Making stucco moldings from polyurethane with your own hands. How to make stucco on the wall yourself: recommendations from experts. Stucco and modern interior style

Gypsum decor is diverse, which allows it to be used in interiors of any style, size and purpose. To decorate a house with relief decor, it is not necessary to purchase ready-made elements or order them in workshops. It is not difficult to work with alabaster, it is enough to study the technology and features of the material. From the article you will learn how to make gypsum stucco with your own hands.

When we see intricate embossed decorations, it's hard to believe that we can do it ourselves at home. The secret lies in the fact that such decor is not molded, but cast in special patterns. Sculpting an elegant figure from alabaster is accessible to people with artistic skills. Additional devices help the rest to create gypsum products with their own hands at home. They greatly facilitate the process of obtaining decor.

How to choose material?

The appearance and durability of the jewelry depends on the correctly selected raw materials. Experts recommend using alabaster grades from G5 to G25. For large works, stamps from G4 to G7 are suitable. The powder is sold dry in paper bags from 5 to 30 kg. In order for gypsum products to be white and durable with your own hands, it is recommended to purchase raw materials in large construction stores or specialized markets.

Alabaster packages

Advice! When purchasing gypsum by weight, make sure that there are no sand impurities, caked lumps. The color should be uniform, fine grinding.

Some manufacturers produce raw materials marked "for artistic stucco". Works from it are distinguished by increased whiteness. It is fine-grained, durable, with a high solidification rate.

In departments for needlework or hardware stores, special gypsum plasters are sold - containers for pouring the mixture into the model. Previously used rubber balls cut in half. By squeezing one edge of the plaster, it is convenient to fill the details of the template with the contents.

Preparatory activities

Do-it-yourself stucco molding from gypsum at home is created in stages:

  1. Determine the size, model of future jewelry. It is necessary to plan in which part of the room the elements will be located. Dimensions, decor design should harmoniously complement the style of the room.
  2. Make a paper sketch in full size. Based on the drawing, mold a model of a relief decoration from construction or art plasticine.
  3. You can order a prototype of the future work in the workshop, buy a polyurethane analogue.
  4. Make an impression based on the received sample.
  5. Cast the product and process it.

Advice! Do not install large complex stucco decor in small spaces. It will look out of place, make the space heavier. It is better to give preference to concise images small size.

Before proceeding with production, it is necessary to prepare the site. Well, if it is a separate room - a garage or a workshop. In the absence of such a room, when work will be carried out in a residential area, nearby surfaces must be covered with a film to protect dust from dirt.

For work, you will need a table or other surface corresponding to the size of the elements. It is important that the countertop is absolutely flat, horizontal. This can be achieved with a level.

In the process of creation, you will need tools and materials:

  • construction plasticine;
  • beaker;
  • gypsum;
  • spatulas of different sizes;
  • stationery knife;
  • narrow brush;
  • silicone;
  • separating liquid, silicone oil, ordinary oil or soap solution;
  • masking net or gauze.

Making a mold

In order for gypsum stucco molding to look beautiful with your own hands, you need to choose or make the right matrix for casting yourself. This should not save money or time. Cheap templates stretch, have inaccuracies, and can tear. high quality, metal patterns are durable. They cost many times more expensive, they are usually made to order.

Silicone is suitable for home-made template creation. When handling it, you need to take into account the features:

  • less durable than metal;
  • the composition does not spread well over the workpiece.

These problems are solvable. For greater strength, under the silicone template, a frame is made of alabaster or other rigid material (plastic, wood). To make the gypsum mortar easier to distribute over the impression, the latter is lubricated with a liquid that improves sliding.

The finished model is covered with silicone using a brush. At this stage, it is important to avoid bubbles, which will lead to irregularities in the plaster decor. After applying the first layer, reinforcement is made - gauze is laid, then repeated 2-3 more times. The thickness of the silicone should be 3-5 mm. Gauze should not be stretched so that when compressed it does not deform the product. Each layer of silicone dries for 2-3 hours.

After the final drying, the silicone blank is removed from the model. For greater stability, a frame or base is constructed. The first is made from boards according to the size of the workpiece. The second is cast from alabaster. It repeats the outlines of the silicone template and does not allow it to change when pouring plaster.

Removing the silicone mold from the model

Advice! For small stucco units, ready-made silicone blanks are suitable for creating soap, candles, confectionery. They are presented in a wide range in the departments for creativity.

Solution preparation

In order for gypsum stucco molding to turn out beautiful and durable with your own hands, you should choose high-quality dry raw materials. They differ in composition. Some manufacturers add additional components that make working with the mixture more convenient, and the final thing is highly durable.

Cooking rules:

  1. The solution is prepared in small parts in order to have time to distribute the entire amount in containers.
  2. First, water is poured, then the powder is poured, but not vice versa. Otherwise, lumps will form, the mixture will not work.
  3. The ratio of parts of water and alabaster is 10 to 7.
  4. The liquid is cold.
  5. The consistency of the solution resembles liquid sour cream.
  6. First, gypsum is poured into water, allowed to settle. Then mix thoroughly. A small volume is stirred with a spatula; for a significant amount, a drill with a mixer attachment is used.
  7. To improve the plasticity of the composition, and so that the finished product does not crack, PVA glue is mixed into the mixture.
  8. Cement is added to increase strength.

Solution preparation

Beginners in handling gypsum should know the features of the material:

  • the liquid solution is plastic;
  • hardens quickly;
  • when drying, the alabaster expands;
  • the final product is fragile, especially small parts.

