A flower bed from a lining with your own hands. Decorative fences with their own hands. Fences for flower beds made of wood

You made several flower beds on your site, planted in them various flowers. Territory acquired charming view, but it seems that something is missing ... Some touch to make the overall picture look complete. The solution is simple - install decorative fences.

Benefits of using decorative fences in the garden

You will not only decorate the flower garden, but also solve several additional tasks:

  • fences allow you to achieve a single style throughout the site;
  • the territory looks more well-groomed, neat;
  • the fence holds the grass and plants, preventing them from "spreading" outside the flower bed;
  • using a decorative fence, you can divide the territory of the site into functional zones;
  • your flowers will be reliably protected from cats, dogs and other animals;
  • the fence will tell the guests where it is impossible to step, so as not to inadvertently destroy the first inconspicuous sprouts.

Using a decorative fence for flower beds, you can divide the territory of the site into functional zones

Many specialized stores sell plastic fences a variety of shapes and colors, you can also buy forged fences or wooden fences, but not everyone can afford the cost of such decorative elements. But, even novice gardeners can make a fence for flower beds with their own hands from stones, plastic and glass bottles, wicker and small chumps.

Video about what kind of fences for flower beds are

From what means can you build a decorative fence. Their pros and cons

Mostly in dachas, the remains of building materials are used or they are purchased inexpensively.

Wooden fences

Wooden structures bring them closer to nature, blend with the landscape, and are easy to repair. The material is easy to process, so fences can be created with my own hands. When choosing a tree, it must be borne in mind that special insecticides will be needed.

Wooden fences are susceptible to decay, so the material needs to be processed in time.

Natural stone fences

The structure, made of cobblestones, looks very natural. To create such a naturalness, you need to try, choosing the details in size and connecting with a solution. The disadvantage of this structure is that the heavy material gradually settles, so it is necessary to restore the bed.

metal fences

Trimming rods and pipes have always been in demand in summer cottages:
  • short ones were used as fasteners for the sides;
  • medium pruning, connected by wire, lifts large branches well;
  • long ones will serve perfectly as poles for trellises when growing grapes.
From thin sheets, borders for beds are created, but such a product in the soil is susceptible to corrosion and quickly rusts. If you use iron fences with a galvanized and polymer surface, then the curbs will last much longer, the disadvantage is the high cost.

Modern designs of decorative borders and beds

Plastic - one of the new materials for country fences, does not require special care, easy to operate, long service life. When purchasing such material for environmental safety it is necessary to require certificates. Curb flexible tape - a plastic sheet with a wavy surface. The advantages are obvious:
  • availability;
  • easy installation with minimal tools;
  • just give the desired shape;
  • do not deteriorate in the soil, do not rot.
The disadvantage is the low reliability. The material is quickly amenable to mechanical stress.

Video: border tape

How to make a wooden fence for flower beds with your own hands

The most successful option is a fence made of twigs, pegs, planks or logs. The tree gradually decomposes in the ground, filling the soil nutrients. In winter, wood freezes less than stone or plastic, which means root system plants will be protected from freezing.

Willow fence

The most successful option is a fence made of twigs, pegs, planks or logs.

Wicker fences for flower beds look charming. Although the manufacture of wattle takes time and some effort, but the result will delight you for more than one year!

Willow twigs can be obtained on the shore of any natural reservoir. It is recommended to prepare in early spring, then the bark will be easily removed, and as a result you will get a strong fence of a pleasant light color. Having collected more rods, prepare them for work: peel off the bark and cut to the same length. Along the perimeter of the flower bed, install on equal distance pegs with a diameter of 3 cm. The closer the pegs are to each other, the stronger the wattle will turn out. The pegs are braided according to the principle of basket weaving - the rods are passed either in front of the stakes or behind them. After completing 3-4 rows, compact the entire structure by tapping it with a hammer so that after drying your wattle does not loosen. The ends of the twigs can be further secured by nailing them to the pegs.

Making a flower bed with logs

A long-lasting beautiful fence for a flower bed is obtained from small logs

A durable beautiful fence for a flower bed is obtained from small logs. Logs are harvested of approximately the same diameter and height, taking into account the fact that about 20 cm will go underground. A strip of sod is removed around the flower bed and a shallow ditch is dug. Logs are installed in it, tightly to each other, then the lower part of the logs is covered with earth and carefully rammed. Logs are recommended to be freed from the bark and treated with a special solution, then such a fence can stand for about 50 years. Instead of logs, you can also install pegs.

Miniature wooden fence

Decorative fences for flower beds made of boards look charming. It will take more time to make such a fence, but the result is worth it! Make pre-cut boards or wooden planks the same size with a triangular or figured top, fasten them together with transverse boards to make several small sections. Dig the posts into the ground at the same distance and fasten the prepared sections on them with self-tapping screws or nails. The finished fence is covered with oil paint to protect it from the effects of rain and snow.

DIY decorative metal fence

Work kit: tape measure, rope, level, cement mortar, crushed stone, supports, apparatus for welding, shovel and logs.

Iron pipes are suitable for supports, it is possible to use square or round section not less than 70 mm in diameter. To mount the log, we purchase a profile 25 x 40 mm of a flat shape.

We fasten the logs horizontally, due to them a strong connection of profiled sheets will be created.

  1. Let's explore the area. We select suitable places to place the gate.
  2. We mark the area. So we install rods along the perimeter of the fence and connect it with a rope. We also mark areas for racks. Maximum size between them is 3 meters.
  3. We dig holes for racks approximately 20 cm in size and up to 1-1.3 m deep.
  4. We put the supports, checking strictly according to the level.
  5. We fill the bottom of the pits by 20 cm with gravel or gravel and fill it with cement mortar. Drying takes 3 days. Special caps are put on the supports, they will protect the structure from rain.
  6. Install cross bars. For better strength of the fence, we use a welding machine. The number of crossbars is selected according to the required height of the fence. For example, for a fence 1.8 m high, 2 crossbars are enough. When the fence is built higher, then the number of lags is needed more.

