How to plant watermelons in open ground. How to plant watermelons with seedlings and seeds in open ground: schemes and planting rules. The choice of variety and location on the site for growing watermelons

If you have long dreamed of growing watermelons on your own in a country house or garden in the open field, but did not know where to start, then this article should definitely help you! A minimum of rules and a little patience - and the work will be rewarded!

The content of the article:

A lot has been said about: sweet juicy fruits are indicated for diseases of the heart and blood vessels, kidneys, liver, salt metabolism disorders, obesity and many other ailments. It is the richest source of potassium, magnesium, iron, folic acid, vitamins, acids and pectin substances. However, many are simply afraid to buy watermelons for fear of being poisoned by them. It's no secret to anyone that unscrupulous entrepreneurs growers increase the dose of pesticides and fertilizers in order to get more high yield. Naturally, natural is much healthier and safer for our health.

Watermelons are very demanding on heat and light; it is not for nothing that they are considered one of the most heat-loving crops. Seeds will germinate at a temperature of at least 15 degrees, and temperature norm for flowering, a value from plus 18 to 20 ° C (in the morning) and up to 25 degrees - in the daytime will be considered. As soon as the daytime temperature drops below 20 ° C, plant growth will slow down. Choose seeds not early maturing varieties, but also not characterized by long maturation. Many summer residents praise the varieties of watermelons Ogonyok and Sugar Baby. They differ from other varieties of watermelons with an average size of 4–6 kg and a dark green color without clearly defined lines, the flesh is dark red, and the stones are black.

Watermelon is drought-resistant due to its well-developed, powerful root system, but at the same time it does not tolerate shading.

Growing watermelons: what soils are suitable

Suitable for growing watermelon sandy soils, warming up in the sun and protected from strong winds. Absolutely unsuitable is too moist land, with a heavy mechanical composition and characterized by being near groundwater. The best option- neutral or alkaline soil, but not sour, where very small fruits will grow, which will have time to crack while still green. Change planting sites every year - this is good for the soil: on next year instead of watermelons, it is better to plant corn or wheat.

Before planting, the seeds should be soaked in water at a temperature of 50 ° C until they peck. After that, they are sown in open ground at a soil temperature of 12 to 14 ° C (end of the first decade of May). By the time of germination, it will already warm up to 18 ° C.
The first shoots will appear after 8-10 days, which will be considered the norm. If the ground is still cold, then the germination time increases, and the seedlings may simply die. This can also lead to the development of pathogenic flora in seedlings, which will further adversely affect their development during the growing season.

Hence the conclusion: with unsuitable natural conditions the sowing date of seeds is transferred to the third decade of May.

Each hole should be filled with ash (1 tablespoon) mixed with earth, humus and nitroammophos (1 teaspoon). In the future, this will increase yields by about 20%. The seeding depth is 5-8 cm. After sowing, mulch the soil surface with humus so that a crust does not appear, which can harm the seedlings when they emerge to the surface.

To accelerate the growth of watermelon, various shelters are used: from simple individual ones to group film ones. At the same time, even simple shelters film increase the temperature, thereby accelerating ripening by two to three weeks. In addition, with the help of such devices, you will protect plants from pests such as bugs.

You can arrange tunnel shelters with frames made of vines or wire rod. They are removed, as a rule, in early June, on a cloudy day, so that the plants cannot “burn out” under scorching sun. Otherwise, they will weaken or become a source of infection for mass melons.

As for pollination, when grown under a film, it is carried out manually. To attract bees next to watermelons, you can plant honey plants or spray melons weak solution honey or sugar.

During the cultivation of watermelons under the film, they are watered as they dry. After removing the shelters, watering should be stopped. In open ground, watering stops with the beginning of fruit set.

AT further care comes down to breaking through seedlings, loosening, weeding the soil, destroying weeds and top dressing. Don't let it thicken! Melons are very photophilous, so if you want to grow a large and sweet watermelon in open ground - remember that only one plant should remain in the hole - try to keep 1 sq. meter had no more than three landings.

Thanks to the work of breeders every year in middle lane Russia can grow more and more vegetable and fruit crops. For example, not only residents of the southern regions, but also the northern ones can boast of a harvest of watermelons. Perhaps the fruits grown in a temperate warm climate will not be so large, but sweet and juicy. How to grow watermelon suburban area? Experienced gardeners recommend starting with the choice of a suitable variety, as well as carefully studying the agricultural technology of the crop.

