How to coat MDF with enamel. Painting MDF. How to paint a furniture facade yourself

The abbreviation MDF has become firmly established in our everyday life over the past two decades, since this type of fiberboard is also used in furniture industry, and for the manufacture of doors, and as wall material. This is an excellent alternative to natural wood, the price of which remains high.

You will be presented with useful information about this material: how it is produced, where it is used, how to paint MDF panels, and much more. A great addition to our story will be the video in this article on the topic: “Painted MDF facades.”

Features of MDF

Most of those who plan to build a country house, make repairs or make built-in furniture themselves are interested in the question: “What is the difference between MDF and chipboard?” In appearance they are very similar, but the production technologies are different and, accordingly, performance are also different.

For comparison, we offer you a small instruction:

Differences Chipboard MDF
Raw materials for productionLarge shavings of low-value woodFine sawdust is a waste product from the wood processing industry, as well as wood intended for logging.
Difference in technologyPressing under hot steam. Formaldehyde is used in production - a very toxic substance.Pressing under high pressure and temperature. Paraffin and wood humus, called lingin, are used as a binder. So, MDF is an environmentally friendly material.
ApplicationOnly in dry rooms. As a rule, these are floors, partitions, built-in furniture. It is not recommended to use in bedrooms and children's rooms.Can be used in rooms with humidity levels up to 80%. Since MDF contains no toxic substances, it can be used for finishing premises for any purpose.

Since MDF has a denser structure and can withstand more high level humidity, over time it practically does not deform. That is why today factories use only MDF in the production of cabinet and upholstered furniture. The technology for painting MDF and chipboard facades is similar, and we will talk about it in a separate chapter.

Pay attention! IN in this case We are talking about furniture and built-in interior facades. Neither one nor the other material is used for finishing external walls! House facades are sheathed OSB boards, which are completely impermeable to moisture. They obtain such properties due to the presence of polymer resins in the composition.

Medium density fibreboards, namely MDF, are in demand not only in the furniture industry, but also in the production of interior finishing materials. In addition to wall and ceiling panels, these are also molded products: slats, platbands, MDF baseboards for painting.

And how wonderful laminate floors look! What can I say: look at the picture above, and it immediately becomes clear that today you can’t live without this material.

Standard sizes and front covering

Manufacturers of sheet MDF offer the material itself different sizes and thickness. Common standards does not exist in the world, and each enterprise determines independently which standard sizes to produce. Ultimately, it all depends on the purpose of the sheets and customer demand.

  • If you decide to make a closet, then for back wall you can take solid pressed sheets with a thickness of only 3 mm; for the sides and facade of furniture, 10 mm is required. To build an interior partition, you need material with a thickness of 12-16 mm, and, for example, to build a shelving - 24 mm.
  • Like this wide range. The dimensions of the sheets also vary, but not so much. On average, the width and length of the sheets is: 1220*2440 mm; 1830*2440 mm; 2070*2800 mm. As you can see, the dimensions allow, if necessary, to cover the entire height of the walls.

  • As for finishing their surface, the buyer always has a choice: painting MDF with his own hands or using sheets with a ready-made factory coating - and by the way, it can be not only painted. Decorative cladding of sheet MDF is also carried out by covering it with PVC film, laminating and veneering.
  • When using such sheets, for example, for the manufacture of built-in furniture, painting of MDF facades is not required at all. If you look closely at the photo above, you can see that even the edges have already been processed, and when using such a covering material, all that remains is to decorate the cuts.

The decor of the MDF surface can consist not only in imitation of various types of wood. Wall material stylized as stone, plaster or brickwork, makes it possible to create interesting compositions in the interior, one of which we see in the example above. Sheets intended for finishing wet rooms are protected with a melamine coating.

Some features of wall cladding

Before we talk about whether it is possible to paint MDF panels and how to do it: enamel or water-dispersed compounds, we will briefly talk about the nuances of installation. After all, errors can greatly affect the geometry of the skin or structural element and, accordingly, will negate all your work.

  • To prevent this from happening, it is very important that before installation the MDF is adapted to the microclimate of the room in which it will be used. It cannot be used immediately after delivery from the store and unloading. It should lie in a normal dry room for a day. If you have to sheathe a basement or unheated attic, adaptation requires at least 48 hours.

Mounting options

At this time, you can start preparing the surface of the walls, the extent of which depends on the chosen installation option. Wall finishing with sheet MDF can be done in two ways: frame and glue.

In the first case, the material is mounted on the sheathing. In this case, no special preparation is required, and if the walls are uneven, the frame elements are installed on direct hangers.

  • To be able to install panels with glue, the walls must be properly leveled, sanded, cleaned of dust and primed. If sheet material is used in installation, it is glued to the base base. Small format panels can also be glued to plasterboard sheathing and even to the surface of the wooden sheathing.

  • Sheet and modular material is cut using a manual or electric cutting tool. In order not to damage the factory decorative coating of the sheets, when cutting you need to take into account the following nuances: when using a hacksaw, you should cut from the front side, and when using a circular saw, from the backside.

Pay attention! During installation, it is very important to leave a technological gap of 2 cm between the sheathing and the ceiling. This is especially true for bathrooms and kitchens, where the temperature and humidity changes several times a day. If there is no gap, the expanded material will rest against the ceiling and, accordingly, deform. For the same reason, in these rooms it is better to install it over the sheathing, since it also provides a ventilated space.

  • Long-length and classic wall panels, as a rule, do not require any surface modification, including sealing the seams. After covering the walls with sheet MDF, the joints are sealed by filling with a special compound and then covered with plastic moldings.
  • Sheets with a factory-made decorative coating can also be mounted with a gap, which looks very interesting. The required distance between the ends of the panels is ensured by special cross-shaped plastic inserts. If the plating is done in the usual way sheet material, without decorative covering, then its surface still needs to be prepared.

Since MDF has a high density and a fairly smooth surface, there is no need to putty it. It is simply lightly sanded with fine sandpaper and, after cleaning it from dust, is treated with a pore-filling primer. But we will tell you in the next chapter which paint is best suited for MDF facades and how to apply it correctly.

What and how to paint MDF

First of all, sheet MDF is a structural material. Along with drywall, it is used for internal lining walls of frame-panel houses. But compared to gypsum board, MDF is more durable and has high thermal insulation properties, so there is every reason to use it.

  • Is it possible to paint MDF panels so that they are indistinguishable from the plastered surface? Of course you can! Take a look at the example below and you'll see a beautiful painted interior. frame house, made in half-timbered style.

In this case, the design involves the load-bearing structures of the house, but even if this is not possible, moldings made of the same material as the cladding can be used for decorative paneling of the walls. The main thing is to come up with an interesting design, and then you can think about how to paint the MDF.

MDF products for painting

Similar types of paints are used for both natural wood and all its derivatives - be it chipboard, OSB or MDF. Just before you paint MDF doors or the same panels, make sure that the paint is intended for wood or is a universal paintwork material. In this case, the label will indicate: “For all types of surfaces.”

  • The main thing here is not even the type of paint, but the correct primer. It is important that it is made from the same substance as the paint. That is, if used polyurethane paint for MDF, then the primer should also be polyurethane.

