How to make an entrance to the attic from the street. Tips on how to make a staircase to the attic. Possible design errors

If in small house planned to equip residential attic, a safe and comfortable staircase should lead to it. This part of the design is also an important element of interior design, with right choice it can emphasize the style and character of the house. But above all, the stairs to the attic should be comfortable, practical, and if our house is small, then it should not take up too much space. How to implement this task in practice - this will be discussed in this article.

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In newly built houses, stairs tend to dominate the open spaces of spacious living rooms or halls. In a small house, the staircase to the attic can be small so that it does not take up valuable space, but at the same time it must be comfortable and safe. Choice suitable option determined mainly by the size of the room in which it will be installed - different models have different space requirements for their installation.

On the market huge selection models, we can make a design to order according to our sizes or buy ready-made, which will require only self assembly.

Types of stairs to the attic and their designs

There are several types of stairs that connect the first floor to the attic. Among them are: panel (reinforced concrete) and modular.

They are distinguished by a self-supporting structure that rests on the upper and lower parts of the ceiling and wall. They seem heavy and bulky, so these stairs are for small house and small spaces are not recommended. This solution is suitable for large spacious houses.

Modular stairs are made from separate parts, which are called modules, they have a self-supporting system and are based on a single support beam. It consists of metal pipes located under the stairs. The beam is fixed from below and above on the floor and ceiling of the building. Assembly of these modular designs happens from top to bottom.

In the course of the construction, it can be attached to the wall one to three times using special anchors. Additional fastening will help us increase the strength of the structure and prevent the stairs from swaying sideways. Steps, adjustable in height, are screwed to the beam. This model provides the ability to create any form.

Mounting modular stairs can be seen in the video below.

Modular models can be:

This model takes up very little space, so these stairs to the attic in small houses fit very well. Since it is especially important to choose the right size of the stairs to the attic in a small house.

This structure is located around the central column to which it is attached. The column, as a rule, is metal, sometimes it consists of several elements superimposed on each other. Screw models can be left-handed or right-handed, depending on which side of the entrance there is a handrail.

Their steps are mounted on long beams on both sides. Beams, or as they are also called stringers, can be placed at the ends of the steps, in the middle or only on one side, and the other end of the step can be attached to the wall. Kosour - a bearing element, can have a thickness of 60-80 mm.

One of their varieties of kosour structures are screw models, the steps of which are mounted on the kosour on one side, and on the column on the other.

They are very practical for small houses. They are used in small houses as a staircase to a non-residential attic or attic. They are convenient and do not take up much valuable space, as they are most often folded, they are laid out only during infrequent visits. non-residential attic or attic. Structures can be made of wood or metal, some options have enough decorative form and can even become a decoration modern interior in industrial style. However, their practicality is low, such designs are not suitable for frequent use, especially in families with small children or the elderly.

What materials can stairs to the attic be made of?

Most often, stairs to the attic in small private houses are made of wood or metal, less often they are made of concrete with wood or tile trim.

For production wooden structures mainly hardwood is used: oak, beech, ash, birch, cherry.

Sometimes very strong wood is used exotic breeds tree. However, exotic woods such as teak or merbau tend to be very expensive. There are also pine products, but it should be remembered that pine is quite soft and dents can easily appear on it. steps for wooden models also made of wood, it is rare to find steps made of metal or some wood-like materials.

A very popular solution is metal stairs. They can be made from:

  • of stainless steel;
  • wrought iron;
  • made of powder coated steel.

These products are strong enough, but they will cost us dearly, especially in the forged version. However, they look very nice and expensive. For the manufacture of steps of such stairs, wood and metal can be used. Some modern models for steps can be used strained glass.

An integral element of the stairs is balustrades (they must be placed at a height of at least 90 cm). Their choice significantly affects the safety and appearance the whole structure. The balustrade can take the form of ornate wooden or wrought-iron railings, or vice versa - appear in the form of raw, almost ascetic steel rods. Interesting stylistic balustrades in the form of a ribbon. They are usually made from bent wood as well as metal or glass. They are very elegant and decorative.

