Crafts from 5 liter plastic bottles. What can be done from a plastic bottle. Greenhouses, gazebos and other structures made of plastic bottles

Hello dear gardeners! The topic of today's material is interesting to everyone and always relevant. It is probably familiar to many, but still I hope to surprise you.

Today, everything is sold in plastic bottles: water, lemonade, milk ... Of all the garbage that we accumulate, the most voluminous are the bottles: you put one in the trash can - and that's it: consider half a bucket occupied. And what is it like in the country! In many holiday villages, there are simply no garbage containers. There is only one way out: either take all this “good” to the city, to the nearest container, or somehow use what cannot be processed in country conditions.

Logical question: how plastic bottles can be used on the farm to be both useful, and convenient, and beautiful? That's what we'll talk about.

By the way, information sheet: plastic decomposes in water 100 to 500 years(according to different sources and depending on the type of plastic).

We have few factories that process garbage, so people themselves find interesting uses for simple and seemingly completely unnecessary things.

Plastic bottles in garden decor

If you wish, you can create such beauty - the neighbors will envy! Want to decorate your garden without spending too much? See if there are empty plastic bottles in your country house.

Beautiful neat flower beds

Plastic bottles can be used to protect flower beds. The benefits here are obvious: flower beds and beds are not washed away by showers, they always look neat and pleasing to the eye. I think it looks great ... How to make such a flower bed?

Of course, you will need a lot of bottles (preferably the same size). We pour sand into them, close them and begin to build a "palisade". Bottles will have to be dug a little into the ground to give them stability. After the flower bed is fenced, paint the resulting border in any color. In principle, you can do this in advance - as you wish. But it seems to me that it is more convenient to paint an already finished fence than each bottle individually. And dark plastic containers can be left as they are, it also looks pretty. An example of the performance and opinions of summer residents on this method of using bottles, see the materials:

Flowers, palm trees, butterflies and other "tropics"

The beauty is indescribable. Turn on your imagination, wake up your fantasy and create all kinds of flowers in your garden that will never fade or rot)).

To make it clearer how to make something out of bottles (for example, flowers), let's look at an example.

What may be needed:

  • plastic bottles of different colors;
  • scissors, awl, thick threads;
  • PVA glue and "Master";
  • acrylic paints;
  • candle;
  • wire;
  • beads, beads - for decoration.
With the rest, everything is more or less clear, but why a candle? Everything is simple. Cut off the necks of the bottles. We cut each neck not completely along, we make 6 petals. Give the petals a rounded shape. We light a candle and scorch each petal so that it melts a little. First, along the edges, so that they are beautiful and even, and then at the base of the petals, bending them at the same time, giving shape. Plastic when heated is well formed.

The stem is best made from thick wire. The stamens are made of thin wire, on which beads can be strung. It remains only to assemble the whole thing, fastening it with glue, using an awl and wire if necessary. Just look how beautiful the result is!

Cute animals for the garden

No one is made from bottles. The simplest, perhaps, is this. All you need is to cut and bend the ears, attach the tail and color it beautifully. However, there are crafts and very complicated ones. For example, animals from fairy tales. I will not describe their production step by step, otherwise the article will turn out to be of galactic proportions. I'd rather just show the video from the slides. From the photo, in principle, you can see what and how to do, it's not difficult to figure it out.

How do you like these animals? I think they look great! And if you involve children in the process, they will be delighted!

The tools used are the same as listed above. Paints - not necessarily acrylic. But they dry faster, which is a plus. And they hardly smell. True, they are also different.

Air curtains for the garden

These crafts captivated me precisely with their lightness and unusualness. I’ll specially collect bottles and make such a curtain in my yard! I think you can use bottles of different sizes.

The bottoms will come in handy, but you can also cut the leaves! From a distance it is not very clear what these transparent flowers are hanging on, but the idea is all the more interesting. We look ...

As you can see, you can fasten the flowers with threads, you can glue them to the base (for example, plastic wrap). I think this option is perfect for a gazebo. And it will be light, and the rain will not penetrate. There are a lot of options for curtains from bottles. But I still liked the first one better, and you?

Lamps and chandeliers for the garden

Actually, why not? Buying a lamp for the garden is unprofitable, just hanging a light bulb is ugly. A lamp made of plastic bottles is an excellent option for lighting a garden plot.