  • Paint for MDF doors, as well as molded material, which are called “paintable”, is selected in accordance with the type of primer already applied at the factory. Most often, this is acrylic primer paint. white, replacing not only adhesive impregnation, but also the first layer of paint. This means that for finishing painting you also need to purchase acrylic paint.
  • But its color can be any, and not necessarily white. In general, doors primed for painting are a budget option. They are chosen mainly because of their lowest cost. In such a situation, a person is faced with the question: “How to paint MDF doors so that the coating looks no worse than the factory version?”
  • If you want to get a high-quality surface, you need to forget about brushes and rollers and use a spray gun. In this case, painting MDF panels, facades of home-made furniture and door blocks will be the most uniform and accurate.

  • This is especially true for doors - it is generally better to paint them first and then install them. Firstly, this way the door hinges, fittings and especially the glazing will not get stained with paint. And secondly, when the door is installed, it is much more difficult to paint its ends, layout, and panels.

It's good if white ground White paint will be applied. And if it is a different color, bald spots will still be visible here and there.

It is generally difficult to paint even a smooth surface with a brush, let alone a structure such as a door. On request: “MDF: painting technology” you can watch one or two videos where this process is clearly explained and shown.

Nuances of painting work

It is much easier, of course, to paint an MDF product that has already been prepared for painting at the factory. What if you need to refine sheet cladding that does not have a decorative coating? We have already mentioned that such a surface is sanded before painting.

Why is this done if the MDF surface is already smooth:

  • The fact is that during the production process the material is covered with a protective wax layer. This is what needs to be removed, otherwise the front surface will not have any adhesion to either the primer or the paint. It is better to sand the cladding material not with sandpaper, but with a machine - but here it all depends on the amount of work.

  • It is very important that this is done efficiently, over the entire plane of the sheet. Otherwise, when painting, it will turn out that in some places the paint does not adhere to the base. If you decide to apply relief on the panels using a hand router, special attention should be paid to these places when sanding and priming.
  • In general, before painting MDF facades, first apply primer to the relief or overlay elements, then prime the edges, and only after that begin to cover the entire surface of the product. When working with a spray gun, the nozzle should move in parallel rows, with a fifty percent overlap with each other.
  • First, longitudinal rows are applied, then transverse ones. Apply in the same order paint coatings. If you need to paint the facade of built-in furniture, then this is done on both sides. First, the back side is painted, and after it dries, the front side is painted.

  • Next, you need to let the product dry completely, then you will have to sand it again to remove the pile that has risen during priming. In this case, the most important thing is to correctly calculate the force and not completely remove the soil layer once you reach the MDF. At the next stage, opaque primer paint is applied.

Polyurethane-based paints are used to paint furniture facades. They create the most durable surface, and furniture is subject to constant mechanical stress. Well, for wall cladding it is best to use paints on water based- especially since they do not have such a toxic odor as polyurethane enamels.

MDF - wood fiber board - is a relatively young material. Its production began in the USA in 1966. In a short period of time, this material has almost completely replaced wood in furniture production.

Furniture fronts have become commonplace in our kitchens, our offices and many other places.

MDF is a medium-density material that is made by pressing (under high pressure and at high temperature) fine chips. Lignin, a naturally occurring substance found in wood, acts as a binding material.

Of course, in terms of its strength characteristics, this material is significantly inferior to wood, however, as a material for finishing surfaces, it (wood) is a worthy replacement. The main advantages of MDF include the following:

  • Resists moisture well;
  • Heat resistant;
  • High surface strength;
  • Very technologically advanced and easy to use;
  • Low cost;
  • Resistant to various microorganisms and fungi.

The use of MDF for finishing furniture facades gave a new impetus to the flight of design ideas and made it possible to significantly expand the possibilities of decorating furniture.

But DDF facades, like facades made from other materials, lose their shine over time. During operation, they may require replacement, or the furniture facades no longer harmonize with the respectable appearance of a freshly renovated kitchen. Whatever the reason, there are two solutions. The facades need to either be changed or repainted.

Painting MDF facades is a relatively simple matter and does not require any special knowledge from the performer. If desired and necessary materials and tools, this task is quite capable of being handled by an ordinary person who is not experienced in modern construction technologies.

This article will discuss how to paint an MDF facade with your own hands.

Fiberboards lend themselves well to painting. This fact once again confirms high quality this material and its high manufacturability. To understand the reasons for such a loyal attitude of the material to the products of the paint and varnish industry, you should pay attention to the main advantages of MDF:

  • Due to the homogeneity, naturalness and solidity of the surface, the material does not require additional preparation of the surface for painting, unlike most existing materials. If there is a layer of old paint on the surface of the fiberboard, then all surface preparation will consist of removing this layer, which will not be difficult and will not take much time;
  • The MDF surface is very resistant to mechanical deformation. Due to this, the surface can not only be painted, but even minor changes can be made to the surface texture.

We paint MDF ourselves

The algorithm for painting a furniture facade made of MDF with your own hands includes the following steps:

  • Surface preparation;
  • Primer;
  • Selecting the type and color of paint;
  • Applying paint.

In the process of performing these operations you will need following materials and tools:

  • Roller and paint brush;
  • Painting tape;
  • Construction hair dryer;
  • Rubber gloves;
  • Primer for wood;
  • Fine-grit sandpaper.

Surface preparation

First of all, in the process of preparing the surface, it is necessary to remove all the fittings from it.

As mentioned above, the MDF surface, provided that it has no mechanical damage, does not require preparation for painting. The layer of old paint must be removed using a hair dryer. Do not attempt to perform this operation manually - it will be time-consuming and may cause significant damage to the surface of the material. If there are noticeable mechanical damages on the MDF surface, they can be removed using wood putty. At the end of the preparation process, the surface must be carefully treated with fine-grained sandpaper.

Surface primer

The best primer for MDF surfaces is a wood primer. The method of applying the primer is entirely up to you. Can be used paint brush, roller or spray.

It will take a day for the primer to dry completely.

Selecting paint type and color

When choosing the type of paint for an MDF facade, it is recommended to give preference to auto enamel. Representatives of this relatively new family of paints and varnishes are characterized by high heat and moisture resistance, and are capable of creating a durable coating.

Modern manufacturers of auto enamels offer consumers a wide selection of rich products color range. There is no doubt that in this kaleidoscope of colors and shades you will be able to choose the optimal color option for yourself, which will allow the furniture fronts to harmoniously fit into the interior of your room.

Applying paint

The paint has been selected. The primer has dried. You can start doing what you started all this for, applying paint. Cover areas not intended for painting, if any, with masking tape and begin painting the surface. The method and method of applying paint is at your discretion. Paint must be applied in one direction.

As a result, you will receive a durable, varnished or matte coating, depending on the texture of the paint, that will give the furniture facades new look and will reliably protect them for a long time.

The video shows MDF facades being painted:

If you are skeptical about your abilities and do not want to take risks, then you should seek help from specialists. But in this case, the price of painting MDF facades will be significantly higher and will range from 1200 to 2000 rubles per square meter surfaces.

Painting a furniture facade is the second life of your furniture

Furniture in the house is a kind of calling card of the owners, which represents their taste, financial well-being, the ability to create comfort.

They select cabinets, sideboards, bedside tables and much more very carefully, paying attention to the smallest details. And if the functionality of furniture has been tested for years, it appearance- color, finishing, decorative details, make you fall in love at first sight.

