YouTube weak points of kv 5. Guide to breaking through premium WoT tanks. KV5 tank in the game and its game characteristics

Good day everyone. If you came to this page, then you probably don’t know how to break through Lowe, KV 5, T 34, Type 59 and smearing.

In this article I will try to explain in detail the tactics of playing against premium tanks. On the forum I came across a lot of topics about how premium vehicles introduce an imbalance in the game. This is fundamentally wrong. This type of technology makes its way just like all the others, the main performance characteristics are similar with tanks of the same level. The only difference is in the amount of farm credits. Of course there are advantages. Although the statement cannot be called an absolute truth. Why? Hands of the Lord. You can buy a premium tank because you can’t upgrade to tanks of a serious level. Shkolota Many owners bought it for this reason.

So I'm pouring some water. Let's get down to business.

How to break through Lowe's

Leva is, in my opinion, the simplest premium TT. Its penetration zones are quite standard.

The forehead is the lower armor plate.

The sides can be penetrated without problems. If the angle between your cannon and the side is not straight (90 degrees), then shoot at the closest part. It is better to shoot above the gusli.

The stern breaks through without any problems. If it’s at an angle, hit the sides.

Tower - penetration is poor, especially at long distances. If you need to shoot at the tower, choose the point closest to you.

How to break through KV 5

I must say that I am one of the lucky owners of this machine. I will say right away that it is worth the money. Reloading with a pumped-up crew (without modules) is 8.8 seconds. For a level 8 TT this is an excellent indicator. So about penetration.

The forehead is the right turret on the hull and the large turret on the left turret, the cannon mantlet may be broken through.

The sides - with tanks up to level 6, it is better to drive into the stern. The rest take quite well.

The stern penetrates well at a right angle. If the angle is not direct, damage will occur.

Since I’m pretty tired of writing, I’ll insert a video.

How to penetrate Lowe, KV-5, Type 59, M6A2E1 video guide

12-11-2014, 17:53

Hello to all fans of tank battles, the site is here! Soldiers, today we will talk about a very famous vehicle in our favorite game, the Soviet heavy premium tank of the eighth level, in front of you KV-5 guide.

This unit has been taken out of sale a very long time ago, that is, it is now almost impossible to get it into your hangar; you can only rely on some rare promotions or bonus codes. Besides, KV-5 World of Tanks has one interesting feature - a preferential battle level, thanks to which he is never thrown into level 10 battles.

Despite the fact that you cannot buy this car now, many people have it and you can often find KV-5 tan in battle, so it doesn’t hurt to know as much as possible about this heavy force in order to be able to resist it.

Details about the performance characteristics of the KV-5

First of all, you should know that among all the premium heavyweights at the eighth level, our giant has the largest margin of safety, but at the same time, its basic viewing range is terrible, some measly 350 meters.

Needless to say, the mass and overall dimensions Soviet heavy tank KV-5 has incredibly large. This fact cannot be called a plus, because due to these circumstances camouflage suffers greatly, and it is also very difficult to hide on this tank not only from artillery, but also from other equipment.

I would really like to say that KV-5 characteristics The armor is strong and the tank can take a blow perfectly. But unfortunately, this is not at all the case. Let's start with the fact that the tower is armored all around in the same way, however, no matter which side you approach, there are so many straight surfaces that these 180 millimeters penetrate even the eighth levels, let alone the nines.

Frontal body projection is a known problem KV-5 World of Tanks. The VLD is perfectly protected, there are no complaints about the local 350 millimeters of adjustment, the NLD breaks through more readily, but all this fades as soon as we talk about these two “buckets” in front, the largest of which are sewn by tanks of the sixth level, and the smaller ones helpfully accept the shells of all , starting with sevens.

All this tells us that from the forehead KV-5 tank has such an abundance of vulnerable areas (gun mantlet, commander's turrets on the roof, radio operator's and driver's turrets) that it is very difficult to tank on it even when at the top.

Perhaps there are no complaints only about the side projection of the tank. The point is that if KV-5 WoT will hide the frontal projection behind the building and will only show the side at a good angle, it will be incredibly difficult to penetrate it, you just need to also turn the tower so as not to turn your cheek.

In addition, due to its enormous size and mass, our mastodon has mediocre mobility. Maximum speed Soviet KV-5 he got a good one, but he gains it with great difficulty due to weak dynamics, and he maneuvers and turns in place absolutely terribly.

KV-5 gun

I would also really like to say that the weapons in our case are worthy of respect, but this will be only partly true, because in fact the gun is also quite weak.

