Rules for planting dill and parsley in spring in open ground. Planting dill in spring in open ground: the secrets of growing a good harvest When is it better to plant dill and parsley in spring

Imagine your summer cottage - even rows beds on which vegetables grow, raspberry bushes and strawberries in the corner, neat paths, fruit trees at the fence ... But after all garden trees, berry bushes and rows of tomatoes - this is not all that can please your land plot. But what about the highlight of the table - seasonings, without which any dishes will seem uninteresting and even tasteless?

It is impossible to imagine a cottage where you would not grow up minimum set useful and tasty plants, which we habitually call a generalizing and very precise word - "greens". Even those summer residents who decided to refuse planting potatoes and peppers, considering that the result of labor-intensive care for these crops is not worth the effort - “yes, I’ll buy it on the market, why bother”, they will not refuse to plant dill, parsley, onions and garlic .

But our traditional dill and parsley are far from all cultivated plants that culinary calls very tasty - “spices”. And do not think that sage, fennel, basil and cumin cannot be grown in middle lane Russia! At the same time, spices can not only diversify our table, but also decorate the garden, becoming its highlight and pride of the owners.

How to grow spicy and fragrant crops in a summer cottage? What plants are the most popular and widespread?

Can you imagine your table without fragrant and such healthy greens? But it is extremely easy to grow it on your site!


The most common “grass” in our country is so unpretentious that even the laziest summer residents can easily grow it on their site. Dill does not need to be looked after - it is enough at the end of March or beginning of April (depending on the weather and climate of your region), to sow the seeds and in a month you can walk through the beds, collecting the first crop of fragrant, easily recognizable, strongly dissected leaves for salad or soup .

At the same time, in order to obtain greens, dill must be sown in a continuous method, and to obtain seeds - in rows with wide, at least 20-25 centimeters, row-spacing to a depth of 1.5-2 centimeters.

Moreover, if there is not enough space on your site for a separate bed of dill, it will grow beautifully between rows of tomatoes, peppers or potatoes.

You can collect dill seeds as early as July, the plant is an annual, so you will have to sow the seeds annually. But you can water dill quite rarely - excess moisture he does not like, does not suffer from pests. Marvelous unpretentious plant— sow seeds and harvest, it's a pleasure.

Of course, experts advise feeding dill with humus, but will you fertilize your garden anyway? It is not necessary to do this just for the sake of a bed with this fragrant herb.

If you want to get fresh greens as early as possible, you should sow dill in late autumn so that it does not have time to rise before frost, to a depth of about three centimeters, and cover the bed with a thin layer of straw and humus. Already in early spring, the sprouts will hatch and delight with their vigorous appearance.

Dill is indispensable for preserving and pickling vegetables, creating stocks for the winter, it is very tasty in fresh salads, as a table decoration. And the amount of vitamins, micro and macro elements in this unpretentious and modest herb is simply amazing!


Another very common and, which is especially pleasant, unpretentious plant. Unlike dill, parsley is a biennial crop, so you won't have to plant it every year. Plants cut almost to the ground (petioles no more than 4-5 centimeters high remain) will successfully overwinter and in May they will be able to harvest the first crop.

And most importantly, the lettuce crop must be harvested on time, trying not to miss the moment when the plant goes into the arrow. Some summer residents cut only lettuce leaves so that the plant will give a new crop again. However, many believe that such “second” leaves are no longer so tasty and juicy and tear out the lettuce by the roots, sowing new seeds in its place.

Juicy lettuce leaves in Europe are used unusually widely, but in Russia, far from all gardeners are yet ready to master this relatively new culture. By the way, growing lettuce for sale is considered a very profitable business.

Growing greens is very simple, and how many benefits it brings! Even on a tiny piece of land, you can grow a crop, for example, dill and parsley, which is enough for the whole family. Green leaves can always be frozen in order to add healthy and aromatic “herbs” to soups and stews in winter.

In this article, we talked only about the most common fragrant vegetables and spices in our country, but there is still a huge amount that is still unusual for us, but no less tasty and useful plants such as basil, oregano, rosemary and others. But this is a topic for a separate discussion.

Anna Sedykh,

Without some spicy-tasting greens, for example, parsley or dill, it is generally impossible to imagine cooking or serving dishes to the table. They are present everywhere: in the first, second courses, appetizers; salads and sandwiches are decorated with greens.

