Wooden bath tub. How to make a box and hide pipes in the bathroom: examples of work and useful tips. There are several box design options.

The communications in the bathrooms look unattractive, therefore, in most cases, when starting an apartment renovation, the owners of the living space want to build a drywall box for pipes. Someone invites a master for this, but if there is at least a minimal idea of construction tool you can close the pipes yourself.

The choice of material and the necessary tools

The construction of the box is not a complicated process, but in this work there are some nuances that you should know for positive result. For installation, you need to buy materials, and:

  • fasteners - connection elements, "seeds", dowel-nails;
  • plaster;
  • silicone-based sealant - useful for sealing joints with the floor;
  • revision hatch;
  • drywall
  • profile - and .

Material to create drywall construction

To work, you will need tools, there are not so many of them, so it will not be difficult to prepare it:

  • spatula;
  • screwdriver;
  • perforator;
  • drill 6 mm;
  • metal scissors;
  • screwdriver;
  • level;
  • roulette;
  • knife and hacksaw;
  • bath;
  • container for mixing the mixture.

Drywall Tools

Once everything is ready, you can assemble a drywall box, consider step-by-step instructions.

Step-by-step instructions for making a pipe box

Before you start assembling a drywall box, you need to draw up a project. Do not ignore this stage, as it is one of the most important, since the quality of the box made on its own depends on it.

Step-by-step instruction assembling a drywall box for hiding waste pipes, will be described using the example of a bathroom and toilet, the installation process for hiding pipes in the kitchen is identical to that described.

No need to create an exact drawing, just make a schematic drawing with the dimensions transferred to it future design.

Diagram of a drywall box for pipes

Watch the video: how to close the pipes with a drywall box.

  • Further, it should be noted on the floor and ceiling, the location of the guide profile, for this you need a building corner. Substitute the corner with a short edge to the corner at the intersection of the floor and wall, and draw a straight line on the floor. The angle between the strip on the wall and the strip on the floor should be 90 degrees;

  • The same should be done on the ceiling.

The markup is ready, you can proceed to the next step.

Mounting and installation of a frame from profiles

Before construction metal frame need to cut right amount profile segments equal to marked lines.

See in the video: assembling the frame for the future GKL box.

How is the installation done:

  • You need to start by installing guide profiles on the floor and ceiling, and then on the walls. They are installed strictly along the lines, and fixed with dowel-nails. To do this, press the profile strongly against the floor and drill holes in the floor directly through it at a distance of 15 cm from each other. Insert dowels into the holes and screw in the screws;

  • After that, you can proceed to the installation of rack profiles. It is inserted along the guides from above and below. The profile is pressed and fixed with dowel-nails. ends flexible connection bent inwards or cut off. The main requirement in this situation is that the profile must be level;
  • The next step will be the installation of the corner connecting profile, it is screwed with small self-tapping screws to the intersection of the guides at the corner of the future box;

Fastening the rack profile to the guide using self-tapping screws

  • Then the stiffening frame is mounted in the pipe box - the profile at the wall and the profile at the corner are connected in small segments. The segments are located strictly parallel to the floor at a distance of 30 cm from each other, along the entire height of the frame on both sides.

Important! The entire assembly must be level controlled, even a small deviation, which can lead to a poor-quality assembly of the structure. This manual will help you assemble and install a box that can cover the heating pipes.

Firstly, under this design, reinforcement is made from profiles, in size.

Secondly, such hatches are quite heavy, so you need to fix it carefully, not sparing self-tapping screws.

Also at this stage, you need to determine where it will be installed ventilation grille, it is necessary so that condensation does not form inside the box.

You can't do without communication systems in the bathroom. However, water and sewer pipes are unlikely to give your room an aesthetic appearance. Therefore, most residents, in the process of repair, try to hide all communications. To implement the plan, there are several ways: hide the pipes with furniture, boxes, shutters or wall them up in the wall. When choosing a masking option, it is worth considering the possibility Maintenance communications. So that in the event of a breakdown, you do not have to break the decor of the room. By installing a pipe box in the bathroom, you can make collapsible structure or build small doors for access to communications.

Depending on the location of the mains, the box can be installed in two ways: closing only the pipes or the entire wall on which they are located. In the first option, by closing only those areas where there are pipes, you save on material. Sewing the entire plane on which the highways are located looks more aesthetically pleasing, but reduces usable area bathroom. In order to somehow use the space in the box not occupied by pipes, small storage facilities are built there for various things.

