Stucco decoration in interior and architecture: nuances of use (24 photos). Placing stucco on the walls How to decorate a room with stucco

A bedroom is a place of rest for a person, which, regardless of the chosen stylistic concept, should be cozy and comfortable, creating a warm homely atmosphere. At the same time, when decorating a bedroom, most designers strive to “revive” the interior, using relief elements and decorative accessories for this.

An excellent solution for creating a voluminous and lively bedroom interior is the use of stucco decor, which can not only diversify and decorate the space, but also perform the function of zoning and visual expansion of the room. However, stucco should be used only in accordance with some design rules, which we will discuss in this article.

Stucco molding in small bedrooms - up to 16 sq.m.

With particular care, GessoStar designers recommend approaching the use of stucco decoration in small, limited spaces, especially if they have a low ceiling. In this case, you should not completely abandon plaster decorations, but you should limit their number and give preference to laconic geometric shapes that will not burden the space. This rule is also confirmed by the recommendation to abandon pompous classic styles (,) when decorating small bedrooms.

When choosing modern trends in interior concepts, it is also worth refusing to install columns, semi-columns, arches and pilasters, however, the following stucco decor elements will help to achieve the beautiful aesthetics of a small bedroom:

  • a very important element in the design of the bedroom is textiles, in particular curtains. Based on this, the decoration of the cornice is of particular importance. By giving preference to stucco cornices, you can count on creating an exquisite window area and smoothing corners that visually “break” the space of an already small room.
  • thin plaster friezes are a great option for visually highlighting the bed area. Such stucco strips are usually located on both sides of the bed, somewhat retreating from the bedside tables. As a result, it is possible to achieve relief zoning without weighing down or compressing the space.
  • The key to successful design of a small room is good lighting. It is on the basis of this rule that by placing an elegant plaster lamp on the wall of a small bedroom, the designer can “kill two birds with one stone” - decorate the room and add lighting that will expand the space.

Stucco molding in bedrooms ranging from 16 to 20 sq.m.

Medium-sized bedrooms offer much more scope for stucco and decor. Here, the installation of more massive and relief elements is allowed, and restrictions on the choice of a stylistic concept are also removed. If classical trends and historical motifs are chosen for decoration, an abundance of stucco will be the best option for decoration and functional zoning. In this case, designers recommend giving preference to the following stucco details:

  • ornate and original elements of plaster molding will fit perfectly into the decor of a classic medium-sized bedroom. Designers recommend giving preference to paired accessories. First of all, such advice is based on the ability to separate the area of ​​the bed, window or dressing table into a separate functional space.
  • large stucco frames with a massive relief texture make it possible to focus on the place of their localization, visually distributing the interior load.
  • and - besides the fact that art objects and sculptures made by plaster masters are of obvious artistic value, they can become an additional interior center that balances the load of space.

Stucco molding in large bedrooms - from 20 sq.m.

It is in bedrooms with an area of ​​​​more than 20 sq.m. the complex of large, massive stucco products looks very good. All the design accessories described above can be used here, complemented by the brightest stucco accents:

  • and - by placing plaster pilasters or semi-columns on both sides of the bed, it is possible to achieve incredible aesthetics, focus attention on this area and isolate the place of rest. In large rooms, you can choose relief columns with intricate patterns and natural motifs.
  • by installing a decorative arch in the area of ​​​​the bed, a limited rest space is created, which is often supplemented with massive textile canopies. The use of arches in the interior of the bedroom allows you to give the design of the room a romantic atmosphere.
  • decorative gypsum niches look very nice in the interior of the bedroom, which are decorated with sculptors from the same material and equipped with lighting. As a result, the room receives additional illumination and a very bright decorative element.

The GessoStar stucco decoration studio offers a wide range of author's gypsum stucco works and services of professional designers that will make your bedroom interior incredibly aesthetic and comfortable.

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Stucco molding in the interior dates back to the times of Ancient Greece and Rome, and therefore is rightfully considered one of the oldest decors. She found wide application in the era of classicism, baroque, empire, but later was not forgotten.

Of course, modern stucco is no longer the same, it has been improved, presented to the consumer with optimal characteristics at an affordable price. In stores of various kinds, stucco decoration is represented by separate details that are combined into a single composition. The sculpting process is not similar to the work of ancient architects, but the visual effect is no less naturalistic.

Materials for the manufacture of stucco

Once upon a time, stucco molding had to be created from cement mortar, lime, plaster or gypsum. Nowadays, special gypsum mixtures are used, as well as ready-made decor made of polyurethane or polystyrene (aka polystyrene), which is simply glued to a pre-prepared surface and then painted. Each of the options has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Polyurethane molding

Due to its strength and pleasant texture, the material is close to genuine gypsum stucco. In addition, he is not afraid of various temperature conditions, humidity and light mechanical damage. Painted with absolutely any paints. There are also special sets that allow you to create the effect of antiquity. If it is necessary to paste over a curved surface, it is important to choose a material with the necessary flexibility, this is usually noted by the manufacturer.