Therefore, many housewives use every opportunity to have at least small beds for greenery on their plots. And planting parsley and dill before winter allows you to use young, fragrant, sought-after greens much earlier than when sown in spring.

More information about dill:

How to choose the time of winter planting and prepare the beds for parsley?

The most common mistake when sowing vegetables or other crops in the fall before winter - incorrectly chosen dates. In a hurry to plant the seeds in the ground, gardeners force them to hatch and germinate, and at the first frost the sprouts die.

In winter sowing, the most important thing is to sow the seeds in slightly frozen soil so that the seeds do not swell and germinate. Planting parsley in autumn before winter is justified by the fact that this culture is winter-hardy, easily tolerates even cold nights, its seeds undergo a natural hardening procedure, and friendly green sprouts appear in spring.

For successful result the beds need to be taken care of in advance, the best predecessors for parsley are, under which sufficient doses of fertilizers were applied. The soil is preferably neutral or light, loose structure.

Planting parsley before winter is planned in sunny, open areas, although the spice grows quietly in light shading, the greens in this case are more tender, but the crops are more elongated, the leaves are not so saturated green.

At the end of October, humus or compost is applied to the planned areas at the rate of 5-6 kg / m 2, 20-30 g of potassium-phosphorus granular fertilizers are added, leveled (nitrogen fertilizers are not applied before winter, they are most effective in spring and summer use). Grooves are made, the bed is covered with a film on top so that the earth does not get wet, the integrity of the furrows is not violated by rains and winds.

When the first night frosts begin, and daytime temperatures do not rise above +2 0 C, the time for planting parsley before winter is suitable.

Experienced supporters of winter sowing act as follows:

  • the film from the garden is laid aside, and dry sand is poured into the bottom of the grooves with a thin layer;
  • autumn planting of parsley is carried out with dry seeds, adding 25-30% of seeds in reserve to the usual norm;
  • sprinkle on top with dry, pre-prepared light nutrient soil, slightly compact it;
  • sprinkled on top with a layer of mulching material (peat, humus, chopped straw, dry foliage).

If the frosts have not set in and the rains have charged, the bed is again covered with a film to protect the seeds from premature moisture getting to them.

In the spring, after the snow melts, the seeds will receive enough moisture to hatch and germinate, so planting parsley before winter with seeds allows you to grow early, healthy greens: by the time the pests are active, the plantings will get stronger and will not be so susceptible to them.

What varieties of parsley are suitable for autumn sowing?

It is known that parsley is root, large cone-shaped roots of which are used for cooking medicinal decoctions, in canning, in the preparation of liquid dishes, sauces, and leafy, to obtain fragrant lush greens.

Varieties of parsley are selected depending on the needs:

It is better when zoned varieties are planted that are most adapted to local conditions.

How to prepare for planting dill before winter?

Some gardeners happen to be at a loss when they see that self-sowing dill sprouts beautifully in the spring, and those organized by them spring crops there is no hint of germination.

The explanation for this phenomenon is quite simple, there are two reasons for this:

Planting dill before winter with seeds helps to solve this kind of problem, because this spice is cold-resistant, seedlings can endure up to -4 degrees below zero, with abundant moisture after snow melts, essential oils are washed off, the seeds swell well and at the first spring warmth are starting to grow.

In early spring during night frosts, dill will not suffer, as it has undergone stratification, its seeds start growing even at +3 0 C, and it is not afraid of short-term temperature drops.

Dill loves open, sunlit places, as well as loose, fertile soil, fertilized with organic matter (humus, compost). In such areas, the greens grow strong, especially fragrant and lush, on heavy and poor soils, in the shade the dill will be pale and stretched out, so it is impossible to be irresponsible in choosing a landing site.

When preparing a bed in the fall, they dig it deep, crush the clods of earth, apply fertilizer, level the surface of the bed, trying to make it as even as possible.

The grooves, if possible, are located from north to south, so that the rows of dill are evenly illuminated and warmed by the sun throughout the day. The depth of the furrows is made deeper than when sowing in the spring, by 1 cm, between the rows a distance of 20 cm is enough. Before the onset of frost, the soil will settle a little, the bed will be ready for sowing.

The timing of planting dill before winter in each locality is different, the main thing is that by this time stable cold weather has been established:

  • night temperatures dropped to -2-3 0 С;
  • daytime temperatures should be within 0-+3 0 С.