What is the best box to make?

Before closing unsightly communications, it is necessary to choose the right material for the box, behind which pipes in the bathroom will be hidden. It must meet several requirements:

  • be sufficiently resistant to moisture;
  • have a small weight and thickness;
  • made from environmentally friendly ingredients that do not emit harmful substances.

According to these criteria, from commercially available materials for the manufacture of a box in the bathroom, you can use: MDF, moisture-resistant plywood, moisture-resistant drywall or plastic.

Preparatory stage

Most often, problems with the pipeline occur at the junctions. Therefore, the fewer, the better. If the box is installed after laying new pipes, care must be taken to ensure that the line has as few connections as possible. If the replacement of the pipeline is not included in your plans, before hiding the pipes in the bathroom, you need to carry them out close examination. Inspect all lines for defects and, if any, eliminate them.

It is believed that without fear of leaks, it is possible to close sealed and welded joints. But for fittings that have threaded connections should be freely accessible. They need to be checked periodically. Therefore, threaded connections cannot be walled up. It is also necessary to provide free access to the valves, sewer audits, counters, filters.

Making a box step by step

Installation of the box in the bathroom consists of several stages. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

Measuring and sizing a structure

Before sealing the pipes, it is necessary to make the necessary measurements and clarify the location of the box. In places of unreliable connections, to meters and valves, it is necessary to provide a removable part or a door. A floor plan on a scale will not interfere, on which all structural details. In the process of measuring, do not forget about the thickness of the finishing material.

Having determined the contour of the future structure on the floor, with the help of a plumb line they transfer it to the ceiling, and then make markings on the walls.

Mounting the frame for subsequent sheathing

Before sewing communications into the box, it is necessary to install a frame around the pipes. It is best to make it from a galvanized profile. Since the air in the bathroom is constantly humid, the use of wooden blocks is undesirable. If you still decide to use them, choose bars made of decay-resistant rocks. And before use, treat everything wooden details antiseptic.

The adhesion of the frame elements to each other is carried out with self-tapping screws or with the help of a cutter. To fix the profile to the wall, dowels and euro screws are used.

It is necessary to mount the profiles to the wall, taking into account that the finishing material subsequently does not adhere closely to the pipes

The first step is to mount the profile on the walls. Then install the racks forming the front face.

Depending on the design of the future box, there may be several or only one A-pillars. They are attached using their own curved edge or suspensions.

After that, the guides are mounted on the ceiling and floor.

It is convenient to fasten vertical and horizontal profiles to each other using a cutter

If the length of the racks is more than 1.5 m, it is necessary to make jumpers between them. They will also be needed for a frame whose width is more than 0.25 m. The distance between the jumpers is made no more than a meter.

For structural strength, jumpers are attached to racks with a height of more than 1.5 m

Using wooden frame treat the saw cut with construction mastic. This will protect the box from damage and prevent its deformation during temperature and humidity fluctuations.

Sheathing the frame of the box with sheet material

When cutting out the details for the box, try to make whole elements, and not from pieces. First, cut the side pieces. They are cut in such a way that the edges do not protrude beyond the frame profiles, but are flush with them. After that, cut out the front of the box. It should cover the side elements.

After cutting the material, it is mounted to the racks. Do it with self-tapping screws (3.5-4.5 cm). The distance between them should be no more than 2.5 cm. Such a box will have sufficient strength, so it is not necessary to attach the material to the jumpers. For control weaknesses pipelines leave inspection holes with doors.

Leave a hole in the box for free access to valves, meters and filters. It can be buried with a door purchased from a hardware store.

You can build them yourself or buy ready-made ones. For the hand-made manufacture of access points to pipes, a door is made from the material that is used for the box itself. So that it does not open, furniture magnets are fixed on them.

The door for the control hole can be finished with the same material as the entire box. So it will be less noticeable

You can make a fully collapsible box. To do this, sheets of finishing material are attached to the screws to the very edge. By producing final finishing, they are not covered with tiles.

Finally, plastic corners or a plinth are fixed. When it will be necessary to dismantle the box, remove the plinth, unscrew the screws and remove the finishing material.

Self-tapping screws, closed plastic corner, are easily unscrewed to dismantle the box in case of emergency. After that, the box remains intact and can be mounted in place

Final decorative finish

The final stage of the installation of the box is its finishing. It depends on the material from which the structure is made. Plywood, drywall and MDF can be tiled or painted. Plastic panels do not need further finishing. They look pretty attractive on their own. Unlike drywall, plastic does not reduce the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

To decorate the bath, a frame is constructed from a profile

In the same way, the pipes are closed under the bath itself. First, the frame is mounted, and then it is sheathed, leaving the control doors.