Such chandeliers are not ashamed to hang in the house.

Main rule: do not allow plastic parts to come into contact with the light bulb, otherwise they may melt. True, you can use an energy-saving lamp, it heats up less - up to +50 ... + 60 ° C.

Girls! If you don’t know how to attach the light bulb itself, leave this matter to husbands, brothers or fathers ... From you - creativity, from them - a lighting element \u003d)))

bottle garden path

I recently wrote about garden paths in an article. But there was nothing about bottles, only about their caps. It turns out that a good path is obtained from the bottoms, along which it is pleasant to walk barefoot. note: the bottoms are laid on loose sand, the master must make an effort to fill them with sand. This will prevent their deformation in the future when you walk around them.

Household supplies from plastic bottles

That's where the expanse is ... If you think that garden decor from bottles is not for you, perhaps you will be interested in useful things that can be made from them.

Wash basins and boxes

The easiest option is to hang upside down the bottle, and when you need to wash your hands, just turn off the cap a little. It is better to cut off the bottom of the bottle and make it removable so that it is more convenient to pour water. There is nothing complicated here, even a child can handle it. Such a washbasin can be hung on a tree or somewhere else. By the way, use this idea when you go on a picnic - it's very convenient, and your hands are always clean.

It is advisable to make a homemade washbasin closeable so that leaves, insects and other debris do not get into the water. There are also more complex designs. You can, for example, embed a hose with a tap into a large bottle. But this is to be quite convenient.
Or you can make a box for bags, napkins or something similar out of a bottle.

Scoops and shovels

Making a scoop with your own hands is easy. Take the bottle and mark the shape of the future scoop with a marker. Next is the case of scissors. Well, or a knife.


These are shoes that wear out pretty quickly. Therefore, durable and beautiful slippers on the farm will always come in handy. No, no, don't think that bottle slippers are just scoops with heels =))). I would like to see it ... Although there are simple options too. For example, this one:

A more complex version looks like this:

Of course, it is not necessary to make such bouquets. But in general, slippers are excellent. In order not to slip, and the leg feels comfortable, you can experiment with “layers”. How to make holes? Yes, even a hole punch! And if there are men in the house, let them solve this problem.

And from plastic bottles you can make very useful large containers for household needs:

Devices for repelling rodents and insects

There are many different ones. I will only talk about the mole repeller and the mosquito trap.

Let's start with the trap
Make it very easy. Cut off the top of the bottle and insert it into the bottom with the neck down. The design must be darkened with paper or cloth - mosquitoes will be more likely to fly there.

Pour into the bottom of the bottle as bait sugar yeast syrup. It is easy to make: pour hot water, add sugar and yeast, stir and cool. Such a trap will attract not only mosquitoes, but also bees, wasps, flies.

You can put the structure on the window or hang it - this is optional. It needs to be cleaned once a week.

By the way, I don’t know why the syrup is brown in the photo - maybe from cane sugar?))) Or maybe it’s kvass. By the way, yes - insects also fly to kvass. Somehow they left a jar of kvass on the porch, so many midges flocked there!

Wind vane repelling moles and more
These devices were described in detail in the article. There is also a video - you can see how to make such a design, how it works. Ask what scares him? At the bottom of the bottle, it is advised to pour beads, balls from bearings and other “rattling” elements. They say that the sound that this windmill makes is not tolerated by moles. Who has moles? Try it, then unsubscribe here, agreed?
Yes, the axis on which the craft is attached must be stuck into the ground - I think you understand.

About the fact that some use bottles, I think you already know. The bottom and throat of the bottle are cut off - a cylinder is obtained, which is dug into the ground. Such a cover protects the root system of a young plant from attacks by a bear.

Tool boxes

For these purposes, rectangular bottles are more suitable. For example, from under machine oils. However, there are also water bottles of this shape. Containers are made simply: mark with a marker, cut. Everything =))

These boxes can be very useful in the household.

Device for deep watering plants and their night heating

Some plants do not like surface watering. Therefore, my mother waters some beds with plastic bottles.

You need to cut off the bottom of the bottle, but not completely, to get something like a cap. We tear the earth on the side of the plant, make a small trench and put pebbles there. Drainage is needed so that water does not erode the soil. Then we put the bottles with their necks down and lay them on the ground. Now, to water the plant, all you need is to open the lid and pour the right amount of water. Here, look how our summer residents use plastic containers.

