Decoration of small aquariums. Aquarium: do-it-yourself decoration. Styles and design options for the aquarium Beautiful aquariums with greenery and stones

After buying an aquarium, the first thing that comes up is how best to decorate it. It takes imagination, careful planning, diligence and, of course, the desire to create a miracle to create a stunning design. I will give examples of aquarium design, talk about styles, materials and give useful tips that can help you in the future. I wish that your beautifully decorated aquarium will become the center of everyone's attention!

Back in the early days of aquarism, there was no suitable equipment and no specific information about aquarium design. Most kept their fish in ordinary jars, not even dreaming of more. But time passed and everything changed. The world of modern technology has brought automation and new trends in fashion. There was a whole trend in the design of aquariums, called aquascape. Now in the container you can recreate any natural environment, landscape, even fantastic. It all depends on the idea and the right material.

Design styles

Let's talk a little about styling. There are many of them in the world of decoration art, and each one is unique in some way. Let's consider only the main ones.

dutch style

The role of falling water will be played by sand. Only very small and clean will do for a good visual effect. Here you will need to experiment with the selection. You will also need a tube with a sprayer. The waterfall will work on the principle of injection. Air bubbles rise up. From pressure, small grains of sand are drawn into the tube and, having risen up, fall. In order not to form a hill of crumbling sand, it is necessary to experimentally select the amount of material, air pressure and the diameter of the holes of the underwater waterfall.

Summing up

Whatever theme and style of aquarium design you choose, the main thing is that the reservoir should be comfortable for the life of its future inhabitants. All decorations must be made from durable and non-toxic materials. It is the fish that will be in the spotlight, and all other decorative attributes are only a harmonious addition to the interior, which should fade into the background. I wish you success in the design and creation of your individual underwater kingdom!

Owners of home aquariums are very enthusiastic about its internal arrangement. After all, fish are the same living creatures and favorite pets, respectively, their home should be cozy and beautiful. Properly selected aquarium design is not only living vegetation, but also decorative design with various multiple decorative figures, snags, stones.

At the same time, it is not necessary to contact design agencies, each aquarist will be able to create an unusual and interesting composition that meets the desires of the owner and a comfortable life for scaly creatures.


To date, there are several very interesting and common stylistic solutions for decorating an aquarium, allowing you to create a unique and inimitable composition inside the glass structure. For primary experiments, small aquariums with a volume of 20, 30, 40 liters will do.

If you have at least minimal experience in creating an aquarium design, you can start decorating larger volumes, at least 50 or 60 liters. But in glass structures of large sizes of 200 liters or more, it will be possible to construct a whole underwater town with multiple decorative elements. The aesthetics of the house are not important to the fish, the main thing is that the composition should include nooks and crannies where scaly creatures can hide.

You should familiarize yourself with the most common aquarium styles.


The history of the emergence of this style begins in the 50s of the last century and since then has been widely popular in the world of aquascapers. The main characteristic of the Dutch stylization of aquariums lies in densely planted plants and densely arranged decorative elements that take up almost all the free space. This is especially true of the bottom of the aquarium.

During visual inspection, there should be no empty areas at the bottom of the exposure. For this reason, a large number of plants of different sizes are required, among which a contrasting combination of red and green shades is welcome.

The middle of the aquarium should be framed with snags arranged together or a structure of large stones.


When using this style, it is important for aquascapers to emphasize the maximum interconnection of natural elements. A variety of elements can be used in the composition, for example, stones or driftwood. They don’t have to be spaced far apart, but with creativity, you can group natural elements into a mysterious composition that hides a secret intent.

Having chosen a variation of the design of Iwagumi, the aquarist will need to make an unusual composition of figurines in the form of decorative houses or ships, furnished with Japanese dwarf trees and stones.

Of particular interest in creating a natural style is the variation in the design of wabi-kus. Its distinguishing feature is a moss tussock located above the surface of the aquatic environment.


The presented style of aquarium decoration does not require large expenses from its owner. To create a pseudo-marine environment, you will need to place ordinary soil at the bottom of the aquarium and plant plants that do not require special care. As a backlight, it is preferable to use lamps with blue tones. so that visually the water acquires a marine hue. Shells are used as additional elements to emphasize the marine theme, do not forget about corals, and artificial shells will help to complete the design of this beauty.

