Our schoolyard (description of the area). Environmental assessment of your place of residence Description of your yard

Study and analyze the table



1. Ways of contamination of food and food raw materials.

2.Usage chemicals V food industry. Examples.

3. Nutritional supplements. Examples. Prohibited food additives.

4. Bovine somatotropin. Application.

5. The importance of sterilization. Its application in the food industry.

6. Mutagens formed during cooking.

7. Mutagens in unprocessed foods and water.

8. Antibiotics. Cytostatics and antimetabolites. Characteristic. Examples. Mutagenic effect.

9. Medicines with a dose-dependent mutagenic effect. Examples.

10. Drugs with a weak mutagenic effect. Examples. Application.

11. Mutagenic effect of alcohol.

The main sources of indoor air pollution and basic recommendations for reducing their pollution levels

Main air pollutants (sources of pollution) Types of pollution Recommendations for reducing pollution
Gas stove CO 2 , CO Products incomplete combustion gas Maintain the serviceability of the stove; don't cook when maximum expenses gas; When preparing food, close the door connecting the kitchen with other living spaces, open the window or window
Components of adhesives, furniture Formaldehyde, etc. Dust particles of varnish coating Systematically ventilate the premises; put in them indoor flowers; systematically carry out wet cleaning
Components of electrical insulating materials Formaldehyde, etc. Same
Varnished floor coverings Formaldehyde, etc. Dust particles of varnish coating Same
Products from polymer materials, film materials Plasticizers. Dust particles of polymeric materials. Same
Films paint coatings walls, ceilings; films of putties, sealants Solvents Systematically ventilate the room
Dust from powdered synthetic detergents Surfactants, etc. Use synthetic detergents in liquid or paste form; be careful when dosing powders; systematically carry out wet cleaning
Tobacco smoke Gaseous products Don't smoke in public places
Pile of carpeted floors, carpet runners and curtains made of synthetic and artificial fibers, etc. Dust particles Systematically carry out wet cleaning using a vacuum cleaner
Polluting components of the external (external) air pool Gaseous products. Dust particles Plant trees and shrubs; keep fresh flowers indoors; systematically carry out wet cleaning of premises

A. Environmental characteristics of your place of residence:

Name of the locality (city, working settlement, village);

Location of the home in locality relative to the cardinal directions;

The prevailing wind direction in your area;

Type of development of the microdistrict (closed, open), streets (narrow, wide, straight, etc.);

Characteristics of the yard;

Type of building (wooden, brick, panel, number of floors, number of entrances, presence of an elevator, etc.);

The presence of bodies of water near the place of residence, the nature of the water supply;

Soil characteristics, methods of waste collection and removal;

Presence of stationary sources of atmospheric pollution, expected type of pollution: chemicals, noise, dust;

Availability highways, nature and traffic load, distance of traffic lights;

Availability of enterprises consumer services, education, health care, trade near the place of residence;

The presence of a green zone, its characteristics;

Characteristics of the area.

Formulate conclusions about the most important environmental problems in your area and possible ways to solve them.

B. Sanitary and hygienic assessment of the condition of the dwelling:

Type of housing (detached house, apartment);

Sanitary conditions of the home: ceiling height; characteristics of windows; characteristics of floors and their coverings; characteristics of walls and their coverings; adjoining rooms, isolated; the nature of household premises; heating character;

Microclimate characteristics: average temperature in winter and summer; humidity; ventilation characteristics;

Social conditions: number of residents, family composition and age characteristics;

Availability of audio and video equipment; average working hours equipment per day; the principle of choosing radio, television and video programs; forms of communication between family members; existence or absence of family traditions; Does the family have photo albums (general, personal, thematic);

Diet in the family (common time for the whole family, different times, organization of meals on weekdays and weekends; what products predominate: meat, vegetables, sweets, dairy, etc.);

Forms of sports and physical education in the family;

Organization of family vacations and leisure;

Forms of family budget distribution.

Draw a conclusion about the effects of mutagens environment and make recommendations to reduce the possible impact of mutagens on your body.

Formulate conclusions about the conditions that promote or hinder a healthy lifestyle.

Any owner of a country residence understands that the arrangement private territory does not end with the construction and finishing of a residential building. Creation modern design The courtyard of a private house is an integral step on the path to decorating and organizing not only a beautiful, but also a functional territory.

So that all beautification work local area took place harmoniously and correctly, and the end result could only please its owners, neighbors and guests, planning should be approached very thoughtfully and seriously.

