Sand the floors and varnish them with your own hands. Scraping the floor with your own hands: scraping wooden painted, such a video for a plank, an old tool. Electrical equipment and network load

Nothing compares to the comfort that wooden floors give to the house - parquet or simple plank. Natural wood is warm, lively, with beautiful texture lasts a long time if properly cared for. It happens that the floorboards and parquet dice dry out, deform, cracks appear on them. Heavy furniture or strong blows leave chips. Once a beautiful floor is rapidly losing its respectable appearance. But do not think that the replacement wooden floor is the only way out. Such repairs are expensive and troublesome. Scraping the wooden floor will help restore the former attractiveness of the room. At a relatively low cost, all identified defects will be removed, and the floor will delight again.

What does the term "cycle" mean?

The name of this type of work comes from the tool with which it was performed - the cycle. The device has a handle and a scraper rigidly fixed on it with a slightly curved blade of a special shape. Sanding a floorboard or parquet involves removing a very thin top layer along with damaged areas, remnants of the paint layer, and ingrained dirt. But today cycle is rarely used. Scraping machines can easily cope with this task.

When Scouring Is Required

First you need to understand whether this gentle procedure will be enough. Scraping can be limited if the plank floor is damaged, shallow dents have formed on it, there are spots, and the old coating has partially worn off. Scouring is an ideal way out if there is a desire to change the coating and apply varnish instead of paint. If a individual elements floors have become unusable (cracked, deformed), then after replacing them, it will also be necessary to cycle the entire room.

If the damage is too deep, then you will have to think about a complete replacement. floor covering. If you need to repair parquet, then in this case the layer to be removed will have to be made as thin as possible.

Call the masters for help or try it yourself

There is nothing complicated in scraping an old plank floor. But there are a few moments when you should not overestimate your capabilities, but it is better to turn to professional craftsmen. These include:

  1. large scraping area;
  2. serious multiple damage to the floor boards (more than half the thickness of the board);
  3. the presence of parquet, especially with ornaments or rare woods;
  4. the parquet "went like a screw", split, was sanded many times;
  5. boards often get wet (for example, the floor in a country house), there are clear signs of mold or traces of a wood-boring bug.

All these defects are easily detected visually. Excessive humidity can be determined by laying on the floor polyethylene film for a day. If condensation appears on it, then scraping is pointless, complete disassembly, drying and waterproofing will be required.

The wear of boards and parquet slabs is determined using an awl. It is stuck into the boards at an angle of 45º. Depending on the type of wood, the immersion depth should not exceed 3-7mm. If the awl goes deeper, then the floor will have to be completely changed.

All these problems require a thorough and large-scale solution, so it is better to entrust them to professionals. If there are no serious defects, then you can try to do the scraping with your own hands.

It is better to completely free the room from furniture, remove the chandelier. If this is not possible, the furniture is moved to one wall, the floor is processed in free space, then the furniture is moved to the cycled area and work continues. In this case, the furniture must be tightly covered with a film. Sometimes you have to take the door off its hinges. The doorway is also tightly closed with a film.

After that, inspect the floor itself. Scraping of a wooden floor is carried out only on a leveled surface with eliminated defects. Logs and subfloor are checked. Squeaky floorboards are replaced, deformed and broken boards, protruding nail heads are sunk into the board. Large gaps between the boards are filled with scraps, a mixture of sawdust and glue.

Scraping a painted floor requires special training. Usually there are several layers of paint, especially in older houses. The paint is preliminarily removed with a scraper (preferably an electric building hair dryer, which warms up all layers of paint and helps to remove them easily), white spirit and a stiff brush. We'll have to clean up to the tree itself. If there is mastic on the floor, it must also be cleaned off.

The protruding floorboards are leveled with a planer. After that, the problem areas are puttied, allowed to dry for two days and sanded with sandpaper.

Tools and materials

Scraping the floor will require thorough instrumental preparation. Required Tools and fixtures:

  1. scraper or flat Grinder(it can be rented);
  2. manual scraper for cleaning baseboards or hard-to-reach areas;
  3. scraper or electric building hair dryer;
  4. sandpaper of several degrees of granularity of fractions;
  5. powerful vacuum cleaner;
  6. brush with hard (metal) bristles;
  7. brushes and rollers;
  8. special putty for a wooden floor;
  9. scissors, screwdriver or hammer;
  10. means of personal protection.

