A friendly female team of snakes or still friends at work. Friendly team is a symbol of success

Why don't you want to go to work? People who have asked themselves this question many times know that most often the reason lies in bad relationship between employees. And if your pharmacy is more like a battlefield, a colleague is not in the mood again, and the boss “got up on the wrong foot” - it's time to improve the psychological climate in the team.

What's the forecast for today, honey?

Every pharmacist dreams not only of coming to work with a smile, but also of leaving the pharmacy in good location spirit. It should not be denied that the basis for the well-being of the team lies in the cohesion of all its members and the friendly atmosphere that reigns in the working area. If the situation is tense with internal conflicts and quarrels, then there is no need to talk about motivation for work.

As psychologists note, the "warmth" of the climate in the team is 90% dependent on the leader. It is he who must carefully monitor the mood of the employees, tk. a neglected case of a split in a team is more dangerous than any " chronic illness". First of all, the boss should be careful when hiring new people. After all, even a modest girl with glasses can excite all colleagues, weaving intrigues and spreading stupid gossip. Thanks to the "quiet" the established team will turn into sworn enemies, united only by a 12-hour working day.

More serious are the cases when discord begins among "old" employees who have known each other for more than one year. The reasons can be completely different: rude customers, a busy day, a poisonous green blouse of a colleague sitting opposite, a broken chair, or personal dislike of pharmacists. After a while, a grain of anger, falling on fertile ground, begins to harm everyone: from the director to the cleaner. Therefore, it is important to understand that even one dissatisfied person is already a serious threat to the "health" of the team.

Team building. Who are we building?

"One for all and all for one" - this is the motto of the Musketeers, which any team should strive for. How to get employees to move from the polyphonic "I" to "we", that is, to the team? For creating favorable climate in the working team, the currently popular team building was invented.

Team building (from the English team building - "creating a team") is a combination of corporate recreation and games in order to form a team spirit, improve team interaction or eliminate existing communication problems. According to various versions, the first such training was invented either to foster the cohesion of the British Royal Navy, or for the Scottish police. The results were encouraging, and the idea itself appealed to the management of various companies and employees. Team building has been practiced in Russia since the mid-1990s.

Many people call team building "vacation", "corporate party" or quite simply - "barbecue". Team training helps employees gain positive experience from joint problem solving, and management helps to resolve hidden and obvious conflicts in the team, evaluate the qualities of each subordinate. One of the functions of team building is the discovery of incompatible people, as well as finding ways for their peaceful interaction. In addition, such "peacekeeping actions" allow the boss to find a person who understands absolutely everyone. It is quite simple to identify him: people go to him to cry in a vest, are attracted to be an arbitrator in controversial situations and are considered an authority. by the most good decision will be - to start the processes of uniting the entire team around such people. A responsive employee will become a strong link in the chain of friendly relations within the team.

We are a great team!

There are many companies that arrange corporate trips, various psychological trainings and business games. With the help of specialists, you can organize extreme kayaking on a mountain river, a mass hike or an exciting trip for employees to a dormant volcano. But, the modest budget of the pharmacy will not tolerate significant spending on leisure activities for employees. In addition, for a team of 5-10 people, in order to maintain good relations, it is not at all necessary to make such global "outings". Pharmacy employees can independently organize team building, while spending a minimum of finances and effort. The easiest way is to go barbecue together. It is necessary to appoint those responsible for the purchase of provisions, as well as entertainers who will come up with contests and tasks. Preparing for a common event will bring colleagues together, no less than the trip itself.

Another idea is to conduct a training based on collective cooking. It has long been known that the creation of "culinary masterpieces" and a friendly meal unite people. And the team spirit is manifested in creativity. Chef's birthday, Women's Day or any other holiday will be a good occasion for culinary experiments. You can set the table or bake a cake with a dedication, and then taste delicious creations together.

There are many options for team building. If the team needs "relaxation" and rest after working days, entertainment events are better suited. And if the wear of employees gave a "serious crack", you will need the help of a specialist and psychological games taking no day. The main thing is to overcome difficulties together, then hurricanes and tsunamis of quarrels will not spoil the "good weather" in the team.