The choice of variety and location on the site for growing watermelons

The homeland of the plant is the southern part of Africa, thanks to which it has adapted well to hot and dry air. For successful cultivation sweet fruits, the summer resident needs to organize similar conditions on the site. If the summer is expected to be rainy, then it would be wiser to plant the crop in a greenhouse in order to regulate the temperature and humidity of the air.

Currently, there are up to 50 varieties of watermelons that can be grown in a temperate warm climate. The main requirements - the variety must be early ripe and cold-resistant. In central and northern regions countries, the following varieties suitable for outdoor cultivation are most popular:

  • Crimson Sweet,
  • Skorik,
  • spark,
  • sugar baby,
  • Crimstar F1,
  • Pink champagne F1,
  • Gift to the North F1.

For growing watermelons, it is necessary to choose a sunny and warm place on the site, preferably on the south side of the building. When preparing the ridge, it is desirable to make a slight slope in a southerly direction, so the soil will warm up better. Melon crops prefer loose and light soil, therefore, when digging, they add river sand. The composition of the earth should be closer to a neutral reaction.

When choosing a place to prepare the beds, you need to look at which plants grew earlier. Planting watermelons after other melons (pumpkin, cucumbers or melon) is strongly discouraged. Pest larvae and fungal spores can remain in the soil, affecting this particular type of plant. The best predecessors are: sunflower, corn, beans, peas, lupins.

The groundwater level in the area should not be high, watermelon roots develop both horizontally and vertically, going to a depth of up to 100 cm.

Preparing the ridge for growing watermelon

How to grow watermelon and properly prepare the soil? The bed needs to be dug up since autumn, at the same time introducing required amount fertilizers. You will need both organic and mineral-containing compounds. For 1 m² of ridge you will need:

  • humus or compost - 2-3 buckets,
  • superphosphate - 30 g,
  • potassium sulfate - 20 g.

It is better not to apply nitrogen in autumn, or use an extremely small amount, as it contributes to the accumulation of nitrates in fruits. To get a rich harvest, it is better to take complex fertilizers, which, in addition to the main substances, also contain magnesium, iron, molybdenum.

Planting watermelon seeds

How to grow watermelon in the Russian climate? There are 2 ways to germinate seeds - planting immediately in the ground and pre-growing seedlings at home. When growing seedlings, you can not be afraid that spring will be late and the fruits will not have time to ripen, because already formed seedlings are planted in the ground. On the other hand, seedlings hatched in a greenhouse or in open ground are more viable and resistant to diseases.

Growing seedlings

The roots of the seedlings are very delicate and fragile, so there is no need to sow in a common box. It is better to purchase peat tablets and plant a crop on them. By placing the substrate in small plastic containers, in the spring when landing in the ground, it will be possible to easily cut them and remove peat tablet without disturbing the seedling.

Planting seeds begins in early May. They need to be sprouted first. First, the seed is placed in a "bath" with hot water(+50 °C) for 30 minutes, and then placed in slightly moistened river sand. Germination should be carried out at an air temperature of about +24–26 °C. When the seeds have small light roots, they can be planted in prepared containers with a nutrient substrate, sprinkled with sand on top. During the day, watermelon cultivation is carried out at a temperature of + 24–26 ° C, at night it is 5 degrees lower. Under these conditions, the first shoots will appear on the 8th day.

For good growth seedlings must be provided with intense lighting. It is important to set the duration daylight hours at least 12 hours using artificial lighting, otherwise the seedlings will stretch and stop growing.

With the advent of the 3rd leaf, seedlings are fertilized using organic or mineral fertilizers. The plant is planted in open ground only in summer, the most favorable time is from July 8 to 16.

Planting watermelon seeds in open ground

Growing watermelons immediately in the open field is quite within the power of Russian summer residents, the main thing is to choose suitable grade. You can sow seeds when the soil warms up to a depth of 10 cm, and the air temperature is stable and not lower than +15 ° C. After planting, the soil is moistened and a temporary greenhouse is built over the ridge from polyethylene film. This will accelerate the growth of shoots and protect against a sharp drop in temperature. As soon as the senets ascend, they must be thinned out, removing the weakest ones. After the appearance of the 4th leaf, the final rejection is carried out and only the tallest and strongest shoots are left, maintaining a distance between them of about 90–100 cm.