Let's start with the fact that KV-5 gun has good one-time damage, as well as a good rate of fire, thanks to which you will be able to inflict about 2100 units of pure damage per minute, a decent result.

But if you look at the penetration indicators, you begin to enjoy the preferential level of battles even more. To fight in the ideal top, there will be enough armor-piercing shells, and in such realities tank KV-5 World of Tanks He can even farm. But for battles against nines and confrontations with heavies of level 8-9, this is absolutely not enough, so it is necessary to have gold with you.

There are also noticeable problems with accuracy in our case. KV-5 WoT has a large spread, long aiming and poor stabilization. If we remember about the weak penetration, it turns out that it will be very difficult to cause damage at long distances.

The relatively good news in our case will be the vertical aiming angles, KV-5 tank can lower the gun by 7 degrees and raise it by 22 degrees, these figures can be considered quite comfortable.

Advantages and disadvantages of KV-5

In view of the fact that the general characteristics of the tank and the parameters of its armament have already been discussed, it’s time to highlight the main advantages and disadvantages KV-5 World of Tanks. Of course, some points will be quite controversial, but you can still have an idea of ​​how to play on this machine only by knowing the pros and cons.
Very large safety margin;
The huge mass allows you to deal damage with a ram;
Good aircraft reservation:
Decent alpha strike and high DPM;
Good vertical aiming angles;
Preferential level of battles.
Huge dimensions and poor camouflage;
Mediocre armor in general, with a lot of vulnerable areas;
Poor mobility (especially maneuverability and dynamics);
Very low viewing range;
Frankly weak penetration;
Poor accuracy (convergence, spread, stabilization);
Constant concussion of the radio operator.

Equipment for KV-5

It’s foolish to deny that the machine in our hands is far from the strongest and the main task will be to extract maximum benefit from installing additional modules in order to make this heavy game playable and comfortable. To achieve maximum results, it makes sense to install equipment on the KV-5 tank as follows:
1. – always a popular and necessary option, thanks to which you can increase the damage done per minute.
2. – with such mediocre accuracy, it would not be superfluous to improve stabilization, and therefore speed up the mixing time.
3. is a smart choice, because we simultaneously get a boost to several very important parameters at once, which can help in battle.

But if you want to extend your life in battle, make the vehicle less vulnerable to hits from artillery and other high-explosive weapons, it makes sense to replace the last option with, which will also reduce the likelihood of shell shock for crew members.

KV-5 crew training

Of course, in no case should we neglect learning the skills for the tankers sitting inside the vehicle; we need to take advantage of everything. Priority in this aspect should be given to survivability, as well as improving shooting comfort and overall performance. In other words, for KV-5 perks should be pumped according to this principle:
Commander - , , , .
Gunner – , , , .
Driver - , , , .
Radio operator - , , , .
Loader – , , , .
Loader – , , , .

Equipment for KV-5

The farming potential of this tank is low for a number of reasons, however, you can still earn silver on it and in order not to go into the red, carry with you , , . But for those who value comfort in the game and performance on the battlefield, it is much wiser to buy for KV-5 equipment from , , , it will prolong your life more than once. In addition, this giant is not afraid of fires, so you can also replace the fire extinguisher with one.

Tactics for playing the KV-5

Due to the large number of really serious shortcomings, it is difficult to choose the unconditionally correct playing style on this unit. First of all, it’s sad that with such huge dimensions and a lot of vulnerable spots, in fact the booking KV-5 World of Tanks is far from what it should be.

Of course, we have armor, but even if we hide the turrets of the radio operator and driver, do not allow the hatches on the roof to be targeted, we can confidently tank equipment of the seventh level, and with classmates and nines the influence of the VBR will be very great.

But despite all this for KV-5 tactics still lies in fighting on the front line. The smartest thing to do would be to hide your frontal projection and tank on the side, setting up a diamond and rolling out from behind cover at an angle favorable to you.

Of course, you must always take a position in such a way that it is as difficult as possible for the enemy artilleryman to shoot at you. Otherwise, Soviet heavy tank KV-5 often exchanges HP with opponents, acting as a human shield for allies and your task will be to maximize your life at any cost.

We are also pushed towards close combat by the fact that we have visibility KV-5 WoT very low, camouflage is poor and only at close ranges can you target vulnerable spots in the enemy’s armor, having such weak penetration and poor accuracy.

When conducting a battle, try to be careful while the enemy is charged, it is better to stay in a position advantageous for yourself, but as soon as the opponent makes a mistake, you should go out and use his reload time as efficiently as possible for yourself. Besides, KV-5 tank, if the position is not ideal, you must constantly dance back and forth, as well as turn your body left and right, even the enemy made mistakes, it was more difficult for him to aim at your vulnerable areas and thus the chance of ricochets and non-penetrations increased.

