Recommendations for the repair of road surfaces with crushed stone impregnated with bitumen. The device of the crushed stone base according to the method of impregnation with bitumen Crushed stone impregnated with bitumen consumption according to GOST

The most popular use of bitumen, in which crushed stone is impregnated with a binder, is the installation of asphalt pavement. Another application of this technology is the foundation waterproofing device.

There are two main types of bitumen: natural and artificially created oil.

If necessary additional protection foundation, you can use materials such as bitumen and crushed stone. Consistency (a product of oil refining) is different, liquid and solid. Other nuances of its application and required flow on the impregnation of crushed stone, we will consider further.

Types and features

Table of physical and mechanical properties of bitumen.

Before highlighting the question of what consumption is necessary for the impregnation of crushed stone, let's find out what bitumen is. This product is a substance of solid or resinous consistency.

It consists of various complex mixtures of hydrocarbons and its derivatives. Most often, this is a combination of a hydrocarbon with sulfur, nitrogen and oxygen. It is impossible to identify all its components.

  • This name in Latin means "mountain resin".

Bitumens are characterized by an amorphous structure; they do not have a certain degree of melting.

  • Resistance to acid, alkaline, saline solutions of an aqueous nature has been proven more than once. But organic solvents, such as gasoline, turpentine, acetone and others, perform their function quite well when exposed to bitumen;
  • Another property is such an indicator as hydrophobicity. In other words, they are not exposed to water, do not let it through, as they have a dense structure and zero porosity.

Scheme for the preparation of bitumen emulsions.

It is in connection with these qualities that they remain impervious to water and resistant to low temperatures. Due to these properties, bitumen is a fairly popular material in construction (roofing, waterproofing) and device pavement(for rubble). Using this impregnation, you will ensure reliable waterproofing of the foundation.

There are two main types depending on their origin:

  • natural character;
  • artificially created oil.

Natural bitumen is found in fossil fuels. Their extraction is carried out most often by a quarry method (or mine), a further process of extracting bitumen from rock carried out using an organic solvent or by boiling.

An artificial analogue (technical) is produced from the remains of oil refining products, the coal industry and shale, which have similar compositions to bitumen of natural origin.

The purpose is divided for construction, roofing and road purposes.


Characteristic table

All types have a special marking, which has the following decoding:

  • For example, BNK - oil roofing. The first number in the marking indicates the temperature regime at which bitumen softens, the second - penetration. This is the depth to which bitumen penetrates with a special needle, when temperature regime at 25 degrees and a degree of load of 100 g (indicated in tenths of a millimeter);
  • Such a type as construction is a combustible substance, in which the flash point is from 220 to 240 degrees, and the autoignition temperature is 368 degrees. Such bitumen is produced in the process of oxidation of oil distillation products (as well as its mixtures);
  • The use of building bitumen (BN50/50; BN70/30, BN90/10) is especially in demand in building waterproofing works;
  • Bitumen for roofing has a flash point of at least 240 degrees, and a self-ignition temperature of 300 degrees. Produced by the same method as the construction. Its application, in accordance with the name, is various roofing materials: glassine, ruberoid and others.

There is also such a view as a modified one. It differs from the usual improved, due to the addition of specialized additives (polymers), qualities.

Now let's look at such an indicator as consumption.

Table for assessing the adhesion of crushed stone and bitumen.

Bitumen consumption will also depend on the purpose for which bitumen is used. For example, when waterproofing with bitumen, it needs to be heated to a liquid consistency. The recommended application layer is from 1.5 to 2.5 millimeters, while the consumption will be from 1 to 1.5 kg per square meter.

  • When making a road surface using bitumen, its bottling (BND90/130) is carried out at a heating temperature of about 150 degrees, using an asphalt distributor over the entire width of the existing coating.

The surface of the layer is pre-cleaned from dirt and dust. The consumption of the substance corresponds to the following ratio, from 1 to 1.1 l/sq.m. per cm of impregnating layer thickness; consumption, from 1.5 to 2 l / sq.m for the coating device.

  • To reduce consumption, use asphalt concrete pavements containing activated powder. In this case, bitumen consumption is reduced by about 25%.

In addition to saving the bitumen component, there is a significant decrease in such quality as plasticity, and this circumstance directly contributes to an increase in the degree of stability of the resulting coating to deformation changes in the form of shear.

Scheme of the device of asphalt concrete pavements.

Any asphalt coating is made using a hot bituminous mixture, crushed stone (gravel), sand and mineral powder. The technological order of operations includes the following steps:

  • applying a primer mixture, the layer of which is 1 mm on the concrete surface;
  • laying an asphalt concrete mixture (it can be rigid or cast) and its subsequent compaction.

Asphalt concrete pavement requires a hard mix and subsequent compaction with a mechanical roller. Seal manually poured asphalt concrete is allowed only when the amount of work to be done is not very large or hard-to-reach places for a mechanical roller are subject to compaction.

Table of adhesion of road bitumen to the surface of crushed stone.

Asphalt concrete, or rather its cast mixtures, are laid during the coating with strips no more than two meters wide, limited by slats that act as beacons when performing asphalt work, which will allow not to exceed the material consumption.

  • It is necessary to align mixtures using a rule. You need to move it along the beacons (rails), applying further compaction with a roller equipped with electric heater and weighing 70 kg;
  • The end of tamping of cast asphalt concrete is expedient in case of elimination of its mobility under the influence of a roller;
  • Each compacted layer, or rather its maximum thickness, cannot be more than 25 mm. Sometimes in hard-to-reach places rollers are used to compact the mixture;
  • If there was a break in the work on the asphalt pavement, then the edge of the previously compacted area is heated. The seams must be carefully tamped until they become invisible. Areas with marriage (cracks, shells) are subject to cutting and smearing with a hot mixture.

As for the cases when crushed stone is used for the coating device, then it is necessary to use parts of natural origin that are identical in strength.

Crushed stone, or rather its size, should correspond to a value from 25 to 75 millimeters. The main thing is not to exceed 0.7% of the thickness of the covering layer. On the initial stage crushed stone (its layer) is processed using a wedge with a size of 15 to 25 millimeters, or pebbles no more than 15 mm.

  • Crushed stone is laid in layers from 80 to 200 mm. Do not forget that each of its layers must be trimmed, and then rammed with a roller. When performing tamping operations, crushed stone must be treated with water. After the mobility of crushed stone has completely disappeared, and the traces of the roller have become invisible, compaction can be completed.

As noted above, crushed stone, or rather its layer, is covered with wedges, then with small pebbles, as well as sand no larger than 5 millimeters. After applying the above materials, the surface is moistened with water and rammed with a 12-tonne roller. Please note that if no marks remain after passing through the roller, compaction can be completed.

In a similar way, a coating of crushed stone impregnated in the form of bitumen is performed. Before impregnation, the gravel must be dry. If it is wet, it must be dried. In this case, the material consumption does not change, but this is how it should be according to technology.