Features of watermelon care

How to grow a watermelon with fragrant and sweet pulp? Only by providing plants quality care you can expect a good harvest.

Temperature conditions and the formation of lashes

The fertilization of the ovaries and the ripening of the fruits should occur at an air temperature of +25 °C to +28 °C. With a sharp cold snap, plants can get sick and die, already at a temperature of +15 ° C, their development stops. Experienced farmers in the northern regions prefer to grow crops exclusively in a greenhouse or in a greenhouse. You can install arcs above the bed and, if necessary, cover or remove the film. It should be noted that watermelons do not like high humidity air, and condensation forms under the film. To solve this problem, a piece of gauze or non-woven material is pulled under the polyethylene.

To stimulate flowering, the lash is pinched after the appearance of the 6th leaf. Further, in order for the fruits to pour faster, they pinch the shoots 3-4 leaves above the ovary.

Watering watermelon and fertilizing

The plant has a long central root, which in arid southern regions helps it extract moisture from the depths of the soil. Watermelons should be watered infrequently, but plentifully, spending about 3 buckets of water per bush. After the procedure, it is recommended to loosen the ground around the base of the bush to provide good aeration to the roots. Weeds are removed as needed.

Growing watermelons involves fertilizing. The first feeding should be carried out at the time of the formation of lashes, using mullein in a ratio of 1:8 or a solution of bird droppings (1:20). Additionally, superphosphate is added to increase green mass. Potassium-phosphorus fertilizers are used at the time of formation of ovaries.

When placing the lashes vertically, it would be wise to install strong supports in the garden. As soon as the fruit reaches the size of an orange, it is placed in an elastic net and tied to a support. From this point on, watering must be reduced, otherwise the fruit may crack. The crop is harvested as it ripens, as soon as the leg of the watermelon dries out, it can be cut off.

Video how to grow watermelon

Watermelon is a melon crop. Its growth is associated with a warm climate. But at present, this crop is grown in various climatic conditions in their gardens and greenhouses. For information on when to plant watermelons so that they reach ripeness, read the article.

Description of watermelon

This plant survives on its long stems, which reach from the deep layers of the soil. nutrients for the fetus. Their length reaches four meters or more. They are curly in structure. Despite the fact that the stems are thin, they are able to withstand large fruits. The leaves are egg-shaped and pubescent along the edges. They grow in length up to 10-20 cm, and in width - from 6 to 17.

The flowering period of watermelons begins in summer. Their fruits are considered berries, and this seems unusual to many people. Under a dense, thick crust contains juicy, tasty, sweet and very fragrant pulp with large quantity large seeds.

How to choose the right site and prepare the soil?

The growth and development of plants, the formation and ripening of their fruits largely depend on how to conduct preparatory work. What is needed for this?

  • To obtain good harvest watermelons, you need to create normal growing conditions for them. First of all, such a site is selected, which during the whole daylight hours will be heated by the sun's rays and not blown by strong winds. It is important that there are no drafts.
  • Seedlings take root quickly and grow well in the area previously occupied by onions, alfalfa, cabbage, legumes. You do not need to plant watermelons on those beds where eggplants, tomatoes, peppers, potatoes grew before.
  • When you have decided on the site, you should start preparing the soil. Watermelons are suitable for sandy and sandy soils. While the site is free from plants, it must be fertilized with manure, potash fertilizers, superphosphate. If it turns out that the soil on the site is heavy, it must be discharged. To do this, it is enough to add fine-grained sand, otherwise the watermelons will grow poorly and bear fruit.

Preparing seeds for planting

For planting watermelons planting material need to prepare. The steps for this procedure are:

  • First, calibration is done, for which you need to pour the seeds onto a horizontal surface and arrange them in separate piles, focusing on size. For large, medium and small seeds, containers are prepared with the appropriate parameters. This will increase their germination: large specimens will not oppress small ones. The seeds will sprout and grow evenly. Small specimens do not need to be thrown away. They are suitable for planting, only seedlings from them will bear fruit later.
  • The second step is scarification. It is optional, but desirable. It is carried out in order to make it easier for the sprout to reach the surface. To do this, just rub the "nose" of the seed sandpaper with fine texture.
  • Then the seeds are heated. To do this, you need to put them in hot water for 30 minutes. The procedure cannot be ignored, it is mandatory for watermelons.
  • After that, the seeds are disinfected, for which they are placed in a solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes.
  • The last step is the drying of seeds. This should be done not on a battery or in an oven, but in a natural way. Seeds are laid out in one layer on a horizontal surface of a table or floor outside under a canopy. Be sure to exclude the sun and drafts.

