Cable passages through walls. PUE: Wiring and cable lines. Laying a cable through a pue wall Laying a cable through a wall in sleeves requirements

Open laying of unprotected insulated wires directly on the bases, on rollers, insulators, on cables and trays should be carried out:

1. At voltages above 42 V in rooms without increased danger and at voltages up to 42 V in any rooms - at a height of at least 2 m from the floor level or service platform.

2. At voltages above 42 V in areas with increased danger and especially dangerous - at a height of at least 2.5 m from the floor level or service platform.

These requirements do not apply to descents to switches, sockets, starting devices, shields, wall-mounted lamps.

In industrial premises, the descents of unprotected wires to switches, sockets, devices, shields, etc. must be protected from mechanical influences up to a height of at least 1.5 m from the floor level or service platform.

In domestic premises industrial enterprises, in residential and public buildings, these slopes may not be protected from mechanical influences.

In rooms accessible only to specially trained personnel, the height of openly laid unprotected insulated wires is not standardized.


In crane spans, unprotected insulated wires should be laid at a height of at least 2.5 m from the level of the crane trolley platform (if the platform is located above the crane bridge deck) or from the crane bridge deck (if the deck is located above the trolley platform). If this is not possible, then protective devices must be provided to protect the personnel on the trolley and crane bridge from accidentally touching the wires. Protective device must be installed along the entire length of the wires or on the crane bridge itself within the location of the wires.


The height of the open laying of protected insulated wires, cables, as well as wires and cables in pipes, boxes with a degree of protection of at least IP20, in flexible metal hoses from the floor level or service platform is not standardized.


If unprotected insulated wires are crossed with unprotected or protected insulated wires with a distance between the wires of less than 10 mm, then additional insulation must be applied to each unprotected wire at the intersection.


When crossing unprotected and protected wires and cables with pipelines, the clear distances between them must be at least 50 mm, and with pipelines containing flammable or flammable liquids and gases, at least 100 mm. If the distance from wires and cables to pipelines is less than 250 mm, wires and cables must be additionally protected from mechanical damage at a length of at least 250 mm on each side of the pipeline.

When crossing hot pipelines, wires and cables must be protected from high temperature or must be appropriate.


When laying in parallel, the distance from wires and cables to pipelines must be at least 100 mm, and to pipelines with flammable or flammable liquids and gases - at least 400 mm.

Wires and cables laid parallel to hot pipelines must be protected from high temperatures or must be of an appropriate design.


In places where wires and cables pass through walls, interfloor floors or their exit to the outside, it is necessary to provide the possibility of changing the wiring. To do this, the passage must be made in a pipe, duct, opening, etc. In order to prevent the penetration and accumulation of water and the spread of fire in places of passage through walls, ceilings or exits to the outside, gaps between wires, cables and a pipe (duct, opening etc.), as well as reserve pipes (ducts, openings, etc.) with an easily removed mass from fireproof material. The seal must allow replacement, additional laying of new wires and cables and ensure the fire resistance of the opening is not less than the fire resistance of the wall (ceiling).


When laying unprotected wires on insulating supports, the wires must be additionally insulated (for example, with an insulating pipe) at the points of passage through walls or ceilings. When these wires pass from one dry or wet room to another dry or wet room, all wires of one line can be laid in one insulating pipe.

When wires pass from a dry or damp room to a damp one, from one damp room to another damp one, or when wires exit a room to the outside, each wire must be laid in a separate insulating pipe. When leaving a dry or damp room into a damp or outside building, wire connections must be made in a dry or wet room.


On trays, support surfaces, cables, strings, strips and other load-bearing structures it is allowed to lay wires and cables close to one another in bundles (groups) various shapes(for example, round, rectangular in several layers).

The wires and cables of each bundle must be fastened together.


In ducts, wires and cables are allowed to be laid in layers with an ordered and arbitrary (loose) mutual arrangement. The sum of cross sections of wires and cables, calculated according to their outer diameters, including insulation and outer sheaths, should not exceed: for deaf ducts 35% of the duct cross section in the light; for boxes with opening lids 40%.


Permissible long-term currents for wires and cables laid in bundles (groups) or multilayer should be taken into account with reduction factors that take into account the number and location of conductors (cores) in the bundle, the number and mutual arrangement bundles (layers), as well as the presence of unloaded conductors.