But what if the color of the facade does not really suit the design concept, or you need to update the appearance of your favorite chest of drawers? Then the best solution is to paint the furniture facade.

Approaches to choosing paint for furniture facades

Facades made of MDF or solid wood are best suited for painting. The quality and achievement of the desired effect depends on the choice of paint. The paint for painting the facade must be of high quality and meet the requirements for operating conditions.

Various paints are produced for furniture chemical composition and performance properties:

  • oil;
  • latex;
  • alkyd;
  • water-dispersed.

Auto enamels are often used, which are moisture resistant, form a film when coated and do not deteriorate due to temperature changes. These paints are well suited for covering facades kitchen furniture.

A large selection of colors and types of coating (matte, semi-matte, semi-gloss, glossy) for painting furniture is offered trademarks TIKKURILA, MILESI, NEKNOS, SADOLIN, PINOTEX, ALPINA.

The products of these manufacturers are resistant to moisture and many chemically aggressive detergents.

It's easiest to change the tone of a light base. If you use tinted varnish or stain, you can get more dark color and, at the same time, maintain the original structure of the coating.

Advice! For light furniture A decorative and protective composition is suitable. When applied in several layers, the color of the coating will change.

When painting a dark facade, you need to be prepared for the fact that the structure of the wood or other base will not be preserved, especially when changing the color to a lighter one.

The color options are not limited, since the coating palette consists of more than 200 colors that can be combined, mixed, and colored.

Advice! If the palette does not have the required tone, mix dark and light colors several times in different containers and proportions. And then check the result on a test surface.

After drying, you can make a choice.

How to paint a furniture facade yourself

The video shows how to paint a furniture facade:

The technology of painting furniture facades is a labor-intensive process, but in terms of implementation it is not very complicated and can be done independently.

It is necessary, firstly, to purchase the necessary consumables and tools, secondly, to study all the recommendations, instructions and strictly follow them, and thirdly, to have a clear idea of ​​the desired result.

What tools and materials are needed

How to choose paint has already been determined.

But how to apply it to the surface? You can use spray guns, rollers, brushes. Depends on personal preferences and ability to work with a particular instrument.

Choose rollers and brushes strictly for the type of paint that will be used to paint furniture facades. This is indicated on the packaging.

Advice! A velor roller is suitable for water-based emulsion, and brushes made of natural or combined bristles are suitable for varnishes, acrylics, and stains.

You will also need a primer that matches both the type of paint and the surface being painted.

Painting an MDF cabinet. Is this possible?

You also need to prepare masking tape, gloves, sandpaper, felt, a piece of wool, construction hair dryer, screwdriver, drill, marker.

The main stages of painting furniture facades

Painting a furniture facade yourself will not be difficult if all the work is divided into four stages:

  • dismantling;
  • surface preparation;
  • painting;
  • assembly.

Stage one

The entire facade is completely disassembled: the doors are removed, the fittings, canopies, fasteners, and glass inserts are unscrewed.

Use masking tape to cover all surfaces that will not be painted at all or will be covered with a different color.

Markers are used to mark the correspondence between the parts so as not to confuse them in the future and to put everything in its place. Dust and any contaminants are removed from the painted parts of the furniture. Places for fastenings and new fittings are determined. To install them, holes are drilled with a drill.

Stage two

The entire result of painting the furniture facade depends on the quality of surface preparation.

This stage is performed in several steps until a completely smooth surface is obtained:

  • if there is an old coating, it is removed with a hair dryer;
  • if chips or cracks are detected, everything is puttied and sealed;
  • grinding is carried out with a material with a grain size of 180;
  • the surface is primed with an insulating mixture - primer;
  • after drying, sanded with a brush with grain 240;
  • applying the base primer, which should fill all pores and completely cover the surface;
  • After drying, sand with 400 grit material.

Stage three

The video shows how the furniture facade is decorated:

Painting furniture facades with your own hands using the chosen paint is very simple.

If the coating is applied using a spray gun or from a spray can, care must be taken to protect the respiratory tract. All work is carried out in one direction. After the first layer has dried, you can cover it with a second one, then the color will be more saturated.

Both painting and priming can be done with a spray gun, spraying the substance from a distance of 15-20 cm.

If you plan to paint in several colors, then use masking tape to cover the already painted parts. And the new ones are painted in a different tone.

The stages of painting a furniture facade made of MDF are complemented by decoration.

This can be varnishing, glazing (applying glaze), polishing.

Advice! It is better to apply the varnish in several layers on top of the paint and one on the glaze. Every new layer applied after the previous one has completely dried.

Stage four

Start with it no earlier than the last coating has completely dried.

For example, glisal takes about a week to dry. All tape is removed, hinges, handles, fasteners are installed and the facade is mounted in accordance with the marker marks.

After all the work done, you will get unique furniture that fits perfectly with the interior and design of the room.

It's no secret that the kitchen is the center of any home. And our task is not only to plan it competently - in order to spend a minimum of effort and time when preparing food - but also to exploit it so that its presentation will please us and our household for many years. Most often, the consumer opts for furniture made of chipboard with MDF facades coated with PVC film.

This choice is explained primarily by comparative inexpensive price, as well as the availability of a wide selection of configurations and colors. That is, there is an opportunity to satisfy almost any, even very demanding, taste.

Rules of care

So, your beloved and long-awaited kitchen was delivered and installed, or you, having labored over the project for a long time, assembled it yourself.

What should you do or what shouldn’t you do so that in a couple of months you don’t experience disappointment from the purchase?

MDF painting technology: materials and nuances

After all, the technology for producing such facades, unfortunately, is not in the best possible way affects their wear resistance: the film may begin to peel off over time, especially around the perimeter. Let us outline a few simple operating rules relating specifically to MDF facades coated with PVC film.

  1. You can only wash the kitchen with “mild” detergents.

    Never use cleaning powders containing abrasive substances. Various surface sprays (can be used for glass) and a soft sponge or napkin are good for this.

  2. Avoid extreme temperature changes.

    Try to maintain between +10 and +35 degrees. Lower or higher temperatures may cause the film to peel off. Sooner or later, an open oven, a nearby heated stove, too much ventilation (especially in winter), and heaters will lead to the same result.

Features of operation

Think about it, PVC film sticks at a temperature of 120 - 180 degrees, and if your oven produces at least 60 -100 degrees outside, this already creates a threat to the cabinets located nearby.

Install the thermal insulation strip.

It protects the ends of the cabinet from heating by the stove and avoids delamination of the edges. It is installed at the ends of the cabinet. It is very easy to care for: to remove dirt, it is recommended to wipe with a damp cloth, but it is not recommended to use any cleaning agents.

  1. Avoid high humidity. If you are still in doubt whether to install a hood or not, then I think your choice is now obvious. Steam from pots and grease from frying pans will also not have the best effect on your furniture.
  2. Water is the enemy of any furniture.

    Make sure that it does not get on the facades.

  3. Close doors and push drawers carefully, avoiding sudden movements. Don't expose them mechanical impact(contact with sharp objects, friction, collisions).
  4. Close location lighting fixtures can lead to excessive heating of the facade and, as a result, deformation of the film, as well as to a change in color facing covering. The lamp and the facade should not be closer to each other than 15 cm.

DIY MDF facade repair

What to do if you notice that the PVC film is peeling off.