The solution hardens within 5 minutes. During this time, it is necessary to complete all the blanks. For those who are faced with such work for the first time, the task will be impossible. The hardening mixture will not penetrate into all recesses, especially small and narrow ones.

Advice! To slow down freezing gypsum mixture, add gelatin or mezdrovy adhesive solution, borax, slaked or quicklime. They allow you to delay hardening by 30-35 minutes.

In some cases the curing needs to be accelerated, for example if a figure is being formed on a wall. The easiest way is to pour hot water. And also for this purpose add alum, sodium sulfate or ordinary table salt.

Creation technology

First, a silicone pattern is prepared - it is cleaned of dust and small particles. To facilitate the removal of the plaster figure, a silicone release agent is applied to the template. To do this, brush the entire surface with a brush, leaving no uncovered places. In untreated places, the composition will firmly seize, it will be problematic to remove the hardened product without damage.

The prepared solution is poured into greased matrices. It is recommended to do this in two steps:

  1. Apply the first layer of gypsum mixture with a brush. In this case, you need to make sure that there are no air bubbles. When they burst, depressions, shells form on the figure, the surface will not be uniform and smooth.
  2. Fill the container to the brim.

Advice! Large-sized or works with fine details are recommended to be reinforced with fittings. To do this, after applying the first layer of gypsum, a paint grid is placed in the mold. Then fill in the remaining space.

After, the structure must be gently shaken to release air bubbles. back needs to be leveled with a spatula. If it turns out to be bumpy, then fixing it on the wall or ceiling will be unreliable. And also gaps between the figure and the wall will be noticeable. Additional efforts will be required to cover the cracks and leveling.

The gypsum solution is kept for 20 minutes, after which it is carefully removed. If this is done earlier, then the alabaster that has not fully set will be damaged. If left for a longer time, the plaster will harden strongly and seize with the silicone template. Removal may result in deformities.

The finished part is left to dry for a day. The air temperature should not be lower than +16℃.

Drying finished parts

Finishing work

If all the steps are done according to the instructions described, then the stucco molding with your own hands should turn white after 24 hours of drying. At this stage, the part is polished, defects are removed, brought to desired type. For alignment, use fine sandpaper. It is necessary to act carefully so as not to damage the fragile part. Then the parts are coated with a primer.

Grinding finished products

The plaster figure has a matte white color. Having covered it with a colorless varnish, we get a decoration ready for installation. Alabaster stucco molding of a natural shade is used in many interiors. But if, according to the idea, the figure should have a different color, then it is painted with water-based paint or patinated. Coloring is more convenient to do before attaching the parts.

Mounting Features

Three days after the tide is out, the figures are ready for installation. Gypsum units of small sizes are fixed on the adhesive composition. It consists of PVA glue and water in a ratio of 1 to 1.5. Previously, notches are made on the back side for better adhesion to the surface. Glue is applied to the wall or ceiling, to the element. Then connect with rubbing movements. In this case, excess glue will come out at the edges. They are removed with a spatula until they harden.

Large figures are heavy. They are additionally fixed with dowels. To do this, holes are drilled in the product and screws are screwed into the wall or ceiling. The resulting recesses are covered with a gypsum mixture and polished. The cracks are rubbed with the same composition and the figure is corrected if necessary.

Tips and a description of the technology on how to make gypsum products with your own hands will help you make a unique decor for your apartment or house. Tastefully selected three-dimensional composition will create a harmonious space with a special mood.

Who said that stucco has no place in a modern interior? It's all about the number and design of the elements. Walls, ceilings, niches, fireplace facades, window and door openings are decorated with relief decor. The shape of the stucco is also different. Let's look at some types.


Gypsum sockets are used for the base under the central chandelier. In classic interiors, it has a round shape with various ornaments. The options are extensive, in the rooms of modern styles they are found in the form of geometric patterns, abstract figures.

Plaster rosette on the ceiling


They make out part of the wall inside the room or outside. A variety of plots of the picture allows you to organically fit three-dimensional images into the interior, highlighting a certain wall. If there are defects on the surface, then thanks to the panel they can be hidden.

Gypsum panel

Gypsum panel


One of the most popular stucco forms in interiors of any style. They are decorated with junctions of walls with a ceiling or floor. By varying the width of the plinth, visually increase or decrease the height of the ceiling. Often they are painted in a contrasting color with the walls, which gives the room solidity.

Ceiling plinth in the interior


Another popular stucco decor. Smooth moldings without a pattern are suitable for rooms in a minimalist style, high-tech, modern classics. Products with various ornaments will look good in baroque, art deco, classic styles.

Gypsum molding in the interior

Gypsum molding in the interior


More often cornices are found in exterior finish buildings, but are also popular for interior decoration. They emphasize the junction of the wall with the ceiling. In modern apartments, this type of stucco is installed as part of the lighting solution. Between the eaves and the ceiling, a space is left in which the LED strip or other light sources are laid.

Gypsum cornice in the interior


Came to interior design from classical architecture. In rooms, gables are installed above door and window openings, arches, built-in wardrobes. Traditionally, they have the shape of a triangular vault, which is not always appropriate in living rooms. The clear geometry makes the space uncomfortable, and the size of the element allows it to be used only in spacious rooms. In this case, the option with a gap at the top is used. The figure becomes less elongated and takes on an interesting shape.

Gables in the interior

Gables in the interior

3D panels

Decorative gypsum panels - a trend in modern interiors. They decorate the walls, giving them expressiveness and interesting texture. They are dyed and tinted. Thanks to the illumination, the convex parts of the structure emphasize the three-dimensionality.


This element is used for decorating door and window openings, for dividing space and decorating niches. Classical have the form of a regular arc. Modern options represented by a wide variety: square, irregular shape, with niches and illumination.