So that the grooves are not washed away by rain, it is better to cover the bed with a film, roofing felt, cardboard. You can get an additional benefit from this: if the bed is prepared in warm time, weed growth is still quite possible, and light-tight coverings will drown out their growth. The snow that has fallen by the time of planting is not terrible, it will just need to be raked from the garden.

Planting dill in the fall before winter is always carried out with dry seeds, it is also impossible to water the crops. It is better to sprinkle furrows not ordinary garden soil, but with pre-stored peat, compost, humus, always free-flowing and loose, so that in the spring it would be easier for the seeds to break through.

In the fight against the formation of the upper crust on the bed, it is sprinkled with mulch and left until spring.

There is another way winter landing dill - scattering seeds around the garden with a fan:

  1. The bed is prepared as usual, trying to break up the clods of earth as carefully as possible.
  2. With steady sub-zero temperature sow dry dill seeds mixed with sand.
  3. Sprinkle with humus on top, scatter mulch.

They try to use this method before snow falls, so that it covers the seeds. In the spring, when the snow begins to melt, the melt water will pull the seeds into the ground, they will quickly germinate there.

With this method, the bushes grow stocky, with many fluffy twigs, less seed consumption is required, and more output.

Thus, planting dill before winter, as well as other cold-resistant crops, is a great opportunity for site owners to have environmentally friendly early products of their own production on their tables.

Video about growing greens before winter

In this video you will find some useful tips regarding the cultivation of dill, parsley and other herbs before winter:

Parsley is one of the first plants that delight in spring with greenery and a characteristic spicy smell. Thanks to the content a large number vitamins and microelements are actively used both in cooking and in medicine. Experienced gardeners claim that proper fit parsley in spring open ground provide an excellent harvest.

Did you know? parsley leaves in Ancient Greece decorated the winners of sports competitions.

What are the benefits of spring planting parsley

Each owner independently decides for himself when it is better to sow parsley - in spring or autumn. However, most prefer the first option. This is due to the fact that:

When to plant parsley in spring

Parsley is quite resistant to cold, so already in the second half of April - early May, when the soil warms up a little, you can sow the crop. Seeds will germinate even at a temperature of +2 °C and withstand frosts down to -9 °C. A few weeks after planting parsley in the spring, you can cut the first greens.

Choosing a site for sowing parsley

Before growing parsley in the spring, you need to choose the right site. It should be well lit, protected from drafts, with light and fertile soil.

The best precursors for parsley are cucumbers, potatoes and early cabbage.

Important! Parsley should not be sown in the spring in those areas where cilantro, carrots, cumin, and dill used to grow.

How to prepare soil and seeds for planting

In autumn, the land for cultivation should be dug up and humus or peat should be added (5 kg per 1 sq. M). In the spring, just before sowing parsley in open ground, it is advisable to feed the soil with complex mineral fertilizers.

Before planting in the soil, it is advisable to soak the seeds of the plant for at least half an hour in warm water and dry a little.

How to sow parsley in spring

When parsley is planted, grooves are made in the ground 1-2 cm deep and seeds are added at the rate of 0.5 g per 1 sq. m. The distance between the grooves should be about 10-12 cm. After that, the seeds must be watered and sprinkled with a thin layer of soil. In order to retain moisture, you can cover the area with a film.

How to care for parsley outdoors

Each gardener can both sow and care for parsley. It won't require much attention.

During dry periods, it is advisable to moderate watering plants in the morning or evening, because in the absence of sufficient moisture, the greens will dry out and shrink.

It is also necessary from time to time to remove weeds from the beds, which not only create a shadow, but also impoverish the soil.

Did you know? When growing leaf parsley, it is preferable to use saltpeter, and root - phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.

If the main goal is to grow large roots, you need to thin out the seedlings, leaving a few centimeters between them, and after 2 weeks, repeat the procedure so that the distance between the bushes is about 7 cm.

The collection of greenery is carried out as it ripens. You can sow the seeds.

Diseases and pests of parsley

To a large extent, the harvest depends not only on when and how to sow parsley, but also on the correct fight against diseases and pests of the plant.

With white rot, the parsley root first becomes soft, brown, and then completely rots, the greens wither. To combat the disease, diseased specimens are carefully destroyed, the correct crop rotation is observed, the plants are sprayed with a solution of Bordeaux liquid (1%) at the first symptoms.