Most often, the bitumen grade BN11 is used for impregnation. Impregnation is carried out by pouring hot bitumen in a uniform layer on crushed stone three times (over the entire area).

  • Bitumen during the spill should have a temperature of 150 to 170 degrees. After spilling for the first time, it is necessary to immediately carry out the sprinkling with a wedge. After the second and third layers of bitumen, small stones are scattered in compliance with the ratio of 1 cubic meter per 100 square meters of surface. Do not forget about the even distribution of the stone between the pieces of rubble;
  • The coating made in this way (with impregnation) has good strength, roughness and easily withstands traffic with an intensity of about 1000 cars per day.

As a disadvantage, one can note the high consumption of the bitumen component and the not always uniform distribution of the binder between the parts of the crushed stone. If you use bitumen in in large numbers, then the appearance of shifts and undulating bulges is possible.

And an insufficient amount affects the quality of cohesion of crushed stone and, as a result, contributes to the rapid destruction of the road surface. Therefore, it is advisable to comply with the consumption recommended by experts.

Standard Requirements

Table of requirements for crushed stone and bitumen.

As already known, for the arrangement of the road surface, such a component as crushed stone is used. It is obtained by crushing rock. Depending on the method of construction and the type of road surface, choose one or the other.

I would like to note that when making a road surface using impregnation, lamellar grains can be contained in crushed stone, not exceeding a value of 35%.

With regard to binders, the following options can be used for paving:

  • viscous road oil in accordance with GOST 22245-76;
  • liquid road petroleum bitumen, which has a slow and medium thickening rate (GOST 11955-74);
  • road coal tar, corresponding to GOST 4641-74;
  • other organic binders.

The choice of brand and type is directly dependent on what kind of coating is supposed to be done, the purpose of the layer, the method of performing work and other important factors.

crushed stone impregnation

If you are planning to build a house with basement and ground floor, then you can not do without a waterproofing device. This is very milestone in construction.

If you take care of the device high-quality waterproofing, then in the future avoid problems with high level groundwater and with inadequate foundation strength.

Therefore, take our advice and take care of the installation of a waterproofing layer at the stage of foundation construction. In any case, this will only increase the life of your building and get rid of dampness in the premises of the house.

About what consumption is most appropriate, it was said above. Next, you can get acquainted with the technological procedure for carrying out waterproofing work.

  • Additional protection of the foundation is carried out using bitumen. They carry out the pouring of crushed stone intended for the foundation layer. First, you need to fill the crushed stone into the prepared pit of the future basement;
  • Experts recommend using larger gravel. The filling of the remaining empty spaces is carried out by adding smaller parts of rubble;
  • A mandatory action when building a foundation is to compact the rubble, as a result, its height should be about 40 millimeters. Now pouring is possible.

The layer is poured with hot bitumen, as a result of which an even more reliable seal is obtained. All voids not filled with small stones must be filled with an astringent.

This spill will provide reliable protection from moisture. After the impregnation of crushed stone is completed, it is necessary to fill it with a concrete mixture.

Please tell me, maybe someone came across ... In the project "Dismantling and restoration of asphalt concrete pavement" is indicated total area coatings, as well as: 1) Crushed stone impregnated with bitumen - 30cm 2) Asphalt - 12cm It is written in the technical part that the volume of bitumen is determined by the project, but this volume is not specified in the project. The contractor used almost 150 kg of bitumen per cube of crushed stone! Do I need to use this bitumen at all (as a Customer), and if so, how to correctly calculate the volume?

Why don't you have a question about the thickness crushed stone base and the cover itself? I can't say for sure about the thickness. crushed stone coating, and the thickness of the asphalt concrete pavement should be 5cm the first layer and 4cm the second. It seems that with such a contractor you will have to fully study the SNiP.

That's for sure ... what, in fact, I'm doing now ... The fact is that the project itself was made by the same contractor ... Can you tell me the SNiP number?

SNiP 2.05.02-85, SNiP 3.06.03-85.


I read SNiP, but still didn’t understand a lot ... For my volume - 2710 m2 when making a base of crushed stone 30 cm thick, according to SNiP, a very large bitumen consumption is obtained (30 liters per 1 m2) Is it possible for me, as a Customer, to refuse at all from bitumen? Won't this violate the entire technology of production of works on the device of asphalt concrete pavement? Will there be any problems?

You decided to drown the rubble in bitumen - 30l per 1m2. You can refuse bitumen by replacing it with a bitumen emulsion. What is crushed impregnation for? foundations with bitumen? What are you building? Bitumen, as a rule, is used as a primer material with a consumption of up to 3 liters per m2 of crushed stone. On roads of category 3-4, we take the consumption at the rate of 0.9 tons per 1000 m2. What is the rationale in the project for impregnation?

I have a device engineering networks(heating main, water supply, sewerage) during the construction of a shopping center in a built-up part of the city ... There is no justification in the project, it is only indicated: Dismantling and restoration of asphalt concrete pavement a) asphalt - 12 cm b) crushed stone impregnated with bitumen - 30 cm That's all. .. how to be?

To be honest, I am not a great specialist in road construction and I know the technology of this business superficially (specialization is different). Therefore, I began to argue like an estimator. No one will tell you this on the forum. This will only be said by a designer who has seen and studied the initial data for design - geology with any kind of "analysis of soil mechanics". Changing the project is a serious decision and I think that it is not worth taking responsibility. However, if, and you, as a customer, doubt the correctness of this design solution, then, I think, you should contact a third organization that has a design license for an opinion on this issue. And only then, as a customer, decide whether to change the project or not. Next. About bitumen consumption. In order to check whether there is a lot or a little bitumen, I tried to rely on the price 27-06-024-6 + 27-06-024-7. We see that for 1000 m2 with a thickness of 30 cm it tells us about the amount of 8.24 tons + 22 * ​​1.03 tons = 30.9 tons. So, for 1 m2 - 31 kg. So, are the SNiP data correct (you write 30 kg)? If we calculate the amount per 1 m3, we get (see the same prices): 30.9 tons / (12.8 + 91.8 + 22 * ​​10.2) \u003d 94 kg . Your contractor wrote 150 kg. It turns out, too much, the contractor got excited. I would ask for an explanation - perhaps there are some arguments that do not lie on the surface. This is also for preparing the surface for asphalt laying. Another technological process. They will pour a "mesh" in thin streams - and that's it. Spilling crushed stone is another thing. But whether or not this crushed stone should be poured - this, as I wrote above, is a question for the designers.

I would have acted easier to determine the consumption of bitumen (at least the maximum) ... crushed stone 100% impregnated with bitumen - in fact, asphalt concrete, right?))) The density of a / concrete is 2.5t / m3, the density of crushed stone is 1.7t / m3 bitumen consumption for pouring 2.5-1.7 = 0.8 t/m3

so 150 kg is fine)))

No, besides the rubble, there is also some bad stuff (if I'm not mistaken, sand, chalk, additives, etc.) I'm too lazy to look. That is, I think it is easy to make a mistake. Though it's a good idea, it might be worth a closer look.

but seriously, you don’t need to impregnate crushed stone, 15-20 cm is enough, and / concrete - 8-10 cm, even if it is a roadway

How much does 1 liter weigh? bitumen?

