Landscaping in front of a country house. Design options for landscape design of the fence. Concrete talk about flowers

Nothing is more pleasing to the human eye than the beautiful design of the front garden near the house.

Thanks to him, you can proudly invite friends and closest people to visit.

It will always become a beautiful addition and original decoration of any private house.

In addition to joy and admiration, front gardens perform many other functions:

  • Decorated approach to the house, or entrance.
  • The territory on which garbage containers are installed, possibly mailboxes.
  • Providing access to some areas that are located behind the front garden.
  • Parking lots for vehicles and bicycles.
  • A certain concealment of the house and its adjacent territory from neighbors, or strangers.
  • Territories for carrying out garden or various repair work.
  • Cultivation of crops - fruit or berry.
  • Aesthetics and environmental cleanliness of the street.

Many people think that the design of the front garden in front of the house is a difficult and incomprehensible task, as a result of which something prohibitively pretentious and complex should turn out. However, this is far from being the case, the basis is simply the correct combination of all the elements among themselves: structures (houses), fences and the plants themselves.

Ways to design front gardens in front of the house

To create an ideal front garden, you need to understand its main types, know its purpose and role. Therefore, two types should still be mentioned:

open front garden - mainly consists of a lawn with paved paths and flower beds. It does not contain a large number of tree and shrub groups, and visibility from all sides is very good, which allows you to view the house and its surroundings from various places.

Closed front garden - so called, due to the fence, represented by either a hedge or small architectural forms.

Depending on this, each owner of the territory determines for himself what exactly suits him - silence, tranquility, solitude, or openness and constant being in front of everyone.

There are a huge number of ideas for the front garden. This is a design in various style solutions that you can come up with and do it yourself.

Style and design of your front garden

Some owners prefer a classic style solution, others - oriental, country, modern, and others. It is worth talking about each in more detail.

Country style (in a different way, rustic) speaks of simplicity and originality. For example, you can make a beautiful front garden with your own hands using a perennial flower garden that does not require annual planting. Interesting will be a wooden low fence around the entire perimeter, which conveys the spirit of this style.

Mixborders will be typical for the Asian front garden containing perennial flowering plants, soft and discreet flowers. Thanks to the many tiers, some demarcations can be made, necessarily from natural stones, because this style does not involve the use of other materials. And only they are used for fencing.

Planted coniferous trees or shrubs, small in size, that is, dwarf ones, which will not attract the attention of others, will look great here.

Mediterranean solution for your front garden is one of the most interesting, because it is in some way mobile. This means that all plants, to create an image, are planted in tubs and containers.

You can also arrange a small seating area by placing a deck chair, tables and beautiful armchairs made from natural materials. It will not be superfluous to use small crafts, figurines and lamps in the decor.

Many are wondering how to beautifully decorate the front garden in a romantic style. . Here the emphasis is on vegetation, which should embody beauty and tenderness. Therefore, most often, forged or metal arches are made, entwined with clematis or climbing roses. Low fences should also be decorated with climbing plants that look original on them.

If you remember the modern style , then the presence of original plants, new forms and varieties, will take place. For example, European larch "Dangling" or sheared boxwood. You can also use natural stones, neatly placed in the front garden.

The Japanese style also involves finding natural stones. , in combination with coniferous plants. And if you plant plants in flower beds, then preferably perennials, such as daylilies and irises, you can make accents from cereals (gray fescue, ryegrass).

For each owner of his own territory who creates a front garden, there is a specific idea and style solution, which is not at all standard, but is carried out with the manifestation of all his imagination. The front garden in the village is the most common option for decorating the entrance area.

What flowers to plant in the front garden?

The beauty and expression of the style of the front garden depends on the main element - plants. Therefore, many are interested in just such a question: what flowers to plant in the front garden in front of the house?

Preference is given to flowering perennials. Ornamental shrubs or trees can be used. For example, from shrubs - ordinary and its forms, evergreen, ordinary or Thunberg, and others.

Of the woody plants, the standard ones are most often used, around which you can arrange near-stem flower arrangements. For example, Norway maple, "Spherical", or standard western.

From flower plants, you need to use those that will delight with their decorative effect throughout the year. For example, April, perennial daisy, violas, primroses and forget-me-nots.