The finished composition will delight the incoming guests, it will seem to everyone that they actually fell into the depths of the sea. But in general, such aquariums are considered freshwater, so it is necessary to populate fish that correspond to this environment.


For most aquarists, creating a Dutch style aquarium can be a difficult job, especially for beginners. Therefore, aquascapers managed to create a simplified Dutch theme, which they called the collection style. Its essence lies in the seating of small-leaved and fast-growing plants, which in a short period of time can increase in size and occupy the entire soil.

Collector style is preferred in aquariums with a minimum volume of 100 litres.

For glass structures with a smaller size, the collector design style is not recommended. Otherwise, the entire space will be covered with green plantings, and there will be no free space for fish and other creatures to exist.

rock garden

For most modern interiors of houses and apartments, it is very difficult to enter the usual styles of aquarium design. So, a glass structure decorated in the Dutch style cannot be harmoniously combined with the interior of a high-tech apartment or loft. Japanese designers have managed to find a solution to such a complex issue. They were able to compose the aesthetics of the jewelry while leaving much of the underwater space unfilled.

To do this, you need to use only ordinary soil, sand, a few stones, carpet-type algae and a small flock of small fish. In this case, the most important role is played by stones. It is enough to use only 4 natural elements, where 1 should be large and be the main one, 2 stones should be of medium size and be additional.

But the 4th stone should differ in the most minimal sizes, while it is not necessary to use real stones, they can be purchased at pet stores.

Based on fairy tales

The fabulous style of the aquarium is considered the brightest and most interesting, it is especially often used when decorating aquariums in homes where small children live. Designers were inspired to develop the style of an underwater fairy tale after watching the famous cartoons "Nemo" and "The Little Mermaid". The very first fabulous composition that appeared in the aquatic environment of home aquaria was recognized by aquascapers and still occupies the top rung of the leadership ladder.

The main thing before registration is to strictly follow the rules for creating decor. To begin with, draw up a sketch selected from the cartoon you like, pick up fish in the appropriate color and shape. As additional elements, you may need to purchase shells of bizarre shapes and different sizes, as well as grottoes, corals with neon overflow, and artificial treasures. Small algae, unpretentious in care, will be able to emphasize the beauty of the fairy-tale world.

Children with great pleasure will spend their free time near the fabulous aquarium, especially if the design of the interior space is presented in the composition of the child's favorite cartoon.


Before proceeding with the creation of a special underwater interior design, the aquarist needs to familiarize himself with some rules, which should be followed not only at home, but also in industrial work.

  • The most important thing is the care of underwater pets. They must be removed from the aquarium and temporarily transplanted into a separate tank with the usual aquarium water, which will help to avoid injuries and stressful conditions for pets. After decorating, the fish are sent back to the aquarium with the same water.
  • Particular attention should be paid to the disinfection of decorative elements that will be placed inside the glass structure.

Today, every aquarist can decorate his aquarium with the most unusual elements. They can be purchased at almost any pet store that has a section for marine and freshwater creatures.

Experienced sales consultants will help you choose the appropriate layouts of castles, shells, corals and even stones, which can be used to design an aquarium in accordance with the chosen style.

decorative background

Special attention of aquarists when creating a unique atmosphere inside the aquarium is given to the decorative background. It is sold in the form of a colorful film with different images. The background is attached to the back wall of the aquarium from the outside, which is not only convenient for humans, but also safe for the inhabitants of the aquarium. When composing the composition, the elements of the interior design should smoothly transition into the background edging, thanks to which the aquarium receives a visual volume.

In the recent past, in the markets one could find a decorative background with images corresponding to the underwater world. Today, everyone can buy for themselves the most unusual plain films with a variety of colors, as well as the most unusual patterns, for example, stones of various shapes and sizes or bricks. Backgrounds depicting scenes from famous cartoons are considered separately.

In large stores, you can purchase specialized kits that contain stickers and layouts that match the chosen style of decoration of the aquarium space. To date, there are voluminous decorative backgrounds on sale that are attached to the back wall of the aquarium, but only from the inside. But experienced aquarists know that such decoration can be dangerous for aquarium inhabitants.