The design of the restored pavement must correspond to the existing one. What did you understand? Crushed stone is impregnated with bitumen to strengthen the pavement, but yours is not weak. The base of t.30 cm, as a rule, is arranged in 2 layers. What is the point of impregnating the upper and lower layers with bitumen? For 14 years in road construction, I have never encountered this, and even with such bitumen consumption ... If bitumen consumption was not specified in the project, you can insist on using 27-06-024-6 + 27-06-024-7 bitumen consumption

Unfortunately I couldn't before. Here is a fragment on the restoration of the road surface, from which it follows that the thickness of the crushed stone is 0.2. There is no bitumen in the resources.

Guys, thank you all for your help!

Of course, you don’t have a road not made of asphalt in this estimate))) But in fact: there is the so-called "black gravel", it is he who is impregnated with such an amount of bitumen, but it's too cool to use it for your base !!! Take 20 cm of crushed stone, then pour bitumen on crushed stone 0.8 kg per m2, then the lower layer of asphalt (porous) 5-6 cm, then pour 0.3 kg per m2 on the lower layer of asphalt, the upper dense layer (B-II ) 4-5 cm thick. This design will withstand even trucks!!! Good luck

This is a fragment of "Dismantling and restoration of asphalt concrete pavement"

The most popular use of bitumen, in which crushed stone is impregnated with a binder, is the installation of asphalt pavement. Another application of this technology is the foundation waterproofing device.

There are two main types of bitumen: natural and artificially created oil.

If additional protection is required for the foundation, materials such as bitumen and crushed stone can be used. Consistency (a product of oil refining) is different, liquid and solid. The rest of the nuances of its application and the necessary expense for the impregnation of crushed stone will be considered further.

Table of physical and mechanical properties of bitumen.

Before highlighting the question of what consumption is necessary for the impregnation of crushed stone, let's find out what bitumen is. This product is a substance of solid or resinous consistency. Species Required uPVC pipes? follow the link Types of PVC pipes

It consists of various complex mixtures of hydrocarbons and its derivatives. Most often, this is a combination of a hydrocarbon with sulfur, nitrogen and oxygen. It is impossible to identify all its components.

  • This name in Latin means "mountain resin".

Bitumens are characterized by an amorphous structure; they do not have a certain degree of melting.

  • Resistance to acid, alkaline, saline solutions of an aqueous nature has been proven more than once. But organic solvents, such as gasoline, turpentine, acetone and others, perform their function quite well when exposed to bitumen;
  • Another property is such an indicator as hydrophobicity. In other words, they are not exposed to water, do not let it through, as they have a dense structure and zero porosity.

Scheme for the preparation of bitumen emulsions.

It is in connection with these qualities that they remain impervious to water and resistant to low temperatures. Due to these properties, bitumen is a fairly popular material in construction (roofing, waterproofing) and paving (for crushed stone). Using this impregnation, you will ensure reliable waterproofing of the foundation.

There are two main types depending on their origin:

  • natural character;
  • artificially created oil.

Natural bitumen is found in fossil fuels. Their extraction is carried out most often by a quarry method (or mine), the further process of extracting bitumen from the rock is carried out using an organic solvent or by boiling out.

An artificial analogue (technical) is produced from the remains of oil refining products, the coal industry and shale, which have similar compositions to bitumen of natural origin.

The purpose is divided for construction, roofing and road purposes.


Characteristic table

All types have a special marking, which has the following decoding:

  • For example, BNK - oil roofing. The first number in the marking indicates the temperature regime at which bitumen softens, the second - penetration. This is the depth to which bitumen penetrates with a special needle, at a temperature of 25 degrees and a load of 100 g (indicated in tenths of a millimeter);
  • Such a type as construction is a combustible substance, in which the flash point is from 220 to 240 degrees, and the autoignition temperature is 368 degrees. Such bitumen is produced in the process of oxidation of oil distillation products (as well as its mixtures);
  • The use of building bitumen (BN50/50; BN70/30, BN90/10) is especially in demand in building waterproofing works;
  • Bitumen for roofing has a flash point of at least 240 degrees, and a self-ignition temperature of 300 degrees. Produced by the same method as the construction. Its application, in accordance with the name, is various roofing materials: glassine, roofing material and others.

There is also such a view as a modified one. It differs from the usual improved, due to the addition of specialized additives (polymers), qualities.

Now let's look at such an indicator as consumption.

Table for assessing the adhesion of crushed stone and bitumen.

Bitumen consumption will also depend on the purpose for which bitumen is used. For example, when waterproofing with bitumen, it needs to be heated to a liquid consistency. The recommended application layer is from 1.5 to 2.5 millimeters, while the consumption will be from 1 to 1.5 kg per square meter.

  • When making a road surface using bitumen, its bottling (BND90/130) is carried out at a heating temperature of about 150 degrees, using an asphalt distributor over the entire width of the existing coating.

The surface of the layer is pre-cleaned from dirt and dust. The consumption of the substance corresponds to the following ratio, from 1 to 1.1 l/sq.m. per cm of impregnating layer thickness; consumption, from 1.5 to 2 l / sq.m for the coating device.

  • In order to reduce consumption, asphalt concrete pavements containing activated powder are used. In this case, bitumen consumption is reduced by about 25%.

In addition to saving the bitumen component, there is a significant decrease in such quality as plasticity, and this circumstance directly contributes to an increase in the degree of stability of the resulting coating to deformation changes in the form of shear.

The device of asphalt concrete pavements

Scheme of the device of asphalt concrete pavements.

Any asphalt coating is made using a hot bituminous mixture, crushed stone (gravel), sand and mineral powder. The technological order of operations includes the following steps:

  • applying a primer mixture, the layer of which is 1 mm on the concrete surface;
  • laying an asphalt concrete mixture (it can be rigid or cast) and its subsequent compaction.

Asphalt concrete pavement requires a hard mix and subsequent compaction with a mechanical roller. Manual compaction of poured asphalt concrete is permitted only when the amount of work to be done is not very large or hard-to-reach places for a mechanical roller are to be compacted.

Table of adhesion of road bitumen to the surface of crushed stone.

Asphalt concrete, or rather its cast mixtures, are laid during the coating with strips no more than two meters wide, limited by slats that act as beacons when performing asphalt work, which will allow not to exceed the material consumption.

  • It is necessary to align mixtures using a rule. You need to move it along the beacons (rails), applying further compaction with a roller equipped with an electric heater and weighing 70 kg;
  • The end of tamping of cast asphalt concrete is expedient in case of elimination of its mobility under the influence of a roller;
  • Each compacted layer, or rather its maximum thickness, cannot be more than 25 mm. Rollers are sometimes used to compact the mixture in hard-to-reach places;
  • If there was a break in the work on the asphalt pavement, then the edge of the previously compacted area is heated. The seams must be carefully tamped until they become invisible. Areas with marriage (cracks, shells) are subject to cutting and smearing with a hot mixture.

