected profit. If it is intended to attract Money for a business, the introductory part indicates the amount of capital you need.

Usually the introduction is devoted to such points of the plan:

The introductory part is the last one, because. it describes the overall picture of the company's activities.
You can fully portray it only after studying all the nuances of the case.

You can study a sample of this and other parts of the plan at the end of this material - there are collected examples of this document for the main lines of business.

Number 3. The main part of the business plan.

The main section concerns the type of activity and all its key points, the cost of the project.

It consists of subsections:

  • production;
  • financial;
  • marketing;
  • organizational;
  • business efficiency calculation;
  • risks.

We will consider them separately.

At the end it follows final part. In it, you need to summarize the work done, give a clear definition of the tasks.

Subsections of the main part of business plans

No. 1. Development of the production subsection of the business plan.

The main section of the document is the largest. Its subsections describe each aspect of your case.

For example, industrial shows what equipment will be used, what premises you have, how much money will be needed to purchase and start a business.

Also, this plan is intended to enable you to calculate production capacity, determine the likely prospects for growth in production volumes.

In addition, it contains information on the full provision of raw materials, components, highlights questions about the need for labor force, temporary and fixed costs business.

In order for the production subsection of the plan to have a clear structure and contain all the necessary information, indicate:

  • how well the production process is, whether there are innovative solutions;
  • ways of supplying resources, the degree of development of the transport system;
  • a full description of the technologies, why they were chosen;
  • Do I need to buy / rent a business premises;
  • the composition of the required personnel and all data about it, labor costs;
  • possible maximum volume of output;
  • information about suppliers, business subcontractors;
  • the cost of each product;
  • quote with mention running costs etc.

No. 2. Development of the financial subsection of the plan.

Financial plan summarizes all the data economic indicators business, i.e. in value terms.

This includes business reports:

  • Balance plan (confirming the ability of the enterprise to timely settlement of its monetary obligations).
  • On financial results, profits and losses.

    It highlights the sources of profit, how losses appeared, assesses the changes in business income / expenses that occurred in the reporting period, etc.

    About the movement of money.

    This report allows you to see operating results, long-term creditworthiness, short-term liquidity.

The financial subsection of the business plan is also characterized by the presence of:

  • schedules for future financial activities,
  • descriptions of likely investments.

Think carefully about the possibility of investing, whether it will be profitable, about the target orientation of the contribution. Write how you will return the funds attracted to the business.

Try to see the following in the financial part of your business plan:

Number 3. Development of the marketing subsection of the business plan.

The marketing subsection deals with the analysis of the sales market for your company's products. You must indicate in the plan the size, dynamics and trends of the market, its segments, conjuncture.

In addition, the subsection informs about who are the consumers of the business products, what strategy will be used to promote the product.

It calculates consumption volumes, estimated market share, describes the levers used to influence demand (advertising campaign, pricing, product improvement, etc.), business competitiveness.

It is necessary to evaluate your product from the consumer's point of view, what makes it attractive, what is its consumer value, is it safe to use, and how long does it last.

When compiling a marketing plan, rely on the following points:

For compiling marketing plan information is taken from external environment, relevant research and surveys are conducted, professional marketers are involved in order to study the market situation.

No. 4. Development of the organizational subsection of the plan.

In terms of doing business, it is equally important organizational issues. Therefore, in this subsection, you are required to describe all the steps that will be taken to implement the project.

For example, as shown in the sample in the picture:

It is better to present information in the plan in tabular form, so that the sequence of your actions is clearly visible. It would not hurt to mention the normative and legislative acts that regulate the chosen branch of activity.

AT organizational plan it is worth describing the managerial side, the duties of all employees, the system of subordination and incentives (remuneration), describe the internal regime of the company.

Remember to follow the structure as in the example:

No. 5. How to issue a calculation of efficiency and possible risks?

In the penultimate sections, you need to give an objective assessment of the company's performance, show the expected prospects based on the estimate, balance sheet, profitability threshold, planned sales volume.

The developer of the business plan must write the payback period, NPV (net present value).

The best option would be to arrange this in a table, as in the example below:

Business risks should also be considered. Be sure to indicate in the plan what measures you will take if they occur to minimize them, which self-insurance program you will resort to.

Experienced business plan writers Special attention risks, moreover, consider the probability of the worst outcome. By making notes on how to eliminate the expected difficulties, you will make your work easier in the future. If there are losses and financial losses, you will already know how to compensate for them.