If the background film accidentally peels off, the fish will swim behind it, and the pet will not be able to get out of this trap on its own.

natural materials

Most aquarium mock-ups purchased for decorative interior design of glass structures are made from synthetic resins. For this reason, artificial decorations must be thermally treated before installing them inside the aquarium and letting pets in. Along with artificial elements, natural natural decorations, such as driftwood or stones, are in great demand. A lot of time has passed since the idea of ​​decorating aquarium compositions with natural materials arose, and wooden branches are still laid out in the most unusual compositions at the bottom of the aquarium. Quite often, driftwood is used as an imitation of tree roots. In addition, from them you can create an unusual descent of the mountain slope.

In most cases, driftwood is used as a base to secure the moss, which is sold tied and attached with strings to the base. After some time, the green carpet grows and forms an imitation of thickets. Some aquarists, acquiring natural driftwood or finding them on the street, do not process them, which can have a deplorable effect on the state of water and the life of the aquarium world.

Even this natural material must be boiled to rid the wood of harmful bacteria. According to a similar scheme, the processing of natural stones is carried out.

It is worth noting that the stone material, unlike the dummy sold in the pet store, looks much more natural. Just be careful when picking them up. Not all stones are suitable for decorating home aquariums, many of them release lime, which is harmful to living creatures and plants. Quartz stone, basalt, granite or sandstone are best suited as decorating elements.

When forming a stone composition, it is important to take into account the future population of the aquarium, what size they will be, their features and preferences. For example, shrimp creatures like to climb in small caves, and grottoes made of sandstone are preferable to cyclids.

living plants

Special attention in the design of the aquarium is given to plants, because they serve the fish as shelter and food. In addition, they release oxygen, which is a very important advantage for living decorations.

The main thing is that flowering vegetation is safe. Aquarists who are not experienced in this matter are best to contact the specialized department of the pet store, where sales assistants can select suitable live decorations, taking into account the growth rate, living fish and the size of the glass structure. It is strictly forbidden to collect unknown varieties of plants in the wild and plant them inside the aquarium.

An improperly selected shrub, even a miniature size, can ruin aquarium life.

soil and sand

Extremely scrupulous should be taken to the issue of soil selection. Beginning aquarists are advised to purchase ready-made soil mixtures, since it is extremely difficult to take into account all the criteria and features of the layout of the constituent elements when making it yourself. For example, pick up particles of the same size, pick up all the elements of the soil in the appropriate color scheme. Besides, it is important to consider the types of fish that will live in the aquarium, decorative background and compositional design.

In aquariums where only live plants will grow, an extra layer of soil called soylo is used. It is located between the upper and lower bedspreads of decorative soil. It is the salt that nourishes the roots of plants with useful vitamins and minerals. The same applies to the sandy bottom. Although sand is rarely used in aquariums for fish.

artificial elements

To date, there is a huge variety of artificial decorations for aquariums, among which there are both miniature plant bushes and huge background walls located inside the glass structure from the back. These walls may have the design of a mountain slope or an abandoned palace of the underwater king, but it will be very interesting to look at the image of the sunken Atlantis in the decorative design.

The main thing is to remember that all artificial materials must be installed in freshwater aquariums; artificial decor is not suitable for marine fish.

Decoration order

An experienced aquarist without much difficulty with his own hands will be able to correctly compose a composition that matches the chosen style, having previously acquired the necessary decorative elements, plants and soil. And all thanks to the sequence of actions, which is very important to remember for beginner aquarium lovers.

  • it is necessary to understand and choose the appropriate style for the design of the aquarium world, and then independently develop a design;
  • purchase the necessary elements and decor items;
  • process all decorative parts, even natural stones and driftwood, in an appropriate way;
  • fill the bottom of the aquarium with a primer layer;
  • in the case of decorating a live freshwater aquarium, pour soil over the primer layer;
  • the upper part is covered with decorative soil;
  • carefully arrange the processed decorative elements;
  • fix the equipment, namely the compressor, thermometer, lamp, heater;
  • plant plants, making a hole for them;
  • carefully pour water
  • add underwater inhabitants to the aquarium;
  • sea ​​corals are placed at the very last moment after the landing of the fish.

Beautiful and original ideas

Aqua design for fish lovers plays an important role. A simple glass jar with a pair of fish in it is completely irrelevant for a modern person. Aquarium individuals, like any other inhabitant of the globe, have gone through multiple steps of reincarnation, and this applies not only to the external image, but also to the interior of their home.