As for the cases when crushed stone is used for the coating device, then it is necessary to use parts of natural origin that are identical in strength.

Crushed stone, or rather its size, should correspond to a value from 25 to 75 millimeters. The main thing is not to exceed 0.7% of the thickness of the covering layer. At the initial stage, crushed stone (its layer) is processed using a wedge with a size of 15 to 25 millimeters, or pebbles no larger than 15 mm.

  • Crushed stone is laid in layers from 80 to 200 mm. Do not forget that each of its layers must be trimmed, and then rammed with a roller. When performing tamping operations, crushed stone must be treated with water. After the mobility of crushed stone has completely disappeared, and the traces of the roller have become invisible, compaction can be completed.

As noted above, crushed stone, or rather its layer, is covered with wedges, then with small pebbles, as well as sand no larger than 5 millimeters. After applying the above materials, the surface is moistened with water and rammed with a 12-tonne roller. Please note that if no marks remain after passing through the roller, compaction can be completed.

In a similar way, a coating of crushed stone impregnated in the form of bitumen is performed. Before impregnation, the gravel must be dry. If it is wet, it must be dried. In this case, the material consumption does not change, but this is how it should be according to technology.

Most often, the bitumen grade BN11 is used for impregnation. Impregnation is carried out by pouring hot bitumen in a uniform layer on crushed stone three times (over the entire area).

  • Bitumen during the spill should have a temperature of 150 to 170 degrees. After spilling for the first time, it is necessary to immediately carry out the sprinkling with a wedge. After the second and third layers of bitumen, small stones are scattered in compliance with the ratio of 1 cubic meter per 100 square meters of surface. Do not forget about the even distribution of the stone between the pieces of rubble;
  • The coating made in this way (with impregnation) has good strength, roughness and easily withstands traffic with an intensity of about 1000 cars per day.

As a disadvantage, one can note the high consumption of the bitumen component and the not always uniform distribution of the binder between the parts of the crushed stone. If bitumen is used in large quantities, then shifts and undulating bulges may appear.

And an insufficient amount affects the quality of cohesion of crushed stone and, as a result, contributes to the rapid destruction of the road surface. Therefore, it is advisable to comply with the consumption recommended by experts.

Standard Requirements

Table of requirements for crushed stone and bitumen.

As already known, for the arrangement of the road surface, such a component as crushed stone is used. It is obtained by crushing rock. Depending on the method of construction and the type of road surface, one or another brand of crushed stone is chosen.

I would like to note that when making a road surface using impregnation, lamellar grains can be contained in crushed stone, not exceeding a value of 35%.

With regard to binders, the following options can be used for paving:

  • viscous road oil in accordance with GOST 22245-76;
  • liquid road oil bitumen with a slow and medium thickening rate (GOST 11955-74);
  • road coal tar, corresponding to GOST 4641-74;
  • other organic binders.

The choice of brand and type is directly dependent on what kind of coating is supposed to be done, the purpose of the layer, the method of performing work and other important factors.

crushed stone impregnation

If you are planning to build a house with a basement and a basement, then you cannot do without a waterproofing device. This is a very important stage in construction.

If you take care of the device of high-quality waterproofing, then in the future you will avoid problems with a high level of groundwater and with inadequate foundation strength.

Therefore, take our advice and take care of the installation of a waterproofing layer at the stage of foundation construction. In any case, this will only increase the life of your building and get rid of dampness in the premises of the house.

About what consumption is most appropriate, it was said above. Next, you can get acquainted with the technological procedure for carrying out waterproofing work.

  • Additional protection of the foundation is carried out using bitumen. They carry out the pouring of crushed stone intended for the foundation layer. First, you need to fill the crushed stone into the prepared pit of the future basement;
  • Experts recommend using larger gravel. The filling of the remaining empty spaces is carried out by adding smaller parts of rubble;
  • A mandatory action when building a foundation is to compact the rubble, as a result, its height should be about 40 millimeters. Now pouring is possible.

The layer is poured with hot bitumen, as a result of which an even more reliable seal is obtained. All voids not filled with small stones must be filled with an astringent.

Such a spill will provide reliable protection against moisture. After the impregnation of crushed stone is completed, it is necessary to fill it with a concrete mixture.

Requires reliable waterproofing. Especially carefully it is necessary to make waterproofing of buildings with a basement and a basement floor. After all ground water, which are under the surface of the earth, can penetrate into the basement. Constantly acting on the unprotected foundation of the structure, they will gradually destroy it.

To avoid similar phenomenon and to protect the basement and basement from moisture, a waterproofing method using bitumen is used. And it does not matter at what depth groundwater occurs. In any case, you need to protect the basement from water. For horizontal waterproofing the premises are waterproofed using crushed stone poured with bitumen,.

Bitumen is a hydrocarbon compound produced during the refining of petroleum. In fact, this is a waste of oil production. Bitumen can be liquid or solid. Solid bitumen must be heated in a special boiler before waterproofing.

Waterproofing technology

In the pit, which is prepared for the future basement, not very large crushed stone 20 40 mm. can be supplemented with fine gravel to fill the gaps between individual stones as much as possible. The crushed stone layer is carefully compacted to achieve the same thickness and uniform density. The layer thickness should be about 40 mm.

After that, a layer is shed with bitumen, which fills all the voids in the crushed stone layer. Bitumen strengthens the crushed stone and protects it from water penetration. Then, over a layer of crushed stone with bitumen, cement strainer. This technology of waterproofing has been around for a long time. As many years of experience show, this method waterproofing is very reliable and effective.

Technological map No. 2

Approximately the need for crushed stone per 200 m of base is determined by the formula

Q u \u003d b h K y K p 200,

where Q u - the volume of crushed stone, m 3;

b - base width, m;

h - conditional thickness of the base in a dense body is taken 2 cm less than the design one, m;

K y - safety factor for crushed stone compaction (1.25 - 1.30);

K p - loss coefficient of crushed stone during transportation and laying (1.03).

