Pedestrian crossing equipment speed bump according to GOST. Installation of speed bumps. The design and purpose of "speed bumps"

"Bumps" in the common people are called artificial unevenness, designed to force a speed reduction in risk areas: near kindergartens, schools, near pedestrian crossings, where the flow of people is quite significant, etc.

Some road users do not like speed bumps - they only cause discomfort, while some, on the contrary, lack them on some sections of the road, for example, due to the fact that it is impossible to cross the road. In our article today, we will talk about whether the installation of speed bumps is legal and how to do it right?

Legal Installation

First of all, it should be noted that the law prohibits the independent installation of "speed bumps" on public roads, which include the yards of "apartment dwellers". The only thing that can be done if such a desire arises is to apply to state bodies with a similar proposal, while, preferably, indicating the reason for this need.

To do this is quite simple. In total, there are two ways - this is an appeal to the administration of the area where you live or an application to the Internet reception on the official website of the traffic police. In the petition submitted, it is imperative to indicate a good reason for installing a "speed bump" in a particular place on the road.

If you decide to contact the district traffic police department or the administration directly, it is better to first collect the signatures of the owners of all apartments in your house, briefly and convincingly setting out the arguments in favor of the need for installation.

Legal dismantling of speed bumps

Any unauthorized actions to dismantle the speed bumps are prohibited by law. In the case when the need for it has disappeared, for example, the school institution, near which the artificial unevenness was created, was disbanded, then your path again lies in the administration of your district or the traffic police department.

The only difference in your application will be that now you will apply for the dismantling of the speed bump. Well, and, of course, as well as in the previous case, you need to give strong arguments in favor of the fact that the presence of a "speed bump" in one place or another is unacceptable.

Installation according to GOST

For 2017, the installation rules are regulated by the relevant GOST number R. 52605-2006, where all the parameters of speed bumps and the rules for their installation are prescribed.

"Bumps" are of two types - trapezoidal and wavy, and all their dimensions (height, length, etc.) are adjusted by GOST. For example, with a speed limit sign set to "20", the height of the undulating speed bump will be no higher than 0.07 meters, and the length will be from three to three and a half meters.

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Let's look at the most important points regarding the installation of a speed bump:

  • "Bumps" must be accompanied by an appropriate road sign, as well as markings that will warn motorists about approaching an obstacle;
  • Drainage equipment during installation;
  • The size of the roughness must not be less than the width of the road. The permitted deviation is up to twenty centimeters on each side;
  • You can install a "speed bump" only on roads that have a hard surface and are well lit.

Installation is prohibited on bridges, federal highways, stops and in the case when the number of lanes is more than four (the exception is those roads that pass in a settlement where the population is more than one thousand people).

In a situation where one of the installation rules was violated or when the recommended value of the speed bump parameters was exceeded, you need to file a complaint with the traffic police.

Arbitrary installation or dismantling

In this case, the violation is equated to the installation or demolition of a road sign, as referred to in clause 1.5 of the Rules of the Road. For such actions as the installation, dismantling of a speed bump, an administrative penalty is provided in the form of a fine, the amount of which may vary (regulated by Article 12.33 of the Code of Administrative Offenses). For an ordinary citizen, the amount of the fine varies from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles, legal. a person may be fined up to 300,000 rubles, and an official - up to 25,000 rubles.


Artificial road roughness, speed bump

1. Historical background

For the first time, artificial road bumps (IDN) or "speed bumps" began to be used in the United States at the beginning XX century to enforce the speed limit of vehicles on dangerous sections of roads.

At that time, the United States was experiencing a turbulent and massive motorization, and the owners of farms, which passed by highways, were very concerned about the safety of livestock, which often ended up under the wheels of passing cars.

The first IDNs were made from boards, logs, shafts of stone or crushed stone mixed with clay. Just at that time, the prototypes of warning road signs appeared - basically these were signs with warning inscriptions, for example: “Slow down to 5 miles, otherwise you will lose your car!”. And then standards and rules for their application were developed.

In Europe, IDNs appeared after the First World War and also differed in various shapes and sizes - just like the signs indicating their presence. Over time, this was fixed, and prescribed requirements for the shapes, sizes, installation locations and rules for the use of IDN appeared.

In the USSR, and later in the Russian Federation, speed bumps made of concrete or asphalt were also used.