Brick fence

We put the bricks on the cement mortar, it is not difficult to prepare it yourself: mix a portion of cement with three portions of sand, add water until a mass is created.
Before work, you need to determine the size of the fence. When the fence is intended for decoration, it is convenient to build it in half a brick. If the fence is intended for protection, it should be made in one and a half or two bricks. The length of the product varies up to 3.5 m.
For the reliability of the fence, masonry is carried out in columns with piers, and pillars are also made at the gate. Rods and rope are used to mark the foundation. We expose the pegs along the walls and corners of the trench with an interval of up to one meter, using a rope between the bars. We mark the sections of the pillars and gates. We trim the corners with a square. It is required to correct all the shortcomings.

We make the foundation

  1. We dig a trench 6-7 cm more than the intended masonry, the depth is from 0.8-1 m. We trim the walls and the bottom of the pit. We place up to 10 cm of sand in the trench, compacting it well.
  2. We put up the formwork. We lay boards so that the surface after concreting is leveled. To reinforce the foundation, we connect the bars into a mesh with wire. We put the grid on compacted sand.
  3. Concreting the trench. We make the composition from a portion of cement, two or three portions of water with sand, four or five portions of gravel. We thoroughly level the filled surface and remove the air by piercing it with reinforcement. We withstand the fill for three to four weeks for strength.

Fence masonry

At the beginning of the work, we lower the bricks for a minute into the water. Due to this, the pores are moistened and will not absorb the moisture of the solution. For strength and reliability, we will build a solid fence along the length.
  1. We make columns of four bricks, creating space inside. The void, filling with reinforcement, is concreted. First, we lay columns three bricks high. We lay the walls between the columns at the same height.
  2. We connect the columns with the spans, put the reinforcement.
  3. We increase the masonry to the height of three bricks in the same way. We build it up to the required height: we put 3 rows, reinforce, again 3 rows and then reinforcement.

Plastering the fence

  1. We moisten the walls. We make a layer of plaster up to one and a half cm.
  2. Let the solution dry for an hour. We level the plaster with a rail, let it dry for 2 days. In between, we moisten the plaster so that cracks do not appear.
  3. After 2 days, again moisten the plaster with water for gratering.

From natural stone to plastic bottles

When installing the curb, large stones are pressed into the prepared concrete cushion along the perimeter of the flower bed

Quite often in landscape design fences for flower beds are used from natural stone round or uneven. Such borders look noble, with their help you can significantly transform the area near your cottage or country house. Whatever stones you use - small or large, they must be fastened with cement so that the fence does not fall apart under the pressure of the soil. When installing the curb, large stones are pressed into the prepared concrete pad along the perimeter of the flower bed, and small stones are fastened with a concrete mortar, to which special glue is added for greater strength. For high flower beds you can lay out a border of flat stones, fastening them with cement.

You can simplify the process by changing a natural stone on a brick. Decorative fences for red brick flower beds are ideal for decorating a country-style site. It is possible to lay a brick border without concrete mortar, since the even sides of the bricks form a strong bond that can withstand the pressure of the soil from the flower bed and prevent the structure from falling apart under its own weight.

Video about fences for flower beds

The most economical solution is to make a fence for a flower bed with your own hands from glass or plastic bottles. Although such a fence is easy to deform, it is always possible to replace a damaged bottle with a new one. For one small flower bed, you will need 15 to 25 bottles of the same shape. Fill the bottles with any bulk material: sand, soil, small pebbles. Close them with lids and, with the neck down, dig halfway into the ground around the perimeter of the flower bed. If desired, you can paint the resulting fence.

How to care for fences - minimum requirements for summer residents

The combined fence made of wood and brick has little moisture resistance, so you need to monitor the paintwork. It doesn't take much effort. It is enough to occasionally check the product for the suitability of varnish and paint, as well as to update it in a timely manner.

In the fence, you need to pay attention to the correct calculation of the load and the choice of reliable frame posts. Also, such a calculation takes into account the situation, as the presence of large dogs on the site, leaning on fences or many anthills that destroy wooden canvases.

The fence made of car tires needs to be repaired every one or two years - to remove cracked paint and renew to increase the life of the fence.

When the fence is made of a picket fence, the wood needs special care:

  • treatment with antiseptic substances that protect wooden products from pests;
  • fencing painting.

To increase the service life of a metal fence, it is necessary to renew the varnish and paint coating, therefore, before applying a new paint, it must first be sanded and degreased. A surface that has been peeled off the peeled coating adheres to the renewed paint much better.

For a hedge, everything is clear, pruning, proper watering and the formation of the crown will help create a green fence on the site.

Now you know how to enclose a flower bed, it remains only to decide on common style design your site and stock up on suitable material. Having once spent time on creating decorative fences, you will be able to admire your ennobled area for several years!

The garden has been dug up, the seedlings are ready for planting, but in addition to vegetables and useful crops, I want to pay attention to the beauty of the garden, namely the fencing of the flower beds. Flowers growing singly or in pairs, descending in garlands with balcony boxes, or arranged in a single composition under the windows of your beloved home, will give you joy after a hard day and allow you to take a break from work. But how to keep this beauty? How to protect flowers from the ubiquitous line of a lawn mower, from children always running somewhere, from dogs who strive to lie down on them? Let's consider a few examples of making a fence using improvised materials and a minimum number of tools.

natural stone border

Stone is not an enemy to plants. Many people know that the sculptures created from durable granite, after centuries, have conveyed to this day the beautiful faces of ancient women and the muscular torsos of men. Frozen in stone, they still amaze with their beauty.

