How to make a table out of wood and glass. Original glass table with your own hands. How to make a glass table durable and reliable

Designers in modern world reminiscent of naughty kids who got their hands on a 3D multifunctional construction set with a guidance system - if one exists. With the help of designers, earthlings suddenly found out that they live in a boring, gray environment and do not notice bright opportunities provided by progress. Some of their projects cause shivers and shock, while others - nervous laughter. For example, glass table with our own hands, we would have made without the participation of these figures at all - simply out of a sense of self-preservation.

Today we will look at the nuances self-manufacturing glass tables

Now there are two ways reliable assembly glass structures of any complexity, but none of them provides for the presence of experimenters who are sick to the full head. Glass is a dangerous material in itself, so do not turn the everyday life of a master into a horror movie.

Frame way to assemble a glass table

In general, in principle, if you decide to cut out the details of the glass table yourself, at home, only the frame method is suitable for you. It makes no sense to even take on the embodiment of a design or personal idea about open glass - it will come out obscene. Frame method simple by definition:

Cut in furniture board a hole of the desired size and shape, and then fix the raw glass in it with a glazing bead. Not too beautiful, and it will not be possible to install glass of normal thickness, but you can mount the countertop like a regular chipboard part.

Modern mechanical fasteners are diverse and give room for creative imagination, however, is not always pleasing to the eye.

Mechanical fasteners for glass

Making a glass table using mechanical fasteners allows you to endlessly vary and even modify assembled structures. The main difference from the second method is facet. Here it is needed.

Making a high-tech glass table

High-tech style, in which the most popular models glass structures, implies a combination of "metal-glass", and without the use of clips protruding above the table top. Accessories can be purchased at construction or specialized stores.

Table assembled with special glue

It includes a variety of supports, legs, coupler and shelf combinations to give a decent look to any build – But! This requires special glue.

Adhesive for glass structures

When we researched the question "How to make a glass table with your own hands" - we stumbled over a small problem. The adhesive that is used to mount the mirrors is visible through the transparent glass surface and takes too long to dry - which is unacceptable in the absence of additional fasteners.

However special types glue helped resolve this issue. Russian manufacturers adopted the experience of Polish and German colleagues, and now they produce quite decent glue of two types: “glass-metal” and “glass-glass”. Like other types special formulations, this one also has its own peculiarity - it polymerizes into ultraviolet rays 300-400 nm long.

An ordinary UV lamp for warming up the ear / throat / nose is not suitable here - you need to find out the characteristics from the sellers of the equipment. In our region we found suitable device in hardware store for just $26. The time sufficient for the final "drying" of the glue depends on the power of the lamp - the initial gluing took us about thirty seconds.

glass table detail

We really liked the quality of the glue - the connection is stronger than the material itself, that is, when you try to tear off the part, you will not break the glue, but break off a piece of glass.

If you decide to make a glass table with your own hands, take tempered glass 10-12 millimeters thick, and then you will need a bulldozer to dismantle the product. With the second assembly method, we decided to completely abandon additional fasteners and make desk in the waiting room, for which it is not a shame to put an attractive secretary.

Let's describe the detailing and assembly process of this table

The whole structure is glued tightly - only the monitor stand is movable. Detailing is simple to amazement:

  • 1600x700 mm - countertop.
  • 450x350 mm - the top of the monitor stand.
  • 350x80 mm - 2 pcs. Monitor stand sides.
  • 750x500 mm - 4 pcs. Sides of the table.
  • 400x500 mm - 5 pcs. Shelves.

Glass thickness - 14 mm, total weight table - about one and a half hundred kilograms, so that the kidnappers can not be afraid. Prestige - 11 points ten-point scale(the third secretary is going on maternity leave).

Attention! The ends of the joining parts must be perfectly even and without bevels - otherwise the design will come out crooked and unbalanced.

Other elements of the table should not have any sharp corners or cutting edges in principle - if you do not want to open a branch of a blood donation point.