Gypsum arch in the interior

How to restore

Over time or with mechanical damage, the gypsum decoration is destroyed. In this case, the restoration of worn parts or their complete replacement will be required.

When restoring measures take into account the recommendations:

  • Before starting the reconstruction, it is necessary to study the scale and type of damage, then choose the appropriate method of exposure or masking.
  • If a small fragment is destroyed, replacement is not required. Existing damage is repaired directly on the element.
  • If the stucco has changed color in case of getting wet or dirty, the whole product is painted in a color suitable for the interior. Suitable paint water based.
  • Helps hide minor scratches art painting. To do this, use oil paints.
  • In case of loss of a significant part, restoration work is carried out by referring to the photograph, if available.
  • If there is no photograph of the lost part, then a new one is made, taking into account the general style of the room.
  • During restoration, cracks and seams are opened and re-sealed with fresh mortar.
  • Weakly fixed parts are removed, the surfaces are leveled and fixed again. AT this case recommended double mount- on glue and dowels.
  • If the paint has come off on the area of ​​the figure, the entire element is painted. Otherwise, the color of the freshly coated area will be different. To do this, the old layer is peeled off the part, the surface is ground, primed and coated with the desired color.

Restoration stages

To restore the relief decorations that have lost their original appearance, no special skills are required. It is enough to get acquainted with the technology and find out the important nuances of the work:

  1. The first step is cleaning from dirt and dust.
  2. The next step will be the release of surfaces from layers of varnish, glue, emulsion, oils. To achieve this, a thick paste is applied to the gypsum product, which is removed after drying.
  3. The activities carried out will help to get an idea of ​​​​the original form.
  4. If a chip occurs, and its fragments are preserved, they are glued together. The use of original parts in the restoration simplifies the task.
  5. If a significant fragment is missing, it is recast.

In some cases, stucco loses original color, then re-staining is required:

  • If possible, use the same paint that was used the first time.
  • Before painting, the surface is impregnated with a primer. If the decor is varnished, then priming is not required.
  • The consistency of the paint is adjusted to the desired, diluting with water.
  • Paint with a long bristled brush. It allows you to apply paint to hard-to-reach places.
  • To create the effect of a different texture, the paint is applied with a sponge with patting movements.
  • To give the effect of antiquity, patination of individual parts is used, and gilding is also done.

Restoration of plaster products

Gypsum is easy to restore - this is another advantage of the material. If some parts of the decor were damaged, they can be restored with your own hands.

Having learned how to make stucco molding with your own hands, you can safely proceed to the implementation of original ideas or make simple elements. The main thing is that you will enjoy the creative process, and a do-it-yourself thing will please the eye and be the pride of the owner of the home.

If you don't know how to perfectly decorate a wall, try stucco. This is a wonderful type of decoration, which has proven since ancient times, or rather since the 17th century, when it entered the interior and instantly gained the greatest popularity. And, if you meet her extremely rarely in an average house or apartment, this does not mean that today she is not relevant. Stucco molding is widely used by architects and designers to implement a wide variety of ideas. Is it possible to make stucco molding yourself, with your own hands? You will receive the answer to this question in this article.

Where is stucco used?

Stucco molding is a universal decorative element that is used in the art of decoration. You can decorate not only walls, but also ceilings, windows, fireplaces, doorways, canvases and furniture. Unfortunately, the use for the facade of the building is excluded, but there are other methods for this, except for stucco molding. The technique involves emphasizing the smoothness of forms, the beauty of the bend and focusing on the finish.

It is important to note the possibility of application in a wide variety of styles, directions of both design and architecture. You can mask defects, various irregularities, hidden problems. For example, you can hide communications, diversify rather boring elements. Among the varieties, stucco borders and pedestals are in demand, brackets are less common, you can make a decorative cornice, create a stucco dome on the ceiling. Finish not only fireplaces, but also shelves, bookcases, bar counters, which once again proves wide application stucco.

Materials from which stucco can be made

Initially, they made stucco molding from soft stone, but gradually came to the conclusion that this method was too expensive. Then it was decided to make stucco from:

  • tree;
  • gypsum;
  • artificial polymers.

Among these materials, gypsum stands out the most. This is the most commonly used material. Gypsum is able to penetrate even the smallest corners of the relief, expands upon solidification. It is easiest for designers to work with him, which explains his popularity. But the tree, despite its high cost, is environmentally friendly.

The use of polyurethane, which is cheaper than polystyrene, ensures durability, but the main purpose of stucco molding - appearance - deteriorates very quickly. It is environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic, they can simply be primed with water emulsion and laminated.

How to make stucco on the wall with your own hands?

Your task will be to prepare the materials. To work with finished stucco, which hardens relatively quickly, you need to have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat you will create. Namely, we are talking about creating a sketch. You can find a layout on the Internet, get inspired by other people's work, print a sketch, print from plasticine, clay. It's like the work of a sculptor.

Prepare the casting mold. There are ready-made silicone or plastic ones that you can buy if you are not good at modeling. Or make a shape. Silicone is easier to separate from the finished product.

To make stucco molding with your own hands, building gypsum, PVA glue or plasticine, a cement base are taken, provided that you need to create a small structure. Also prepare a form, spatulas and knives, narrow brushes, tape measures, pencils, measuring cups and rulers.

To create stucco, pour gypsum with water and mix well. What proportions to take will depend on the size of the intended product: the larger the element, the higher the coolness of the mixture. The finished composition will have the consistency of a thick dough. In general, the ratio of gypsum to cold water is taken as 10 to 7. We add PVA glue for plasticity and greater adhesion. If you need to make a colored solution, you should add a pigment or additive to it, which will make the coloring brighter.