And why not use this durable material to decorate adorable petunias, lupins, cosmos, marigolds. Granite and marble, of course, not the most cheap option, but you can resort to the help of improvised representatives of the stone world, for example, cobblestones, which can be found almost everywhere. Having made a considerable margin, you can impose a fairly large one, thereby protecting it from lawn mowers and other cutting tools.

Variants of the forms of a natural stone fence depend only on the author's imagination and the amount of source material. The advantage of this fence is durability, and the disadvantage can be considered a small height and, over time, natural subsidence deep into the soil.

Fence for a flower garden made of wooden pegs

Tired of the old plinth, why throw it away? Miniature, up to 20 centimeters, wooden fences look very unusual and pleasant, enclosing plants of medium height. The construction of such a fence will take several hours of time and a couple of meters of the old plinth.

  1. First of all, you need to decide on the height, mark it on the base, and saw off the pegs that will make up the fence.
  2. For the convenience of inserting such blanks into the ground, it is advisable to make an acute angle from one edge, and leave the top straight.
  3. Pegs are either dug in or driven into the ground by 5 - 10 cm, for greater strength. Thus, the workpiece is a peg 30-35 cm long.

The advantage of such a fence is its original shape. The disadvantages include the difficulty of setting a straight line, but using the level, you can achieve greater accuracy.

Glass bottle fencing - simple and affordable

Glass is not a new material, and certainly not expensive. After all, for sure in your house there is sometimes a bottle of beer, champagne, Coca-Cola or lemonade by the trash can. They will serve as an excellent basis for a decorative fence. All you need to do is collect the required number of glass bottles. For an average-sized flower bed, approximately 20-30 pieces will be required. Per winter period It won't be too hard to get that many.

The construction technology is extremely simple, tearing out a small hole, you need to stick a glass bottle upside down and dig it in for greater strength. To keep a straight horizontal line will help the usual building level.

Glass bottle fences are durable and look great next to low plants.

Considering possible ways to improve a flower bed, each owner is looking for the simplest and most affordable option. It's easier than building a fence out of crushed stone, wood, or glass bottles. Let's analyze a few more options for decorating floral splendor:

Wooden rods and tree branches as a decorative fence

Rods and branches - to the fire or to work? To build original barriers from the branches of an old tree that fell under an ax - there is nothing easier! Naturally, branches are taken as the basis, but their selection is very important.

To decorate a flower bed, it is advisable to use straight or slightly curved rods. Branches that have knots or shoots are not suitable for work, because with the growth of green spaces, the stems will hang on them and cling. It is advisable to clean straight branches from the bark and dry. An ideal option is also to impregnate them with antifungal agents, but not necessarily.

The construction of such a fence is as follows:

  1. Straight base stakes are driven into the ground at a distance of 10-15 cm, rods or branches are laid out between them;
  2. Fastening, for greater stability, is carried out with twine or fishing line. The height of the structure depends on the number of rows thus laid.

The advantages of the design are ease of execution and natural appearance. The disadvantages include a small durability, in general, from 2 to 3 years, and the possibility of curvature under the influence of weather conditions.

Another option for wicker fences is a wicker fence. It looks very aesthetic. The method is similar to the construction of branches and rods, only due to the length of the base material in the process of laying out the rows, the main pegs-supports are intertwined.

The advantages of this version of the improvement of the flower bed is its excellent combination with the landscape and aesthetically simple appeal. The downside is that the short life and possible corrosion of the material. Wood processing tools will help to correct these shortcomings.

Macrame in garden design

The macrame technique, which is based on a special weave of threads, can be beautiful and unusual option flower bed decoration. Naturally, strong twine will serve as the main material. Any drawing can be taken. Detailed schemes can be found on the Internet or in needlework magazines.

Wooden pegs will serve as fasteners for the original baubles, which can also be braided to match the main motif. The advantage of this work is its originality. The disadvantages include a fairly long duration of work and a short service life.

A fence of dishes (photo)

Dishes beat fortunately. There are three plates left from your favorite service, which are not only embarrassing to put on the table, but also insulting to tears. The saucer cracked or split in half, it doesn’t matter, we collect fragments for the fence, they will serve as an excellent basis for creative design flower bed.

Simply stuck into the ground or embedded in cement mortar, once works of ceramic art, today become original decoration flowering plants. The simplicity, durability and unusualness of such a fence is a definite plus, only some danger to children can be attributed to the minuses, because it can split and injure.

DVDs playing in the sun

Many video and audio lovers in the house often have a fairly large number of unnecessary discs that have already played their contents millions of times and have lost their freshness and quality. By combining them with a paper clip, wire or fishing line into a single canvas and fixing them on the pegs, you can give the flower bed an unusual, bright and shiny look in every way.

The disadvantage of such an undertaking is only a short period of operation of this fence. For the rest, she can become original solution in landscape design of any site.

Plastic bottles - a flight for fantasy

Remaining after feasts can also be useful to the decorator of flower beds. Inserted like glass bottles, carefully painted in different colors, illuminate the green space with bright notes.

However, it is worth remembering that plastic is subject to deformation when the temperature changes, therefore, before directly inserting the bottles into the ground, it is worth carefully filling them with sand. Possible deformation, under the influence of weather conditions, is a minus of these fences.

Decorative fences enclosing your flower garden

Items such as an old fence, the remains of roofing tiles or wall plastic, unused metal tape in a roll, forged products and other improvised material can be an interesting basis for creating a flower fence.

Their presence in various configurations, will bring a touch of randomness and modern colors to the green ornament of plants, forcing the owners and guests of the summer cottage to look at the classic forms from a different angle.

A variety of design options for flower beds, at times, amazes the most experienced grower. Wood, glass, stone chips, knitting, weaving and many other materials reveal countless creative ideas of the owners of summer cottages and simply lovers of aesthetics and beauty.

Consider a few more ideas aimed at fencing for flower beds, which use improvised non-standard materials.

stone border - classic version flower bed fences in the country

The creation and design of flower beds is undoubtedly an exciting creative activity, and the flight of fancy here is hardly limited to the usual forms and materials.