Planning stage

The beautiful courtyard located around the house is the first thing that the gaze of anyone who enters the territory falls on. It is precisely by its arrangement and appearance The owners themselves, their taste and aesthetic views are assessed.

When starting landscaping work on a site, you should first answer a number of questions, which will determine what the final result will be. Will preference be given to the practical component, or is the goal to create a beautiful image?

Do the families have small children who need a play area, or do the owners prefer noisy gatherings around the fire with barbecue? All these points are important when organizing territorial space.

The design of the yard of a private house will also depend on its size. If the area is large, then you can only limit yourself here to your own imagination and in cash. If there is only a small backyard, then practicality and ergonomics are at the forefront.

Once priorities have been set, a plan should be drawn up that will highlight all the necessary segments, communication systems, lighting and decorative compositions. It is the laying of communications and arrangement artificial reservoirs is initial stage landscaping works.

Path organization

Paths running throughout the site are an integral part of the design. Their main task is safe movement around the territory, as well as zoning and decoration.

The raw materials for laying out paths can be various materials: stone flat elements, plates, brickwork, fine gravel or pebbles. It is advisable to organize low borders that will become additional means security.

Passages can have a clear geometry, or they can playfully bend around buildings and plantings. Here the choice depends on the taste preferences of the site owners.

Flower beds

Flowerbeds in the courtyard of a private house can create a magical fairy-tale atmosphere. Such plantings will become the main decoration of any land plot.

When designing a flower bed, one rule should be taken into account: plant varieties are selected so that the flowering period alternates. The result will be bright flower arrangement, capable of “pleasing the eye” all year round.

Organization of the reservoir

Thinking about how to decorate a yard, many come to the conclusion that building a reservoir is best idea. Water, according to Japanese masters, is a symbol of life and harmony. Indeed, cascading waterfalls and smooth pools with fish look like personal plot fascinating.

To organize your own pond, it is better to use the services of professional organizations that will conduct all the necessary studies of the soil composition, lay communications, and build a fountain or cascade in accordance with all the rules.

Territory lighting

Properly organized lighting throughout the entire territory suburban area is a guarantee of safety. First of all, it is necessary to think over the functional component: illumination of the facade of the house, entrance/exit, all walkways, steps and rest areas.

Then you can consider the organization of decorative lighting systems. You can highlight flower beds, sculptures, and ponds. Built into the surface of the earth, they look absolutely fabulous spotlights, creating the illusion of scattered stars, as in the photo beautiful yard private house.

Recreation area

Organization of a cozy area for relaxation on fresh air with the ability to cook food over a fire is a priority when organizing homestead leisure.

Around the open hearth in the form of a fireplace or stove, a relaxation area is arranged, represented by a comfortable garden furniture. Plants are used for decoration.

If the territory allows, then it is advisable to construct a canopy in the courtyard of a private house, under which the furniture of the recreation area will be placed. Such a canopy can protect in summer from annoying sun rays, and during rain it will not let you get wet.


Often, country estates are not equipped with a large local area. The space in front of the house, as a rule, is occupied by a parking area, and only rear end yard

To arrange a modern small courtyard of a private house, it is advisable to construct a deck or platform made of wood on which furniture will be placed.

I place flower beds with perennial plantings, which will not only decorate the territory, but also become a kind of tool for hiding from prying eyes, along the fence.

Furniture equipment

When choosing garden furniture items, you need to focus on the monetary equivalent and personal preferences. Stationary objects are made from stone raw materials or solid wood. It is impossible to remove them, and wooden objects will have to be constantly maintained in proper condition.

The most popular are folding models made of plastic. Such items can be put away when they are not needed, and their care is minimal - just wipe off dust with a damp cloth.

Thanks to the large range of colors and possible design configurations, plastic furniture can be matched to any style of landscape design.

A cheaper analogue of wood furniture are rattan products, which have an expensive, respectable appearance.

You can select numerous figurines and figurines as elements for decorating your garden area, and if you wish, you have a lot of free time decorative elements it is possible to do it yourself.

Photo of the courtyards of a private house

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Department of Labor Safety

Calculation and graphic work on the topic:

“Environmental assessment of your place of residence”



Student: Savelyev V.

Makarenko V.K.

Group: AVT-922

Faculty: AVTF

Novosibirsk 2012


ecological housing transport

1. General characteristics place of residence

I live in the Sovetsky district of the city of Krasnoyarsk. After graduating from school and still living temporarily in the city of Novosibirsk (Leninsky district, campus). My work is dedicated to my hometown and the region. My house is located in the southeastern part of the area.