To make the stairs to the attic comfortable

The ease of use of the stairs is determined by several factors:

  • form (simple, rotary, with a platform, screw, etc.);
  • height and width of steps;
  • the width of the stairs;
  • location (accessible from the corridor or from the living room).

The most convenient and at the same time the easiest to install is a simple straight model with one or two spans. Rotary models, and especially spiral ones, are much less convenient, since they have a variable step width.

According to the rules, the maximum step height of the stairs leading to the living room should be 19 cm, and truly comfortable steps with a height of up to 17 cm. At the same time, their height should also be adjusted with an average step length (60-65 cm).

Therefore, the steps must satisfy the condition:

2 * H + S = 60 to 65 cm, where

H - step height;

S - step width.

Therefore, in order to make steps with a maximum height (19 cm), their width should be between 22 and 27 cm. In practice, it is often difficult to implement this rule, since for installation comfortable stairs we do not have enough space, so the stairs leading to the attic in a small house are very steep. Minimum Width the span is 80 cm. This is a minimum, and such models are too narrow to miss each other or lift large objects, such as furniture.

Attention! The width of the stairs is measured between the balustrades, the actual width is influenced by the shape and method of fixing the balustrade.

Choosing the location of the stairs

The choice of location for the stairs largely depends on what kind of surface it occupies.

The smallest area is, of course, a spiral staircase, but such options are inconvenient. In relatively small space you can install a convenient simple single-span staircase. 4 m² of area is enough for it, compared to 6-7 m² in the case of a two-span staircase with a seating area.

IN many respects, best solution is a staircase located in the lobby or corridor. The staircase can even be completely divided and placed between two walls of rooms. If placed between the bedroom and the living room, it will also make it possible to make a sound barrier between these rooms, while we can freely receive guests in the living room when children are sleeping in the bedroom downstairs or upstairs.

Stairs located at the entrance to the house are good option if he lives in the house big family or people different generations. Even if her members leave and return home in a completely different time they don't interfere with each other.

Alternatively, the ladder is placed in the living room. This solution is currently very popular and used in new homes, but has a number of significant drawbacks:

  1. first of all, such a living room becomes an inevitable part of the communication space and it is difficult to avoid the transmission of noise between it and the rooms upstairs;
  2. in addition, such a design in the living room does not take up little space and is difficult to organize.

When choosing a place for a staircase to the attic and its shape, we must remember which hole will be required in the roof. The easiest way is to make a long and narrow hole for a single-span model with beams in parallel. Designing any other opening in the floor is a job for the design architect, who will figure out the number of supports and how the structure will be organized.

Regardless of which model is chosen, it is also important to design it in accordance with the style of the house. Classic interiors they love wood and wrought iron, and modern minimalist houses love chrome-plated stainless steel simple shapes. For home in rustic style or Provence style, models made of wood in in kind or dyed light wood will look good in Scandinavian interior. And a loft-style house will be decorated with a structure made of concrete or metal, rough, unfinished, reminiscent of the climate of factories and factories.

hosts country houses, especially those suffering from insufficient space on the site, often try to accessible ways expand living space their possessions. One of the best and most popular solutions is the arrangement of a residential attic in the attic.

Arrangement process attic space into a full-fledged residential attic includes many stages, including the creation of an effective and subsequent quality finishes. But no less important is the organization of a convenient, reliable and safe interfloor transition in everyday operation. This article will describe and show in detail how to gradually build a staircase to the attic with your own hands.

Carrying out preliminary calculations of the attic mid-flight stairs

Stairs to the attic can be located inside or outside the house. Of course, for all-weather use, the internal staircase looks much more advantageous. This option will be considered further.

The staircase itself can be marching, winding or. If you think in terms of maximum security, then it is preferable to make a choice in favor of the marching option.

But mid-flight stairs have one pronounced drawback - big sizes in projection onto the floor plane. And a common occurrence is when the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room in which the staircase should be located is not so large that you can stop at the simplest, single-flight option. The fact is that if there is not enough space, such a staircase will turn out to be very steep and extremely inconvenient, and even dangerous for everyday use, especially for children or family members who have some kind of disability due to health reasons.