When this section of the business plan causes difficulties, they turn to experts for help.

Often, a SWOT analysis of a business is used for this purpose:

This is a method of identifying external / internal factors that affect business development.

Thanks to it, you will be able to evaluate:

  • their weaknesses (suppose the need to rent a building, unrecognizable brand),
  • Benefits ( small price, high service, professional personnel),
  • designate opportunities (these include the availability of funds for the introduction of innovations, the use of modern equipment, coverage of a larger market segment, etc.).

And, ultimately, threats that you can't undo, such as:

  • economic crisis,
  • deterioration of the demographic situation,
  • increase in customs duties,
  • growing political tension,
  • tough competition, etc.

If you provide a clear and justified algorithm for solving risks in the document, it is guaranteed that you can attract partners and creditors for your business.

15 tips for beginners to write a good business plan

very laborious and complex. In the process of its compilation, many questions will arise. For this reason, most beginners make mistakes.

To avoid them and make your business plan worthwhile, follow these guidelines:

    Before you start writing, it is better to look at more than one example of a business plan.

    Easy to find on the internet illustrative examples, and perhaps they will even relate to your line of work.

    There is no need to “spill water”, thinking that the document is supposed to be voluminous.

    The business plan should contain only important, realistic information that is of interest to investors and useful to you in doing business (as in the examples below).

  1. Errors, corrections, misprints are strictly not allowed.
  2. The business plan should reflect the ability of your enterprise to reach more high level and strengths management team.
  3. When developing a business plan, one should not underestimate competition and possible difficulties.
  4. If the information you want to display is subject to confidentiality, it should be skipped.
  5. Don't rush the paperwork.

    Such a plan would not have the desired effect on creditors. If you are compiling it for yourself, anyway, it should not look like a draft version.

    Use more tables, graphs (as in the samples below).

    Providing statistical data in this way makes the material more visual.

    Market analysis is often inaccurate.

    Therefore, responsibly approach the marketing section, collect all the necessary data.

    Be sure to include competitive features in your business plan.

    Throw out too abstruse expressions from the business plan, as well as those that are understood ambiguously and demonstrate your failure.

    For example, “a product that has no analogues”, “under consideration”, “ease of implementation”, etc.

    Keep track of all business expenses.

    Lenders consider this column especially important. Therefore, they may have a lot of questions for you on such items as salaries for personnel, taxes, purchase of raw materials, etc.

    Don't ignore risk considerations.

    As already mentioned, this will serve as a protection against the problems encountered on the way to achieving the goals, as well as allow investors to see you as a serious, responsible entrepreneur.

  6. Focus in the business plan not on the first profit, big earnings, but on a stable cash flow.
  7. Don't forget to set time limits.

    Any task has a deadline (quarter, year, several years).

    If you are not sure that you can master the business plan on your own, even using the samples below, do not spare money on a specialist.

    He understands this issue more than you, so he will draw up a document accurately, without technical, methodological and conceptual oversights that you can make without proper experience.

A detailed diagram of a quality business plan with explanations

you will find in this video:

Ready-made business plans (samples) for different areas of activity

The pharmaceutical business does not lose its relevance, because the need for medicines does not disappear. Moreover, most of the family budget, as a rule, goes to medicines.

Because of this, opening a pharmacy is a very profitable business.

Therefore, it makes sense to take a closer look at the example of designing such a business plan in this sample:.

If you want to go into another area, consider opening a cafe.

There are quite a lot of similar establishments and the competition is strong. However, the demand for them is growing. If you take into account all the points of arrangement, you will offer healthy eating you are bound to succeed.

To properly draw up a document, check out a sample cafe business plan!

The male half of the population may be interested in the idea of ​​organizing a car service.

The owner of the service station will not be left without income if the activities for the repair and maintenance of vehicles are detailed with all the ensuing factors in the business plan.

It will be more pleasant for women to open a beauty salon.

We assure you that regardless of the number of beauty care establishments available, your "enterprise" in the beauty industry will be in demand. This is due to the fact that every client wants the salon to be at hand, and did not have to get to another quarter.

Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity can delve into trading activities and create a flower shop. The main advantage of the idea is a small starting capital.

This small business also requires planning. And although flower shops are not exactly popular in Russia, who knows, maybe you will change that.

To do this, you need to draw up a well-thought-out business plan (a sample of which you can study at this link).