To boost germinate. Before drying, they are wrapped in a soft cloth made of natural fibers, moistened clean water and put on a plate next to a heat source. The condition of the rag must be constantly monitored, it should not dry out. Moisturize if necessary.

How to plant watermelons in seeds?

If the cultivation of the crop will be carried out in regions where a warm climate prevails, then the seeds do not need preliminary preparation except for soaking. When the sprouts hatch, they are immediately sown in the ground. How to plant watermelon seeds, read below.

  • In the spring, when the snow melts, under the influence sun rays the soil will start to warm up. It is necessary to wait until its temperature reaches +13 ° C. Seeds should be kept in a container of water at room temperature until they germinate.
  • In the garden or in the country, a site is selected for planting. Holes are made over its entire area, their depth is 10 cm. The distance between them should be large. Approximately one metre.
  • Then, fertilizer prepared independently is poured at the bottom of each hole: humus is mixed with a tablespoon of ash and a teaspoon of ammofoska.
  • After that, the seeds are placed in the hole, covered with soil and waiting for them to sprout. This happens two weeks later or a little earlier.
  • Planting seeds in regions where cold climate carried out at other times. When to plant watermelons in this case? Taking into account climatic features, planting seeds should be carried out at the end last month spring or early summer.

When to plant watermelons for seedlings? It depends on the region of growth and the method of cultivation. If watermelons are bred in open ground, sowing seeds in pots (for example, in the Moscow climate zone) occurs at the beginning of April. When to plant watermelons for seedlings? Everyone has it climate zone The timing of sowing seeds in pots is different. This is agreed in lunar calendar.

For sowing watermelons for seedlings, small containers are used, it is better if they are peat. Soil is poured into them, but not to the very top, but three to four centimeters lower. Then proceed to sowing the seeds. Three, four or five pieces are planted in each pot. They are only four centimeters deep in the soil, no more, otherwise they will germinate for a long time.

The pots are covered with a film - it will protect the soil from drying out. Then they are transferred to a cool place with an air temperature of +17...+20 °C. It is very important that the surface of the soil in the pots is always moist. It is clearly visible through the transparent film. Before the emergence of seedlings, the film is not removed, and the crops are periodically watered with settled water at room temperature.

Shoots will appear in about seven days. If the seeds were not germinated before planting or they were deeply planted, then this will happen a little later. For pots with young plants, choose a place in the room so that it is well lit by the sun. It is important that the temperature is within the acceptable range: +16...+24 °C. In order for the seedlings to get used to the low temperature, it must be taken out into the street for a short time. When to plant watermelons? This should be done when the shoots are strong enough - then they will quickly take root in a new place.

Planting watermelon seedlings

How to plant watermelons in open ground? In order for these plants to grow comfortably in the selected area, the earth is first dug up and loosened well. Planting seedlings is recommended 30 days after sowing seeds. This time falls on the last week of May or the first decade of June. best time for landing are a.m. hours. How to plant watermelons in open ground? Landing technology is as follows:

  • Holes are dug up to a depth and diameter of up to 50 cm. Gaps of one meter are left between them. It is better to arrange the pits according to the principle of chess.
  • In each well you need to add: humus, sand, superphosphate - 5-7 liters, 3 liters and ¼ of a glass, respectively.
  • From above, the hole is covered with loose soil to form mounds. small size.
  • Holes are made to a depth of 10 cm, and 0.5 liters of water is poured into each.
  • The seedlings are taken out of the cup, lowered into the hole, covered with earth, which is well compacted. Above trunk circle plants are covered with a thick layer of sand.
  • The seedlings are watered and covered for a while to avoid direct sunlight on the leaves, otherwise they will rise for a long time.

Outdoor seedling care

Planted plants are under stress as they were placed in new environment. In order for the acclimatization process to go faster, seedlings need to be looked after.