Q u \u003d 9.77 * 0.16 * 1.3 * 1.03 * 200 \u003d 418.6 m 3

Table 9

process number grip number Sources of production rates unit of measurement Replaceable volume Productivity per shift Capturing cars required Coef. use of machines Link workers
By calculation Accepted
Calculation Marking work Transportation of crushed stone fr. 40 - 70 mm dump truck KAMAZ-5320 at a distance of 6.31 km Laying of crushed stone with a self-propelled spreader DS-54 Compaction of the crushed stone base with a vibratory roller DU-98 in 5 passes along 1 track proppant fr. 20-40 a / s ZIL-MMZ-4508-03 Distribution of propping material with a distributor of stone fines DS-49 Compaction with a self-propelled vibratory roller DU-98 in 4 passes along 1 track 203 Transportation of proppant fr. 10-20 a / s ZIL-MMZ-4508-03 Distribution of proppant with stone fines distributor DS-49 Compaction with a self-propelled vibratory roller DU-98 in 4 passes along 1 track -203 Transportation wedge fr. 5-10 a / s ZIL-MMZ-4508-03 Distribution of proppant material by the distributor of stone fines DS-49 Compaction by a self-propelled vibratory roller DU-98 for 3 passes along 1 track m m 3 m 2 m 2 t m 3 m 3 m 2 t m 3 m 3 m 2 t m 3 m 3 m 2 418,6 10,7 20,4 20,4 6,4 20,4 20,4 4,3 18,5 18,5 34,7 40,6 40,6 40,6 12,05 6,9 0,41 0,31 0,5 0,23 0,34 0,18 0,5 0,23 0,34 0,12 0,46 0,21 0,25 1,01 0,99 0,41 0,31 0,5 0,23 0,34 0,18 0,5 0,23 0,34 0,12 0,46 0,21 0,25 2 work Machinist 4th grade - 1 Machinist 4 res. - 1 Machinist 4 res. - 1 Machinist 4 res. - 1 Machinist 4 res. - 1 Machinist 4 res. - 1 Machinist 4 res. - 1 Machinist 4 res. - 1 Machinist 4 res. - 1 Machinist 4 res. - 1 Machinist 4 res. - 1 Machinist 4 res. - 1 Machinist 4 res. – 1 Machinist 4 res. - one

Squad Composition

Table 10

Cars Profession and rank of worker The need for machine shifts Need for cars Load factor Number of workers
to the grip
Dump truck KAMAZ-5320 Machinist IV category 12.05 1.01
Distributor DS-54 Machinist IV category 6,9 0,99
Roller DU-98 Machinist IV category 1,34 0,34
Asphalt distributor SD-203 Machinist IV category 0,61 0,20
a\s ZIL-MMZ-4508-03 Machinist IV category 1,46 0,49
Distributor DS-49 Machinist IV category 0,67 0,22
Road worker II category
TOTAL: 23,03

Technological map No. 3 Construction of a coating layer from porous hot short-term asphalt concrete mix

Table 11

calc. Cleaning the surface of the base of the coating from dust and dirt with a KO-304 (ZIL) washing machine. 6872,73 0,25 0,25 Water-l cat. With
calc. Transportation and bottling of bitumen emulsion by asphalt distributor DS-142B (KamAZ) with a material bottling rate equal to 0.0008 m 3 /m 2 24391,6 0,07 0,07 Water-l cat. With
Marking work m 2 slaves 2nd time.
calc. Transportation of a mixture for the lower layer of coating by dump trucks KAMAZ 55111 to a distance of 2.49 km. 472,73 43,09 10,97 1,0 Water-l cat. With
calc. Laying a mixture 7 cm thick with an asphalt paver DS-126A. 132,664 472,73 0,28 0,28 machinist 6 times and 7 slaves
calc. Tucking the lower layer of the coating with light smooth-roller rollers DU-73 in 4 passes along the 1st track. 132,664 0,21 0,21 machinist 5 times.
calc. Compaction of the bottom layer of the pavement with BOMAG BW 184 AD-2 heavy rollers in 18 passes on the 1st track. 132,664 196,27 0,68 0,68 machinist 6 times.

1 - Cleaning the surface of the base of the coating from dust and dirt with a KO-304 (ZIL) washing machine:

Sweeping width - 2.0 m;

Working speed – V=20 km/h.

The performance of this machine is calculated by the formula:

K in=0,75; K t=0,7;

n- the number of passes along one track (2);

t P- the time spent on the transition to the next trace (0.10 hours);

l OL– passage length (200 m);

a– track overlap width (0.20 m).

Determine the cleaning area:

In i- width of the crushed stone layer, m;

L– flow rate, m/shift.


t f

t pr

2 – Transportation and bottling of bitumen emulsion by asphalt distributor DS-142B (KamAZ) with a material bottling rate equal to 0.0008 m 3 /m 2:

We determine the performance of the asphalt distributor DS-142B (KamAZ):

q a- carrying capacity, m 3;


t n


V- filling rate, m 3 / m 2;



We determine the number of cars / shifts according to the formula:

We determine the utilization rate of machines:


t f– actual number of machines/shifts;

t pr– accepted number of cars/shifts.


4 – Transportation of a mixture for the lower layer of coating by dump trucks KAMAZ 55111 to a distance of 2.49 km:

We determine the performance of KamAZ 55111:

q a

L– range of soil transportation, km;

ρ - density a / b, t / m 3;

υ - the speed of the car along dirt road, km/h;

t n– vehicle loading time, h;

tp- time of unloading the car, h;

K B– internal time utilization factor (0.75);

K T- coefficient of transition from technical productivity to operational (0.7).

We determine the number of cars / shifts according to the formula:

We determine the utilization rate of machines:


t f– actual number of machines/shifts;

t pr– accepted number of cars/shifts.

5 – Laying a mixture with a thickness of 7 cm using a DS-126A asphalt paver:

Productivity of the asphalt paver: 130t/h = 130 8 / 2.2 = 472.73 m 3 /shift.

We determine the number of cars / shifts according to the formula:

We determine the utilization rate of machines:

t f– actual number of machines/shifts;

t pr– accepted number of cars/shifts.

6 – Tucking the bottom layer of the pavement with light smooth-roller rollers DU-73 in 4 passes along one track:


K in=0,75; K t=0,75;

n- the number of passes along one track (4);

t P

l OL– passage length (200 m);



h SL

V p- working speed, (8 km/h).

We determine the number of cars / shifts according to the formula:

We determine the utilization rate of machines:


t f– actual number of machines/shifts;

t pr– accepted number of cars/shifts.

7 – Compaction of the bottom layer of the pavement with heavy rollers BOMAGBW 184 AD-2 in 18 passes on one track:


K in=0,75; K t=0,75;

n- the number of passes along one track (18);

t P- the time spent on the transition to the next trace (0.005 hours);

l OL– passage length (200 m);

a– track overlap width (0.20 m);

b– compaction width in one pass, m;

h SL– thickness of the laid layer;

V p- working speed, (11 km/h).

We determine the number of cars / shifts according to the formula:

We determine the utilization rate of machines:


t f– actual number of machines/shifts;

t pr– accepted number of cars/shifts.

