Invitation to educational activities for children. We are enrolling children in early development groups! How to get rid of it

Katya (3 years old) watches a fairy tale with her grandmother on TV and comments:
- This is, granny, a bear cub, and this is his dad - a bear cub.

Katya (4 years old) is going to go to the city of Chernyanka with her parents. Mom comes home from work and says:
- Well, everything was decided, we go on Friday.
Katya burst into tears:
- I don’t want to go to Friday, I want to go to Chernyanka!

Arseniy (6 years old)
- I was so scared, my heart even hoarse!

Arisha (4.5 g):
- Give me a towel, any, only pink.

Yanka (4 years old) changes clothes for the arrival of guests on her birthday:
- Well, now I will be so beautiful that it will not seem enough to all of you.

The son suggested that his mother swallow a toy from Kinder Surprise - a small one so that the baby doll plays in the tummy - it does not get bored.

Alice, 7 years old:
- I have already grown to my mother's shoulder!
Elya, 7 years old:
- Yes?
Yes, her mother is short.
- I'm tall. I'm up to her chest. The chest is already over, and I'm still growing.

Evening. A three-year-old toddler watches cartoons (an old cartoon series about a mole). Children's time is ending, it's time to go to bed, about which the mother is tactful to the child and hints: "Son, one more cartoon - and we go to bed."
- Well, put me "Ice Age"!

Matvey, 6 years old:
- I'll go to the toilet at your service first.

Lena, 4.5 years old:
- We were under Peter.
Fedya, 4 years old:
- And how did you go underground?

Dima (7 years old) says at breakfast:
- I don't like to drink tea!
- And why?
- Because I can't hold a spoon in a mug like my dad...

9-year-old Nastenka:
- Mom, when you give birth to a child, you can get a dog. You will still sit at home, there will be nothing to do ...

Masyanya on TV! - Goshenka (2.5 years old) yelled enthusiastically, seeing Vitas for the first time.

history in first grade.
The teacher reads to the children a fairy tale about three little pigs.
So she came to that part of it, where the first pig is trying to collect building materials for his hut.
"... So the piglet went to the farmer with a cart full of hay and said, 'Excuse me, sir, could you give me some hay to build my house?'" The teacher stopped and asked: "What do you think the peasant said to that?"
One boy raised his hand and said, "I think he said, 'Fuck you! Talking pig!!!""
The teacher could not continue the lesson for about 10 minutes.

Mom, how beautiful your perfume stinks!

Lyoshka (5 years old) is sitting at the table, lunch, of course, does not fit, his whole body also sausages in all directions, and here it is on you, head against the wall. Of course we are funny.

The tale "Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka" ends with the words:
- And they began to live better than before!
Olya, 3 years old:
- Of course, they now also have a dacha. After all, the hut of Baba Yaga will now go to them.

A girl of three years old, putting her leg forward, says:
- Mom, mom, look, my legs are so beautiful - crooked!

Elya, 7 years old:
We've been sitting here for an hour!

A 4-year-old child has a sled. The surname is written on the sled under the seat, so as not to be confused with strangers in kindergarten. And the child suddenly asks:
- Dad, we need to erase this inscription, because Maxim has the same sled, and we confuse them.
Dad explains:
- The surname is written here, just the opposite, to find your sled.
The child explains:
- Maxim also has his last name written under the seat. Dad, are you thinking with your head? We can't read yet!


joint event with parents

Intellectual game

"Through the mouth of a baby"

Target:creation close-knit team pupils and their parents


Development vocabulary children, the ability to correctly express their thoughts;

Formation of the ability to work in shift teams;

Involving parents in the life of the group;

Increasing the role of parents in the upbringing of children.

Pedagogical technologies: gaming, ICT, CSR technology.

Class type:interactive game.


Video camera

Screen (eg TV)

3 squeaker toys


Tablets with words

Event progress

Preparatory stage

(carried out with the maximum involvement of active parents)

The educator in advance (about two to three weeks before the event) prints out tablets with words for the video competition "Explainers". Approximate selection of words on different topics: stroller, sadness, blinds, doctor, love, bed, etc.

During the week, the video recording of the “explainers” of the pupils takes place. To do this, the parent-assistant invites the children to pull out one plate with the word from the pack and try to explain it without ever saying the word itself. It is possible to explain one word by 2-3 children. Other children do not know or hear this word.

Note: filming is carried out with the permission of the parents of the group during the day, on a walk.

During the time remaining before the event, the resulting video material is edited and overlaid with music for better perception.

Children learn for the holiday the words of the songs of Lelya and Barbarika “Friendship”, “Strong friendship will not break ...” to the soundtrack.

Group design: children's drawings on the theme "My family", headings-names of competitions.

