Cleaning tile joints. We wash the tile seams. Cleaning tile joints with household chemicals

Surely, each of us has sometimes witnessed how, after laying tiles, the seams between them begin to gradually become dirty. The reason is not only the accumulation of dust, but also the increased humidity of the room. As a result, dangerous fungus and mold appear on the seams. This not only spoils the aesthetic appearance of the bathroom, but, worst of all, it has a very negative effect on human health. That is why today we will talk about how to clean your bathroom, and what products are suitable for this purpose. We will tell you a few secrets for removing fungus on tile joints that will allow you to do it at home.

What types of grout are there?

There are three main types of grout for joints between tiles:

Irregular cleaning of tile joints leads to the development of fungus and bacteria

The first one is the most popular. It contains color pigments, cement and a moisture-retaining mixture. It is quite easy to rub and process various finishes.

Unfortunately, none of these types of grout can guarantee the absence of fungus.

How can you clean tile grout using household chemicals?

As soon as you notice the appearance of mold or mildew on the seams of the tiles, do not delay, start cleaning them immediately. The longer they stay there, the deeper they will eat into the solution and, as a result, the more difficult it will be to remove.

Many people resort to using various household chemicals to clean seams. The least toxic and most proven of all of them is oxygen bleach.

If you want to apply chemicals, purchase special compounds in the store to remove dirt and fungus

It is mixed with water (1:1), and then sprayed or wiped all dirty seams. Depending on the degree of contamination, bleach should be left on the seams for 30-60 minutes. Oxygen ions penetrate deeply into the solution, disassembling dirt and fungus into molecules. Next, all that remains is to scrape off the dirt from the seams and wipe the surface dry.

You can also use bleach or other cleaning products that are sold in many household chemical stores.

Advice. Handle chemicals very carefully. Use hand gloves when using them and thoroughly rinse the seams with water after treatment.

To disinfect mold, you can use a special felt-tip pen. It simply perfectly destroys bacteria dangerous to our body and perfectly masks seams.

How to easily clean seams using folk remedies?

Now we will tell you how to clean the seams between the tiles in the bathroom, using exclusively folk remedies.

Attention! Never use soap solutions to disinfect fungus, as they can only worsen the situation.

Steam cleaning of seams

You may ask, how to clean the grout between bathroom tiles with ordinary steam? Yes, very simple!

Using a steam cleaner for this purpose is one of the most effective methods. Under the influence of high temperatures and water vapor pressure, all dirt from the seams is instantly removed. All you have to do is wipe it off the already cleaned surface. It is also worth noting that this is the most environmentally friendly and safe way.

Using a Steam Cleaner

We remove dirt from the seams between tiles using a mechanical method

If you turned your attention to the problem in time, and the dirt has not yet had time to penetrate deeply into the surface, then you can use conventional mechanical cleaning of the seams.

Using sandpaper, very carefully and slowly clean all the seams between the tiles. Be careful not to scratch the surface of the tile and ruin its beautiful appearance. All you have to do is wash the dirt off the surface well with water. This is a relatively quick method, as well as environmentally friendly and safe for health.

You can try to remove dirt with a hard sponge.

If the moment has long been missed, dirt and mold have become deeply ingrained in the seams, and all of the above methods do not bring results, then all that remains is to change the grout between tiles.

Do not allow tile joints to become contaminated, clean them in a timely manner and periodically ensure that harmful fungus does not begin to multiply on the surface. Use any of the following methods to remove dirt from grout lines to keep your bathroom sparkling clean and fresh.

How to easily clean the grout between tiles in the bathroom: video

Cleaning joints between tiles: photo

Freshly laid tiles in the bathroom look very beautiful, but over time, dirt accumulates at the joints and seams, which is an excellent breeding ground for various fungi. Tips on how to clean the grout between tiles will help you deal with this problem at home.

In the bathroom, clean the grout between the tiles difficult task. After all, over time, lime, dirt, and dust accumulate in these places. All this, under the influence of moisture, becomes a favorable environment conducive to the proliferation of harmful microorganisms.

The tiles themselves are much easier to clean, but in the spaces between them, due to their roughness, dust and dirt still remain during normal washing. Therefore, you need to know what you can use to clean the seams on the floor and walls between the tiles. Below are the most common methods of preparing folk remedies for removing dirt at home and tips for caring for tiles.

Soda and vinegar

This is one of the most simple methods removing dirt from tile joints. To prepare the product you will need baking soda and vinegar. Soda is diluted at the rate of one tablespoon per 3 tablespoons of water.

The cleansing algorithm is as follows:

  1. The resulting paste of soda and water is applied to the seams, but before doing this, you must wear rubber gloves.
  2. Next, make a vinegar solution and pour it into a container with a spray bottle. The ratio of vinegar and water should be 1:1.
  3. The resulting liquid product is sprayed onto the seams over the paste. The soda mixture will begin to bubble.
  4. As soon as the chemical reaction stops, the tile joints should be thoroughly rubbed with a brush.
  5. Next, the seams are washed well with regular running water several times.

A mixture of soda and vinegar is the easiest way

Hydrogen peroxide and soda

The paste is prepared from pharmacy hydrogen peroxide and ordinary baking soda in a ratio of 1:4. You can add dishwashing liquid to this mixture. In this case, peroxide is the bleaching component, soda acts as an abrasive, and the detergent deals with grease.

The finished paste is applied to the tile joints, rubbing in thoroughly, and left for a quarter of an hour. After this, the wall is washed several times with warm water.

Important: If mosaic or glass tiles were used when decorating the bathroom, you should not use strong detergents when washing. a large number alkalis.

Soda, lemon, vinegar

Many owners, for the first time after renovation, are looking for options on how to clean the seams between the tiles in the bathroom, because they cannot cope with the dirt that appears. A mixture of baking soda, vinegar and lemon is an effective way to help remove severe stains. This product penetrates well into uneven areas and small crevices, removing dust, limescale and other dirt.

The ratio of ingredients should be like this:

  • lemon juice - a third of the whole citrus;
  • soda - half a glass;
  • vinegar (9%) - a quarter cup.

Before preparing the product and using it, you must wear gloves so that the composition does not cause skin irritation. Next, all components are dissolved in 1.5 liters of purified water (you can take chilled boiled water). The chemical reaction will begin immediately, so you need to mix the mixture very carefully so that splashes do not get on your skin or clothes.

The resulting product is rubbed into the seams. To do this, you can use a sponge with a hard side or a toothbrush. After about 20 minutes, the homemade cleaning mixture is thoroughly rinsed off with warm water.

The composition will be no less effective if you replace lemon juice with citric acid. For 1.5 liters of liquid you will need a tablespoon of crystals.

Lemon with soda and vinegar will help remove even old stains from tiles


Thanks to the use of ammonia, the tiles in the bathroom will not only be clean, but also get a dazzling shine. The product is prepared as follows: dissolve a tablespoon of the pharmaceutical preparation in two liters of water. Next, using a spray bottle, the resulting composition is applied to the walls and floor. The homemade detergent is left for 20 minutes and then washed off with a soft sponge.

Thanks to ammonia, you will be able to remove not only accumulated dust and dirt, but also get rid of mold that has appeared. In addition, the product has a powerful antiseptic effect and destroys various harmful microorganisms.