Squad Composition

Table 12

Cars Profession and rank of worker The need for machine shifts Need for cars Load factor Number of workers
to the grip
Watering machine KO-304 Machinist IV category 0,25 0,25
Asphalt distributor DS-142B Machinist IV category 0,07 0,07
a/c KAMAZ 55111 Machinist IV category 10,97 0,99
Asphalt paver DS-126A 0,28 0,28
Roller DU-73 Machinist IV category 0,21 0,21
Heavy roller BOMAG bw 184 Machinist V category 0,68 0,68
TOTAL 12,46

Technological map No. 4

The device of a layer of a covering from dense hot m / z asphalt concrete mix

Transportation of the asphalt concrete mixture is provided by the MAZ-510 dump truck, the productivity of which is determined by the formula:

where T- duration work shift, hour; T=8 hour

k- coefficient of intra-shift use of time; k=0,85

g- carrying capacity of the machine, t; g=7 t

L- transportation distance, km; L=4.6 km

V - average speed movement, km/h; V=20 km/h

t- idle time under loading, t=0.2 hour

P=72.1 t/shift

Table 13

process number grip number Sources of production rates Description and technological sequence processes. Applied machines. unit of measurement Replaceable volume Productivity per shift Capturing cars required Coef. use of machines Link workers
By calculation Accepted
E-17-5 tab. 2 item 3 calculation § E17-6 E17-7 item 26 E17-7 item 29 Pouring of bituminous emulsion with a flow rate of 0.5 l per 1 m 2 with a DS-82-1 asphalt distributor. Transportation of a fine-grained mixture of a / sMAZ-510 at an average distance of 4.6 km with unloading into an asphalt paver bunker. Distribution of a fine-grained mixture in a layer of 10 with a DS-1 screed paver Rolling during operation of the paver-5 passes in 1 track with a DU-50 roller (6t) Rolling with a DU-42A roller weighing over 10 tons with 20 passes, in 1 track Quality control of work t t m 2 m 2 m 2 0,7 17,3 72,1 0,04 5,96 3,5 0,54 1,2 0,04 0.99 0,88 0,54 1,2 Machinist V p.-1 mash. IV p.-1 machine IV p.-1 MashVI p.-1 A/concrete workers V p.-1 IV p.-1 III p.-2 Mash V p.-1 MashVI p.-1 2work

Calculations to technological map

1. Pouring of bituminous emulsion with a flow rate of 0.5 l per 1 m 2 with an asphalt distributor DS-82-1:

With a filling rate of 0.5 l / m 2, the volume of material is 700 l \u003d 0.7 t


m = 0.7/17.3= 0.04 cars

2. P=72.1 t/shift

m = 430 /72.1= 5.96 cars

3. Distribution of the fine-grained mixture in a layer of 10 cm with a paver

P \u003d 8 * 100 / 2 \u003d 400 m 2 / shift

m = 1400/400= 3.5 cars

4. Rolling when the paver is working - 5 passes on 1 track with a roller

P \u003d 8 * 100 / 0.31 \u003d 2580 m 2 / shift

m = 1400/2580= 0.54 cars

5. Rolling with a DU-42A roller weighing over 10 tons with 20 passes along 1 track:

P \u003d 8 * 100 / 0.72 \u003d 1111 m 2 / shift

m = 1400/1111= 1.2 cars

6. Quality control of work

Squad Composition

Table 14

Cars Profession and rank of worker The need for machine shifts Need for cars Load factor Number of workers
to the grip
Asphalt distributor DS-82-1 Machinist V category 0,04 0,04
Assistant Engineer IV category
Dump truck MAZ-510 Machinist IV category 5,96 0,99
Asphalt paver DS-1 Machinist VI p.-1 3,5 0,88
Roller DU-50 (6t) Machinist V category 0,54 0,54
Roller DU-42A (6t) Machinist of the VI category 1,2 1,2
TOTAL 11,24

Technological map No. 5 for strengthening roadsides and planning work

Table 15

Backfilling of roadsides with imported soil. h = 7 cm.
I Marking work m 2 slaves 2nd time.
I calc. Transportation of soil by dump trucks MAZ 5516 at a distance of 4.14 km. 66,78 51,81 1,29 0,65 Water-l cat. With
I E17-1 Leveling and profiling the soil with a motor grader DZ-99 over the entire width. 5333,33 0,16 0,16 machinist 6 times.
I E17-11 Soil compaction by a self-propelled roller DU-31A on pneumatic tires with 6 passes on one track. 6153,85 0,14 0,14 machinist 6 times.
Filling the roadsides with gravel. h = 5 cm.
I Marking work m 2 slaves 2nd time.
I calc. Transportation of crushed stone by dump trucks MAZ 5516 at a distance of 4.14 km. 44,1 52,62 0,84 0,84 Water-l cat. With
I E17-1 Leveling and profiling of crushed stone with a DZ-99 motor grader over the entire width. 5333,33 0,11 0,11 machinist 6 times.
I E17-11 Compaction of gravel with a self-propelled roller DU-31A on pneumatic tires with 6 passes along one track. 6153,85 0,1 0,1 machinist 6 times.
Planning work.
II Marking work m 2 slaves 2nd time.
II E2-1-39 Leveling the slopes of the embankment with a motor grader DZ-99 for 2 circular passes along the 1st track. 33333,3 0,14 0,14 machinist 6 times.
II E2-1-5 Covering the slopes of the embankment with a vegetation layer 0.4 m thick using a DZ-9 bulldozer at a distance of up to 20 m. 6153,85 0,78 0,78 machinist 6 times.

1 – Stakeout work: a 200 m long block is broken up by 2 workers of the 2nd category.

2 – Transportation of soil by dump trucks MAZ 5516 at a distance of 4.14 km (the quarry is located at PK 15 + 00 at a distance of 1.5 km from the road):

q a– load capacity of a dump truck, t;

L– range of soil transportation, km;

ρ - soil density, t / m 3;

υ is the speed of the car on a dirt road, km/h;

t n– vehicle loading time, h;

tp- time of unloading the car, h;

K B– internal time utilization factor (0.75);

K T- coefficient of transition from technical productivity to operational (0.7).

We determine the number of cars / shifts according to the formula:

We determine the utilization rate of machines:


t f– actual number of machines/shifts;

t pr– accepted number of cars/shifts.

3 - Leveling and profiling the soil with a DZ-99 motor grader over the entire width:

Pi– surface width, m;

L– flow rate, m/shift.




H vr- the norm of time according to ENiR.

We determine the number of cars / shifts according to the formula:

We determine the utilization rate of machines:


t f– actual number of machines/shifts;

t pr– accepted number of cars/shifts.

4 – Soil compaction by a self-propelled roller DU-31A on pneumatic tires with 6 passes along one track:

In i is the width of the sand layer, m;

L– flow rate, m/shift.

T– shift duration, h;

N- unit of the volume of work for which the norm of time is calculated;

H vr- the norm of time according to ENiR.

We determine the number of cars / shifts according to the formula:

We determine the utilization rate of machines:


t f– actual number of machines/shifts;

t pr– accepted number of cars/shifts.

5 – Stakeout work: a 200 m long block is broken up by 2 workers of the 2nd category.

6 – Transportation of crushed stone by dump trucks MAZ 5516 at a distance of 4.14 km (the quarry is located at PK 15 + 00 at a distance of 1.5 km from the road):

We determine the performance of MAZ 5516:

q a– load capacity of a dump truck, t;

L– range of soil transportation, km;

ρ - density of crushed stone, t / m 3;

υ is the speed of the car on a dirt road, km/h;

t n– vehicle loading time, h;

tp- time of unloading the car, h;

K B– internal time utilization factor (0.75);

K T- coefficient of transition from technical productivity to operational (0.7).