Pipes, boxes and flexible metal sleeves of electrical wiring must be laid in such a way that moisture cannot accumulate in them, including from the condensation of vapors contained in the air.


In dry, dust-free rooms, in which there are no vapors and gases that adversely affect the insulation and sheath of wires and cables, it is allowed to connect pipes, ducts and flexible metal hoses without sealing.

The connection of pipes, ducts and flexible metal hoses with each other, as well as with ducts, electrical equipment cases, etc., must be performed:

in rooms that contain vapors or gases that adversely affect the insulation or sheaths of wires and cables, in outdoor installations and in places where oil, water or emulsion can get into pipes, boxes and sleeves - with a seal; the boxes in these cases should be with solid walls and sealed with solid covers or deaf, split boxes - with seals at the split points, and flexible metal sleeves - sealed;

in dusty rooms - with sealing of joints and branches of pipes, sleeves and ducts to protect against dust.


Connection of steel pipes and ducts used as grounding or zero protective conductors, must comply with the requirements given in this chapter and Ch. 1.7.

Passages through internal and external walls, partitions and intermediate floors should be made in a pipe or opening, which would make it possible to replace the electrical wiring. The passages of unarmored cables and wires through fireproof walls and interfloor ceilings must be carried out in metal or insulating semi-solid rubber, polyvinyl chloride tubes (uncut) or in segments plastic pipes, and through combustible walls - in insulating tubes enclosed in steel segments. ends metal pipes be sure to end with bushings or funnels. Installation insulating tubes necessary not only to ensure the replacement of wiring, but also to strengthen the insulation of unprotected wires.

Wires with a folded seam (APRF, PRF, PRFl) are allowed to be laid through wooden walls without additional protection.

Passages can be open and closed. open passages wires and cables are carried out in buildings with wooden walls and ceilings. In a brick building, the passage can be made hidden, in a furrow carved into the wall, but not under a layer of plaster.

When preparing passages through walls and ceilings, it is necessary to take into account the environment of the adjoining premises. If the adjoining premises are classified as dry, then the wire in the wall is laid through one hole. When passing from a dry room to a damp, damp or outside, from damp to damp, each wire must be pulled in a separate insulating pipe.

To ensure the flow of water, the holes are made with a slight slope towards a damp, damp room or outside. From the side of the dry room, the hole is framed with an insulating porcelain or plastic sleeve, and from the side of the wet, damp or outside - with a porcelain funnel. Bushings and funnels are smeared with alabaster or cement mortar so that the collar of the sleeve lies firmly on the surface of the wall, and the outlet of the funnel completely comes out of the wall and is directed downwards. The bushings are put on the insulating tube.

The connection of wires when leaving a dry, damp room to a damp or outside building should be carried out in a dry or damp room at the roller or in a junction box installed at the aisle.

To prevent the penetration of water, the spread of fire, open passages of cables and wires through the outer walls of the premises should be sealed with easily removable fireproof materials after laying electrical wiring ( mineral wool, slag, etc.). Funnels on both sides are filled with an insulating compound, such as bituminous mass. Open passages through the internal walls of normal non-explosive and non-flammable premises may not be sealed.

Open passages of wires through interfloor ceilings are made in an insulating tube with protection against mechanical damage to a height of at least 1.5 m. When wires are laid hidden through interfloor ceilings, wires are passed in insulating tubes, the exits of which are terminated with porcelain funnels.

When making passes through interfloor ceilings, where protection of the wire from mechanical damage is required when it exits to the upper floor, it is forbidden to use wires of the PRD, PRHD brands (in steel pipes these wires are not laid).

When making a passage through the interfloor overlap, single-core insulated wires of the APR, APV, APRV, etc. brands are used. Insulated pipes in the passages should not have breaks along the length and are sealed with the outer edges of the bushings and funnels (they can protrude from them by 4-5 mm). It is forbidden to make passages in wooden walls at the joints between logs.

Intersections of wires and cables are not recommended. AT open wiring when crossing unprotected wires with unprotected or protected insulated wires (with a distance between them of less than 10 mm), additional insulation must be applied to the unprotected wire: a piece of a whole PVC tube is put on it or 3-4 layers of insulating tape are applied.