Agrippina Blister

On April 8, employees of the department of the military commissariat of the Saratov region for the Soviet and Fedorovsky districts celebrate their professional holiday. The staff of the department is friendly and close-knit, periodically replenished with young personnel.

At present, E.V. Fedorova, awarded for many years of work with the sign "Veteran of the Military Commissariat". Behind her shoulders - eight years of service in the army in the communications battalion. In our military registration and enlistment office, Elena Vladimirovna has been the head of the department for planning, designating, preparing and accounting for mobilization resources for 15 years.

The department employs wonderful women specialists high class- assistants to the head of the department for planning, designating, preparing and accounting for mobilization resources L.A. Bushtyuk and A.V. Chepenko, both awarded medals "Veteran of the Military Commissariat". With conscientious work, readiness to come to the rescue at any moment, the senior assistant to the head of the department for financial and economic work O.G. Simakova, head of the department of social and pension provision E.A. A carpenter. Among the young specialists, one can note the senior assistant to the head of the department E.V. Kamchatnikov, head of the secret unit A.V. Semenets, head of the department for training, conscription of citizens for military service N.A. Teleshev.

The team never forgets about their veterans, cherishing their advice, rejoices in their calls and visits. For many years they worked in the military registration and enlistment office of N.D. Loginova, N.P. Vedyashkina, V.N. Beregova, A.I. Suchkova, V.V. Sokolovskaya, who are constantly interested in the affairs of their native institution. It is on their examples of conscientious performance of official duty that the younger generation of employees is brought up. Often they remember in the team a wonderful woman I.V. Levakina, who worked for many years as the head of the secret unit.

Here they sacredly honor and continue the traditions that were laid at different times by the military commissars V.Kh. Chai, E.M. Kornykhov, V.F. Boronin, I.M. Starchenko, O.V. Mamonov and O.E. Taranenko. Each of them deserves kind words.

About today's day of the department - our conversation with Elena Vladimirovna Fedorova.

– Busy days have come, a lot of work to be done. In total, it is planned to recruit 46 children from the Sovietsky district and 36 from Fedorovsky. First of all, I would like to note the positive attitude towards the upcoming service of our conscripts, which, of course, pleases. The guys themselves express a desire to serve, consciously approach the choice of the type of troops. Recently I talked with conscripts from the Pushkin Moscow Region. The young men are all as on selection - athletic, educated. They will be drafted into the army immediately after graduating from higher educational institutions.

I would like to say a few words about the contract service. To date, 6 people have been selected who are ready to serve in Samara, Totsky, Kamyshin. There is an opportunity to serve under a contract in the Crimea, we offer different variants, explaining to young people the benefits of such service: after 5 years they will be issued a certificate for the purchase of housing, and during the service they will be on state support, getting a solid wages. Recruitment of graduates for admission to military higher educational institutions announced educational establishments. Already five children have successfully passed the medical commission. We are pleased that 11 guys from our region receive military specialties in various military universities and are pleased that more and more guys want to connect their fate with the army.

- Now tell us about your holiday, about those whom you would like to congratulate in the first place.

“I would like to express my gratitude to all those who assist in our work. First of all, these are the heads of administrations of city and rural settlements, where the primary military registration of citizens is kept, notification of conscripts is organized, and mobilization training is carried out. This is a big organizational work and we thank everyone who helps us by doing a common cause. Of course, there is a lot of work with conscripts, and with citizens who are in the reserve, and with pensioners from the Ministry of Defense. But our team is up to the task. I sincerely thank my employees for their service, I wish good health, success in work, happiness in personal life and peace.

The teaching staff of the organizers and numerous assistants of most successful creative projects are, after all, the beautiful half of humanity, this is a friendly women's team.

Good day or night! On the blog pages, quite serious (without irony) talk about how it is reasonable, in harmony and peace, to achieve good results in joint work female team. If you are in any way involved in preparing a child for a performance or sewing costumes for a team, then you will be interested in reading this material. This is not a bare theory, but practice, although sometimes not at all fun.