When choosing a scraping machine, pay attention to the degree of stripping. Deep cleaning is not necessary, especially for parquet.

Before starting work

Be sure to use the personal protection. Working even with modern sanding machines without dust is impossible. In addition to comfortable work clothes, wear gloves, a respirator and goggles. Since the machine is quite noisy, earplugs will not be superfluous. Hair is completely removed under the hat.

The windows in the room are opened to enter Fresh air and less dust.

Work technology

They begin to work with sandpaper of the largest fraction. The sheet is fed into the drum of the machine, firmly fixed. The car should not be turned on too abruptly, especially if there is not enough experience. The device is slightly tilted to the side, turned on and slowly lowered onto the boards. If you do this abruptly, the machine may fly out of your hands and cause injury. Throughout the work, the machine is not let out of hand.

It is very important to follow the direction of work. The scraping of the floor board starts from the corner opposite the door. The car is driven diagonally. Each track is overlapped. They pass the floor several times, before each repeated pass they change sandpaper to a finer grain. Periodically, both the sandpaper and the dust collector are cleaned of wood dust, if necessary, torn sanding sheets are changed.

If the parquet has classic styling“herringbone”, then the final grinding with the most fine-grained paper is carried out not diagonally, but along and across. The plank floor is polished clean in the direction of the board. Figured parquet is cycled in perpendicular paths, the finishing pass is performed in a spiral and only with a surface grinding tool.

They move evenly, without lingering in one place, to avoid excessive removal of the top layer.
At the walls, they already work with a manual scraper or a special machine for borders with a medium-grained nozzle. Also, manually, in smooth circular motions, they grind expensive parquet,

At the end of grinding, the floor is carefully vacuumed and wiped with a rag. The room must be closed for a day so that the floor material "rests". Only then can you start decorative coating varnish or paint.

How much does beauty cost

There is nothing super complicated in looping. But if the repair is scary, it is better to think about the help of the masters. The price of the work depends on several factors:

  • floor area;
  • coating material;
  • the degree of deterioration of the wooden floor, its age;
  • urgency and so on.

You should not invite craftsmen who declare the minimum cost for 1 square meter. Most likely, it does not include the cost of consumables or pre-repair. All this must be agreed before starting work.

Modern high-tech grinding machines can significantly reduce the cost of work. Similar devices work on all types wooden floors, reduce the amount of dust to a minimum. In this case, the processing will be very accurate, which is important for an expensive or antique coating.

The craftsmen will also perform all the repair and preparatory work, replace the damaged logs and sections of the subfloor. If necessary, they will select boards and dies that are most suitable in terms of texture in order to restore the parquet pattern. Since all work is usually carried out in a complex, the price per m2 is quite affordable. Many companies provide a guarantee for their work and significant discounts for repeated requests. In order to keep the wooden floor in perfect condition, it is advised to perform sanding at least once every 7-8 years, as a result, comfort and beauty in the house will be inexpensive.

The wooden floor looks spectacular and interesting. However, over time, even such a luxurious flooring can lose its former appearance. There are many reasons for this - wear due to long-term operation, damage, pollution, cracking. As a result, it is urgent to find a way to fix everything.

Parquet scraping, which is performed independently

To restore the former beauty of a wood floor, a process such as scraping the floor will help. As a result, the floor surface becomes perfectly smooth, devoid of all sorts of deformations and problems. You can carry out floor scraping on your own, or you can use the services of experienced professionals.

Attention! It is necessary to immediately think through all the subtleties of this work. If there is any doubt that it will not be possible to cope on your own, it is best to immediately entrust the work to the masters of their craft. In this case, any problems will be excluded, and the floor is guaranteed to become luxurious.

Features of floor scraping

Floor scraping is one of the most popular processes for caring for a wooden floor. The task of this procedure is to ensure the smoothness, evenness and ideality of the coating. The process is named after the very first tool for performing such tasks - cycles. With it, it was possible to remove the layer of wood covering that is on top.

