How to remove film from plastic windows? How to remove old film from plastic windows How to remove old film from plastic windows

Enterprises producing metal-plastic windows supply their products with a protective film. Its role is to protect the frames from dust, dirt and scratches during storage, transportation and installation of window units. After that, it becomes completely useless and needs to be removed. Let's figure out how to do it.

When do you need to remove the protective film from plastic windows?

Ideally, the protective coating is removed immediately after the windows are installed or within a couple of days after that. However, if repair work is still ongoing in the room and the risk of damaging or staining the frames is large, this period can be extended. But not to infinity: after 1-2 months, especially in hot weather, it will be difficult to remove the film. If it is so necessary to protect the frames, instead of the factory coating, they can be pasted over with masking tape - there will be much less problems with its removal.

Why the film sticks and does not peel off well

The strength of the connection between the film and the frame is influenced by several factors at once:
  • Adhesive coating. The worse in quality and cheaper the glue used, the faster it will stick tightly to the frame.
  • Room temperature. Under the influence of heat, both the glue itself and the film begin to slowly melt and literally eat into the plastic of the frames.
  • UV exposure. As in the case of heat, the sun's rays change the structure of the adhesive and the film, as a result, they stick to the window very quickly.

How to remove film from plastic windows: all possible ways

Even the old film is sometimes removed relatively easily, it turns out to be difficult only to pick up its edge. In such a situation, any thin and sharp object will come to the rescue: a knife, nail scissors, a needle, or something similar. But you need to work with them carefully so as not to injure yourself and not scratch the plastic of the frame. If that doesn't work, it's time to move on to more radical options.

Whichever method is chosen from those described below, it is very important not to damage the hydro- and vapor barrier coatings located at the junctions of the frames with walls and roofs during the removal of the film.

hair dryer

The hair dryer is brought as close as possible and a jet of hot air is directed onto the frames. Under the influence of heating, the dried glue and the film soften, and after fresh traces, the protective coating becomes really pry and remove. Practice shows that it is more efficient to blow not under the film, but at an angle from above along the course of tearing off the film.

The higher the temperature provided by the device, the more efficient the method becomes. The best option is to use not a weak enough technique for drying hair, but a powerful hair dryer. An alternative to a hair dryer can be a heater, if its mechanism of action is also based on blowing hot air, or a clothes steamer.


Chemicals for diluting or dissolving paints, varnishes and other building fluids will most likely help remove the film from a plastic window. Acetone (and even acetone-based nail polish remover), mineral spirits and other kerosene-based liquids, car chemicals for tar removal, special decal removers, and more can work. The effectiveness of such funds in each case may be different, so it is better to check them empirically.


  • Pry off the tip of the film at least a little. If this does not work out in any way, then at least cut or otherwise violate the integrity of the film, otherwise the solvent will be ineffective or useless at all.
  • Apply the product - carefully pour, smear with a brush or rag.
  • Wait 2-3 minutes.
  • Pull the edge of the film and try to remove it from the treated area.
  • If there is no result, add solvent and hold for some more time.
  • At the end of the work, wipe the frames with a damp cloth, you can add detergent.

It is important to observe safety precautions - if the instructions for the tool recommend working with gloves and well ventilating the room, this should not be neglected. Otherwise, you can earn intoxication of the body and a chemical burn of the skin.


This method is most effective if you need to remove individual small pieces of protective film from plastic windows. It is necessary to cut off a piece of wide adhesive tape at least 4-5 cm long (a smaller size will be inconvenient to hold in your hands). It is glued to the sections of the frame with the film, carefully smoothed, and then pulled very sharply. Ideally, the entire protective coating should remain on the tape strip.

Use only stationery tape (transparent or colored - it does not matter). Masking and double-sided adhesive tapes on a fabric and paper basis are covered with a less sticky adhesive composition.


The effectiveness of this method is based on the property of many polymeric materials to become rigid and brittle under the influence of low temperatures. In the case of a protective film, the glue will simply harden and stop adhering it so tightly to the frame.