As a result, I would like to say that even if during any promotion you have the opportunity to get this heavy. To the question - “ Is KV-5 worth buying?", the answer is probably no. At the eighth level there are premium tanks that are much more enjoyable in terms of gameplay, and at the moment the KV-5 is worth taking only for collectors.

In terms of penetration, the KV-5 tank does not cause problems. Except for those situations when he tanks with a turret and all your damage falls on its frontal part.

Red: Engine
Blue: Fuel Tank
White: Ammunition rack
Yellow: Crew
Purple: Weak spot

In terms of the number of vulnerabilities, the side surfaces of the sides and the turret are identical, the only difference being that there are different crew members on the left and right sides of the turret. The ammunition storage is located directly under the turret, so you can target it. Even if the ammo rack does not detonate, you have a chance to increase the reload time of the KV-5. The fuel tanks and engine are located at the rear of the hull. Damage to which will be equally beneficial.

As you can see, there are two turrets on the front surface. On the left is a machine gun turret, which resembles R2D2 from Star Wars, and on the right is the commander’s turret. These are the ones we will fire at.

If we managed to get around the tank from behind, then with a high degree of probability we can either set the tank on fire or take a swanshot. To do this, we shoot at the hull or the turret, respectively.

KV-5 is a premium heavy tank of tier 8. We will learn the history of the tank, compare it with other heavy tanks of the 8th level and identify the positive and negative aspects of the tank, consider the vulnerabilities and placement of modules in the tank and, as has become a tradition, penetration and advice on game tactics.

Historical information.

It all started in March 1941, when the Red Army command received information from a reconnaissance group. It reported that work on the creation of “super-armored” tanks had been completed in Germany and they were already at the disposal of German troops, and the intelligence report also said that no current weapon in the Soviet army was capable of penetrating or hitting these tanks .

But it should still be said that in Germany at the time of 1941 there was no work on creating tanks with reinforced armor. The Soviet intelligence officers were mistaken, they actually saw tanks with reinforced armor and mistook them for German ones, but this was not so. In fact, they were beaten by captured French B-1 tanks with 60 mm armor.

The top leadership of the USSR and the Red Army makes an immediate decision. On April 7, 1941, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks adopted resolution No. 827-345 ss, which spoke of the creation of a new super-heavy and super-armored, three-turreted tank, codenamed Object 225 or. Here is an excerpt about the KV-5 in the resolution of April 7:

“To the director of the Kirov plant
Comrade Zaltsman:
1. Design and manufacture the KV-5 tank by November 10, 1941. The design of the tank hull and stamped turret will be developed jointly with the designers of the Izhora plant based on the following main characteristics of the KV-5:
a) armor - frontal 170 mm, side - 150 mm, turret - 170 mm;
b) armament - 107 mm ZiS-6 gun;
c) engine - diesel with a power of 1200 hp;
d) width no more than 4200 mm.
When designing, provide for the possibility of transportation by rail under all traffic conditions.
By July 15, 1941, produce and submit drawings for the KV-5 hull and turret to the Izhora plant. By August 1, 1941, submit the layout and technical design of the KV-5 for approval to the USSR NPO and GABTU KA. Please take into account that the Izhora plant is obliged to manufacture and submit to the Kirov plant by October 1, 1941 the KV-5 hull and turret.”

Comparison of the KV-5 with other Tier 8 heavy tanks.




Tiger II (Germany)

VK 4502(P) A (Germany)

Lowe (Germany)

AMX 50 100 (France)

T32 (USA)


Weight (t)

Engine power (hp)

Maximum speed (km/h)

Turning speed (deg/sec)

Hull armor (front/sides/stern in mm)








Turret armor (front/sides/rear in mm)








Basic projectile damage








Armor penetration with basic projectile (mm)








Gun rate (rounds/min)

Turret rotation speed (deg/sec)

Review (m)

Communication range (m)

  1. Powerful armor
  2. Good review
  3. Good tank profitability
  4. Good speed in a straight line
  1. Very high price
  2. Weak guns for tier 8 tanks
  3. Weak spots on the tank's forehead

Vulnerabilities and weaknesses of the KV-5.

We see who is sitting behind these two turrets: the radio operator sits behind the largest one, it penetrates very well, the driver mechanic sits behind the second one, which is tightly sealed and we can only penetrate it with a gun higher than 110 mm.