Pour the solution into prepared molds and evenly distribute using a brush and small spatulas for this. In a quarter of an hour you will receive the finished product. If you followed the instructions, then removing the stucco is not difficult.

Often a wire frame is added to the solution. This is especially true when the design is very complex. You have the opportunity to experiment with different solutions, to develop skills. Additional elements fixed using the same solution.

When the stucco molding you made hardens, it will need to be sanded with fine-grained sandpaper. This is what helps her to gain smoothness and softness.

How to make a wall mount yourself?

At the finishing stage, it becomes necessary to fix the stucco on the wall. For a beginner, this may not be a very easy task, but everything is not so scary. To begin with, we select a place on the wall in which the decor will be located. It is necessary not only to take into account the interior of the room, but also the dimensions of the room.

The wall should be cleaned of whitewash and dirt, dust. For correct operation, define the boundaries and make light pencil marks. Make light notches on the wall with a chisel. Further, the wall is moistened, as well as the rear of the product structure with water. For fastening and fixing it is possible to use PVA glue or carpentry.

Attach molding to the wall. Do this by rubbing a little, and excess glue should be immediately removed with pieces of a dry cloth or with a small spatula. In extreme cases, for particularly large parts, self-tapping screws are used, the heads of which are masked. If the cornice is attached, the corners are formed by cutting the stucco molding with a hacksaw at an angle of 45 degrees, and starting from it, the entire cornice is formed.

The stucco molding fixed on the wall should be cleaned of dirt and dust. This is done carefully to avoid damage. The structure is coated with a water-soluble emulsion for the ceiling. Thus, the stucco will be protected from moisture and last longer.

You can also learn how to make stucco molding with your own hands easily and simply from this interesting video:

Hand stucco molding made of gypsum is a three-dimensional relief decor used for outdoor or interior design premises. With it, you can:

  • structure space;
  • hide certain architectural flaws;
  • place the necessary accents in the interior, etc.

Usage decorative items from plaster will give each room the most solid and noble look.

Functions of molding products:

  • utilitarian (capable of hiding a variety of structural elements);
  • aesthetic (help to realize any design fantasies).

Elements of decorative plaster products:

  • plinth;
  • moldings;
  • cornices;
  • ceiling sockets;
  • brackets;
  • pedestals;
  • pilasters;
  • semi-columns;
  • columns.

Luxurious decorative elements, which are created from high-strength gypsum, are able to guarantee exceptional quality, perfect connection accuracy, compliance with all dimensions and ease of installation with a professional approach.

Advantages of gypsum stucco molding:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • impeccability;
  • fire safety;
  • durability;
  • easily restored;
  • is a classic;
  • resistant to temperature changes;
  • lends itself to gilding, painting and various processing;
  • allows you to hide many architectural errors and bring any idea to life.

Today extraordinary beauty gypsum stucco is available to everyone. A variety of decorative elements can make new life into the details of the interior, thereby giving them a special charm, as well as creating a feeling of stability, brightness, reliability and lightness.

The only competitor of gypsum stucco is polyurethane stucco, which is the most practical option in some respects.

Gypsum is a unique material, organically combined with other products of natural origin: glass, metal, wood, ceramics and stone. At the same time, gypsum stucco molding is able to absorb excess moisture and evaporate it with a decrease in air humidity. Its main advantage lies in the possibility of creating decorative elements on an individual order.

Today, gypsum stucco on walls and ceilings is produced in a wide variety of directions - from baroque to classical or even ultra-modern style.

How to make plaster molding

Gypsum is a fragile and capricious material, but it was chosen by specialists for the manufacture of stucco. This building material is distinguished by such a property as expansion, which allows it to penetrate into the smallest relief forms and cracks, ensuring high accuracy of the finished product. When creating the pouring of plaster molds, it is necessary to make a slight agitation, which ensures the elimination of air bubbles and the thorough filling of the fine structure.

To reduce warping, gypsum is diluted with lime water, using slaked and quicklime for its preparation. For the solution that will be used for casting, water and gypsum are taken in a ratio of 1:0.7, and for drawing a thicker solution is created, the ratio of components in which is 1:2.

Do-it-yourself gypsum stucco molding

Modern stucco decorations are made on the basis of special forms. They may be different metal molds, which, thanks to their smooth internal surface, make it possible to create a product that does not require additional refinement. Such forms are more often used for the manufacture of stucco moldings in industrial scale, since the metal can withstand up to 2500 cycles without changes.

More inexpensive forms are silicone and latex. They have slightly less strength, and the product obtained by pouring into them does not have the same perfect view and needs improvement.

Stucco molding from plaster technology

The production of stucco takes place in several stages. Be sure to take care of the availability of all materials and tools. You will need:

  • building plaster;
  • colorless varnish;
  • tassel;
  • spatula;
  • Silicone Grease;
  • artistic plasticine, not sticky to hands.


1. Initially, plasticine should be prepared and a model of the future product should be molded from it. You can make it yourself, using a sketch, or purchase a finished one.

2. Then the inner surface of the mold is smeared with silicone grease.
3. The model is placed on a flat surface.

4. Next, we prepare a gypsum mortar, which should have a sour cream consistency.
5. The first layer should be applied with a brush and only then fill the entire form. If a large column is being made, then after the first layer, a copper mesh is laid out in the mold, which will be used as a reinforcing component.
6. The back side of the future product is leveled, and the form is left to dry (1-4 hours).
7. When everything is ready, the molding is removed from the mold. Its outer side is polished and covered with a colorless varnish.