The city of Krasnoyarsk is one of the largest cities in Russia with developed infrastructure and opportunities for growth of human and economic potential, industrial, administrative-territorial and transport hub. The population of the city as of January 1, 2010 was 963.2 thousand people. The city is located on both banks of the river. Yenisei in its middle course at the junction of three geomorphological regions: the river valley. Yenisei, a plateau adjacent to the river valley and the foothills of the Eastern Sayan.

Sovetsky district is the largest in size and number of residents. On its outskirts there are also the largest factories in Krasnoyarsk: Metallurgical (KRAMZ) and Aluminum (KRAZ). On the territory of the Sovetsky district there are areas of mass housing construction: residential areas North and Airport. In old microdistricts, the housing stock consists of Khrushchev-era buildings and houses with an improved layout. The construction of new areas is carried out with houses of the 111-97 series and monolithic brick houses. The housing stock is completely diverse and is represented by houses from wooden to brick.

The condition of the yard is average. Many trees have been cut down due to the danger of them falling due to the wind, and new plantings are not surviving. Mainly due to the human factor. Also, the wind often blows garbage from local garbage containers directly into the yard. Negatively affects planting and air purity large number parked cars.

My house is a panel building, 10 floors and 4 entrances. The apartment is on the 7th floor, there is an elevator. Half of the windows face the courtyard, between Metallurgov Avenue and the house small area trees. The condition of the entrance is below average, as residents violate its cleanliness.

The most big problem, which concerns me and my area are emissions from road transport and industry.

Now let's give some statistics from past years to assess the environmental situation more specifically. In 2008, 122.76 thousand tons of pollutants were released into the city's atmosphere by motor vehicles, which amounted to 44% of the total emissions in the city. In 2009, the usual increase in emissions from mobile sources of pollution was not expected and, in fact, has not been confirmed. The volume of emissions from motor vehicles amounted to 122.13 thousand tons and even decreased by 0.63 thousand tons. Against the background of a decrease in stationary emissions, the share of emissions from mobile sources of pollution increased slightly and amounted to 45.0% of the total emissions in the city. Rospotrebnadzor specialists note that the share industrial enterprises in air pollution from total number emissions from stationary sources in 2007 amounted to 81.1%, which is lower than in 2006 - 92.7%.

Let's give some information about what the city authorities have done to change the environmental situation in the city. The Council of the Regional Administration approved the target program “Environmental Protection in the Krasnoyarsk Territory for 2008-2010” with a funding volume of 453 million rubles. Its main goal is “preserving the environment and ensuring environmental safety population of the region." However, experts say that the level of air pollution in almost all areas of the region is characterized as “high” and “very high.” Also, the administration of the city of Krasnoyarsk is carrying out targeted work to eliminate the inconvenience caused by the operation of vehicles. Underway active work to create new parking spaces and reduce noise pollution. The preservation and development of electric transport is ensured, new roads are being built, road infrastructure, transport interchanges are being reconstructed, pedestrian crossings, the area of ​​traffic light regulation of traffic flow is expanding according to the “Green Wave” principle.

However, in my area the environmental situation has not improved over the 3 years that I have been studying in Novosibirsk.

2. Ways and methods of solving the problem under consideration

Since the bulk of the deterioration of life in my area is road transport, then we will describe the main ways to reduce environmental damage from transport:

1) optimization of urban transport;

2) development of alternative energy sources;

3) creation (modification) of engines using alternative fuels;

4) noise protection;

5) economic initiatives for vehicle fleet and traffic management.

These are the main ways, but there are also many other ways, for example, in the UK the law states that in the center of London on some streets you can only ride bicycles.


Making the environment favorable is theoretically not difficult. All methods have long been known and obvious. But they require huge cash injections. Precisely because financial factor my family lives in an environment that does not fully meet all environmental requirements.

Posted on Allbest.ru


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Home improvement project "The Yard of My Childhood"

2015 - 2016


If every person was on a piece of land he did everything he could to his land, how beautiful our Earth would be!

Any yard is a small planet where amazing things can happen. This is a world that holds dreams, secrets and memories. A great love for the Motherland begins with love for one’s yard. A child growing up in a beautiful, landscaped area will get used to the beauty from childhood and when he becomes an adult, will strive to improve his living environment. Analyzing the work done, we came to the conclusion that you can make any local area beautiful on your own, you just need to really want it, work a little, and everything will work out.

Problem field

The local area did not stand up to criticism; was not in the best interests of the children. But the main problem was that the courtyard area was a walk-through area and everyone passing through did their bit: dogs trampled, children broke, adults picked flowers. Those who underestimate their abilities and their own individuality miss out on the opportunity to decorate their lives and improve their living and working conditions.