Hospitality - much more difficult option, which involves taking into account many factors, especially marketing ones.

If you do not know what size of the room you need, what investments are needed, get the information of interest in the standard sample:
hotel business plan.

No less time-consuming is the process of implementing a project for farming. But in this case, you will have the opportunity to receive financial support and benefits from the state.

A good sample plan that can attract public investors, clearly demonstrates the goals, .

The implementation of any idea begins with a business plan. Without it, it is impossible to determine the necessary tasks, to understand the feasibility of investments and costs. Many businessmen needlessly ignore this fact and do not use this useful tool.

If you did not have experience in writing, any sample business plan given here will help you understand all the standards for drawing up, due to which you can easily set yourself a guideline for further action.

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Business plan for a small business from scratch: recommendations and samples with calculations

How to write a business plan correctly? We share recommendations, convenient ways, samples and calculations.

Business plan is the document from which the implementation must begin. If you do not first calculate expenses and incomes, do not take into account demand and the presence of already working competitors, you can waste your budget. In our article, you will find a sample business plan with calculations and learn how to prepare it for yourself.

But when the development of a business plan for a small business is needed specifically for investors, guarantors, creditors, then the document must comply with the requirements of the Federal Fund for Support of Small Business. You can learn how to draw up a business plan in accordance with these requirements from, and consider a brief structure of the plan here.

The structure of the business plan from the Federal Fund for Support of Small Business:

If you follow all the recommendations of the Federal Fund for Support of Small Business, then it is quite difficult to draw up your own business plan on your own. But there is another way to calculate the prospects for your project - using the SME Business Navigator.

How to write a business plan yourself

If you decide to open such a store, you will need to find the missing amount of 1.7 million rubles. Of course, you can take out a loan, especially since Business Navigator offers you to choose one of the partner banks. However, we should not forget that such interest-bearing borrowed funds increase the cost of the project and extend its payback period. We need to weigh carefully whether it is worth it.

If you do not want to involve in the project additional funds, especially borrowed ones, the navigator will prompt you to choose the type of business by the amount of investment. We go to the appropriate tab and see an extensive list of projects that you can start using only your own funds. It remains only to choose a few areas of interest to you and calculate their payback.

Now you know how to make a business plan with calculations for a small business in specific situation. On the Internet you will find many more methods for writing and compiling business plans, samples for different businesses (coffee shop, car service, beauty salon, etc.). But remember - you need a business plan for your specific business, individual, and no one has written one for you yet. Here in this video briefly and succinctly “on the fingers of a milling machine” it is told how to do this:

Only important information for small businesses in our mailing list - subscribe:

  • 1. Sample business plan
    • 1.1. Business plan sections
    • 1.2. Project description
    • 1.3. Production plan
    • 1.4. Marketing plan
    • 1.5. Financial plan

Each company in the course of its activities must clearly understand the needs for all types of resources, as well as be able to accurately calculate the amount of funds needed to implement their business ideas. In a market economy, it is necessary to be able to plan, regularly analyze the internal and external environment, evaluate your own prospects and opportunities. For clarity, consider a sample business plan with calculations. Also at the very end of the article you can download detailed business- grocery store plan.

Web studio business plan - sample with calculations

1. Sample business plan

The article presents a sample business plan with calculations for starting a website development company. Today, many companies decide to open their representative office on the Internet. As a result, there is a need to create an official website.

A business plan is an official document that will subsequently be presented to potential investors and partners. Therefore, when developing it, certain principles should be followed.

1.1. Business plan sections

  • introduction,
  • (brief description of the project and main financial indicators),
  • project description,
  • analysis of the company's capabilities,
  • production plan,
  • marketing plan,
  • financial plan,
  • risk analysis,
  • conclusion,
  • links to sources.

1.2. Project description

The projected company is created for the purpose of developing websites and their subsequent placement on the Internet. The company's product is a website, made in accordance with the client's requests, the chosen concept and functionality. average price website (arithmetic mean) will amount to 64 thousand rubles.

On the this moment the development stage of the project is evaluated as a business idea. The objective of the project is to position itself in the market as a professional company creating websites of varying complexity, with a modern concept and user-friendly interface.

When recruiting, it is planned to look for professional layout designers and web designers based on an assessment of their portfolio (CV).

1.3. Production plan

For the implementation of the business project, it is planned to spend 200 thousand rubles of own funds and 800,000 rubles - borrowed funds in the form of a bank loan, i.e. all in all 1 million rubles.