In brick buildings, wire crossings are carried out hidden in plastered furrows - twisted two-core wires of one of the intersected lines are laid in a furrow, putting an insulating or PVC tube on them. At the points of entry and exit of the wire from the groove, porcelain funnels are put on the insulating tube.

Rice. Pipeline bypass:
1 - wire; 2 - rubber tube; 3 - funnel.

In cases where wiring is carried out with single-core wires, each of them is placed in a separate insulating tube.

Around metal structures buildings, beams, pipes and especially pipelines with hot liquids, condensation and rust can form, which destroy the insulation. Therefore, when crossing protected and unprotected wires and cables with pipelines (Fig. 38), the distance between them must be at least 50 mm, or wires and cables at the intersection must be laid in insulating or metal pipes embedded in the furrow. If the distance from wires and cables to pipelines is less than 250 mm, they should be additionally protected from mechanical damage at a length of at least 250 mm in each direction from the pipeline.

With open parallel laying, the distance of wires and cables, as well as the distance from the hidden laying junction boxes to pipelines, must be at least 100 mm.

When crossing hot pipelines, wires and cables in without fail protect against high temperatures



RD 34.03.304-87

The validity period is set from 01.01.88 to 01.01.98

DESIGNED BY: Management fire safety, paramilitary security and civil defense and V.O. "Soyuzelektromontazh" Ministry of Energy of the USSR

PERFORMERS: Zamyslov D.A., Skorikov V.V. (Department of fire safety, VOKhR and GO)

Korshunov S.E. (Trust "Elektrotsentrmontazh") Poedintsev I.V. (VNIIPO USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs)

APPROVED: USSR Ministry of Energy and Electrification 12/18/87

Deputy Minister S.I. Sadovsky

These Rules have been developed on the basis of operating experience, separate current directives of the USSR Ministry of Energy and fire safety regulations, as well as fire tests conducted at VNIIPO of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs for the study of fire-resistant seals (penetrations) from various materials for cable lines and accepted recommendations on this issue.

The rules define the basic requirements for project documentation, organization installation work and the implementation of fire-resistant penetrations of cable lines to prevent penetration through building construction fire hazard factors, as well as the localization of a fire in a limited compartment of a given fire zone and the reduction of damage in the event of its occurrence.

With the release of these Rules, the "Guidelines for the development of project documentation in terms of ensuring fire safety of the cable industry during construction and installation work" and "Temporary fire safety requirements during construction, installation and commissioning work in the cable industry" (Order of the USSR Ministry of Energy dated 23.04 .84 No. 156 chipboard).


1.1. The Rules are subject to obligatory compliance with the development of project documentation, construction and installation, repair and maintenance work in the cable industry of power plants, substations and in auxiliary buildings and structures, as well as when laying cable lines at other facilities of the USSR Ministry of Energy.

1.2. Construction and installation work in cable structures should be carried out in accordance with the design documentation issued for production, as well as in the scope of the construction organization project (COS) and the production work project (PPR). The specified project documentation and organization of work must provide for advanced installation stationary installation fire extinguishing in cable structures before the laying of cable lines.

1.3. Scheme of water supply for the installation of fire extinguishing cable structures before putting it into permanent operation, i.e. for the period of cable laying, should provide required pressure water, as well as manual control shutoff valves to the complex testing of technological equipment.

1.4. By order of the construction management, the installation organization and the directorate of the enterprise, responsible persons for the fire-prevention condition of specific buildings, structures and premises under construction, as well as for the operation of the installed fire extinguishing installations, should be appointed.

1.5. Acceptance of the building part of the premises and cable structures for the installation of equipment and structures should be carried out by commissions with the preparation of an appropriate act, presentation of executive documents for foundations, supports, building and electrical structures and embedded elements, as well as with the implementation required level cleanliness, finishes, waterproofing, ensuring normal temperature and humidity conditions in the premises and with the mandatory installation of a fire extinguishing installation (if it is provided for in accordance with the current norms of the document).

1.6. The personnel of the customer, general contracting and subcontracting organizations during construction, installation, commissioning and repair work must comply with the Fire Safety Rules when performing construction and installation work at the facilities of the USSR Ministry of Energy.