First of all, if the kitchen is still under warranty, report this unpleasant incident to the seller. He simply must replace the defective kitchen facades with new ones. Perhaps the defect is associated with the quality of the glue with which the film is glued, or its insufficient quantity. Simply put, the manufacturer saved money on you. However, the seller may also ask how correctly you used the furniture.

If the warranty has already expired, you can try to fix the defect yourself. Fill a medical syringe with PVA glue or superglue of the “Moment” type, you can also use “ liquid nails"and carefully glue it under the film.

However, this method can be used if the film has simply peeled off. If it “shrinks,” which most often happens as a result of overheating, then there is little that can be done.

Try to disguise with matching putties. But, despite all your efforts to restore furniture in this case, I cannot guarantee you a good result. The best solution would be to order new facades, but keep in mind that they must either be ordered for the entire kitchen at once, since manufacturers of film facades do not guarantee an exact match of the color of films from different batches; or discover the designer in you and “play” with the colors of the facades.

Let's say if your kitchen is light green, then you can order the fronts for the cabinets on which they need to be replaced, yellow.

As we master the technology for manufacturing MDF furniture facades in PVC film, we must not forget about alternative directions for the development of the enterprise, for example, such as painting MDF facades.

The situation on the furniture market is constantly changing and consumer demands do not remain unchanged. Therefore, sooner or later, MDF furniture manufacturers may be faced with the question of how to paint an MDF facade, what equipment and materials will be required, and what technology for painting MDF facades is best suited for this particular enterprise.

Equipment for painting MDF facades

To paint MDF facades, you will need a room of at least about 40 square meters.

m with a separate chamber for painting, a place for grinding parts, for drying and for storing workpieces and curing finished products. The room must be heated with a temperature of at least 20 degrees. Painting camera should be appropriately equipped with an exhaust hood and preferably a rotating table, a drying room with shelving, a place for grinding with powerful vacuum cleaners.

To apply paints and primers you will need pneumatic spray gun with a nozzle from 1.5 to 2 mm and a compressor with a receiver of 80-100 liters.

To grind parts, you will need an eccentric vibration sander, and for polishing, an angle grinder (grinder) with appropriate attachments.

Preparing MDF for painting

When choosing MDF for painting, you should pay special attention to the quality of the board, primarily the rise of pile during processing and the presence of embossing from the molds used in its manufacture.

Milling of MDF facades should be carried out at the highest possible speed of the tool in order to reduce the likelihood of raising the pile.

Since the paint layer of the finished MDF facade remains very fragile, you should avoid leaving sharp corners on the parts, which can be knocked off if handled carelessly. For this they are processed edge cutter radius 2-3 mm.

Grinding of MDF facade parts must be done over the entire plane in order to remove the top protective layer wax.

For this, an eccentric sander with sandpaper P 180-240 is used. Complex curves of milling MDF facades are easiest to handle with an emery sponge.

If you plan to paint MDF facades consisting of several components The cracks that form in the joints must first be filled with filler primer.

After complete drying, its residues should be carefully removed with a rag or spatula, and then sanded with P240-320 sandpaper.

Primer of MDF facades for painting

Prime first complex terrain milling or overlay elements of the MDF facade surface.

Then the edge of the part is primed. Next, the entire plane of the MDF facade is covered with soil.

Paint for MDF - a quick way to transform the interior

The gun moves first along and then across the part. Each subsequent layer should overlap 50% of the previous one. All subsequent stages of applying primers, paints and varnishes are performed in a similar manner.

If it is necessary to paint an MDF furniture facade on both sides, then paint and varnish is first applied to the inside of the facade. After it dries, you can cover the front side.

As a rule, priming of MDF facades for painting is carried out in 2 stages.

At the first stage, using a spray gun, a layer of insulating primer (80-100 g/sq. m) is laid down, which should provide protection against the absorption of subsequent layers of paintwork materials and raising the pile. After complete drying, sanding is carried out with an emery sponge or sandpaper P320-400.

It is important that when actively sanding, do not rub the primer layer down to the MDF.

At the second stage, before painting the MDF facade, a layer of white polyurethane primer of 150-200 g/sq.

m. The drying time for this layer can last from 8-10 to 24 hours, depending on the paint composition used. After drying, sanding with sandpaper P320-400 is performed.

Milling bends and hard-to-reach areas of the MDF facade are sanded using Scotch-brite abrasive.

Painting MDF facades

MDF facades are painted using a spray gun with paint (enamel) consumption from 60 to 200 g/sq.

m. Setting the nozzle diameter, air pressure, spray method, number of layers and the interval of their application, as a rule, depends on the type of paint used. Therefore, before painting the MDF facade with one paint or another (enamel), you should carefully study the instructions for its use.

Complex ready-made compositions of paints and varnishes with various special effects should be thoroughly mixed beforehand, since the decorative component of the paint can settle as a solid suspension at the bottom of the jar.

It is also necessary to make sure that decorative additives will pass freely through the gun nozzle.

During painting and varnishing, it is important to exclude all possibilities of dust, debris or insects getting onto the surface of MDF facades. If this does happen, you need to have tweezers or a needle on hand.

Significant and highly noticeable smudges of paint (primer) are removed after drying by cutting off with a stationery knife, and then carefully sanded off with sandpaper.

Patination of painted MDF facades

As a rule, patina is used on matte colors of MDF facades with complex elements surface and edge milling.

The patination composition is applied without pre-primer over a layer of paint using a spray gun, roller, brush, foam rubber, swab or other tool. After drying, excess patina is removed by sanding with P320-400 abrasives or Scotch-brite sandpaper.

After thoroughly cleaning the MDF facade from dust, the paint layer and patina are covered with acrylic matte varnish (130-150 g/sq. m) and sent for drying. After 12-24 hours, the matte MDF facade can be packaged and sent for storage.

Coating the MDF facade after painting with varnish and polishing.

In order to give the surface of the MDF facade high resistance to mechanical damage, and the paints have freshness and depth, it should be coated with acrylic transparent glossy varnish.

The varnish is applied in two layers of 120-150 g/sq. m, in two steps with an interval to ensure drying of the first layer (according to the instructions).

The varnished MDF facades are sent to dry. After 1-2 days you can start grinding, and after 5-7 days you can start polishing and finishing the product.

Sanding the dried varnish layer using an eccentric sander begins with processing the facade with P1200-1500 sandpaper and ends with P3000-4000.

In this case, the surface of the facade must be periodically sprinkled with water to prevent overheating and rolling off of varnish particles. At the end of sanding, you should get a monochromatic, uniform matte surface.

To polish MDF facades, use an angle grinder with a hard (Novol white) foam wheel and Bril-852 abrasive paste.

After applying the paste to the surface of the facade, you need to rub it over the area with a machine at low speed. Then, increasing the machine speed to 1500-2000, proceed directly to polishing. It is important to smoothly move the circle from one edge to the other, first horizontally and then vertically.

The polishing wheel should be slightly moistened. In addition, for greater effect, experts recommend applying a little furniture wax to the circle.

To finalize the gloss, you will need non-abrasive SiashineFINISH paste and a soft (Black Novol) foam pad for polishing. The result should be a façade with a mirror surface.

Packaging and storage of painted MDF facades

The best option for packaging painted MDF facades would be foamed polyethylene plus corrugated cardboard.

