How to make an elephant out of a large plastic bottle. Products from plastic bottles (pigs, frogs). Elephant from plastic bottles: what you need to prepare

Decorating your summer cottage is very simple and anyone can do it! To do this, you only need a few plastic bottles. From which you can make, for example, such a garden figure as an elephant. It will take a little time and patience to create such a product, and a cute and exotic animal will appear in your garden.

In this master class, the whole process of creating a wonderful plastic bottle elephant is described in detail.

Materials and tools that are needed to create crafts:

- 5l bottle;
- a bottle of 2 or 1.5 liters;
- small bottles - 4 pcs.;
- scissors;
- paints;
- facade varnish;
- lace;
- a piece of polyethylene insulation;
- decorative elements.

To begin with, it is worth creating the torso of an elephant. This requires a large 5 liter bottle. Remove all stickers, labels and pens. In it, you need to cut four holes for small bottles, these will be the paws of an elephant.

In small bottles, for better stability of the craft, pour sand.

Ears must be cut from a two-liter bottle.

After, on the sides on a 5l bottle. make cuts for the ears. Then fix them in the holes.

You will get such a preparation.

Behind, make a small incision for the tail.

After, cut the lace to the required length, fluff the tip a little and insert the lace into the incision.

When all the details of the workpiece are assembled, you can start painting the elephant. It is better if it is acrylic paints. In total, you need to apply several dense, uniform layers of paint, using foam rubber.

The layers must dry well, otherwise, when applying the next layer, bald spots will turn out.

After the main color is completely dry, it is necessary to draw eyes, proboscis and paws.

You can add a little blush with a pink tint.

In the design of the muzzle of an elephant, you can show your imagination and paint it in your own way.

Color crafts must be covered with facade varnish! And, on several layers!

And the final stage in creating crafts is decorating the elephant with decorative elements. In this case, it is a decorative butterfly and a ladybug.

Here is the craft and ready!

Now such an original and cheerful elephant made of plastic bottles can be placed on any garden plot! It will definitely please the eye, all year round!

The final look of the craft. Photo 1.

The final look of the craft. Photo 2.

Learn also how to make a palm tree from plastic bottles. Such palm trees can often be found in kindergartens or near the entrances of houses.

Making decorations for your own estate, school yard or kindergarten playground is not so difficult. It is enough to have a little imagination and improvised material. In this master class, we will show how easy it is to make an elephant from a plastic bottle.

The scenery of such a plan does not incur large costs. Perhaps the necessary material is lying idle at your home, although it can significantly enliven the site and please the eye with cute crafts that you can make without much difficulty with your own hands.

Stylish and inexpensive

For work we need:

  • a large plastic bottle with a volume of 5 liters;
  • medium-sized bottle - 2, 1.5 liters;
  • small bottles, you can take them from children's yogurts. They are small and have an interesting shape. Or the usual small ones - 0.5 l, it will also look good;
  • scissors, clerical knife;
  • watercolor paint, facade varnish;
  • rope or laces;
  • polyethylene insulation;
  • various elements for decoration.

During our master class, photos will be provided that will help with the sequence of work.

Let's start creating a miracle elephant

The main and largest part is the body. To make it, it is necessary to remove all unnecessary details from a 5 liter bottle: a label, a pen, labeled stickers, etc. We make a mark on one of the sides, 4 even circles, you can circle a jar of the diameter we need. And cut straight holes. In them we will fix the legs of an elephant.

On a note! In order for our elephant to be stable and not be blown away by the slightest breeze, sand or earth should be poured into the smallest bottles.

We insert them evenly into a large bottle. So that they are motionless and do not move constantly, we fix with glue.

Cut out ears from the top of a medium 2-liter bottle. You can cut it out by eye or make small sketches with a marker. See only that the ears are in proportion to the body.

It is difficult to find a family in which there are no plastic bottles, someone drinks water, someone drinks juice. Most often, these bottles are then sent to the general trash, but they decompose for more than 100 years. In order not to harm nature, it is better to make a cute plastic bottle elephant . How? Will tell us Anastasia Ivanets .