The maximum angle of steepness for such stairs is considered to be 45 degrees. But it seems a little too much in terms of comfort. rise and descent. So it is better to stop at an indicator up to 40 degrees.

So, a single-march option is obtained very infrequently. And in order to achieve the desired angle of steepness, you have to break the rise into two marches (sometimes more is practiced). Between the marches, a transitional horizontal platform is made (it is easier to install and safer in everyday use). Or the marches are connected by a curved section with winder steps (it looks beautiful, but it is more difficult to calculate and install, and not so safe to use).

Further, we will only talk about a marching staircase with a platform, as a simpler and safer option. And who is interested winder ladder- he needs to go to another page.

To how a winder staircase is designed and installed

Drafting a staircase with a running section, carrying out assembly work - all this has a number of important features. Read more about - read in a special publication of our portal.

So, the construction of a marching staircase must be preceded by some calculations.

BUT. It is necessary to calculate what area of ​​​​the room will be occupied by the horizontal projection of the planned staircase with a certain angle of inclination. Or, on the contrary, how steep the march will be, built on a specific area allotted to it. If one march for these reasons, is impossible (as often happens), then the stairs will have to be divided into two flights, and the mentioned parameters will be calculated for each of them, taking into account the location and height of the transition platform. Wherein prerequisite is the same slope angle for both marches.

Prices for wooden stairs

wooden staircase

The dependence of the steepness of the march and the value of its horizontal projection on the floor plane will allow us to evaluate the calculator located below.

The equipment of an additional room in the attic is a good option for increasing the living space in the house. After the attic has become residential, you need to take care of installing a beautiful one. Even when designing, it is necessary to consider where the attic staircase will be installed, what kind it will have, and what material it will be made of.

At the place of installation, the attic staircase can be internal or external. The internal ladder structure is the most used option, but takes up a lot of space. outdoor staircase for the attic, it is mounted from the outside of the buildings, it is an element of the facade of the building. By type of construction stairs to the attic are:

  • Single-flight staircase to the attic. Such an attic staircase is easy to manufacture and install.
  • Two-flight (turning) staircase for the attic.
  • With running steps. In this case, the turntable is replaced by steps in the form of a trapezoid. Such an attic staircase takes less space than two-march.
  • Screw. This type of attic structure occupies a minimum of space, is the most acceptable option. A spiral attic staircase will add originality to any interior. Going screw attic construction from winder steps which are mounted on load-bearing pole.
  • Foldable. This is the most economical type of construction. It is used in the case when attic stairs are rarely used. The folding staircase to the attic consists of separate sections and fits into the ceiling hatch. It is easy to install, easy to operate, small space occupied, reliable and simple.

Material selection

The main material for the manufacture of stairs to the attic is wood, less often metal and very rarely stone. Sometimes the march to the attic is combined, when the bowstring is made of metal, and the steps are made of wood.

Inside the house, a wooden staircase for the attic is more often used. Wooden staircase can be of any type and shade. Wood is environmentally friendly, reliable, easy to process. The lumber prepared for work must be even, free of knots, cracks and deformations.

The staircase to the attic, made of metal, is mainly installed indoors. Such an attic structure is reliable in operation and is characterized by high strength.

An attic staircase made of stone is installed outside the building. It is reliable, made thoroughly. After installation, the stone staircase structure is plastered and painted in the color of the building's facade.

Marching design and calculation of elements

The attic staircase is the easiest to build. It may have one or more spans. In order for the flight of stairs to be operated for a long period, it is necessary to carry out the correct calculation of all elements during the design:

  • Bowstring and kosour are the main load-bearing elements the whole structure. An attic ladder on bowstrings is the most used option. The bowstring is either made of wood or metal. A bowstring made of wood is most often used, as it is easy to process and install. The recommended dimensions of a bowstring made of wood are: length - 2000-5500 mm, width - from 350 mm, thickness - from 25 to 50 mm. The stairs to the attic with stringers look prettier, but are difficult to manufacture and install. For installation, you need to know what length and height it will be, the depth of its steps, the height of the riser.