Now I’ll tell you a little about what position you need to take so that there are rebounds and no penetrations. And the first thing to do is to turn in a diamond shape. If you have ridden a Mouse, then you are familiar with this position, but for those who don’t know, I’ll tell you now. The fact is that our task is to minimize the angles in relation to the enemy, to turn the tank in any direction, that is, we should not stand at a right angle to it, even though it has 170 mm of armor. We need to turn the body to lower the angles, which will significantly reduce the chance of getting through us.

If you are behind cover, we stand behind the house, so that the opponents can see the left side of the tank, where the almost impenetrable turret is located, and it is smaller in size than the right one, which makes it possible to miss from a long distance.

The same rule for American tanks - not to stick out the hull, but to show the turret, is also suitable for us. Both the turret and the hull are armored almost identically, but the rear of the turret and hull are slightly smaller, and the gun’s impenetrable mantlet has not been eliminated.

KV-5 penetration zones.

Let's consider, as has already become a tradition, two guns, but today we will replace the heavy tank with a light tank and therefore welcome. The first gun is 85 mm D-5T-85BM and 57 mm ZiS-4 - after all, these are the guns that are installed on many tanks.

In the first case, we play on the secular medium tank T-34-85, with the top 85 mm gun D-5T-85BM.

When meeting with the KV-5, we must shoot at the machine-gun turret to the left of us, it passes damage very well and gives a chance to crit the radio operator.

We cannot penetrate the other turret, the right one - there are ricochets and no penetration. We can also shoot at the upper turrets; we also regularly penetrate them.

I would also like to say about the triplex - on the turret of a tank it easily penetrates and at the same time takes damage, but the probability of hitting is not high, but if you shoot from far away at the triplex, then there is a chance of hitting it - the shell flies either into the turret or into the triplex .

We won’t be able to penetrate 170 mm in the forehead anywhere beyond the KV-5.

At an angle, the tank becomes very difficult to penetrate; all the main armor becomes even more impenetrable for us. But this is of little interest to us because all large turrets also allow damage to pass through and we try to shoot at their central part so that there are no ricochets and the angle is right.

Unfortunately, we still cannot take the side and side of the turret, but there is an area where we can penetrate the tank - immediately behind the turret there is a section of the hull that is visible to us and it has very weak armor; if we hit it, we will consistently penetrate and cause damage to the tank.

Even if we boarded the KV-5, life doesn’t become easier for us, because there is 150 mm of armor - both on the hull and on the turret. You can continue to shoot at the turrets, but here you need to be careful and look at which side we are on and which turret is easier for us to shoot at. We can hardly penetrate the hull itself, and the damage will go either to the track or to the hull.

When shooting at a tower, most often you will not see penetration, but it has a characteristic strip of armor in the lower part, which we can penetrate very well.

By shooting at the rear of the tank, we can penetrate it, but only at the top; the bottom is not attackable for us. We won't penetrate the back of the tower.

Let's move on to the second case, when we meet the KV-5 on the top Soviet light tank T-50-2, with the top 57 mm ZiS-4 gun.

We sometimes punch a KV-5 into its turret.

But we calmly penetrate the tank into the elongated thin triplex on the KV-5 turret.

And the last place where we penetrate the KV-5 is the stern, as has already been said only in its upper part; the stern of the tower is still not accessible to us.

The KV-5 is used to defend areas with the ability to move smoothly forward. Rarely used as a rush tank, especially if the team has a lot of heavy tanks of levels 8-9. You should fight on a tank from a medium or long distance, because the turrets regularly miss damage, preventing you from fighting at close range, but this is only possible with low-level opponents. In addition, the tank can be used to upgrade the crew very well and quickly and then be transferred to any other Soviet tank without loss. Very convenient.

As for tactics, we can freely abandon the direction of the heavy tanks and go towards the direction of the medium tanks. Thanks to our speed, we can quickly take a position that is convenient for us and shoot enemies. If enemies try to fight from a long distance, then most likely they will not penetrate you, and you will deal regular damage. As for close combat, if you see that the enemy has little life, you should try to ram him, because 100 tons at 40 km/h is strong, and then start shooting the rest of the opponents. We regularly penetrate all medium tanks from level 8 and below. If a low-level enemy tries to spin you, it doesn’t matter - you can substitute the side for him, fortunately there are 150 mm.

If there are several tanks of levels 7 and 6 ahead of you, then you can try to come there and kill everyone, the main thing is to look to see if the artillery will cover you when changing position and whether there are “more guys” waiting for you there who can do a lot of hurt. Not everyone likes to travel in the direction of medium tanks, and this is not always correct.