Table assembly process

AT this case no tool is needed for assembly - except for a tape measure and a marker. All lines are marked on the outside of the connection - the surfaces to be bonded must be perfectly cleaned and degreased.

It is unrealistic to assemble the cabinets alone - you need an assistant who will irradiate the gluing place with a UV lamp while you hold the parts in the right position. We recommend wearing sunglasses - the eyes are not designed for such loads, although the process will not bring them much harm.

Glue the shelves to the sidewalls one at a time - until they grab, and only then irradiate until the final polymerization of the glue. Please note - it will not be possible to tear off and redo, so mark carefully. Also pay attention to the coincidence of the edges of the structure. Glue is applied to the end of the part, and not to the plane: Excess can be removed sharp knife, but this work will not bring pleasure.

There are many answers to the question: "How to make a glass table." But before asking this question, mark for yourself a few absolute truths:

  • Glass does not tolerate negligence. The “And so it will do” option is good for misanthropes who wrote a will in favor of world peace (if they exist). Never use thin glass, especially in places where children are present. The cubs manage to split shop windows - what is some kind of table for them ?!
  • You can see through it. Do not put it glass table in the living room, if your girlfriends have crooked legs, everyone present will lose their appetite.
  • It's hard to see through it. This piece of furniture requires constant care. Fingerprints, dust, boogers or chewing gum stuck to the countertop will become public. If you do not intend to create an art object in this way, resign yourself to the need for constant cleaning.

Good luck to you.

Glass table - excellent design decision. Light and graceful, it effectively looks, fits perfectly into any interior, does not scratch or break.

Care behind this piece of furniture simple: quite timely rub with a damp cloth or special solution.

But perhaps the most important advantage glass table is that it is completely does not overload interior, but, on the contrary, seems to add to it air and spaces.

Glass table options

From glass do kitchen and even

Tables can be completely glass and combined with other materials (wood, plastic, stone, metal, rattan, etc.), with frame and frameless worktops and underframe.

In addition, glass tables differ for the following featured:

1. Table top geometry:

  • oval;
  • round;
  • square;
  • rectangular;
  • triangular;
  • irregular shape.

2. Applicable glass:

  • triplex;
  • strained glass;
  • tinted glass;
  • frosted glass;
  • plain (raw) glass.

3. Design:

  • sliding table;
  • mobile table;
  • table with a shelf under the tabletop;
  • table with a monolithic top and others.

Pros and cons of glass tables

The glass table has a row advantages:

  • Aesthetics appearance. Such a table will decorate any interior.
  • Hygiene. They do not absorb odors and dirt, do not emit harmful substances.
  • Practicality. It is enough to wipe the countertop special means or water.
  • Security. The strength of some types of glass can be compared to wood. And if the glass does break, it remains in the same shape thanks to a special film.
  • Persistence. Some types of glass are resistant to high temperatures, humidity and various chemical influences.

disadvantages glass tables:

  • Poorly wiping the countertop, you can get divorces on the surface.
  • Zvonko items are placed.
  • Plain glass gets dirty quickly fingerprint.
  • Plain glass surface scratches, may appear chipped.
  • Plain glass table break.
  • high price for finished glass products.

Materials and tools

materials, necessary for the manufacture of a glass table:

  • sheet glass thickness 6-12 mm;
  • cleaning glass cleaner;
  • glue for glass and other materials;
  • petrol or acetone;
  • emery coarse and fine grain paper;
  • legs for the table (4 metal tubes);
  • suckers for table legs
  • vegetable butter(for wetting the wheel of the glass cutter);
  • chipboard sheet or plywood, on which glass will be cut;
  • paste for polishing glass.


  • pencil, bright marker;
  • long line, roulette;
  • diamond glass cutter;
  • rubber mallet for beating edges (you can use a glass cutter instead);
  • pure rag - 2 pcs.;
  • drill or Bulgarian;
  • felt circle.

Attention: When working with glass, be sure to use eye protection goggles, protective gloves and mittens.