Due to the relatively small number of cars, for a long time there was no need to somehow "legitimize" their presence and use.

However, with an increase in the number of cars, and consequently, accidents, it became necessary to create barriers and road signs and rules for their use.

At present, state standards have been developed and are in force, which clearly establish the designation forms and geometric parameters and installation locations for speed bumps and related road signs.

"Bumps" is the only simple and reliable way to ensure a forced reduction in the speed of vehicles on the most dangerous sections of roads to prevent possible accidents and deaths of pedestrians.

2. Artificial road bumps

Artificial road bumps or "speed bumps" are arranged on the carriageway in the form of an elevation to force a decrease in the speed of vehicles on certain sections of highways.

Depending on the purpose and manufacturing technology, IDNs are divided into collapsible and monolithic structures.

IDN is arranged on sections of roads with heavy traffic, near schools, kindergartens, hospitals, clinics, industrial enterprises, at the entrances and exits of shopping and gas stations, in construction zones and other emergency areas.

At present, in accordance with GOST R 52605-2006, collapsible structures of IDN types IDN-500 () and IDN-900 () are being manufactured.

IDN-500 are designed for laying on the carriageway of roads near pedestrian crossings and in places of increased danger, where it is necessary to force the speed limit of vehicles.

On roads where public transport is organized, IDN-500 is not installed. In such cases, it is necessary to install the IDN-900, which provides a smoother passage of vehicles along artificial unevenness.

collapsible IDN structures consist of a number of geometrically compatible middle and edge elements of the same type, which, depending on the width of the carriageway, provide a strip of almost any length. The delivery set for the IDN should include anchor bolts, thrust bushings (dowels), washers and the manufacturer's technical documentation.

The collapsible structures of the IDN must have an alternating black and yellow (black and white) color.

IDN is recommended to be located in places with maximum illumination (near the source of illumination) at a distance of at least 30 meters in front of unregulated pedestrian crossings and at a distance of 60-1000 meters from each other in the direction of travel.

On roads and streets that do not have stationary lighting, reflectors of the KDZ-1 type (GOST R 50971-96) are used to indicate artificial irregularities, installed over the entire width of the carriageway on each side of the road. In front of the IDN at a distance of 50-70 cm, parallel to its sole, with a step of 50 cm, it is necessary to apply markings that are visible both day and night.

It is allowed to install IDN on the streets of regional and local significance, side and local driveways of highways, in residential areas marked with road signs 5.38 - 5.39 "Residential zone", "End of residential zone".

It is not allowed to set up a traffic controller on road sections with trolleybus traffic, on bridges, overpasses, in transport tunnels and passages under overpasses.

Sign 3.24 “Maximum speed limit” should be used in front of the IDN on roads, streets and driveways inside residential areas, the value of which is equal to the maximum allowable speed for driving through this unevenness.

IDN should be located perpendicular to the axis of the carriageway and exclude the possibility of bypassing it by vehicles. The length of the IDN strip must be at least the width of the carriageway. Permissible deviation is not more than 0.2 m on each side of the road.

IDN elements are made from high-strength rubber, rubber production waste or other polymeric materials that do not contain harmful impurities. IDN elements have a rough surface to provide the required adhesion to vehicle tires. Drawing of the bottom part of IDN provides a steady drainage system. For better visibility at night, a reflective material of yellow or white color is applied to the surface of the IDN.

The IDN strip of a collapsible structure, arranged on the carriageway, consists of two edge and a number of middle elements. The number of middle elements is determined by dividing the length of the IDN strip (minus the length of two edge elements) by the length of the middle element. The middle element has the following dimensions 500 × 500 × 58 mm. The edge elements are a monolithic semicircular rubber product with dimensions of 500 × 250 × 58 mm.

Monolithic structures IDNs are used only on streets leading to the territory marked with road sign 5.38-5.39 "Residential Zone", "End of Residential Zone", as well as on park roads, driveways and inside courtyard areas.

Monolithic structures of the IDN have transverse profiles of a wavy () and trapezoidal shape ().

The type of the longitudinal profile of the IDN is selected taking into account the presence of storm water wells near it on the upper side of the road on the descent and depending on the direction of the transverse water flow on the carriageway.

The dimensions of the artificial unevenness of the monolithic structure are selected depending on the required value of the maximum permissible speed of vehicles and the type of transverse profile ().