  • thinning. This procedure is carried out with the appearance of three or four leaves. Plants are thinned out, one or two are left in the hole, all the rest are removed.
  • Weeding. Watermelons are very clean plants, they do not tolerate weeds. Therefore, they will often have to be fought, especially at the beginning of growth. Very soon, the seedlings will grow up, take the form of bushes, and then the frequency of weeding will be reduced. Weeds will no longer be able to harm mature plants.
  • Topping. This is done so that the lashes grow faster. Pinch curly shoots at the level of two or three upper leaves. At the same time, weakened lashes are removed. Three to five ovaries are left on each bush.
  • Loosening. This procedure is carried out constantly, since watermelons prefer airy soil.


When planting watermelons in the ground, you need to be prepared for the fact that they will often have to be watered, otherwise they will not draw juice well. Striped berries should be watered regularly, once a week, in hot weather- two. To do this, use a lot of water: three buckets per meter square square site. You need to moisten not only watermelon bushes, but also the free area between them. With the advent of fruits, watering decreases, and before they are harvested, it stops altogether (for two weeks).

top dressing

Plants need it already a couple of weeks after they were planted in the ground. Used as a fertilizer water solution ammonium nitrate. One bush will require two liters. The second dressing is done when the buds begin to form. Calcium chloride, ammonium nitrate 5 g each, superphosphate - 1 g more are added under one bush.

Planting watermelons in a greenhouse

Watermelons are a thermophilic culture. In the distant past, they were grown in regions corresponding to such a climate. But now there are opportunities to get tasty fruits in cold climates. Only here they do not grow in open ground, but in greenhouses. How to plant watermelons in a greenhouse?

  • First you need to plant the seeds in boxes with soil. Allocate a place for planting in the room to put containers with planting material.
  • Then prepare the beds for planting watermelons. This is done like this: the soil is removed upper layer, a trench is formed. Humus is poured into it, nitrogen fertilizers and above - the soil.
  • After that, the seedlings are transplanted into the beds (they will germinate from seeds just by this time). Landings are covered with a film of polyethylene in two layers. When to plant watermelons in a greenhouse? Optimal time for this procedure is the end of April.
  • To plant sprouts, they dig holes of small depth - from 10 to 11 cm. Between them leave gaps equal to 70-100 cm.
  • A trellis should be installed near each hole. It is needed to tie growing stems to it, as they are curly, and they need to cling to something.
  • To improve the fruiting of watermelons, you need to launch bees into the greenhouse, but not a whole swarm, but several individuals. They will pollinate the flowers.
  • When the shoots begin to sprout intensively, they should be cut off immediately, but first of all they get rid of the weak and sick.
  • In the process of growth, plants need useful supplements, so they should be fed with mullein or chicken manure.
  • A prerequisite for growing watermelons in a greenhouse is its regular airing. This should not be forgotten.

Caring for watermelons in a greenhouse

When the growing lashes begin the flowering period, watermelons must be pollinated by hand, otherwise the ovaries will not form. Each whip in greenhouse conditions can withstand a load not exceeding two fruits. But if you leave only one striped berry, it will be much larger.

Watermelons are grown using a trellis. Each fruit is wrapped to avoid contact with the ground. Watermelons growing in a greenhouse are much weaker than those growing on melons. Their lashes cannot support the weight of the fruits and fall to the ground. If not wrapped, they may rot.

If a lot of side shoots have formed and they branch in the opposite direction from the support, they are cut off. Plants need to be constantly turned towards the sun, as the lashes need good lighting otherwise, leaves and fruits will not form well.

First you need to clearly understand that in order to grow a high-quality watermelon in the open field, you need the same high-quality planting material, so buy seeds in places you have checked. If your personal plot is located closer to the south of Russia, then you can grow watermelons in open ground, otherwise, most likely, you can’t do without a greenhouse.

Place and soil

It must be very sunny place with a deep occurrence of water, since watermelon does not tolerate excessive moisture. The soil is preferable sandy or sandy, light, as the juiciness of the berry is gaining from the root system, which penetrates deep into the ground. In heavy soil, the root system of a watermelon is not able to fully develop, however, its deep loosening will slightly improve the situation. pH 6.5-7.0. Pay attention to the presence, oh how watermelon does not like them.