So Dutch style. Here it is the beauty of greenery, smoothly passing from undersized moss to tall plants. It can be seen with the naked eye that there is no void at the bottom of the aquarium. In every corner there are beautiful bushes of different sizes, complemented by a snag in the depths.

When imagining the natural style of an aquarium space, different design options come to mind, each of which can be translated into reality. In this case it seems that the aquascaper transferred the image of beautiful mountain peaks to the expanses of the underwater world. Aquarium inhabitants feel extremely cozy and comfortable in such an environment. At the bottom, low-growing shrubs of various shapes are visible, each of which fits perfectly into the overall composition.

Many aquarists find it very difficult to maintain a saltwater aquarium, and this is true. But you can decorate a fresh aquarium in a marine theme, so much so that no one can find the difference.

The main thing is to choose the right scenery, background and lighting. In this version, the owner of the aquarium has thought through all the details to the smallest detail. Bright corals, colorful fish, stone decorations and shells. Only an experienced master will be able to recognize the unusual style.

The beauty and sophistication of the collection style of aquarium design is subtly felt in the presented version. A neat miniature tree, located in the very center, seems to let its roots out, and the rest of the bottom is covered with fast-growing underwater grass, which is easily cut and, if necessary, pinched off.

At first glance, it becomes clear that we are talking about the style of a rock garden. If during the general description it was not clear what the composition might look like, then a good example already makes you show wild imagination. The rocky aquarium slightly evokes coolness and at the same time fascinates with its visual lightness.

Modern dreamlike style aquariums require a modern approach. Any child will tell you that SpongeBob lives at the bottom of the sea.

To make the baby happy, in the aquarium you can make an image of the town of Bikini Bot.

A master class on decorating an aquarium for 100 liters, see below.

People who decide to purchase aquarium fish cannot but be interested in such a question as the design of an aquarium. It is important that this item is in harmony with the interior of the room where it will stand. I want to create a real underwater kingdom. This material is devoted to various aspects of aquarium design, all the nuances are covered.

Necessary materials

Look at the photo of the beautiful design of the aquarium, you will need to additionally purchase a backlight and a special device for enriching the water with oxygen. In order for the inhabitants of the deep sea to feel as if they are in their usual environment, aquarium plants are needed.

Fill the bottom with soil with small pebbles, put driftwood with shells, install castles with ships, create grottoes and make a background.

If you are just going into aquarism, then take your time to shop. First, decide what kind of fish you need. Also be guided by your own taste preferences when choosing a vessel for keeping fish.

Each inhabitant of the "aquarium house" requires special conditions of detention. An aquarium of 100 liters, if desired, can be turned into the Kingdom of Neptune.

Study the habits of the fish you like, especially if you want to take several species. Predatory fish cannot be placed in the same vessel as herbivores. Consult with the seller, he will tell you which species coexist peacefully.


It is believed that the mood in the aquarium sets the ground. It is multifunctional: it is used as a substrate for algae, a natural biofilter. Soil is required for the life of fish. When choosing it, one should take into account the fraction, volume and color.

Give preference to a darker tone, then aquarium fish will not merge with the ground.

Pitfalls with grottoes

When decorating an aquarium with your own hands, remember that you can only use safe materials that do not emit toxins. If you plan to choose your own driftwood stones, make sure they don't release poisonous toxins.

The background

For fish, the background does not play any role, this element is of great importance for the owner. You can make any aquarium background yourself and attach. The easiest way is to paint the back wall of the container from the outside.


Living plants are "lungs", they release oxygen through the process of photosynthesis. Many fish feed on plant foods. And during spawning, algae become a temporary home for eggs. Artificial vegetation of rich colors looks beautiful.


The light in the aquarium is the source of life. Good lighting is a must. Manufacturers produce backlights in various colors. Models are fixed at the bottom and at the top.

decorative elements

If you have not decided yet how to arrange a round aquarium, take a look at the ready-made solutions. Seashells, castles, ships are often used as decorative elements. You don't have to buy them from pet stores.

Figures of divers can be picked up by yourself. The main thing is that they are made from non-toxic materials. Broken shells are not recommended for use: fish can get hurt.

Directions of decoration

If we consider the classic variations, then pay attention to:

  • Biotope Aquarium. A reservoir that actually exists in nature is being recreated.
  • Dutch Aquarium. It is also called natural. This is where plants take center stage.
  • Geographic Aquarium. Registration is carried out for a specific region.