If in winter in your region frosts reach at least -10 ° C, just wait for the cold weather and let the frames cool down well by opening the windows in the room for a couple of hours. If not, you can try to cool the problem areas artificially by applying frozen bottled water to them and immediately trying to peel off the film following fresh tracks. But the effectiveness of this option is much lower.


If the film has stuck so strongly that even intense rubbing with a brush does not help, it remains to use a sharp object. A knife is not suitable for this purpose - it will take a very long time to pick off the film with a tip, and it is inconvenient to hold a narrow blade flat. You can use a construction spatula, but a scraper for a glass-ceramic coating of electric stoves is even better. It is even more difficult for them to scratch the plastic of the frames.

Hard brush

In this case, you will need a stiff, but preferably non-metallic brush. She actively rubs the surface of the film until it is removed. An alternative to a brush is a metal sponge for dishes. Made from thin strips of metal, it cuts the film like a knife or a scraper, but unlike them, it does it more delicately, i.e. with less risk of scratching the frame plastic.

Vegetable oils

If the film itself was somehow removed from the plastic window, but a sticky layer of adhesive composition remained on the frames, vegetable oils will help here. They are abundantly lubricated with contaminated areas, left for several minutes so that they are saturated with liquid, and then removed with a cloth, sponge or brush. You can use absolutely any vegetable oils or drying oil.

The oil itself must also be removed from the frames, otherwise it will harden over time and form dark and sticky stains, to which dust will quickly adhere. Remaining oil can be removed with soap, dishwashing detergent, acetone or alcohol.

Oil alternatives:
  • hard sponge with soapy water;
  • weak solvent;
  • ordinary stationery eraser. It is advisable to choose an elastic grater in the color of the frames (so that it does not stain them). From friction with an eraser, the remnants of glue and film will roll into large lumps that will fall off on their own or be easily removed with fingers or a damp cloth.

Video how to clean a plastic window from an old film

See also the video instruction for removing the protective film from plastic window frames that was not removed in time:

Contacting a cleaning company

If it was not possible to clean the film from plastic windows on your own, you should contact those for whom such tasks are the main activity. Cleaning company employees have a variety of tools and substances to remove dirt, and, no less important, experience.

How to remove the film from the plastic window sill

For a window sill, all the same methods are applicable as described above for window frames: heating with a hairdryer, solvents, sharp scrapers, a stiff brush, etc. But if the window sill is not perfectly smooth, but has a rough texture, then in addition to them, you can try abrasive substances - powdered detergents or ordinary baking soda. For a smooth surface, it is better not to use them, the risk of leaving scratches on it is too great. Read more about pollution, because this is not uncommon during repairs.

The protective film on the frames of plastic windows is designed only for their short-term protection against dirt and scratches. After installation, this coating should be disposed of as soon as possible, otherwise it will be quite difficult to remove it later, although it is realistic.

How to remove protective film from plastic windows

According to the manufacturer's recommendation, the protective tape from the plastic window should be removed, preferably within the first 10 days after installation. Subsequently, it will not be possible to easily remove the film, since the properties of the adhesive will begin to change under the influence of heat and sunlight.

To solve the problem, you can invite craftsmen from a cleaning company who will quickly and professionally clean the surface of the window from the adhering film. But with certain skills, you can try to remove it yourself, using a special scraper for glass ceramics and a building hair dryer. You can peel off the tape with industrial alcohol or tape, if you can tear it off in pieces.

The purpose of the protective film on the plastic window is to protect the surface of the unit from possible scratches and dirt. After delivery of the product, installation and implementation of slopes, the film must be removed.

It is best to do this immediately, but this is not always possible. But it is necessary to remove, even a strongly stuck tape. It's worth trying several ways.

Heating the film with a building dryer

This is one of the easiest methods to remove unwanted film. If you heat its surface with a hair dryer, soften the layer of old and dried glue, then it will be easy to pick up the edge of the tape and lift it at least a little. Then, direct a stream of hot air under the film, and gradually pull it, gradually tearing it away from the window block. Thus, without breaks, you can remove the whole strip.