We determine the number of cars / shifts according to the formula:

We determine the utilization rate of machines:


t f– actual number of machines/shifts;

t pr– accepted number of cars/shifts.

7 – Leveling and profiling of crushed stone with a DZ-99 motor grader over the entire width:

The surface area is determined by the formula:

Pi– surface width, m;

L– flow rate, m/shift.

We determine the performance of the DZ-99 motor grader:


T– shift duration, h;

N- unit of the volume of work for which the norm of time is calculated;

H vr- the norm of time according to ENiR.

We determine the number of cars / shifts according to the formula:

We determine the utilization rate of machines:


t f– actual number of machines/shifts;

t pr– accepted number of cars/shifts.

8 – Compaction of gravel with a self-propelled roller DU-31A on pneumatic tires with 6 passes along one track:

Determine the seal area:

In i is the width of the sand layer, m;

L– flow rate, m/shift.

We determine the performance of the rink brand DU-31A:

T– shift duration, h;

N- unit of the volume of work for which the norm of time is calculated;

H vr- the norm of time according to ENiR.

We determine the number of cars / shifts according to the formula:

We determine the utilization rate of machines:


t f– actual number of machines/shifts;

t pr– accepted number of cars/shifts.

9 – Stakeout work: a 200 m long block is broken up by 2 workers of the 2nd category.

10 - Leveling the slopes of the embankment with a motor grader DZ-99 for 2 circular passes along one track:

We determine the performance of the grader DZ-99:

T– shift duration, h;

N- unit of the volume of work for which the norm of time is calculated;

H vr- the norm of time according to ENiR.

l slope= 6 m (conditionally accepted).

We determine the number of cars / shifts according to the formula:


We determine the utilization rate of machines:


t f– actual number of machines/shifts;

t pr– accepted number of cars/shifts.

11 - Covering the embankment slopes with a vegetative layer 0.4 m thick using a DZ-9 bulldozer at a distance of up to 20 m:

We determine the performance of the DZ-9 bulldozer:


T– shift duration, h;

N- unit of the volume of work for which the norm of time is calculated;

H vr- the norm of time according to ENiR.

The surface area of ​​the slopes of the embankment is determined by the formula:

l slope= 6 m (conditionally accepted).

We determine the number of cars / shifts according to the formula:


We determine the utilization rate of machines:


t f– actual number of machines/shifts;

t pr– accepted number of cars/shifts.

Squad Composition

Table 16

The final composition of the squad

Table 17

Cars Profession and rank of worker The need for machine shifts Need for cars Load factor Number of workers
Dump truck KAMAZ-5320 Machinist IV category 25,6 0,98
A/grader DZ-99 VIP driver 0,53 0,53
Watering machine MD 433-03 Machinist IV category 0,6 0,6
Smooth-roller roller DU-96 Machinist V category 1,2 1,2
Dump truck KAMAZ-5320 Machinist IV category 12.05 1.01
Distributor DS-54 Machinist IV category 6,9 0,99
Roller DU-98 Machinist IV category 1,34 0,34
Asphalt distributor SD-203 Machinist IV category 0,61 0,20
a\s ZIL-MMZ-4508-03 Machinist IV category 1,46 0,49
Distributor DS-49 Machinist IV category 0,67 0,22
Road worker II category
Watering machine KO-304 Machinist IV category 0,25 0,25
Asphalt distributor DS-142B Machinist IV category 0,07 0,07
a/c KAMAZ 55111 Machinist IV category 10,97 0,99
Asphalt paver DS-126A Machinist VI p.-1 And 7 workers 0,28 0,28
Roller DU-73 Machinist IV category 0,21 0,21
Heavy roller BOMAG bw 184 Machinist V category 0,68 0,68
Watering machine KO-304 Machinist IV category 0,25 0,25
Asphalt distributor DS-142B Machinist IV category 0,07 0,07
a/c KAMAZ 55111 Machinist IV category 10,97 0,99
Asphalt paver DS-126A Machinist VI p.-1 And 7 workers 0,28 0,28
Roller DU-73 Machinist IV category 0,21 0,21
Heavy roller BOMAG bw 184 Machinist V category 0,68 0,68
Asphalt distributor DS-82-1 Machinist V category 0,04 0,04
Assistant Engineer IV category
Dump truck MAZ-510 Machinist IV category 5,96 0,99
Asphalt paver DS-1 Machinist VI p.-1 3,5 0,88
Asphalt concrete workers V p.-1 IV p.-1 III p.-2
Roller DU-50 (6t) Machinist V category 0,54 0,54
Roller DU-42A (6t) Machinist of the VI category 1,2 1,2
MAZ 5516 Water-l cat. With 2,13 0,71
Motor grader DZ-99 Machinist 6 times 0,41 0,14
Roller DU-31A Machinist 6 times 0,24 0,12
Bulldozer DZ-9 Machinist 6 times 0,78 0,78
TOTAL 62,75

Determination of the number of dump trucks for transporting fuel and lubricants to the track

Table 18

km Carriage distance Performance Calculation Number of vehicles
Sand medium (1490)
9,5 40,32 1490/40,32
8,5 43,90 1490/43,90
7,5 48,50 1490/48,50
6,5 49,20 1490/49,20
5,5 50,13 1490/50,13
4,5 51,20 1490/51,20
4,5 51,20 1490/51,20
5,5 50,13 1490/50,13
6,5 49,20 1490/49,20
7,5 48,50 1490/48,50
Rubble (488 )
8,5 35,65 488/35,65
7,5 37,12 488/37,12
6,5 39,51 488/39,51
5,5 43,91 488/43,91
4,5 52,16 488/52,16
4,5 52,16 488/52,16
5,5 43,91 488/43,91
6,5 39,51 488/39,51
7,5 37,12 488/37,12
8,5 35,65 488/35,65
R/B asphalt concrete (170.6 )
7,5 28,72 170,6/28,72
6,5 31,06 170,6/31,06
5,5 33,54 170,6/33,54
4,5 36,56 170,6/36,56
4,5 36,56 170,6/36,56
5,5 33,54 170,6/33,54
6,5 31,06 170,6/31,06
7,5 28,72 170,6/28,72
8,5 26.46 170,6/26,46
9,5 24.15 170,6/24,15
M\Z asphalt concrete (128)
7,5 24,01 128/24,01
6,5 26,23 128/26,23
5,5 29,02 128/29,02
4,5 35,03 128/35,03
4,5 35,03 128/35,03
5,5 29,02 128/29,02
6,5 26,23 128/26,23
7,5 24,01 128/24,01
8,5 23,81 128/23,81
9,5 22,64 128/22,64

Section 6. Planning, finishing and strengthening works.

The planning and strengthening of roadsides must be carried out after the installation of the pavement. At the same time, all temporary entrances and exits should be eliminated.