Moisture-resistant drywall is mounted on top of the frame from the profile and tiles are mounted on it. Be sure to leave a door for pipe maintenance

Now knowing how to mount the box, you can decorate any pipes in the bathroom and make the room more attractive from an aesthetic point of view. Hiding communications in the bathroom improves the design of the room. In addition, after closing the pipes with a box, the noise level emanating from them is reduced.

Video example of these finishing works

When carrying out repairs, it is quite often necessary to level the walls and ceiling, hide the pipes in the bathroom and toilet, hide the batteries in the kitchen, make the ceiling illuminated, so installing a drywall box is perfect solution similar problems.

Plasterboard box can hide the sewer riser, level the surface for false ceiling, eliminate the curvature of the walls and much more.

All work on the manufacture of the structure can be done by hand, but you must know the manufacturing technology.

You can make 2 versions of the drywall device: a corner one with two edges, and a ceiling or wall with three edges.

Below is an instruction on how to make a drywall box.

Making a corner device

Making a corner box of drywall with your own hands is easy. Basically, the corner version is mounted in the toilet and bathroom due to small area premises.

Installation begins with marking. To do this, you need to make marks on the ceiling corresponding to the width of the device, and on the wall - to its length.

If the design is vertical, then the length and width are deposited on the walls. Having made marks, you need to draw lines using the building level.

Now you need to mark the volume of the structure, which is marked as follows: there are extreme points fastenings of the corner element, then from the lines marking the dimensions of the structure, perpendiculars are lowered to the end parts of the structure.

If the box is horizontal, then the markings are made on the walls, if the box is vertical, on the floor and ceiling.

The next step is to install metal profile, which is attached according to the finished markup.

For fastening, holes are made with a perforator and dowels are hammered. The profile is recommended to be fixed on one side of the intended line.

When fastening, the shelves of the two profiles should be at right angles to each other.
Then the corner piece is trimmed and installed.

The installation of this element is carried out as follows: the corner element is inserted into the profiles at the point where they intersect. The corner element is fixed with self-tapping screws. Then comes the finishing.

Now you need to make stiffeners from the profile, attach one edge to the profile on the wall, and the other to the corner element. The stiffening ribs are fastened with texas.

The frame from the profile is ready, now you need to sheathe it with drywall. It is better to cut a sheet of drywall so that the structure is made of solid strips.

Therefore, you first need to cut the material for the sides.

The width of the stripes corresponds to the width of the face. Then measure the size of the remaining face and cut off the strip so that it goes to the edges of the side faces.

Drywall sheets are also fixed with metal screws at a distance of 15 - 20 cm.

When the installation of the drywall box is completed, its finishing begins. It is quite possible to make it yourself.

The coating can be painted, tiled, etc.

Ceiling or wall option

It is possible even for a novice builder to assemble a drywall box in a toilet, under a bath or in another room with their own hands of a ceiling or wall type.

To create ceiling structures, first markup is made for the drywall box on the ceiling.

At the location of the drywall structure, two parallel lines are drawn, passing to the walls (during installation ceiling option) or on the floor and ceiling (when mounting the wall version).

The distance between the lines corresponds to the width of the structure, and the lines perpendicular to them, which must be drawn on the walls, correspond to the height of the structure and indicate the attachment points of the corner elements.

The installation of the guide profile and the preparation of the corner elements are carried out similarly to the corner version.

Now 2 are made from the profile corner element, which should be located in such a way that it is possible to install stiffeners.

Now the frame for the plasterboard box is being strengthened on the ceiling.

Reinforcement of the wall and ceiling frame is carried out in the same way as during installation corner option, with the only difference that the stiffeners are installed on three sides, at a distance of 60 cm.

The installation of the frame is completed - it is sheathed with drywall and its finishing begins.

It is possible to manufacture a drywall box on the ceiling with lighting. Assembly robots can be done by hand.

The backlit device is made as follows: first you need to make markings for the backlight and fix the electrical wires.

They must be mounted in such a way that they do not interfere with the installation of the device.

Then you need to prepare the transverse guides and insert into the frame. The guide profile is set to the wall at a right angle and fastened with self-tapping screws. Then the whole structure is fixed.