Creating, against the background of your favorite plants, an object landscape art, each owner will be able to feel like the creator of something new, unusual, original. The main thing is a positive attitude and focus on a truly grandiose result.

Zoning of plots is an obligatory element of the improvement of a summer cottage land allotment. For these purposes, you can make a fence with your own hands from a variety of materials. The boundaries can also be paths, a cascade of flower beds and hedges. It should be noted that experts advise to separate land area to the following zones: residential (10%), house adjoining (15%), recreation (5%), gardening and horticulture (70%).

The variety of options for flower beds makes it easy to divide the site into functional zones

Traditionally, the main functions that perform different kinds fences include:

  • fixing the borders;
  • protection against encroachment of third parties;
  • limiting direct penetration of sunlight and winds;
  • ensuring privacy;

For a fence, you can use any improvised material

For the construction of limiting fences, almost any factory and improvised materials are used.

Wood and its processing

Wood is an easily processed material available in our country. With proper processing, the natural structure serves as an independent element. Dyed in . But at the same time wooden fencing affected natural phenomena and therefore short-lived.

Wood wins among materials for its ease of processing, naturalness and moderate cheapness.

The design requires annual maintenance (painting, prevention of insect penetration). Under shock loads, the material quickly becomes unusable.

The following applications are presented:

  1. Garden picket fence, that is, processed, parallel wooden planks. can be solid or made in the form of a lattice. Can be used for a garden or recreation area.
  2. Wooden fence. It is distinguished from the picket fence by a continuous method of fastening and the use of both edged and raw boards of approximately the same width.
  3. Palisade. One of the oldest types of fences. It consists of closely adjacent wooden stakes driven into the ground. The security function is increased by sharpening the upper part of the structural elements.
  4. Ranch fence. Represented by fastening timber (boards) in horizontal plane with large gaps between them. It can be made from processed blanks, but this requirement is not necessary.
  5. Wattle. Economical antique fencing that does not require financial costs. It is made by driving stakes into the ground and interweaving them with young shoots of trees and shrubs. or vines can be the highlight of the outdoor decor of the site.

Coating wood with protective compounds allows you to save the structure of this raw material for many years

In order to avoid premature aging of wood and its corrosion, be sure to carry out processing special formulations or paint the finished structure.

Metal and its derivatives

Metal products are in second place in demand in the manufacture of various fences.

Metal fences significantly benefit from their practicality and a long period of operation.

They are produced from beautiful designs, very different in price and aesthetic perception, such as:

  1. (profiled) - easy to assemble metal product, with a service life of at least 50 years. Produced in many colors. However, his appearance is rustic, and the product is subject to deformation.
  2. . Does not restrict the penetration of sunlight into the selected area, but does not protect from the wind. It is made of metal in several versions: chain-link, corrugated,. The chain-link is distinguished from the corrugated weaving method, the second creates a more static plane, for fixing which the distance between the supports can be 5 meters, while with the first - no more than 3 m. Positive characteristics complements the possibility of using a mesh fence as a base for the growth of climbing plants.
  3. Welded multi-element construction. A huge number of metal decorative elements can be purchased at construction stores. At home, they are complemented by metal picket fence products or poles. The process is time-consuming, requiring preliminary calculation, and during execution - welding skills. Made for the garden with your own hands, it will bring great aesthetic satisfaction.
  4. Forged products are the elite in the world of fences. They are divided into utilitarian, cold forged, decorative (in most cases, made to order) and combined. Little stress good taste owner.

Forged products emphasize the sophistication of style

stone and plastic

No less common fences from the following materials:

  • neatly executed low brickwork serves as an excellent fence, and its types (clinker, red, silicate) allow you to fit it into any design solution courtyard decoration;
  • natural stone is one of the most durable materials, not exposed to the effects of water and sun, but its uneven contours present some inconvenience when building a stone fence, and are also unsafe for small children;
  • metal meshes with natural or natural filler as a border look spectacular - they are voluminous and impressive, installation is simple, but time-consuming for stone filling;
  • the use of an eight- or five-wave slate simplifies the task of installing an even fence several times, while installation takes little time, but the material is fragile and traumatic.

Due to the light weight, you can move such fences to the place you like without much difficulty.

The cheapest in terms of cost, but not of aesthetic value, is a series of fences, where improvised means and materials are used (tires, etc.). The options are limited only by the imagination of the owner of the courtyard, and the use of broken equipment as separate flower beds, such as a broken wheelbarrow, will make the interior exclusive.

Using tires as a fence for a flower garden can save a lot

Do it yourself

Before implementing your plan, you should decide whether the fence will be permanent, or over time it will have to be moved due to changes in the layout of the site.

Scheme for self-creation flower beds

If the final decision has not been made, then it seems reasonable to assemble decorative fences with your own hands.

For a flower bed

One of the options for a quick-erect and no less quickly dismantled low hedge is presented from a mini picket fence for flowers. Planks are needed that are 20–30 cm more than the height of the fence wall (for immersion in the ground), as well as crossbars. The structure is assembled in sections, which can represent the whole side of the fence or part of it.

Variants of sketches of the future hedge

Work is carried out in the following order:

  1. On a flat land area, crossbars are placed at a distance equal to 1/4 of the height of the fence on each side. Fix the position with the extreme boards of the fence. As stated earlier, they must be longer than the rest in order to sink into the ground.
  2. Through the same distances, fixed by preliminary marking, the section is filled with planks. draw Special attention to the same height of each element of the structure. Fastening is carried out with nails or self-tapping screws of the required size.
  3. Install the section according to the level in a strictly vertical position. Alternating blows of the mallet on the supporting boards, the structure is gradually immersed in the ground. In order to avoid premature decay of the formed canvas, it is recommended to leave a few centimeters before direct contact with the ground.