Some people dig in containers upside down, but then you need to make holes in the bottle so that the water leaves.

As for heating plants, you can simply pour water into bottles and put them over the plant. In the sun, the water will heat up and will give off heat to the earth for some time. I know that glass bottles are also dug into the ground, but today we are talking about plastic.

Garden knee pads

It is generally contraindicated for many people to work bending over, this is especially true for hypertensive patients. But how then to weed the garden? Yes, I'll tell you about the knee pads. If you work on your knees, your head will no longer be down, therefore, your well-being will not suffer.

All you have to do is find the right bottles, fit them to your knees and cut the knee pads to the desired shape. Then attach the ties. Everything is simple.

Flower pots

And what only pots from plastic bottles do not exist! Some simply pour earth into bottles, others make real masterpieces. The possibilities are endless. What's good: the bottles can always be painted in any color and hung anywhere. For example, what do you think of these ideas?

Very cute, and you will not immediately guess what the pots are made of.


I made my first candlestick from a plastic bottle back in elementary school, at a labor lesson. It's simple. Cut off the neck and bottom of the bottle (about half the bottle). Then cut the part with the bottom into strips and bend them. And inside you insert the part with the neck. She will hold the candle. In general, it's easy.

But this is only one of the options, you can connect two necks.


Instead of a thousand words, I will show one video.

Why buy a broom when you can make one in half an hour?


In the economy, from time to time there is a need to pour something from one container to another. Not necessarily something edible - it happens, and diluted fertilizer, and poison for Colorado beetles ... Do not use a funnel from the kitchen for such purposes! And you can make a funnel from a bottle at any time.

Bird feeders

We fed the birds in these all winter. Bottles used large, 5-liter. I cut out windows in them, made small “thresholds” and “porches”. So that it was comfortable for the birds to sit, and the snow did not sweep inside. Another plus is that it is convenient to hang such feeders on trees, they already have handles.

Buildings made from plastic bottles

These are not funnels with pots, but something more serious. Entrepreneurial people can build something out of anything. Plastic bottles, for example, make excellent greenhouses and gazebos.

Greenhouses from plastic bottles

A finished medium-sized greenhouse costs more than 15 thousand rubles. I know for sure, because I was interested in this issue. Add to that the cost of assembly. Not everyone can figure out what's what. But there is an alternative that is not inferior in performance and will cost you ... only 500-700 empty plastic bottles! =))

The plastic from which the bottles are made is 20 times stronger than dense polyethylene. It keeps the temperature perfectly, does not melt in the sun and can last for decades. Greenhouse made of plastic bottles there are a number of advantages:

  • she is cheap;
  • durable;
  • easily repaired;
  • light in weight, it can be rearranged if necessary;
  • looks pretty cute.

I took a look at different sites and realized that there are 2 main ways to use plastic bottles in construction:

  1. The bottom of each bottle is cut off. A thin rail is taken and all the bottles are strung on it. Get ready-made building strips.
  2. The bottom and neck of the bottles are cut off. Then what happened - the middle part - is cut along. It turns out a rectangular piece of plastic. We iron it with an iron (necessarily through hard paper) to level it. From such sheets we sew more sheets. Overlap preferably. You can use an awl; for fastening parts - cord thread or wire. It is not recommended to sew with thread or fishing line - the seams will quickly rot and disperse.

When the sheets (slats) are ready, you can make a frame. It is made from ordinary wooden bars with a hammer and nails. Form - any. You can - a house, you can - a triangle. And then we attach what we made from bottles to the frame. In the first case, the planks should be placed as close to each other as possible so that the wind does not walk. Well, you can always stick it with tape. In general, you'll figure it out!)) And in the second case, ready-made plates from plastic bottles are simply nailed to a wooden frame.

The important thing is the roof. In general, a good frame can withstand a rather heavy weight, but knowledgeable people advise covering the roof not with bottles, but with polycarbonate sheets. Or something to strengthen for the winter - suddenly it will pile up a lot of snow. Here is another interesting post

Plastic bottles, which are considered common household waste, can turn into homemade toys and original decorations for the home and yard. Making decor items from plastic containers has become a fashionable trend in. And created by diligent hands crafts from plastic bottles for kindergarten touches with quirkiness of forms and bright colors.