Soda and "Whiteness"

The bleaching agent “Belizna”, known since Soviet times, also helps to effectively cope with complex stains on tiles and joints. To prepare the detergent, you will also need regular soda. A paste is prepared from these ingredients. “Whiteness” is poured into a convenient container and soda is added until a pasty consistency is obtained.

Wearing rubber gloves, carefully apply the composition to the seams with a spatula and leave until completely dry. Since the bleaching component has a pungent odor, the face should be protected with a gauze bandage. Next, “Whiteness” and soda are washed off with water, using a hard sponge or brush for high-quality cleaning. This product even helps to cope with the black residue from nicotine on the tiles.

“Whiteness” will return the tile joints to their original color

Toothpaste, soda, mustard

This is another one effective way tidy up the tiles and grout. To prepare the composition you will need:

  • toothpaste (or powder) 1 teaspoon;
  • lemon juice from half a citrus;
  • soda – ½ standard glass;
  • mustard powder – 20 grams.

Pour clean water into the prepared container, add all the specified components and mix thoroughly. Using a sponge or brush, rub the mixture into the space between the tiles and leave for half an hour. Then the tiles should be washed with warm water.

Steam cleaner

Hot steam is in itself an effective means of combating dirt. A good one, releasing steam under strong pressure, softens the calcified pieces and knocks them out of the joints. Under the influence of steam, harmful microorganisms die: bacteria, fungal spores and mold.

The steam cleaner can handle even very strong fungal deposits.

How to clean the seams between tiles with household chemicals

It is not always easy to deal with stubborn dirt using improvised means. In this case, to clean the tile joints, you should use special compounds developed for these purposes. However, it should be remembered that chemicals, contained in them, are toxic. Therefore, when working with such compounds, it is necessary to use a protective mask and rubber gloves.

Below are the most common store products, allowing you to quickly clean out not only accumulated dirt, but also mold:

Products for cleaning joints between tiles

Modern production facilities allow us to produce many varieties of tiles. Therefore, before cleaning the tile joints in the bathroom, you should choose the right detergents.

  1. Glazed tiles lose their external qualities when in contact with an acidic environment. The glossy surface becomes dull and does not look very beautiful.
  2. Matte tiles are quite easy to clean. However, even after cleaning it must be treated with a special mastic. It forms a film that prevents dirt from accumulating on the material itself and at the joints.
  3. When washing tile joints, do not use too hard and rough brushes and do not clean them with abrasive powders with large granules. This technique will easily spoil the surface of the building material, and dirt will accumulate much faster in this case.
  4. In order not to subsequently suffer from fungus or mold growing on the seams, even at the repair stage it is necessary to choose the right grout. It is desirable that it be made on an epoxy base. Such materials are less contaminated and resistant to mold.
  5. Since the condition of the finish in the bathroom directly depends on the microclimate that exists there, it is necessary to regularly ensure that the room is as dry as possible. A properly installed ventilation system plays a huge role in this.
  6. After taking a bath or shower, you need to wipe the tiles with a cloth that absorbs water well. The absence of moisture reduces the likelihood of dust and dirt accumulating, and the seams will have to be cleaned much less often.

Using the tips above, you can easily get rid of existing stains and prevent the appearance of new ones. Regular care behind the tiles will allow her to save original appearance.


If you don't wash your walls and floors after every bath or shower, sooner or later the grout between the tiles will become dirty. Moisture, dust, lime deposits are retained there, and sometimes fungus settles. Do you want to know how to clean the grout between bathroom tiles without extra effort and make sure they stay clean for a long time? I'll tell you my secrets.

Home methods

I'll start with tips for thrifty housewives who do not want to spend money on expensive chemicals. Although refusal of it may be due to other reasons. For example, with allergies or the desire to use only environmentally safe ways cleaning.

Methods for cleaning bathroom joints depend on the degree of contamination and the presence of fungus. Here are the most popular homemade recipes.

Recipe 1 - white and soda paste

This is an excellent tool for combating mold, which not only cleans and disinfects, but also whitens seams. But It is not suitable for colored seams.

Don't forget to take safety precautions: wear rubber gloves on your hands and a gauze bandage on your face.

Instead of bleach, you can take any liquid chlorine-containing bleach and mix it with this amount baking soda to form a thick viscous mass. Apply it with a spatula and leave it until it dries.

Then wash off with water using a brush, washcloth or the hard side of a dish sponge. The main thing is that the tool does not scratch the surface of the tile.

Recipe 2 - a solution of vinegar, soda and citric acid

A mixture of water, vinegar, citric acid and soda also helps to clean the seams between the tiles from dirt and fungus. This is perhaps the most popular recipe among many housewives. Undiluted 6% vinegar will help with minor stains. You need to pour it into a spray bottle, treat the tiles, and rinse off after 10 minutes.

Recipe 3 - ammonia solution

If you don't know how to clean bathroom tiles... limescale and restore its shine, use this recipe:

  • Add a tablespoon of ammonia to two liters of water and mix;
  • Pour the solution into a spray bottle and spray it from a short distance onto the contaminated surface;
  • Wait 10-15 minutes;
  • Wipe with a damp sponge and then dry with a soft cloth.

Recipe 4 - hot steam

The ideal way to clean without using any cleaning products at all is to use a steam cleaner. It not only generates hot steam, but also delivers it under high pressure.

A powerful jet softens and literally knocks out any dirt from the tile joints. And exposure to high temperatures, reaching 150-170 degrees, kills mold and mildew.

But the best thing is that during cleaning you do not have to come into contact with aggressive substances and breathe their fumes. The only safety measure is to avoid putting your hand or foot under the hot stream.

As you can see, all the described methods really won’t require much effort from you: you won’t have to rub and scrape the seams with your own hands for a long time. But their effectiveness is often insufficient.

Professional products

If you are not prejudiced against using household chemicals, it is not at all necessary to practice home alchemy and prepare a cleaning product from available ingredients. There are many effective formulations on the market. They not only clean complex stains, but also disinfect surfaces and protect them from plaque and mold in the future.

Here are the most popular ones:

Image List of effective remedies

"Atlas Dolphin" is a ready-to-use emulsion for protecting seams. It does not clean, but penetrates the pores of the grout and forms a film on the surface that is impenetrable to dirt and bacteria.

It is used either immediately after installing the tiles and hardening the grout, or after cleaning the joints. With such protection, cleaning your bathroom will be quick and easy.

Main - do not dilute the emulsion or mix it with other products.

"BOZO"- a viscous concentrated liquid that removes lime deposits and rust, disinfects seams, and eliminates unpleasant odors.

Before cleaning the tiles in the bathroom, it must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:4. It is better to treat fungus and dirt embedded in the seams with undiluted concentrate.

"Mellerud"- a special product for caring for tiles in bathrooms. Easily washes away soap residue, dried water stains, and other visible and invisible dirt, simultaneously refreshing the color of tiles and grout.

If you need to deal with old dirt, it can be used in its pure form. The product is applied with a sponge and washed off with water after a few minutes.

« HG"- unlike the previous product, it is designed specifically for cleaning seams.

It does not contain bleaches, so it can also be used for colored seams without the risk of discoloration.

Whitening pencil “Snowball”- destroys fungi and bacteria, restores the whiteness of seams.

To do this, simply draw lines along all the joints. But it is effective only if the mold has not had time to penetrate deep into the cement mortar.