Downy mildew (downy mildew) leads to complete drying of the leaves. Manifested by the appearance of oily spots on the foliage. On the underside of the leaf, they have a characteristic gray-violet hue. They are treated by spraying the plants with copper chloride (40 g per 10 l of water; 0.4% suspension) or Bordeaux mixture (add 100 g of lime and 100 g of copper sulfate to 10 l of water).

Rust causes the appearance of bottom side leaves of yellow-brown spots, which gradually increase and cover the entire foliage. Disease spores persist in wilted weed residues and cultivated plants. Therefore, to prevent disease, it is recommended to carefully dig up the ground, remove weeds, and monitor the quality of the seed. Seeds for prevention can be soaked for 30 minutes in water heated to 47-49 ° C a few weeks before sowing and dried. At the first signs of infection, it is recommended to spray the parsley with a 1% Bordeaux mixture at intervals of 10 days until the symptoms disappear completely.

White spotting (septoria)fungal disease, which is manifested by the appearance of light, ocher-yellow spots with a dark border on leaves, stems and petioles. Gradually, the plant turns yellow and dies. Prevention and control measures are the same as for rust.

attacks the leaves and stems of the crop. Brown spots appear on them. irregular shape. Over time, they lighten, and a dark brown border appears around the edges. Parsley grows poorly, turns yellow and dries. Prevention and control measures are the same as for rust.

Dill refers to spicy green crops. It is cultivated both on industrial plantations and in garden plots. It is indispensable for canning, for preparing fresh snacks and salads, it is well stored in the freezer, does not lose its properties during the drying process. Dill seed extract is used in medicine, preparations with dill and its closest relative - fennel relieve intestinal colic even in infants.

Planting dill seeds is not difficult, it is much more difficult to choose a place and prepare loose fertile soil. It's an annual herbaceous plant comes from the dry regions of Asia, where it grows under scorching sun and often in the absence of moisture.

What are the conditions for growing?

For dill does not have special significance soil type. He feels equally good on sandy and loamy soils. However, the seeds are poorly fixed and difficult to sprout on infertile sandy soils. Light and medium loams are most suitable. The acidity of the soil also matters. Dill does not develop well at a pH below 6.3.

To get green good quality plants need regular watering and fertilizing with mineral fertilizers. Seeds and young plants tolerate frosts down to -3 ... -5 o C. This feature of dill makes it possible to make winter crops.

Important! In order for plants not to get sick, they need a lot sunlight and warmth.

Optimum temperature air for the growth of greenery is formed at an average daily temperature of 16-20 o C.

How to grow dill outdoors?

Neighborhood with other cultures

Dill is generally compatible with many vegetable crops. It is believed that only celery is not suitable for him as a predecessor and neighbor. If you need to get seeds from the bushes, then the plant should not be planted next to fennel, since these two crops freely pollinate with each other.

Dill feels good next to,. However, the proportions of areas should be taken into account when planting vegetables together and should not be planted in the root nutrition zone of the main crop.

Important! In the joint plantings of dill with other vegetables, take into account the competition in the food area!

When should you plant dill?

Young greens are ready for use already 25-30 days after sowing, so they can be sown throughout the growing season, from early spring to winter crops in October.

Planting in the spring begins in April, when the average daily air temperature will be at the level of 14-16 ° C. On average, such conditions occur from April 20. Dill sown during this period will give well-made seeds already in July, when it is time for pickling and canning cucumbers and tomatoes. For an uninterrupted supply of fresh herbs to the table, it is recommended that dill planting in open ground be carried out by a conveyor with an interval of 10-14 days.

Soil for planting

The soil for planting dill should be prepared in advance. If planned spring planting, then the beds need to be prepared in the fall. The complex of works on soil preparation includes:

  • cleaning the beds from the remnants of the previous crop;
  • the introduction of organic matter in the form of humus and mineral fertilizers, including potassium and phosphorus;
  • deep digging of all components.

AT winter period it is good to carry out snow retention in the garden, this will help save more moisture in the soil, which is so necessary for dill seeds during the germination period.

The complex of works on soil preparation in spring includes:

  • easy loosening and leveling of the beds;
  • cutting furrows with a depth of 1.5-2 cm.

If little moisture has been accumulated over the winter, then the bed should initially be well watered with a hose or watering can.

Manure is not brought directly into the bed with dill. Well, if the previous crop was cabbage, potatoes or peppers. In this case, manure was applied under them and its effect will be continued for plants. If the soil on the site is clayey, heavy, then it is advisable to add river sand. This measure will contribute to better seed germination.