On the one hand, they will protect products well from mechanical damage. On the other hand, some paintwork materials continue to emit vapors of chemical compounds for some time, which condense on the surface of the facade when packaged in ordinary polyethylene and leave stains on the gloss.

This combination packaging material allows the fumes that accompany the drying process to evaporate even after storage.

Efficiency of painting MDF facades

It is quite difficult to determine the benefits of manufacturing painted MDF facades if the manufacturer is not exclusively engaged in their production and sale.

According to various sources, average cost 1 sq. m of glossy facade is 60-80 dollars. The main share of costs falls on the wages of skilled workers, since the technology for painting MDF facades is based on manual labor (priming, sanding, painting, polishing), and the entire production cycle sometimes reaches 10 or more days.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the technology for painting MDF facades may differ at different enterprises, since modern market There is a huge number of primers, paints, enamels, varnishes and other materials that are strikingly different from each other in their technological properties.

For example, in lately It has become fashionable to use automotive primers and enamels when painting MDF facades. But before you paint the kitchen facade, it’s worth remembering that a car and a kitchen have completely different functions, and it’s not a fact that car enamel is so harmless that it can be “consumed” with food.

Therefore, before painting the MDF facade with an unknown paint, it is still worth studying the paint and varnish market.

Fortunately, there are plenty of companies producing primers, paints, enamels and varnishes for working specifically on MDF. Here is a list of some positively proven brands:

  • Coatings: Sayerlack, Votteler, Sivam, Tikkurila, Teknos, Sirca, PaliWood UM;
  • Patina: Sayerlack, Borma, HesseLignal
  • Polishing pastes: 3M Perfect, Bril-852, Menzerna, Siashine FINISH.

Furniture facades, doors and other products made from MDF can be painted. But when working, inexperienced craftsmen encounter various difficulties, including the difficulty of obtaining a smooth surface without streaks, strong absorption of the material, and others. We will reveal the features of choosing paints for MDF boards.

Can MDF be painted?

Facades, furniture panels, panels, door cladding and other products made from MDF are in great demand due to their characteristics. This is the only material among its analogues that can be processed by all possible ways: milling, figured cut, lamination, laminating, dyeing. Let's take a closer look at the latter.

This beautiful kitchen façade can be achieved using painted MDF

Painting MDF is a complex process and it begins with the choice of the main material - paint and varnish. If you want to get a perfectly flat surface with a semi-matte or glossy sheen, then simple oil paint PF-115, even from expensive foreign manufacturer not enough. An inexperienced master will face several problems at once:

  1. High absorbency of slabs, especially on sharp corners and milled bevels. The facades of furniture, doors or panels can almost completely absorb up to 5 layers of alkyd enamel. Without proper preparation, grinding and polishing, the surface will be uneven, rough, and untidy in appearance and touch.
  2. During transportation, the unprotected surface of MDF becomes covered with a huge number of scratches, both large and small. The paint fills them and reveals them first. Long grinding and constant monitoring will be required.
  3. When working, a milling tool literally tears out individual fragments, which causes small holes, dents and other defects to appear. Therefore, in addition to fine grinding, puttying with finely dispersed liquid compounds may also be required.
  4. Panels, doors and furniture elements made of MDF are almost always installed vertically, so drips, unevenness of the layer, etc. may occur.
  5. When working with a brush or roller, a large amount of so-called wood fluff rises, therefore, to obtain a smooth surface, sanding is necessary after each applied layer of paintwork.

Small roughness on the surface of MDF is the same “wood pile”

It turns out that MDF cannot be painted? Our answer is that it is possible, but it is necessary to use a whole range of products, or, in the language of professionals, use a special program of paints and varnishes, which include:

  • Several types of primer compositions: barrier primers or insulators with a pore-filling effect, elastic and easily sanded multicomponent compounds, basic pigmented compositions with a solids content of at least 50%.
  • Paint with high performance hiding power, thixotropy, and after polymerization - wear resistance and durability.
  • To create a smooth surface with a glossy/semi-matte sheen: varnish or polishing kits (paste + nap disc for polishing).

The easiest way to paint laminated boards. This is the surface of finished furniture and door facades, wall and ceiling panels. The film acts as a primer and leveling layer. Will fit the following types LMB:

  • Alkyd, alkyd-urethane or oil-based enamels (Novbytkhim, Dyo, Tikkurilla)

Alkyd enamels Tikkurila

These are household compositions based on synthetic oils or polymer resins. They belong to the universal category, that is, they can be used for interior and exterior work, they have good adhesion to most materials: metal, wood, glass, chipboard, MDF, OSB, etc.

After curing, a dense and durable film is formed, the advantages of which are high hiding power, resistance to mechanical and chemical influences, abrasives, and water.

Among the disadvantages, we note a strong chemical smell that negatively affects human health, as well as a huge amount of low-quality products on the shelves of stores and markets.

  • Enamels based on polyurethane resins (Elakor, Ive, Teknos)

One- and two-component complex compounds with an increased degree of wear resistance and incredible durability - more than 20 years. These are premium products with an appropriate price (from 400 rubles/kg). Most often, these paints are used by professional painters.

Acrylic enamels produced by Belinka

Compositions based on water-soluble acrylate or latex copolymers are considered the safest and are recommended for use in residential and children's premises. The easiest way to paint facades, doors and panels is with compositions produced in the form of aerosols. The resulting coating is slightly resistant to abrasives and mechanical damage, while perfectly protecting the surface from water and temperature changes.

  • Special enamels for furniture or nitro paints of the NTs series (Lakra, Sadolin, Alpina)

This category includes a series of highly specialized compounds designed for working on wood, chipboard and MDF. They are characterized by high hiding power, excellent adhesion, short drying time and for a long time services. Recommended only for internal use, since the film has a low frost resistance coefficient.

MDF panels used for the production of furniture facades, door and wall cladding are more difficult to paint due to the high absorbency of the material and the need for sanding. In addition, when working with a brush, roller or spray gun, the pile rises strongly, which makes the surface uneven and rough.

And if for priming you can choose highly specialized pore-filling elastic compounds that dry quickly and are easy to sand, then the following varieties are suitable as paints:

  • Household acrylic compositions produced in the form of aerosols

They give a fairly smooth glossy surface, but at least 4 layers will be required. On milled door bevels and sharp corners of furniture, the paint will quickly wear off, so it is recommended to apply a wear-resistant alkyd or PU varnish over the coating.

  • Professional two-component polyurethane enamels (Milesi, Ilva, Renner)

Consist of a base composition and a hardener. They can be tinted by hand or machine in more than 2000 shades. It is used mainly in production, less often at home.

Since the components are toxic to humans, it is recommended to paint furniture and facades outdoors using personal protection(glasses, mask, gloves).

  • Specialized enamels for MDF (Palina Coating, Galamix)

These are complex compositions based on polyurethane or urethane-acrylic. Applied to the surface of furniture or doors with a spray or brush, the resulting coating has excellent resistance to mechanical, chemical and abrasive influences, and practically does not fade over time.

  • Automotive enamels (Duxone, Jet, Colomics)

Although this paint is designed for metal surfaces, it is also suitable for painting MDF

These compounds are highly specialized and are designed for working on metal. Paints have undeniable advantages: excellent adhesion to any materials, thixotropy, abrasion, water and chemical resistance, rapid polymerization. In addition, the resulting coating can withstand temperatures from -40 °C to +100 °C. Auto enamels can be used to paint facades and other furniture elements and doors. Finished wall panels can be painted without prior preparation.