Monolithic IDNs are made of dense fine-grained or sandy asphalt concrete, the properties of which must comply with the requirements of GOST 9128-97.

The coefficient of adhesion of the surface of the IDN of a monolithic structure must be not lower than the coefficient of adhesion of the road surface and comply with the requirements of GOST R 50597-93.

Rice. one.

Rice. 2.

Wavy and trapezoidal monolithic profiles IDN

Table 1

Dimensions of IDN of a monolithic design

The maximum allowable speed indicated on the sign, km/h

Wavy Profile

Trapezoidal profile

Length ( L ), m

Maximum ridge height (H), m

Curved surface radius ( R ), m

The length of the horizontal platform ( Lr), m

The length of the slope ( L H ), m

Maximum ridge height (H), m



















On dangerous and emergency sections of roads, artificial road bumps (hereinafter referred to as IDN or IN) are used to reduce the speed of movement. They are often referred to as "speed bumps". It is impossible to install the IDN on your own, but you can apply with such a request to the traffic police or the local administration. You need to write a statement and indicate your reasons for the need to place such an object. All requirements will be considered and the most important and paramount ones will be selected from them.

The best remedy for intruders

IN is an effective weapon against reckless drivers. If the violators may not comply with the signs and markings, then it is impossible to ignore the impressive unevenness. The very first attempt to "fly" without braking will make you learn the rules of the road for life. It will shake so that it doesn’t seem enough, and maybe even end up with an expensive car repair.

Even if you do not break the speed limit, if you drive incorrectly frequently on the IN, you can damage the suspension of the car or the steering. It consists in the fact that many motorists squeeze the brake pedal while passing an obstacle. Thus, at the moment of collision of wheels and unevenness, the pressure increases to the maximum, which can lead to breakage. It is necessary to drive through the "speed bump" correctly by coasting or on light gas. It is necessary to brake in advance, before the obstacle, and then release the pedal and let the car itself ride along the “wave”.

Where is the installation of IN

There are places adopted by GOST where speed bumps are placed first:

  • In front of educational institutions such as schools, universities, colleges. In close proximity to kindergartens and playgrounds. In crowded areas, large shopping centers and supermarkets. At stadiums, train stations, in busy squares and parks;
  • On difficult and emergency sections of roads and tracks, where the maximum speed cannot exceed 40 km / h or less. Not infrequently, such segments of the path have a rich history of accidents, which is why they are distinguished by signs and ID;
  • In front of the courtyard area, which is marked with the sign "Residential Zone". You can install speed bumps inside the yard with the help of the management company, the desire of the tenants and the permission of the traffic police. This issue is very relevant in "travel" yards, where heavy traffic is dangerous;
  • When approaching complex, unregulated intersections where there are serious accidents. Perhaps, in this situation, after the ID there will be a sign “Movement without stopping is prohibited”;
  • Before busy pedestrian crossings;
  • On the territory of the accumulation of children's circles, sections and camps.

Where it is forbidden to place ID

In some situations, setting unevenness can cause severe inconvenience, and even provoke an accident.

Here are the places where there can be no artificial obstacles:

  • federal highways;
  • Regional multi-lane (from 4 or more) roads. At the same time, in the sections that pass through the settlements, the installation of the IN is allowed;
  • Highways;
  • Bus stops and adjacent lanes;
  • Trolleybus routes;
  • Bridges, the area under them, tunnels, overpasses, flyovers;
  • The territory within a radius of one hundred meters at the railway crossing;
  • Any routes to hospitals and first aid stations, fire stations, gas services and other areas where emergency response teams are located;
  • Locations of underground utilities with manholes leading to the surface.

Key points

  • IN should be installed on roads for forced braking;
  • According to the type of construction, road bumps are divided into monolithic (made of asphalt concrete) and collapsible;
  • IN should be placed across the entire width of the carriageway in order to prevent the possibility of a detour. There may be slight deviations, but only 20 cm on both sides;
  • It is necessary to have a working drainage system in the proposed zone for the construction of the IN;
  • Before the IDN, the presence of traffic signs warning of an obstacle and markings noticeable from afar are mandatory;

Rules for installing monolithic IDN

  1. Structures are made only from asphalt concrete. In cross section, they can be wavy and trapezoidal.
  2. The type of longitudinal profile depends on the presence or absence of storm water wells on the descent near the IN. If there is no drain, the edges of the profile are cut off near the curbstone. This is done so that the water does not stagnate and flow along the road.
  3. The length of the speed bump depends on the speed limit in that area, but the maximum height is always the same. It cannot exceed 0.07 meters.
  4. Installation of asphalt concrete unevenness is possible only in places where there is good lighting.