Melamine sponge. This is also a kind of cleaning substance, not a cleaning tool. It works like an eraser, erasing dirt while quickly erasing itself.

But the price of such a sponge is very low, so you don’t have to save money. All you need to do is moisten it with water and rub the seams.

All these remedies work much more effectively than home remedies. Which can be considered a plus. The disadvantages include the unsafety of most drugs: you can work with them only with gloves and a mask, ensuring a good flow of air into the room.

Although whiteness cannot be classified as harmless liquids. Therefore, it’s up to you to decide how to clean the tiles in the bathroom.

What to do about deep-rooted mold

All the described methods and means only deal with household dirt and newly formed mold. If the fungus has penetrated deep into the grout structure, their use will not help. Drastic measures are needed here.

It is best to completely remove the tiles, clean and disinfect the base and lay a new covering. But this is not always possible, major renovation there may not be funds or time.

However It is impossible to leave the fungus - mold spores are very dangerous to health. In this case, you will have to completely clean the seams between the tiles, removing all the grout.

It's boring, dirty, hard, but necessary work. This can be done using a special hand or electric tool:

Before starting work, the seams should be moistened with water acidified with vinegar. to soften the grout.

After its complete removal, all joints must be thoroughly washed, treated with antifungal agents and dried. Then rub it again.


Summarizing all that has been said, we can draw the following conclusion: it is easier to keep tile joints clean than to try to clean them of old dirt and fungal colonies. Now you know not only several ways to wash them, but also how not to start them again. To do this, it is enough to treat clean and dry seams with a protective agent that will prevent dirt and fungal spores from penetrating into the grout.

I would be glad if, after reading this material and watching the video in this article, you leave a comment telling us about your methods of caring for tiles.

How to clean the seams between tiles? How to whiten the seams between tiles? Every second housewife asks herself these questions, because almost every apartment has a room where tiles are laid on the floor. Accordingly, everyone sooner or later thinks about cleaning the joints between the tiles, since they tend to darken over time, this is especially noticeable on white grout. This could be limescale, ingrained dust and dirt, or mold. How to bleach the seams between tiles that have darkened over time, what products can help with this? Let's figure out how to whiten the seams between the tiles.

Water and sponge

Mostly tiles are installed on the floor in the bathroom. In this room, there is naturally a frequent formation of steam, which binds dust that has settled on the surface of the floor, and thereby “sticks” it even more to the tiles and seams. When washing the floor, we, as a rule, pay attention directly to the tiles, from the smooth surface of which dust can be easily removed with a wet rag, sponge, etc., while driving the dust into the seams between the tiles. Therefore, if you notice darkening of the grout, before applying aggressive products to its surface, try simply rubbing it with a damp brush first. If the dirt has not yet become embedded in the grout, the dust will simply roll off and you can easily remove it with a damp sponge. If you have removed the dust and you are not satisfied with the result, the seams are still not white enough as you would like, proceed to bleach them.

Folk remedies

How to clean the seams between tiles using improvised means? In order to independently prepare a solution that will produce a whitening effect, you will need water, soda, vinegar, lemon juice, protective gloves, and a brush. To clean the grout between the tiles, wear rubber gloves and carefully mix 100 g of baking soda, 1/3 cup lemon juice, 1/4 cup vinegar 9% and 1.5 liters of warm water. With a mixture of baking soda and acetic acid a violent reaction occurs with the release of gas, so be careful. To mix the components of the solution, take a large container so that the foam does not start to spill over the edges of the container. Convenient brush While the reaction is going on, apply the solution, you will see the result immediately, but for better results, leave it for 10-15 minutes, then rub and rinse with water.

You can whiten the seams between tiles using another simpler folk method: a cleaning solution of citric acid. Proportion: 1 packet of acid per 1 glass of water. Apply for 15 minutes, then rinse the seams with water.

Melamine sponge

A sponge made of 100% melamine will help you clean tile joints. This sponge has the ability to remove dirt from the surface without the use of additional chemicals. She white, has no foreign odor, is made using a special technology, thanks to which, while remaining soft, it acquires almost the hardness of glass. It is not desirable for melamine to enter the human body, so you should not wash dishes and other surfaces intended for food with a sponge (refrigerator shelves, countertops, etc.), but it is ideal for cleaning tile joints on the floor.

When using a sponge, it is erased like an eraser, so it is better to start cleaning with a corner of the sponge, and not the entire surface, so its service life will be much longer. Before use, the sponge must be wet and gently wrung out. Practice has shown that a melamine sponge cannot cope with deeply affected seams by mold, but it will clean a simply dirty tile seam well.

Chemical detergents

Of course, in the store you can find a special product for cleaning grout lines, but every home has many different cleaning products and detergents that will cope with this task just as well. Experiments have shown that they do almost equally well in cleaning the spaces between the tiles, cleaning the joint between the bathtub and the tiles, and means for removing limescale, and toilet bowl cleaners, and various universal means for cleaning the bathroom and kitchen, and when killing fungus - chlorine-containing products. Therefore, before you go looking for a special solution, you should try to clean the existing seams.

Always use gloves when using chemicals. Ensure good ventilation of the room. In an inconspicuous place, try applying a cleaning solution to the tiles to check their resistance to aggressive environments; if the tiles are glossy, they may lose their shine due to the cleaning agent remaining on them for a long time. You should also check the reaction of colored grouts, as some of the products can bleach the pigment.

Steam cleaner

Another option for cleaning the joints between tiles is steam. Many manufacturers and sellers of steam cleaners recommend them as something that can be used to clean the seams between tiles. Hot steam helps fight fungal plaque and mold. When purchasing a steam cleaner, it is better to focus on customer reviews, because not all models of this type of equipment can cope with this task.

Replacing grout

There are especially advanced cases when none of the remedies will save you and there is no point in washing the seams. This is especially true for surfaces affected by fungus and mold, which even chlorine-containing solutions can no longer cope with. In this case, a complete replacement of the grout is necessary.

If you decide to do this without the help of specialists, then be patient, because you will have to completely get rid of the old grout, that is, pick it out. To do this, you will need some kind of scraper, from improvised means - it could be a screwdriver. Once you have removed all the grout, apply primer, wait until it dries completely, and apply fresh grout. Remove the excess before it dries, then this will be problematic.

Clean tile joints more often using gentle methods, then you will not have to resort to using aggressive solutions. Perhaps not worth using on the floor white grout, then you will minimize your work and costs of cleaning tile joints.

How to clean the grout between floor tiles

Method 3: Using oxygen bleach Using chlorine bleach and baking soda Using a steam cleaner

Few people enjoy cleaning the grout between floor tiles, especially when they are heavily soiled with stains that are difficult to remove. By following the tips below, the seams between the tiles in your apartment will look as clean and beautiful as they did after the renovation.


Method 1 of 3: Using Oxygen Bleach

Oxygen bleach is a powerful cleaning agent that consists of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. The product begins to work when mixed with warm water. Oxygen ions contained in bleach destroy dirt molecules, breaking them down into small particles that are very easily removed.

Method 2 of 3: Using Chlorine Bleach and Baking Soda

If oxygen bleach is not effective, use chlorine bleach. However, this solution should only be used on white grout as the bleach will ruin the colored grout.

Method 3 of 3: Using a Steam Cleaner

A steam cleaner is an effective tool when neither oxygen nor chlorine bleach can clean the grout.