The difference between a bowstring and a stringer is that on the bowstring the steps are located between the beams. Kosour is the same beam, only the steps are already installed on top of the beam

  • Steps and risers. They are made from a flat, processed board, with a width of 0.2 to 0.3 m, based on free space reserved for flight of stairs. All steps must be sanded, cuts and irregularities removed. The risers are selected in height, in the range from 15 to 20 cm.
  • Number of steps. The length of the flight of stairs must be divided by the allowable step height. If the ladder structure has 18 steps or more, it is recommended to make a U-turn platform.
  • Turnaround area. The attic staircase can be rotated 90 and 180 degrees, based on the shape of the stairs. The width of the landing should be the same as the width of the flight of stairs. It is necessary to provide for a platform length of more than 1 meter, which is commensurate with the length of a person's step. This will ensure normal movement around the site.
  • Steepness. The slope of the flight of stairs should be in the range of 30 to 45 degrees. This is in line with the terms safe use and ergonomics. When the slope is more than 45 degrees, carrying heavy things and moving people will be very inconvenient. With a slope of less than 30 degrees, the stairs to the attic will turn out to be longer and take up a lot of free space.
  • Structure length. To calculate it, you need to take the fastening points of the march in the floor and lower floors. Having received the height and width of the structure, we calculate its length using the hypotenuse formula of a right triangle.

March installationladder construction

This installation order is typical. Set for attic stairs includes a string, balusters with railings, treads, risers. To install the bowstring, grooves are equipped in the upper ceiling for its installation. Sometimes these grooves are not performed, but metal stoppers are mounted and tightly fixed. In the place of the lower attachment of the bowstring at the level of the first step, a locking bar is installed and fastened to the floor so that even minimal movement is excluded when the ladder is loaded. Installation of steps is extremely simple. The grooves prepared for the steps in the bowstring must be smeared with adhesive and the risers should be installed. After that, you need to make sure that the risers are aligned with the edge, and attach them with nails or self-tapping screws. Treads can be laid on the fixed risers and fixed. Glue in this situation does not allow the steps to creak.

Advice! For ease of use, it is recommended to start the installation of steps on attic stairs from the first lower step.

When installing balusters, you need to ensure that they are all installed at the same height.. To do this, you need to mount the same balusters on the first and last steps, stretch a rope between them and along the line tight rope install the remaining balusters. On the fixed balusters, handrails are installed and fastened, which can be made of different material. The assembled attic stairs are polished again. Polished stairs are opened with impregnations that repel water and protective equipment from tree insects. Installation of a mid-flight ladder

Screw design, the order of its installation

The screw attic design looks more attractive, but its production and installation are much more expensive than direct marching ones. When installing a spiral staircase in the attic, a carrier column is most often used, where trapezoidal steps are mounted on the axis one after the other. For stability and reliability, the column is set exactly vertically and concreted at the base. Cylinders are cut from a pipe, which is several millimeters larger than the column in diameter. Steps are attached to the cylinders and mounted on a pole. After the steps are put on the axial column, they are put on desired angles and attached to a pole. The tread should be a depth of 10 cm at the post and up to 40 cm at outside. The riser should have an average height of 20 cm. The staircase to the attic is equipped with a railing. Standard railings have a height of 1 meter, which can be increased if necessary. Installing screw structures for the attic, do not forget that all of them are limited in use due to design features. Installation of a spiral staircase

It is good if you think over the layout of the house in advance, which will include the presence attic floor- quite profitable and practical element helping to manage effectively inner space. However, the owner of the house does not always have such an opportunity, most often an already rebuilt building with an attic, which has to be converted into an attic, is at the disposal.

And the first thing you should take care of is the stairs to the attic, the dimensions of which can be calculated according to this instruction.

Note! If you undertake to make your own staircase, its design must meet the basic requirements.

These requirements include:

  • high level of strength;
  • ease of use;
  • ease of manufacture;
  • safety when climbing to the attic floor;
  • comfort of use.

Planning and calculations

Planning stage future design consists of several points, each of which should be carefully calculated.

The planning stage includes:

Note! All calculations should be entrusted to an experienced designer.

