Insulation of skirting boards in a wooden house. What to do if it blows from the walls in a panel house? What to do if it blows from a corner in a panel house

Publication date: 07-01-2015

Heating a room is an important task. Relatively recently in great variety Another method of heating appeared, interesting and very convenient. This is a warm skirting board.

The undeniable advantages of this method of heating

How is it different from traditional heating systems?

The point is that ordinary radiator batteries, being installed in one place of the room, they give off heat unevenly.

Being usually under the window, they cannot distribute the heat evenly throughout the room.

It goes up to the ceiling, without warming up the floor and opposite walls.

After analyzing this system in the infrared range, the experts came to the conclusion that heat spreads equally evenly in all directions, along the floor and along the walls.

The advantages of a warm baseboard heating system are as follows:

  • Uniform distribution of heat throughout the room.
  • Tangible space savings due to the location along the perimeter of the floor.
  • Efficiency and indispensability in high-ceilinged rooms.
  • Heating of a floor and walls evenly.
  • Economy and maximum safety.
  • Ideal for glazed areas.
  • Prevents condensation on windows.
  • By heating the walls, it prevents the formation of mold and mildew.
  • Installation of the system is extremely simple.
  • Thoughtful design and easy maintenance.

Of the manufacturers of such heating systems, the Austrian company Christine Prantl, which produces the best board warm plinth system, which in recent times is becoming more and more popular in Russia.

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How does this heating system work?

Device warm baseboard

This system is mounted around the perimeter of the room, replacing the installation of a conventional floor plinth.

The principle of its operation is that the heated air, rising up, warms the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wall.

Then the wall, in turn, makes the return of this heat to the entire room. Due to the absence of strong convection, heat is distributed evenly from floor to ceiling.

Moreover, due to the slow rise of the heated air, the dust in the room does not rise.

This is very important, especially for allergy sufferers and people suffering from lung diseases.

The warm skirting system is exceptionally effective for high-ceilinged rooms.

It also fits perfectly where available. a large number of windows or the room is almost completely glazed.

This type of heating is absolutely safe, so you can safely place any pieces of furniture, a sofa, armchairs, cabinets, various equipment, including an LCD TV and a computer, next to this device.

Even curtains to the floor will not suffer at all, being in close proximity.

The warm plinth heating system can be used as the main one, as well as in addition to other types of heating. It is so versatile that it can be connected to both the central and autonomous system heating.

If you are the owner country house or cottages, then they certainly faced such a problem as dampness in the room. Moreover, it is quite difficult to “warm up” a house with the usual methods of floor insulation in a country house or outside the city, and not always possible.

By installing a warm baseboard system, you will realize all its advantages - significantly saving space, it will evenly heat the entire room, from floor to ceiling.

If your premises has large area glazing, or it has a lot of windows, then such a system will be simply irreplaceable.

By creating a thermal screen, it will prevent condensation on the glass surface, will not disturb the overall harmony of the design of the room and save a lot of free space.

Apartment owners will feel all the benefits of heating with a warm baseboard system, especially if the apartment is end-faced, damp and there is a risk of fungus or mold.

Warming up the walls throughout the area, it will create comfort and coziness in the room.

This system has even more advantages in large areas - gyms, shops, hospitals, schools, museums, winter gardens, various cultural centers.

By heating such a large area evenly, the system will prevent dust and bacteria from rising into the air, which is important for rooms visited large quantity of people.

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System installation features

Electric version of a warm skirting board

The modern heating system is very great benefits before conventional heating in many ways. A warm baseboard is installed instead of the usual one, around the perimeter of the room.

Moreover, not necessarily along the entire length, before purchasing and installing it, you just need to calculate how much you need to heat the room.

Next, it will be useful to decide which type of system is most suitable for you. The fact is that there are two types of installation of these skirting boards - working on liquid ( hot water, or antifreeze), and electrical system powered by an outlet.

In the version powered by electricity, an electric heater (TEH) is located in the lower tube.