All interested parents are invited to the game, while 6 parents are selected as players.

Game progress:

The game is played in a group. Children are divided into 3 teams ("blue", "red" and "yellow") as a result of a draw and are seated in rows. Six parent players are distributed in 2 and sit at the board facing their team.

Sounds like a musical recording from the m / f "Naughty Monkeys"


Dear friends! Today we have gathered about a pleasant event: we have a game - “Through the mouth of a baby”. And if last year the parents of the children came to our performances as spectators, today they are members of the teams.

So, the Blue Team and its captains ... (parents introduce themselves)

"Red Team" - .... "Yellow team" - ....

What helps a team win? (friendship)

Let's make it work, let's sing a song about friendship!

Performance to the soundtrack by the whole group of the song “Strong friendship will not break ...”

Are the teams ready for the game?

Let's start the competition! And we will be judged by an independent jury from among the guests ... (I imagine)

1. "Stories"(15-10-5 points respectively):

Parents - team players should remember their, if not infancy, then at least childhood and tell a funny story. Oddly enough, they were also small ...

The results of the competitions after the comments of the jury are posted on the board.

2. "Explainers"(15-10-5 points)


Our group correspondent ... (I represent the mother of the child) asked the students of our group a variety of questions about the meaning of some words. Children coped with the task with honor, but will adults understand them?

Attention to the screen! Captains play! (parents guess the words)

3. "Riddles"(15-10-5 points)

Now we have to find out if children will understand adults. Three attempts are possible.

Parents pull up signs with words and explain them to their team without naming them. If the word is not guessed by the children, the move goes to the other team. Possible options words: light, kindness, walk, punishment, elevator, anchor, family.

4. "Overtaking"(10 points)

Answers are given at the signal of the "tweeter" - who is faster. Wrong answer in any of the 3 attempts - the participant is eliminated. For guessing the word at least on the third attempt - 10 points.

We use it from morning to evening, and when we have lunch, and when we are in class.

Without this, we will not be able to utter a single sound.

It helps us to find out what we ate - sour or sweet. (language)

It comes in different colors.

Children cry from him.

First it's big, then it's small. (soap)

It appears in a person when they say affectionate words or give something.

When a person is joyful, it appears up to the ears.

She decorates a person. (smile)

All people have it.

He's close, but you can't bite him.

If it were not there, it would not be possible to bend the arm. (elbow)

Some people believe that this is a decoration on the face.

Others think that nature gave us this in order to show when a person is proud and when he is sad.

Clowns are red. (nose)


Well done players! The most friendly team won ... (prizes). The rest - certificates of participants (both children and parents). Many thanks to all participants!

Still, friendship prevailed. Let's end by singing a song about her.

The song of Lelik and Barbariki "Friendship" sounds to the soundtrack.

// Photo: Frame of the program "Through the mouth of a baby"

Very soon, the popular program “Through the Mouth of a Baby”, familiar to many of our compatriots since the late 90s, will return to television screens. This time, the NTV channel has prepared a lot of surprises for the audience. In addition to the fact that the project now has a new host - Alexey Kortnev - from August 20 on the air we will also see those who are already well known and loved by fans of the family show. On the eve of the new season, StarHit decided to find the participants of previous seasons and ask them about how their lives have changed after participating in the program. Many of them have remained the same - the same open view of the world, a penchant for self-knowledge and many other qualities that they are remembered by the domestic audience.

Mark Amodeo has become a real star. On the Internet you can find a cut of the program “Through the Mouth of a Baby” with his participation. According to Mark, until 2010, participation in the program did not affect him in any way. Only many years after participating in it, his brother edited the videos with Mark's participation in one video and posted it on Youtube and social networks. It was a birthday present. The video can be called fateful, because the girl Lisa, with whom Mark is now dating, after seeing the recording, decided at all costs to find this cute baby with brown eyes.

In 2010, she wrote to him with the general flow of fans. According to Mark, at that time he received 3-5 letters a day, and then he answered Lisa with a standard set of phrases. And already in 2014, our hero was reviewing chats, stumbled upon a dialogue with a pretty girl and decided to resume the conversation with her.

“Before introducing Mark to my mother, I sent her that cute cut from the program,” Lisa tells StarHit. - And the very next this video was in the phones of all my sisters, grandmothers, aunts. This fact was somewhat embarrassing for Mark.

As it turned out, the young man himself remembers little from the period when he took part in the show. “In general, my main memories are connected with the stories of relatives,” Amodeo clarifies. - After all, I was 3.5 years old then, and I don’t remember much. I was told that the shooting took place in kindergarten"Ray". A film group arrived, chose 5-7 of the most restless children who interfered with sleep in quiet time. Filming took place over 4 or even more hours my grandmother was with me. When everything was filmed, we rolled out of this studio like koloboks, fled, no one wanted to go home, everyone was overexcited. Grandma says she couldn't get me home. Two employees of the film crew came out, one of them started talking to me, the other dressed me. And then they brought me back, they said: “Here is your grandson.” And sent home."