Word create means to create, to create something new, to be creative. A special, unusual atmosphere reigns in many creative workshops. The beginning of each business and half of success is the calm state of mind of the needlewoman.

Experienced craftsmen do not advise to sit down to work in a bad mood, because it is simply impossible to make anything good at this moment. Agree that it is much easier to work if the working environment is calm. But it cannot appear by itself, it depends only on the efforts and aspirations of the people themselves, working side by side with each other, on their patience, courtesy and tact.

Of course, all sorts of cases happen, because this is life. unpleasant conflict situations sometimes it is impossible to predict and avoid, so try to be calm in these moments and cover the shortcomings of other people with your love.


There is enough work before the performance for everyone, because the hot time to prepare for the concert has come. In the process of communicating with people, especially for a long time, the costume designer can find out what abilities and skills they have. And if they respond to your request for help, then the work of tailoring costumes can be reasonably distributed.

The experience of the costume designer will help determine what exactly different types jobs can be given to a person to do. Politeness, tact of a leader or dresser, and the ability to get people interested in work will gradually increase the number of assistants and really create.

It is important to be able to distribute this work according to the abilities and strengths of each person. Some women can put old suits in order: wash, hem, iron, repair. Less experienced can be given the execution of only one operation from the sewing process, for example, only sewing on buttons, flowers or tinsel, that is, doing something that will be of the same type and not difficult for them.

Those who have sewing skills, let them make new costumes. After all, there is still painstaking, but interesting job, during which many help each other, share their experiences, and then quietly become truly family. This is the most beautiful thing that there is live communication during work.

If all the above work is done by people without pay, then the main condition for their participation should be their personal consent to provide assistance, but consent without any psychological pressure on your part.


Leaders creative project, teachers and participants themselves should be as attentive to each other as possible. Help with a good word and a real deed to your neighbor - your colleague!

Of course, it is difficult to notice the state of another person when you yourself are in a hurry and do not have time to do your job. But, stop for a minute, take a closer look, maybe someone is really harder than you. Be sure to support him in any way you can, we are PEOPLE!

In a spiritually healthy team there is always a place for mutual understanding and mutual assistance!

And only if our women's community (sometimes quite creative and unpredictable) will understand that everything that we do individually is our common cause, then the success of a creative project is guaranteed! And only then will we be happy to say that we are a truly friendly team, we are all a friendly creative team working in the same direction!

And remember, not only parents, but also teachers are an example for the children with whom they work. They copy us and our relationships. There is no friendship and mutual understanding between adults - there is no friendship between pupils and with pupils. But worse than that that children are losing respect for adults themselves - this is no longer a joke. The consequences of this are poor returns in the work of the children themselves. Do not build illusions, because the end result, for which all efforts are made, will suffer from this.


Try to communicate also outside of work and talk among yourself not about work. Because at one fine moment you will understand that you have nothing to talk about, that you have no common ground except for working moments.

Many colleagues, having worked with each other for many years, may never know that Masha cooks well, and Galochka writes poetry, strict Lyudmila Igorevna pities all the kittens, and Lenochka embroiders beautiful cross-stitch pictures in the evenings.

Become a little more attentive to others, and then many of you will understand that the colleague is not at all evil, she was just tired and did not get enough sleep, because she was doing her homework with her fourth beloved son!

This article does not claim to be true, it is a reflection of only some experience of a simple provincial. And do you have any opinions or tips to make the job of a female The team was more relaxed and productive.

Well, so what? Is it a myth or a reality - friendship in a women's team?

Team cohesion is a sign of invincibility, coherence and inviolability of interactions and microclimate in the team. cohesion is necessary condition good practice and labor process. In a society that has been formed from strangers, a certain period of time will inevitably be spent on the fulfillment of assigned group tasks. Just the cohesion of the brigade is what gives more guarantees that the obstacles to the development of the partnership will be successfully overcome, and losses will be minimized. It also matters how cohesive the employee and manager are.

Compatibility implies a high probability of solving the problem. Cohesion is an exemplary integration of the composition of the national team.