But if you nevertheless take all the work on yourself, the answer to the question of how to calculate the size of the stairs to the attic will consist of answers to a number of questions related to its design and installation in your conditions.

First, determine for yourself how the stairs to the attic floor will be located. by the most in a simple way to solve this problem will be the installation of a staircase from the side of the street.

The simplicity of this method lies in the fact that you will not care at all about the size of the opening under the stairs to the attic, since the need for it is completely eliminated. In addition, you do not have to adjust the presence of the hatch to the interior of the room.

Although this approach has its drawbacks:

  • the internal placement of the stairs is more practical;
  • the structure is exposed negative impact weather conditions;
  • restrictions are placed on the use of some materials that are not suitable for outdoor placement;
  • when operating a wet or icy staircase, not only the level of comfort decreases, but also the safety of climbing to the attic;
  • you have to go outside in order to climb to the attic floor;
  • a staircase with a street location implies the presence of an additional front door, which must be reliable in order to ensure the safety of your home from the penetration of strangers.

Selection of material and type of construction

After you decide on the installation site of the structure, you need to start selecting suitable materials. If the stairs to the attic, the size, diagram and photos of which are given in the figures, correspond to the parameters of your room, then you can safely take on wood. It is best if you choose hardwoods.

Wood, as a material for the manufacture of stairs, is quite easy to handle and malleable, it lends itself perfectly to processing with the usual tools that can be found in almost every home. As a result, you get an attractive design that will perfectly fit into the interior of the room.

Note! Before use, all lumber must go through an exposure procedure: for at least three days, the wood must lie in the room in which you will install the staircase itself so that the material can adapt to the conditions of the room. It is best to use wood after chamber drying.

Space saving plays an important role in choosing the right design. In addition to complying with all basic safety standards, as a result of the appearance of stairs in your home, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room should not be much concealed or shaded. The safest design option for lifting takes up the most space, these designs have a gentle angle of inclination.

You can make a staircase, as shown in the photo below, which shows a rotary structure with corner placement. As you can see, it takes up minimal space in the room and does not obscure it from the light at all.

Spiral staircases also help save space in the room. They look quite impressive, but at the same time they have a design that is too intricate to manufacture, and the descent along such steps is not as comfortable as in the case of ordinary mid-flight stairs.

Parameters that define the stairs:

  1. Rise height level - the distance between the floor and the ceiling, together with the thickness of the threshold of the upper floor.

  1. Area - this indicator will determine the angle of inclination of the stairs, as well as the width of its design and the parameters of the dimensions of the hatch, which will go to the attic floor.

  1. The tread width indicator is calculated so that when a person climbs the stairs, the leg can fully rest on the step, and at the same time there are no extra unused centimeters left. Optimal indicator the tread width is three dozen centimeters, the march width indicator is from 80 to 100 cm, and the riser height indicator should not go beyond the range of 15-19 cm.

It is these parameters that are used in the calculation of the stairs and its further manufacture. Assembly is quite simple, the main thing is to complete all the parts and connect them in a reliable way in the required sequence.

Rational use living space allows you to create not only comfort, but also reduce the cost of home maintenance. One of these possibilities is the organization of the attic floor. This is a room that is usually allocated as an attic. If the height of the roof allows, then you can make a small living room there, where it will be pleasant to spend time with your friends or relatives. But there is still to be climbed, so it is important to know how the stairs to the attic are made with your own hands.

Main choice

If you have already tried to imagine a future staircase to the attic, then you have time to consider that it can be of two main types:

  • external staircase to the attic;
  • internal staircase to the attic;

Each of these solutions has both positive and negative sides. It is impossible to say for sure which one will be better. This is important to evaluate in place, depending on the specific project of the house. An external staircase to the attic, for example, has the following advantages:

  • does not reduce living space;
  • may have an enlarged design;
  • greater safety due to structural solutions;
  • makes it possible to clearly define the boundaries of living space;

Of the minuses, you can highlight the external attic stairs:

  • limited choice of material;
  • accessibility to intruders;
  • the complexity of the work on combining the attic staircase with the facade;
  • high maintenance requirements.