We create crafts from plastic bottles in the kindergarten: creativity lessons with preschoolers

Today they are produced in all shapes, colors and sizes. This property can be advantageously beaten by creating colorful figures from plastic bottles for .

Bright and funny, they allow you to solve several problems at once: they delight the eye, develop creative abilities, and teach children to take care of nature.

Features of working with PET bottles:

  • No complicated and dangerous tools are needed. You can cut plastic with a clerical knife or paper scissors; an ordinary awl, a thick needle or a safety pin are suitable for making holes.
  • A potential danger of plastic is the sharp edges of the cuts. By creating bottle crafts for kindergarten , do not forget to melt the cuts with a candle flame, lighter or heated iron.
  • Suitable bottles for dairy products, water, juices, shampoos, gels and other cleaning products.

Children and educators: we create crafts from bottles for kindergarten together

Colorful flowers, birds and animals will decorate the kindergarten if adults, along with children, show imagination and ingenuity. Help to make unusual crafts from plastic bottles for kindergarten video lessons for different age groups. The best master classes are presented on our website. Having become acquainted with them, you will comprehend the magic of creating man-made beauty.

Having set as a goal the design of a kindergarten site from plastic bottles , you can come up with three-dimensional compositions, paintings, panels and other decor items. Bright bouquet, which does not fade, can be created by the smallest pupils.

How to create a simple bouquet of plastic bottles with your own hands:

  1. We paint the plastic bottle from the inside in different colors.
  2. We attach the "vase" to thick cardboard.
  3. We attach several tubes for juice in the form of stems.
  4. Glue multi-colored caps on hot glue in the form of flower petals.
  5. We cut out leaves from paper that complete the original three-dimensional composition.

colorful airplane, made in the papier-mâché technique, will become an indispensable attribute of boyish battles.

Crafts from plastic bottles in the kindergarten: unusual toys for creativity and sports

Kids like it very much homemade shark. You can play with it alone or arrange competitions between friends if you make several identical sea predators. The shark is very cute and not at all scary, and she does not manage to catch a fish every time. The toy cheers up, develops manual dexterity, with it you can feel like an avid fisherman with pleasure.

Original crafts from plastic bottles in kindergarten are obtained from white containers from under dairy products.

  • Cut out the bottle in the shape of a shark head. We process sharp teeth with an iron or a candle. Now the shark will retain its formidable appearance, but will not become a source of scratches.
  • We paint the mouth with acrylic paint or a marker.
  • We cut out the fin from the rest of the bottle, glue it.
  • The second part of the toy is made from a Kinder Surprise box. We draw a fish, including fantasy.
  • We connect both parts with a strong twine.

For girls, you can make another version - bee who drinks nectar from a flower. A beer bottle with an oblong neck is best suited. We cut out the bottle in the shape of a flower, melt the petals and bend them. We draw a bee on a box from under a kinder surprise, connect it with a flower blank with twine.

How to decorate a playground from plastic bottles: ideas and examples

The usual decor of the garden territory is wooden figurines of animals around the playgrounds and plaster figurines in the flower garden. Original crafts for the playground from plastic bottles will allow you to decorate the territory no less brightly.

Create luxury flower garden by painting the bottoms of bottles of the same size in several colors. options, how to decorate a playground from plastic bottles in the form of a flower arrangement, there is a great variety.

The original flower garden can be placed on an old tree, giving it a second youth and bright appearance.

colorful daisies from yellow and green bottles will help to make the area where children walk more bright and cheerful.

The decoration of the lawn around the pond will be Princess Frog and her girlfriends. cute figures from plastic bottles for kindergarten can show off on a large stone or among the bright greenery of a flower garden.

As you can see, crafts from plastic bottles for the kindergarten site can be very different: from decorations of courtyards and playgrounds to interesting toys.

Being engaged in this type of creativity, educators and pupils learn to give free rein to the imagination, develop the ability to express ideas into concrete incarnations, and find the unusual in everyday things. What to do depends on the amount of collected containers and the imagination of the performers. Create and make the world around you brighter, cleaner and nobler.

Making crafts from plastic bottles with your own hands will be a great opportunity to create three-dimensional figures that can be used in games or for interior decoration.