  • Try to remove stains while they are still fresh for best results.
  • Apply sealant to the clean floor. The sealant will help prevent future contamination.
  • To keep your floors looking clean, add oxygen bleach to the water when you mop your floors. Leave the solution for 30 minutes. Then rinse the floor clean water.
  • Opt for nylon or brass brushes for your steam cleaner, depending on the strength of your tiles.


  • Only work with chlorine bleach in well-ventilated areas.
  • Tiles with cracks should not be cleaned with a steam cleaner.
  • Always use rubber gloves when working with oxygen or chlorine bleach. Also, wear old clothes as bleach may splatter on the fabric.
  • Always read the manufacturer's instructions when using a steam cleaner or any other appliance.

What you will need

  • Bucket
  • Oxygen bleach
  • Clean water
  • Nylon bristle brush
  • Mop
  • Baking soda
  • Chlorine bleach
  • Stick for stirring paint
  • Toothbrush
  • Steam cleaner

How to clean the grout between floor tiles

Tiles are an excellent material for protecting surfaces from dirt. In addition, it is not demanding in care. However, sooner or later the question arises of how to clean the joints between the tiles, since ordinary wet cleaning does not cope, and darkening at the joints makes the floor sloppy.

Why do seams darken quickly?

To clean the grout between floor tiles, you need to know why they get dirty so quickly. It all depends on the room in which the tiles were used on the floor. Usually in the kitchen, pantries and utility rooms, it quickly loses its attractive appearance due to constant contact with dust, dirt and other substances. And if the tile itself is washed quickly, then in order to clean the joints you need to spend a lot of time.

You need to choose a method depending on the type of contamination.

Often the seams between the tiles darken due to the presence of:

  • Leftover food.
  • Dust.
  • Contaminated liquid.
  • Detergent.
  • Construction dust.
  • Street dirt

The grout used to process seams quickly becomes unsightly, since various particles stick well to its rough surface. Therefore, even during repair work they try to choose a practical dark shade, especially in the kitchen or if the room will be a walk-through room.

Materials for cleaning seams

It will not be possible to clean the seams between the tiles on the floor without using additional tools and detergents. Therefore, you should take care of this in advance and prepare everything.

You should have at hand:

  • A stiff brush (an old used toothbrush will do).
  • Cleaning agent with an aggressive abrasive component.
  • Rubber gloves.
  • Warm water or at least room temperature.
  • Sponge or rag.
  • Soda, vinegar, lemon and peroxide.
  • Spatula.

When everything is ready, you can start cleaning the joints. There are several proven ways to remove dirt; it is enough to choose the most optimal and time-consuming one.

Proven methods for dealing with dirty joints on floor tiles

Many people, wondering how to clean the seams between tiles on the floor, rush to the store for expensive cleaning compounds. However, if there are children in the house, or people prone to manifestations allergic reaction, then you should not use chemicals to combat dirt at the joints. In this case, it is better to resort to traditional recipes.

You will need to use 3 parts baking soda to 1 part water to create a thick paste. This composition can easily bleach almost any seam. During the process, you should protect your hands using rubber gloves.

You will need to apply a thin layer of baking soda to the seams. Spray vinegar over it. As soon as the chemical reaction begins, begin to remove the foam, along with the dirt, with a rag. This method, unlike the previous one, cannot be called universal, since it is not safe for marble tiles and can ruin the lime grout.

Two cups of any white should be dissolved in a container of water. Apply to the seams immediately after preparation and wait a little. However, you should be careful with colored joints, this method will lighten them and the shade will most likely be damaged. You can use a brush to rub the solution into the grout. Particular attention is paid to corners where dirt accumulates.

Another excellent technique allows you to get rid of even very strong stains. It is enough to take a glass of baking soda and dilute it in one quarter of a 3% peroxide solution. Can be added to make the detergent more effective. The resulting mixture is rubbed into the seams, and using a brush, grease and dirt are removed from the tile joints. You should be careful as the composition will whiten the seams, so it is not recommended for use on colored tiles.

There is also a mechanical way to quickly deal with stained tile joints; a steam cleaner will help, if you have one at home. Just let him get where he needs to be temperature regime and carry out routine cleaning. Should be used at work special nozzle, which will allow you to completely direct the steam jet to the contaminated seam. If there is no such device, then you can remove dirt from the seams with a spatula or scraper, but this technique will take much more time.

What to do if a fungus appears

If darkening from dirt and dust has not just appeared between the tiles, but mold and fungal spores have begun to grow, then most likely a regular detergent will not cope with the problem. You can, of course, try to remove it using the methods described above, but if the problem returns, you will need to resort to more drastic methods.

  • You will need to take a scraper or spatula and remove the affected areas.
  • Apply antifungal impregnation along the joints.
  • After the solution has dried, you can begin grouting the joints.

Such updating of joints will solve the problem and prevent the spread of fungus. It is recommended to completely update the joints from time to time, since the material gradually deteriorates and loses its attractive appearance. Poor quality grouting also causes destruction of the cladding, accumulation of moisture under the tiles, and the development of mold.

How to wash tiles after renovation work

Often the problem with cleaning tiles becomes immediately after they are laid. Particles of grout remain on the tiles, it is difficult to wash and construction dust, paint, primer. You won't be able to deal with this with just soap and water. In this case, you will need to use:

  • Solvent.
  • Kerosene.
  • Ammonia.

They cannot be used undiluted, only as a component in a solution. They are able to soften and wash away almost any contaminant. However, before applying such a solution, you need to be sure that the tile can easily withstand such exposure. Some inexpensive tiles, after such cleaning, irreversibly lose their original attractive appearance. Use the blade or scraper carefully, trying not to catch the decorative component of the tile.

Video instructions

What and how to clean the seams between the tiles in the bathroom?

The tile finish in the bathroom will last a long time. But if the surfaces are not wiped after each water treatment, then over time the seams between the tiles will lose their original appearance and become dirty. Lime deposits, dust, moisture, and sometimes mold and mildew settle on them. How to clean the seams between the tiles on the floor and walls? You will find the answer to this question in our article.

Causes of seam contamination

High air humidity in the bathroom and the use of household chemicals for bathing are the main reasons for contamination of seams. This process cannot be completely prevented, but its consequences can be dealt with.

The seams between tiles on the floor and walls can become dirty if used incorrectly and installation technology during repairs:

  1. Surface care is not carried out in a timely manner.
  2. There is no heating in the bathroom.
  3. In damp room no ventilation.
  4. The seams were not cleared of glue.
  5. Grout without protective coating.
  6. During the renovation, no primer was applied to the base to protect against fungus and mold.

Dirty seams can ruin the appearance of even the most expensive tiles. If dirt is not dealt with promptly, mold or mildew may grow in the gaps. They are much more difficult to deal with.

How to clean the seams between tiles in the bathroom - traditional methods

Thrifty housewives can use household products that are safe for health. Their choice depends on the degree of contamination of the gaps between the tiles and the absence or presence of fungus.

You can restore the appearance of the tiles and clean them of limescale using ammonia. To do this, prepare a solution:

After this treatment, ceramic tiles will shine like new. In addition, ammonia has antimicrobial properties and can protect the material from mold for some time.