Daffodils bloom in May, Turkish carnations, irises, peonies and tiger lilies bloom in June-July. Later, you can plant marigolds (rejected and erect), (ampel forms look very nice), cultural nasturtiums and phloxes with chrysanthemums. Since August, the front garden can also please chrysanthemums of late varieties.

Here is one example of flower beds in the front garden, which can be attributed to the classical style, using cereals and flowering plants.

  • Salvia brilliant
  • Purslane
  • Viola Wittrock
  • gray fescue
  • Marigolds rejected
  • tiger lilies
  • Viola Wittrock

The fence for the front garden, as one of its main elements

For front gardens, they try to use fences made of natural materials. For example, wood or metal. They are, of course, more expensive in cost, but their appearance looks the most luxurious and beautiful.

The fence for the front garden can be either plastic or stone. You can also use plants to achieve an even more interesting option. Usually, they try to make fences low and neat, which will only emphasize the style and originality.

It all depends on the idea itself, for example, forged fences are suitable for a romantic style, wicker or wooden fences for a rustic style, and stone fences for a modern style. It also all depends on the combination with the structure and planted plants.

Only high-quality planting material, good imagination and awareness in the arrangement of front gardens, realizes all the desires regarding the design of the entrance area near the house.

A country house or cottage is designed for outdoor recreation away from the bustle of the city. As a rule, in the summer cottage there should be a lot of fruit trees, plants and a well-designed area in front of the house. To transform the landscape of the local area, let's look at some recommendations for decorating the suburban area.

Formation flower garden in front of the house is not an easy task. To solve it, consider the size and shape of the flower garden in accordance with the general stylistic direction.
Choose plants in such a way that they do not overshadow the design, but do not look faded against its background. Plant flowers on the path leading to the house.

The flower garden will help hide any defects. An alternative solution is a mixborder, that is, various plantings in flower beds that allow you to naturally hide the errors at home.

Another decor option is a discount. Flowers are placed in a ribbon way and alternate in size.

We do not recommend planting exotic plantings in front of the house for novice gardeners, as they must be carefully looked after. Focus on perennials.

Coniferous and undersized shrubs will bring in a certain aristocracy.

After creating a flower garden, you can start decorating the area in front of the house by adding accessories. Arrange wooden barrels and tubs, vases and planters.

For the Art Nouveau style, flowerpots made of granite or concrete are suitable. As an addition, figurines, statues, as well as large stones of an unusual shape look attractive. The main thing is to observe the measure, do not overload the site with decorative elements too much.

Shrubs in front of the house should be nicely trimmed. Such plantings always look unusual and attract the attention of others.

Garden paths are an integral part of the landscape design of the cottage.

They can be made of natural stone, brick, paving slabs or paving stones.

With the help it will become attractive, it will be pleasant and comfortable to walk on them.

On rainy days, the paths do not accumulate excess moisture, and they also help to divide the territory into zones.

In front of the house, it will be appropriate to place an artificial reservoir either.

This will be the key element of your territory. There are no restrictions on the shape and size of the composition.

The green room is a room that is located in the front garden, terrace or outdoor gazebo.

Proximity to nature, tranquility, silence, lack of fuss - this is what pushes urban residents to buy a country house. It becomes a cozy corner, pleasing to the eye with green vegetation after the stone jungle of megacities, a desirable place for spiritual and physical rest from the vanity of civilized life. That is why such a question as landscape design in front of the house is thought out to the point of tediousness and the smallest details. After all, the nature of the design will be able to tell better than any words about the taste, understanding of beauty and financial capabilities of the owners of the estate. In addition to discreetly informing the occupant's preferences, expressive design will add color to the home, presenting it in a new light.

The plot in front of the house performs two important functions: serves as a boundary between private property and the street; decorates the house, complementing the overall "drawing" of landscape design. The following decorative elements will help to plant and landscape the territory:

When planning landscape design in front of the house, try to match all the compositions to the style solution of the entire estate and the architecture of the buildings.

Flower garden: style and form

Organizing a flower garden is not as easy as it seems at first glance. There are rules here: the style and scale of the front garden should correspond to the architectural type of a country house, and the color schemes should be chosen so that the plants do not dominate the design, but do not fade. The first step is to decide on the entrance area. A straight, wide or narrow, winding path can be laid to the doors, surrounded on both sides by rows of flowers and plants. The choice of the latter is determined with an eye to the type of building: a laconic, architecturally restrained house will be in harmony with a bright, colorful flower bed, and a building with decorative excesses will be in harmony with a modest color scheme.