A modern scraping machine is a small handle to which metal plates are attached. The grinding machine that is used in the process of work in our time is of two types:

  • drum;
  • disk.

The first option is appropriate only if you need to process an area of ​​​​impressive area. Such a machine is characterized by an uneven scraping process, so even an experienced specialist will not be able to achieve perfect result work. This type should be avoided whenever possible, especially if significant evenness is to be achieved.

The process of scraping a plank floor as a need to restore its attractive appearance

The disc grinder is completely devoid of all sorts of shortcomings. With it, scraping a wooden floor will become a simple and effective process. Disk models appeared on modern market relatively recently, but have already managed to gain popularity among buyers. The equipment will allow you to get a perfectly smooth and flat surface devoid of all sorts of defects and shortcomings. The cost of equipment is quite high, so it is mainly used by teams experienced builders and repairmen. However, if necessary, you can always rent this product.

Scraping of wooden flooring, which is carried out without any dust

How to do floor scraping yourself?

At the very beginning, find out if your flooring can be treated. AT individual cases wood flooring is non-repairable. In this case, scraping the floor will become a useless exercise that does not bring any positive result. If there are damaged areas on the surface, be sure to replace them before carrying out work. Carrying out floor scraping with your own hands is quite simple if you follow certain stages of work.

The first stage is a thorough preparation of the room. Be sure to remove all furniture and carpets from the room. Photo frames and paintings should also be removed, as they will be covered with a layer of dust. Bookshelves cover with a film of suitable size.

The interior door must be carefully removed. The opening is hung with a film, securely fastening it to prevent dust from spreading to all other rooms. The windows should be opened so that the dust can get out.

A visual result of the process of sanding a wooden floor covering, which qualitatively changes the appearance of the floor

The second stage is proper preparation floor covering before scraping the floor. The gaps between the floorboards are filled with filler, for example, ordinary shavings. To get rid of the remnants of the old varnish, you can use a scraper or a stiff brush. The flooring must be thoroughly washed and left for about three days so that it has time to dry thoroughly.

When the floor preparation is completed, it is necessary to purchase such protective equipment like earmuffs and respirator. This will protect you from dust inhalation, as well as from too loud noise during the operation of the equipment.

The third stage is the actual scraping process. It is believed that scraping a wooden floor is a very complex and responsible process that requires the help of specialists. But in practice, it turns out that the most difficult thing in this matter is to keep the grinder in the right position.

The first step is to start by using coarse sanding sheets. Thanks to this, you can get rid of the old coating, as well as make the floor surface perfectly smooth and even. In this case, all defects disappear without a trace. Tilt the machine slightly before lowering it to the floor. You need to move across the room, firmly holding the handle of the unit in your hands. Turn the machine 180 degrees if you reach the opposite wall to continue the process and finish the floor properly.

Excellent result of the floor scraping process, which is visible immediately after processing

Various materials and features of scraping

Material such as serrated boards is sanded in a different way. It is necessary to move from one corner of the room to another in the process of work. After you walk on the floor several times, change the trajectory of movement - move in the opposite direction. Thanks to such manipulations, you can get a perfectly smooth floor surface without various defects.

The use of medium-grained sheets can be started when the curly boards have been processed. Need to change consumable on medium grain sheets. Now you need to move along the floor board. Not too damaged flooring begins to be processed with these actions. When the whole process comes to an end, make sure you haven't missed anything. After that, you can take a fine-grained sheet and repeat all the above steps again.

The scraping process at the wall surface is a responsible occupation, so it is important to know how to scrape in this case. In fact, everything is very simple. You just have to walk through those areas that are located along the walls. For this, it is worth using a curb scraper. You need to start with a material of medium grain, and finish the process with a sheet with fine grains.

On this, the whole process of scraping the floor can be considered complete. This is the whole process of wood floor processing. To complete the job, sweep the surface of the floor covering and wipe it thoroughly with a dry cloth. After that, you can apply finish coat which will smooth the surface and make it more attractive.