Polystyrene decor

Styrofoam parts are light, flexible, cheap. Almost every home has polystyrene ceiling moldings, which are a simple stucco decoration. The main lack of products in quality. Polystyrene is best used in places inaccessible to humans and pets, as dents easily remain on it.

plaster molding

One of the most difficult materials to work with, requires certain skills and experience. Gypsum stucco weighs relatively a lot, and it is not easy to fix it. Of the positive qualities, it is worth noting the aesthetic qualities and unlimited options for execution. In addition to ready-made decors, manufacturers offer gypsum mixtures to create unique patterns and bas-reliefs.

Types of stucco for interior decoration

A whole picture of stucco is created by connecting many different parts, like a designer.

There are a lot of types of decor, consider the main ones:

  • Skirting boards - slats covering the junction of the floor and walls. It is this detail that is rarely molded. Usually, wooden or plastic skirting boards are matched to match the flooring;
  • Cornice - Decorative strips of different thicknesses that cover the angle formed by the wall and ceiling;
  • Molding - plank with a three-dimensional pattern. It is used to veil the junctions of dissimilar materials, to frame arches, frames, cornices, etc.;
  • The bas-relief is a full-fledged sculptural composition protruding above the plane.
  • Rosette - stucco molding of various shapes, framing the place of attachment of the lamp;
  • Bracket - a supporting element of the protruding parts. Can be decorated with various curls;
  • Column - a name that fully reflects the essence of the subject. The design element consists of three parts: the base (lower support), the actual column, the crowning part (capital or pilaster);
  • Niche - mounted on the wall, used to install a statue, font, and other items.

In addition to these basic elements, there are many other details: various cutters, corners, pediments, mullions, patterns, curls, single details of the ornament.

In what styles of interior stucco molding is most appropriate

Full-fledged stucco may not be present in all styles. Of course, we are talking not only about the ceiling cornice or baseboard.


The main feature of this style is imperial luxury, which is emphasized by gilded stucco. Massive heavy mahogany furniture must be present in the interior design. Typical ornaments are spears, oak branches, arrows, bows, other military symbols, eagles, laurel wreaths, female figures based on Pompeian paintings.

Art Deco

A visual reflection of the "stormy" 20s of the last century. This style also embodies wealth and luxury, in addition to stucco, it is represented by expensive materials, skins of exotic animals, rich colors. Stucco elements: animals and birds, but the interior should not be overloaded, preference is given to clear lines, simple geometric shapes.


A separate stage in the development of classicism, which is characterized by solemnity, pomposity, a visual increase in space by any possible means. Baroque, among other things, is distinguished by an abundance of sculptures, twisted columns, numerous mirrors, carpets, and tapestries. A characteristic stucco ornament will be heavy garlands of fruits and flowers, cartouches, a diamond-shaped grid with rosettes, and a complex ornament.

The interior ensemble emphasizes conviviality and playfulness. Increased attention is shown to mythology, erotic scenes. The style is perfect for creating an intimate atmosphere. In everything, asymmetry, curvilinearity of contours, various kinds of curls and waves can be traced, the excess of small decor from the walls goes to the ceiling. Often the central deity is Venus, surrounded by nymphs, cupids, satyrs.

Greek style

The embodiment of rationality, simplicity, harmony, perfection. A favorite Greek motif is a circle inscribed in a square. The style is primarily distinguished by the rectangular shape of the room with columns at the corners, which hold the ceiling beams. White stucco, furniture, knitwear, sculptures contrast with the rich color of the walls. The floor is characterized by a marble coating. Greek style stucco: columns, motifs of flowers, fruits, grapes, sculptures, Greek vases.

It is expressed by restraint, harmony and straightforwardness of forms. The classic design, for all its pomp, can look more neat than the newfangled high-tech. There are clear straight lines, squares, rectangles in the stucco molding, rosettes, flowers, various ornaments, patterns, repetition of simple motifs are used. Sometimes symbols of love will be appropriate: birds, torches, flowers.

Reflects the ancient Roman and Greek traditions of ostentatious luxury. Wealth is emphasized by the spaciousness of the room. The style pays great attention to decor: columns, cornices, ornaments, wall and ceiling paintings. Massive furniture made of dark or light wood is used. Stucco can be very diverse: elements of the animal and plant world, naked human bodies, coats of arms, chubby babies, plant shoots, fruits, chimeras.