High-tech table

The form your future table can be any. Make additional shelves or limited to one tabletop, also depends on the author's intention.

Consider the general manufacturing principle glass table with metal legs.

Choose glass necessary for its properties. Best fit triplex or tempered glass.

The thickness of the tabletop should not be less than 6 mm and more than 12 mm. Optimal option would be glass thickness 8 mm.

Manufacturing steps

Step 1. To start preparing all tools and carefully mine glass on both sides.

Step 2 If a edge the glass is uneven - we cut it. For long sides we use a ruler and a marker with which we mark the desired trajectory glass cutter.

When cutting with a roller glass cutter pre-moisten the roller in oil. The pressure should be about 2 kilograms. If it didn't work out notch from the first time, you can move the glass cutter back and forth several times. After making the cut, you need to tap on the front side of the crop rubber hammer (or any heavy rubber thing).

At cutting With a diamond glass cutter, you need to remember that strong pressure is inappropriate. Glass cutter on glass needs to be carried out once. After the incision diamond glass cutter needed combine the edge of a table or sheet with the edge of the tabletop we need (so that the trim hangs down) and carefully knock on the inside of the glass.

Then, holding the edge of the trim, sharp pull it away from you. The remaining narrow parts or not fallen away the rest of the glass is broken off with a glass cutter. It must contain a special slot, which captures small glass particles.

For cutting glass with uneven the edge is preliminarily drawn on paper. With the help of a glass cutter, we circle the drawn pattern - uneven edge is ready.

For cutting glass round the center is marked (two crossed crosses). AT middle a piece of glass is fastened with a thread or rope, to the opposite part of which the glass cutter is attached. Held a circle. Then, from the edges of the circle, the remains of the lines of both crosses are drawn to edges piece of glass. The result is sunshine.

Carefully, one segment of the sun is removed pruning glass.

Step 3 Using a drill, soles on the drill and sandpaper glued on Double-sided tape, grinding edge of our table. We grind the edges of the glass from all sides (bottom, middle and top).

Important: grinding should be carried out at low speed (no more than 1700 revolutions) to avoid overheating of the glass.

Step 4 Change the sandpaper circle to felt circle, lubricated with a special paste, and perform the same manipulations. At low speed we pass along the edges of the glass on all sides. Polishing produced.

Scheme of connection of a glass table-top and a rack.

Glass is one of the few materials that are equally suitable for any interior. Glass gives a certain freedom to space, weightlessness of the structure. With its apparent fragility, modern views glass can reach the strength of metal. If more recently the presence in the interior glass products implied glass vases, dishes or figurines, now times have changed: shelves, cabinets, coffee table tops and even dining tables made of glass successfully compete with wood and metal.

What you need to know to make a glass top table

Despite the strength modern glass, working with it remains one of the most difficult: glass fragments and cuts of any thickness pose a rather great danger to others, and insufficiently processed sections of the finished product can become a source of very serious injuries and even mutilations. If you decide to make a table with a glass top yourself, you must first take care of the safety of those who will use it.

The most suitable glass for a dining table top is triplex 10mm thick or tempered 6-12mm: a tabletop made from this material has all the necessary characteristics- it is durable, perfectly withstands shock, resistance and other mechanical damage.

The greatest difficulty is the process in the manufacture of countertops - cutting glass according to the right size and slice processing. As a rule, when buying in specialized stores, the service of cutting glass to the desired size is provided - in this case, processing the edges of the tabletop will also not be a problem.

Glass is best combined with wood and metal (unless, of course, it is intended to manufacture a purely glass table). The combination of metal and glass is more suitable for high-tech style, and wood with glass looks organic in interiors of any style.

How to make a glass table durable and reliable

In order to sit quietly at a table with a glass top made with your own hands, without fear for your household and for the safety of the serving, you need to achieve its stability, firmly connect the parts together, and securely attach the table top to the underframe and carefully process its edges, rounding everything sharp corners.