The simplest method is to use soda, which is almost always available in every home. There is no need to do anything complicated with it. Simply dilute it into a paste with water, apply it to dirty seams and clean them with a toothbrush.

The gaps between the tiles on the bathroom floor are simply sprinkled with soda, which is moistened from a spray bottle. After this the old one is also used toothbrush. Soda is washed off from cleaned joints 15 minutes after treatment. This antiseptic can be used to prevent fungus in the bathroom.

Vinegar, baking soda and lemon juice

Not only from dirt, but also from fungus, you can clean the gaps between the tiles with a mixture of soda, vinegar and lemon juice. The product is prepared from three tablespoons of soda, to which is added a solution consisting of the following components:

  • water – ½ cup;
  • lemon juice – ½ tbsp. l;
  • table vinegar 9% ¼ cup.

The solution must be poured into the soda gradually, since there will be a strong reaction. The effectiveness of the resulting mixture can be compared with the best industrial cleaning products.

The composition is applied to the seams with a brush. After 10 minutes, when the mixture dries, you will need to apply new layer composition. After 15 minutes, the walls and floors are thoroughly washed with water. You can wash dirty gaps with just vinegar, which is applied with a spray bottle to problem areas. After 10 minutes, the product is washed off with a sponge.

Soda with white

By adding bleach or liquid chlorine bleach to baking soda, you can create a mixture that will remove dirt, mildew, and whiten tile gaps in the bathroom and kitchen. If the seams on the walls and floors are colored, then this product will not work.

You need to add such an amount of white or bleach to the soda to form a paste-like mixture. It is applied to the ceramics with a spatula and left until completely dry. The product is washed off from the surface with the hard side of a dish sponge or brush.

How to clean the seams between tiles on the floor and walls - mechanical methods

You can deal with contamination of gaps without solutions, using only mechanical methods:

  1. If you have a steam cleaner in your home, you can use hot steam, which under high pressure will soften and remove any dirt. At the same time, the material is processed at high temperatures, which will help get rid of fungus and mold. After using the steam cleaner, you only need to wash off the residue with a rag. This is an environmentally friendly method of cleaning, during which you do not have to breathe harmful substances. Just be careful with hot steam.
  2. You can use a chisel, which is used by wood carvers, to remove dirt between the tiles. It should have a very small rounding diameter and a semicircular surface. If you can’t find a chisel, you can make it from metal pipe. You just need to cut it lengthwise and sharpen the edges.
  3. Newly formed plaque can be scrubbed off with an abrasive sponge. It is not recommended to soap it, since the soapy environment does not have disinfecting properties, but can aggravate the situation. Fresh dirt can be easily wiped off under the influence of an abrasive.
  4. If the coating on the seams between the plates is superficial, then you can go over it with bent sandpaper. It should be used carefully, as its impact may scratch the ceramics. The grout sanded with sandpaper is washed with warm water. After removing the top dirty layer, the seams will become smooth and neat.

Read also: What to do if a mercury thermometer breaks in your apartment

How to clean the seams between tiles - chemicals

When choosing a product for cleaning tile gaps in the bathroom, you should pay attention to the composition. Products containing bleach are not suitable for colored seams. Their use can change the color, making it uneven and faded.

The most popular and effective means are considered:

Read also: Cleaning a fish aquarium at home

Using the described methods, recipes and products, you can return the tiles and joints to the clean and attractive surface that was immediately after the repair. But in order not to waste time cleaning old dirt and fighting mold and mildew, you should keep the walls and floors clean.

Attention, TODAY only!

Cleaning tile joints: how and with what to clean?

Ceramic tiles does not require specific care during operation, but the seams between the tiles quickly become dirty and difficult to clean. This problem can occur in the bathroom or kitchen.

Important! Before cleaning, you need to wipe the surface of the tile with a damp cloth without using chemicals.

Cleaning of tile joints can be done using special chemicals. Actively used traditional methods cleaning dirt at the junction of tiles. For efficiency, several methods are used simultaneously, sequentially.

The most popular and effective are:

Means Cleaning method Peculiarities
Soda + vinegar Mix half a glass of soda with 80 grams of lemon juice and 60 grams of vinegar. Add 2.5 liters of warm water.

Apply the mixture to the seams and leave for half an hour. Then wash off the product from the seam.

Work only with gloves, as the mixture is acidic. Whitens the tile mixture.
Ammonia Combine 7 glasses of warm water, half a glass of soda, 50 grams of vinegar and 30 grams of ammonia.

The principle of use is the same as in the first case.

In addition to gloves, a gauze bandage is also used on the nose. Disinfects and whitens seams.
Oxygen bleach Mix oxygen bleach in equal proportions with water at room temperature.

Apply to the seams and wait for 1 hour. Rinse with water.

Non-toxic cleaning method. Effective for deep stains.
White Apply the product to the seams and wait until completely dry. Subsequently, the product must be rinsed off thoroughly. warm water. A pungent odor remains for a long time; the room requires careful ventilation.
Special cleaning agent In accordance with the preferences of the housewife, you can purchase a chemical product for different purposes. Individual characteristics use.
Steam cleaners Special devices that use hot steam to remove deep dirt in the gaps between tiles. Expensive, but efficient device reusable.

Features of cleaning between tiles and bathtub

The bathroom is a specific room where there is high humidity; the tiles constantly interact with water. The junction between the tiles and the bathtub is very problematic, since there is constant interaction with water.

Before work, you should assess the degree of contamination of the seams, namely the presence of fungus or mold. They are the reason for the need for deep impact on the affected areas.

You can clean the seams between the tiles and the bathtub in the following way:

  • In case of light contamination, the seams can be treated with the above means. Thanks to the acidic environment, dirt quickly lags behind the tile surface.
  • Old stains can only be removed using products that contain chlorine. An effective steam cleaner that removes long-standing and deep dirt stains, but not stubborn fungus or mold.
  • It is possible to clean a seam from mold or mildew only by mechanical action. Remove the affected grout with a screwdriver. The grout removal areas are treated with vinegar. Then it is washed with warm water. When the moisture dries, fresh grout is applied to the surface.

The last method is the most effective, but takes a long time. If necessary, it can also be used in the kitchen. To prevent fungus and mold from disturbing you for a long time, you can treat the grout with an antifungal primer applied with a thin brush.

Cleaning floor tiles

Cleaning the seams between floor tiles is quite difficult. There are many causes of pollution and each of them requires a special approach. Depending on the degree of contamination, different cleaning methods are used: superficial, mechanical, cosmetic.

Pay attention! The consequences of repairs can be removed using aggressive methods: solvents, kerosene, gasoline. You can use a blade to get rid of the glue.

Features of surface treatment:

  1. Simple stains can be easily removed with baking soda and an old toothbrush. If the effect is not justified, then you can additionally use vinegar or ammonia. For high-quality cleaning, the products are kept on the surface for several minutes, and then cleaned with a toothbrush.

    Cannot be influenced metal brushes and brushes onto the surface of tiles and tiles. Thus, the protective layer can be damaged ceramic product.

  2. When removing fungus and mold, only mechanical influences are used. The affected areas are removed and new grout is applied in their place.

    The grout itself is coated with an antifungal primer. Removal can be complete or partial. During the work process, it is advisable to use an antifungal agent at each stage.