Refurbished wood floor that looks interesting and inviting again

Here are some tips to help you achieve the perfect result:

  • they start working only with coarse-grained sheets, since only in this case it is possible to cope with irregularities, as well as with the remnants of the previous coating;
  • do not treat only damaged areas, because they will stand out against the background of the floor. Take the time to full processing floor covering;
  • if suddenly the gaps between the boards are too large, then do not waste your time processing the room. Such a floor covering needs to be replaced;
  • construction waste can ignite while working with a grinder, so try to get rid of all kinds of debris in time;
  • a microfiber roller is ideal for varnishing the floor surface, so do not spare the money to purchase such a tool;
  • be sure to isolate adjoining rooms, because the smell of varnish, like dust, will definitely penetrate there. Block all doors with films or hang them with thick curtains.

Important! Cycling is subjected to any wooden floor - from boards, parquet and other wood coatings. The result will be positive. You can also sand the floor without dust.

If you take into account these tips, you will achieve an excellent result of processing the floor surface without much effort. It will take a minimum of tools and materials, so the work process is considered economical. The main thing is not to rush and process each section of the floor so that irregularities and other defects are not visible. If you doubt that you can do everything yourself, you should take care of calling professionals. Plank floor scraper experienced master, which guarantees the speed of the workflow and its quality.

Even a person without relevant experience can cope with such work. The main thing is to prepare the tools necessary for work in advance, because only in this case nothing will distract from work. Try yourself in a new business, if you have not encountered anything like this before. Scraping a wooden floor with your own hands - a way to achieve interesting design interior and comfort of your own home.

Let's start with the fact that you can and should scrape only wooden floor coverings, which include parquet and batten. Despite the fact that some lovers of perfect floors sometimes try to scrape laminate flooring, they always end up with only a damaged floor. Wooden floors are cycled, previously covered with mastic or varnish, which refers to parquet, or painted with paint - this is about boardwalks. Such work is being done in order to remove upper layer tree and expose a clean, pristine, which was not touched by the intervention of too thrifty owners. It is necessary to remove only the topmost layer, a little bit, so as not to spoil the material of the floor covering.

To be honest, you first need to decide how you will do it. The surest and fastest way of scraping is to use a special scraper machine. If you often do such work, then it is better to buy such a machine and not give it to anyone, because someone no less diligent than you can easily dull or break scraping knives.
Such a unit is quite expensive, but the time savings are worth the money. When scraping with a machine, you do not have to get rid of family members for the duration of work and from pets. The household will somehow survive the noise of the car, and the pets will have time to hide. In addition to noise, the mechanism does not particularly annoy others, there is not even much dust from it.

Speaking of dust, which will be with any method of scraping. It will not be just dust, but dirt mixed with mastics and varnish. You will have to breathe this mixture until the work comes to an end, which is highly undesirable. Be sure to stock up on a respirator and goggles, because dust will fly not only into your mouth and nose, but also into your eyes.

Another sanding method is quieter, but also more labor intensive: sandpaper. You can take it in your hands and rub the floor with your hands, you can tie it to the soles of your shoes and rub it with your feet. In any case, both of them get tired quickly enough, so you will constantly have to change the “tools of labor”. When using this method, not only noise, but also dust will be less. The scraping time can last indefinitely, which depends on your strength and desire to finish everything faster and go lie down on the couch.

Another noisy-dusty option in solving the problem of how to cycle the floor faster. Pick up a grinder, put or glue sandpaper on the disk and clean the floor with sandpaper. It works quickly enough, but an uncomfortable posture can provoke an increase in pressure and an attack of sciatica. Be careful when using this looping option.

Now again a quiet but slow way to clean a dirty floor surface. Take something like a scraper, a knife, a chisel and gradually clean, centimeter by centimeter, the entire surface of the floor. It is good to do such work on vacation, so as not to get fat during the rest, but on workplace to return thinner, rejuvenated and completely satisfied with a successful holiday.