Painting decorative plaster moldings

Gypsum relief has a white clean surface, so sometimes it needs to be transformed. To paint the stucco, it is better to use the same paint that you used to paint the walls. If at the end of the work you did not varnish the product, then before painting it should be primed in two layers.

Before you start applying the paint, it must be stirred and diluted with water. You need to cover the stucco with a small brush with a long pile. Various abrasions, patting, aging and gilding are created to give the product a “bloom of time”. If you want to make a natural texture, then you can use a sponge, synthetic materials, pieces of fabric, etc.

Plaster molding installation

Installation of stucco is quite simple and fast:

1. Initially, the required area should be cleaned of a variety of dirt and whitewash. 2. Next, you need to mark the exact border and draw a circle in which the product will be installed.
3. Then, notches are created on the surface and in the stucco with a chisel. This should be done for the best grip.
4. The product is glued to a solution of gypsum with the addition of wood glue (ratio - 3% glue from total weight solution).
5. Next, the surface and molded parts are wetted with water using a brush.
6. Having installed the decor, you need to move it slightly, and remove the excess mixture with a spatula.

  • gypsum wall and ceiling stucco molding is mounted on a plastered surface after it has completely dried and hardened;
  • it is not recommended to install gypsum products in wet rooms(60% or more);
  • gypsum stucco molding for the facade is mounted together with the construction of the walls and fixed to the outlets of the reinforcement in the masonry, which must be covered with an anti-corrosion agent;
  • small stucco parts (up to 100 mm) can be fixed with gypsum or cement mortar;
  • products intended for the facade are best treated with drying oil or paraffin;
  • it is better to mount the stucco molding raw - so it will better grab the surface;
  • if the gypsum is already dry, then it must first be moistened with water;
  • if you still intend to paint the walls, then it is recommended to do this after the installation of the stucco is completed.

How to make gypsum stucco video:

plaster molding

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At some point, it becomes clear that you need a truly stylish and beautiful facade, interior. You are on the right track.
Gypsum stucco molding is the oldest, but not losing its youth and relevance, way of decorating the interior of the facade. Known to the ancient Greeks, facade stucco has not lost its charm, artistic and natural, for many centuries.

Gypsum stucco gives truly unique opportunities for creating unique interiors.

Classic plaster moldings with a smooth white stone-like surface (limestone, marble, granite). Stucco molding: cornices, rosettes, columns, friezes, patterns made of plaster.

Gypsum is a wonderful material. Light, plastic, practically not amenable to the action of time, does not change its shape, texture, color. In terms of environmental friendliness, gypsum will give odds to many materials.

It is absolutely harmless, non-flammable, odorless. It is a breathable, breathable material.

Do-it-yourself plaster molding.

It doesn't shrink. Gypsum does not turn yellow and does not crack. Gypsum products are more embossed, they have a clear, not blurry pattern. When repairing, restoring and painting plaster moldings, as a rule, there are no difficulties.
An imitation of artificial stone is also produced.


Finnish resin: unlike gypsum, stucco is much more durable, stronger and, most interestingly, much more economical in construction.

Compared with gypsum, stucco, resin is the best and most economical material for facade decoration. The resin is very well tolerated by many years of external environmental influences and is not slightly worse in density than stucco. In appearance, the resin is exactly the same as all kinds of stucco moldings.
Imitation color - gold, silver, bronze is also possible.

Glass fiber reinforced concrete

Glass fiber reinforced concrete (GFRC) is: beautiful, embossed, but at the same time thin-walled, lightweight, durable products, as well as excellent waterproofing and mechanical protection.

One of the main areas of use of SFB is architectural decoration. has exceptional technological properties. From it you can get a product of almost any shape, it has high rates bending strength, high impact strength, elasticity, crack resistance, water tightness.

Our company produces exclusive stucco decorations, i.e.

plaster products. Stucco molding can decorate and transform any interior, giving it individuality.

The experience of our company will help you bring to life any of the most daring and unique stucco decor.

We will fulfill any order for gypsum products according to original projects intricate architectural details.

Gypsum stucco is not only hygienic, sufficiently durable and has good soundproofing qualities, but also architectural expressiveness.

Stucco is the grace and lightness of lines, relief, depth and accuracy of the pattern.

Stucco will harmoniously complement both the facade of your building and the interior of your living space.

Most often, gypsum products are used in the form of various cornices, skirting boards, rods, friezes, platbands, moldings, corners, sockets and many other elements.


We also bring to your attention a more practical and cheap option Stucco moldings:

Sandwich – Gypsum (SG) – new material for the manufacture of lightweight architectural decor.

SG combines the lightness of foam plastic and the polished plasticity of gypsum. Sandwich-Gypsum is designed to solve the problem of mounting a massive architectural decor on unprepared, suspended, plasterboard ceilings without strengthening the carrier system.

As a result, a material has been obtained that has a complex of valuable qualities that expand the capabilities of architects and designers.

SG combines strength and lightness, honed plasticity of gypsum, speed and ease of installation, easy processing and painting, and long-term storage.

We assume the combination of such qualities will find wide application, both in the interior and in decorating facades. For the manufacture of the cover layer, G-16 gypsum and waterproof gypsum binders (VGV) are used.

Plaster decor. Making stucco with your own hands.

Gypsum stucco has not lost its relevance for many centuries and is unlikely to lose in our time.

Having a skill in modeling, necessary tools and materials, you can make interesting moldings for the apartment yourself.

In order to make gypsum decor with your own hands, you need to master a few basic procedures, following which you can do a lot of interesting things to decorate your interior.