The external staircase to the attic is more prone to wear and tear. This is due to the fact that it is constantly used, providing mechanical impact. Also, various precipitation in the form of rain, snow, icing and dust deposits contribute their share. The most popular staircase for the attic inside the house. Here are its advantages:

  • the ability to use in any weather;
  • variety in the choice of materials;
  • can have extended functionality in the form of storage shelves;
  • great variety in design solutions.

Among the disadvantages of such a solution are:

  • reduction in living space;
  • high cost of production;
  • danger with insufficient space.

Regardless of which type of stairs to the attic is chosen, they all have common design features and classified according to shape and size.

Constructive decisions

In addition to assessing which of the stairs in terms of location will be the best, it is important to decide on its design. There are several main solutions. One of them is a staircase to the attic with one march. She is often overlooked.

This is due to the ease of implementation of the project. It is a single inclined plane that runs along the entire length of the ascent. For internal stairs to the attic, such a solution will only be available if there is enough space in the room. In order for the angle of elevation to be comfortable, it should be no more than 45º. And in order not to beat your head against the ceiling in a certain section of the stairs, you will have to increase the opening, which will increase heat transfer and take part of the room from above.

If such a solution is not suitable, then a two-march can be evaluated. Such a staircase to the attic will take half the length. It is inherently one-march, which was divided into two parts and mounted at an angle. The latter can be from 90º to 180º. At the same time, there should be enough space on it to turn around without difficulty without the threat of falling and getting injured. To place such a staircase, a corner is usually used, because then a pleasant place to sit under it can be arranged, and the main area remains untouched.

Note! Another subspecies of a two-flight staircase is a design without a platform. In its place, additional steps in the form of a trapezoid are mounted. It is less secure, but it also takes up less space.

Well save space will allow a ladder in the form of an auger or a spiral. It perfectly complements the interior and gives it a special solidity. It does not need to be mounted in a corner. With proper planning, it can fit in an area of ​​​​1 m 2. For it, you can use several types of materials and combine them.

The most compact stairs to the attic are folding. They don't take up space at all. When it is needed, simply pull the cord, and it will extend to the desired state. But such a ladder is suitable if the attic is not used too often, because it is not very convenient to lay it out all the time.

Main Components

Having mastered the basic form factors, a deeper understanding of the matter is required if you really want to know how to make a staircase to the attic. The basis is the kosour. It is the central beam on which the main load is placed. This definition applies only to mid-flight stairs. In order for it to withstand the weight of users, which partially increases at the moment of transition from one step to another, it is advisable to choose its width of 50 cm for wooden stairs to the attic.

The place where the foot stands on the step is called the tread. Its width should be sufficient so that you can fully put your foot. Only in this case can we talk about the comfort for the user. In any other, it is easier to stumble or twist your ankle. If the stringers of the stairs to the attic are at a great distance, then it is desirable to strengthen the treads. This can be done with a retaining bar or riser. The latter is a supporting central plank under each step. It does not allow the treads to sag in the central part.

Note! Treads should not be too slippery. To avoid this, special rubber pads can be laid on them or the surface can be partially roughened.

It’s not worth talking about the railing for a long time, because everyone knows what it is. They also have their own requirements. For example, their height should be sufficient to make it difficult to transfer the center of gravity of the body beyond their boundaries. The space between the stairs to the attic and the railing is closed with decorative lattice or balusters.

Which material is better

The design of the stairs to the attic should blend in perfectly with the surrounding interior or exterior, so the choice of material will depend on what the house is built of and what design it has. For outdoor use, metal and concrete options are suitable. The first is less bulky and will be able to emphasize the exclusivity of the house. It can be made screw or marching. A spiral staircase to the attic outside the house will look more interesting. The disadvantage of such a staircase to the attic will be the need for its periodic maintenance, which will be expressed in the replacement paintwork. If you do not do this in time, then the stairs can rot, and someone will eventually get injured. The concrete version of the stairs for the attic can be made of bricks, prefabricated blocks or cast on site. It is more practical and less affected by precipitation. But her appearance is rather bulky, so such an attic staircase will look more harmonious in a large house.