  • Polymer powder paint for wood and MDF (Reka, Pulver)

The composition was originally produced for industrial painting of metal and wood products, but in the last few years small volume packaging for household use has appeared on the market. In addition to the polymer compound, you will also need special equipment for its application.

Powder paint first melts at temperatures above 120 ° C, and then sticks to the base. A series of low-temperature or ultraviolet curing compounds are produced for MDF facades. Heating is carried out for several minutes, then the coating is applied to a horizontally located material and polymerized.

Powder paint allows you to obtain a wear-resistant surface with various decorative effects: patina, shagreen, textured metallic, leather, silk and much more. The technology has not become widespread in everyday life due to the complexity of application and the high cost of materials.

The purpose of coloring is to obtain beautiful surface, which will not be afraid of water, scratches or stains. If you need to paint wall panels, then this is the best option. acrylic aerosol. Kitchen furniture facades and doors must be resistant to temperature changes and various chemically aggressive substances ( household chemicals, products), so polyurethane, automotive wear-resistant compounds or polymer powder paint are better suited for them. But furniture for the living room, nursery or bedroom can be coated with furniture enamels, which do not wear out over time and are easily updated if necessary.

MDF painting technology: materials and nuances

Painting MDF boards is a very labor-intensive procedure that will require compliance with technology and many rules. It is immediately worth noting that such work takes a long time, it may take more than one week. In any case, you can do everything yourself and still get the necessary decorative surface.

Many people wonder: is it possible to paint MDF at home, and why is this necessary? The answer to the first part of the question is yes. Indeed, you can paint the panels yourself. But it’s worth making a reservation right away: if you don’t have it at hand spray booth, the result is not always ideal. The coloring procedure is necessary for the following reasons:

  1. Painted elements become more resistant to high temperatures and humidity. Therefore, they can be used in the kitchen and bathroom, where they can fulfill different roles.
  2. By decorating, it is possible to diversify a dull interior and refresh the appearance of the room. The shade is chosen based on the design ideas.
  3. Painting MDF panels is also necessary in order to extend their service life.

Painting MDF allows you not only to diversify a boring interior, but also to extend the service life of the product

Of course, this option also has some disadvantages. For example, this procedure is sometimes much more expensive than using decorative films. In addition, the surface becomes prone to fading.

In principle, all paints for MDF are selected taking into account the composition of the material. And this is, first of all, a fine wood fraction, which means that paint solutions for wood are suitable for the job. But to obtain a truly high-quality coating, it is advisable to use special mixtures.

When choosing materials for painting MDF, you should pay attention not only to the color, but also to the purpose of the paint

This material should be preferred for the following reasons:

  • The coating is wear-resistant and can withstand exposure to household chemicals.
  • The solution has no unpleasant odor, which allows you to carry out work in cramped home conditions.
  • The mixture can be applied using a sprayer, roller and brush.
  • Painting MDF with enamel is done independently; this procedure does not require professional skills.

Naturally, when choosing this material, they pay attention to the manufacturer. It should be a well-known brand that is sold in specialized stores. When purchasing a product from an unknown manufacturer, there is a high probability of getting a fake.

Advice! If it is not possible to select a polyurethane composition, then pay attention to alkyd enamels and paints (oil and acrylic).

When choosing paint, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer

Thus, the question of how to paint MDF panels is no longer a problem. But another dilemma arises - the surface needs additional protection, how can this be done?

Indeed, to increase resistance to mechanical stress and protect against chemical compounds, varnish is used. And for such work, a two-component polyurethane composition is especially suitable, which has all the desired parameters.

The procedure for painting MDF with your own hands is carried out in several stages. They can be divided as follows:

Completing each stage is a guarantee that the result will turn out as intended.

Work begins with grinding the surface. This is a rather labor-intensive task that must be performed carefully.

The panels are sanded with sandpaper with grit from 120 to 240 units. The process is performed in several stages and using different materials. Everything must be done very carefully, without staying long in one area. This procedure is carried out in order to remove small irregularities, as well as remove the fine lint that covers the entire surface.

The MDF sanding procedure allows you to get rid of small irregularities on the surface of the board

Note! If there are milled areas on the front side, it is better not to touch them. There is a good chance that the sandpaper will smooth out the corners of the design.

Puttying MDF for painting has the goal of correcting the existing shortcomings of the panel. It happens that during grinding or due to improper storage, cracks or dents appear on the surface. To hide them, putty is used. Of course, if there are no such problems, then this stage is skipped.

The technology itself looks like this: the acrylic mixture is carefully applied to required area and level with a rubber spatula. After drying, be sure to sand it.

This stage is mandatory. It is conventionally divided into two processes:

  • Applying the first coat of primer
    • This is done using a spray gun, so the room and place for work are prepared. It is better to cover other items with cellophane film in advance.
    • The mixture is sprayed over the entire surface of the panel in an even layer. This is done in order to raise the remaining pile and reduce the absorption of the base materials.
    • Next, when the slab is dry, it is sanded using fine sandpaper.
  • Second coat coating
    • The second layer is applied in order to consolidate the result and remove remaining blemishes.
    • Drying should take about a day, after which the panel painted with primer is sanded.

Can MDF be painted with a brush and roller? Yes, but this should be done very carefully. There is a high probability that stains and streaks will remain on the surface. Therefore, it is best to use a spray gun.

The technology itself resembles priming. The paint is applied in several layers, each of which is pre-dried. It is important to achieve an excellent result, so the mixture begins to be sprayed from the milled areas to the edges, and then passes along and diagonally. It is much more convenient to paint smooth panels.

To paint MDF you can use brushes and a roller, but to obtain an even layer it is better to use a spray gun

Note! To understand in more detail the drying time of the solution and its quantity, you must carefully study the manufacturer’s instructions. And also choose for sprayer desired mode work.

If you want to give the surface more expressive look, age it a little, then resort to patination. It is advisable to do this when there are drawings and patterns.

Patina is applied in this way:

  • walk over the selected area with a sponge soaked in the mixture;
  • leave until completely dry;
  • the painted area is sanded;
  • proceed to the final stage.

You can create the effect of artificial aging yourself by resorting to patination of the surface

The procedure is performed according to the instructions:

  1. The varnish is prepared for use.
  2. The first layer is applied at the rate of about 150 grams per square meter.
  3. After waiting for the first layer to dry well, apply a new layer.
  4. Repeat the drying process.
  5. Final sanding begins. First, sandpaper with a coarse grain is passed over the surface, then a finer one is used. To avoid lumps forming, spray the area with water.
  6. The panel is left for several days (from 4 to 7) and polished. For this it is better to use a power tool.

There are many tips on how to properly paint MDF. The main thing is to follow a clear plan and be careful.

Wooden floor coverings have always enjoyed wide popularity due to their durability, high load resistance, and attractiveness.

First of all, everyone is accustomed to paying attention to the finishing of walls and floors in country house. ABOUT.

To ensure that the interior decoration of the house retains its ideal appearance for as long as possible.

How to paint MDF: polyurethane primer, enamel and varnish

Painting of MDF products is carried out in two cases. The first is when a protective coating is required, the second is for decoration purposes. In this case, various paint and varnish materials can be used. How to paint MDF will be discussed below.