Using the example of a ceiling socket, we will show a master class on making stucco moldings with our own hands.

one . We select the pattern of the outlet, which will be combined with the general style of the interior.

If you stick to the classics, then the ceiling decor should not be done in modern style. This will cause dissonance in the overall perception of the room. To search for a drawing, you can use images from the Internet, from the literature on architecture, or draw a drawing with your own hands. Choosing an ornament for our rosette, we focused on the classic style.

Determine the size ceiling decor. It is important to take into account the proportions of the outlet to the chandelier and the overall dimensions of the room: the light should not go beyond the boundaries of the stucco. For our room, a socket with a diameter of 70 cm is suitable.

Then, in the figure, we select a repeating element, in this case, six cyclic parts. On the computer, we outline the ornament, build the size of the link. We get a segment of a circle with a side length of 35 cm.

We slightly modify the socket, which we have chosen as the basis.

We replace the central part with a ring with a diameter of 28 cm from a smooth molding. At the same stage, it is necessary to draw its section (cross-section of the profile, 4 cm wide).

The final stage of preparation is the production of a molding template and a substrate for the segment model. In the printing house we print the ornament element on a self-adhesive film in full size, we print the sketch of the molding on plain paper.

The cut of the sketch is transferred to millimetric stainless steel measuring 8 * 5 cm.

Carefully cut out the relief part with a jigsaw. Under the steel template, so that it does not bend, we put a wooden template (the steel one should protrude by 1-1.5 cm.)

We put a film with a pattern on the surface and begin to gain mass from plasticine on it. For modeling, we use a special sculptural clay, preferably of medium softness. It holds its shape better, allows you to work out rather small details of the rosette, does not leave stains and does not stick to your hands.

The shelf life of plasticine is not limited, it retains its properties for a long time, so it can be used for many years.

During the course of the work, we use various tools, including sculptural stacks of slant knives, medical scalpels, chisels, spatulas, art brushes, grinding skins, straight and figured cycles, a screwdriver.

Without a special set, you can use manicure tools and small spatulas.

Let's start making a draft form. After the segment of the circle is molded, fill it with silicone. Alcorsil 325 is an inexpensive and easy-to-use tin-catalyzed material. Alcorsil is characterized by low viscosity, high physical and mechanical characteristics, fast time curing.

Alcorsil silicones are used to create candles and plaster figurines, toys, soaps, sculptures of various shapes, etc. We breed the material with the approver in the proportion: per 100 gr. silicone 5 gr. approver. We apply silicone in layers, with a brush, so that bubbles do not form.

The hardening of each layer is approximately 2-3 hours, as a result, the thickness of the silicone should be about 3 mm.

We make molds for stucco with our own hands.

We put a gypsum casing on top of the silicone, for this we dilute the gypsum and apply it to the silicone, leveling the surface with a spatula. The casing is necessary so that when pouring gypsum, the silicone is not deformed. After drying, remove the casing along with silicone and prepare a gypsum mortar. To do this, pour 7 parts of water into the gypsum plaster and pour 10 parts of gypsum in small doses, stirring with a whorl.

It must be remembered that a freshly prepared solution remains fluid for about 2-3 minutes, loses plasticity after 7-8 minutes and completely hardens after 15-20 minutes.

We use gypsum GVVS-16 of ZAO Samara Gypsum Plant, which is characterized by increased strength and fineness of grinding.

Gypsum mortar is poured into a draft form and left to harden.

The resulting casting is carefully removed, finished, and cleaned with abrasive skins of irregularities (grain size 150, 240). We make a model for the manufacture of a final form.

Let's get started with the final mold, for this we use Mold Star 15 silicone - a simple and easy-to-use two-component material based on platinum with a hardness of 15 and a ratio of components 1A:1B by weight or volume. We dilute silicone in a ratio of 1: 1.

Mold Star 15 has a low viscosity, does not shrink and can be used several times.

Thanks to this, the first and last castings from such a mold will be absolutely identical. We also apply silicone to the model with a brush in several layers, the drying period of each layer is 5-6 hours. Then, similarly to stage No. 6, we make a plaster casing.

We remove the final form and cast the required number of elements. In our case, we need to cast six cyclic parts.

10. We proceed to the broach of the ring - the middle of our outlet.

We use the template that we prepared in advance.

Pulling circular rods is done with an ordinary sparrow. It is a rail of the required length, where the template itself is attached at one end, and at the other there is a hole with which the ruler is put in the center on a driven pin or nail.

By rotating the template, we make marks of the boundaries of the future thrust, then we throw in the solution and draw out the circle.

At the same time, the design of the fastening of the center pin should not interfere with the circular movement of the sparrow template.

We do the broach in several circular motions, if necessary, add a little bit of gypsum mortar until we achieve the accuracy of the relief. Let the finished product dry and then carefully remove it from the table with a spatula.

11. We mark the places for attaching the decor.

We find the center of the ceiling by crossing the diagonals. We draw a circle with a diameter of 70 cm, then divide it into six segments of 60 degrees.

We moisten the prepared surfaces of the wall, ceiling and stucco parts with water and apply a water-based adhesive solution on them with a bristle brush (for example, PVA building glue or Aqua Silver).

Having set the parts in place, slightly move them from side to side, as if grinding. Remove excess plaster with a spatula. We additionally fasten the stucco decor on self-tapping screws, the distance between which is 15-20 cm.

After the socket is completely dry, you can proceed to the next important step - pre-gypsum. We mask the attachment points and joints with plaster. To do this, we use the same gypsum from which the rosette was sculpted. The places of fastenings and joints are moistened with water and filled with plaster. Using a small spatula and abrasive skins, we level the surface and joints.