Drawing for installing a fence in the country

Intermediate long specimens of a picket fence are securely fixed in the ground

To support posts have served for a long time, parts immersed in the ground are treated with antiseptic materials, fuel oil or bitumen.

For the front garden

Complete harmony of the whole site

A common option, combining design reliability and a reasonable price, is represented by a fence made of metal mesh. For its manufacture, you will need a metalwork tool, a welding machine and the ability to use them.

Calculate the required amount of material, taking into account the following:

  1. the length of the column consists of the ground part, equal to the width of the grid, indentation from the ground (5–10 cm), and the part installed in the ground to a depth of 35–45 cm, having square section 30x30x1.8 mm;
  2. poles are installed at intervals of 1.5–2 m, and the required number is obtained by dividing the perimeter of the fenced area by the distance between the poles;
  3. mesh 1 m wide is purchased in an amount equal to the length of the perimeter, while the factory packaging includes 10 m;
  4. the total length of the corner is equal to two perimeters of the fenced area, shelves - 30x30x1.8 mm;
  5. a rod for attaching a mesh with a diameter of 8–10 mm.

Mesh flower garden design option

Step-by-step instructions for construction and installation are as follows:

  1. By using measuring instruments, posts and cord mark the site, determine the installation location.
  2. In marked places, pits are dug to a depth of 35–45 cm per diameter of a drill or shovel.
  3. Dissolve square pipe to the required measurements. To avoid corrosion when in contact with the ground, cover their bottom with bitumen.
  4. Install the pipe in the pit in a strictly vertical position. Carry out temporary fixation. The pit is filled with concrete mortar mixed in a ratio of 1: 2: 3, where the first is cement, the second is sand, and the third is filler (crushed stone or otherwise).
  5. After the concrete has dried, which fixed the posts, a corner along the upper edge of the posts and the lower counter, with a small distance from the ground (5–10 cm).
  6. The structure is primed and painted in the preferred color.
  7. Prepare the grid for installation. For this purpose, the roll is unwound on a flat area and the loose side joints of the mesh are put in order. She is being reeled in again.
  8. Then the mesh is fixed between the shelves of the corner with a rod welded at small intervals in pieces of 10 cm.

The stage of arranging holes for poles

To care for the front garden, a fence a little over a meter high must be supplemented with a gate. It is made in the same way as the main fence.

decorative fence

Do-it-yourself decorative children's fences are assembled from a material, the likelihood of injury from which is minimal. As a rule, to make a decorative fence in a kindergarten, prefabricated structures are used on a polymer basis or with.

The use of plastic fencing significantly increases safety

Such decorative fences characterize high level environmental safety, exceptional strength, resistance to moisture, temperature fluctuations, low maintenance and easy installation.

For self installation sectional for the garden acquire fixing and decorative elements. Calculation required amount produced according to manufacturing standards. The most common sections, where the height is 71 cm, width - 122 or 130 cm by 244 cm.

One of the options for installing a plastic fence

Their undoubted advantages include sufficient dimensions and inability to injure a child. They have two installation options, where the first is represented by a T-shaped ground support, installed on any platform without rigid fixing, the second - with immersion of supports into the ground.

One of the options for a plastic fence for a flower garden

It should be noted that different manufacturers vary the size and installation method at your discretion. Yes, in individual cases it is necessary to carry out concreting with a diameter of 89 mm, on which guides should be mounted, and only then structural elements should be inserted into the grooves. Options can be viewed in the photo posted on the websites of manufacturers.

For most, privacy is an important factor. It allows you to feel safe and be the master of your possessions. It is normal when we are intolerant of unexpected interference in our personal lives. In a summer cottage and a country house, it is easy to prevent it by installing a fence made from improvised materials. Ordering ready-made structures can be quite troublesome, because a special approach to delivery and installation is required. In some cases, it is difficult to choose exactly what you would like the most. This article will describe what components can be used, and the photo will show ready-made options.

Important Factors

The construction of your own fence in the country or in a country house should not begin with installation work, but from the compilation of a small questionnaire that will allow you to determine the goals and purpose. It's worth thinking about the following:

  • how high will the fence be?
  • what is the main purpose of the fence;
  • will it be only a fence for flower beds;
  • what material is most available for the fence;
  • what can be combined;
  • whether serious intrusion protection is important.

These points will allow you to analyze exactly where the fence will be. It can serve as an element of decoration, which will additionally decorate the territory of the site. Maybe the purpose of such a fence will be to protect flower beds or vegetable crops so that the animals do not harm them. It would be good to decide on the material and, if necessary, collect the required amount for the hedge.

metal fence

Perhaps, hearing about a metal fence, images of powerful and large structures hedges that rust over time and require constant painting. But if you approach the issue creatively, you can get a very interesting country fence that will attract the eyes of passers-by.

Bicycle frames

If you have been repairing bicycles or have a friend who collects scrap metal, then you can build an interesting fence out of bicycle frames. It is better to choose those that are made of aluminum. They do not require special care and perfectly resist the corrosive effects of moisture. The first step is to sort the structures by folding them by size. This will allow during the assembly of the fence in the country to perform alternation. All iron frames are cleaned of old paint and cleaned with sandpaper to metallic color. After that, it is not recommended to leave them in open space, because they will quickly become covered with rust.

Next, you need to measure the inner diameter of the tube into which the front fork was installed. A metal pipe is selected according to a given size. The installation process of the fence will be very simple. A piece of pipe of the required length is taken and inserted into one of the frames, it will serve as the initial support. After that, the partner holds one part, and the second person strings the frames, alternating their sides and sizes. When they are strung, you will need to fix the fence. To do this, metal posts from the same pipe are installed at the corners of the fence, which are recessed into the ground.

In order not to use the welding machine during the installation of the fence, it is enough to cut the threads on the ends of the pipe and, using the corner tee, assemble the fence junction. Someone prefers to provide additional rigidity to the hedge structure by pouring a small base of concrete and immersing the lower part of the frame into it. When the hedge is assembled, the frames can be painted in one or more colors.