If you chose the first liquid-powered type, consider in advance how it will be connected. To central system heating, or to an individual boiler.

If this electric type, then you need to take into account the safe connection to the outlet.

The warm baseboard system is provided with special thermostats electronic type that react and regulate the temperature level. Moreover, such regulators are equipped with electric heaters, and working on liquids.

Moreover, highest power, which is necessary for consumption, is 400W., The minimum is 50W. The thermostat will allow you to adjust the most comfortable temperature with the lowest energy consumption.

The advantages of this system have already been mentioned above. But it is worth noting a few more advantages. These are high quality modern materials from which the elements of this system are made.

Wear-resistant and safe copper tubes, brass plates, which are closed from above with a convenient and durable aluminum profile.

At small sizes and neat design, such a system is extremely efficient and economical.

Another advantage of the warm plinth heating system is that you can choose it for almost any room design. Her fragments have many options color solution, and you can also choose the most suitable skirting profiles for you. It will save space and fit into any, even the most daring design of your home.

Check mark, it wasn’t funny at all to me either ... when it was tobacco smoke into the room, it is not clear from where... it seems to be from somewhere below... and periodically it blew... Especially since this room is a corner one. It was already the coldest in our apartment, until double-glazed windows were installed there - internal and external - and the heating radiators were not changed to new, modern ones. Sasha closed the cracks and the air stopped blowing. Now this room is as warm as the other rooms. Even the radiators for the whole winter were turned on at full capacity only in January, when they were very coldy. At home, they are dressed in summer clothes all winter, they forgot what warm slippers and warm clothes are. home clothes. Stopped getting cold.
Galya, to check whether it is blowing, you need to bring a wet hand to problem areas. It is likely that it is somewhere under your parquet. There is also a hole where the heating pipe passes.
Yes, we do everything on the sly, as we have free time. There is no hurry!)
And when you hire builders, it is not only expensive, but also not always of high quality. Of course, there are jobs where you need to contact construction firms. Installation of double-glazed windows, for example, or installation of armored doors. Sasha, in practice, has mastered some construction and installation specialties. Yes, he did a lot of things before. I laid tiles everywhere. Changed the toilet bowl, installed a sink, making a complex with a countertop sink + touch plate with oven + kitchen furniture. We hob I bought the oven separately. Sasha first installed a hob in the countertop, and then built in a sensory oven under it, making a cabinet for it with drawers for various little things.
For many years, hot water was often cut off for several days at home in our area. It was especially annoying in winter time. The tenants went to the housing office to swear, and the boss told them that he personally did not heat the water. And payments to the communal apartment came with ever larger sums. At night, even if there was hot water during the day, it disappeared after 12 due to the lack of circulation of water in the pipes. It took a long time to drain the water, so that finally at least warm went. I wrote a number of applications to various authorities of the country with copies, Sasha went around the house and collected the signatures of the residents. We sent everything by mail with notifications. I began to receive explanations from the authorities within a month, what was the matter. It turns out that over the hot water pipes in our area, over some hot water distribution unit, someone built cooperative garages. Moreover, without permission from Kievenergo. So, anyway, I was explained in the answer. And when, somewhere there, in the area of ​​​​the garages, the pipes rotted and began to flow, it was not possible to get to them. I wrote again - to the Prime Minister and to the Ministry of Energy, and again we collected all the signatures, attaching copies of the answers received. I got a reply. But we continued to regularly call Kyivenergo, all the operators already knew us, called the hotline of the City Council and the Ministry of Energy. And when funds were allocated to our district for the repair of pipes (this was on the eve of the elections), they started, first of all, with us. We have established new system circulation, put new modern pipes, instead of old metal ones, which constantly rusted. Everything around the houses was dug up ... dug up by excavators ... muddy earth ... dirt ... But then at the same time they laid new asphalt for us, made new walking paths, and in our yard they installed a playground with swings and benches for parents.
But anyway, we decided to play it safe, and Sasha installed a 50-liter electric water heater in our house. When professional work is carried out annually in our area in the water supply system, turning off hot water for about two weeks, we can safely wash in the shower, and not run with kettles to the bathroom, as it was before. Sasha connected the water heater to the hot water pipe system using copper pipes with a diameter of 8 mm. When you open a hot water faucet, the heated water flows faster from the faucet.