Many beginners in the hobby prefer amateur designs. They use skulls, amphorae and other elements as decoration. The principles mentioned above are not respected.

For a child, you can purchase a colorful children's aquarium. It should not be placed in the nursery, filtration and aeration are noisy during operation, and therefore can wake up the baby.


The special prefix "pseudo" makes it clear that the entourage is created in order to imitate a marine aquarium, where brightly colored fish are settled. Corals, large shells and polyps are placed in the aquarium.

An aquarium in a modern interior can be designed taking into account the natural habitat of the fish. This is the so-called "light version" of the Dutch aquarium. Algae, stones and driftwood are placed in the vessel. An aquarist does not need to know everything about plants. It is enough if he provides them with simple care.

As for the natural aquarium, its main feature is densely planted vegetation. To create an aquascape, you will need to study the life of underwater plants. The algae need to be fed and it is also important to apply the CO2 system correctly.

A themed aquarium gives you the opportunity to realize your dreams or fantasies. Create an underwater world with a sunken ship or Neptune's underwater palace in the background.

Aquarium Glo is a fashion novelty. Everything shimmers in the pond, it looks great at any time of the day. Live fluorescent fish live in them.

The most expensive option

The marine aquarium is designed for keeping saltwater fish. The marine theme always looks advantageous. However, the reservoir itself and its arrangement is expensive.


This aquarium contains only fish of the cichlid family. Peaceful cichdids include scalars, pelmatochromis parrots, labidochromis yellow. But mostly cichlids are wayward predators, and you should not forget about it. You should not buy many fish in one aquarium. Cichlids grow quickly, and adult angelfish have a wingspan of up to 15 cm.

The aquarium for African cichlids is a stone desert where artificial plants are placed. This arrangement resembles a natural habitat.

If you want to create an underwater garden where cichlids live, choose apistogramma or pelvic parrots. When angelfish live in an aquarium, then zoning of the territory is simply necessary: ​​the fish often fight.

What to look out for

  • If you want to place vegetation in the vessel, then first choose unpretentious algae. Place tall plants at the back wall, and low plants at the front.
  • After planting live plants, one should not forget about spraying in the future. Pour water into the aquarium should be without haste. It is better to use a small bucket or watering can for this purpose.
  • Symmetry does not exist in nature, so avoid it when decorating. The chaotic order of placement of decorative elements is what you need.
  • Creating a balanced ecosystem with your own hands will require certain knowledge. This includes a number of important steps. Everything starts with planning. When the vessel is ready and filled with soil and decorative elements, you can pour water.
  • So that the composition does not deteriorate due to the pressure of water, a plastic bag is placed under the jet. Filtration, aeration and lighting are installed. After that, the inhabitants of the underwater depths are released into the aquarium.

Aquarium design photo

Nowadays, the beautiful and fashionable design of an aquarium for a person who keeps and breeds fish is not just entertainment, but a matter of prestige and simply aesthetic pleasure from contemplating the results of their labors.

Psychologists say that an aquarium with fish in an apartment can calm the nerves and normalize the mental state of a person. To do this, it is enough just to organize a recreation area with an aquarium and watch the fish for at least 30-60 minutes. in a day.

Aquarium: do-it-yourself decoration

The most exciting and time-consuming task for all of us in the process of installing and filling an aquarium tank is its correct and beautiful design in the same style as the design of the room.

To date, there are a huge number of accessories that can be placed in the aquarium. Do-it-yourself decoration will allow you to accurately recreate in it exactly the situation that you want to see there. Just do not forget that the main inhabitants of the aquarium are fish. And they need the maximum amount of free space in order to be able to swim freely.

The main components that allow you to design an aquarium (200 liters and all others) are:

  • stones;
  • natural and artificial algae;
  • pebbles;
  • various wooden elements;
  • artificial decorative elements, such as locks, chests, etc.


Let's look at the following steps and examples of aquarium design:

  • laying the bottom with soil;
  • stones and grottoes;
  • decorating the aquarium with the right background;
  • the use of various types of plants;
  • correct selection of lighting;
  • decoration of the aquarium with decorative elements.

Each of them has its own specific rules, which will be described below.