Well, if the predecessor of watermelons was alfalfa or winter wheat. It is impossible to grow watermelons after any melon crop or nightshade.

In autumn, the land is fertilized with rotted manure (4-5 kg ​​per 1 sq.m). Fresh manure makes the plant vulnerable to fungal diseases.

Preparation of watermelon seeds and sowing in open ground (seedless method of growing watermelons in open ground)

Before sowing in open ground, watermelon seeds need to be heated in the sun (right in a bag) for 10 days, so that their temperature reaches 55 ° C, if the seeds are wet, then up to 30 ° C. Then fill them with water and leave for 30 minutes. Those watermelon seeds that float up will have to be thrown away, they are not suitable for sowing. Next, fill with hot water (50-60 ° C), when the water cools down, drain it and soak until pecking. If the seeds cannot be calcined in the sun, then since February the seed has been stored near the battery. 3 days before the proposed sowing in the morning, prepare a solution of ash (1 part ash to 2 parts water), stir for 12 hours. On the same day, in the evening, dip the seeds for 15-20 minutes in a dark solution of potassium permanganate, rinse and dip them overnight in the prepared ash solution. Take it out the next morning and dry it.

Watermelon seeds can be sown from the end of April until mid-June, it all depends on the weather conditions and when you want to get the harvest. Focus on soil temperature (16 ° C).

Watermelon seeds are sown to a depth of 6-8 cm at the rate of 10 seeds per running meter, let it be planted more densely, because it is not a fact that all the seeds will sprout. For getting big watermelons usually fresh seeds are taken for sowing, since old seeds will produce small watermelons with a large number of flower ovaries on one plant. After sowing, water the soil with warm water. The first shoots should appear a week after sowing. When 5 leaves appear, hill the plants, with careful loosening of the soil. Remember that warm weather and lack of rain is important for watermelons, so shelter should always be at hand. Sometimes, when the fruits reach 10 cm in diameter, the main lash is pinched with the removal of all side shoots, then the plant spends all its strength on the development of the main ovary.

Growing seedlings of watermelons for open ground

It is easy to grow watermelons in open ground using seedlings. To grow seedlings of watermelons, use peat-humus pots, this is very convenient because when transplanting, seedlings are not removed from them, they are planted directly in the holes, which means they do not damage the vulnerable root system. If you use plastic cups, then the seedlings are removed with a clod of earth, doing this very carefully, without damaging the roots. At the end of April, pour into peat-humus pots (each seed has its own pot) on 2/3 of the soil mixture from peat, humus and sod land in the ratio 2:1:1. Soak the seeds in warm water(up to 50°C) for 10 minutes. Now deepen one watermelon seed by 1 cm. As the seedling grows, pour in the soil mixture and monitor the temperature in the room (25-30 °). When the first true leaf appears, a complex mineral fertilizer, and after 2 weeks feeding is repeated. When you notice that the leaves of the watermelon seedlings have begun to touch each other, move the pots apart. Watermelon seedlings will be ready for planting in open ground at the age of 30 days, at which point the plant should have about 5 true leaves. A week before transplanting watermelon seedlings into open ground, harden the plants (during the day, lower the temperature to 17 ° C, and at night to 12-15 ° C.

Immediately before planting, seedlings are fertilized in the soil, about 2 kg of compost is added to each hole with abundant watering. Watermelon seedlings are planted in open ground in holes on ridges according to the scheme 140x70 or 140x140, deepening by 8-10 cm in the resulting slurry, but so that the root collar is 1-2 cm above the surface of the ridge. If you plant 2 plants in one hole, so that they do not touch each other, straighten the whips in different sides. Fill the holes with dry soil, then the crust will not form.

In central Russia, choose varieties of watermelons for growing in open ground with the most early term maturity and small size.

Care of watermelons in the open field

Watering is very moderate, especially during the ripening period, reduce it to a minimum. 14 days after planting watermelons on permanent place add a solution of ammonium nitrate (20 g of the drug per bucket of water per 1 bush 2 liters of solution). During the budding period, top dressing is repeated.

Only 2-6 ovaries are left on the bush. Each time after moistening the soil, loosening is carried out until the foliage closes. In windy weather, watermelon lashes are sprinkled with moist earth, and during the period of possible frosts, the plants are covered with non-woven material.