When working with a building hair dryer, hot air should not be allowed to hit the glass - it can burst from high temperature.

Mechanical scraping

If the film cannot be lifted due to the fact that it immediately begins to tear and crumble, it is worth using scrapers to clean glass ceramics or to remove paint, you can also work with a universal blade, but in all cases you should take a new blade, then the surface to be cleaned will be more even. It is also necessary to preheat the old tape each time with a building or conventional hair dryer in turbo mode, you can use a steam generator. Residues of glue and film are easily removed with a scraper, which is held at a minimum angle to the surface.

Using tape

Sometimes after cleaning there are stuck pieces that could not be removed. In this case, a wide tape will come in handy. First you need to degrease the surface of the profile with detergents or alcohol. It is better to use the hard side of the sponge and wash everything thoroughly.

Then you need to dry the surface, stick adhesive tape on it and level it with a rag. It needs to be removed after an hour. On its surface there will be stuck pieces of a protective film.

All attempts to remove stuck pieces with a blade or abrasive cleaners may damage the plastic profile. However, small scratches can be removed with Cosmofen brand white glue, which is otherwise called liquid plastic. Sometimes the German cleaning agent FENOSOL S 10, which has a slight dissolving effect, can help. It is applied to a cotton napkin and wipe the damaged surface. When using these drugs, it is necessary to follow the safety precautions and rules for working with these substances specified by the manufacturer.

Special adhesive removers

When the remaining film needs to be removed, and a hair dryer is not available, then it is worth using means to remove adhesive residues. The universal American aerosol agent WD-40, which has white spirit in its composition, can help in this matter. The substance does not interact with plastic, removes stickers and dirt from glasses.

Other substances have a more targeted application and are used to remove adhesive residue, adhesive residue from stickers. Among them is the HG sticker remover - which completely removes stickers, self-adhesive tapes, oil and bitumen stains. As with all chemicals of this principle of action, it must be handled very carefully and kept out of the reach of children.

The application of HG sticker remover is simple, it is enough to bend a small corner on the adhered film and drop a little liquid there. Leave for a while, and then you can simply remove everything and wipe this place with a cloth.

Solins, LAVEL OFF, Antiscotch and others have the same ability to remove adhesive residue.

Remaining glue stains on the profile can be removed with a cotton pad and white spirit. You can use a regular school eraser, but it will take a long time. And then you need to completely wash the window with warm soapy water.

Before applying any of these products to the front surface of the window profile, it is necessary to check its effect on a hidden area between the frames or near the seal. If the color of the frame has changed or turned yellow, the structure of its upper layer has changed, then this tool should not be used.

How to remove protective film with alcohol

When the film crumbles into small pieces, which are almost impossible to tear off the surface, technical or medical alcohol can be used to remove them. To do this, you need a small spray gun, and the one that is used to moisten the leaves of indoor plants is also suitable. It is necessary to fill the container with alcohol and spray it on the contaminated frame. After a few minutes, it remains only to wipe the desired place with a hard sponge or brush. Do not use metal brushes or washcloths for these purposes, as they will damage the plastic.

Spray alcohol should be careful, do not allow splashes to get into the eyes. At this point, there should be no children or pets in the room.

If the repair in the apartment has not yet been completed, and the windows have already been installed, then in order to avoid problems with the removal of the protective film in the future, it is better to remove it immediately. And before the installation of slopes, wall plastering, wallpapering and painting begin, it is better to seal the plastic surface with masking tape.

The listed methods for removing the used protective film from PVC windows are the simplest and not too expensive. But if for some reason there are a lot of various contaminants on the windows, you should not risk the appearance of these products, it is better to call the cleaning company specialists.

