How do plants live? Home garden: what is needed to care for indoor plants? Houseplant Care Kit

Marina Khaibulaeva

Synopsis of joint activities on the organization of labor of children of middle preschool age in nature - "Care for indoor plants" using step-by-step cards.


* contribute to the consolidation of children's knowledge about indoor plants of the group: their names, distinctive features of appearance and methods of caring for them using symbols;

* contribute to the development of the ability to care for plants, using a model of the labor process for this: set a goal (help the plant to feel good again); choose the object of labor (a plant with drooping leaves, the earth is dry, gray, select tools and material; perform labor actions in the correct sequence (hold the watering can with both hands, put the spout on the edge of the pot, pour over the whole earth, a little, wait until the water is absorbed and will appear on the pallet); get the result (watered plant, which will soon feel good);

* contribute to the education of the desire to take care of indoor plants, understanding the need to help a living being.

Materials used in the lesson:

Demo- schematic models - cards with symbols of plant care techniques, operational cards.

Dispensing- Aprons for each child, tools: rags for each child, a basin of water, watering cans with water, sticks for loosening the soil, oilcloths, a sprayer.

Enrich the dictionary with the words: plant care, watering, pan, settled water, clod of earth; fix the names of plants: clivia, balsam.

Preliminary work. Observation of the plant (familiarity with the features of appearance, structure, observation of plants in favorable and unfavorable conditions (lack of moisture, a series of experiments to identify the need for moisture in plants, observation of the work of a teacher in watering plants in a corner of nature (acquaintance with the model of the labor process).

Methodical methods:

1. A problematic situation with the use of a game character.

2. Talk with children about the basic needs of indoor plants.

3. Examination of plants to identify the distinctive features of their appearance and methods of caring for them, using symbols.

4. Organization of the labor process using models - step-by-step cards.

5. The joint work of children, the help of the educator.

6. Summing up the results of joint activities.

The course of joint activities with children.

1 part

The game character Carlson arrives, sad (he flew into the open window while airing during the son hour). Greets each child.

Educator. Something our Carlson is sad. Let's ask him what happened.

Carlson. He tells his story, how he flew past the kindergarten and saw such beautiful and well-groomed flowers outside the windows on the windowsills. His only flower lives with him on the roof, which his friend Kid gave him, but something happened to him, he probably fell ill.

My favorite plant was as beautiful as in the picture (model shows)

and now it has become like this (shows the plant)

I don’t know what happened to him, I feel sorry for the plant, that’s why I cry.

Educator. Children, do you feel sorry for the plant? Let's take pity on him, say kind words to him: good, don't cry, we will help you, you will become beautiful and healthy again.

Educator. Why did the Carlson plant become like this? What do plants need to feel good? Listen to what the plant is asking for. Carlson, your plant needs to be looked after and it will recover.

Carlson. And I don't know how to take care of plants, and now, probably, my plant will die.

Educator. Can we help Carlson? How? (We can teach him how to care for plants.) Shall we teach Carlson how to properly care for plants? (We will;)

part 2

Educator. How do we want the plant to feel? (Good.) So that it becomes what? (It is spoken with the children: so that the plant feels good, so that the leaves look up, so that the stalk looks up, so that the earth is wet.) In order not to forget about this, we will put a picture (the model is a plant in good condition)

Educator. What plant is now? (The plant is being examined: the state of the leaves, stem, earth.) In order not to forget which plant it is now, we will put a picture (the plant model is in an unfavorable condition)

The plant needs more help. What else do we need for this? To do this, you need to choose the right tools, or helper items.

Carlson. I know what it takes. (Brings an empty watering can. The empty watering can is examined, it is discussed why it cannot be used for watering.)

Educator. What kind of watering can you take? Water is collected in a watering can in advance so that the water settles and is at room temperature. And what other helper items do we need to help our plants? Children name the rest of the objects. In order not to forget what we need, we will put a picture (model - means of labor: a watering can with water, oilcloth, a basin of water, rags, a stick for loosening the soil, a sprayer)

Now what are we going to do?

Children: And now we will take care of the plants.

Educator: That's right, but first, we must consider the plants we have chosen for care (Clivia and Balsam) and determine what our plants love and what kind of care each needs. And the card schemes that are glued to each pot of a houseplant will help us with this. (The plants are considered, the name of the plant, the distinctive features of the appearance are remembered, the methods of caring for them are determined using the symbols.)

Carlson: Well, now you can start caring for the plants?

Educator: Yes, but only for this, we need to remember where we start, because caring for a plant is not only watering it.

Children: First, we take care of the leaves of the clivia, we wipe the leaves, and spray the balsam, then we wipe the pots, then wash the pallets, after that we loosen the soil in the pots and only water the plants last. (If children find it difficult to determine the sequence of ways to care for plants or have forgotten something, draw the attention of children to operational cards)

Educator: Well done guys, you remembered well all the steps for caring for plants, now you can get to work, but first you need to put on aprons and roll up your sleeves. Now we will distribute who will do what work, I will help you. (After the distribution of duties, the children go to the table with tools and choose an assistant item for themselves) And you, Carlson, carefully look and remember what the guys are doing.