One of the most popular trends, which is characterized by the rejection of symmetry. Due to its simplicity, it fits perfectly into the space of modern apartments. Reflects the desire for simplicity without sacrificing elegance. In this case, everything related to nature serves as a stucco decor: plants, mollusks, mushrooms, streams of water, crooked wavy lines, languid female faces with long hair, lost in the folds of light clothes.

Stucco molding in a modern interior

Stucco molding in an apartment or house gives the atmosphere a luxurious look, makes it original, but not devoid of grace. The decor allows you to create special visual effects, such as the infinity of the ceiling or the deepening of the wall. Various patterned strips, closing gaps and joints, correct finishing errors, effectively complement the line of connection of different materials and surfaces. Hidden lighting is sometimes placed behind stucco ceiling plinths.

Ceiling chandeliers are framed with a rosette of a suitable shape with a pattern. Decorative platbands, medallions, garlands allow you to decorate niches, decorate the planes of walls, doors, windows, arches or mirrors.

Numerous examples with stucco in the interior are suitable for inspiration, but it is better to choose the layout and decor set individually, taking into account the layout and furniture arrangement.

Stucco molding is a great way to create an imitation of a coffered ceiling, but at the same time cheaper, lighter and more elegant. Openings decorated with gypsum stucco will look more interesting. Often modern interiors are decorated with bas-reliefs.

A professional artist working with gypsum will help turn any idea into reality, create voluminous decorative elements or full-fledged panels. With the help of stucco, it is easy to emphasize significant elements of the interior. More and more often there are wall decor with voluminous 3D panels.

Many mistakenly believe that stucco should be white. Meanwhile, at all times it was decorated with gold leaf or painted. Today there are even more options. At the request of the customer, the stucco molding can be painted in absolutely any shade, tinted like wood or marble, gilded, silvered or with the effect of aging.

Without a doubt, stucco molding in the design of an apartment has a lot of advantages. But before decorating a living room, kitchen or bedroom with voluminous decor, you should consider whether it will look harmonious, and not look like an alien element. Too much embellishment, frivolity, is more undesirable than too little. Stucco molding will be inappropriate with a ceiling height of less than 3 meters. Also, you should not use it in small rooms, there will be a feeling of clutter, the atmosphere will overwork.

Stucco is considered an antique architectural tradition that gained popularity in ancient Greece. Despite the variety of existing styles for interior decoration, the desire to equip their own home with such decor has not disappeared from its modern residents.

Let's talk about how to decorate a wall surface with stucco with your own hands, using inexpensive materials.

What is stucco made from?

Once upon a time, the drawing on the wall surface was created by hand. A specially prepared solution was applied by specialists to the plaster and transformed into original patterns, hence the name - stucco molding. When molding was invented in production, stucco molding became an affordable method of decorating walls.

Metal forms allow you to create a variety of ornamental elements without auxiliary finishing. Without loss of high quality, all molds withstand at least 2000 excellent fills.

In the process of creating stucco, a positive result depends on the quality of the materials used, which include:


Ecological, maximally resistant to temperature extremes. During hardening, the mass of gypsum becomes larger, has the ability to even penetrate into small cracks. The plasticity of this material facilitates the workflow associated with gypsum decoration.

Gypsum is not difficult to process, it is for this reason that it is not difficult to give the finished product the required size. When working with stucco molding from this material, it is possible to mask surface defects, as well as various damage to elements that often appear during transportation.

When creating gypsum stucco moldings in a home workshop, it is important to shake the mold that is filled with mass to eliminate air bubbles.

Gypsum cladding also has its drawbacks: considerable weight, which negatively affects the durability of the finish. Also, gypsum does not repel moisture, but attracts it, which leads to the formation of fungus on the relief.

You can get rid of such a disadvantage if you apply a special protective agent to the stucco molding.


This type of stucco molding in the interior is distinguished by an acceptable cost, but cannot boast of exclusivity. The decoration is very fragile, requires careful handling, for this reason it is mainly used for finishing the ceiling surface and the upper part of the wall.

The production of polystyrene is carried out automatically. High quality elements are obtained by extrusion from a pre-melted composition.

Their texture does not have the granules with a pronounced contour found in the foam, which is produced by foaming. Because of this grain, the stucco loses the clarity of the ornament.

Certain molds produce extruded foam, which has a high degree of density, the durability of which is comparable to polyurethane and solid.


Obtained by combining the necessary components to obtain a gas formation reaction, resulting in foamed plastic. This material has a high degree of resistance to temperature extremes.

Stucco made of polyurethane is durable, lightweight, easy to paint, moisture resistant, has a huge assortment range, does not absorb specific aromas.

It is similar in texture and density to a natural array, but unlike it, it does not change shape and does not crack even after a long period of time.

Varieties of stucco elements

From the materials discussed above, a wide variety of products are created, as in the photo of stucco moldings on wall surfaces in the presented catalog.