Drainage ditches and cuvettes must be strengthened as soon as they are constructed.

The planning and strengthening of the slopes of high embankments and deep cuts (including the installation of drainage) should be carried out immediately after the completion of the construction of their individual parts (tiers).

When strengthening slopes by sowing ladders on a layer of vegetative soil, slopes of excavations developed in dense clay soils, loosen before laying the vegetable soil to a depth of 10-15 cm.

hydroseeding perennial herbs should be carried out on a pre-moistened surface of slopes or shoulders.

When strengthening slopes with prefabricated lattice structures, their installation must be performed from the bottom up after the installation of a persistent concrete berm. Upon completion of the installation, it is necessary to fill the cells with vegetable soil (with subsequent sowing of grasses), stone materials or soil treated with a binder.

Strengthening of slopes with the use of geotextiles should be carried out in the following sequence: laying geotextile sheets by rolling rolls from top to bottom along the slope with the sheets overlapping by 10-20 cm and fixing within the shoulders; dumping of vegetable soil with sowing of grasses; arrangement of a drainage layer and installation of a prefabricated mount on flooded areas of slopes.

When using geotextiles with its treatment with a binder, the work should be performed in the following order: laying out the surface of the slope to be strengthened; laying a geotextile sheet with fixing its edges with pins or powdering with a sand roller; watering the canvas with a binder, for example, bituminous emulsion; sanding.

The joint of geotextile with adjacent prefabricated or monolithic concrete fastening elements must be carried out by placing a web under the element or gluing the geotextile with hot bitumen to the surface of the element.

When strengthening flooded slopes, cones, dams with prefabricated slabs, the material must first be laid return filter or leveling layer. Plates must be laid from the bottom up. AT winter period the prepared slope surface must be cleared of snow and ice.

When strengthening slopes with flexible filterless reinforced concrete pavements from blocks they should be laid on a slope from the bottom up close to each other. In the case when the project provides for fixing the blocks with the help of anchor piles, the blocks should be laid from top to bottom. The gap between adjacent blocks should not exceed 15 mm.

When reinforcing slopes with cement concrete using the pneumatic spray method, it is first necessary to lay metal mesh and fix it with anchors. Spraying should be carried out from the bottom up, followed by care of the cement concrete.

When constructing shoulders, it is necessary to eliminate deformations subgrade over the entire area of ​​roadsides, top up the soil to the level established by the project, plan and compact.

The technology for laying pavements made of monolithic and prefabricated cement concrete, asphalt concrete, bitumen-mineral mixture, black crushed stone, crushed stone (gravel), soil crushed stone (soil gravel) materials on roadsides is similar to the technology for building pavement bases and pavements from these materials, given in the relevant sections of these rules.

Monolithic concrete drainage trays should arrange mechanized way using attachments to the machine for laying reinforcement strips. The edge of the tray should not exceed the edge of the coating at the longitudinal joint.

expansion joints when arranging trays, it should be cut into freshly laid concrete using metal rail, it is allowed to arrange seams in hardened concrete with a single-disc cutter.

Section 7. Construction of the road

Design solutions highways must ensure: organized, safe, convenient and comfortable movement of vehicles at design speeds; uniform driving conditions; observance of the principle of visual orientation of drivers; comfortable and safe location junctions and intersections; the necessary adhesion of car tires to the surface of the roadway; the necessary arrangement of roads, including protective road structures; necessary buildings and structures of road and motor transport services, etc.

When designing plan elements, longitudinal and transverse profiles of roads according to standards, an assessment should be made design decisions in terms of speed, traffic safety and bandwidth, including during unfavorable periods of the year.

When designing roads, it is necessary to develop schemes for arranging road signs with designation of places and methods for their installation, and schemes for road markings, including horizontal ones for roads with capital and lightweight road pavements. The marking should be combined with the installation of road signs (especially in areas with long-term snow cover). When developing layouts technical means organizations traffic GOST 23457-86 should be used.

To ensure traffic safety, the installation of advertising on motor roads is not allowed.

Clarified coatings are recommended to be used to highlight pedestrian crossings (zebra type), bus stops, transitional speed lanes, additional lanes on lifts, lanes for car stops, roadways in tunnels and under overpasses, at railway crossings, small bridges and other areas where obstacles are hard to see against the road surface.

Stationary electric lighting on highways should be provided in areas within settlements, and if it is possible to use existing electrical distribution networks - also at large bridges, bus stops, intersections of roads of categories I and II with each other and with railways, at all connecting branches of intersections and at approaches to them at a distance of at least 250 m, at roundabouts and access roads to industrial enterprises or their sections with an appropriate feasibility study.

If the distance between adjacent illuminated areas is less than 250 m, it is recommended to arrange continuous illumination of the road, excluding the alternation of illuminated and unlit areas.

Outside populated areas, the average brightness of road sections, including large and medium bridges, should be 0.8 cd / m 2 on category I roads, 0.6 cd / m 2 on category II roads, and on connecting branches within transport interchanges - 0.4 cd / m 2.

The ratio of the maximum brightness of the road surface to the minimum should not exceed 3:1 on sections of roads of category I, 5:1 on roads of other categories.

The glare index of outdoor lighting installations should not exceed 150.

The average horizontal illumination of passages up to 60 m long under overpasses and bridges at night should be 15 lux, and the ratio of maximum illumination to the average should not exceed 3:1.

Lighting of sections of roads within settlements should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP II-4-79, and lighting of road tunnels - in accordance with the requirements of SNiP II-44-78.

Lighting installations at intersections of automobile and railways at one level must comply with the standards artificial lighting regulated by the system of labor safety standards in railway transport.

Lighting supports on roads should, as a rule, be located behind the edge of the subgrade.

It is allowed to place supports on a dividing strip with a width of at least 5 m with the installation of fences.

Light and light-signal devices located on bridges across navigable waterways should not interfere with navigators in orienting and impair the visibility of navigation signal lights.

Turning on the lighting of sections of roads should be done when the level of natural light is reduced to 15-20 lux, and turned off when it is increased to 10 lux.

At night, it should be planned to reduce the level of outdoor lighting of long sections of roads (more than 300 m long) and entrances to bridges, tunnels and intersections of roads with roads and railways by turning off no more than half of the lamps. At the same time, it is allowed to turn off two lamps in a row, as well as those located near a branch, junction, top of a curve in a longitudinal profile with a radius of less than 300 m, pedestrian crossing, public transport stops, on a curve in plan with a radius of less than 100 m.

The power supply of lighting installations of highways should be carried out from the electrical distribution networks of the nearest settlements or networks of the nearest industrial enterprises.

Power supply of lighting installations railway crossings should normally be carried out electrical networks railways, if these sections railway track equipped with longitudinal power supply lines or electric blocking lines.

The management of outdoor lighting networks should be provided by a centralized remote control or use the capabilities of outdoor lighting control installations in nearby settlements or industrial enterprises.

Section 8. Complex of measures operational control quality of DO


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