After installation ceiling device with lighting, the ceiling looks like a multi-level one. The backlit device can be made over the entire area of ​​the ceiling or as a device in the form of geometric shapes.

When making the box, all wires must be hidden. After that, for illumination, it is necessary to make holes, having previously made markings on drywall.

The material, previously cut into strips, is screwed to the profile according to the markup, then lighting is carefully inserted into the holes.

After completing the installation ceiling box backlit, drywall can be puttied, painted or decorated with decorative finishes.

Installation Features

The device of the drywall box has several nuances that are recommended to be taken into account when doing the work with your own hands, so that this design does not cause inconvenience and lasts for many years.

For example, making a box to hide sewer pipe, it must be taken into account that the couplings with bends on the pipe, the so-called revisions, cannot be closed without leaving access to them.

For such couplings, it is necessary to leave a special opening during installation in order to provide access from the outside. Such a window is closed with special plastic doors.

You also need access to the joints internal sewerage and the central riser, as repairs may be required after some time.

When installing a drywall box under the bathtub to close the water supply or battery, there must be an opening at the locations of meters, valves, valves and other elements.

To make such an opening, you need to make holes of 4 mm over size door that will close the hole. This can be done both before installing the drywall battery box, and after.

If an opening is left to access the revision of the sewer riser in the bathroom or toilet, then it must be placed on the front side of the structure.

If the hatch is intended for access to valves or other elements of the water supply system, then it can be located on the side.

In the toilet or in the kitchen, in those places where the pipelines pass through the structure, a hole must be made larger diameter pipes.

There should be a gap that can be filled with polyethylene foam.

Thus, the installation of the box will allow you to hide communications in the bathroom and toilet, align the walls and corners, hide the batteries in the kitchen, align the ceiling, and also make the ceiling illuminated.

All this can be done quickly, inexpensively and for many years.

After reading the article, you learned how to make a drywall box yourself.

In this material, we will talk about such a method of hiding pipes in the bathroom as installing a drywall or plastic box, and also consider the main points for its installation.

As a rule, pipes laid in the bathroom in plain sight for cold and hot water look at least unattractive. Naturally, the owners of the apartments make every effort to hide them. There are currently several simple ways solutions to this problem, the most common of which is the installation of a pipe box in the bathroom.

Before you make a pipe box, you need to organize the possibility of access to the laid pipes after installing the finished structure. This will make it possible to greatly simplify the implementation of possible future work for preventive or repair purposes.

Box frame manufacturing

Box designs for plumbing pipes there may be several, but the steps for their installation will in any case be the same.

First you need to decide on the material for the frame and cladding. The frame can be made from aluminum profile or wooden lath. Next, the dimensions of the space occupied by the pipes are measured, after which they proceed to the assembly of the frame from sections. The structure is attached to the wall and floor with self-tapping screws.

It is worth noting that in order to facilitate the work, wooden blocks can be pre-installed at the attachment points of the frame.

After assembling and positioning the frame, they proceed to facing operations.

Varieties of boxes

Plasterboard box

Most often, the box for closing pipes in the bathroom is made of drywall.

This method consists in doing the following:

  • First of all, reference lines are drawn on the wall, retreating from the pipes by 3-5 cm on both sides. To make the lines smooth, you can use the building level.
  • Next, a profile of a certain size is set along the drawn lines, and a cut off piece of drywall with a thickness of 9.5 mm is fixed to it.
  • Now cut off another piece of the profile and attach it to the outer ends of the blanks. The front part is mounted on the base, which is fastened with self-tapping screws every 25 cm.
  • The docking places are well puttied, and then the surface is either painted or lined with some material that the owner liked the most.

It is worth noting that the place where drywall adheres to the wall can be hidden by installing decorative plinth, for example, a corner designed for a bathroom.

Using polystyrene panels as a box

Also quite popular material for finishing bathrooms and toilets are polystyrene panels. It can be installed without constructing a frame. That is, a plastic box for polystyrene pipes is also perfect for solving our problem. Such panels have special legs that can be adjusted in height, which is also a big plus when used in rooms with a slightly curved floor. The legs will make it possible to take into account all the irregularities, up to 10 cm.

Installation of a plastic pipe box is carried out in the following sequence:

  • An end support is attached to the wall.
  • The edges of the panels located on the sides and top are smeared with glue, then they are installed and adjusted.
  • With a wrench, adjust the legs of the panels to obtain desired height. After that, we can assume that the installation of the box is over.