Galka, thank you for your comment! Good luck in everything! Happy weekend!

Living in an apartment building panel house for at least five to ten years, the owners of the apartment are faced with the fact that for some reason the temperature in the room, albeit not significantly, but decreases, drafts are felt, it blows from sockets in a panel house, cold goes along the floor or is felt from the corners. Let's just say that unpleasant discomfort is only the beginning of the problems that can follow if you do not take active measures. What awaits you if you frivolously dismiss the solution of the problem? What to do in order to eliminate the inconvenience for the maximum time?

What to do if it blows from a corner in a panel house?

The presence of drafts, the occurrence of a situation when cold comes from the wall or blows from under the plinth in a panel house - this is the first signal to start action! You should not wait for condensation to appear on the walls and in winter it starts to freeze, why wait for the appearance of a fungus under the ceiling or in the corners, on the floor, why live in conditions high humidity feeling the constant smell of dampness?

There are very effective remedy combating all of the above problems - sealing interpanel seams. Competently and conscientiously performed work on sealing the seams between the panels on external walls ah at home will allow you to forget for a long time about the cold and dampness, drafts and fungus, and of course, colds, which are the result of a violation of the normal microclimate in the home.

Each apartment in a panel house has two horizontal, one or two vertical inter-panel seams, which, if their integrity is violated, can become the beginning of your problems. collapsed bottom seam- blows on the floor in a panel house. The top one was damaged or spilled out - a wet spot formed under the ceiling, which eventually begins to darken and becomes the site of the appearance of the fungus. If the vertical seams have lost their qualities, then a draft and a feeling of cold air moving from the corners will appear.

If the process of destruction of interpanel seams has begun (and, unfortunately, it is inevitable, because nothing is eternal in the world), then it will be necessary to repair everything in order not to call specialists several times interpanel seams located near your apartment.

It blows from the walls of a panel house, how to insulate?

If you feel that it is blowing from the seams in a panel house, then it’s better for you personally to do nothing, but immediately call in specialists who can inspect the external walls of your apartment and interpanel seams in the most conscientious and safe way. Looking out of the windows will help a little, and without insurance you will definitely not be able to inspect and see defects, cracks, destroyed places in the seams! Employees utilities they are also in no hurry to help you, and not because they do not want to. It's just that houses built at the same time begin to require repairs at the same time.

There are several ways to seal seams. The person who will perform the work will certainly tell you about them. Depending on the neglect of the situation, your wishes and possibilities, the optimal option will be selected, in each specific case, that will allow you to get the result and guarantee its preservation for a significant period.

Sealing the seams will save you not only from drafts and dampness, but will also help save money on heating the apartment due to energy saving.

On the specific question: "It's blowing from the wall, what should I do?" we will give you the same specific answer - to seal the interpanel seams. In 90% of cases, this will solve all problems and improve the quality of your life. Whom to entrust the work? Only professionals with extensive experience and the necessary permits for dangerous high-altitude work!

We are able to work conscientiously at any height and always bear responsibility for the result. Give us a call and we will provide you with a competent and non-binding consultation.


In this article, we will not talk about how to insulate skirting boards: about how much wool, felt or foam should be placed under them so that it does not blow out from under them, does not see through the cold, etc.

In this article we will talk about how to make a warm skirting board with your own hands. That is, to build a miniature and simple in technical terms a device that will allow you to maintain a constant temperature on your glazed and insulated balcony within 18-20 ° C.