Reading time: 1 minute

Owners of plastic windows often do not know how to clean the film of plastic windows. Indeed, this is not a simple matter. The film does not come off well, traces of glue remain on the frame, and many owners are afraid to use more “radical” measures (solvents, scrapers). It is important to get rid of traces of the film, and to preserve the aesthetic appearance of the frame.

There are some simple secrets on how to safely and effectively get rid of the protective shell on plastic windows.

The price of tools and materials for film removal is low. However, it is better to peel off the protective tape from the window frames immediately after installing the double-glazed windows than to spend a lot of time on this later.

The fact is that the protective shell consists of two layers. The bottom layer with glue is thinner. Under the influence of sunlight and heat, the layer dissolves and is absorbed into the plastic. That is why simply peeling off the film from top to bottom does not work. The top layer will remain in the hands, and the glue will still stick to the frame.

It will not be possible to quickly remove the protective film after a long time after installing the windows. The whole process will most likely take several hours. The shell can be removed by physical or chemical action. In most cases, both the first and second methods should be used.


Many new settlers are interested in how to wash plastic windows from the film. Often builders after installing windows break the rules and do not remove the protective tape immediately. The house can stand for several years until it is fully completed. During this time, the tape will "tightly" stick to the frames. In this case, it is better to resort to a mechanical method.

Using various tools, you can pick up the film and remove it from the surface. In this case, most likely, an adhesive layer will remain on the frame. It can also be removed with tools without resorting to a chemical method.

For information on how to remove the protective sheath with tools, see the table.

Image Tool Instruction

Household or building hair dryer 1. heat up an industrial hair dryer (a household hair dryer must be turned on at maximum power);

2. carefully, without touching the double-glazed window, heat the film with a stream of hot air;

3. Helping yourself with a clerical knife or scraper, remove the protective tape;

4. Remove adhesive residue with a solvent.

Scraper for hobs and glass-ceramic panels 1. pick up the edge of the protective shell;

2. gently guiding the scraper forward, gradually remove the entire protective tape;

3. treat the adhesive residue with a chemical agent.

1. cut the film and pick it up with a clerical knife;

2. slowly, without making sudden movements, pull the protective sheath towards you with your hands;

3. help with a knife, completely peel off the protective tape;

4. wash off the remaining traces with a sponge and detergent.

1. remove the protective shell with your hands (as it turns out);

2. “erase” the remaining traces of glue with an eraser;

3. wash the frame with soapy water.

Brush and soap solution As with the eraser, if there is any adhesive left on the surface of the frame, it can be removed with a stiff brush and soap.

The most effective is an industrial hair dryer. The flow of hot air melts the adhesive layer, so the efficiency of complete film removal without subsequent surface treatment is increased. It is worth noting that a household hair dryer is poorly suited for this task. The power of a household hair dryer is not enough, so you will have to additionally “fight” with the adhesive layer.

Advice! If you are not confident in your abilities, then you should use the services of a cleaning company. Specialists will remove the protective tape without damaging the frame and double-glazed windows.


You can wash the film from plastic windows with the help of chemicals. It is not recommended to use aggressive solvents, including alcohols, as such products can deform the plastic frame. In particular, denatured alcohol, White Spirit, RP-6 and Kosmofen will help get rid of glue.

It should be remembered that when working even with weak solvents, it is worth observing safety rules. Work should be carried out in a ventilated area or in a respirator. It is better to wipe off traces of glue with rags soaked in the substance with gloves on.

Features of the use of chemicals on plastic windows are presented in the table.

A photo Means How to apply

Denatured alcohol or technical alcohol must be poured into a small spray bottle and sprayed evenly over the protective tape on the frame. After about 2 minutes, pry off the edge of the film with a utility knife and pull slowly. In this case, traces of glue may remain on the plastic, which can be easily removed with acrylic thinner or white spirit.

COSMOFEN is a series of cleaners with solvent or non-solvent effect, designed specifically for PVC windows. Cosmofen-10 is suitable for cleaning the film. This is a low solvent cleaner that will help remove traces of glue from the plastic frame, while maintaining its integrity. It is enough to wipe the problem areas with a cloth dipped in the product. "Cosmofen" is recommended to be used in combination with a hair dryer.