Finished box of plastic material is very high quality and durable.

Covering the box with tiles

Ceramic tiles are suitable as lining of a box made of fiberboard, water-repellent plywood or drywall. The tile is most suitable for use in the bathroom, because it is very durable, not afraid of moisture.

In addition, it comes in many shades and textures. Facing, as a rule, starts from the front side, and after that they move on to the sidewalls.

Please note that the tile is attached with a special adhesive.

Carrying out markup, creating a work plan, installation

The pipe box in the room can be mounted in any place where it is required. The main thing is to make the entire list of calculations on time, even before installation, so that, thanks to the correctly selected place for placing the box, you can make the most efficient use of the available space.

Even before the purchase of all materials, you need to draw up an estimate and markup. In order for the calculations to be as accurate as possible, it is necessary to take into account not only the dimensions of the box, but also the furniture and plumbing that will be installed in the bathroom.

There is nothing complicated in the installation of the box, since this structure is nothing more than a typical frame assembled from profiles for arches, partitions and other similar structures. It is noteworthy that in the bathroom it is even easier to use, because there is no need to give the frame complex shape- you need to make only an even rectangle.

In addition, the frame is most often installed in a corner, which makes its installation even easier and a little cheaper. To mount the box in the corner, you need to buy only three profiles in height from floor to ceiling, and a fourth profile for cutting jumpers. To install the box, you need to fix the profile to the walls, ceiling and floor, and then fasten it together with jumpers to get a solid structure.

It is important to know that, in order to mount finishing materials after installing the box it was easier, you can install pieces of wooden beams in the middle of the box.

The last stage: sheathing and lining the box

The final stage, which consists in sheathing the box, also cannot be called difficult, because all the markings have already been made, you just need to accurately cut the material and start sheathing the frame with it.

Sheathing material must have water-repellent qualities, since the bathroom belongs to rooms with excessive humidity. Under these conditions, the service life a large number materials is greatly reduced.

It is worth noting that the box must be additionally insulated and sealed so that condensate does not collect on the pipes inside. For this you can use mounting foam, sealants and other heat-insulating materials.

In the article above, we looked at how to make a pipe box in the bath. We can conclude that it is quite simple to complete all the work, the main thing is to acquire high-quality and the right materials, and make accurate markings.

During the overhaul in the apartment, almost everyone is faced with one small, but very unpleasant situation. Part of the pipes and communications in the bathroom and in the kitchen cannot be moved or redone. As a result, a situation is possible when, against the background of beautiful finishing materials, an ancient pipe or sewer riser will “show off”, which will spoil any idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe transformation of the apartment. To avoid this, there is one extremely simple and affordable option for everyone. Nondescript pipes should be hidden in a neat box. How to make a drywall box, and will be discussed further.

It is possible to choose other materials for the implementation of the box, such as: plastic, chipboard, plywood, etc. However, the most suitable material there is still drywall. It is the easiest to process. The resulting surface of the box can be easily finished with ceramic tiles, wallpaper or paint. Simply put, only drywall will not limit you in any way in the choice of finishing methods and will also create a durable and reliable box that will last a very long time. It is easy and simple to build a drywall box with your own hands, you just need to take into account a few important nuances in the construction of such an element of the interior.

What is needed to build a box?

You will need the following tool:

  1. roulette;
  2. plumb line, bubble level;
  3. hammer drill;
  4. building corner;
  5. construction knife;
  6. a hammer.

The list of materials includes a naturally drywall sheet. One is enough standard sheet 2500*1200 mm with thickness 9 or 12.5 mm. It is best to choose a moisture-resistant drywall, given that water pipes or a sewer riser will be sheathed, which have at least a little feature, but are covered with perspiration, so that the humidity will be significant. This is all the more reasoned if a drywall box is installed in the bathroom, where the humidity is already high.

The frame for the box can be made both from wooden bars 40 * 40 or 50 * 50 mm, and from a galvanized metal profile specially designed for working with drywall. If a tree is used, it must be done in advance, which will protect the wood from rotting and destruction. in this regard, it is more practical, since it does not require mandatory training, and it is somewhat easier to use it.

Scheme for constructing a box for pipes based on a metal profile.

From great variety profiles will need a guide UD profile and a CD profile to form the frame itself.

To fix the frame elements, it is best to use dowels and hammered euro screws for fastening to the wall and “flea” screws with a drill tip to connect the profiles to each other. For wood, hardened self-tapping screws are required, twice the size of the timber used. In any case, hardened self-tapping screws with a piercing tip of size 35-45 mm are used to fix drywall sheets.