Methods for joining glass with various materials can be different - each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages:

The design of the table can directly depend on the choice of the method of fastening parts: there are many variations on how to make a glass table yourself, and how it should look exactly in your kitchen. We offer several options that you can easily use in order to make a table with a glass top. However, let us first dwell on the general technological features the manufacture of such tables, which, in the absence of the necessary skills, may cause some difficulties.

Before you start making your own glass table…

Challenge 1. Glass selection

In the presence of many various kinds glass, different in color, appearance, technical specifications and price, you can be a little confused when choosing the right one.

To find optimal combination the price and quality of the material chosen will be helped by a preliminary drawing of the future table and safety considerations for its further operation: the more glass in the structure and the greater the load this part of the table will experience, the stronger and thicker the glass should be.

The color and decor of the glass are selected based on general style room where the table will be.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the ratio of the cost of glass, the complexity of the shape of the glass part, as well as your skills in working with glass: if you cut the details of the structure yourself, there is a chance of spoiling the canvas if you have no experience in cutting glass.

Challenge 2: Cutting Glass

Work order:

  1. Finished drawing, indicating the dimensions and configuration of the glass part of the table being made - indispensable condition started glass cutting.
  2. The second condition is the presence necessary tool and auxiliary materials for cutting, as well as the implementation of the patterns on which it will be performed.

We will definitely need:

You may also need:

  • A hammer with a rubber knob and pliers with rubber overlays - the cut line is tapped with a hammer for an even separation, and pieces of glass along the line that are still there after cutting are carefully broken off with pliers;
  • A thin rod with a diameter of about 3 mm, which is placed under the cut line.

If you have never held a glass cutter in your hands, it’s a good idea to first get used to an unusual tool by practicing on unnecessary scraps: learn to control the pressing force (about 2 kg, can be measured on ordinary scales), develop hand hardness and learn how to draw a continuous line without re-drawing - this the main conditions for the glass to be cut correctly and efficiently.

The order of work on glass cutting:

  1. A rag soaked in a solution baking soda, carefully clean the glass from dust and dirt and dry it - the surface intended for cutting must be at room temperature, clean and dry.
  2. We lay the glass on a flat, clean surface - it is important that the planes touch as tightly as possible, and the near edge of the glass coincides with the edge of the substrate;
  3. We outline the cut line - we impose a ruler or a stencil made in advance; If a glass cutter is used without oil supply, it is necessary to dip the glass cutter roller in oil;
  4. The cut line starts from the far end of the sheet, is carried out in one continuous movement.
  5. Important: the glass cutter’s starting point lies 2-3 mm from the opposite edge - you can’t start from a sharp edge. The line ends on the contrary - when the glass cutter jumps off the cut surface!

  6. At the end of the line just drawn (exactly at its end point!), we put any thin round object between the glass and the substrate - you can use a thin flat screwdriver. By sharply pressing on both sides of the line, we break the just cut piece of glass - if all the steps were performed correctly, the glass will break exactly along the drawn line, regardless of the complexity of its contour (Fig. 4). If this does not happen, it is necessary to break off the small pieces remaining on the cut line by lightly tapping on them from the back with a hammer and using pliers or a special slot on the glass cutter body.

Slicing is done very slowly and carefully, the movements of the tool must be directed along the plane being processed. The tool must be moistened with water or turpentine to prevent overheating of the glass edge:

After making the tabletop, you can start making the underframe for our table.

Option 1. Immortal classicuniversal style for any interior.

The peculiarity of such a table is the tabletop, as if hovering above the base.

The dimensions of the table top are 1350x800 mm, the height of the legs is 750 mm, the height of the table top holders is 30 mm.