General scheme of the device

Baseboard heater device

Although, of course, people who build moonshine stills from generation to generation hardly need to be explained how to do something similar, but much easier. To begin with, let's just say that heating with a warm baseboard is done by two copper tubes through which hot water flows. To heighten the effect, radiator fins made of brass sheets are put on the tubes, and this whole structure is covered with three sides aluminum box.

Usually they try to fit a warm plinth in dimensions: 16 cm in height, 6 cm in width, and in length - as much as the perimeter of the room allows. And they place it in the same place as the most common plinth: along the walls along the floor.

Why not on the ceiling?

The article will tell you not only about what kind of device it is, but also about the laws of physics on which the action of the baseboard heater is based

Because the installation of a warm plinth at the bottom of the walls requires complex physical laws that describe the convection of air flows along vertical surfaces (that is, walls) so that these walls warm up during the process of said convection and themselves become sources of infrared (thermal) radiation.

Calculation of homemade warm plinth

Installing a warm baseboard

The Internet is full of intricate formulas for calculating warm baseboards: how to calculate the diameter of the tube, how many radiator fins are needed, at what speed water should flow through the tubes so that the temperature in the room reaches the coveted 20 ° ...

Do not bother yourself with these formulas. All the same, you will not find another suitable copper tube, except for a diameter of 16 mm. If you find 20 mm, put yourself a monument not made by hands.

steel, aluminum tubes it is easier to find, but their thermal conductivity is lower than that of copper, and your warm baseboard will heat up by half worse. And it won't heat up at all.

Warm plinth with a mesh-netting radiator

It is equally difficult to find a brass sheet: it is desirable, according to GOST 931-90 thickness 2.5-3.5 mm

Aluminum sheet for the box is easier to find. As a last resort, you can adapt aluminum siding to assemble the box or cut out suitable parts from aluminum panels going to the decoration of billboards or light boxes.

Water will flow through the tube at the same rate as it flows into heating system your apartment - and no calculation will change anything.

Warm plinth device

1. Remember that your warm baseboard should heat the air along the wall, but not the wall itself! Therefore, wrap the wall in those areas where the plinth heater will be located with an insulator: strips of thicker plywood or drywall. 2. It is important to correctly cut out future radiator fins from a sheet of brass. In order for them not only to serve as emitters, but also to become supporting brackets, they must be made in the form of the letter “P”, to the crossbar of which you will screw the aluminum box strips with self-tapping screws.

The lower part of the legs of this "P" must also be bent at a right angle outward: this is how you will make platforms for attaching the brackets to the wall (more precisely, to the strip of plywood that you previously stuffed onto the wall).

Thus, you get the initial data for the pattern: plate height - 16 cm; the width is: 12 cm (two thicknesses of the plinth) + 3 cm (width of the crossbar between the legs) + 6 cm (the total thickness of the two “bends” for attaching to the wall). Total - 21 cm.

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Which underfloor heating for a balcony is better:? An analytical review on our website will help you solve this issue.
About the device of electric floor heating on the balcony

Preparation for the radiator fin of a warm plinth

You have a 16x21 cm plate. Draw horizontal and vertical axes of symmetry on it - it is best to use a compass-measuring needle for this.

Step back from the horizontal axis of symmetry 4 cm up and down and draw two more parallel lines.

Step back from the vertical axis of symmetry 4.5 cm to the right and left and draw two vertical lines. At the intersection points of these additional lines, you will get the centers of the holes through which the pipes will pass. They need to be drilled out.

3. To drill holes for pipes, you need to take a 0.5 mm drill larger diameter than the diameter of the tube you purchased. But there will be nothing to worry about if the drill is larger by both 1mm and 2mm. 4. After drilling the holes, the brass plate must be bent in the form of a U-shaped profile with bends of the “legs” for fastening to the wall. For this, it is also worth making markup.

Step back from the sides of the plate by 3 cm and draw two vertical lines at this distance. On them you will bend the bends for attaching the radiator to the wall.

This is how brass should be bent in a vise

Step back from the vertical axial 1.5 cm to the right and left and also draw two parallel lines: they will mark the boundaries of the “crossbar” of the letter “P”.