Advice! If there are a large number of old bikes that cannot be refurbished as an assembly, then there is no need to dismantle them into fence frames. You can mount them as a fence as a whole. An example of such a fence is in the photo.

Embroidery on the grid

Many have a chain-link fence installed in their dacha, which separates the site from neighbors or serves as the main fence. Such a fence can be made unique for the whole village. To do this, embroidery can be placed on the hedge. It is made according to the principle of ordinary cross-stitch. As a material, you can use unnecessary threads for knitting. It is easy to replace them with plastic or plastic bags. You can definitely find them lying around in abundance. It is enough to cut them into small strips and you're done. Any pattern can be placed on the fence. To do this, the photo file must be uploaded to the service (for example, this https://xfloss.ru/), which will break it into colors and squares. After that, you can begin to implement the masterpiece. One of the options can be seen in the photo below.

wooden fencing

A wooden fence is one of the classic fence solutions for a summer cottage. The boards are given various forms not to look like neighbors. Such a fence requires constant care. The fact is that wood is very sensitive to moisture and pests, so the fence must be periodically painted and treated with antiseptic compounds. Here are some non-standard beautiful options hedges that are suitable to make .

Logs in the form of pencils

If you have been clearing your yard of old trees or harvesting firewood, then some logs can be used for a fence. Also suitable for hedges unnecessary boards. They don't need to be handled in a special way. All that is required for such a fence is to remove the bark and sharpen one of the ends of a log or board. There is no need to equalize their sizes. If they are scattered in the fence, then they will look more interesting. A special effect will be to paint them in different colors. To fix the fence on the site, it will be enough to dig a few main logs a little, which will be larger. They must be placed evenly so that they hold the entire fence. After that, two transverse strips are nailed with inside hedges.

stump fence

This fence will be an excellent decorative fence for the site. It requires virtually no investment. It will be enough for such a hedge to cut round timber of the same length. They, for example, can be laid on a cement mortar, as shown in the photo below. The solution itself for such purposes is made only of cement and sand. The ratio should be observed 3 parts to 1 for such a fence. Additionally for the fence you will need good foundation. It is performed on the model of a shallow strip foundation. A trench is dug under the hedge to a depth of 50 cm. A layer of coarse-grained sand of 15 cm is laid on the bottom. It is well rammed. The next layer of crushed stone of a fine fraction of the same height is placed. After that, the formwork is exposed and poured concrete mortar. After two weeks, a fence can be mounted on it. Hedge logs are stacked in a checkerboard pattern, fastened with mortar.

Note! In the photo below you can see another version of the implementation of such a fence. It is assembled not from whole logs, but from small cuts of round timber. The basis for such a fence can be an old wooden fence or several dug-in logs.

Plastic is on the way

The invention of polymer compounds and their derivatives made it possible to greatly simplify life and introduce new types of materials. But in some cases, the plastic has only made matters worse by supplying landfills with tons of waste that will take hundreds of years to recycle by bacteria. If you decide to rationally use what others consider garbage, then from plastic products can be implemented great option hedges. You can use bottles and old pipes.

Water bottles

Such goodness can be found both at home and with neighbors. It is easy to make various household items from PET bottles. There are several options for fences, which are quite quickly assembled from this material. The main operations that will have to be done are to soak the bottles that will be used for the hedge in water to remove the label from them. It is also advisable to wash them from the inside so that there are no stains and other inclusions on the walls. Lids should not be thrown away. The hedge can collect rainwater and lose its appearance. The air inside the containers will give them good rigidity.

One of the options for implementing such a fence can be seen in the photo below. You will need to sort the bottles by color and shape. Along the perimeter where the fence will be located, several columns are set. They can be wooden or metal. The latter are not just dug into the ground, but are fixed with a solution, following the example of how it was described for a wooden fence. The bottom of the bottles is cut off, except for those that will be in the hedge closer to the ground. The bottom needs to be cut to the same height, because it will still come in handy. If caps are no longer needed for any projects, then they can be left on the hedge if needed, then they remain only on the top row of bottles.

Depending on how high the fence will be, the number of bottles is calculated. You can build on the fact that the height of the bottle is 25-30 cm. For a fence 1.8 meters high, at least four rows of wire must be stretched between the posts. A bottle is strung on a wire. After it, two bottoms are mounted. They are located with the cut off part to the bottle. Their purpose is to ensure the same distance between adjacent bottles, so that the design looks more harmonious. Between the bottles, which are strung on the fence wire, another one without a bottom is installed. Subsequently, a fence is formed with bottle partitions.

Note! Fixing the bottles for the fence can be a little easier. To do this, they are located not vertically, but horizontally. They are simply strung on a wire, like beads. Visually, such a fence can be contemplated in the photo below.

If you want to build a more reliable fence from plastic bottles, you will have to tinker a little. Each individual container will need to be filled with sand or clay. It is important to compact the material well inside. To fasten the bottles together, you will need to prepare a solution of sand, cement and clay. The ratio of sand and cement, as given above for a wooden fence, and clay needs six parts. Bottles in the fence are additionally tied by the necks with wire. The elements are laid out in a checkerboard pattern. Additionally, the surface can be plastered to form a monolithic hedge.

Advice! From plastic bottles you can build a beautiful fence for a flower bed. You won't have to put in much effort. It is enough to cut off the neck of the bottle with a lid and simply drown it in the ground so that the bottom rises by 5 cm.

plastic pipes

Polypropylene pipes are increasingly used for the installation of heating and water supply systems. But someone prefers to replace them with pipes made of cross-linked polyethylene. Throwing away what remains is not worth it, because of them you can build an excellent fence for a site or flower bed. All that is required for this is the ability to work with a soldering iron for plastic. Implementation options and forms can be very different. Using imagination and various fittings, you can build a fence according to the example shown in the photo.

glass fence

It would be great and expensive to build your own glass fence from double-glazed windows. But there is a free material that is perfect for these purposes - a glass bottle. Before starting the installation of the fence, you will need to carry out the same preparation as in the case of plastic bottle. They are easy to soak in an old tub outside. There is no need to ram the earth or sand inside, because the bottle must retain its transparency. There are two main ways to implement this type of fence:

  • monolithic wall;
  • bottle screen.