Accordingly, we need the following materials:

  • Glass top 1350x800mm;
  • Bars for table legs 50x50x75 mm - 4 pcs;
  • Planks made of laminated chipboard (thickness 25mm): 120x600 mm - for the end parts of the underframe, 2 pcs. and 120x1150 mm - for the side parts of the base, also 2 pcs.;
  • Chipboard sheet 1150x600 mm - for a false tabletop (if there is no desire to see the knees and shoes of people sitting at the table through the tabletop);
  • Furniture corners- about 10 pieces, self-tapping screws for their fastening;
  • Elongated confirmations - 8 pcs;
  • Fasteners for the tabletop (Fig. 6) - 4 pcs.

The underframe is assembled in accordance with the diagram (Fig. 7).

Moreover, if you still decide to make a false tabletop, you will not lose: its surface can be decorated by changing color scheme table and even style (for example, by laying a mat with hieroglyphs, or pieces of coral and sea pebbles, or even simply by putting burlap under glass).

Holders for the tabletop are fixed on the upper ends of the legs, places for mounting the holders are carefully measured on the glass of the tabletop, holes are drilled and the tabletop takes its place.

The fastening of the tabletop can be arranged in another way, without drilling holes - it is shown in the diagram in Fig. 8, and is also used in the next version of the round table.

In the article we will talk about how to make a glass table with your own hands. This piece of furniture is lightweight, elegant and adds airiness to any interior. At the same time, it is easy to maintain, reliable and durable.

Table type

The glass table can be round, square, oval, triangular or any other shape. Coffee tables, kitchen and computer furniture are most often made of glass. The product can also be made from combined materials (metal, wood, plastic, rattan, stone).

The design can be framed or frameless, a piece of furniture can also have an underframe. For the assembly of such products are used Various types glass: plain, frosted, tinted, tempered or triplex. Most often, structures with monolithic countertops are made from this material, but it is also suitable for the production sliding tables, transformers, tables with shelves.

Advantages and disadvantages of glass furniture

A do-it-yourself glass table has the following advantages over wooden, metal and any other furniture:

  1. Aesthetics. Such a product will perfectly complement any room, but best of all it will fit into the interior, decorated in high-tech style. Due to its transparency, glass creates a feeling of weightlessness and expanded space. A similarly sized table made from other materials will look bulkier and heavier than a glass structure.
  2. Hygiene. Furniture does not absorb dirt and odors, does not emit toxic substances.
  3. Practicality. This material is easy to care for, it must be treated with a special detergent and water.
  4. Security. Many modern types of glass have increased strength, comparable to the strength of wood. Breaking up such material is not as easy as it might seem. In addition, it is covered with a special protective film. If the table still breaks, then the fragments do not scatter around the room, the tabletop is simply covered with cracks.
  5. Resistance to aggressive impact. The material is resistant to moisture, high temperatures and chemicals.

But such furniture also has disadvantages:

  1. The appearance of unaesthetic streaks on the surface with insufficient quality wiping with a sponge.
  2. Low resistance to mechanical impact. Scratches and small chips can appear on the surface quite quickly.
  3. Dirty when touched by fingers (remains imprints).
  4. Ringing when dishes come into contact with the table surface.
  5. High manufacturing cost. Expensive are not only the necessary materials, but also equipment, for example, a special lamp for drying glue.
  6. Relative fragility. The table might break.

In addition, for self-produced such products, it is desirable to have at least minimal skills in working with glass (cutting, grinding).

Assembly preparation

To make a glass table with your own hands, you need to stock up necessary materials and tools. The master will need:

  • sheet of glass with a thickness of 6 to 12 mm ( optimum thickness– 8 mm); it is recommended to choose a material according to its properties, the best waystrained glass or triplex;
  • 4 table legs, they can be made from metal pipes;
  • Special glue;
  • suction cups for legs;
  • a thick sheet of plywood or chipboard, on which structural elements will be cut;
  • gasoline or acetone for degreasing glass surface, vegetable oil for wetting the cutting part of the glass cutter;
  • sandpaper of fine and coarse grit;
  • polishing paste.

You should also prepare the tools:

  • pencil, marker;
  • ruler (preferably metal);
  • glass cutter roller or diamond;
  • rubber hammer, with which the edges of the glass will be beaten off;
  • grinder;
  • felt circle;
  • grinder or drill.