If suddenly, for some reason, these four options for scraping do not suit you, on help will come fifth way. You call a team of craftsmen, give them a task, set deadlines, invest a certain amount of money, and pack your bags yourself and go on vacation with your family. In this case, you will not be worried about dust or noise, since you will not decide how best to make repairs, but where to get money for a return ticket. Since, having received a telegram from the place of scraping about the shortage Money for the needs of the scrapers, you had to transfer all the cash to your hometown.

But now all the troubles are behind, and in front of you is an almost new floor, shining with cleanliness. But it’s still too early to let the household into the apartment, because the floor must be rubbed again with mastic or varnished, and then, after some time, cycled again.

With according to professional terminology, the concept of scraping refers to scraping wooden surface for cleaning and straightening. Unlike grinding, floor scraping, namely, we will talk about floor scraping in this article, this technological process removing the old floor covering and leveling it. The very concept of scraping a wooden floor refers to the repair of wooden floors and, according to the technology, scraping the floor is followed by its grinding and subsequent coating. protective varnishes or paints.

Manual and mechanical floor scraping

The scraping of a wooden floor is divided into manual and mechanical scraping. For mechanical sanding of floors, special machines are used various types. Bulky machines cycle the main surface of the floor, the corners of the room cycle small grinders, but in completely hard-to-reach places scraping is carried out by hand scrapers (scrapers).

Scraping, a priori, involves the removal of a thick layer of a wooden surface, and scraping technology is used as a cardinal measure to remove the top layer of wood, including layers of old varnish or paint, before revealing a layer of natural wood.

Stages of sanding a wooden floor

We single out the following stages of floor scraping:

  • Room preparation;
  • Surface survey;
  • The choice between manual and mechanical scraping;
  • Mechanical scraping;
  • Scraping in the corners and junctions;
  • Room cleaning;
  • Sealing defects in the floor;
  • Covering the floor with varnish or paint.

Preparing the room for scraping

  • To carry out scraping work, all furniture must be removed from the room;
  • If you plan to replace the skirting boards, then the old skirting boards must be removed;
  • The surface of the walls to a width of one meter must be protected with cellophane;
  • Work will require a worker electric outlet or access to electrical panel, for connecting an electric scraping machine.

Sex examination

  • The wooden parquet floor is examined for the integrity of the parquet planks and their strong fastening. If necessary, broken parquet planks must be replaced.
  • Wooden plank floor is examined for strength. All floor boards must be firmly fixed, not bend or creak.
  • If the floor is covered with mastic, it is removed with white spirit.

Scraping a wooden floor in three stages

1. At the first stage of sanding, the floor is processed by a sanding machine (machine sanding).

Machine scraping, includes three stages of scraping. Each stage of machine sanding is carried out with sandpaper with different grain sizes. Begin surface treatment with coarse grit sandpaper (No. 40), and finish with a third treatment with fine grit sandpaper (No. 120). Cycling works are carried out at closed doors and windows of the room, wearing goggles and a respirator.

  1. The scraping machine “rolls” on the floor in parallel stripes with an overlap of 5-6 cm strips.
  2. The second scraping of the floor is carried out with a change in the number of emery skins, in the direction perpendicular to the first scraping.
  3. The last layer of processing of the wooden surface of the floor is carried out with fine-grained sandpaper (No. 120), in the direction of laying the floor boards.

2. Scraping in the corners of the room. In the corners of the room and where the floor adjoins the wall, the floor is scraped with a manual scraper.


3. In hard-to-reach places: under the radiators, around pipes, the floor is cycled by a manual cycle.

Scraping ends with a thorough cleaning of the room (s) using a vacuum cleaner. A protective kiss is removed from the walls.

Floor polishing after sanding

The floor is varnished the next day after sanding. The floor is once again vacuumed and wiped with white spirit.

Floor made from natural wood, will always be relevant, even despite the abundance of various innovative both globally and internationally. Russian market. Many people do not recognize any alternative. And it does not matter that it requires periodic maintenance and careful handling.

One of the "cosmetic" activities that must be carried out is scraping.

Is it possible to do the looping yourself? Certainly! However, first of all, you need to determine the progress of the work and what it is all about. flooring is usually understood as the operation of removing the top layer from the surface of the floor, which also involves cleaning of varnish, paint, wax or other contaminants.