A well-chosen type of flower garden will be able to revive the landscape design in front of the house, as well as mask errors in architecture. The most optimal and common option is a mixborder. A variety of shapes, the possibility of planting plants of various types and sizes, the aesthetic "flow around" the building - all this makes the mixborder one of the successful forms of the front garden. The discount will look no less impressive - flowers planted with a ribbon and alternating in size. The large territory of the site allows you to turn to the help of curbs - low, dense plantings that grow on both sides of the track.

Plant selection

If you are doing a flower garden for the first time, it is better to give up exotic plants - they need tireless attention and careful care. Give preference to trees, shrubs, perennial and annual flowers. Try to choose resistant, long-lasting plants of different varieties. Lilac, quince, barberry, viburnum, wild rose bushes will help to form a luxurious hedge, which will become not only an expressive decor of the estate, but also a flower garden fence. Curly compositions will be able to brighten up the severity of a metal fence or a low stone fence: grapes, honeysuckle, kirkazon, actinidia. You can breathe freshness and the spirit of aristocratic antiquity into the atmosphere with the help of seating of coniferous, undersized plants. The original decoration of the porch of the house will be plants in clay pots, flowering bushes of hydrangea or lavender, climbing flowers.

With a skillful alternation of spring, summer and autumn flowers, your front garden will bloom and smell fragrant almost until the first snow.

Planting Rules

In order for the landscape design in front of the house to look aesthetically pleasing and non-trivial, when decorating a flower garden, do not forget about the rules for selecting plants:

Parts and accessories

Landscaping in front of the house is a creative and exciting activity. Having organized a flower garden, complete its idea with interesting accessories from the same design channel. Fine landscape compositions will be decorative vases and planters, wooden tubs and barrels (if the house is designed in country style), granite and concrete flowerpots (for modern style). Garden figurines and statues, large beautiful stones will help to add spice and originality to the flower garden. The main thing at the same time is not to overdo it with the number of decorative accessories, otherwise the design will take on a flashy and overloaded look.

Figured decoration of bushes

An aesthetic decoration of a country estate will be curly cutting of bushes and hedges. They can be presented in the form of improvised gates, placed on both sides of the doors, making an interesting frame for the path leading to the main entrance. Bushes planted in the middle of the site will look extraordinary, creating something of a focal point for the overall concept of landscape design. The idea of ​​trimming ornamental shrubs is great in itself, but it can take a lot of effort and expense than a regular flower garden or lawn with garden paths.

garden paths

One of the best options for landscaping the front house - lay garden paths. For this purpose, paving slabs, paving stones, bricks or natural stone are suitable. Laying out the track will help solve several problems at once:

The process of urbanization is currently in reverse. Increasingly, the urban population is trying to retire in the bosom of nature, moving to permanent or temporary residence in a private house located somewhere outside the city. And this is not surprising, because only in this way you can truly relax in all respects - not only in the physical, but also in the emotional, spiritual. In view of this, there is a need to make the atmosphere of staying in the house as cozy and comfortable as possible. At the same time, this issue concerns not only the internal arrangement of the house, but also the external one. Therefore, a well-thought-out landscape design in front of the house is just one of the most important factors affecting the overall pastime. Moreover, this feature is an indisputable indicator of taste, understanding of the aesthetic features of the owner himself, and besides, some landscape details can significantly transform the building itself, making it even more attractive.

Ideas for decorating a personal plot

The area around the house primarily separates private property from the street, and can also decorate the housing itself. Today, the arrangement of household plots is not a particular problem; there are many interesting proposals and ideas in this regard. For example, the simplest and most common way is decorating the site, creating a hedge. Increasingly, fountains in front of the house or, decoration around the house area with various figures, statues or other unusual details are gaining popularity.

An integral part of any private house are specially designated recreation areas. The choice is huge, it all depends on the taste preferences of the owner and, accordingly, his financial capabilities.

In this case, the main thing to consider is an important point - the choice of landscape compositions must necessarily correspond to the style and architectural character of the building.