Elephant from plastic bottles: what needs to be prepared?

Hello! So the school year ends and in kindergartens and schools the time for review-exhibitions of sites in the territories of preschool and school institutions begins. And we were not idle, we made an elephant. It is quite interesting to collect it, but it is better for an adult to do it, but you can paint it together with a child. So we did with Serezha.

So we used:

  • 2 bottles of 5l (it is better to take one more oblong type, like Agusha's or as an antifreeze for cars is sold, and the second bottle, which is wider, is like Vortex, etc.)
  • 4 bottles 0.5 l
  • 1 bottle 1.5 l
  • A hose from an old vacuum cleaner, or in plumbing they sell hoses under the sink (they cost a penny)
  • Acrylic paints
  • Adhesive tape is wide (if your elephant is gray, then it is better to take brown adhesive tape, and if pink or blue, then transparent adhesive tape)
  • Stationery knife
  • Scissors

It seems to have listed everything)) Let's start. I didn’t take a photo with cuts, because they are not visible in the photo, but in the assembly you can see what is where))

Elephant from plastic bottles: how to make?

So, we remove labels from all bottles. We take one 5l bottle oblong for the body, and the other for the ears.

1. Making the body.

In the lower part of the bottle, we make small cuts with a knife crosswise, bend the corners inward and insert the 0.5-liter bottle upside down and so 3 more cuts and strengthen with adhesive tape.

View of the future elephant from above:

View of the future elephant from below:

At the bottom, the label peeled off badly, but it's paper, so it's okay. The torso with legs is ready.

2. Now the ears.

Turn the body with the cork of the bottle towards you and draw a line about 2.5 cm evenly on the sides and cut it with a knife.

Now we take the second 5l bottle for the ears. We cut the bottle in half, then impromptu cut out the ears and then insert them into the cuts. I taped the ears.

Well, instead of a cork, we insert a hose, this is an elephant's trunk. Just like the previous details, we fix the trunk with tape.

3. Now we make a flower from a 1.5 liter bottle.

Well, that's how we got an elephant.

Next, a very interesting work is painting. It was here that Seryozha helped me. I had to buy acrylic paints so that they do not wash off from the rain outside and to make it easier to paint indoors, since the paint does not smell bad and is easily washed off hands and clothes if this is done before the paint is completely dry.

In a jar, I diluted black and white paint to make it gray, and my son and I started painting. We painted for three evenings. The paint dries quickly on the elephant, but still it is easier to paint with breaks.

Then they painted the flower and attached it to the trunk of an elephant as if he was sniffing a flower))

Now we draw eyes on the muzzle.

And here is our masterpiece on the grass among dandelions))

That's all. For me personally, the longest was painting than assembly. And here is my final thought about all these little things from bottles - to collect it all and make it interesting, but honestly it’s not mine, I’d rather mess around with beads. But as they say, to each his own))) But thanks to the kindergarten, I tried myself in this difficult task and we got plastic bottle elephant !))))

Svetlana Chernaya

The children were delighted, from the new "tenant" on site!

To make a big elephant you need.

1) Four bottles 1.5 liters (for legs)

2)1 bottle 10 liters(for the body).

3)1 bottle 5 liter(for ears).

4) Stationery knife, scissors, glue, and an old hose from a trunk vacuum cleaner.

5) Paint enamel, gray, brush.

6) A set for creativity "eyes".

We take the largest bottle(10 liters, on it we carefully make 4 small cuts cross, cross and parallel to each other (for legs) insert into each hole bottles 1.5 liters. The elephant is already standing. Necessarily, for stability, we fill each bottle sand or fine gravel.

From above on the sides we make cuts for the ears. Cut out the ears bottles 5 liters, insert.

in the neck bottles we insert a piece of hose, we get a trunk. We paint.

Glue the eyes (can be drawn).

That's all the elephant is ready.

The same is true for small elephant, only taken smaller bottles. Instead of bottles 1.5 liters 0.5 liters - small legs, and on the torso bottle 5 liters.

Thank you all! Who visited my page!

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