  3. For the purpose of restoration, mechanical impact, when partial or complete washing out or knocking out of the grouting material between the tiles has occurred. If the case is not running, then you can use available funds. Bleaching should be done periodically tiled surface and seams between them. Hydrogen peroxide is applied to the grout using a cotton swab or brush, which should be left to stand for several minutes.

    You can achieve white seams with fatty deposits using the following mixture: dishwashing detergent, hydrogen peroxide and soda. The result should be a soft paste, which is applied to the joints and left for several hours. Then the product is removed with warm water.

The floor covering undergoes the most active impact. If you constantly work towards maintaining the cleanliness and integrity of the grout between tiles, then each cleaning will proceed much faster and easier. It is important to study the composition of chemical auxiliaries.

Grouting the joints gives the ceramics a finished look. Contrasting, white or matching the tile, it makes the surface neat and protects the adhesive solution from moisture. But over time, this capricious material tends to darken, fade and become covered with unsightly spots. The magazine "TileFloor" will tell you how to clean the seams between tiles in the bathroom, kitchen or hallway and prevent it from getting dirty again.

photo from the site

Targeted control: types of pollution

Joints between tiles are the most weak point in the cladding. Ceramics are easy to clean, but the grout is less resistant to both dirt and wiping. Therefore, experienced tilers prefer to use large format tiles, which reduce the number of joints. Nevertheless, it will not be possible to do without seams completely, which means that the need to clean the seams between the tiles will inevitably arise sooner or later. The nature of pollution and methods of dealing with them differ depending on the premises:

  • In the kitchen the problem is caused by greasy spots and splashes that fall on the surface during cooking. Therefore, in order to clean the seams between the tiles in the kitchen, you will have to use products with surfactants that destroy the structure of the fatty film.
  • Bathrooms, bathhouses, swimming pools and other places with high humidity susceptible to the development of mold fungi. Colonies of these microorganisms penetrate deep layers of the coating and are resistant to conventional cleaning agents. To effectively clean the grout on bathroom tiles, you will need to use deep-penetrating substances with antifungal properties.
  • In the hallway, corridor and other high-traffic areas, pollution is represented by dust, particles of dirt and sand brought from the street. Regular detergents combined with physical effort work well with them.

Regardless of the nature of the problem, it will be easier to eliminate it at the initial manifestations. Over time, surface contamination not only becomes more pronounced, but also penetrates deeper. Regular cleaning gives better results than general cleaning a couple of times a year.

How to clean tiles between the joints using folk remedies

The means at hand cope well with even fungal contaminants, as they change the pH of the environment, destroying the cell membrane of microorganisms. By using chemical reactions wisely, you can push dirt particles to the surface, after which they can be easily removed. The easiest way to clean the grout on tiles is on the floor, as it is easier to apply solutions to horizontal surfaces and let them work. You will have to try hard on the walls, but nothing is impossible.

Baking soda

photo from the site

For an alkaline environment to work effectively, it is necessary to create conditions for its deep penetration. To do this, you will need ordinary baking soda, an old toothbrush and water.

  • Wet the brush cold water, dip it in soda and treat the stains, trying to leave as much of the powder on the surface as possible.
  • If you need to clean the grout lines on your floor tiles, simply sprinkle them with powder and moisten them with water.
  • Leave the lye to work for 10 minutes, then brush thoroughly again with a toothbrush.
  • Using a spray bottle, spray the soda with a strong solution of citric acid (2 tablespoons per 100 ml of water) or vinegar.
  • The chemical reaction will be accompanied by the release of carbon dioxide bubbles, which pushes dirt to the surface. When the hissing stops, spray the surface with acid again.

After this, all that remains is to rinse the tiles with a sponge and plenty of water. Such activities help clean the seams on the tiles from fungus and ordinary dirt, so they should be carried out in the bathroom or for floor coverings.

Hydrogen peroxide

photo from the site

It copes well with dirt thanks to a chemical reaction that releases oxygen, which mechanically removes all dirt, even deeply ingrained ones.

  • Buy a 30% hydrogen peroxide solution at the pharmacy. Keep in mind that the product is quite aggressive and causes burns if it comes into contact with the skin, so protect your hands with gloves when working.
  • To clean the seams between floor tiles, simply pour liquid onto them, and for walls, use a spray bottle, spraying it onto vertical surfaces.
  • Leave for 10 minutes for the reaction to occur, then wipe the seams with a damp cloth or sponge. If necessary, repeat the manipulations.

If the cause of the stains is a fungus, peroxide will only mechanically remove the visible part, but the spores of the microorganism will remain in the grout structure. In this case, clean seams need to be treated with special compounds, which we will discuss below.

Baking soda+bleach

photo from the site

Thanks to its antifungicidal properties, this recipe works great against mold and solves the problem of how to clean the seams between the tiles in the bathtub.

  • Pour 5 tbsp into a small container. baking soda.
  • Add bleach a little at a time, stirring until you get a paste-like consistency.
  • Cover the joints with a thick layer of the resulting paste and let it dry completely.
  • Scrub off the compound using a stiff bristle brush.
  • Wipe the surface with water using a sponge.

Think about color

This product is only suitable for white grout, as it destroys pigments and, when used on colored materials, will lead to a change in shade.

How to clean the seams between tiles with chemical compounds

photo from the site

You can look for products that can remove dirt from grout both in hardware stores and in the household chemicals section of supermarkets. It is quite possible that you have some of them on your farm; you don’t even have to go shopping.

  • Chlorine-containing solutions. A great way to clean the grout between bathroom tiles as they are effective at killing mold. It is not advisable to use them in the kitchen or other rooms. Chlorine-containing bleaches, such as Belizna, or toilet cleaners, for example, Domestos, will help you. Apply them to the seams, leave for 10-15 minutes to act, then mechanically remove the dirt. For colored grout, test the product on an inconspicuous area to avoid discolouration.
  • Surfactants. Perfect for cleaning tile grout in the kitchen, where dirt is present in grease deposits. Use dishwashing or cleaning products kitchen stove, such as Fairy, MrMuscle, Silit or similar formulations. Be sure to allow time to sit after application before you begin cleaning with the hard part of the dishwashing sponge.
  • Oxygen-containing bleaches. Many brands have the corresponding products: Vanish, ACE, Persol, Bos-plus, Belosnezhka. Such products are gentle on colored grout, but are absolutely powerless against fungus, so their use is justified to clean the seams between tiles on the floor. In the bathroom, they will help remove stains, but to combat mold you will have to carry out additional treatment with antifungal solutions.
  • Special means. For these trains you will have to go to hardware store, but you will put much less effort into washing it out. Consultants will help you choose best option in order to clean the seams between the tiles, but BOZO and Ultra-Stripper products can be called proven and well-proven.

Don't forget about protection

Aggressive chemical compositions can cause serious burns both upon contact with skin and upon inhalation of fumes. Take care of your safety by protecting open areas the body with clothing and thick gloves, and the respiratory tract with a respirator. It would be a good idea to turn on the ventilation or open the windows. If contact cannot be avoided, rinse the contact area thoroughly with cool water.

For persistent pollution You can buy a special marker to match the grout, which will cover the stains. But it should be used only after complete antiseptic treatment.