Flower garden design idea

Creating a flower garden

The organization of a home flower garden requires the observance of certain conditions, the omission of which can negate all the efforts made and spoil the overall picture of landscape design. So, it is important to think over the creation of a flower bed in such a way that its spirit and volume harmonize well with the architectural direction of the property, and choose color schemes so that the plants are not too catchy and distract general attention, but also so that they do not fade against the background of the chosen design. First of all, attention is always paid to the entrance area. Along the path leading to the door on both sides, you can plant selected flowers and plants in rows. At the same time, the presence of bright and colorful flowers in the flower bed will be an ideal option for a house, a restrained style, and if the building has some decorative details, then in this case it is wise to choose a modest color scheme.

Flower garden in front of the house

It is worth noting the fact that a well-designed flower bed can be a successful way to mask some architectural flaws, or just a great option for transforming the landscaping around the house. In such cases, often resort to. Due to the presence of flowers of different types and sizes, this garden composition can become an ornament for any front garden.

Another color scheme is - flowers that are planted in a row and alternate in size. And if the backyard territory allows, then you can resort to planting flower borders, as one of the options for decorating the path.

Plant selection

When making a flower garden near the house, it is better to have trees, shrubs, and annual flowers as a priority.

For example, lilac bushes or, viburnum or rose hips are perfect for creating a hedge. For a fence made of metal or stone, climbing plants in the form of grapes, kirkazon, actinidia and others will serve as the best option. And coniferous undersized plants can refresh the atmosphere and add notes of aristocracy. An interesting and unusual decor for the porch will be flowers in clay pots, hydrangea or lavender bushes, or climbing flowers.

If you think carefully about the principle, correctly selecting and alternating summer, autumn and winter plants, then you can enjoy the floral beauty almost all year round.

Hydrangea can mask imperfections in the yard

The principle of planting

To give greater aesthetics to the area in front of the house, you should take into account a few simple, but quite important tips:

  • if the flowers are planted very close to the house, then their color scheme should be combined with the shade of the walls as much as possible;
  • it is better to decorate large areas in front of the house with the help of bright large flowers with large leaves, and accordingly, in small areas it is better to plant small-leaved flowers of a not flashy color;
  • according to the principle of the design concept, miniature squares require the seating of flowers in cold shades in front of the house: lilac, lilac, blue;
  • the principle of plant selection also depends on which part the front garden is located in: the north side is an alternative for shade-loving plants, the south side is drought-resistant plants that are not afraid of direct sunlight;
  • to preserve the aesthetic appearance of the flower garden, even in winter, it is recommended to plant more coniferous trees or shrubs with colorful bark (barberry) on it.

One of the options for a flower garden in front of the house

Decorating the area in front of the house is a rather laborious task. To obtain a satisfying result, it is worth working hard, applying all your imagination and resourcefulness to this matter.

Having finished with the organization of the flower garden, many homestead owners prefer to complete it by finally using landscape accessories, selected in one design direction.

As appropriate compositions, you can use decorative vases and planters, wooden tubs and barrels, granite and concrete flowerpots, of course, all this should be selected according to the architectural style of the building. Another interesting and eye-catching element is various garden figurines and statues, or large beautiful stones. One way or another, when equipping the proposed site, it is important to observe the golden mean so as not to make the overall look too catchy or overloaded.

Decorative elements for the garden will add zest to the overall landscape design.

Figured decoration of bushes

Considerable popularity today is curly shrubs or an unusual haircut of hedges. Of course, landscape design of this type requires a lot of effort and not a small financial investment, but the result is worth it. Unusually shaped shrubs can be like improvised gates, placed on one side and the other of the doors, or they can act as a frame for the path leading to the main entrance.


garden paths

To give an aesthetic appearance to the entire backyard, you can lay out garden paths. Most often, for this you can use, use the laying of bricks or natural stone. This element of general landscape design has great advantages, as it allows you to make the area in front of the house neater, especially in inclement weather. Moreover, the arrangement of such paths ensures comfortable movement of residents and visually separates the functional areas of the entire site. Along the entire length of such paths, you can plant flower arrangements, scatter gravel and create small lawns.

During the design of garden paths, natural stone may be required. We recommend buying it at Atlant Granite ()

Fountains and reservoirs

Beautiful and varied fountains always attract attention, no matter where they are located - in a park area or in front of the house (which is even better!). The organization of such design solutions successfully combines several positive aspects: the fountain in the courtyard gives more expressiveness and aesthetics to the entire site, but also provides a constant high level of humidity. Small ponds, or a murmuring waterfall can become the main design exposition, creating a sense of peace and tranquility.


