Heat supply in technological rooms is not paid. Why do we pay for heating all year round? How is the amount of payment for heating calculated if there are common house heat meters in the house

And repeatedly pointed out the illegality of the application of such a coefficient.

However, the above ruling states:

"Establish that if payment for heating by the population is made
was carried out monthly (in equal shares) during the calendar year, taking into account the standard (0.016 Gcal per 1 sq.m), then the volume of thermal energy
gia supplied during the heating period for heating needs until the day
the entry into force of this resolution, determined taking into account
ratio other than the ratio of the duration of the calendar year in months to the duration of the heating period in months (12/7), is subject to revision taking into account the ratio of 12/7.

The consequences of such "legalization" are not difficult to predict.

Coefficient 12/7, increases the monthly rate of heat energy consumption by 12/7 times from 0.016 Gcal/sq.m. up to 0.027 Gcal/sq.m., i.e. by 59%

While the Rules for calculating the amount of payment for a utility service for heating (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 27, 2012 N 857) with amendments and additions of September 10, 2013, the calculation method with a coefficient of 7/12 has already been approved:

1. In the event that a public authority of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation makes a decision on the payment by consumers of utility services for heating evenly for all billing months of the calendar year, the amount of payment for the utility service for heating is determined using the coefficient of frequency of payment by consumers of fees for the utility service for heating (hereinafter - coefficient of frequency of payment), determined by dividing the number of months of the heating period in a year by the number of calendar months in a year. In this case, the calculation of payment for the utility service for heating is carried out in each billing period of the calendar year.

2. The calculation of the amount of payment for the utility service for heating is carried out in the following order:

a) the amount of payment for the utility service for heating in the i-th residential building not equipped with an individual heat energy meter, as well as the amount of the payment for the utility service for heating in the i-th residential building not equipped with an individual or common (apartment) heat energy meter (apartment) or non-residential premises in an apartment building that is not equipped with a collective (common house) heat energy meter is determined by the following formula 1:

The total area of ​​the i-th dwelling (apartment) or non-residential premises;

The standard for the consumption of utility services for heating in a residential area, established in accordance with the Rules for establishing and determining standards for the consumption of utility services, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 23, 2006 N 306;

K - coefficient of the frequency of payment, determined in accordance with paragraph 1 of these Rules;

Tariff for thermal energy, established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

That is, this is a ratio of 7/12, not 12/7!

While amendments have already been made to the acts of the Government of the Russian Federation on the provision of public services (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2013 N 344)

1. In the Rules for establishing and determining the standards for the consumption of utilities, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian

Federation dated May 23, 2006 N 306 (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2006, N 22, Art. 2338; 2012, N 15, Art. 1783):

add paragraph 3.1 with the following content:

3.1. If it is technically possible to install collective (general house) metering devices, the consumption standard for utility services for heating in residential premises is determined by formula 5, taking into account the multiplying factor, which is:

since 2017 - 1.6.

Housing associations of Moscow on the recognition of P, which legalized the multiplying factor 12/7, contrary to the current federal legislation.

Heating costs are growing every year, and many consumers are interested in what they pay for and why the numbers in the bill are getting bigger. The cost of heating is calculated according to the norm of heat consumption, and in apartment buildings it depends on the heated area and on general house expenses.

Each consumer must know how the calculation of heating fees is carried out according to the standard in order to be able to control the fairness of charges in the management company.

The amount of the heating fee depends on various factors.

In Russia, there are two main documents that are used to calculate heating fees. The first of these is the Government Decree No. 354 dated 06.05.11. It regulates the rules for the provision of public services to residents of apartment buildings. This document became an alternative to government decree No. 307 of May 23, 2006, but in practice the old decree is still in effect.

The decision on the rules by which payments are calculated is made at the local level, the region chooses the best option for itself. There is a very important difference between them: according to the Rules established in Decree No. 354, heating fees are charged only during the heating season, and are not distributed throughout the year. On the one hand, this simplified the calculation method, on the other hand, it led to an increase in the financial burden on the consumer.