Place foil or any other non-rotting material under the plants so that moisture, from which the fruits can begin to deteriorate, cannot spoil the crop.

Turn watermelons regularly to ensure even ripening.

Pay attention to the fruits, if one berry began to grow intensively, while others lag behind in development and turn yellow, then additional feeding is required.

Collection of watermelons

In August, there is an intensive ripening of watermelons, so their readiness for harvest can be determined by a set of signs:

  • glossy surface;
  • drying of the bract;
  • there are no hairs on the stalk;
  • when tapping on the berries, a dull sound is heard.

We invite you to watch a video on how to grow Charleston Gray and Orange King watermelons from seed soaking to harvest.

Bahce in the summer cottage is given an honorable warm place. Sunny melons and round-faced watermelons bring indescribable pleasure to adult eaters and gourmet kids. Children are ready from morning to evening to enjoy the juicy pulp of watermelons to the envy of intrusive wasps and hardworking bees. If earlier it was believed that watermelon is an exclusively southern berry, now more than 200 varieties and hybrids are adapted for cultivation in various climatic regions of our country. A fruit grown in a spacious open field, is more likely to score desired weight and the necessary taste than his country relative. The plant is held by the tendrils for stable stems of weeds, which, in turn, protects the watermelon lashes from tangling. When planting watermelons on personal plot consider the availability of the necessary free space and do not overdo it with weeding.

Sowing watermelon seeds in open ground

Much to the chagrin of amateur melon growers, to grow a wonderful crop ripe watermelons quite difficult. Especially when it comes to areas with unsuitable climatic conditions. Even the most caring care will not be able to provide the berries with juicy ripe pulp if the summer is not hot and long enough. Of course, a good owner will not let such a crop go to waste - salted watermelons are still a delicacy. But a well-ripened, fragrant fruit plucked from its garden can be endlessly crushed on both cheeks from morning to evening.

Watermelons are ripe - the family is delighted

Preparation of seeds for sowing in open ground

It is advisable to choose a place for sowing watermelon seeds in the fall. Excellent predecessors for them are onions and potatoes. It’s not bad if cabbage or legumes flaunted in the garden before. Young sprouts do not like fresh organic fertilizers, therefore, beds with half-rotted manure or compost are prepared in the fall. Minerals(ash, dolomite flour) are also contributed at this time of the year.

Watermelon seeds are hard to grow, especially if the germination energy is low. I bubbling mine with an aquarium compressor, you can scarify it to break the seed coat, that is, file the end of the seed with a file or nail file. And t should be 23o - 27 °C.

Fech Eugene

Choose seeds for sowing hardy and early. Two different varieties should not be placed side by side, so as not to over-pollinate.

Before planting, you need to properly prepare the seed:

Sowing seeds in the ground

Immediately before sowing watermelon seeds, the land prepared for melons is cultivated by a cultivator. Wells of a meter diameter are formed, the distance between the holes is from 1 to 2 meters. From 5 to 10 seeds are introduced into each hole to a depth of 4–5 cm. The soil should be warmed up to 13–15 ° C by the time of sowing. Each hole is watered with warm settled water and mulched with peat.

Watermelons do not tolerate crowding

After the seeds sprout and get a little stronger, 2 plants are left in the hole. The rest are removed or transplanted to free place suitable for ripening watermelons.

After germination, two plants are left in the hole.

Do not be too lazy to re-sow the seeds in a week. If for some reason the first seedlings die, the second run will certainly be more successful.

Watermelon seeds are sown in the farmer's fields different ways: tape, square, rectangular or square-nested.

Video: how to sow watermelon seeds in open ground

Photo gallery: watermelon varieties for cold regions

The variety is characterized by unpretentiousness and disease resistance.
Watermelons of the Ogonyok variety ripen in 60–70 days
Variety Kholodok is well resistant to low temperatures, suitable for Siberia

The scheme of planting seedlings of watermelons in open ground

Seeds for seedlings are prepared in the same way as for planting in the ground. They can be sown in plastic trays or cups, but are best used peat pots. Land for seedlings is mixed in equal proportions with sand and peat. 2 seeds are placed in a pot (glass or tray) on moistened soil and sprinkled with dry earth. In this state, the pots are placed in a well-lit warm place. It takes 40–45 days from sowing seeds to planting seedlings.