To make a fence in the form of a screen, you will additionally need metal rods or wire, as well as a corner and pipes for posts. First of all, columns are mounted, which will act as a support. The distance between them will depend on the specific project. They can simply be dug into the ground or fixed to a concrete solution. In the latter case, you will need to prepare a mixture of sand, cement and gravel in proportions of 3 to 1 to 2. A pit is made 50 cm deep, a fence post is inserted, leveled and filled with the prepared solution.

The next step with welding machine metal frames for the fence are made in the form of rectangles or squares. They are attached to the mounted posts. A hole for a rod or wire is drilled in the bottoms of the bottles. Bottles are simply strung on the base. A wire or metal rod is attached to metal base. It is necessary to place adjacent "beads" end-to-end in order to achieve the effect of a wall. On a sunny day, such a fence will play with different colors when the rays pass through.

Advice! The screen fence can be made not on metal, but on wooden base. For this, frames with additional transverse boards are made. The distance between the boards should be equal to the height of the bottle. Holes with a diameter for the neck are drilled in the boards and inverted bottles are inserted into them.

A monolithic version of the fence will require a lot of effort and time, but the result will pleasantly surprise not only you, but all passers-by. The first step is to sketch a small drawing of how the bottles will be located. In the fence, they can be laid simply in rows with interlacing. Looks pretty interesting. Donami must be laid out, and necks should be left inside the fence so that light can pass through. You can make a fence with a pattern, as seen in the photo below. To do this, you will need to sketch a small sketch of the fence, indicating the specific colors of the bottles and their number, so that it is easier to pick up.

The first step in the construction of such a fence will be the preparation of the base-foundation. It is made according to the same principle as for a log fence. Next, a solution for the hedge is prepared and the laying of bottles begins on it. It is worth spreading in even rows so that the solution gradually gains strength and can hold the entire wall of the hedge.

Advice! A fence for flower beds can also be made from glass bottles. To do this, they are walled up with bottoms in a makeshift curb or simply sunk into the ground.

rubber fence

Rubber is not because it stretches, but because it is made from old tires. In general, flower beds are excellent from such improvised materials. But if a full-fledged hedge is required, then this is also easy to arrange. You will have to stock up on a sufficient number of tires. It is good if they are the same size, and also have a similar tread. You can buy them at car junkyards at a low price. The foundation for such a fence will not have to be built. It will be enough to level the area under the fence well.

The first row of tires are stacked so that the tires are close to each other. They need to be fastened together so that they do not diverge. Soil or sand is poured inside, which will give additional stability to the hedge. The next row is stacked so that a checkerboard pattern is obtained. That is, the tires should not lie on top of each other, but on the seams. Soil is also filled into the voids. To make the hedge lively, various flowers or weaving plants can be planted in the ground. Such a fence has a drawback, which manifests itself in a height restriction depending on the diameter of the tires. If a fence is required high altitude, and the tires are small, then you will need to mount the retaining posts that will be inside the tires. An example of such a fence from improvised means, which was made by hand, can be seen in the photo.


As you can see, for a fence in a country house or in a country house, you can use any means at hand, which are in sufficient quantities. There is also an option for a wicker fence, as well as a hedge. Describing each option in one article is quite problematic. In general, you should not limit your flight of fancy. It is always possible to combine various building and non-building materials when building a fence.

The fence for the flower bed is necessary in order for the flower garden to take on a finished look. Thanks to him, the site looks more decorative and well-groomed.

This decor solves several more problems:

  • guests will know where not to step;
  • a single style is created on the site;
  • flowers will be protected from pets;
  • you can divide the site into different zones;
  • fencing will prevent the growth of plants in the area.

In stores, plastic products are usually widely represented. They may have different shape and colors. You can also buy decorative fences made of wood or forged, but they are expensive. In view of this, it is better to make a fence yourself. Blocks, stones, willow twigs, glass and plastic bottles are suitable as a material.

Polymer border

Plastic borders are widespread. They can be represented as:

  • tapes;
  • barrels;
  • vases;
  • bowls.

The tape is good because it is not afraid of ultraviolet radiation. Installing it is also very easy. Another advantage is that it does not allow plants to germinate outside the flower garden. However, the service life is short.

concrete products

Decorative bowls can be made of concrete. It is also used to make such shapes as a polygon and a square. You can install garden fences for flower beds different ways: drown in the ground or, conversely, make them rise above it. Advantages: resistance to temperature extremes, moisture and sun. Items can be dyed.

metal fences

Making a metal fence with your own hands is quite difficult. Usually it is carried out to order by specialized firms. In this case, it is necessary to clearly understand how the fence should look and know its dimensions. The presented products can be painted, but they are very expensive.

How to make a decorative fence for a flower bed with your own hands (video)

Self made products

It is recommended to make fences from logs, twigs or pegs. They not only look impressive, but also gradually decomposing in the soil, they will fill it with nutrients. In winter, the tree freezes less than plastic, ultimately the roots of the plant will be reliably protected.

Flowerbed of logs

With your own hands, a fence for a flower bed can be made from logs. Logs should be approximately the same height and diameter. Deep into the soil will go about 20 centimeters. Dig a groove around the flower bed. The logs will be installed in it tightly to each other. Then their lower part is sprinkled with earth. If you process logs special means and peeled off the bark, they can last you half a century. Churbachki, if desired, can be replaced with pegs.

willow twigs

You can make a fence from willow twigs. Wicker fences look very attractive. The production process will require effort.