Extreme measures: mechanical removal

photo from the site

Long-term stains cannot always be removed even with special means. They effectively kill mold and it stops growing, but they are not pretty dark spots they remain on the surface. In this case, mechanical methods will help to clean the grout on the tiles in the bathroom:

  • Steam generator. If you have such a device on your farm, feel free to put it into use. A jet of hot steam kills fungal spores and washes stains out of the grout structure. Treat the seams with a steam generator, lingering on each area for at least 3 minutes, then wipe off the stains with a sponge or napkin.
  • Sandpaper. This is a rougher method, removing the top layers of grout in which dirt is firmly embedded. Bend the strip sandpaper, and use the resulting fold to go along the seams, removing stains. To avoid spreading fungal spores to deeper layers, pre-treat the surface with antifungal impregnations. After the desired result is obtained, saturate the material again with antifungicidal agents for prophylactic purposes.
  • Seam extender. The most radical method, which is used only when the others have shown their failure. But sometimes there is no other choice, since cleaning the seams in the tiles in the bathroom if they are completely infected with fungus, otherwise it will not work. A screwdriver can replace the opener, but it will be less convenient to work with. Remove all grout from the seams, treat them with antifungal impregnations, and, after drying, grout again.

photo from the site

Mechanical cleaning is a rather labor-intensive and troublesome method, but at the same time the most effective. Remember that removing the grout will not solve the fungus problem, and in order for the result to last for a long time, it is necessary to prevent the reappearance of contaminants.

Preventive measures

Today, in the arsenal of construction chemicals there are many products that can keep ceramic coatings clean and hygienic. The simplest, but rather expensive way is to use epoxy-based grout, which is absolutely moisture-proof, so that the penetration of dirt and the development of fungus in its structure becomes impossible. If an epoxy base is used, cleaning the seams between the tiles on the floor or walls will be no more difficult than the tile itself - just wipe them with a damp sponge.

photo from the site

If you are not willing to pay for such convenience, immediately after applying the grout and during operation in rooms with high humidity, it is worth treating the seams with antifungal impregnations. The following types of such compositions are presented on the market:

  • Sanatex Universal;
  • Ceresit CT 99;
  • Northex Doctor;
  • Capatox.

Conduct reprocessing should be done once every 6 months so that the question of how to clean the seams between the tiles in the bathroom is no longer relevant. In addition, manufacturers offer to apply hydrophobic compounds to the grout, which eliminate the porosity of the material, making its surface smooth. This is an excellent preventive measure for all rooms, so buy one of the following solutions:

  • Ceresit CT 10;
  • Bolars Penguin;
  • Atlas Dolphin.

And the main rule is not to put off your battle for purity. Regular cleaning, wiping surfaces dry and cleaning dirt at the first appearance will be the key to constant cleanliness. People's ingenuity and modern industry are constantly offering new techniques, so if you have proven tips, share your ways to clean tile joints in the comments, your experience will be useful to many users.

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How to quickly clean the grout between tiles

Tired of thinking about how to clean the grout between tiles?

Grout update

Caring for tiles in the kitchen, bathroom and other areas of the house gives owners a lot of trouble. After repair, the tile joints look fresh and neat, but over time, dirt accumulates in them, and if the humidity is high, fungus can be added to it. To restore the cleanliness of the joints between tiles, you can use proven methods and refresh the joints without updating the grout. Having assessed the degree of contamination, you can choose the best way to clean the seams between the tiles: - mechanically; - using household chemicals; - homemade compositions; - using chlorine-containing products; - using a steam generator.

Grease in the kitchen, soap scum in the bathroom, street dirt on the floor in the hallway - all these contaminants gradually accumulate, and without proper care, the seams lose their aesthetic appearance, which is especially noticeable on light-colored grout. Suitable for use on the floor dark colors, on which dirt is less noticeable.

Mechanical cleaning of seams

For shallow contamination, you can do without chemicals and limit yourself to mechanical cleaning of the tile joints. You need to take fine-grained sandpaper (sandpaper) and manually clean the grout lines, being careful not to leave scratches on the tile itself. It is enough to wash off the resulting dust with water. This method gives a good result for surface contamination, but it is not recommended to use it often, since with each procedure a thin layer of grout is removed along with the dirt.

Use of chemicals

Household chemicals

The easiest option is to use a special cleanser, for example, Pemolux or Domestos. Cleaning powder or gel should be applied to the seams moistened with water, lightly rubbed and left for 10-15 minutes, after which remove the dirt using a stiff brush, you can use an unnecessary toothbrush. Residues of the cleaning agent must be thoroughly rinsed off with water. The procedure can be repeated if the contamination remains after the first attempt.

Home Remedies

Gives a good whitening effect home remedy, to prepare which you need to mix 1 glass of water, 3 tablespoons of soda, 2 tablespoons of citric acid and vinegar. The room in which this composition is prepared and used must be well ventilated; Be sure to wear rubber gloves. When treating the bathroom, it is necessary to keep the door open and, if possible, forcefully turn on the hood. The resulting mixture is immediately applied to the tile joints and left for about 10 minutes, then the dirt is brushed off and the remaining dirt and cleaning mixture are thoroughly washed off with water. This product cannot be used on colored grout.

For white grout, a cleaning composition of bleach and soda mixed in equal proportions is also suitable. The resulting paste-like mass is applied to the seam lines, left until dry, and then washed off with a brush with plenty of water.

You can use hydrogen peroxide diluted with water as a cleanser (half a glass of peroxide per glass of water). This composition is also not suitable for grout with colored pigments, since peroxide can discolor it.

It is better not to use homemade cleaners on the floor, since floor tiles are traditionally used in dark shades of grout paste, for which bleaching is not suitable. And for the bathroom, where they are most often used light colors grout, these products, on the contrary, will be very useful.

Steam cleaning

Heavy surface contamination can be removed using a steam generator. To clean with steam, you need to slowly run a stream of hot steam along the seam lines, after which the dirt can be easily washed off with water. High temperature also helps eliminate fungus.

Removing fungus from joints between tiles

In areas with high humidity, most often in the bathroom, mold often appears in the seams between tiles, showing up as dark spots on and near the grout lines. Fungus not only spoils the appearance of the bathroom or kitchen, but also harms people's health, causing respiratory diseases and causing allergies. To prevent the formation of fungal plaque, the seams can be protected by treating them with special fungicidal agents, or initially using grout with antifungal components, and it is also necessary to ensure sufficient ventilation in the bathroom and kitchen. You can eliminate the fungus that appears using antiseptics, for example, chlorine-containing agents, treating the fungus-affected surface with them according to the instructions and repeating the procedure several times. If a persistent fungal deposit has formed on the grout, attempts to clean the tile joints may be unsuccessful. In this case, only complete removal of the grout material and application of new grout will help.

Grout update

It is very difficult to remove old, strongly ingrained dirt from grout joints, especially on the floor, and in advanced cases it is impossible to do without completely updating the grout. To remove the grout between the tiles, you can use a special knife, scraper, grinder or others accessible ways. The gaps between the tiles must be primed and treated with fungicidal agents to prevent the formation of fungus, then you need to carefully fill the seams with grout and remove excess from the surface of the tiles.

When replacing the grout, the question of how to clean the seams between the tiles will temporarily disappear by itself. If, after repairs, you systematically clean the grout lines with a brush and warm water, you can avoid the use of aggressive chemicals and keep the tiles looking fresh for a long time. It is easier to maintain the cleanliness of tile joints if you take care of them regularly.