Currently, this material is actively used in the creation of furniture, interior doors, as well as finishing panels. And all of them are subject to painting, which acts as a decorative and finishing coating.

Its use provides the following advantages:

  • The painted MDF element is not afraid of elevated temperatures - thanks to this, it is possible to use it in the kitchen, where hot dishes will be placed on it;
  • Decorating in non-standard colors will help add brightness and originality to the interior of the room - it can be “metallic”, “mother of pearl” or other unusual colors;

  • The absence of harmful chemical compounds is an undoubted advantage for painting MDF at home - the only condition is the use of high-quality paints and varnishes;
  • Durability – applying paint can significantly extend the life of the product.

Of course, this method of protecting surfaces also has disadvantages. They consist in the fact that the price of painting parts significantly exceeds the cost of gluing such products decorative film. In addition, under the influence sun rays, the painted surface may fade.

Since MDF is a wood product, it can be coated with almost any wood paint or varnish. But get it for real high-quality coating is possible only if specialized compounds are used.

These include:

Let's talk about them in more detail.

When thinking about how to paint MDF panels, you need to first take care of priming the products. It will prevent paint from being absorbed into the material, thereby reducing its consumption.

In this case, you will need a special water-based polyurethane primer. It will hide the texture of the material and create a layer with high hardness and adhesion. In addition, the resulting coating will be smooth and easy to sand.

It is best to apply this primer using a sprayer. If it is not available, you can use a roller or brush. Subsequent drying takes 8-10 hours and is carried out at room temperature.

Advice! To achieve the best result, this procedure must be carried out in full accordance with the instructions established by the instructions for use of this composition.

Compared to other paints and varnishes, it has the following advantages:

  • the coating obtained with its help is wear-resistant and chemically resistant;
  • has no odor because it does not contain volatile components;
  • Can be used to paint components intended for both indoor and outdoor use.

It is produced by various manufacturers. The products of the Italian brands Sirka and Sivam are in great demand. Their popularity among polyurethane materials for MDF is similar to that of Zinga electrically conductive paint, among compositions for anti-corrosion metal treatment.

This polyurethane paint can be two- or one-component. The first type requires the addition of a hardener to it before use.

The second variety does not require such an additive and is available in ready-to-use form. Both types are applied by spray, roller or brush.

These are for sale coloring compounds, as well as fire-retardant paints for metal Polistil, in special metal buckets. Their weight can range from 1 to 25 kilograms.

Along with the above-mentioned brands Sirk and Sivam, other brands such as Tikkurila and Teknos are also popular. But they are all quite expensive.

Therefore, if necessary, paint materials from other, less well-known manufacturers can be used instead. Or use cheaper alkyd enamels rather than polyurethane enamels.

It is also worth paying attention to acrylic and oil paints. In particular, when deciding how to paint an MDF arch, you can take a closer look at domestic acrylic compositions.

Advice! Choose moisture-resistant dyes. The product coated with them can be easily washed in the future, which is very convenient.

In the photo - polyurethane varnish

This specialized varnish is used for finishing objects from MDF or for their tinting. It forms a smooth coating that is resistant to both mechanical and chemical influences. The resulting surface can be either matte or glossy.

This varnish is odorless and is two-component. This means that to prepare the working composition you need to add a hardener to it.

After this, the mixture must be consumed within two to three hours. You can apply it yourself using a sprayer.

Painting MDF can significantly increase its service life, as well as make the product more attractive and resistant to elevated temperatures. Since MDF is wood material, then it can be treated with almost any paint or varnish for wood (see also the article “Painting MDF furniture facades”).

But to get the best results, you should still use specialized compounds. This is a polyurethane primer, as well as polyurethane enamel and varnish on MDF. They allow you to create a hard and wear-resistant coating that can have a wide variety of colors.

The video in this article will give you more information on this topic.

The use of MFDs for furniture production has become very popular and in demand. Due to the fact that the material has a relatively low price, anyone can afford it. Now almost no kitchen or wardrobe can be produced without MDF panels. That is why painting the material is considered the best option. external design and protection of MDF furniture. I myself was puzzled by the issue of updating the furniture in my apartment, so I studied the technology and all the possible difficulties that arise when painting the material.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of products after painting?

For this process, it is important not only to choose the right paint for MDF, but also to understand what properties you are achieving by painting it yourself. If we talk about the advantages, I highlighted the following:

  • For kitchen furniture, the property of resistance to the influence of elevated temperatures increases - and this is so important for surfaces on which we place hot dishes every day
  • Using various fillers and color solutions, you can make the interior of the room not only elegant, but also individual. After the work is completed, none of your friends will have such a unique design.
  • Only high-quality paints are used to paint MDF products. Therefore, there is no need to worry about harm to your health.
  • Undoubtedly, the reliability and durability of furniture increases due to such events

Although the advantages immediately indicate the need to run to the store and buy paint and tools for painting yourself, you should also know some disadvantages:

  1. If you compare paint and film coating, then the second option will be cheaper. Therefore, in order to save money, you should think about the design method
  2. If you save on paint, the service life of such a coating may decrease several times. This is due to the fact that low-quality paints lose their color under the influence ultraviolet rays and other negative factors

Main requirements for quality work

If you decide, like me, to paint MDF with your own hands, then remember that the key to a successful job is the correct sequence and compliance with all painting technologies.

Before you start, you should stock up on the following list of materials:

  1. High-quality paint for MDF
  2. Primer for wood, or polyurethane primer
  3. Varnish – to fix the coating and add shine

Painting of panels should take place in optimal conditions climatic conditions– it is best if the room temperature is about 20 degrees Celsius, but the humidity level does not exceed 50-80%. The room in which the decoration will be carried out should be well ventilated.

In my case, I had everything at hand necessary tools to facilitate the dyeing process. This is a spray gun for spraying paint onto a surface, a grinding machine and an attachment for subsequent polishing of the material. Of course, without these tools, you will be able to do the painting yourself, but the duration of the process will increase significantly.

MDF panel painting technology

Before painting MDF panels, you need to prepare the surface. This is probably one of those processes that is used for any finishing works and almost always must be performed at the proper level.

The MDF needs to be milled so that the pile does not rise after painting. In addition, the paint is never applied in too thick layers, which means that sharp corners will be easy to knock off. To avoid such an incident, do not leave sharp corners. To remove the wax layer from the surface I used grinder. My furniture did not have complex parts or curves, but if you have such, then use sandpaper in addition. With its help, you can manually walk through hard-to-reach places.

Important! MDF wall panels for painting also need preparation. For continuous covering paint, putty all the joints of the panels and then sand them.

Priming follows the principle: difficult areas first, and then everything else. Correct application consists of longitudinal and then transverse application. By the way, layers of paint are also applied according to this principle. I applied the paint using a spray gun whose consumption was in the range of 60-200 g/m2. You can select the remaining parameters yourself, based on the type of dye. Always pay attention to studying the instructions that come with the manufacturer's paint. After painting is done, all that remains is to wait for the coating to dry and then apply the finishing coat of varnish.

Painting MDF

Always have tweezers or a needle handy. The fact is that when painting MDF, a speck or midge may get onto the surface, which will need to be removed using these available means.