13. Finally, the plaster rosette should be painted.

Most often, water-soluble emulsion matte paints are used for ceilings. To avoid a difference in color, it is necessary to paint the stucco decoration together with the ceiling.

The gypsum product must be completely dry, it must be cleaned of dust.

Painting can be done either in a combination of primer-paint or paint-paint. If the stucco decoration is installed in a room with high humidity, gypsum stucco is impregnated with moisture-repellent solutions (aquastops, waterproof primers).

This completes our master class, and using the example of making a rosette, you can continue to make interesting plaster moldings for the interior.

The company "DAK", with pleasure, will help you in the implementation of your ideas.

How to make plaster with your own hands?

Many people are interested in how stucco is made by hand, as in a classic, antique or baroque interior - one of the most common decorative details is the relief decorations on the walls.

Of course, you can buy a finished product, but it costs a lot and not everyone can afford it, so DIY plaster design will be a valuable reward for the work of professional sculptors.

Such decorative elements are used both inside and outside the house.

They are installed on the wall, on the ceiling and even on furniture.

Decorative plaster on the facade or in the interior of the house will change without recognition and turn the structure into a true work of art.

If you are planning to decorate the stucco facade of a building, you can create it right in the middle of the mess.

This will be very robust, but not elegant enough.

If you want to use more complex decorative elements on the ceiling or walls, in this case you need to use facade casting from other materials - gypsum, polyurethane, fiberglass, foam.

Own production of stucco plaster

The plaster product can be purchased ready-made and you can do it yourself.

We offer you a detailed master class that shows the production of gypsum strips.

After studying our main class, you will learn how to make plaster with your own hands and use it in your home.

First you need to prepare all the necessary tools and materials.

The following materials are required to independently repeat the main class:

  • Ideal flat table without slopes and surface deformations;
  • A set of blades and tools, a brush, a knife;
  • Glue to protect the table from dirt and dust;
  • Plates and.

    Ideal - construction;

  • Measuring glass, measuring tape, ruler;
  • Construction plaster, PVA, for large elements - cement;
  • Silicone oil and silicone as well as release grease.

If this is your first time thinking about a house, we recommend working on small details like flowers or a rosette first.

At the beginning of the work, you must create a sketch of your future product, which you can do yourself or find it already prepared in the literature or on the Internet.

Pay Special attention on the size of the works so that it can easily fit into the interior or exterior of the building.

The sketch is printed and the plasticine model of the desired shape, but somewhat larger, it is on the paper straight.

You can also buy one end product from the store and use it as a mold.

Now you can start creating the shape for your decor. At home, silicone molds can be made and placed on the ceiling.

It will cost more than plaster, but they are easier and more comfortable to work with.

Before molding into a mold model, it should be treated with grease.

To do this, mix silicone with silicone oil and carefully apply the mixture on your model, leaving no streaks or air bubbles.

The first layer with gauze, which should be carefully pressed into the silicone layer. After drying the previous layer, place a second one every two to three hours.

Therefore, you should get a layer of at least 3 mm.

If you want to make great items, then you can pour plaster mold.

For this form, we create a panel for silicone adhesives and then pour the plaster.

You can also make things easier and use your purchased silicone mold.

Then 10 parts of plaster are removed from 7 parts of water, which can be added to the plasticity of a small sticky PVA and mixed with the consistency of sour cream.

Immediately pour the mixture into the mould, mix with the release agent.

Plaster stem.

Mounting functions

In the design of the facade and interior of the house, gypsum design is the most common material that has not lost its popularity in recent years.

This is not surprising, since gardens have many advantages - natural, environmentally friendly, spongy, flammable.

It can be used not only on the facade of the building, but also in the interior - in children's rooms and bedrooms, even on the ceiling.

It also has defects - gypsum products are heavy and increase fragility.

Therefore, its installation is possible only in those houses that have increased power and are built on a good foundation.

Interior installation must be done very carefully as the interference design can be broken in the process.

First make a mark on the installation site, clean the surface, attach the attachment points with water and dry.

On the underside of the work, make and prepare the slices to ensure good adhesion to the surface.

When the part is dry, make a mixture of gypsum mixture and glue with joinery.

Install the fixing element on the facade and the part with water, fill these adhesive mixtures in these places and lightly snap the element on the facade.

Excess glue should be removed with a spatula.

Then other parts are assembled.

Polyurethane plaster

Polyurethane plaster is one of the simplest. It can be used in the interior of the house, to decorate furniture and on the facade of the building.

It's not the best cheap material, but as a result, the completion of such material will be cheaper than any other. The decoration on the walls or facade can be glued independently.

For gluing, only glue is needed to keep the surface dry and smooth.

In fact, it doesn't matter how strong and stable your walls are, because polyurethane sheets are loaded without them.

Installing plaster can be done by two people and the process will take quite a bit of time.

Modern polyurethane planks have huge volumes so you can easily find correct option for myself.

The polyurethane structure can be coated with colors for the interior or exterior, depending on the location.

Begin installation by preparing the surface.

How to make gypsum plaster with your own hands

Prepare lines on the wall or ceiling where you will attach the decorative elements. Secure with nails and insert dowels.

On the reverse side of the form of polyurethane profiles with abrasive. In each part, make holes corresponding to the location of the dowels.

The wrong side of the work should be coated and dried on an open day.

Apply glue to the plaster, attach it to the surface and drive the prepared holes into the nails.

The disparity must be covered up with whales or silicone sealant.

The plaster room is finished, now you can paint it in the selected color.

foam plaster

This product is definitely the most affordable way decorate your home. In recent years, this material has been widely used in the interior.