Before planting in the ground, seedlings need to be hardened in the open air.

Seedlings are planted in the ground at the end of May or the first decade of June, depending on climatic conditions and geographic location of the region. Some recommendations for planting watermelon seedlings in open ground:

After planting, the seedlings are watered for a week with settled warm water daily and slightly covered from direct sunlight. Fortified seedlings are watered abundantly, but not too often. During the ripening period of the berries, watering is stopped completely, so that the fruits gain sugar content and do not have a watery taste.

It is necessary to water infrequently, but in large quantities (10 liters per root). The most important thing is to ensure complete dryness at least 2 weeks before pick-up. Only then will watermelons be sweet. No watering of either the watermelons themselves or nearby growing plants.


A bountiful harvest sugar watermelon will delight summer residents and their children

Video: planting watermelons in open ground

Little tricks for planting watermelons

Weather conditions are not always helpful in such a painstaking task as growing gourds. The cold and short summer in some regions leads to the fact that the harvest rarely pleases even the diligent vegetable grower. Watermelons simply do not have time to gain enough weight and reach a state of absolute maturity. And even in this case, do not despair. There are little tricks with which the fruits will become a real pride even on 5-6 acres of homestead land.

The right choice of landing site

Light sandy soils are an ideal springboard for growing a heavy watermelon. But the main thing in a cool summer is the choice of a sunny place.

Watermelons prefer a sunny location

The selection of such a site initially provides for the complete absence of spreading shrubs and shade-forming trees. But with excess solar radiation at the time of ripening, take care of the shelter of the fat belly in order to avoid significant overheating. For this purpose, old newspapers or large leaves burdock.

Shelter in two stages

For successful ripening, the seeds are sown in open ground a little earlier than the due date - not at the end of May, but in its first decade. But in the cold climate zone tender sprouts are at risk of dying from frost. This is where a little trick comes in handy - double shelter. At liter plastic bottle cut the bottom and install on the plant.

One and a half liter bottle can be cut in half

over liter bottle in the same way, a 5-liter container with a cut bottom is installed.

Cut off the bottom big bottle and install on top of a liter

In such a matryoshka, a delicate stalk has enough air and heat, and is also well protected from cold and winds. Securely fix the transparent mini-greenhouse with earth or sand.

magic tablet

Watermelon is a picky berry, does not like excessive dampness. In cool climates, dampness leads to rotting of fruits and even stems. To improve ripening conditions, pour 3-4 handfuls of sand on the root part of the main stem, and place wooden or plastic safety boards under the fruits. Thus, your green couch potatoes will not come into contact with wet soil, and the percentage of crop damage from rot will be significantly reduced.

A wooden plank will protect the watermelon from rot

Thoughtful watering

In arid areas, the root system of watermelons tends to depth to saturate the plant with moisture. However, in the northern regions ground water often pass close to ground level and give the roots a lot of trouble: as soon as the roots reach an excess amount of moisture, they rot, and the plant may die entirely. In this case, force the root system to develop not in breadth, but in depth. To do this, water the plant not at the root, but in the aisles. Watering is carried out only when necessary and do not forget about the timely loosening and mulching of the soil.

Try not to water the watermelons at the root

Trimming the side lashes

The carrier of female flowers in watermelons is the main central lash. In order for the plant not to waste energy on side lashes, it is preferable to remove them. At the same time, leave no more than 5 fruit ovaries on each central branch.

Delete side lashes plants, and forces will be transferred to the ripening of fruits

Listening to these simple advice, you will be able to surprise your neighbors in the country and your loved ones even in conditions that are not very favorable for growing melons.

You can talk endlessly about the benefits of ripened watermelon: thiamine and riboflavin, niacin and other elements of B-group vitamins, vitamin C and carotene protect the body from age-related metamorphoses and resist cancer. But the presence of folic acid is invaluable - a fighter of the invisible front and a tireless builder of DNA cells and ribonucleic acid. Alimentary fiber and trace elements normalize metabolism, cleanse the kidneys, liver, blood vessels, normalize cholesterol in the blood. At the same time, one should not forget about the ability to accumulate nitrates and cause allergic reactions. However, a self-grown watermelon will allow you to avoid such troubles and bring a lot of positive emotions from enjoying the magical taste of a juicy fruit.