Important! You can’t bring fresh manure under dill!

Selecting the best variety

When choosing a variety, indicators of the timing of the formation of stems, as well as the length of the leaves, and hence the amount of greenery obtained, are important. According to the timing of stem formation, the following varieties and hybrids of dill are distinguished:

  • early;
  • medium;
  • later.

At early varieties an umbrella is formed on the stem after the formation of leaves (twigs) in an amount of 4 to 6. In medium ones, from 6 to 10 branches should form, and in late varieties the formation of an umbrella takes much longer with an equal number of leaves. Among the totality of varieties, there is a variety with constant growth - Grenadier.

early group varieties: Gribovsky, Far, Umbrella, Redoubt. They are suitable for growing on a windowsill at home, especially the Gribovsky variety.

Group mid-season varieties includes Kibray, Alligator, Max, Richelieu, Moravan.

late group grades: Superdukat OE, Salyut, Kutuzovsky, Patterns. Distinctive feature varieties of this group - the formation of a spreading bush with elongated leaves, which give axillary branches, which makes the bushes look very lush. These varieties and hybrid forms called bush. They have some growing features:

  • require more fertile soil;
  • the landing pattern for them is increased to 25 cm due to thinning.

Planting dill in open ground

As soon as the soil or the sequence in the planting conveyor is ready, they start planting the seeds. Beds are suitable for dill different type: simple, high boxes, geometric, mobile.

Good wayjoint landing dill and parsley in alternating rows.

Planting seeds

In order to accelerate the germination of seeds, they are soaked in warm water or wrapped in a damp cloth. A jar of soaked seeds can be left in the bathroom on a heated towel rail for 2-3 days. Water in a jar or on a cloth should be added as the rate of evaporation is high.

Attention! Seeds with seedlings should never be dried!

Sowing seeds is carried out to a depth of 1.5-2 cm. The scheme for planting dill after thinning should be 10x20 cm, and for bush varieties 25x25 cm. When sowing, seed consumption is 1-2 g / m 2.

Watch the video! How to grow fluffy dill

Planting seedlings

The method of planting dill seedlings allows you to get fresh greens already at the end of April. The timing of planting seeds is the first or second decade of March. For sowing, cells of 4x4 or 5x5 cm in size are used, plastic greenhouses with a transparent lid are suitable, but in this case the seedlings will be more difficult to take root, since it is possible that the earth clod at the root will be damaged during transplantation. Seedlings are transferred to open ground under temporary greenhouses on April 15-20.

dill care

The main measures for the care of dill:

  • timely watering;
  • fertilizers;
  • loosening the soil;
  • weeding as needed.

Dill bushes, from which greens are already taken for cutting, should be watered every other day. The next day after watering, the soil in the aisle is loosened. For the growth of greenery, dill is fed nitrogen fertilizers every 10-14 days. Fast acting fertilizer for green cropsammonium nitrate. The number of dressings - no more than two for the period of growing greens.

Attention! So that dill greens do not accumulate nitrates, the amount of nitrogen supplements should not exceed twice per season.

As flower stalks form and seeds mature, the greens become unsuitable for cutting, fibrous and not juicy. It is recommended to leave several plants on the site to collect seeds at the end of summer, add them to conservation and use for medicinal purposes.

Diseases and pests

A feature of dill plants is a strong susceptibility powdery mildew. Various varieties to some extent subject to this mushroom disease. The main control measure is prevention. Complex preventive measures includes:

  • choice sunny place for landing;
  • regular watering and loosening;
  • unthickened crops;
  • observance of the alternation of cultures.

Fungicides can only be used on plants that are grown for seeds. If the cut is carried out less than once a week, then the bed can be treated with 1% blue vitriol. Of the biological preparations, Alirin B is suitable. If blackening of the shoots is noticed, then the plants are affected by another fungal disease - phomosis.

Of the pests on dill, bugs and some types of aphids can settle. To combat them, use mechanical removal and wash off the pests with a strong jet of water.

Greenhouse cultivation of dill

In a greenhouse, dill can be grown throughout the year. He needs an average daily air temperature of at least 16 ° C. From the end of September to the end of March, dill needs to be illuminated. With a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe greenhouse, it is better to choose sodium lamps for illumination. For small areas, the industry is now producing blue-red LED lamps.