This is quite affordable and rather malleable material, so even kindergarten children can make simple crafts from plastic bottles with their own hands. The basic principle of work is to paint or paste over the whole bottle or its fragment, which is not difficult to do even for kids.

"Crafts from plastic bottles can be used for games and interior decoration."

Crafts from plastic bottles for children

There are a huge number of options for crafts from plastic bottles for kindergarten. It can be a funny pig that can be used to fold various little things.

We make the tail and ears of the pig out of paper.

Ladybug with fluffy antennae and heart-shaped spots.

According to this pattern, you can make any beetle or bee.

On the basis of a plastic plate, you can make a charming turtle with a shell of peas and lentils.

From the two lower parts from plastic bottles, you can glue a very spectacular apple.

In continuation of the autumn theme, we want to offer you a video tutorial on making fly agarics from plastic bottles:

A bright, cute owl can become a toy or decor element.

A cute octopus in a miniature hat is made very simply. The bottle will need to be painted with blue paint, cut off the bottom and cut into the bottom.

A spectacular military aircraft is obtained from a bottle:

Plastic bottles make very funny boxes for storing small things. The bottles are connected to each other with a zipper. The box from the bottle is a pig.

The box from the bottle is a frog.

Box from a bottle - an owl.

From plastic bottles you can make a lovely caterpillar:

Autumn hedgehog from a plastic bottle and cones

From a plastic bottle and cones, you can make a very spectacular autumn hedgehog. For crafts, we need a small bottle with a cork. Color the top of the bottle with a black marker.

The rest is wrapped with a thick cloth. We burned the ends of the fabric a little so that the threads did not stick out. We fix the fabric on the bottle with glue.

Glue beads onto fabric. Glue the eyes and ears on the hedgehog. Hedgehog from a plastic bottle and cones - ready!

Watch how to make a hedgehog from a plastic bottle and cones in the video:

Cases and organizers from plastic bottles

From plastic bottles you can make a very original pencil case or organizer for the office.

Watch how to make such a pencil case on the video:

From plastic bottles you can make a very convenient organizer for the office.

A very effective organizer for small items can be made from plastic bottles, cardboard and a cardboard roll. We decorate the craft with braid and a paper flower.

Gift packaging from plastic bottles

Organizer for stationery from plastic bottles From the bottom of a plastic bottle, you can make a very original transparent gift wrapping. The top of the bottle can be cut and bent inward, secured with tape and a ribbon with a bow.

In such a gift box, you can put not only stationery, but also sweets.

From plastic bottles you can make a very spectacular toy - Superman's satchel. Cloth fire is attached to the necks of the painted bottles.

Ropes or hand straps are glued to a small cardboard sheet. Bottles are glued on top. Superman's backpack is ready!

Do-it-yourself plastic bottle houses

Perhaps one of the most magical plastic bottle crafts is a fabulous house:

From plastic bottles, charming houses are obtained.

From large milk bottles you can make a real dollhouse.

Watch how to make a plastic bottle hut in the video:

With most of these crafts, children can cope without the help of adults, you just need to prepare everything you need to create them and, if necessary, help cut the bottle or cut it into the right parts.

DIY plastic bottle vase

A very bright and cheerful flower vase is obtained from a plastic bottle. Making such a vase is not at all difficult! Cut off the top of the plastic bottle. We paint it with green paint and glue the ribbon on top.

We draw flowers on the bottle and decorate their centers with beads.

Glue the ribbon bow. A vase from a plastic bottle is ready!

A vase stand can also be made from the bottom and neck of a bottle.

Look at the video for another version of the vase made of plastic bottles:

Plastic bottle organizers

From the plastic bottles pasted over with a color film, a very convenient and effective stand for the office is obtained.

And here is a pencil holder in the form of cozy cats.

If you glue a zipper to the cut of a plastic bottle, you can make a very original pencil case.

A plastic bottle stationery stand can be made in the form of a cheerful orange lion cub.

Stand for office "Lion cub"

Flower pots from plastic bottles

From plastic bottles you can make charming white cats. These kitties can become decorative vases or flower pots. These cute napping kitties will be a wonderful decoration for your home.

A flower pot made of plastic bottles can be made in the form of a funny bunny.

Flower pot "bunny"

Or mice.