All information is given as an example - this business the plan is a sample with approximate calculations

AT this moment the IT-technologies segment is in the stage of dynamic growth. As a result of the penetration of broadband access into the regions of Russia, the development of mobile and wireless data transmission networks, there has been an increase in Internet users.

The preparatory period for the opening of the project is planned to be completed in in full within half a year.

The staff of the company will consist of 6 people: CEO, accountant, workers and four programmers, each of which is responsible for a specific project and is a highly specialized specialist.

Web studio staff

Estimated fund wages will amount to 1659 thousand rubles. in the first year, 1893 thousand rubles. in the second year and 1962 thousand rubles. in the third year of the project.

Estimated revenue for the first year will amount to 3793.93 thousand rubles, for the second year - 6140.19 thousand rubles, and for the third year - 6278.12 thousand rubles.

Acquisition costs fixed assets are estimated at 634.88 thousand rubles. The amount of depreciation deductions is not calculated, since the organization will work on a simplified taxation system.

Cost of services provided in 2015 - 3918.55 thousand rubles, in 2016 - 3491.906 thousand rubles and in 2017 - 3527.547 thousand rubles, respectively. The decrease in cost in 2016 compared to 2015 is due to the write-off of the cost of fixed assets, and the increase in cost in 2017 compared to 2016 is due to an increase in the cost of staff salaries, the purchase of consumables for the subsequent creation of services. It should be noted that business plan calculation samples depend on the specific economic situation in the country.

1.4. Marketing plan

Marketing expenses are estimated at 13% of revenue in 2015, 4.2% in 2016 and 4.15% in 2017.

1.5. Financial plan

The financial results of the project implementation are estimated as follows. In the first year of operation, the financial result will be negative and the loss in 2015 will amount to 124.62 thousand rubles.

In 2016, the profit will be 2,648,284 rubles, and the maximum profit of 2,750,573 rubles will be achieved in 2017.

Cumulative net profit at the end of 2015 will be -230.807 thousand rubles, at the end of 2016 - +1813.725 thousand rubles, and at the end of 2017 - +4215.028 thousand rubles.

We will calculate the effectiveness of investments for the project

  1. Net present value:
    NPV = 2947.435 rubles.
  2. Internal rate of return (IRR):
    2947.435 / (1 + x) 3 = 100 * 0.579;
    2947.435 = 57.9 * (1 + x) 3;
    (1 + x) 3 = 50.91;
    x = 2.71, IRR = 271%.
  3. Yield Index (PI):
    PI = A / KV = 2947.435 / 1000.0 = 2.647
    Index of return on investment > 1. This indicates that this project is effective.
  4. Payback period (PP):
    PP = 2 + = 2 + 0.7 = 2.7 quarters
  5. Discounted payback period (DPP):
    DPP = 3 + = 3 + 0.74 = 3.74 quarters

Thus, the payback period of the business project is 3.74 quarters, and a year after the start of the project, a guaranteed return of the loan and income will be made if the specified conditions for the implementation of the project are met.

2. How to write a business plan - video + ready sample

This sample includes all the highlights and necessary calculations and can be used as an example of a business plan for your own development. It should also be noted that a detailed business plan sample with calculations can be bought from specialized companies.

You can also view the detailed grocery store business plan.

3. Write and implement a business plan

Now that you know about the basic principles of writing a specific business plan, try to implement your old business idea. Carefully consider each step, the business plan should be drawn up taking into account the characteristics of the market you are going to enter.

Successful commercial activity is impossible without a good business plan. Every successful entrepreneur owes his success to a well-planned plan of action.

A detailed business plan with calculations will help you avoid mistakes and as soon as possible come to the desired result. In this article, we will look at why such a plan of action is needed.

What is it and why is it needed

The business plan is Full description your future business. By acting according to the plan, you must succeed and get the maximum possible profit.

The business plan contains the following data:

  • how much money will be needed to start the project;
  • what are the main expenses and incomes;
  • payback of the project and how it can be interesting for investors.

If you plan to attract additional investments to your project, then without a detailed concept with calculations that show how profitable the project can be, not a single investor will dare to entrust you with their funds.

Moreover, a detailed business plan may be of interest to your future employees. Every self-respecting specialist, before getting a job, will ask about the goals and prospects for the development of the company.