Reference! For illumination, it is enough to artificial light turned on for 2-3 hours in the morning and 3-4 hours in the evening.

Potentially, the yield of dill in the greenhouse is higher than in the open field. Maintain high soil fertility, add new soil before each sowing. However, with high humidity in the greenhouse, powdery mildew may develop.

Watch the video! Growing dill in a greenhouse in autumn. Harvesting by thinning

winter sowing

Sowing dill before winter is carried out in mid-October, before a stable snow cover falls. It is better that the seeds do not have time to germinate. In early spring, as soon as the snow melts, these seeds will germinate quickly and produce greens faster than when sown in spring.

If the sprouts have sprung up, the bed should be covered with foliage or straw, the greenery will safely endure the winter, and in the spring it will quickly start to grow. Young branches will be especially fragrant!

How to plant dill on the windowsill?

When growing dill greens on a windowsill, plants are often oppressed due to lack of light and nutrients. Sprouts are thin and pale, grow very slowly and sluggishly.

Thus, growing dill on the windowsill has a number of features:

  • In autumn, winter and spring, sprouts need additional lighting;
  • The soil for growing greens must be highly fertile;
  • It is more convenient to use a container for sowing;
  • Greens on the windowsill should be fertilized more often with compositions based on biohumus and microelements.

For a more complete development of the technology of growing dill, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the video.


Thus, planting and caring for dill is not too burdensome. It is important to choose the right place for the beds and regularly perform all activities. The result will definitely be, and the plants will give a lot of delicious fragrant greens and valuable seeds. And if desired, dill will grow on the windowsill!

Watch the video! The subtleties of growing dill. How to sow dill in open ground

To grow a vegetable crop, it will take much more time than to care for the greens, which are also rich in vitamins. Parsley, for example, contains folic acid, which stores the body with energy, contributes to the work of the heart muscle and brain. Dill has a whole set useful substances beneficial effect on the joints and digestive system. Doctors advise to use the green gifts of nature daily. Greens are easy to grow both on the site and on the windowsill. How to plant dill and parsley in the country? This will be discussed further.

What does dill need when planting?

To get the expected results when growing dill, you need to familiarize yourself with some of the features of this plant:

  • dill loves moist soil;
  • grows poorly on poor lands;
  • he needs as much as possible;
  • quite resistant to cold weather;
  • crop seeds contain a lot essential oils, and because of this, they rise for a long time.

Taking into account all these subtleties, you can understand how to plant dill correctly, in which area to sow it and what part to take in its cultivation.

How should dill be planted?

Since the culture can tolerate air temperatures down to -4 degrees, seeds are scattered already from mid-spring. Their germination occurs when it is +3 degrees outside, and best temperature for green growth is +15 ... +20 degrees.

Well, now about how to properly plant dill. To receive you need to early harvest, seating should be started in the first ten days of April. Of course, if the temperature is acceptable for this. Seeds should be sown once every two weeks to ensure continuous growth of the young crop.

Ideally, dill takes root on neutral porous soil. Heavy soil is not suitable for him.

How to plant dill and parsley in the country? Yes, very easy! First you need to prepare a garden bed (preferably in the fall, so that you can sow the seeds early in the spring). Next, you need to dig the soil to a depth of 20 cm, add humus to it. Already in the spring, it remains only to carefully level the surface of the soil, create indentations of 2 cm in it, make a distance between rows of 20 cm, moisten the ground and sow the seeds. Top them with loose soil, lightly tamping it down. Seedlings should not be watered. Seeds can go deep into the soil along with water.

What do parsley like?

This crop is more demanding than dill. Parsley loves the land provided with fertilizers, moderately cold and damp. It germinates well after tomatoes and potatoes, it can take root next to carrots. In order for the plant to begin to bush, it is necessary to fertilize the soil with rotted manure before sowing the seeds and how to mix the fertilizer with the soil.

Planting a crop

Interested in how to plant dill and parsley in the country? It has already been said about dill, but now we will talk about parsley in more detail. The advantages of a green plant are that it is unpretentious to light. You can safely plant parsley in the shade. However, in areas under the sun, sprouts will sprout a little earlier.

First of all, it is necessary to lay out the seeds of the culture on wet gauze, which is spread on a flat object, and set them aside for 3-5 days. Then, when sprouts begin to appear, they should be planted in the ground.