Flower pot "bear"

These small and handy pots can be easily hung on the wall, making it an original home decoration.

Christmas decorations from plastic bottles

From plastic bottles you can make an interesting garland.

From plastic bottles you can make a beautiful New Year's serpentine.

From large white bottles, charming New Year's lights - snowmen are obtained.

From plastic bottles you can make a Christmas tree decorated with corks.

Watch the video on how to make a beautiful Christmas tree from a green bottle.

Easter basket from a plastic bottle (option No. 1)

A plastic bottle makes a very convenient base for an Easter basket. Cut off the bottom of the plastic bottle.

We attach double-sided tape along the edge of the workpiece.

We fix the paper along the edges of the workpiece.

We tie our Easter basket with a ribbon. It remains only to fill the basket with cheerful and festive eggs!

Check out how to make another great Easter basket based on a plastic bottle:

Easter basket from a plastic bottle (option No. 2)

You can make an Easter basket from a plastic bottle a little differently. Cut out the bottom and strip from the plastic bottle. From them we form the base and handle of the basket.

Cut out a ribbon from crepe paper. On one side we make cuts. This is the future weed that will decorate our basket.

Cut out paper basket decorations.

We glue the grass on the base of the basket and wrap the handle with green paper. It remains to decorate our basket with flowers and put Easter eggs in it.

From plastic bottles, stunningly beautiful flowers are obtained.

A spectacular violet is obtained from paper and a painted transparent bottle.

From cut and folded soft plastic, you can make a real miracle - a water lily.

A plastic bottle can be a great paper lotus stand.

The bottom of plastic bottles can be used to create a fun flower bed.

Bouquet of flowers from plastic bottles

From plastic bottles you can make a beautiful bouquet of daisies in a vase. Cut out the bottom of a white plastic bottle. We make cuts on it, giving the shape of a flower.

We make two holes in the center through which we pass the wire-leg. Glue the yellow cork to the central part with a glue gun.

We wrap the leg with a strip cut from a plastic bottle, floral tape, ribbon or any suitable material. Glue the leaves from a plastic bottle. To make the leaves slightly curved, warm them up a little over the fire.

We cut the bottom of the green bottle. I put stones on the bottom. We insert our flowers into the pebbles. We will have a very spectacular flower arrangement.

Another great use of a plastic bottle is to make a bird feeder out of it. Using a knife, cut a rectangular hole in it. We color the bottle Insert a stick into the feeder

Our plastic bottle feeder is ready! It remains to pour delicious grains into it and hang it on a tree.

Watch the video "how to make a bucket from a bottle":

Piglet from plastic bottles

A pig from a plastic bottle can become a very cute decoration for a home or garden. The larger the bottle, the larger the piglet will turn out. It is better to paint such a craft with either acrylic or aerosol paints. We are waiting for the paint to dry.

We collect our pig. Glue the ears, eyes and legs. Glue two black circles to the end of the cork - we get a patch. Piglet from a plastic bottle - ready!

Christmas decorations from plastic bottles

What won’t our master needlewomen come up with? So, for example, we present you some New Year's toys from plastic bottles. The ball is made of plastic strips fastened together, decorated with sequins.

Ball with zigzags from a plastic bottle

Crafts from plastic bottles for home and garden

From the bottoms of plastic bottles, you can make an original and very delicate pendant for country windows.

From the bottom of the bottles you can make cute boxes decorated with butterflies. Butterflies for decoration can also be cut out of plastic.

Look at the video - crafts from plastic bottles for the garden, garden or cottage:

(20 ratings, average: 4,25 out of 5)

Everyone wants to decorate their home or garden. I would like to spend as little money as possible on this. If you have free time, you can make pleasant little things with your own hands. To make it quite inexpensive, you can use affordable, junk material to make useful and pleasant little things. For example, plastic bottles.

What can be made from plastic bottles?

Plastic is a universal material for the manufacture of purely decorative or useful crafts in everyday life, which can be divided into types:

  • furniture;
  • shower at the cottage;
  • greenhouses;
  • paths from traffic jams to the cottage;
  • various flower beds and decorations on them;
  • children's crafts;
  • seedling boxes, planters, flower pots or vases for cut flowers;
  • decorative figurines for the garden;
  • decorative flowers and butterflies;
  • bracelets, jewelry boxes.