RP-6 RP-6 is used to remove old paint from different surfaces. The mixture is also suitable for getting rid of the protective sheath on PVC. To work with RP-6, you must wear goggles and gloves. RP-6 is applied in a thick layer on the treated surface and left for 10 minutes. During this time, the film will rise and begin to lag behind the frame. It remains only to remove the protective tape and treat the residue with a weak solvent.

"White spirit" is a universal remedy for removing complex contaminants. This is a rather weak solvent, so it must be applied not on top of the film, but on the adhesive layer. To do this, it is enough to pick up the upper edge of the protective layer, pull it back a little and pour the product into the resulting free gap. After a few minutes, you can freely peel off the film. If the film is long, then the procedure must be repeated until the White Spirit gradually dissolves the entire adhesive layer.

Advice! To remove glue from plastic, the universal remedy "Shumanit" is also suitable. However, it is worth remembering that it contains caustic substances that can damage the PVC profile. Therefore, you should apply the product to the sticky surface of the frame and immediately wipe it off along with the glue.

Cleaning glass

Many owners of plastic windows are also interested in ways to clean the window from the mirror film. Special protection that reflects the sun's rays is sold in hardware stores. Residents living on the sunny side of houses buy film for the summer. However, with the onset of cloudy days, it turns out that it is not so easy to peel off the protective layer.

The problem is the same as with the protective tape on the frames. Despite the fact that the mirror film does not have an adhesive layer and is glued with water, under the influence of ultraviolet rays it practically eats into the double-glazed window. It is very difficult to peel off such protection.

Advice! In order for the solar protection for windows to be removed easily, you should not delay its removal. If the windows face south, and the sun shines from April to October, then it is easier to leave the film or initially refuse to use it and hang blinds.

Simple methods on how to clean sunscreen film from windows:

  • With the help of denatured alcohol and a spray gun, similarly to removing the film from the frame, you can get rid of the sun protection layer on the double-glazed window. Denatured alcohol is sprayed onto the surface of the window and aged for several minutes. Then, with the help of a clerical knife, the edge of the shell is pry off and the entire layer is gradually removed by hand. It's better to start at the top.
  • Using a steam generator, you can melt the surface of the sun protection layer, and then remove it by picking it up with a knife. This method is well suited for "stubborn" film, which is difficult to pick up.
  • Clean the double-glazed window with a sponge with Schumannite. This is a powerful tool that must be handled with gloves. Also, contact of the product with the plastic parts of the window should be avoided.

Sometimes pulling off the film from the double-glazed window is not enough. Often on the surface of the window there are mirror, "silver" traces of the film. You should not take on a solvent: lavsan - the material from which the protection is made - does not come into contact with solvents. Everything is much easier. It is enough to wash the window with hot water and soap, and rub the “silver” spots with a hard metal sponge. You should not be afraid for scratches on the window: the double-glazed window will withstand such cleaning and become as good as new.

Taking care of the warmth and comfort in their homes, many prefer the installation of plastic windows. These modern designs are distinguished by their impeccable appearance, airtight. Usually, after the installation is completed, a protective film remains on the frames, which is often forgotten to be removed in time. Over time, it tightly dries to the plastic surface, after which it becomes difficult to get rid of it. It happens that you need to remove the sun-protection film from the windows or remove traces of glue. Effective methods will help to cope with these problems.

Why is it difficult to remove the protective film from windows

The main function of the film applied to plastic window frames at the factory is to provide effective protection of products during transportation. But under the influence of an aggressive external environment (heat, ultraviolet), they are able to stick together with a plastic surface. In addition, high-quality adhesive composition is not always used in the manufacture of protective films, which makes it even more difficult to remove such protection over time. It is possible to get rid of the film without any special efforts within 10 days after the installation of double-glazed windows. If for some reason it was not possible to do this on time, do not despair.