Process of sowing parsley

How to plant dill and parsley in the country if the goal is to get a rich harvest? Everything is already known about dill, and now more about parsley.

The soil must be prepared in advance, before planting seeds. Gently weed the weeds, plow the ground and break up the clods. Create paths 2 cm deep, keeping a distance of about 10 cm between them. It is better to take care of this in advance, apply mineral fertilizers to the soil in the autumn. And in the spring, you can add potassium-phosphorus compost, urea and

And parsley does not need to be soaked, you can sow them in the ground and dry. But in this case, parsley will germinate much later.

After the whole process with planting, it is advisable to cover the sowing place plastic wrap. This will protect the seedlings from a sharp cold snap. AT without fail crop beds need to be watered, especially in dry weather.

Parsley and dill at home

Not everyone has summer cottages to plant crops on them. vegetable crop and greenery. But everyone has a window sill in the apartment. This is a great place to grow plants. For this you will need:

How to grow dill and parsley?

At home, planting such a crop is not difficult at all, but it would be nice to get acquainted with some plant varieties before planting. First you need to know what varieties of dill exist:

  • early ripe (Gribovsky, Grenadier) - it is already possible to harvest 35 days after the first sprouts;
  • mid-ripening (Aelita, Richelieu) - these varieties give more leaves and greenery itself, the crop can be harvested 40-45 days after germination;
  • late-ripening (Salyut, Kibray) - create luxurious and fragrant greens, these varieties have an increased amount of useful substances.

Seeding process

How to sow dill and parsley? Parsley will be discussed a little later. First, the seeds will need to be placed in warm water per day, which should be updated every 6 hours. Then it is necessary to dry them slightly and immediately disperse them into sufficiently nourished soil.

Dill seeds should be planted in beds at a distance of 15 cm in previously prepared recesses or simply in the ground, sprinkling a 2 cm layer of earth on top. In the end, you need to cover home garden polyethylene and put it away for a week in dark place where the air temperature will not be less than +20 degrees.

culture care

Sowing dill and parsley requires certain knowledge in this matter. What exactly dill needs:

  • a sufficient amount of moisture (constantly water, especially during seed germination);
  • top dressing with complex mineral fertilizers (the land should be fertilized once every two weeks after watering);
  • air temperature (the most favorable for dill is from +18 to +21 degrees).

Growing parsley

Parsley, like dill, can also grow at home without any problems. It comes in two varieties: root (its roots are used in cooking, medicinal decoctions are prepared from them) and leaf (to obtain fragrant and beautiful greenery to the table).

What plant varieties exist?

  • root (Berlin, Sugar and Harvest) - these varieties are early-ripening, as well as late-ripening, suitable for long-term storage and for drying;
  • leafy (Bogatyr, Curly Sue and Esmeralda) - they are bred because of the fragrant and luxurious greenery.

Leaf parsley has two types of leaves: curly and simple (they are spectacular when decorating dishes). Plucked leaves retain their freshness and smell for a long time, and also do not turn yellow for almost a week. Leafy greens grow back very quickly after being cut.

How to prepare seeds and plant them?

First you need to wet gauze or a cotton cloth in and put the seeds in it. Then wrap the gauze in parchment and put in a cold place. Seeds should be there for a week. It is necessary to soak the rag every day and weather the seeds. In a week they will be ready for planting in the soil.

How to sow dill and parsley in a container? Dill has already been mentioned above, but parsley needs to be sown to a depth of 0.5 cm and sprinkled with a layer of earth on top. Then cover the container with polyethylene and hide in a dark and cool place. The soil itself must be covered with a cloth soaked in water and watered every 2-3 days.

The seeds should be looked after, moistening them daily with a sprayer and airing. After three days, the first sprouts should sprout. Now the gauze can be removed, and the container can be transferred to the windowsill, where there is a lot of light. It is necessary to spray the young parsley with water as often as possible. Young stems need to be thinned out, leaving a distance between them of at least 4 cm.

parsley care

Sowing dill and parsley, as well as caring for them, is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. What can be said about parsley now? What does she love? There are some requirements for caring for her:

  • infrequent watering (every 3-4 days), it is unacceptable if the soil dries out or is excessively wet;
  • top dressing with a solution of superphosphates (5 g per 1 liter of boiled water), carried out once a month;
  • air temperature: the best is from +22 to +24 degrees (parsley does not tolerate cold and drafts).