Green rooms

Modern trends in landscape design involves the organization of the so-called "green rooms". These are areas specially designated for recreation, with gardens in. In such corners there is upholstered furniture designed for a pleasant and comfortable pastime, plants in special containers, tables for eating, and also that make evening time charming and magical. When organizing such green rooms, you should carefully consider the cover to protect furniture and other components of the overall interior from bad weather.

green room

The design of the front yard is a fascinating and interesting activity, especially since the proposed variations are more than enough. Of course, you can reconstruct the territory in front of the house with your own hands, or you can seek help from specialists who have sufficient information on current trends and relevant skills in this area. In a short time and taking into account the personal taste preferences of the owner of the estate, such experts are able to transform the area in front of the house, making it unusual and unique.

Examples of landscape design in front of the house (video)

Anyone who has a house or cottage should think about the design of the territory in front of the dwelling. Working with this part of the site is very important, since in fact it is the adjacent territory that is a kind of "face". How best to do it and what specific things can be added to the exterior, we look in a new review.

1. Partition

You can use partitions not only inside the house, but also in the garden. For example, a homemade partition made of branches will help separate the recreation area from the garden and allow you to create a sense of privacy.

2. Vertical garden

Wooden bars with a dense mesh stretched between them are perfect for creating a vertical garden. This design can be used for zoning the local area and as an original decoration of the site.

3. Curtain

Decorate and make a porch, an open veranda or an arbor more comfortable with long curtains made of patches of colored fabric attached to an ordinary clothesline.

4. Gazebo

You can create a secluded place to relax without erecting capital buildings with the help of several posts and thick curtains. Such an impromptu gazebo will become a cozy and romantic place to relax in the warm season, and the process of its construction will not require much effort and expense.

5. Hedge decor

A mesh fence is one of the most common options for fencing a suburban area. However, such a fence will not allow you to hide from the views of passers-by, and its appearance leaves much to be desired. To solve both problems, a grid stylized as needles or ivy will help.

6. Decorative wall

The open walls of a veranda or gazebo can be decorated with ordinary glass bottles. Such decorative walls will help to hide from the prying eyes of neighbors and become a spectacular decoration of the local area.

7. Monogram

From wooden boards, you can make a beautiful flowering monogram, which will become an exquisite decoration of the porch or any of the walls of the house.

8. Hanging bed

With a few pallets, a mattress and strong ropes, you can make an amazing hanging bed. You can place such a bed in the garden on the branches of any massive tree or on specially erected posts.

9. Boardwalk

People with building skills can safely take on the construction of a stylish recreation area from wooden beams and boards.

10. Lighting

Garlands of light bulbs will help to create a feeling of comfort and fill the garden with soft light. Hang them along the paths, on the porch or at the entrance to the gazebo to illuminate the area in the evening.

11. Patio

In the modern sense, a dacha is a place where you can take a break from the bustle of the city, have a friendly party, fry a barbecue and sit by the fire. Therefore, special attention should be paid to creating a beautiful and comfortable platform for such a holiday. The best finishing material for a summer patio will be natural stone. In the center of the site, you should place a built-in or mobile barbecue and, of course, take care of seating for yourself and friends.

12. Garden decor

The wheel of a bicycle or a broken cart can be used to create a beautiful garden decoration. You just need to fix it next to a young climbing rose bush or any other climbing plant.

13. Flower rack

A section of an old louvered door or old trellis shutters are great for hanging flower pots vertically. Such an original rack will become an original decoration of a summer patio, porch or gazebo.

14. Flower pot

Large and small logs can be turned into original flower pots. Such pots will become an original decoration of the garden and the local area, and the process of their creation will not require much effort and material costs.

15. Table

A table of used car tires painted in bright cheerful colors and a round tabletop, a vase made of a holey soccer ball are excellent examples of the competent use of unnecessary things that often end up in the back rooms of our suburban areas.

16. Stools

For garden furniture, it is not at all necessary to go to the store, leaving impressive sums there. Sometimes you just have to look around and look at natural materials. For example, massive stumps and logs make wonderful stools that fit perfectly into the design of a gazebo or summer patio.

17. Decorative pond

A stunning decorative pond, equipped in a large aluminum basin, will become a luxurious decoration of a suburban area.

In continuation of the topic to the attention of dear readers, having made some efforts and spending a little of my time.