Rules for installing collapsible speed bumps

This design consists of several identical main and edge parts.

  1. The elements are assembled from one or a pair of plates, connected together by means of machined grooves. They must have special holes for reliable bolting to the roadway.
  2. Structures should be easy to assemble and dismantle. Its individual parts must be easily changed, if necessary.
  3. The maximum height of the elements ranges from 5 to 6 centimeters, and the length of the IN is calculated from the maximum permitted speed.
  4. The composition of the IDN must be strong, but elastic. A high coefficient of adhesion to the surface is required.
  5. It is obligatory to apply reflective elements in the direction of transport to ensure the visibility of the IN at night.
  6. In the absence of some parts or the protrusion of mounting parts, the operation of the IN is dangerous for drivers and is unacceptable. This can damage your car tires.
  7. When dismantling the IN, all fasteners should be removed, holes in the road should be sealed and traffic signs and markings should be eliminated.

How to install IDN

In the situation with concrete limiters, there are not so many subtleties of laying:

  • Asphalt, on which there will be unevenness, is washed and cleaned from dust, dirt and puddles. Sometimes its top layer is cut off for better adhesion to the solution;
  • In some cases, road builders use a form to pour concrete, but more often they create a “speed bump” without special restraints;
  • The new road object is given time to harden, after which special markings are applied and warning signs are put up.

It is also easy to install a collapsible structure, but you need to know the basic requirements:

  • The surface of the roadway at the place of future installation should be flat, without potholes and pits;
  • Before installation, you need to make sure the quality of the asphalt, check its thickness. Based on this information, mounting bolts are selected;
  • Next, the IN design itself is compiled. Parts must be tightly connected to each other without joints and cracks;
  • The number of elements used depends on the width of the road. Gaps on the sides of more than 20 cm should not be allowed - such a loophole will allow drivers to go around the obstacle on one side of the car. This will lead to an incorrect distribution of the load on the IM and, as a result, its breakdown;
  • Before installation, the points of future holes for fasteners are marked, drilled with a special tool;
  • The "speed bump" is placed in the allotted place and screwed with special anchor bolts. Fasteners must be fully tightened;
  • During installation, it is imperative to use all fasteners;
  • Only specialized organizations that have the right to access such work, the necessary licenses and permits have the right to carry out work on the installation of the IN.

There is nothing complicated in installing speed bumps. Any qualified team will quickly cope with this matter. It is a little more difficult to get permission to place such an object, but if you are absolutely sure that it is necessary, apply and prove your point.

If you are ready to pay for the installation yourself or team up with your neighbors, then the chances of the appearance of an ITN in your territory will increase markedly, as will the time for consideration of the application.

But you should not make limiters without the permission of the administration or the traffic police - they can be dismantled without warning and a fine can be issued for the illegal installation of an object. And the money spent on installation, in this case, no one will return you. Act legally and the speed bump will protect you for years to come.

When installing and assembling artificial road bumps (speed bumps), the most important thing must not be forgotten and taken into account that during operation it would be safe for motorists and would not bring even more problems on the road. To clarify our thought, we give an example - an artificial unevenness should provide a forced reduction in speed in places of increased attentiveness, but these places and the unevenness itself must be noticed from afar and in advance! There should be no emergency braking on the road and a speed bump should not create emergency situations.

Therefore, it is simply necessary and in no case impossible to do without appropriate marking and installation of information and warning signs.

Sign 5.20 "Artificial roughness" is installed immediately before the IDN, sign 1.17 "Artificial roughness" is set in advance according to the rules of the road. And on a site with several irregularities successively located one after another, there is also a sign 8.2.1 “Area of ​​operation”. The warning sign is followed by the necessary signs 3.24 "Maximum speed limit", successively 40 km/h, 30 km/h and 20 km/h. "in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 52289.
It should also be noted that the height of the artificial unevenness should not exceed 6 cm. Well, the width should be along the entire roadway. And it’s better not to leave even minimal gaps - according to psychology, a driver, if he sees a small gap, he strives to drive at least one wheel on a flat surface. And in this regard, unpleasant situations are created on the road, and even with frequent collisions with this ill-fated end section, it quickly fails.