To make all these cute and undoubtedly necessary things, you will need a little time fantasy, improvised materials and, of course, the desire to make crafts with your own hands. Before making crafts, bottles must be washed, labels removed and dried.

Crafts from plastic bottles to give

At the summer cottage with your own hands from plastic, you can make a lot of useful and inexpensive things.

Do-it-yourself furniture from plastic bottles

In theory, you can assemble both a sofa and armchairs, but this takes a lot of time, patience, and most importantly, material. Much faster assemble an ottoman, coffee table and other small furniture. At the heart of any furniture made of plastic bottles there will be a so-called block, which consists of one whole empty bottle with a closed lid and a second bottle with a cut neck. She puts on the first one. It turns out a design with two bottoms.

To make an ottoman, such blocks are tied into a round structure, wrapped with tape. You can finish this job. But in order to get not only the necessary, but also a beautiful thing, you need the resulting design wrap with foam rubber and put a sewn cover on top. The soft pouffe is ready.

To make a coffee table, you will need blocks from one whole bottle and several cut ones, which are worn upside down until the desired height is reached. The table top can be made of plywood, which is then covered with a tablecloth or a panel of multi-colored covers.

Shower from plastic bottles to the country

If there is no water in the summer cottage, and after a hot summer day you want to douse yourself with some water and wash off the labor sweat, a shower from a 10-liter bottle can be a way out. In the bottom of the bottle you need to make a large hole for pouring water, and smaller holes for fastening. A wire or a thick fishing line is threaded into these holes and fixed to the required height. Holes are pierced in the lid with an awl, the more holes, the more intense the water pressure. By the same principle, you can make a washbasin from a 5 liter bottle.

Panicle for summer cottage and suburban area

It is necessary to take several empty plastic bottles, cut off the bottom and cut into small longitudinal strips, not reaching the neck by 4 centimeters. Cut the bottles lengthwise and tie to the handle. The whisk is ready.

Gallery: crafts from plastic bottles (25 photos)

What can be made from bottles for room decor

Products from plastic bottles in an apartment or house will look appropriate in the kitchen, in the nursery. If the decor allows, you can place them in the living room.

plastic butterflies

With such butterflies you can decorate flower pots, make a pendant in a nursery. Even in the living room, you can decorate the curtains in the desired color scheme.

To make a butterfly, you need to draw or print on paper insect pattern. Cut out a rectangle from a transparent plastic bottle according to the size of the template and transfer the drawing to the plastic. Cut out the future butterfly along the contour. Color the blank in the colors you like. Butterfly is ready. If you decorate flower pots with such a butterfly, then you need to fix it on a thin, but not soft wire and install it in a pot. It will give the impression that they are fluttering over the flower.

DIY plastic flowers

Flowers and vases require precise marking. To make a flower, you need to take colored plastic bottles. You need to draw a template, cut out blanks from plastic and burn them over a candle to give the necessary bends to the petals. String a few simple blanks on a wire and form a flower. Wrap the wire stem with spirals cut from green plastic. From it, make leaves by cutting out according to the template and making a fringe along the contour of the sheet. They are attached to the stem either by heating or glued.

Crafts from plastic bottles for children

For little kids, you can make funny figurines and piggy banks. For example, penguins for the New Year. Cut two bottles at a height of 10 centimeters from the bottom and insert into each other. Take a felt-tip pen, draw a muzzle and color the penguin, draw a scarf and a hat for him.

Can do candy frogs. They are made similarly to penguins, only the bottles are not inserted into each other, and a zipper is sewn or glued to the edges of the trim so that the future candy can be opened and closed.

Older children can make caskets or bracelets. To do bracelet, you need to cut a strip of the desired width, which can be tied with multi-colored threads.

Also, artistically decorated trimmed blanks can be used as pencil holders, cell phone holders.

Crafts from plastic bottles for the garden

In the garden, the use of plastic is almost limitless. Homemade plastic bottles will organically fit into any garden landscape. Here are some possibilities for using bottle crafts in the garden:

  • planter;
  • flower bed fences;
  • bird feeders;
  • seedling boxes;
  • decorative elements for decorating flower beds and fences.