If the protective film is not removed in time, it will be much more difficult to do this over time.

How to remove film and adhesive tape from plastic windows

Using chemical or mechanical methods, you can cope with this task. For work you will need:

  • construction or household hair dryer;
  • scraper for cleaning glass-ceramic surfaces;
  • denatured alcohol;
  • eraser;
  • solvent for acrylic;
  • White Spirit;

When choosing a store product, you must carefully study its composition. Solvents containing harsh acids and acetone can damage frames, as can abrasive cleaners.

Mechanical methods

A scraper, eraser, hair dryer and other tools will help to remove the film mechanically.

How to use the scraper

The method does not require special physical costs, since the film is removed very easily with a scraper. However, careless handling of the tool can cause damage to the plastic frames.

  1. Using a scraper designed specifically for glass-ceramic panels, carefully remove the remaining film.
  2. After the procedure, clean the surfaces with Cosmofen 10, Fenosol or R-12 acrylic thinner.

How to remove film with an eraser

To remove the film from the window frames, you can use an ordinary soft eraser. Although the method requires a lot of physical effort, using it will not damage the surfaces. With the help of an eraser, you can also get rid of the sun-protection film on the windows.

  1. Rub the film remaining on the surface of the frames or glass with an eraser.
  2. Remove adhesive residue with white spirit or any other cleaner.

Using a hair dryer or steam generator

This method is highly effective and allows you to get rid of the film quickly and easily. However, you should work with such devices as carefully as possible: excessive overheating of the PVC surface can cause irreparable harm to it. If you have an industrial hair dryer at hand, the procedure for removing an old protective film will not take much time and effort. If it is not there, you can get by with an ordinary household appliance or a steam generator.

  1. Heat up the surface of the film.
  2. Gently pry off its edge with a knife or other sharp object.
  3. Remove the remaining glue with the help of the same cleaners.

Using a building hair dryer, remove the protective film from the windows

Chemical methods

Using tools and devices to remove the protective film from plastic window frames, even a specialized scraper, you can scratch the PVC profile. It is for this reason that for many people faced with solving a similar problem, the most acceptable option is the use of chemicals. With their help, you can remove the film with a minimum of effort and without damaging the surface of the window. However, these substances must be handled with care.

Denatured film remover

Denatured alcohol is one of the means that allows you to quickly and efficiently clean plastic surfaces from a protective film. When using it, personal safety precautions should be observed, protecting exposed skin and mucous membranes. The method is simple and effective, does not require special physical costs.

  1. Pour the substance into a spray bottle.
  2. Apply denatured alcohol to the surface to be treated.
  3. After 5 minutes, remove the film by prying it with a sharp object or a clerical knife.

How to remove film with Shumanite

The effective substance is the Shumanit detergent. Using it, you do not have to make special physical efforts when removing the protective coatings from the window. Since the components of Shumanit are very aggressive, remember the safety precautions: use gloves and goggles, ventilate the room well.

  1. Apply it to the surface.
  2. Remove the film without the need for special physical effort.

Step-by-step instructions for using RP-6

The RP-6 tool, designed to remove paint, will also help get rid of the protective film. Its effectiveness is quite high, and working with it requires the presence of protection on the hands.

  1. Apply the substance in a generous layer on the surface of the film. After 10 minutes, the film will begin to foam right before your eyes.
  2. Remove cover. It will come off without much effort.
  3. Wash off adhesive residue with soapy water.

How to use Scotch Remover to remove tape and film from PVC windows

Scotch Remover, a specialized tool designed to remove tough stains from glass and plastic surfaces, will also provide the desired effect when removing the film. When working with it, it is necessary to use protective glasses and gloves, as well as to ventilate the room well.

  1. Shake the bottle with the agent.
  2. Spray the substance onto the film surface.
  3. Remove film.
  4. Wipe the cleaned surface with a clean cloth.