In the personnel area of ​​the movement, as in society in general, there is a division into unions and communities. Their formation takes place on the basis of the existence of structures in the association and enterprise, by social division, instituted in a certain environment. A prime example is the work environment.

However, the main factor in the formation of a certain association is a person, his manner of behavior, position in relation to the people around him. Often, a person in a faction can look for assessments of their own needs, passions, and hobbies. The contact of personalities formed in the environment of colleagues may or may not correspond to this.

Friendly team is the key to success

The goal of the boss is to form a sung company. The question arises as to how this can be achieved. Of course, the effectiveness of the common cause is determined by the harmonious interaction of the members of the community. This also applies to the activities of the commonwealth, which should turn into a single detachment with a specific intention, tasks and goals.

Each leader of the enterprise sets for himself a goal that seems impossible - the creation of a close-knit team, ready to work not only for the sake of monetary reward, but also for implementation common ideas, achieving results. it not an easy task, since even representatives of the same kind of activity have different characters, temperaments and hobbies. The goal of the leader is cohesion and the formation of a friendly community.

The most used technique is an invitation to the friendly circle of a psychologist. However, the arrival of a specialist has the opposite effect. This is stiffness and unwillingness to open up. Method number two: solve the problem on your own.

The main part is the creation of a favorable climate in the office. Make sure you have all the necessary things to carry out your official duties personnel and temporary leisure in the workplace.

In addition, it is important to periodically contact colleagues outside the office. Joint access to nature will give more positive impressions, the opportunity to find out the hidden talents and hobbies of colleagues, and will have a positive impact on the process of rallying the partnership.

Methods and mechanisms for the formation of a cohesive team

What are the methods to rally people in your team?

  • A meeting, a meeting is a great way to establish contact between members of a given society. In most cases, one consultation per week is enough. As a creative option that will positively affect the cohesion of the union, you can invent a topic for discussion, for example, lay down a slogan for the organization, after which it will be printed and pasted on the walls in the office. In this case, your imagination plays the main role. The entire circle of those present should be given the opportunity to express themselves, in which case colleagues will more likely form an awareness of the integrity of the team.
  • "Round tables" and practical exercises also take place if there is any tension among colleagues. They provide an opportunity to look for ways to resolve many troubles in professional activities, and each employee has the right to speak out.
  • Motivation is also approved by the doers. It is appropriate at any stage of formation of the detachment. In the presence of motivation to work, the process is more active. This is perceived as a "play for the prize" in cases where it is necessary to achieve goals by any means. But the whole team should be encouraged, and not an individual employee, since the rest may have doubts about the impartiality of the manager's attitude. Activities carried out under the influence of general motivation give workers a clearer sense of team spirit. The occupation of a common project has a positive effect, in this case there is common task, and encouragement. In the course of group practice, they will learn productive interaction and finding contact with comrades.

These are the main factors.

Council of psychologists: share with the corporation victories and failures. The solidarity excitement of the labor community incites to productive activities to solve the issues raised.

Listen to the opinions of colleagues. Even if they are not experts in the field of the issue under consideration. Every employee has the right to be heard. More often interesting ideas voiced by experts who see the issue from a different angle, not understanding the patterns and options for primitive conclusions.

Domestic difficulties directly affect the performance of staff. It is impossible to have all the information about everyone, but sometimes it is still useful to be curious. So the authority increases in the eyes of your subordinates, they will have a feeling of protection and participation, this is an important part. By demonstrating attention to employees, you thereby increase their efficiency and ensure profit growth, and each employee seeks to return as much as possible as much as invested.

The foundation of collective interaction is the creation and maintenance of a sense of team spirit. However, this is not at all easy. To help the manager, there are many different courses and trainings, where they talk about the basics of working with people, consider the issue from the point of view of psychology, assess the labor potential of a company employee.

It should be understood that the team is always created from individuals who have different tempers, temperaments, and each employee has their own ambitions and potential. Differences of this kind can become causes of inconsistency and discord. This is most evident in such a society on the verge of a deadline. Despite the fact that time is money, it is still necessary to devote time to the formation of a single team, to give colleagues the opportunity to get used to each other. This is enough milestone the formation of a labor union and will help bring cohesion to a new level.