1.7. Before the cable management is put into permanent operation, all commissioning works and testing of a stationary fire extinguishing installation to transfer it to automatic mode of operation with the execution of acts, in accordance with the requirements " Model Instruction manual automatic installations water fire extinguishing" (TI 34-00-046-85) and "Typical operating instructions for automatic installations fire alarm at the energy enterprises of the USSR Ministry of Energy" (TI 34-00-039-85).

1.8. It is forbidden to take into operation cable rooms and facilities of power enterprises:

1.8.1. In the presence of construction and installation defects.

1.8.2. In case of non-compliance with the norms for laying cable lines or their implementation with a deviation from the project, as well as in the absence of coordination of these deviations from regulatory and technical documents in the prescribed manner.

1.8.3. Without complete sealing of all cable lines.

1.8.4. Without workable drainage devices and fire extinguishing systems (if any, according to the standards).

1.8.5. Without fire belts and partitions, closing doors and other fire prevention measures provided for by the project.


2.1. Project documentation for the cable facilities of enterprises under construction, issued by the customer for production, as well as POS and PPR must comply with the current building codes and rules (SNiP), Electrical installation rules (PUE), Design instructions fire protection energy enterprises (RD 34.49.101-87) and these Rules.

2.2. Project documentation should contain the following basic fire safety requirements:

2.2.1. Organization of construction and installation works to ensure the advanced input of the external and internal fire water supply of the facility and stationary fire extinguishing installations in cable structures.

2.2.2. The sequence of general construction, installation and finishing works cable structures taking into account the launch complex.

2.2.3. Volumes and sequence of cable laying (after the commissioning of a fixed fire extinguishing installation).

2.2.4. Mechanization of work during vertical and horizontal movement of structures and cable products in the installation area and cable laying along structures, namely: determination of transportation routes and places of execution building openings, as well as storage areas for the installation area, establishing the places and types of embedded parts for electrical structures, fastening hoists, crane beams, hoists and other mechanisms for performing installation work.

2.2.5. The procedure for sealing with fire-resistant materials the places where cable lines pass through building structures, partitions and ceilings, as well as the implementation of fire-resistant belts in cable ducts during installation work and before putting them into operation.

2.2.6. Completion of the final finishing works and other activities necessary for the day of commissioning of cable structures.

2.3. For the passage of cable lines through construction openings, through walls, partitions and ceilings, it is necessary to provide:

2.3.1. Embedded pipes made of non-combustible materials for laying single cables with mandatory sealing with non-combustible material.

2.3.2. For bundles of control cables with maximum dimensions in height and width of not more than 100 mm and for single cables, asbestos-cement pipes or modular cable penetrations with a fire resistance of 0.75 h with overall dimensions along a length of at least 200 mm and a cross section:

100 100 mm - single section;

100 200 mm - two-section;

100 300 mm - three-section;

100 400 mm - four-section.

2.4. For the main flows of cable lines of objects, the following should be provided:

2.4.1. In cable structures (cable floors, tunnels, channels, galleries) and electrical rooms - cable structures and lightweight perforated and slatted metal trays.

It is forbidden to use metal trays with a solid bottom and boxes.

2.4.2. AT technological premises and on overpasses - open laying of cables, and in places of possible mechanical damage, as a rule, in channels, mines - in lightweight perforated and lattice trays.

It is allowed to use metal boxes on combined flyovers with flammable and combustible liquids, as well as on minor flows and in places of their possible mechanical damage, justified by the project.

When installing metal boxes of types KKB and KP, make partitions and seals in them with a fire resistance of at least 0.75 hours in places: cable passage through walls and ceilings; on horizontal sections and overpasses every 30 m of the length of the boxes; on vertical sections every 20 m of height and when passing through ceilings; in the branching points in the boxes of the main cable flows.

2.4.3. On the territory of outdoor switchgear and substations - reinforced concrete trays, channels and tunnels.

2.5. Gasket power cables according to structures, in channels, trays and boxes should be provided in a single row, and control cables in layers or bundles, in accordance with the requirements of the PUE, maximum size in diameter no more than 100 mm, or in separate cells of special cable structures with a size of 100´ 100 mm.