How to use WD-40 penetrating lubricant

One of the most gentle means for plastic surfaces is VD-40. This lubricant is widely used in the automotive industry. The composition includes a number of components that can penetrate the most difficult pollution. With it, you can easily get rid of protective films stuck to double-glazed windows, as well as clean adhesive traces. When working, it is recommended to use gloves.

  1. Apply the composition to the film.
  2. After a few minutes, remove it from the surface.
  3. Wipe the treated area with soapy water, rinse with clean water.

WD-40 is a universal cleaner that will easily remove the film from the PVC window frame and adhesive traces.

Attention! When working with chemicals, it is necessary to remember personal safety, trying to avoid getting these products on exposed skin and mucous membranes. To do this, use safety goggles and rubber gloves.

How to remove solar control film (foil) from a window

During hot summer days, the windows and glazed balconies of many apartments are exposed to scorching sunlight, which negatively affects the internal microclimate of the premises. A fairly effective means of protection against them is a film that can reflect the sun's rays.

With the onset of autumn and cold weather, the need for such protection disappears and the film must be removed. However, such materials are able to tightly eat into the surface of the window under the influence of the sun, after which it becomes difficult to remove them. To solve the problem, you can use:

  • denatured alcohol;
  • steam generator;
  • eraser.

You can also remove the sun protection film using various detergents:

  • Domax;
  • Shumanite;

Using these formulations, it is also advisable not to forget about safety precautions, follow the recommendations of manufacturers and dosages. If after them the adhesive base of the film remains, you can use the following means:

  • liquid with Kiehl Tablefit spray: apply on a tissue and clean the surface;
  • stain remover Taygeta S-405: apply to the remaining glue for 15–30 seconds;
  • FORMULA X-5 liquid solution: works after 10-15 minutes;
  • Super CMF-240 from Krizal: positioned as a “dirt separator”, it removes the adhesive base of the film worse than the previous ones, but for allergy sufferers it may be the only applicable remedy from industrial formulations;
  • strong alkaline liquid Merida Impet for removing stubborn dirt: apply to the adhesive for 2 minutes.

Means for removing adhesive contaminants from various surfaces - gallery

Domax will allow you to get rid of the film and its traces
Cosmofen is a strong and highly toxic cleaner with high efficiency Fenosol is a high quality cleaner used on plastic surfaces
Kiehl Tablefit - a product designed to remove adhesive traces
FORMULA X-5 allows you to quickly destroy traces of glue Super CMF-240 quality universal cleaner

Soap solution and old newspapers

There is another method of removing the sun-protection film, which does not require special material costs. To use it, you will need:

  • soap solution;
  • old newspapers.

Operating procedure:

  1. Holding the newspaper with your hand, lean it against the glass and moisten it with plenty of soapy water using a spray bottle. Repeating this operation again and again, it is necessary to close the entire window space with newspapers.
  2. Leave newspapers stuck to the window for 1 hour, periodically spraying them with soapy water.
  3. Remove sun protection film along with newspapers.

This simple and effective method is very effective, but requires a sufficient amount of time. Using it, you will not harm the treated surfaces.


  1. When removing protective films from double-glazed windows, it should be noted that many of the chemicals are very aggressive solutions and can harm the body. For this reason, they should be handled carefully, not forgetting to use rubber gloves, goggles, and if prone to allergic reactions, a respirator.
  2. When rubbing the adhesive from the glass, do not press too hard on the surface. Otherwise, the glass may crack or fly out.
  3. When working with sharp objects, care must be taken not to damage the plastic surfaces and cause accidental injury to yourself.

Using simple mechanical and chemical methods for removing protective film coating from windows, you can achieve the desired result without much effort. However, it should be remembered that such work is not in a hurry, and when performing it, one should not forget about safety precautions.


Plastic windows are quite often equipped with various films that are needed to protect from the sun, make the glass more durable, and decorate. When buying an apartment, windows can be covered with such films, but they are not always needed by the new owner. In addition, if it is time to update the windows, since the films tend to become unusable, the question arises of how to remove the sun protection film from the window.