Factors to keep in mind when building a team

  1. The detachment will not form into a single whole in a few days. This is a process that takes a lot of time. Collaboration should be made the main style of work of the organization.
  2. When trying to create a team, the leader cannot always take into account the data. The partnership takes part in the game, it will not be otherwise. What is the essence of the game? Every business is a game, but if there are tasks in it, whether it is receiving material rewards, raising social status And so on. Rules are rules and regulations. There are also opponents. This should not be forgotten.
  3. Employee, how long is he in the circle labor collective, always eager to play. In the absence of competitors, he will create them for himself on his own. Suppose the group is going up. The mission is the conquest of the top of the mountains, the obstacles are physical difficulties, the means are knowledge and skills, the opponents are an emergency. The public, given these factors, understands that they cannot cope with the mission alone, and members of such a society begin to look for methods to solve the problem. But it is worth placing the same union in a less uncomfortable environment, and the team spirit will disappear.
  4. A mentor who is trying to make a team out of his group should not be limited to conducting trainings, he should also highlight the style of working in society, state the essence of the issue to employees as accurately as possible, discuss the rules, provide an opportunity to see the enemy. Not always the enemy is a person. Firefighters are fighting the fire, doctors - with the disease.


Each boss must understand the mechanisms of collective initiative, remember that each employee is a person who has the right to a point of view. He is part of this community. Methods of work and approach to all should be different. We should not forget that, nevertheless, such factors as temperament, perception and dissimilarity of characters will not go anywhere. As long as humanity exists, the same number of people break the load on the brigade.

There are several stages in the formation of a cohesive labor association: grinding in, the stage of "palace coups", effectiveness, efficiency, skill, aging and death - the stage of reorganization of the institution. With each of these stages, the cohesion of the group grows.

The above are methods that will undoubtedly help to ensure that the cohesion of the labor association is strengthened. Of course, this is also influenced by such factors as the dissimilarity of characters and incompatibility of temperaments, but such problems are solved by psychological methods of influence. The main thing is that every employee should be heard.

Many factors influence the cohesion of the work community, but one thing remains the same: the employee is always the decisive unit.


A good relationship within the team, without which fruitful cooperation is impossible - this is one of the main activities of the leader. To successfully solve this problem, the leader must know the strengths and weak sides their employees, their preferences, as well as be able to competently distribute responsibilities and delegate authority so that there are no conflicts and disputes between colleagues.

It is very important for a leader to show sincerity in words and actions, because employees of the company most often broadcast exactly the approaches that the leaders adhere to. Psychologists also recommend that representatives of top management communicate with their team more often, support its initiatives, monitor and stop negative trends: conflicts, quarrels, etc.

It is easier to rally a team if people have common socio-demographic features - age, gender, education, work experience, marital status. But this happens quite rarely, because. recruited on the basis of other principles. In this case, various activities help to rally the team.

Team-building events can be divided into two groups. The first group is directly related to professional activity. The leader needs to organize participation in various seminars and conferences for his employees, conduct business games, brainstorming sessions, discussions, etc. All these events contribute to the exchange of experience, opinions, ideas, as a result of which colleagues get to know each other better, informal relations are established between them.

The second group of rallying events - festive evenings, sports competitions, anniversaries, excursions, etc. - also contributes to the strengthening of informal relations in the team. They can be organized in the office or outside it, and various holidays, anniversaries of employees or companies, successful completion of transactions, etc. can serve as occasions.

At the solemn part of these events, it is necessary to focus on the fact that it was possible to reach certain heights only thanks to the joint efforts of the entire team. Be sure to note the individual contribution of some individuals, to emphasize the importance of their work for the entire company.

Team building is a great team building activity. Most often, team building means sports competitions, team games or competitions, but it can also be fun corporate parties or psychological training aimed at teaching employees to interact and solve problems together. Team building promotes the emancipation and rapprochement of colleagues, and it helps managers to take a closer look at the team and determine the roles of employees (“leader”, “generator of ideas”, “performer”, etc.), which further allows for more efficient management of labor processes.