Styrofoam weighing elements are very small, so they can be attached to the wall of almost any design.

This material, despite the artificial source, is environmentally friendly, does not emit harmful substances, fire-resistant, resistant to moisture.

It can be installed on almost any surface.

It should be noted that in order to extend the life of the foam protective layer must be formed from above.

In addition, foam plaster has, as a rule, a simple form without complex patterns.

To install the plaster, you will need: dowels, special polystyrene foam glue, base coat, construction pins, foam sewing, colors of the right colors.

To begin with, the surface must be cleaned of dust and dirt and prepared.

Now make a mark on the surface, dilute the dry glue, apply the elements, stick the part in place and apply some pressure.

Gaps should be treated with foam, remove adhesive and foam residues with a spatula.

Close the underlay and draw it after the build is complete.

Plaster molding of glass fibers from reinforced concrete and polymer concrete

Concrete spindles are very heavy, but technology does not stand still, and now products are made from lightweight and at the same time very powerful materials.

These materials consist of a blend of dry cements and other ingredients that give the product strength and lightness.

The material simply supports temperature changes, vibrations and other aggressive effects.

During the manufacture of plaster, the dye is added to the composition so that it has the desired color.

Antique, classic, baroque interior style implies the indispensable use of a special plaster moldings . Most often, it is performed by professional sculptors with extensive experience in this field. And it is very beautiful in appearance, but, as a rule, it is very expensive today and not all people can afford it. But using fairly simple devices, professional materials and having a little artistic experience, you can make this decorative element on your own, without resorting to the help of numerous qualified specialists. Today we’ll talk about making gypsum stucco with your own hands.

Gypsum has many positive characteristics. It has maximum naturalness, a high degree of environmental friendliness and the absence of unwanted emissions. hazardous substances, so it can be safely used in the family bedroom and cozy children's room. As a characteristic negative characteristic one can and should note a rather small weight and significant fragility.

Before the immediate start labor activity necessary to prepare appropriate construction equipment and a lot of consumables.

1. You will need big table, but it must have the maximum flat surface. As a rule, the decor tends to harden quite quickly, and therefore, any wrong bias will cause an unwanted marriage.

2. Purchase a special protective film for the table and related items in advance. The material forms a nasty dust, and the silicone can instantly stick to the surface.

3. Buy the necessary spatulas and sculpting tools (stacks, knives), brushes, stationery knives.

4. Don't forget your ruler, tape measure, and measuring cup.

5. Also, professional building clay or high-quality clay will certainly come in handy.

6. There should be excess glue and cement in stock.

7. In no case should you forget to use pre-purchased silicone material, quality cement, a large amount of silicone oils, release agents, silicone guns. These materials can be easily bought in specialized stores not only for construction, but also for art.

If you completely lack the desired experience in this type of activity, then in the near future you need to practice well on creating small elements of the plaster plan.

Before creating the desired stucco, you need to accurately form an opinion about specific design and required sizes. For these purposes, you can read in detail and carefully the information of interest to you on a variety of thematic Internet resources, in educational books, newspapers and bright magazines. Relevant design solution and the dimensions of potential stucco elements should optimally match the interior and harmonious style of the selected room. The size should not be extensive, and also should not clutter up the available sockets and the most important structures.

The impressing sketch must first be printed out, and already directly according to it, scrupulously begin to fashion the desired image. If you are completely confident in your abilities and talents, then you can personally make the required sketch at home. If you do not have relevant experience in this delicate area, then stucco molding from a well-known material used in real life practice, polyurethane, may be the basis.

You can create a large number of gypsum elements, while this sample is well modified, which is another characteristic positive factor of this material considered by us.

When the model is fully prepared, it is recommended to start creating a mold for casting the future masterpiece. You can easily make silicone molds yourself. They are slightly more expensive, however, and are much easier to use for beginners. Release agent is used for careful processing of the model. The future form should depart from it.

To obtain the form, it is necessary to mix silicone oil with silicone in equal proportions, this is done to increase maximum elasticity. Next, using a special brush, silicone should be carefully applied to your model. In no case do not make unnecessary passes, carefully painting over all the pores and recesses. The movements should be applied in a smooth and soft manner, so as not to form excessive air bubbles.

Bubbles can ruin all your work done, and this should not be allowed in any case. The form is firmly strengthened with ordinary gauze. In connection with complete drying, you need to apply three more small, neat layers. Each of them must dry for at least three hours. The maximum thickness of the layers should vary up to three millimeters.

Elements big size must be based on a mandatory shaped gypsum base, so that the form acquires visual appeal and style. In this case, it is necessary to build a small frame and choose a suitable box. Mix glue with ordinary liquid, add a small amount of gypsum and cement. The mixture is then poured into a pre-prepared formwork, leveled with an improvised tool. It is required to give time just so that it freezes well. Due to complete drying, the resulting form is carefully removed from the model.

If you want to transform your space with compact decorative pieces, then pay close attention to the availability of store-bought silicone molds sold in any building institution.

Watch a video on the topic: Silicone molds for plaster moldings

To coat the resulting forms, you will need the mandatory presence of a release agent. Further prepared directly by itself gypsum material. It dries up literally within minutes. If you want the gypsum to harden much faster, then it must be diluted very hot water, that is, boiling water in the literal sense. Dry material is poured into very small proportions of seven parts of water and quickly mixed. The best way to do this is with a professional mixer drill.

The resulting solution is poured into a pre-prepared form. The surface is carefully leveled exclusively with a construction spatula. The product dries within a quick twenty minutes.