Wood products are placed inside the house. Such attic stairs are most subject to wear and tear, and their repair is very expensive. In some cases, the owners decide to have one outside, but a roof is installed over it or it can be closed corridor. For the manufacture of such stairs to the attic, dense wood species are used. This, for example, can be oak, beech and hornbeam and other hardwoods. Of the conifers, larch and cedar are suitable. They have antiseptic properties, so they perfectly resist putrefactive processes. 1st or 2nd grade required. The array should have a minimum number of knots and defects. For the attic stairs to the second floor, wood species that have a high resin content are not suitable. The latter will interfere high-quality processing and applying varnish.

Combined options for structures for the attic can consist of metal and wood, metal and glass, wood and glass. This is usually design solutions which are quite expensive. Although the idea can be peeped and implemented independently. But it is worth remembering that if there are children in the house, then the glass should be selected very strong so that it does not shatter into pieces and hurt the children.

We take measurements

If you have the skill of working with power tools and carpentry, then you should not have any difficulty with manufacturing own project wooden stairs. The main components of the rise to the attic can be ordered from the masters, and you can assemble everything yourself. Before you get down to business, it is worth making an accurate drawing and choosing right place location of the attic stairs.

The place should be such that the stairs do not take up too much space. If we are talking about marching options, then it is better for them to choose a corridor or a small vestibule. For spiral staircases there may or may not be such a limitation. If there is no corridor or similar area, the farthest or side wall, where the minimum usable area or it can be sacrificed for the sake of the stairs. Looks great in a small house simple design with one or two marches.

With regard to the dimensions of the stairs, there are accepted standards that have been tested over a long period of time and honed. So for indoor installation ceilings must be at least 2.5 meters high. The width of the final product must be from 80 cm. The width of the step is determined by largest size the feet of residents, but usually a size of 30 cm is enough. If there are small children in the house, then for their comfort it is worth making a step height of 15 cm or more. The slope of one march should not exceed 45º, but not less than 20º. Otherwise, the design will turn out to be long and uncomfortable.

Now you can create a sketch of the rise to the attic and apply specific dimensions to it. The first step is to determine the number of steps. To do this, the height from the floor to the top of the stairs must be divided by the height of one step. If a overall height is 3 meters, and the height was chosen at 20 cm, then there will be 15 of them. It happens that the number is fractional, then it is rounded up. Now the length is calculated. To do this, the number of steps is multiplied by their width. In our case, it will be 6 meters. A rather large attic staircase, so it can be divided into two flights. The length of the kosour is easy to calculate using the Pythagorean theorem. To do this, you need to add the square of the height to the square of the total length flight of stairs and take it out from under the root. In our case, this will be 6.70 m.

Stages of work

Beams for stringers for stairs are taken twice as wide as the height of the step. They try on their place and temporarily fixed. To do this, you can pre-drill holes that will be used later to fix the stairs. On the fixed stringer for the stairs, the markings of future steps are made. To securely fasten it to the beam in the attic, a square gash is made. Kosourov will need three or more if the span exceeds 1.2 meters. The remaining stringers are copied following the example of the marked one.

The mowing is installed first, which will be near the wall. It is easiest to expose it, and it is already equal to it. In addition to being fixed along its entire length, it also needs to provide emphasis in the lower part. One or two more components of the stairs to the attic are mounted with strict observance of the angle of the first. To do this, you can periodically use several levels. For stair stringers that are not fixed to the wall, additional supports in the form of posts can be used.

Installation of steps begins at the foot of the stairs. So it will be possible to systematically rise up. The crossbars are screwed to the base with self-tapping screws. After they are ready, balusters are mounted. Often, for a more reliable fixation of their entire length, a pin is placed inside, which is attached to the steps with washers and nuts. Railings are attached to the balusters.

The final stage of the installation of stairs to the attic are Finishing work. Everything cleans up well at first. grinders using sandpaper with a different grid. The varnish is applied in three or more layers with intermediate grinding with fine sandpaper. The stairs to the attic stand until completely dry, which can take up to a month.


If you dare to take on such a project, then be sure to share your experience in installing stairs to the attic with your friends, perhaps one of them will also catch on with the idea.