// Photo: Frame of the program “Through the Mouth of a Baby”, Personal archive

Victoria Savinkina and Zhenya Sobolev were noticed by the producers at a concert at the art school. Thanks to the program, they have been friends for over 25 years!

“Zhenya and I met back in the sandbox,” Vika tells StarHit. Both he and I were less than a year old at the time. Parents saw that we get along well and began to agree on joint walks. We have great relationship like a brother and sister. But it was not always so! Honestly, after filming the program, Zhenya and I were very nervous: “The whole country will see us together! We'll have to get married!" And then we agreed right on the shore - there can be no romance and love between us! I think this is the secret of the longevity of our friendship.”

“What a good time it was! - Zhenya continues the story of a childhood friend. - Vika and I even received a prize in one of the nominations - we won Askorbinka. I think that was the name of the Oscar statuette in our program. The impressions from participation were the brightest. I especially remember the people who worked with us - Igor Zhurin and Sergey Pekhletsky. She and the kids got along great and did everything to make the shooting fun and relaxed.”

The guys also admitted that sometimes they review the recordings of the program “Through the Mouth of a Baby” together. And we are sure that it was this program, in addition to toys, encyclopedias, souvenirs, that gave them the biggest gift - vivid childhood memories.

Daria Pokusaeva herself starred in the program “Through the Mouth of a Baby” when she was 8 years old. And she came to the shooting of the new season with her six-year-old daughter Taisiya. “This program is one of the most wonderful stories that happened to me in childhood,” Dasha admits. - When I found out that NTV was reviving Through the Mouth of a Baby, I immediately went with my daughter to the casting. This is the most unique and kindest experience! Perhaps someday I will be able to take off my granddaughter! And what a cool thing - such a dynastic story will turn out!

Daria noticed that the filming conditions had changed. AT new version programs, the age of the young participants has changed: if earlier at the age of 7 the child was just beginning to explore the world, then modern children of the same age are a real walking encyclopedia. When Dasha participated in the program, her parents did not even know that their daughter was filming for the central television channel. And when their daughter told them about it, at first they did not believe it.

“Mom called the principal of the school. He confirmed that there were filming and said that only his permission was enough to participate in the program. Mom was delighted and upset at the same time: “How so! You were in such ugly pantyhose and without a bow!”

Surprisingly, Margarita Elshevskaya did not see a single issue of “Through the Mouth of a Baby” with her participation. However, it was after these shootings that she firmly decided to connect life with creativity. “I was very flattered that after the broadcast the neighbors recognized me and were touched,” says Rita. - I participated in the program two or three times, once with the song "Cursed Lips". I remember how my classmates were embarrassed and almost hysterical in front of the camera. I was completely calm and enjoying myself, not paying attention to the film crew and equipment at all, calmly communicating with an adult asking questions.”

Through the Mouth of a Baby was a small start to her career. Rita met the head of the musical theater, participated in the production based on Tolkien's "Finrod-zong". Now the girl serves in the X-Libris dance theater and plays the main roles in performances.

“I went to this for quite a long time,” Rita admits. - For the first year and a half, I generally sat behind the scenes. But my natural stubbornness overpowered, and I still went on stage. Moreover, the children's success story haunted me for a long time.

Viewers will be able to watch the new season of the program “Through the Mouth of a Baby” from August 20 at 09:10 on NTV.

On NTV there is a family intellectual show “Through the Mouth of a Baby”, which will help adults get to know their children better. As before, participants will compete among themselves in guessing words. All the complexity and comicality will consist in the fact that the concepts will be explained by kids who are just starting to learn about the world around them.

For the first time, the program “Through the Mouth of a Baby” went on the air in 1992.

In the new version of the program, new ones have been added to the already familiar rubrics. So, in one of them, adults must guess the course of an interrupted conversation with a child. But the main innovation of the family show was the Winners super game. In it, adults and children change places. Now the kids have to understand the explanations of the adult. The participant who can speak the children's language and explain the words to them will win a special prize for the team.

The filming of the program takes place in a studio equipped with a huge screen, on which the video messages of the kids will be shown. Both ordinary couples and show business stars will be able to try their hand at the Mouth of a Baby project.

Elena Deeva

Scenario of an intellectual and educational game for parents in kindergarten on the topic: « From the mouth of a baby» .

Prepared and conducted by the teacher Deeva E.V.