For the manufacture of pots put the workpiece horizontally and cut out a rectangular recess, make holes in the opposite wall so that the water does not stagnate after irrigation, fill in the ground and plant the plant. To decorate the planter, you can glue plastic eyes on the side of the neck and you get a hedgehog that has a plant instead of needles. You can make a vertical planter by cutting the bottle to the desired height. Glue the eyes, and instead of the nose there will be a cover, you get a little man. The plant will serve as hair.

Plastic crafts can be used as curly flower bed. Outline the outline of the flower bed. Cut the plastic at an equal height from the bottom and dig the blanks with the bottoms up. They can be painted in different colors.

To fulfill bird feeder, you need to take a 5-liter container, hang it and cut a hole so that the birds can fly inside. The hole should not be too high, in which case the birds will not be able to fly out, and too low - when swinging, the feed will spill out.

Can do plastic bottle flowers with their own hands in the flower beds. The stem is a green-painted wire, the flower itself is a figuratively cut bottle.

Crafts from plastic covers can become a decoration for a summer cottage. For example, you can do decorative curtains. Corks are strung on a fishing line and fixed on the base.

Crafts from corks from plastic bottles are used as garden paths and as decorations for fences. To create multi-colored panels, you first need to sketch on paper to calculate the number and position of covers of different colors. The lids are held together with cement mortar for strength, but glue can also be used.

DIY crafts from plastic bottles

Creative people will always find a way to make something unusual out of ordinary things that we do not pay attention to, and sometimes just throw them in the trash.

So plastic bottles in skillful hands turn into real works of art. From plastic bottles you can make interesting furniture, home decor items.

What are the advantages of gizmos designed from plastic bottles?

Many summer residents, having seen useful material in this everyday material, can build from it:

  • greenhouse;
  • country shower;
  • small shed;
  • playground equipment;

And other interesting buildings and structures.

Why is this material so in demand? First, it is a very accessible material. If everything is done with special care and thoroughness, then the structures will turn out beautiful and will surprise even a professional designer.

The second important advantage is that by not throwing plastic bottles in the trash, you help to save the environment. Plastic is a difficult to decompose material.

As for the disadvantages of this material, it is that if you want to assemble a large structure, you will have to collect the material for a long time, because there are all kinds of bottles.

But many people can collect the necessary material in a fairly short time. For example, by cleaning the territory of the park, thereby doing a good deed for nature. Someone asks friends and neighbors for help, and they bring their own bottles.

Let's return to the advantages of using plastic bottles as a building material. Plastic is a very soft and easily processed building material. Anyone can learn how to handle it.

Having received the initial skills in working with plastic, you can begin to create masterpieces. It is better to act according to the season.

By the summer, it’s good to make structures for playgrounds, some summer cottages, for example, showers, in autumn and winter decorations for the New Year tree will be relevant, and in spring you can start building a greenhouse or greenhouse.

It is very good to involve children in this activity, it will be very interesting for them, especially if you tell them that by doing so they help nature.

Interior items for the house from plastic bottles

To build furniture, you will need many identical plastic bottles. The furniture is very durable and comfortable. And if you follow a certain technology, you can make a sofa or pouffe springy.

From tightly wound seven bottles, you get a stable base for a pouffe, which, if desired, can be sheathed very beautifully and stuffed with soft material.

To design a small table for newspapers or work at a laptop, you will need 4 racks, a chipboard sheet that will serve as a top.

Table legs can be hidden by placing a tablecloth on top. As for larger bottle projects, such as a sofa, it will require a lot of material, perseverance and patience.

Home decor from plastic bottles

If you want to decorate your home a little, and there were some plastic bottles on hand, then you can make a beautiful vase for flowers.

Remember that you can give the edges of the vase a beautiful shape by heating over a candle. So the plastic will become soft, and it can be bent with tongs.

Buildings in the backyard

From a plastic bottle, you can easily build a simple washbasin, you just need to fill the bottle with water and hang it upside down.

The lid is slightly unscrewed and the water flows down. From plastic, you can also make a bench for relaxing in your country house or an interesting gnome figurine.

From the plastic bottom of the bottle, you can easily make an interesting cosmetic bag, just sew a zipper around the edges.

Such a little thing is useful for those who love to knit. You can put a ball in this ball, and let the end out, and hang it where it is convenient. Then the ball will not constantly roll.

Photo of fakes from plastic bottles