In order to avoid damage from sharp edges during the manufacture of furniture, it is necessary to carry out all work in protective gloves, as well as in special glasses.

Countertop manufacturing

Before starting work, you need to prepare all the tools and thoroughly wash the glass on both sides. At the next stage, the countertop is made, this is the most difficult part of the work. First you need to decide on the shape and dimensions of the future product, it is recommended to prepare a drawing and indicate on it the dimensions of the structural elements. Then it is necessary to mark the material for the subsequent cutting of the countertop of the desired shape and size.

Marking is done with a marker and a ruler, you can cut the elements with a roller or diamond glass cutter.

The use of each type of tool has its own characteristics:

  1. Cutting with a roller glass cutter. First, the circle of the glass cutter is wetted in oil, and then the master runs the tool along the markup. The pressing force should be equal to two kilograms. If the first time it was not possible to make an incision, then you need to run the glass cutter several times over the corresponding area. After making the cut, you need to knock rubber mallet on the back of the glass.
  2. Cutting with a diamond glass cutter. When using this tool, excessive pressure must be avoided. The glass cutter should be run through the material only once, after which the sheet should be placed on the edge of the table. This must be done in such a way that the cut section protrudes beyond the edge of the table. Then it is recommended to gently tap the inside of the glass with a rubber mallet, grasp its edge and pull it sharply down or away from you. As a result of this, the edge will separate from the countertop. Small fragments that have not separated can be removed with a glass cutter. This tool is equipped with a special slot that allows you to capture small fragments.

If a surface with curly edges is made, then you need to draw the corresponding pattern on paper, and then transfer it from the pattern to the glass using a marker and draw a glass cutter along the pattern.

If the product is round, then you need to draw a cross in the middle of the sheet, and then attach a thread or rope to the center of the cross. A glass cutter should be tied to the opposite edge of the thread and a circle should be drawn with it.

After that, lines are drawn from the edges of the circle to the edges of the sheet with a glass cutter at a certain distance from each other. It turns out a kind of sun. Glass trimmings should be removed, successively separating one segment from the sun.

Grinding of the product, installation of legs

The cut-out tabletop must be sanded with grinder and sandpaper. Grinding should be carried out at a low speed (up to 1700 revolutions of the grinder), as at a higher speed the glass may overheat. First you need to grind with coarse sandpaper, and then repeat the procedure with fine-grained paper. After that sandpaper should be replaced with a felt wheel coated with grinding paste and polished.

The next step is to attach the legs to the table. A hole should be made in the upper part of each leg, and then a special suction cup should be attached with glue, designed to glass furniture. After that, the product must be dried. You can also use suction cups with self-tapping screws screwed in.

inner side countertops must be thoroughly degreased with acetone or gasoline, after which the legs should be glued and the glue should dry completely. In this case, the choice of glue must be given Special attention, it must be high quality, suitable for glass furniture. Cheap glue is visible through transparent surface, it will look like dirty stains. Drying of the adhesive should be carried out using an ultraviolet lamp with a wave frequency of 300-400 nm. When all the work is done, the do-it-yourself table is ready for use.

Product decoration

There are many ways to turn a glass table into a real work of art. To make this piece of furniture creative and original, you need to use one of the following glass processing methods: decoupage, etching or tinting, sandblasting, stained glass painting, placing various objects inside a double tabletop, for example, dried flowers, grains, stones, shells.

Stained glass painting or decoupage decoration is done with bottom side countertops. This allows you to protect the decor from mechanical damage and at the same time keep the surface of the table perfectly flat.

in a great way table decoration is the table top furnishing LED backlight. Such furniture allows you to create a special, festive atmosphere in the room. You can decorate with this method not only a table, but also a bar counter.

In addition, you can enclose the tabletop in a wooden, metal or plastic frame. Such a decision would not only change appearance design, but also increase its reliability.