Tasks: draw parents to cooperate with teachers and with each other, to cultivate the desire to actively participate in entertainment, to form the need to conduct free time in a variety of creative activities.

Description of work: intellectually- educational game « From the mouth of a baby» intended for parents. During games parents in a playful way, they consolidate knowledge on cognitive and speech development children.

Equipment: musical mallets, portrait children's writer Sergei Mikhalkov, audio recording of the song Pinocchio, video recording with an excerpt from the cartoon "Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin the Serpent, illustrations depicting a governess, boxes with purchases, a giraffe, an organ, mushrooms, a tram, prizes for participants games.

Game progress:

Three couples play parents. From parents are chosen by the jury. Players take places at the tables, on the tables there are musical mallets.

1Competition "Reasoners"

Parents it is proposed, with the help of children's reasoning, to find out who the children are talking about. Three attempts are given. The fewer attempts the players used, the more points the team receives. (1 attempt - 3 points, second -2, third - 1 point)

Task for the first couple players:

1 This children's writer. His poems were known even by our grandparents. They liked them very much.

2 He lived long life. His children and grandchildren became famous people.

3 His most famous character wears a uniform. Always protecting everyone.

(Sergey Mikhalkov) (portrait display)

Task for the second pair of players.

1 This children's song, it was composed 20 years ago. She is cheerful, you just want to jump under her, clap your hands.

2 This song was invented for the film, there is still a lot of different music. The movie was based on a book written by Alexei Tolstoy.

3 The song is called by the name of the main character - a cheerful, long-nosed little man.

(Pinocchio) (listen to song excerpt)

Task for the third couples:

1 This is a cartoon. Generally he children's but adults love to watch it too. There, the characters talk cool, all the time they make fun of each other.

2 This hero in the picture of Vasnetsov is drawn with two epic heroes.

3 The cartoon has the protagonist. He is big and strong, he has a heroic horse that can talk.

(Alesha Popovich) (Viewing a fragment from the cartoon)

Second competition "Riddles"

Parents It is proposed to answer the question correctly in three attempts. The fewer attempts are used, the more points are awarded for it. Three questions are given for each pair, if the pair gives a wrong answer, the pair willing to answer answers.

Questions for the first couple:

The car has

There is a circus

Has the phone (room)

We have a lot in the river

Needed in ice

Sometimes sugar (sand)

A person has two

When it hurts, into it "shoots",

The grasshopper has it on his leg (ear)

Questions for the second couple players:

We have in the group

Needed by chess players

They make the floor (board)

He needs a compass

They float on it

Sometimes rescue (a circle)

Lies in the sea

They wash dishes in it

Inside a pearl (sink)

Questions for the second couple

She eats grass

Spinning around the tank

Turns into a butterfly (caterpillar)

Used to be at home

She's warm

She was stoked with wood (stove)

She is spotted

Lives with his grandmother in the village,

Gives milk (milk)

Third contest "Explainers"

Each pair is invited to listen to the child's explanation, guess what it is about, answer the question on the first try. Two attempts are given, two points are awarded for the correct answer on the first attempt, and one point on the second.

Task for the first couple:

1 Previously, there were a lot of them abroad, but we don’t have them. Now we have them too, but the Indians and Chukchi do not have them. We don't have them at home.

2 She takes care of the baby, only it's not her baby, she was hired to take care of it. If she does it poorly, she can be fired. (governess)

Task for the second couple:

1 They appear and disappear. There are pink and blue. Boys have one, girls have another.

2 I want everyone to always buy me ... Girls think about rich and smart suitors, this is a completely useless task. (dreams)

Task for the third couples:

1 It happens in the store and in the market. Sometimes beautifully packaged, sometimes not. It’s better not to go with dad for this.

2 The millionaire has big ones, we have so-so. We drag, drag, barely drag home. Actually, the more the better. (Purchases)

Competition "Overtaking"

The host reads the questions to the players, the couple who guessed first hits the musical hammer. If the answer is wrong, the next couple who hit the musical hammer answers. Two points are awarded for each correct answer.

This is a plant that grows in the forest. They love the sun and moisture. They do not grow in a swamp and are different colors. People love to collect them, they are edible and inedible.


There is usually a hustle and bustle during rush hour. The driver sits in front. It's like a bus, but it runs on wires and on rails.


This is musical instrument. The keys are white and black. They put it in large halls, there, in addition to the keys, there are many pipes, they play it with both hands and feet.


He lives in hot countries yellow color, the tail is short with a tassel, runs fast. Eats foliage, and helps him in this long neck.


The hostess makes circles from the dough, puts the filling there, then cooks everything in a saucepan.


At the end the jury sums up the games, rewards the winners with diplomas and prizes, other participants - with prizes

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