2.6. The specified cable structures, trays and boxes should only be used factory-made.

2.7. To perform installation work, operation and repair of cable routes outside special cable structures (tunnels, cable floors, etc.), when they are located at a height of 2.5 m or more of the service mark, and also taking into account the number of cables in the stream (10 power cables and more, 50 control cables and more) service platforms should be provided.

2.8. To ensure fire safety, it is necessary to provide for multiple sealing in the design and estimate documentation cable penetrations, namely: during the period of the program for laying cable routes before their commissioning - with non-combustible materials (super-thin basalt fiber, special intumescent materials, sealing fire-resistant packages, etc.).


3.1. Implementation of fire-resistant penetrations of cables through building structures, the installation of fire partitions and belts in cable and other rooms, structures, on open tracks, in trays and boxes must be produced in accordance with the current technological instructions.

Passages of cable lines through walls, partitions and ceilings must be sealed with any non-combustible materials, according to the appendix, to ensure a minimum fire resistance of 0.75 h.

During the period of installation work, multiple seals of the passages of cables with the same fire resistance must be performed.

3.2. Multiple sealing of cable lines in the main cable rooms (tunnels, floors, walk-through shafts and galleries) during the installation period should be carried out from materials that allow them to be used several times (i.e. inventory sealing products), as well as from materials that can be easily disassembled to continue laying cables during the following periods of installation work:

3.2.1. During breaks in the laying of cable lines for more than 1 day.

3.2.2. By the time of testing the cables and supplying voltage for their own needs with the delivery of these premises for operational maintenance by operation and the introduction of work permits.

3.2.3. Comprehensive testing of technological equipment.

3.3. Before putting the cable facilities into operation, it is recommended to cover the ends of cable penetrations with fibrous materials and packages fire retardant materials not less than 5 mm thick.

3.4. When using metal boxes of types KKB, KP and others in industrial premises (in places of possible mechanical and other damage), the exit of individual cables from them should be carried out using protective products (pipes, fittings, pipes, glands, etc.).

3.5. Cable lines laid in shafts and metal boxes of KKB, KP and others should be sealed with a fire resistance of at least 0.75 hours in the following places:

3.5.1. At the entrance to cable structures.

3.5.2. When passing through each mark of the main floor, as well as every 20 m on long vertical sections of cable ducts.

3.5.3. Every 30 m of horizontal sections of cable ducts, as well as at the junction (branch) of other ducts.

3.6. It is not allowed to make bundles of cables with a diameter of more than 100 mm.

When cable bundles pass through partitions, walls and ceilings, to ensure cable sealing, they should be laid out, as a rule, in one layer, separating each one from the other with a fire-resistant sealing material with a thickness of at least 20 mm.

3.7. If the thickness of the wall, partition and ceiling is greater than the values ​​​​of sealing terminations of cables specified in the appendix, they should be made on both sides (at each end) with the standard thickness of termination of cables.

If the thickness of the partition (floor) is less than the specified sealing values ​​for cable penetrations, the total thickness of the seal must correspond to the specified values, while it is allowed to make protrusions on both sides of the partition.

3.8. Holes (openings) in building structures around cable penetrations, ducts and pipes must be sealed with cement mortars for the entire thickness of building structures up to the standard fire resistance limit.


1. Fire retardant composition OZS and foam plastic FK-75 () are used at facilities according to the list agreed in the prescribed manner with Soyuzelectromontazh and GUKS of the USSR Ministry of Energy.

2. Developers may make additions and changes to the List as new fire-resistant materials are developed for sealing cable lines and conducting fire tests.