Tables made of glass look appropriate in any interior. Their sleek and airy appearance does not overwhelm the space, leaving the room visually spacious and uncluttered. From a material such as glass, you can make serving, magazine, computer or even dinner table, and it is quite possible to make a design with your own hands.

Such interior items differ in shape, design and materials. As for the geometry of the tabletop, the glass table is:

  • round;
  • rectangular;
  • triangular;
  • square;
  • oval;
  • have an unusual curly shape.

Depending on the design features, there are such types of tables:

  • transformer;
  • table with bottom shelf;
  • sliding table;
  • mobile structure;
  • monolithic table and others.

Such furniture can also be made from various types of glass. For example, coffee table it can be made of black, tempered, tinted, frosted, transparent glass or triplex.

Not only the tabletops, but also the underframe and legs of the structures are distinguished by a variety of designs. The most common options are materials such as wood or chromed metal. Forged tables with glass look very rich and elegant, which are chosen for interiors in classical style. A rattan table with glass looks simpler, but fits well with most designs.

Pros and cons of glass structures

To positive qualities glass tables include:

  • beauty, neatness, lightness of appearance;
  • the ability to fit a similar piece of furniture into almost any design;
  • ease of care, hygiene, environmental friendliness;
  • sufficient strength;
  • resistance to chemical environments, moisture and temperature conditions of the environment.

Among the disadvantages of glass tables are the following features:

  • stains from water or improperly selected care products often remain on the glass;
  • poor quality or cheap material scratches quickly;
  • fingerprints often remain on the glass;
  • with careless handling, you can get cracks and chips, or even completely break the table;
  • prefabricated designs are expensive.

We make a glass table with our own hands

Preparatory stage

Having decided to make a glass table with your own hands, you have probably decided in advance on its location and role. Depending on where this piece of furniture will be placed and what function it will perform, a preliminary sketch should be made on paper, taking into account the features of the room in which you put the table. On the sketch, you need to indicate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe countertop and the location of the legs.

To make a glass table, prepare the following materials and tools:

  • glass thickness from 6 to 12 mm;
  • special glue for glass;
  • cleaning agent;
  • acetone;
  • file or emery bar;
  • legs for construction;
  • suction cups for legs;
  • sunflower oil;
  • plywood or chipboard on which you will cut glass;
  • paste for polishing the material;
  • marker or marker;
  • ruler and tape measure;
  • glass cutter;
  • hammer with a rubber head;
  • rags;
  • goggles and gloves;
  • grinder with a grinding wheel.

In work, you should use only clean and dry glass, on which there is no dust and other, even the smallest, contaminants. You can clean the material with a simple solution of baking soda using a soft cloth. If the glass remains dirty, it may break away from the cut line.

It is most convenient to cut glass on a large sheet of plywood or chipboard, and the material should be in contact with the table with virtually no gaps and pressed as tightly as possible.

Glass and metal coffee table, photo:

Features of glass cutting

It is most convenient to cut glass using a thin and long metal ruler, or you can draw a line in advance with a felt-tip pen, so that you can subsequently lead along it with a glass cutter. If you are new to this business, then it is better to practice on an unnecessary piece of glass, and only then proceed to create a table.

Please note that it is advisable to complete the line that you will draw with a glass cutter at a time, and in order for the tool to work easier and slide better, its wheel must be lubricated vegetable oil. When working with a diamond glass cutter, a very thin and almost imperceptible line remains on the material. Putting the glass to the edge of the table so that this line coincides with it, the material is broken along the notch line. The pressing force should be approximately 2 kg. When breaking glass, be sure to wear protective gloves so as not to cut your hands, and your eyes must be protected with glasses.

After you break off the main part of the glass, sharp protrusions or extra pieces may remain on the cut. You can remove them with pliers by wearing special rubber pads. If there are no such linings, use paper folded in several layers.