You can get willow twigs near the reservoir. Harvesting is best done in the spring. At this time, the bark has light color, she does well. The manufacturing process is as follows:

  • clean the rods from the bark;
  • cut them so that each element has one length;
  • pegs are installed around the perimeter of the flower garden. Their diameter should reach 3 centimeters. The closer the pegs are from each other, the stronger the wattle will come out;
  • the principle of weaving is the same as that of baskets. First, the rods are passed in front of the stakes, then behind them;
  • after 3-4 rows are done, the structure should be compacted - tap it with a rubber mallet;
  • the ends are fixed by nailing them to the pegs.

Brick or stone fences

brick fences they look amazing in the photo. There are many styling options presented building material. It goes well with metal, pebbles, paving slabs, tree.

Features of choosing a view

The fence for flower beds and beds is chosen based on the location of the flower bed and the style of the garden. The fence should be in harmony with the buildings located on the site. When located in the central part, solid and durable products made of metal or artificial stone are often chosen. The design of the fence can be any: solid or consisting of individual elements.

Of the materials for flower beds, stone is often used. The border made of it looks noble, but it is recommended to use cement to fasten individual elements. In this case, large stones are pressed into the solution, and small ones are fastened with a mixture, with the addition of glue.

If you choose brick instead of stones, laying it will be much easier. Brick railings are ideal for country style gardens.

Decorative fences in the garden (video)

Placement rules

  • The border for the flower garden should look good in the photo and in real life. The fence should be placed so that it does not get lost on the site, but also does not stand out much - everything should be beautiful and natural.
  • The height is chosen so that guests and pets do not trample the plants.
  • Concrete fences require deepening into the soil. To give them a decorative effect, it is enough to paint.
  • They try to place metal and forged products in the central part of the garden. They attract attention and can become a real decoration of the site.

Mounting Features

You can make a fence with your own hands, there is nothing complicated about it. The installation procedure includes the following steps:

  • to begin with, make sure that all elements of the border are even;
  • determine the trajectory of the design of the flower garden;
  • dig a groove, it should be no deeper than 8 centimeters;
  • then you can dig in the curb;
  • if you intend to create a curved fence, you can use pegs so as not to get confused with the shape;
  • after you put up a fence made of improvised materials, you should tamp it down;
  • then the rammer can be decorated bulk materials;
  • if the fence is low, you should not dig a groove.

Rules for combining with garden design

Borders made from improvised materials should look good, as in the photo in glossy gardening publications. It is important to decide on the general style of the garden and fences in advance. If there are paths on the site, it is recommended to produce a similar material for the construction of the enclosing decor of the flower beds.

It is necessary that hand-made fences harmoniously fit into the landscape. They should not stand out sharply or be invisible. Connect creativity and fantasy! garden borders can become the highlight of the suburban area!

original ideas

In the garden, you can use not only a metal fence for flower beds, but also things that you used to actively use, but now they have become unnecessary utensils. Often, real masterpieces can be made from improvised materials.

  • With your own hands, you can make an original flower garden from old clothes. Just fill it with soil mixed with sand or stones, then plant the plants.
  • In the photo, a flower bed made of a shell will look original. It is recommended to plant an annual alisum in it.
  • A unique fence made from improvised materials is obtained by using old plumbing. Fencing from an old bathroom or toilet bowl will surprise all the neighbors.
  • The photo looks great borders made of mesh filled with stones. They look very aesthetically pleasing. Of the components you will need: wire, mesh, tongs for metal, decorative stones. It is easy to create the presented border with your own hands.

Varieties of fences for flower beds (video)

Fences for a flower garden can be purchased at the store or made independently. Completely unnecessary things can make excellent borders that will become a real decoration of the garden.

Reviews and comments

Olga 08.09.2015

There are so many ideas and materials for decorating flower beds and beds! And in the old fashioned way, I enclose everything with stones and wattle fence :) I really liked the idea with plates, but where can I get so many of them, dear ones? A whole wedding service, it seems to me, is there in the picture, I went there :)

andreiii 09/11/2015

I was inspired by the ideas from this article and today I “zababakhal” near my house, as many as two excellent flower beds. Please tell me how to decorate these “newborn” flower beds using old car tires (of which we have accumulated quite a large number)? Thanks in advance for your reply and looking forward to new and original design ideas!

Nikolay 11.09.2015

I recently watched a video on youtube on how to make figures from a car tire. As a result, I made two flamingos and three piglets, though without a wolf) The children really liked it, now they are arranging play scenes with the participation of new figures. I also advise the European theme with gnomes and night lanterns, the main thing is to choose gnomes that will not look intimidating at night. Well, at the end, molded cement paths, you can easily find molds on the Internet.

Irina Poddubnaya 09/14/2015

Very interesting ideas, I would not even have thought that such a masterpiece could be made from simple cans. In my country house, I made a small flower bed like this, it resembles a lake from blue flowers, decorated with swans from machine tires. If you connect your imagination, you can come up with a lot of things.

Svetlana 22.09.2015

Now I am engaged in the improvement of the playground near the house. Spent on expensive materials I don’t want to, because there are no guarantees that they won’t endure this beauty later, but the means at hand for fencing flower beds are just right. I will suggest to the girls tomorrow to protect the flowers with the help of bottles. I would like to see on the pages of the site more information about the possibility of improving the children's corner. I think this is true both for summer cottages and for residents of high-rise buildings, in whose yard children walk.

Elena Perlova 05.10.2016

geotextiles should be laid under the crushed stone to prevent the germination of weeds. But even in rubble, over time, vegetation appears due to flying weed seeds. Roundapim - growing morshantsia. You have to remove and re-fill everything ....

Alexey Timofeev 05.10.2016

A plastic border is a rare muck in the garden. Spoils the whole view, even if hidden. It breaks, deforms, all the work is wasted. Don't use. This is bad for your garden.

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