If you don’t have a spray gun at hand, then use the usual rollers and brushes. In some cases, many people use aerosol cans of paint, but their cost is too high compared to other paints. It should be remembered that the ability to install panels for painting in a horizontal position allows the paint to be applied as correctly and efficiently as possible, without creating smudges. If such a case does not arise, then paint with brushes and rollers as carefully as possible and do not apply a lot of paint at once.

Do not apply one layer, but a thick layer of primer or paint. It will be much better if you make several, but thin layers. Remember that you must wait until the previous layer has completely dried, otherwise you may ruin the entire coating and will have to be content with what you got. Temperature for drying, MDF should not exceed 50 degrees, but we all understand that the ideal temperature would be no more than 35 degrees, and the humidity should be less than 80%. On average, under optimal climatic conditions, complete drying occurs in 5-10 hours, but it is not a bad idea to leave the material to dry for a day.

If you have a smudge, then after drying, remove it with a stationery knife and rub it with fine-grained sandpaper. During the varnishing process, this defect may become completely invisible.

Many people are mistaken in the opinion that the higher the temperature, the faster the drying process. In fact, at a temperature of 20 degrees, the MDF facade will dry faster than at 30 degrees. Therefore, you should not artificially increase the temperature in the room. Adhering to all standards for choosing paint and painting technologies MDF material, you will be able to do the work yourself and in the future give advice to your friends based on your own experience. I realized that there is nothing complicated in the process of painting furniture at home, but the use of only high-quality materials and tools speaks volumes about the quality of the coating and its appearance.

Furniture facades, doors and other products made from MDF can be painted. But when working, inexperienced craftsmen encounter various difficulties, including the difficulty of obtaining a smooth surface without streaks, strong absorption of the material, and others. We will reveal the features of choosing paints for MDF boards.

Can MDF be painted?

Facades, furniture panels, panels, door cladding and other products made from MDF are in great demand due to their characteristics. This is the only material among analogues that can be processed in all possible ways: milling, figured cutting, lamination, laminating, painting. Let's take a closer look at the latter.

Painting MDF is a complex process and it begins with the selection of the base material - paintwork materials. If you want to get a perfectly smooth surface with a semi-matte or glossy sheen, then simple oil paint PF-115, even from an expensive foreign manufacturer, is not enough. An inexperienced master will face several problems at once:

It turns out that MDF cannot be painted? Our answer is that it is possible, but it is necessary to use a whole range of products, or, in the language of professionals, use a special program of paints and varnishes, which include:

  • Several types of primer compositions: barrier primers or insulators with a pore-filling effect, elastic and easily sanded multicomponent compounds, basic pigmented compositions with a solids content of at least 50%.
  • Paint with high hiding power, thixotropy, and after polymerization - wear resistance and durability.
  • To create a smooth surface with a glossy/semi-matte sheen: varnish or polishing kits (paste + nap disc for polishing).

What paints are suitable for MDF

The easiest way to paint laminated boards. This is the surface of finished furniture and door facades, wall and ceiling panels. The film acts as a primer and leveling layer. The following types of coatings are suitable:

  • Alkyd, alkyd-urethane or oil-based enamels (Novbytkhim, Dyo, Tikkurilla)

Alkyd enamels Tikkurila

These are household compositions based on synthetic oils or polymer resins. They belong to the universal category, that is, they can be used for interior and exterior work, they have good adhesion to most materials: metal, wood, glass, chipboard, MDF, OSB, etc.

After curing, a dense and durable film is formed, the advantages of which are high hiding power, resistance to mechanical and chemical influences, abrasives, and water.

Among the disadvantages, we note a strong chemical smell that negatively affects human health, as well as a huge amount of low-quality products on the shelves of stores and markets.

  • Enamels based on polyurethane resins (Elakor, Ive, Teknos)

One- and two-component complex compounds with an increased degree of wear resistance and incredible durability - more than 20 years. These are premium products with an appropriate price (from 400 rubles/kg). Most often, these paints are used by professional painters.

  • Acrylic enamels (KrasKo, Tex, Belinka)

Compositions based on water-soluble acrylate or latex copolymers are considered the safest and are recommended for use in residential and children's premises. The easiest way to paint facades, doors and panels is with compositions produced in the form of aerosols. The resulting coating is slightly resistant to abrasives and mechanical damage, while perfectly protecting the surface from water and temperature changes.

  • Special enamels for furniture or nitro paints of the NTs series (Lakra, Sadolin, Alpina)

This category includes a series of highly specialized compounds designed for working on wood, chipboard and MDF. They are characterized by high hiding power, excellent adhesion, short drying time and long service life. Recommended only for indoor use, as the film has a low frost resistance coefficient.

MDF panels used for the production of furniture facades, door and wall cladding are more difficult to paint due to the high absorbency of the material and the need for sanding. In addition, when working with a brush, roller or spray gun, the pile rises strongly, which makes the surface uneven and rough.

And if for priming you can choose highly specialized pore-filling elastic compounds that dry quickly and are easy to sand, then the following varieties are suitable as paints:

  • Household acrylic compositions produced in the form of aerosols

They give a fairly smooth glossy surface, but at least 4 layers will be required. On milled door bevels and sharp corners of furniture, the paint will quickly wear off, so it is recommended to apply a wear-resistant alkyd or PU varnish over the coating.

  • Professional two-component polyurethane enamels (Milesi, Ilva, Renner)

Consist of a base composition and a hardener. They can be tinted by hand or machine in more than 2000 shades. It is used mainly in production, less often at home.

Since the components are toxic to humans, it is recommended to paint furniture and facades outdoors using personal protective equipment (goggles, mask, gloves).

  • Specialized enamels for MDF (Palina Coating, Galamix)

These are complex compositions based on polyurethane or urethane-acrylic. Applied to the surface of furniture or doors with a spray or brush, the resulting coating has excellent resistance to mechanical, chemical and abrasive influences, and practically does not fade over time.

  • Automotive enamels (Duxone, Jet, Colomics)

These compounds are highly specialized and are designed for working on metal. Paints have undeniable advantages: excellent adhesion to any materials, thixotropy, abrasion, water and chemical resistance, rapid polymerization. In addition, the resulting coating can withstand temperatures from -40 °C to +100 °C. Auto enamels can be used to paint facades and other furniture elements and doors. Finished wall panels can be painted without prior preparation.

  • Polymer powder paint for wood and MDF (Reka, Pulver)

The composition was originally produced for industrial painting of metal and wood products, but in the last few years small volume packaging for household use has appeared on the market. In addition to the polymer compound, you will also need special equipment for its application.

Powder paint first melts at temperatures above 120 ° C, and then sticks to the base. A series of low-temperature or ultraviolet curing compounds are produced for MDF facades. Heating is carried out for several minutes, then the coating is applied to a horizontally located material and polymerized.

Powder paint allows you to obtain a wear-resistant surface with various decorative effects: patina, shagreen, textured metallic, leather, silk and much more. The technology has not become widespread in everyday life due to the complexity of application and the high cost of materials.

The purpose of painting is to obtain a beautiful surface that will not be affected by water, scratches or stains. If you need to paint wall panels, acrylic spray paint is your best bet. Kitchen furniture facades and doors must be resistant to temperature changes and various chemically aggressive substances (household chemicals, products), so polyurethane, automotive wear-resistant compounds or polymer powder paint are better suited for them. But furniture for the living room, nursery or bedroom can be coated with furniture enamels, which do not wear out over time and are easily updated if necessary.