When cleaning the bathroom daily, achieve perfect cleanliness tile joints will not work. This is due to the fact that they have a rough surface, into which dirt and moisture can penetrate. As a result, an optimal environment is created for the development of bacteria, fungus, and mold. This not only leads to a deterioration in the appearance of the tiles, but can potentially cause health problems (allergies, skin diseases, decreased immunity).

You can clean the seams between the tiles in the bathroom different methods, ranging from folk ones to complete replacement of grout. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, and is used depending on the input conditions (degree and nature of contamination, material and color of the tiles, presence of ventilation, etc.)

Folk cleaning products

Traditional methods are good because you can use improvised means that are found in almost any home. You can also purchase them at affordable prices, which are lower than for special chemical compositions. For small blockages, they are no less effective.

Cleaning with soda

Soda can be used for all types of tiles, except marble, applied to seams whose surface is not covered with a decorative layer. Cleaning tile joints in the bathroom with soda solution is performed in the following sequence:

Important! For cleaning, you need to use brushes of medium hardness so as not to damage the mirror or textured surface of the tile. When working, you need to use rubber gloves.

An equally effective composition for cleaning is a solution of soda in hydrogen peroxide in a ratio of 4:1. To increase the cleaning properties, it is permissible to add dishwashing detergents, which will easily degrease the surface and improve the adhesive properties of suture materials.

A mixture based on soda and hydrogen peroxide allows you to get rid of the following problems:

  • darkening;
  • fungus;
  • mold;
  • has a disinfecting effect (destroys some types of bacteria);
  • unpleasant musty odors, including tobacco.

It is beneficial to clean surfaces with soda at home or in the office, since the solutions are safe and do not contain toxic substances. Allows you to whiten surfaces.


Cleaning seams with ammonia is easy. To do this you will need:

  • dissolve 10 ml of alcohol in 2 liters of water;
  • Spray the mixture onto the contaminated areas;
  • wait 20 minutes;
  • Wipe the joints with a soft, dry cloth or sponge.

As a result, not only will the surface of the joints be clean, but the original shine of the tile will also be restored. The solution will also help deal with bacteria and microorganisms.


The following chemicals are suitable for whitening:

  • Comet;
  • White;
  • Domestos.

Attention! Bleach is used to remove blackness, discoloration, and dirt exclusively on white tiles. Colored tiles may lose color saturation, fade, or change shades.

You need to clean out dark deposits in the following sequence:

  1. Moisten the surface with water.
  2. Apply an even layer of bleach.
  3. Wait 10-20 minutes (depending on the type of product applied) until the chemical reaction takes place.
  4. Clean with a soft sponge or brush.
  5. Rinse the tiles with plenty of water.

When working with these drugs, you must use gloves and avoid getting them on exposed areas of the body.

Complex chemicals

Combined preparations (Cillit Bang, Vexa, Mildew Remover) are characterized by high chemical activity, as they are universal in use:

  • cleansing effect;
  • fight against bacteria, fungus, mold, microorganisms;
  • deep penetration into the material.

Cleaning compositions are used as follows:

  1. The surface of the tile is moistened with water using a sponge/rag.
  2. Apply the cleaning agent to contaminated areas in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
  3. Wait 5-7 minutes.
  4. Rub off with a sponge or wash off the product along with the dirt from the surface.

Attention! When working with chemicals It is necessary to ensure high-quality ventilation of the room. This will avoid poisoning and allergic reactions.

The main advantages of using chemicals:

  • universality of use for all types of tiles;
  • rapid removal of rust, yellowness, darkening, fungus, microorganisms;
  • deep penetration into the material;
  • there is no need to scrub the surface for a long time, which preserves its integrity;
  • creating a protective film that increases resistance to negative climatic or biological influences.

Using a Steam Cleaner

A steam cleaner is able to wash the surface not only from ordinary contaminants, but also to remove fungus, mold, and microorganisms. At the same time, the tiles are not treated with abrasive materials, so their original appearance is preserved.

You need to step by step remove dirt with a steam cleaner in the following sequence:

  1. Remove foreign objects from the surface.
  2. Fill the special tank of the equipment detergent composition or plain water.
  3. Wait until steam forms and, using gentle movements away from you, steam a small contaminated area, while simultaneously cleaning the dirt with the built-in brush.
  4. Remove dirt with a soft damp cloth.
  5. Turn off the device.

The main advantages of using a steam cleaner:

  • surfaces of any complexity are cleaned;
  • safe processing various materials without violating their properties;
  • grease stains and scale are removed perfectly;
  • sources of unpleasant odors are eliminated;
  • high processing speed;
  • simplicity of the method;

Using paint to update seams

Painting the seams allows you to completely restore them decorative properties or change their color, but not for long. Performed in the following sequence:

  1. Using any method described above, we clean the seams from dirt.
  2. Vacuuming.
  3. Use a thin brush with acrylic waterproof paint to paint, if necessary, in two layers. We remove the excess. Instead of acrylic paint You can use a fugue, the same color as the old grout.

Using special markers

Marker is the same paint, just in a form more convenient for processing seams. The method is also short-lived.

Before using the marker you need:

  • clean the surface to be treated from dirt;
  • perform processing antiseptics to remove fungus and mold.

Mechanical cleaning methods

It is necessary to clean seams using mechanical methods in the bathroom only in extreme cases, when effective chemicals do not bring the desired result. They are the most labor-intensive, but with a guaranteed result. To implement them, you can use the following materials or tools:

  • sandpaper;
  • metal brush;
  • renovator;
  • special scraper.

Attention! If you don’t have the right power tool, you shouldn’t spend money on purchasing it if you don’t intend to use it in the future. It is enough to contact specialized workshops or offices for short-term rental of equipment.

Partial restoration of the seam

  1. Using sandpaper, carefully clean the seams to a small depth (until the stubborn dirt is removed, 1-3 mm). At this stage, the depth of penetration of dirt is determined and further actions for its removal.
  2. A vacuum cleaner removes dust from cleaning.
  3. Using a thin brush, the seams are treated with a primer with antiseptic properties.
  4. After the primer has dried, you need to prepare a grout mixture.
  5. The prepared mixture should be applied to the surface of the seams. Upon completion of work, the surface should be cleaned.

Complete restoration of seams

If none of the above methods help, then you need to completely restore the seams. It lies in complete removal grouting the joint and then applying a new mixture. To create new seams you need:

How to prevent pollution

  • Silicone impregnations must be applied to new seams to ensure their waterproofing and resistance to mold (Ceresit CT 10, Atlas Delfin, LITOKOL Litilast);
  • if you are renewing the grout, use waterproof compounds with antifungal additives (Ceresit CE 40 Aquastatic);
  • It’s even better to use epoxy grout, because... by default it is moisture resistant, not susceptible to fungus, durable, therefore easy to clean and lasts a long time, but at the same time very expensive and difficult to apply;
  • every 30-60 days you need to clean it with a soda solution;
  • provide ventilation to the room to prevent moisture accumulation;
  • when a fungus appears, use special means to eliminate it (furacilin or analogues);
  • carry out wet cleaning more often.

When using a bathroom, it is important not to neglect the condition of the tile joints: clean them in a timely manner, treat them with protective agents, and remove pockets of rust, fungus, and mold. In case of serious contamination, it is important to choose the right cleaning method in order to preserve the decorative and mechanical properties of the materials.

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