Festoons and medallions

Scallops or garlands imitate the original floral decor and are arranged in the upper part of the wall surface. Medallions are panels with a pattern of color.

Niches. Mounted to wall surfaces, niche frames can be purchased separately. Often, the bottom of the overhead niches is made of frosted snow-white organic glass, which makes it possible to organize high-quality lighting.

For this purpose, a dim lighting device is installed under the glass surface, which, effectively illuminating the details arranged in the niche, emphasizes their incredible attractiveness, giving the palette an exclusive look.

Pilasters and columns

Includes several parts. The trunks are decorated with grooves to add elegance to the elements. Stucco columns are created in various styles. As a rule, columns made of polyurethane are designed exclusively for the successful design of walls, without bearing any load.

However, if necessary, hollow elements can be arranged for load-bearing. For this purpose, a metal rack is placed in the cavity of such a column, which will carry the load.

Gypsum columns must be reinforced in such cases. Stucco columns often hide various risers located along the walls in a conspicuous place in the apartment.

Brackets, pedestals

As for the first elements, they are reliable supports for shelves with books, window sills. It can be equipped at the junctions of wall and ceiling surfaces in the form of corner pieces.

Pedestals are considered supports for decorative accessories. Such stucco can withstand a load of no more than 50 kilograms. Ordinary details placed on a pedestal look exclusive and significant.

Both pedestals and brackets give the style of the room a certain zest, solemnity, ennoble the architecture, and also successfully divide the area into a functional space.

In the process of installing such parts, it is important not to forget about their proportionality in relation to the size of the room. Massive stucco molding on the wall surface will visually narrow the room, and vice versa - a small stucco molding can easily get lost in a large space.


They are used as ceiling decor in the Empire style. You can create a painting on the dome by hanging a chandelier inside, which will be a rather original solution.

Remember, well-chosen decor will transform any room. And if you decorate an ordinary wall surface with stucco, you can get cozy, extravagant apartments, where a lot of emotions reign - from austerity to solemn splendor.

Photo of stucco on the walls

Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

As an element of wall and ceiling decor, stucco molding has been used in the interior for a long time. Ceiling and wall decor, frames for fireplaces, arches, bay windows, stucco frames, consoles, panels, shelves with might and main are used in classic and modern interiors. You can see the options for using stucco molding in the interior in the photo in this article.

Types of stucco

Until recently, only gypsum was used to make stucco. However, gypsum stucco molding in the interior is a rather fragile material. In addition, it is hygroscopic. It is this property that does not allow the use of gypsum in the interior of the bathroom.

The disadvantages of this material are devoid of polyurethane. Polyurethane is elastic, thanks to which you can get decor with the smallest pattern and complex ornament. Polyurethane stucco molding on the walls is light in weight, thanks to which even a plasterboard wall can withstand a three-dimensional panel.

Polyurethane stucco molding in the interior should be noticeable and large; it is quite capable of becoming a dominant accent. However, it is not only aesthetic, but also functional. It allows you to hide the wiring and utilities. Ceiling cornice can hide curtain cornices. A beautiful decorative effect will give the room a molding. And a large rosette with a complex ornament will highlight and present a chic chandelier for viewing.

It is generally accepted that the interior design of the living room is stucco molding. Here it can be made large, contrasting, it can be decorated with marble. In a classic-style living room, stucco elements in the interior of the wall can be painted gold, patinated or using the craquelure technique (creating an antique effect). You can paint the stucco molding in any color. Figured molding can decorate walls, arches and doors for more grace; columns can be used. Another interesting part of the finish is the usual floor plinth. The polyurethane element will hide the joint between the floor and the wall, help hide the wires.

The stucco molding in the interior of the bedroom looks great. Romantic style can be supported by stucco in the form of branches and trunks of a flowering tree, decorated with butterflies and birds. In a classic-style bedroom, antique-style columns, ceiling rosettes, decorative frescoes and wall panels will look great. Wide borders with built-in lighting will give a flair of intimacy to the room. In a room decorated in a minimalist style, narrow cornices, stucco wall panels with a pattern echoing the patterns on the furniture will look advantageous. The panels will look interesting with unusual lighting.

However, stucco molding in a modern interior is not just classical patterns, but also “democratic” patterns: calm, romantic lines and bold geometric compositions. If desired, stucco elements can be transferred from the ceiling and walls to furniture. Cabinet doors are finished with moldings, corners and sockets. You can stick stucco elements on an exquisite tea table. Many decorate containers and flowerpots with stucco rosettes.

Decorative stucco molding in the interior of the apartment will tell about the taste and status of the residents. However, when decorating an apartment with this material, it must be borne in mind that it looks good only in spacious rooms. Stucco molding in apartments with low ceilings will look cumbersome and awkward.