There may be many reasons for doing such work, for example, the elimination of irregularities that arose during the repair process.

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Necessary tools for work

To carry out scraping, you will need to get the following tools:

  • Scissors;
  • Vacuum cleaner;
  • Brushes and roller;
  • Sandpaper No. 40-120;
  • Cycling (parquet grinding machine);
  • Hand scraper or angle grinder.

Take note! In everyday life, very often people, wanting to make their work easier, use a grinder. However, to use this tool, you need to have some skills. Be careful. It is better for people without experience to use one of the simple scraping machines, which are distinguished by their low weight, ease of use and safe operation.

So, usually the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is cycled using a drum scraping machine, which is similar in appearance with a lawn mower. In this case, the edges and corners are processed with an angular scraper.

But there is no point in acquiring such equipment, since scraping is not done so often.

If necessary, just contact the rental service.

Preparing a wood floor for sanding

The first step is to assess the condition of the flooring. Do the boards bend, is there a flaw in the support beams? If such a problem really arose, then the failed parts should be replaced.

After the foundation has been well considered and evaluated, it follows:

  • Clean the floor with a vacuum cleaner and, using mineral spirits and a washcloth, remove the layer protective coating(mastic, etc.);
  • If communications pass under the floor, then the boards under which the wires pass should be fixed with brass screws;
  • If some nails protrude from the floor, then the protruding hats should be drowned in the wood with a punch and a hammer;
  • Prepare thin wooden slats, with which it would be possible to seal the cracks formed in the floor. The slats must be coated with glue on both sides and driven into the hole, and after the glue has hardened, clean the protruding areas with a planer. After it is worth performing puttying and grinding with sandpaper.

Scraping technology

When performing scraping work, take care of the means personal protection: goggles, respirator, gown or old clothes that are tight and fastened to the throat, with tight-fitting wrists. It is better to put ear plugs or cotton swabs in your ears, since the volume of a running machine is dangerous to hearing. Remove absolutely everything from the room: furniture, pillows, tablecloths and carpets. Wrap the largest items that cannot be removed plastic film, grabbing the skirmishes with adhesive tape.

Open wide the windows. Glue insulating tape slots in the door frame and close the door before turning on the machine. Then insert the sandpaper into the sander drum and turn it on. Start scraping from the corner, choosing a diagonal direction. Make sure that each subsequent cut overlaps with the previous one. Remember to change the sanding paper periodically as it will tear and wear off in the process. Empty the dust container as needed.

Cycling consists of several approaches. Please note that each subsequent one is perpendicular to the previous one. Also, at each stage, paper of a smaller grain size will be required. The final moment generally passes when using fine-grained paper, which must be moved parallel to the floorboards. After that, it remains only to thoroughly clean the surface, remove all debris. On the first day, do not sweep the floor so that dust does not rise into the air. General cleaning it is best to spend on the second day, treat the floor with white spirit and varnish.

plank floor

It makes no sense to use a surface grinder, since it will not be possible to make the floor perfectly even anyway. Movement across the floorboards is not allowed. The natural deflection of the board should not exceed two millimeters. Its radius must match the radius of the grinding drum, otherwise the drum will enter into resonance and the result will be a kind of brake track for reckless drivers in front of the checkpoint.

How to do the looping by hand

To work manually, you will need a looper. This is a planer iron with a hook-shaped blade. To begin with, the piece of iron must be heated in a flame, bringing it to a scarlet glow, and allowed to cool slightly in the air. After that, together with the cutting of the pipe, the blade is clamped in a vise and bent with light and even hammer blows.

Then the blade should be straightened and hardened: heated over fire, and then dipped in water. Removing the wedge from outside bending, you will sharpen. You can improve the performance of manual scraping if you use a scraper as a scraper. Typically, this tool is used for cleaning seams in the plank sheathing of small boats.

To use a scraper for scraping, it is necessary to make its edges even, bend, harden, sharpen.

Scraping a wooden floor (video)

Repairs are exhausting, dusty and noisy work. It requires experience, the availability of special tools and time. the site in some cases recommends entrusting the scraping to professionals.