5. Bending brass is as easy as shelling pears: clamp it in a vise so that the fold line coincides with the upper edge of the vise jaws, and, successively drumming with a hammer (preferably copper, not steel) along the fold line, bend the plate until its free edge is lies on the vise jaws. More right angle at home you will not provide. 6. Now screw the radiator brackets with self-tapping screws or screws to the plywood (gypsum board) with which you edged the wall at the location of the plinth heater. And insert into their holes stockpiled by you copper pipes. Your original baseboard heater is assembled.

Important! Drywall doesn't hold screws well, screws, and any other fasteners we try to embed in it. Therefore, immediately, before installing the pipes, place a support under the brackets. For example, a rail of suitable thickness. Fasten both tubes every 1.0-1.5 m with clamps using dowels, which should be driven into something more capital than drywall: a house wall, a bookmark in the lining of a balcony, etc.

7. How to loop the circuit and connect it to a hot water source?

loop loop

It's good to have fittings for this case. It is good to be able to competently make a tie-in into the pipe central heating. But, in principle, all this is the concern of a home plumber, and not a heat engineer.

In practice, it was possible to observe how heating systems were fed for years through an ordinary corrugated hose, and even through a rubber hose put on the flared end of a copper tube and tightened with a clamp.

Using the same fittings and hoses with which you connected your warm baseboard to the heating system, loop its contour. That is, connect the "rear ends" of the copper tubes with a corrugated hose or in some other way so that water flows freely from one tube to another. And from that - back to the central heating system.

Important! Do not flatter yourself with the thought that you will be able to bend qualitatively copper tube at home. Theoretically, it must first be tightly filled with fine sand, plug the ends and bend, wrapping around a steel column of a certain radius. But in practice, it is not realistic to tightly fill a tube with a diameter of 16 mm and a length of 2 m with sand. And when you try to wrap it around metal leg stool or something like that, you will either break the tube, or doubt it so much that at the place of its inflection throughput will decrease and, sooner or later, cracks will appear in this place and the system will begin to leak. Therefore, do the looping of the contour and the stroke of the corners (if you are laying the system around the entire perimeter of the room) with the help of hoses, and not by bending the pipe.

8. The thermal conductivity of aluminum is much worse than that of copper. The aluminum casing in which you pack your "warm baseboard" is also a screen that drives warm air up along the wall. Therefore, it is worth leaving upper plane box a gap 5-10 mm wide through which the heated air will flow along the wall.

Installation of a warm electric plinth

Installation of an electric baseboard heater

Much more difficult than water. Although in the network instructions, it seems that it is enough to put a heating element in a copper tube. But in fact, there are not so many people who could quite accurately stretch this heating element through a long pipe with a diameter of 16 mm.

But much harder problems with insulation and waterproofing device. A balcony, even glazed, is a place of high humidity. Short circuit, sparks, fire is much more likely here than in an ordinary room.

Anyway, everything threaded connections must be performed using rubber gaskets, radiator and copper pipes must not come into contact with aluminum cladding, etc.

Therefore, it is better not to take risks and buy an electric plinth heater of branded production. They are not that expensive. And in the event of an emergency, at least there will be someone to file a claim for damages.

Installing a factory-made warm skirting board

Branded electric warm plinth

It must be followed strictly according to the attached instructions. Although general principles devices of baseboard heaters are uniform, but components from different manufacturers differ from each other, and therefore the methods of installation and connection can vary greatly.

There is nothing wrong with these instructions. Many modern warm skirting boards simply need to be attached to the wall and connected to the mains.

Warm plinth, photo gallery of do-it-yourself devices

An example of a homemade warm skirting board
Warm plinth electric - do it yourself Connecting the baseboard heater to the heating system

Connecting a baseboard heater using a union connection
Warm plinth electric This profile is suitable for warm baseboard radiators.

Outlining corners with flexible tubes
Scheme of installation of a warm plinth Bending a copper tube with a vise