6.5 In places where openly laid and protected cables pass through building structures, cable penetrations with a fire resistance rating not lower than the fire resistance rating of these structures (Article 82 TR), providing the required smoke and gas tightness (clause 37 of PPB 01-03) and corresponding requirements of GOST R 50571.15 and 2.1 PUE.
To do this, in places where pipes with cables pass:
- through fire walls, ceilings and partitions with a rated fire resistance limit or their exit to the outside in rooms with a normal environment, lay electric circuits in pipe sections for electrical wiring, smooth, made of PVC D = 25 (clause 3.18 of SNiP 3.05.06-85 * ). Seal gaps between cables and pipe cable glands for pvc pipes. Sealing should be done on each side of the pipe;
- through building structures with a non-standardized fire resistance limit, lay electric circuits in pipes corrugated pvc d=16. Seal the gaps between the cables and the pipe with TFLEX plugs.
Through combustible walls and partitions - in steel pipes (clause 3.18 of SNiP 3.05.06)
When passing through floors, the cable at the passage point is protected from mechanical damage by casings or boxes to a height of 2 m from the floor.
- for the passage of single cables through the walls between industrial premises with an explosive zone class - 2 (according to TRoTPB) and V-1a (according to PUE) and rooms with a normal environment, use steel water and gas pipes according to GOST 3262-75 and pipe cable glands, installed from the side of the room with an explosive zone of more than high class. The gaps between pipes and cables must be sealed with asbestos cord SHAON - 3.0 (according to GOST 1779-83) to a depth of 100-200 mm from the end of the pipe, with a total thickness that ensures fire resistance of building structures. See sheet 16 of the RF project for the execution of single cable penetrations.
--for cable assembly to pass through walls industrial premises with a class of explosive zone - 2 (according to TRoTPB) and V-1a (according to PUE), use solution universal cable penetrations designed for fire protection of cable line passages and consisting of:
- sealing flame retardant composition Formula KP - for sealing cable passage points;
- flame retardant composition Phoenix CE - for additional fire retardant treatment of cables;
- embedded parts - straight all-metal perforated tray LM 500x50.
Installation of cable penetrations must be carried out in accordance with the requirements technological regulations TRP-10/06 and "Recommendations for the installation and operation of cable fire penetrations type KP" (R5.04.067.10) RUE "Stroytekhnorm".

The sealing of the places where pipes pass through building structures must be made with fireproof materials ( mortar, cement with sand by volume 1:10, clay with sand - 1:3, clay with cement and sand - 1.5:1:11, expanded perlite with building gypsum - 1:2 or other non-combustible materials) over the entire thickness of the wall or partitions immediately after laying cables or pipes (SNiP 3.05.06-85, clause 3.65). Gaps in passages through walls may not be sealed if these walls are not fire barriers.
- cable entry from trenches into buildings is carried out through sections of concrete, reinforced concrete or asbestos-cement pipes or through holes in reinforced concrete structures.
- the ends of the pipes should protrude beyond the walls of the building into the trench by at least 0.6 m (Fig. 1). When removing cables from the ground and climbing the wall, they are protected from mechanical damage by a pipe, angle, channel or box to a height of 2 m (Fig. 2).
- passages through wooden walls and partitions are made in segments of steel or asbestos-cement pipes with a diameter of at least 100 mm, protruding on both sides of the wall or ceiling by 50 mm, or through a fireproof seal measuring 150x150 mm.

The device of passages through walls, overlapping wiring

Passages through internal and external walls, partitions and intermediate floors must be made in a pipe or opening, which would provide the possibility of replacing electrical wiring. The passages of unarmored cables and wires through fireproof walls and interfloor ceilings should be carried out in metal or insulating semi-solid rubber, polyvinyl chloride tubes (uncut) or in segments of plastic pipes, and through combustible walls - in insulating tubes enclosed in steel segments. The ends of metal pipes must be terminated with bushings or funnels. The installation of insulating tubes is necessary not only to ensure the replacement of wiring, but also to strengthen the insulation of unprotected wires.

Wires with a folded seam (APRF, PRF, PRFl) are allowed to be laid through wooden walls without additional protection.

Passages can be open and closed. Open passages of wires and cables are carried out in buildings with wooden walls and ceilings. If the building is brick, then the passage can be made hidden, in a furrow carved in the wall, but not under a layer of plaster. When preparing passages through walls and ceilings, it is necessary to take into account the environment of the adjoining premises.

If the adjoining premises are classified as dry, then the wire in the wall is laid through one hole. When passing from a dry room to a damp, damp or outside, from damp to damp, each wire must be pulled in a separate insulating pipe.

To ensure the flow of water, the holes are made with a slight slope towards a damp, damp room or outside. On the side of a dry room, the hole is framed with an insulating porcelain or plastic sleeve, and on the side of a wet, damp or outside room, with a porcelain funnel. Bushings and funnels are smeared with alabaster or cement mortar so that the collar of the bushing lies tightly on the wall surface, and the outlet of the funnel completely comes out of the wall and is directed downwards. The bushings are put on the insulating tube.

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