Glass cutting is carried out from the far edge, making a sufficiently strong pressure on the glass cutter. If you work with a sharp tool, but the incision does not work, grease the disk with kerosene and draw along the same line several times. If you are not sure that the cut is the right depth, turn the glass over and repeat the procedure.

If you're making a round coffee table with glass or any other complex curved shapes, it's easiest to use a stencil for ease of use. Having cut out the circle according to the stencil, draw rays from it with a glass cutter and break off the glass in parts.

Reinforced glass is cut in a special way. First, a glass cutter is carried out along the smooth side, and then, with the help of a sharp tool, a deep hollow is scratched to the grid. After that, the glass is turned upside down and broken off along the notch line. The mesh is bitten or cut off.

Worktop processing

After cutting along a fault line, sharp protrusions often remain on the glass, which should be removed. In production, end processing is carried out on special machines, but at home, improvised tools can be used for this purpose. Please note that for this work you will also need to protect your hands with thick cotton gloves or mittens.

You can clean the places of cuts with a file or an emery bar. The file in the process of performing manipulations should be periodically moistened in turpentine or kerosene. When working with thin glass you have to be very careful.

The next step is polishing the ends, for which a grinder with a grinding wheel is used. The speed of the grinder should be small and be 1200-1700 rpm so that the glass does not overheat. In the first run, you should use coarse-grained paper, then change it to a finer one, and at the final stage, you can grind the ends with the finest-grained paper itself. During operation, the glass can be wetted with water. A special smoothness can be achieved using a felt wheel or a special glass polishing paste.

To make the countertop more attractive and unusual, there are several ways to decorate glass. The following methods are often used:

  • decoupage;
  • glass etching;
  • drawing a sandblasting pattern;
  • toning;
  • image printing;
  • stained glass drawing;
  • the use of double glass with a decorative layer of flowers, stones, shells, coffee beans and other elements.

Decoupage and stained glass painting produced from the "wrong side" of the countertop, so that the pattern is not damaged during operation. In addition to the methods described above, a glass table can be decorated with decorative lighting, which looks very impressive, especially at night.

Leg fixation

Before mounting the legs in each of them, it is necessary to make a hole on the end side. These holes are needed in order to fix special suction cups in them. For greater strength, the suction cups are put on glue.

While the glue dries, mark the places on the countertop with a marker where the legs will be attached. In these areas, it is necessary to degrease the surface with acetone or gasoline.

As for the glue, it is not recommended to use the composition used for mirrors in the manufacture of a glass table, as it dries for a long time and shines through a transparent surface. For a glass table, it is better to purchase a special high-quality glue. On the Russian market, you can find 2 popular varieties of such materials: glass-glass and glass-metal compositions. To polymerize such an adhesive, it must be exposed to an ultraviolet lamp.

The legs are glued to the table one at a time. First, they lubricate the element, put it on a pre-marked place, wait about 30-60 seconds, and then send ultraviolet lamp on this site and leave it until the complete polymerization of the composition.

Since it will be impossible to dismantle the legs after the final curing of the glue, the places of their attachment should be marked very carefully.

A glass coffee table requires special operating conditions. First of all, we note that you need to handle it carefully, trying not to break the countertop. Caring for such a table is not difficult, you just need to wipe the glass from time to time with a soft cloth or a piece of microfiber using a window cleaner.

Scratches sometimes appear on the glass table. A special GOI paste will help to correct such a defect. It is pushed to the state of very fine crumbs, applied to a piece of cotton wool, a stick or a swab, after which the damaged surface is polished. You don't need to press hard. The scratch is treated for 15 seconds, then the paste is washed off and the procedure is repeated again. In some cases, the number of approaches may be large.

There are other ways to eliminate or mask scratches on glass. You can purchase the Polarit tool or some of its analogues in the store, you can use a simple toothpaste, although its efficiency is much lower. You can mask the damage with the help of an ordinary clear varnish for nails.

To prevent scratches, it is better to place napkins or small bamboo mats on the glass table.

Glass coffee tables, photo:

Glass table with your own hands. Video