The impetus for the work was resentment for my indifference to everything, especially to children and the elderly. It is impossible to hide deficiencies in landscaping, cluttered territory, nondescript vacant lots and other unsightly places.


When landscaping a yard, you need to take into account many issues: landscaping, selection and placement of small architectural forms, compliance of facilities with safety requirements and the needs of children. Drawing up a project to improve the territory requires a certain theoretical and practical training. This is a set of activities carried out in stages.


Creating a favorable atmosphere for children is an extremely noble task. She is only strong friendly team. Create, so create, we thought and set about creating a project for organizing the local area. I wanted to enjoy the sight of well-groomed blooming flower beds, sports and playgrounds located in the courtyard, to create a single complex where you could realize all your abilities, requests, interests, ideal model small world flowers - that was our idea. There was a yard for us ample opportunities for self-realization for the benefit of oneself and others, gaining the experience of creative success in life.

To implement their ideas, creative groups were created from two classes (8 and 4), which worked in the following directions:

Organization of children's play area;
- landscaping and organizing flower beds;
- organization of a sports zone;

As a result painstaking work creative groups were created general plan separate zones yard

I wanted to create an atmosphere that would externally attract, rather than repel. Adults and children walk through their yard every day and I want these to be steps into a special world, full of warmth, beauty and understanding.


“How we missed the playground!” - any sane person who takes healthy walks every day will say. In our yard they were not full-fledged. “No!” we said to the vacant lot. “Yes!” we said to the playground. In place of the wasteland, thanks to the efforts of the teachers and students of the school, a fairy tale, at least small, appeared. The wasteland area turned out to be large, but there were no children’s structures. A field of activity has emerged for the creativity of children and teachers. Each class is made from available materials (old tires, logs, plastic bottles and other materials) began to create figures and objects that could decorate the playground.


On the sports ground, wheels for jumping and climbing were dug in and painted, logs were dug in for ladders. IN winter time A fortress has been made for playing snowballs.


We associate flower beds, flower beds, and flowers with beauty and comfort, which is why they are so necessary in landscape design any yard. Trees, shrubs and flowers are now not just beautiful. These plants are also little healers for us, healing from fatigue and restoring good mood. The flower beds are made of annual and perennial flowers, shrubs separate the path from the play area, trees protect from direct sunlight. Creating a beautifully decorated area, creating an atmosphere of kindness and friendliness both during and after work; pride in a job well done. With the help of like-minded people, we can make our yard more comfortable and beautiful, we just need to put all our efforts into this work, and, of course, try to preserve this beauty for as long as possible. Beauty teaches us to love and appreciate each other.


The creation and implementation of this project - the improvement of the courtyard area helps to improve the living conditions of children and adolescents,

The value of this work is as follows:
1. Involving students in work, acquiring experience from school students in improving the surrounding area, which will further help them improve their social environment.
2. Creation comfortable conditions leads to the creation of a safe, health-preserving environment.
3. Thoughtfulness, functionality and implementation of the project will help to more fully organize educational process at school and raise it to a higher level.
4. Introduction to beauty will help school students in the future in successful socialization.

My home yard is a yard multi-storey building. It is medium in size and quite cozy. Our house has nine floors and four front floors. As you can see, many people live in it. Therefore, the courtyard has everything so that you can leave the apartment on the street and comfortably breathe fresh air.

By air. And for the children to play.

There are benches in the courtyard where you can sit. Cars are also parked on the paved area. But there are not many cars in our yard, because there are no garages in it, like in some other yards.

In the part of the yard that is not covered with asphalt, trees and bushes are planted. It's nice to relax here in the shade in the hot summer. Also, the janitor, with the help of elderly women from our house, laid out flower beds with garden flowers. There, depending on the time of year, petunias, clematis, asters, peonies and other flowers bloom.

There is a nut growing in our yard, and in the fall, under this tree, everyone who is not too lazy collects nuts. A

There is also a rowan tree where birds feed in winter.

In the courtyard there is a small children's playground with a slide, swings and a sandbox. Little kids are playing around here. Mothers and grandmothers are watching them on benches nearby. There is also a table in the courtyard where pensioners play dominoes, and late in the evening young people nibble on sunflower seeds. Well, the carpet beater is another detail of our yard.

Our yard is cozy, everyone finds a place in it. There are always a couple of stray cats living in the bushes. They are fed by their grandmothers, and therefore they fawn on everyone who lives in our yard.

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