Work order

Stage 1: markup

First you need to make markings on the floor. The line should indicate the contour along which the guide profile or support bars will be installed. It should be borne in mind that drywall will be sewn on top of the frame, so that the resulting dimensions of the box will differ from the dimensions of the markup for the thickness of the sheet used. With the help of a building corner, the perpendicularity of the lines with respect to the walls and to each other is checked.

The thickness and width of the box is chosen such that the plasterboard sheathing does not adjoin the pipes in any place, and there is a gap of at least 3-5 cm on all sides. The width is still worth choosing, taking into account the subsequent finishing. If subsequently the box will also be sheathed with ceramic tiles, then you should choose the width of the box equal to the whole number of widths of the tile itself in order to avoid the need for trimming.

The markings on the floor are ready. To transfer the markup to the ceiling, a plumb line is used. If necessary, marking on the wall is carried out using a stretched thread between the corresponding points on the floor and ceiling.

Stage 2: fixing the frame elements

First of all, profiles or bars located near the wall stop. After that, one or two racks are fixed, spaced from the walls and forming the front, protruding edge of the box. If the width of the box exceeds 25 cm or the height of the box is more than 1.5 m, jumpers should be mounted between the support posts. Jumpers are installed at a distance of no more than 1 m between each other.

During installation, if used wooden beam, the places of cuts should be further processed. It is best to use a special building mastic for a tree. This, in addition to protecting the wood, will provide greater stability and sound insulation so that the box does not creak during thermal deformations.

Stage 3: installation of drywall sheets

It is desirable to cut a sheet of material in such a way that the box consists of single strips, and not of pieces. First of all, strips for the side faces of the box are cut off. Their width should be equal to the width of the frame itself and not protrude beyond the border of the support posts. Only then can you accurately measure the size of the remaining edge and cut off the corresponding strip of drywall so that it also finds the edges of the side strips. Sheets are fastened with self-tapping screws 35-45 mm every 15-25 mm to the main racks of the frame. You can not strengthen the sheets in addition to the jumpers between the racks. At such a small width of the structure, this will not play any role.

After the sheets are fixed, you can begin to putty and form the corners of both the box itself and in the places where it adjoins the walls. To do this, use a special metal or plastic perforated corner. It is fixed on a thin layer of starting putty. After that you can apply a layer finishing putty or prepare the surface for laying ceramic tiles. Actually, on this we can consider the work on the construction of a drywall box completed.

There are just a number of points and mandatory conditions regarding the process of sheathing the frame of the box with drywall. This is due to the fact that the drywall box is a non-separable structure, and it is fraught with sewing tightly such elements as a sewer riser or water supply pipes.

Video: an example of the formation of a box

Features of building a box

Essentially, the box is simple design from the frame and drywall sheets fixed on it. However, do not forget about the features of those pipes and communications that are to be sheathed. When making a pipe box, it is necessary to take into account not only the aesthetics of the result, but also practical aspects.

sewer riser

In many apartments on the sewer riser there are so-called revisions. These are special couplings on a pipe with a branch or hole that is closed with a lid. A revision is needed to clear blockages. In no case should such places be tightly sewn up with a box. You should prudently mark the place and leave a window for unhindered access to the revision from the outside. You can close the window with the help of special plastic doors, which are sold in hardware stores.

In addition to the revision, access to the junctions and convergence of the internal sewerage into the central riser should be provided. It may be necessary to replace any elements over time or eliminate blockages in the internal pipes.

Water pipes

Doors are necessarily formed in the technological holes in the box in those places where there are such elements on the pipes as: water meters, valves and compensators, check valves and reducers.

To form these openings, it is necessary to form holes in the drywall sheets 1-3 mm larger than the dimensions of the door frame, which will subsequently be inserted there. You can do this in advance in the drywall strip before fixing it to the frame. You can also only mark in advance the installation position of the door and, after fixing it on the drywall frame, proceed to cutting the hole.

If the door is installed to access the revision sewer runoff in the toilet or in the bathroom, the hole for it is located on the front edge of the box, which faces the entrance. it mandatory requirement and you should not even try to move the door somewhere to a more secluded place.

If the door is only for access to valves and other equipment on water pipes, then it is quite acceptable to place it on the side face of the box. So it will be less noticeable. It is only important that the possibility quick access to technological nodes if necessary.