Covering the bottom with soil

The soil for the aquarium bottom is one of the main and essential attributes. Before purchasing it from a specialized store, decide what kind of aquarium you want to have, since this natural material must be purchased according to a specific purpose. Yes, yes, you heard right: a certain type of soil is taken for each target.

So, if small fish will live in your aquarium, then it is best to buy a small type of soil, and coarse-grained or mixed is suitable for large inhabitants of the tank. A similar approach is acceptable when you decide to equip your home with a Dutch-style aquarium, that is, a tank dominated by plants, not fish.

In addition, when choosing a bottom cover, you must take into account the individual habits of the exotic aquarium fish you have chosen. If you have purchased certain types of catfish, then you must remember that they are very fond of digging in the ground. Therefore, you cannot buy shallow soil for them, otherwise there will always be fog in the aquarium. To avoid this, it is necessary to purchase a bottom cover of such a size that they cannot dig it.

It is best to buy a monophonic coating for the aquarium. It is best to choose a dark-colored bottom base, as it will highlight the inhabitants of your fish house.

Before placing the purchased soil in the aquarium, it must be thoroughly rinsed or, ideally, poured over with boiling water.

Stones and grottoes

How is the decoration of the aquarium with stones and grottoes? These details, chosen for decoration, should be made only from natural, natural materials. They should not contain harmful or toxic impurities that, if released into the water, can lead to the death of the inhabitants of the aquarium.

In the case of self-collection of decorative elements in an aquarium, do-it-yourself decoration is carried out only after preliminary processing of all previously collected material in order to disinfect and check for the absence of all elements harmful to the health of the inhabitants of this tank.

Processing of stones and snags

Stones can be treated in the same way as aquarium bottom soil, but pre-treatment of driftwood is somewhat more complicated. To do this, place the selected wooden decor in a container with water (so that the liquid completely covers it) and add salt there until it stops dissolving, then remove the treated driftwood and, after rinsing it with clean water, place it in the purchased tank for fish.

Do not forget that in no case should the aquarium contain elements made of limestone, rubber, various elements, as well as elements coated with paint or enamel.

Also, do not oversaturate the aquarium with decor, especially large-sized elements, such as stones, grottoes, etc., as this leads to a decrease in the useful internal space necessary for underwater inhabitants for their vital movement.

Do not forget that large decor elements should be placed in the corners of the container or in the background so as not to spoil the whole appearance.

Decorating your aquarium with the right backdrop

The so-called background is an important element of aquarium decor. Since the background coating sets the mood for your entire brainchild, you should not choose dark and gloomy tones that carry the spirit of despondency and sadness.

There are several rear options:

  • You can simply paint the back wall of the tank in a color of your choice. This path has its pros and cons. An indisputable advantage is the uniqueness and 100% originality of your brainchild. The list of disadvantages includes certain difficulties with changing the existing background (removing it with a solvent).
  • Background in the form of a colored plastic film, which has an unlimited number of different variations, among which everyone can choose the most suitable for him. In addition, the price of such a film will be almost imperceptible to your pocket, and it can also be installed or removed very quickly.
  • Panels and dioramas in the aquarium. Do-it-yourself decoration in this case is an ideal option, since these parts can not only be purchased at the store, but also made independently using the following materials at hand: small pebbles, driftwood and branches, polystyrene foam and polyurethane foam. But we must not forget about the environmental friendliness and natural origin of the selected materials, so as not to harm the fish. Such decorative elements will always be one of a kind.

Film sticking rules

A similar film can be attached both from the outside and from the inside of the rear wall. If you want to get more saturated colors, then, of course, it is better to stick it from the inside.

Before sticking the film, make sure that the surface of the inner wall of the back of the aquarium is completely dry (to avoid the appearance of bumps). Treat the purchased film around the entire perimeter with a special transparent silicone sealant purchased in advance at the pet store. Never use a conventional sealant, as the consequences of its use may be irreparable for aquarium inhabitants.

If you decide to stick the film inside the aquarium, then you should not feel sorry for the silicone: it is better to coat the film very carefully, especially its upper edge, in order to avoid the possibility of peeling it off. After fixing, wait for the material to dry completely, and only then fill the tank with water.

Decoration of the aquarium with various types of plants: live or artificial

If you have purchased an aquarium and are engaged in its design, then do not forget about the purchase and planting of various types of algae. You don’t need to oversaturate the container with them, but you can’t do without them either, since they saturate the water with oxygen and are food for some fish species.