Children perform tasks under the supervision of a teacher, the implementation of actions comes to watering.

Carlson. I remembered how to water, can I show you? (He holds the watering can with one hand, pours water on the leaves, under the root, wants to pour all the water out of the watering can at once.)

Educator. Why can't you water the leaves? Why is it necessary to water the earth? (Children explain and show how to water correctly.)

Educator. How much water will we pour?

Carlson. Until it's all over! (Children explain, hold the watering can with both hands, put the spout on the edge of the pot, pour over the whole earth, little by little, wait until the water is absorbed and appears on the pan. Children, focusing on the model of the labor process, independently water the plants

Carlson, together with the teacher, observes the work of children, asks clarifying questions. In case of difficulty, the teacher comes to the aid of the children. At the end of the lesson, the teacher with the game character checks how the children watered the plants.)

Educator. What will the plant be like if we properly cared for it? (Children explain.) In order not to forget, we put a picture (the model is a plant in good condition

part 3

Educator. Carlson, we helped your plant, taught you how to care for indoor plants, now it will get better. We have shown you on some of the plants in our group how to take care of the plants, what conditions are required for different plants and how to care for them to become like: in the picture. ( Shows the model - the plant is in good condition.)Educator. Soon our plants will be as beautiful, healthy as in the picture. (Shows model plant in good condition.) They will feel good. Today we have done two good deeds: we helped the plants (listen to what they tell you) and taught Carlson how to care for his plant.

Carlson. Thank you guys, now my plant will always feel good. I am very happy about it.

Educator. Guys, are you glad you helped the plants? (Emotionally share the joy of children.) Let's give Carlson, in memory of us, this flower - Clivia, so that his flower would have more fun, so that he would not be alone. And you, Carlson, do not forget to take care of your plants and come to us again! Goodbye!.

Subsequent work:


1. to form a conscious attitude to work, ways to achieve the goal with the help of operational cards;

2. to develop the perception of indoor plants as living beings - to notice their unfavorable state, to detect the insufficiency of conditions for their life in the process of observation in everyday life, using the "Models of the functions of living organs", D / games "Confusion".

3. to cultivate interest and love for plants, the desire to care for them both in specially organized classes and in joint activities with children

If you want your pets to grow up and please you for a long time, provide them with proper care and attention. To do this, you need to purchase special fertilizers and additives that stimulate the growth and development of flowers. However, this is not all. To properly care for plants, you need a whole arsenal of special tools.

To grow houseplants, you will need…

Watering can. This is an indispensable tool that will allow timely and competently to moisten the soil under the plants. It is important to note one nuance here. If you have a lot of plants, and they are impressive in size, then get a large watering can that will hold at least 5 liters of water. If your plants are miniature and their number is not more than 10, then a watering can with a capacity of just over 1 liter will be enough.
Spray. Also a must have when it comes to plant moisture. The fact is that some types of indoor flowers require minimal watering during certain periods of growth. In particular, they can only do with surface spraying, which will provide a spray gun.
Scissors. Of course, you can use any scissors that you have in your home if necessary. However, this raises the question of convenience and hygiene. It will be much more correct to have scissors with strong ends that you will use for trimming plants or other similar work.
Transfer blade. It may be needed when you decide to transplant plants. Models that have a wooden handle are especially pleasant to use, as they do not slip out of the hand and do not cause discomfort when doing what you love.
Wire, rings, raffia - all this will come in handy for tying some plants. It looks neat and aesthetic. In addition, using special materials, you will not cause irreparable harm to the plant.
Sharpening knife. It will come in handy every time when it comes to plant propagation. It is very easy and convenient for them to separate the children from the plants, in addition, all cuts are even and neat, which contributes to the rapid healing of wounds on different parts of the plant.
Miniature rakes. Here it is necessary to make a reservation and note. That this device is useful only if your apartment has especially large plants in tubs.
Whatever devices you choose for growing plants, first of all, pay attention to quality and convenience. After all, planting should bring you pleasure, which should not overshadow unsuitable tools.

Encyclopedia of indoor plants Sheshko Natalya Bronislavovna


Plants want to be looked after, and looked after properly. If you consider yourself a florist, get yourself some good plant care equipment. Moreover, it is inexpensive, and there is not much of it. Give them a minimum of attention - and they will be grateful for it. If indoor plants are provided with proper maintenance and good care (they are washed or wiped monthly, they are not poured with cold water, they are protected from drafts), then they usually do not get sick.

To care for plants, special equipment is needed:

Garden knife for stripping the bark;

Grafting knife;

Secateurs for trimming;

Small rakes are useful for loosening the soil in large boxes and tubs;

A small wooden fork will be needed to loosen the soil in the pots;

The scoop is needed for mixing the earth and pouring it into pots;


Small watering can;

Spray gun for spraying plants.