Of course, the business concept is most beneficial for you, the entrepreneur. After all, it is you who needs to analyze everything, evaluate your strengths, get acquainted with what you expect from your project.

Business plan structure

In order not to burn out, the business plan should be as complete as possible and reflect all significant aspects of doing business.

Consider what it consists of:

  • a short description of the idea or summary. This section states general idea about the project, goals, conclusions;
  • detailed description of the project. Here you should describe what you will receive income from. Characteristics of the product, what makes it unique, differences from competitors, etc.;
  • marketing analysis. This section allows you to evaluate the market, assume sales volumes, evaluate direct and indirect competitors;
  • marketing plan. Includes a description of possible advertising campaigns, the costs of their implementation, marketing strategy. It is also permissible to include in it the method of pricing, as well as the distribution of goods;
  • production plan. This aspect is considered only when the entrepreneur decides to link his business with production. Manufacturing process difficult to describe, because it also includes a description of the purchase of raw materials, the search for suppliers, production costs;
  • organizational plan. It is here that there are calculations on how many employees the organization needs, positions, organizational chart of work, a description of the interaction of officials;
  • financial plan. The most interesting and useful section. So, it contains all the basic information about the financial component of the future business. Expected income and expenses, project financing schedule, indicators of how effective the project will be, break-even point. It is this section that interests you and investors in the first place;
  • risks. Project risks can be completely different, ranging from competitors to unscrupulous suppliers. This section covers all possible risks and ways to ensure that and minimize.

As you can see, a ready-made business plan with calculations is a rather complex document that requires professional and integrated approach. Of course, you can try to compose it yourself. However, just imagine that this will be the first business plan in your life that cannot be 100% accurate and correct.

Most entrepreneurs today go over the easy way, which, however, always ends in success. When creating your own business, you can use a ready-made product that will not only be of high quality and as useful as possible, but also carry the correct calculations.


A ready-made business concept gives the entrepreneur the basis for doing business. It was not compiled by him, that is, it does not carry a subjective coloring. A ready-made business plan in a certain direction can be taken as a basis by an entrepreneur for its further refinement.

Ready business plan with calculations can be used for any type of business, be it manufacturing, agriculture or catering. A ready-made business plan, compiled by specialists, performs several important functions in an organization, the main of which, of course, is a strategic function.

Only a specialist who knows all the currents and directions of the market is able to draw up a strategy for the organization. Determining the course and direction of your actions is the basis for the success of any business.

In addition to the strategic, the business concept performs the following functions:

  • activity planning. Associated with the strategic function, but aimed more at assessing the development of the organization. Management of business processes within the company, as well as the gradual opening of new directions is also included in this function;
  • investment. The role of investment in the life of any self-respecting company cannot be denied. In order to get success and reach maximum profit at the initial stage, investments are required. It is up to the entrepreneur to attract investors or bank loans. However, in any case, when attracting a source of financing, a ready-made business plan will be required.

So, a business plan with calculations provides a complete picture of the organization, including an analysis of its activities, its position in the market, and advantages over competitors. Moreover, it determines the marketing strategy of the company as well as the organizational structure.

Benefits of using a turnkey solution

For a beginner in business, a plan for developing your business is what will help you not to go astray and not burn out. The plan is filled not only with advice, but also with ideas, as well as ways to implement them.

A ready-made business plan will also be appreciated by advanced entrepreneurs who know that optimal solution in any matter, it is to transfer the management of the issue into the hands of a specialist, and not to undertake its implementation yourself.

For a beginner, a ready-made solution contains a maximum useful information, including recommendations on choosing the form of ownership and taxation system.

As a rule, ready-made unified business plans contain recommendations that will suit almost any company. Moreover, it includes calculations, including a financial forecast.

In addition, the finished business plan contains information on the costs associated with taxation and deductions in off-budget funds, as well as tips on how to optimize the process of deducting taxes and fees in the company.

The broader the business plan covers the activities of the organization, the better. After all, it depends on the details of the presentation how much it will contribute to the efficiency and profitability of the entrepreneur.

In no case should you save on the acquisition ready solution, because buying a ready-made business plan with calculations for a small business is an investment in your future successful project.

A well-prepared business plan is chief assistant an entrepreneur, without which a successful businessman cannot do without. Opportunities, problems, ways to solve them, financial indicators - all this contains a business plan, which is compiled by experts in their field, will lead the entrepreneur to success.