They also act as a "crèche" for newly born fish, because only by hiding in the algae can they survive, because eating their fry is common among many fish species. Those species of fish that spawn hide it on sheets of algae or under them.

Planting and caring for live aquarium plants

Before purchasing, it is best to consult with the seller in the pet store, he will help you choose the ideal plants, and also tell you how to properly plant them in the aquarium so that they please your eye for a long time.

In any case, there are varieties of aquatic vegetation that do not require landing in the ground. For all others, the thickness of the soil should not exceed 3-5 cm, and it is recommended to choose grains of medium or large sizes. It is this size of the soil that will speed up the process of full rooting of plants. A newly planted plant can be lightly pressed with pebbles or other decorative element. At the same time, its roots should be in a straightened state.

Choosing the right backlight

If you decide to decorate the purchased aquarium with your own hands, then do not forget about the right lighting, because not only the appearance of the tank, but also the health of its inhabitants depends on it, since strength and its spectrum are vital for plants.

To date, there are a huge number of different lights, both external and fully adapted for working underwater, so that everyone can find the option that suits him. To help the novice aquarist, many different manuals have been published that help to properly and quickly design an aquarium. The photos below will help make this process as simple and easy as possible.

Making an aquarium with decorative elements

When designing an aquarium with decor elements, it must be remembered that they must be environmentally friendly and not have harmful impurities, and in no case should the aquarium be oversaturated with them.

You can use both purchased and self-made decor.


To date, there are various styles of aquarium design. All of them are very richly represented in the pictures and photographs posted in our article and in various books on the aquarium business. Also in Russia they can be seen in dolphinariums. Among them, the following options for decorating an aquarium stand out:

  • Biotope, which is the landscape of a single reservoir.
  • Dutch design style, focusing on the richness of the underwater flora, and not on the fish.
  • Geographic - an aquarium with representatives of the flora and fauna of a particular region.
  • The pseudo-sea aquarium is stylized as a seabed without plants, and its inhabitants are fish of bright colors. Since such a tank is decorated with large decorations, such as stones, corals, artificial polyps, shells, and there is almost no vegetation, it is excellent for cichlids. After all, this design of the aquarium for cichlids is ideal.
  • Children's aquariums are designed in accordance with the child's favorite theme (games, cartoons, book plots, etc.).
  • Marine aquarium with inhabitants living in salt water.
  • Futuristic aquariums filled with luminous elements, including special hybrid fluorescent fish.
  • Household and thematic containers created on the basis of human imagination.

The design of the corner aquarium is made according to the same principles as all the others. A variety of types and styles of work by experts in the aquarium business, known throughout the world, will help you in this difficult task. We hope that the recommendations given in this article will help you get a clear idea of ​​​​the future interior decoration of the fish house. In addition, the photos offered by us will help to correctly and beautifully design the aquarium. They will serve as excellent visual aids.

Aquarium decoration

Decorating an aquarium is a worthy and fertile topic for conversation. This is not surprising, because this is a paramount question that people who have just bought an aquarium ask themselves.
Unfortunately, on the Internet this issue, surprisingly, is covered poorly, briefly or fragmentarily. We hope this article will reveal all the aspects and nuances of aquarium design and help you create your own aquarium kingdom.

Due to the volume of this issue, let's divide the article into two sections:

1. MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR DESIGNING AQUARIUM: soil, stones, grottoes, driftwood, background, artificial and live aquarium plants, aquarium lighting, shells, castles, ships.

Materials needed for decorating an aquarium

And so, as you know, in order for fish to appear in your house, you need a vessel and water. However, aquarium keeping is not just a banal keeping of fish, it is the creation of a closed ecosystem, imitation of natural conditions for keeping hydrobionts.

Before you think about the design of the aquarium, first of all you need to decide on your desires and those fish that will swim in the pond. And this is very important! Each individual fish needs its own conditions of detention, its own water parameters, and other conditions. And it is under them that you need to build an “aquarium house”, it is from this that you need to build on. For example, if you decide to get African cichlids and at the same time want to see a garden of live aquarium plants in your aquarium, you initially doom yourself to an actual impossible task. The natural habitat of most African cichlids is the rocky banks of the river. Nyasa and r. Tanganiki, there are no plants here - this is a "stone desert". If you put plants in an aquarium with cichlids, they will pull them out and eat them.
Based on the foregoing, we advise you first, to decide on the fish that will live in the aquarium, to study their characteristics and habits, to find out the conditions for their maintenance. And then proceed and think about the design of the aquarium.