Rice. 12. The simplest equipment for plant care

The acquisition of this simple inventory does not present any difficulties. And for storing all these accessories, it is better to allocate a drawer in the kitchen or on the balcony.

When growing delicate and particularly demanding plants in a winter garden, aquarium or flower window, you will need a thermometer. To care for the leaves (washing, wiping), you will need a soft cloth and sponge. Washing dishes in which plants are planted is done using hard brushes with soap.

All cutting tools must be sharp and kept clean. This is especially important when cutting or forming a bush. A pick peg will come in handy: one end is sharpened, and the other is shaped like a spatula.

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Useful little things

Growing domestic plants has a beneficial effect on the microclimate of the house and apartment, purifies the air, and neutralizes the effect of electronic radiation. Perhaps, planting plants in flowerpots at home is the most beautiful and pleasant way to take care of the health of the household.

In this article, we will talk about what accessories and equipment for indoor plants you will need to equip and care for your home mini-garden.

Before you buy a planter for indoor flowers, decide on 3 factors: size, material and design. The dimensions of the containers must be chosen based on the size of the root system of the selected plant. In this case, it is important to consider exactly where the planter will be located (on the floor, on the table, on the windowsill) or how it will be attached to the wall (using a suspension system or bracket).

Floor planters

Large floor planters for large domestic trees and bushes can be made of heavy or fragile materials - clay, terracotta, thick ceramics. Due to the large volume of land and the weight of the plant, they will not be so easily broken or turned over. Deliberately rough textures, vintage and floor combinations of several pots of different sizes are in fashion.

We recommend the Aged Ceramic series by Esschert Design or the vintage Scandinavian line Katherine by Lene Bjerre. Vibrant flowering plants look great with Burgon and Ball's Mediterranean-inspired Indoor Pots collection, featuring Portuguese ceramic tiles or Tuscan folk embroidery.

Flower pots and planters for windowsills and shelves

Table planters and planters on the windowsill in the presence of active children and pets are quite vulnerable. Therefore, for them, you can choose more practical materials - plastic or metal. If you want to add a touch of old England, Provence or shabby chic to your room, check out Briers' Flower Girl Collection, a navy blue metal herb planter featuring a rose print inspired by artist Julia Dodsworth.

For a bright and flirty accent in a modern interior, get Sophie Conran Collection Burgon & Ball set of cheerful pink potted planters in enamelled steel.

Creative planter options for decorating the interior with indoor plants

Indoor gardening tools

For planting plants and loosening the soil, you will need a shovel and a garden fork. If for working with trees and bushes in floor planters you can do with existing garden tools, then for seedlings and delicate miniature plants you will need special mini flower tools from Esscert Design. They are made of high quality steel, and the ergonomic handles made of natural ash wood are suitable for fine work and do not damage the root system.

In the following articles, we will take a closer look at how to create a beautiful garden on a windowsill or balcony in an urban setting. All of these products can be purchased at the Consta Garden online store with delivery to all regions of the Russian Federation!

The inventory used by the florist in the daily care of indoor plants is actually the tools of his labor. In order for work to be a joy, first of all, there must be inventory. It is difficult to provide the plant with proper watering if there is no watering can. Inventory items should be convenient for the grower and fit their functions.

So, what does a grower need to have in order to provide plants with good care?

watering can has a long narrow spout and a removable nozzle - diffuser. It is convenient to water most plants from it.

Spray gun for spraying plants. It is better to have two sprayers: one for spraying plants with clean water in order to increase air humidity, and the other for spraying chemicals (drugs against pests, plant diseases) for preventive or curative purposes.

Equipment for trimming and shaping the appearance

  • Sharp knife for various purposes- pruning, stripping the bark, grafting.
  • Secateurs for pruning plants with tree-like shoots.
  • Scissors- a versatile tool for various purposes.

Note: All cutting tools must be sharp and kept clean. This is especially important when cutting or forming a bush. A rusty, dull knife or pruner will not cut, but crush the stem or branch.

Equipment for working with soil mixtures
  • small rake useful for loosening the soil in large boxes and tubs.
  • Small wooden fork needed to loosen the soil in pots.
  • Scoop needed for mixing the earth and pouring it into pots during transplantation.

Note: In specialized flower shops, you can often find a set of tools for indoor floriculture - a small rake, fork and spatulas.

Thermometer for controlling the room temperature, especially when growing delicate and particularly demanding plants in a conservatory, aquarium or flower window.

Pick peg: one end is pointed, and the other is shaped like a spatula.

Soft cloth, sponge for leaf care (washing, wiping).

Washing dishes in which plants are planted is done using hard brushes with soap.

Much of what is used in floriculture is sold in specialized flower shops and has a certain cost, but most often these are universal inventory items that are not always suitable for all plants without exception. But human ingenuity knows no bounds - and a variety of, sometimes unexpected, but very convenient improvised means are used.