On the surface of the IDN, a light reflection is provided that attracts the attention of the driver, but it is also desirable to provide for the possibility of artificial night lighting.

It happens that our customers complain, that the PIDs are pulled out along with the fastening by snowplows, and just with a large flow of cars, the site is bent and some elements are detached, and therefore we recommend that you check the thickness of the asphalt and select the fasteners before installing the PID. Anchor bolts must open directly in the asphalt, and not go further than the road surface into the sand, otherwise they quickly become loose and lose their holding function. It is also not permissible to carry out installation in places of strong cracking of the roadway, the presence of potholes, bumps and sudden changes in the surface.

Well, one more wish - for high-quality and proper installation of artificial irregularities, it is better to turn to specialists. We are always happy to help and will respond to the first call!!

Array ( => Array ( => Surface requirements for secure mounting => Polymeric OR rubber Bump - What's the difference? => How are IDN installation locations indicated? => What do the numbers 500, 900, 400, 350 mean => What are the resolutions are needed to install the IDN => Where you cannot install the IDN? => Install the IDN is allowed on: => How long should the installed IDN be? How is it located? => Installing the IDN) => Array ( => Array ( =>

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For installation on the territory of the yard, holiday village, parking, adjacent territory - permits are not required.

To install artificial unevenness on public roads, coordination with the traffic police and local governments is required. Please contact your local authorities for details.

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  • On highways with 4 or more traffic lanes.
  • At stops.
  • Bridges, tunnels, overpasses.
  • At a distance of less than 100 meters to the railway crossing.
  • Highways.
  • It is forbidden to install IDN on the roads leading to the places of deployment of emergency vehicles.
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  • Public roads.
  • Internal, adjacent territories.
  • Yards.
  • In car parks and car parks.
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Helpful information

  • Surface requirements for secure mounting

    The coating must not be cracked, with depressions, potholes, with obvious defects in the coating in places where installation is intended. We do not recommend installation in places where deep puddles form. Artificial unevenness is installed on any hard surface (asphalt, tile, concrete, self-leveling floor, etc.)

  • Polymer OR rubber speed bump - WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE?

    Polymer IDN, unlike rubber, is absolutely solid and does not have any flexibility. It is recommended to install on a flat surface, without pronounced rutting and other defects in the roadway.

    • IDN 500 Polymer - is made from special polymer raw materials, in accordance with the requirements of GOST.
    • It has a high resistance to wear and damage caused by special equipment (harvesting buckets).
    • Due to the rigid structure, it does not bulge in the places where the wheels pass and does not destroy the road surface.
    • The operating temperature range is from -35°С to +70°С.
    • Polymer IDN 500 is a reliable and proven solution with a long service life.
    • Optima Service provides 2 year warranty!
    • An important advantage is the affordable price.

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  • How are IDN installation sites designated?

    The place of installation of speed bumps is indicated by road signs 5.20 (GOST R 52290-2004) "Artificial road roughness", as well as road markings 1.25. Our company can install road signs and apply road markings! You can check the details with our managers.

  • What do the numbers 500, 900, 400, 350 mean

    The numbers 900, 500, 400, 350 mean the width of the speed bump. At the same time, each type has its own purpose:

    • IDN 900 is used to limit the speed of movement no more than 40 km / h. It is used on roads with public transport, roads with heavy truck traffic.
    • IDN 500 is used to limit the speed to no more than 30 km/h.
    • IDN 400 or 350 - for inland areas.
  • What permissions are needed to install IDN

    For installation on the territory of the yard, holiday village, parking, adjacent territory - permits are not required.

  • In car parks and car parks.
  • Before educational institutions: kindergartens, schools, universities and so on.
  • Accidentally dangerous sections of the routes.
  • How long should the installed IDN be? How is it located?

    The recommended length of the speed bump should be no more than 20 cm from its edge to the edge of the road or curb. a speed bump that is too short will tend to drive around the side of the road, and a speed bump that is too long will prevent drainage along the edges of the road if a curb is installed. It is necessary to install the Artificial Road Roughness strictly perpendicular to the axis of the road.

  • Installation of IDN

    We have extensive experience in the installation of artificial road bumps (IDN). At your request, our team will perform high-quality installation, as well as, if necessary, install the necessary signs and apply markings.