We hope that our video materials will be useful to you and encourage you to be creative!

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The soil is one of the most important elements of an aquarium, it is its mood. It is very important to approach the issue of its choice with special attention, because in addition to decorative functions, the soil plays the role of: a substrate for plants, for spawning and fish life, it is a natural aquarium biofilter. It is important to choose the right soil fraction, it is important to choose the required volume of soil, and only then the color of the soil. On our website there is a good article on the selection and selection of soil, we suggest that you read -
Speaking about the decorative properties of the soil, it is recommended to choose a soil of darker tones, so that the bright and light colors of the aquarium bottom do not overshadow the charm and beauty of the “main heroes of the occasion” - fish.


An important technical nuance when decorating an aquarium with stones, grottoes, caves, etc. is the use of non-toxic, non-poisonous materials. If stones, driftwood are selected and made independently, you need to do everything according to the rules and make sure that they do not emit harmful substances into the water. For sure, decorations should not be made of rubber and metal, no paints and enamels!!!
Speaking about the aesthetic part of the framed reservoir, you should always remember that stones, grottoes, driftwood take away useful area in the aquarium - living space. The amount of such decor is calculated based on the volume of the aquarium and the needs of the fish themselves. In addition, it should be borne in mind that large decorative elements are installed at the edges of the aquarium or in the background. Do not put a huge castle in the middle. This is the same as if people put the refrigerator in the middle of the kitchen, and not in the corner. Aquarium is the amphitheater of life!
DECORATION OF AQUARIUM BACKGROUND. The background of the aquarium for the aquarium inhabitants themselves is not so important. In fact, fish can live without it. The background is more important for a person, one might say - this is an "aquarium screen".
About what aquarium backgrounds are, how to make and attach them, see


The power and spectrum of light is important for aquarium plants - it is their source of life. When it comes to decorating an aquarium, the color of the light is important. To date, there is a huge variety of colors for aquarium lamps. Choose according to your taste! Moreover, there are various bottom aquarium lights in the form of volcanoes, lanterns and LED aerators. .


Aquariums can be decorated with shells, castles, ships, divers, skulls, etc. It is not necessary to buy all this in a pet store. Using such decorations, you need to follow only two rules: non-toxicity and safety. Shells should not be sharp, and divers should be made of frankly toxic rubber.


The classic options for decorating an aquarium for fish are:
biotope- such an aquarium is designed for a specific water landscape of a lake or stream.
Dutch, natural- an aquarium, the main place in which is reserved for plants. The most famous Dutch aquariums are created by a mega-aquarist Takashi Amano, here are his works:

Geographical- such an aquarium is designed for a certain region, it contains fish only from this region.
In the vastness of our Motherland, most often you can find an amateur aquarium where the above principles are not respected. In such aquariums, you can often find castles, amphoras, the same divers, skulls, and so on, so on, so on. In addition, there is an entire industry children's aquariums. Here is an example:

There are other directions in the design of the aquarium.
As the saying goes, how many people have so many opinions.

Aquarium pseudo-sea.

Such aquariums are designed and imitate marine aquariums. The prefix "pseudo" indicates that such a reservoir does not contain marine fish. Only entourage is created!
As a rule, brightly colored fish are selected in such an aquarium, which cichlids often have, for example, elo, demanos, parrots, etc. The aquarium itself is decorated with corals, artificial polyps and sea shells.

Dutch aquarium "light option".

An aquarium close to the natural habitat of many fish. It contains live aquarium plants, driftwood, stones, but "in a lightweight form." Such aquariums do not require special knowledge of plant life from the aquarist. Elementary care for them is the key to success and achieving your goals.

Dutch, nature aquarium, herbalist, aquascaping.

These are densely planted aquariums. Imitating all the beauty of freshwater reservoirs. To create such an aquarium, you need knowledge about plants, you need to study the issue of feeding aquarium plants and the use of a CO2 system for an aquarium. Section of the website .

Amateur, children's, thematic aquarium.

Such aquariums are designed according to a certain idea. As a rule, this is a fiction and fantasy of a person.