If you need to cover the direction in which heavy tanks will go, then there is no need to make sharp breakthroughs in order to punish everyone, no hasty actions, no dubious attacks. Our task is to fight to the death. We arrive at a place convenient for us, hide all vulnerable spots behind shelters, and if there are none, we turn the tank into a diamond shape

As for the equipment, this is stabilizer, aiming drives, rammer or lining or ventilation. From equipment first aid kit, repair kit, in the third department I would advise you to take oil, which has a very good effect on the dynamics of the tank.

KV-5- is a Tier VIII Soviet premium tank and costs 7,500 in-game gold. This tank looks like a steel hero, moving forward it sweeps away all spiteful critics almost without noticing their “bites”. Among the main advantages of the tank, one can note a rather high maximum speed of 40 km/h. Dynamics and maneuverability leave much to be desired; it’s still difficult to maneuver a 100-ton colossus. His main task, if he is at the top, is to destroy everything in his path. A tank can withstand 50 - 80 enemy hits per battle and still remain alive.

From the above, you can understand that the tank is ideal for dealing damage with a ram. A 100 ton giant rushing towards you at a speed of 40 km/h makes you wonder what you did wrong. Among the main advantages of the tank, it is also worth noting its gun, but it is both a strength and a weakness of the tank. Its strength is its rate of fire, and its weakness is its low armor penetration. If during the battle we encounter an IS-3, then this is no longer the best target for us, especially if it stands in a diamond shape and at medium distance. 90% of the time we simply don’t break through, but he almost always hits us.

The tactics of playing the KV-5 depend on where you are. If you get to the top, I want to note this happens quite often due to the good karma of the tank, then we simply begin to bend everyone and everything, thanks to our all-round armor of 170 mm, please note that the IS-4 has 140 mm. Of course, the thickness of the armor of the KV-5 is higher, but do not forget about such a parameter as the angle of inclination of the armor on our tank, it is practically equal to 0. So we simply do not notice almost everyone who is below our level, and we bend them over like children. But do not forget that the KV-5 is not a bending stick and it is not godlike! And we have one big Achilles heel - these are two small turrets in front of the tower. They miss damage regularly. If, nevertheless, a terrible fate did not pass you by, and you ended up with big guys, then they will start playing with us at the bending stick, and you will act as the stick, and everyone else will bend you over. In this case, we do not make any rash actions, no breakthroughs. We simply stay behind our more powerful opponents and shoot with land mines. Given a good set of circumstances, we can annoy the enemy quite well.

I would also like to note that since the tank is premium, on average we get from 60 - 70 thousand per battle, with a better game we get 90 - 100 thousand, and if you were simply the god of war in a fight, then the numbers are 120 - 150 thousand will not surprise you. Repairs and shells cost literally pennies, and within just a week of playing the KV-5 you will count your profits in the tens of millions.

Pros and cons

- Durable armor.
- Rapid-fire gun.
- Increased income.
- Low cost of repairs and shells.
- High speed and good dynamics.
- Rear engine and transmission.
- Possibility of pumping up the crew for subsequent transfers.

- Low armor penetration of the gun.
- Vulnerable machine gun turrets.
- Low maneuverability.
- High cost.
- Huge silhouette.

Specifications and assembly:

The crew consists of 6 people:

- Gunner
- Driver-mechanic
- Radio operator
- Loader
- Loader

The crew should upgrade the repairs first, since you will hear the expression “The caterpillar is hit, movement is impossible” almost 20 times per battle, and this greatly interferes with the game. Pump up the second skill depending on whether you will be landing the crew. If not, then download disguise.

The screenshot below shows the tank after purchasing it

Characteristics after purchase:


Top: KV-5
Max. load: 105.0 t \\ Turning speed: 18 g/sec


Top: 107 mm ZiS-6M
Penetration: 167/219/54 mm; Damage: 300/300/360 HP; Rate of fire: 8.0 rounds/min; Spread: 0.38 m/100 m; Mixing: 2.5 s;


Top: KV-5
Armor: 180/150/140 mm; Rotation: 22 deg/sec; Overview: 400 m.


Top: M-50D
Power: 1,200 hp; Chance of fire: 15%;

Walkie Talkie:

Top: 9RM
Communication range: 500 m

Additional modules:

- Vertical stabilizer
- Reinforced aiming drives (Fan, Toolbox or Liner)

Since the tank is not a universal tank and has a good rate of fire, we put emphasis on the rate of fire, and in addition we equip it with alternative modules such as:
Fan- a universal module suitable for any playing style.
Box with tools - allows you to quickly repair tracks, and this is quite important.
Lining- this module will help you rush at the enemy with even bigger eyes and deal damage with a ram.


- Repair kit
- First aid kit

In such an assembly of consumables, improved oil plays an important role, since it gives us a small plus to the dynamics.