Coating removal methods

You can remove the sun protection film from the glass in different ways, choosing the most convenient and affordable. This is done both mechanically and with the help of various detergents, they also use a combined approach in order to clean well.

The film can be quite useful: it has a small thickness, while making the window much stronger, it can no longer be broken with a simple stone. There are different types of films that help to protect the double-glazed window even from strong impact, such as a gunshot; they are classified as protective. It will not work to remove a perforated film from glass or any other type of protective or tinting variety from the outside: an attacker will not do this, since the process takes a lot of time, effort, and attracts the attention of others. Most films are glued from the inside, with the exception of the protective one.

Knowing how to remove the film from the window glass may be required, if desired, to replace it when updating the interior, replacing a double-glazed window. Sometimes the product loses its visual appeal and needs to be updated, or the owners of the premises want to change its illumination, make the room lighter or darker. The process of removing the film is simple, does not require hiring a specialist, but it is worth considering that you will have to spend a sufficient amount of time and effort on this. You need to work carefully: in the process it is easy to damage the glass, scratch it, especially if you remove the film with hard materials such as a spatula or a rough brush.

What should you do when you need to remove the film from the window?

When choosing a method, means, option for cleaning glass, the owners of the premises proceed from several parameters:

  • It is necessary not to harm the glass.
  • Spend as little time as possible on this.
  • The option should be inexpensive.
  • There should be no traces of glue, film residues, various contaminants on the glass.

The easiest option than to clean the glass from the sun-protection film is a spatula and fingers. Some types can be gently pry off by tearing off the edge, but this does not always work out due to the fact that the film is glued unevenly, in some places it is damaged and exfoliates.

It is quite difficult to remove the adhesive from the film from the glass. It is poorly removed by detergents, does not lend itself to mechanical action. In order to remove it, you can use white spirit or another alcohol-containing substance that can gently clean the surface. Do not use rags with coarse pile, as they can leave marks visible in the sun on the glass.

Understand , how to remove the old film from plastic windows may be required if it is damaged, you want to change the appearance of the window, renew the old coating that has deteriorated.

What are the methods for dismantling?

Removal methods can be divided into two - mechanical and chemical. The first allows you to remove the film from plastic windows without much money, but with the risk of scratching the glass. The second will take longer, cost more, but with the right tools, you can thoroughly clean the surface without harming it. For greater efficiency, the methods are best combined: first you need to cut off all the swollen, cracked or otherwise deteriorated film.

You can remove the film from plastic windows with your hands, then get rid of the glue with the help of substances such as COSMOFEN 10, FENOSOL. These detergents have a cheaper counterpart that you can buy at a hardware store: it's called P-12.

It will be much easier to remove the protective film from plastic windows if you heat it up with a building hair dryer before peeling it off. The heated glue becomes more viscous and allows parts of the structure to be peeled off. However, the glue itself is best removed when it cools down a bit.

You should try to heat the surface evenly: the better you do it, the easier it will be to remove the self-adhesive film from the glass and the remnants of its glue. The latter will not be easy to remove, you will need to use a solvent, a scraper and detergents. You need to act carefully, otherwise you can scratch the glass. A steam generator can help with this. With it, you can remove the stained glass film from the glass , get rid of the tinting or protective film, glue residue. If you don’t have a steam generator or a powerful hair dryer at hand, you should not try to heat it up with an iron. So the film will not be removed, but it will partially stick to the surface of the iron, which can spoil it to a large extent, and after cooling it will not be easy to tear it off the iron.

You can remove the self-adhesive film from the glass, if it is well warmed up, using a hard eraser for artists. The remains of the eraser are removed from the window easily. To do this, you need a dry sponge or rag. If there is glue left, you can apply the eraser again or use a solvent. In most hardware stores there is something to remove the film from the glass.

Before removing the film from the glass, you need to carefully study all the methods, purchase suitable detergents and tools with which you can clean the surface.