According to the new rules, from October to May, it rises sharply, as it begins to include the cost of heating. Many consumers find it difficult to pay increased bills, which leads to increased debt. According to the traditional method established in the rules. Decree No. 307, consumers throughout the year pay approximately the same amount for an apartment, and it is adjusted taking into account the general increase in tariffs.

The amount of payment for heat depends on the installed common house meter, the presence of heat meters in apartments, as well as the presence of distribution sensors in residential and non-residential premises.

Calculation of the fee with an uninstalled common house meter

A common house meter saves

If the apartment building is not equipped with a common building, the heating fee is calculated based on three main factors:

  • heating standard. This is the number of gigacalories that is required to heat one square meter to the required temperatures. meters of area. Each region sets its own standard depending on climatic conditions.
  • heating tariff. This is the cost of one gigacalorie of heat, set for a given region.
  • The size of the heated area. In an apartment building, it does not include the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe loggia or balcony.

Thus, the calculation of the heating fee in this case is carried out according to a relatively simple formula:
The amount of the fee = standard * tariff *, the standard and the tariff are set by the regional authorities.

The total cost of heat does not depend on the number of calories of heat energy actually consumed, so this method of calculation is used less and less. Now a campaign is underway throughout Russia to improve the energy efficiency of heat supply, so heat meters are being actively installed.

Calculation of the fee with the installed common house meter

A more common situation today is that a common house has been installed in an apartment building, while there are no individual heat consumption meters in the apartments. Engineering communications in many houses are such that it is simply impossible to include individual meters in the heating system, and each consumer does not have the opportunity to independently increase or decrease heating . In this case, the calculation is based on four main parameters:

  • The total amount of heat energy consumed by the house is determined by the readings of the common house meter. Its installation allows you not to pay for the heat lost along the road due to uninsulated heating mains and other problems of heating networks.
  • The heated area of ​​the consumer's apartment or non-residential premises.
  • The total heated area of ​​the building. All residential premises are taken into account, as well as entrances, attached shops connected to a common heating system, etc.
  • The statutory tariff for thermal energy. Tariffs are determined by local authorities.

The calculation formula is as follows: Payment for heat = total volume * area of ​​the apartment / area of ​​the house * established tariff. Thus, the distribution of fees becomes more equitable, since each house actually pays only for itself.

However, even in this case, the calculation system is not ideal: since consumers do not have the ability to control heat consumption, it is often necessary to simply “heat the street”, releasing heat outside due to its excess. However, you still have to pay for it in full. Because of this, a more modern version of the calculation with individual meters is becoming more and more popular.

Calculation of fees with installed individual meters

An individual meter allows you to pay for the actual heat consumed

If individual heat consumption meters are installed in all apartments, the calculation becomes more complicated, but in the end the consumer pays for the energy actually used, and this option turns out to be the most profitable. The following parameters are taken into account in the calculation:

  • The amount of heat consumed by one residential or non-residential premises is determined by the readings of an individual meter. At least 95% of the premises in the building must be equipped with metering devices.
  • The amount of heat consumed by the whole house is taken into account on the basis of the indications of the general house meter.
  • The area of ​​the apartment for which the heating charge is calculated.
  • The total heated area of ​​the house. Includes residential and non-residential premises.
  • Government-established tariff for thermal energy.

All these parameters are taken into account when calculating according to the following formula: Fee = (individual heat + total heat * apartment area / total area) * tariff.

From the readings of the common house meter, the sum of the readings of individual meters is subtracted, and the remainder is divided among all consumers. Thus, the residents of the house pay for heating the entrance and other general premises on their own, but the main calculation is based on individual meters.

This allows you to significantly reduce on heating, as you do not have to pay for worn-out networks and endless utility breakdowns. And yet, the option with individual meters is not always possible to implement: most often a common house meter is installed in the house, and as a result, residents still have to partially pay for each other. This also causes difficulties in the fight against debtors: they cannot be disconnected from a single heating system, and as a result, they continue to use the heat paid for by other people.

The procedure for calculating payment for heat according to the rules of 2006

According to the rules, every year a recalculation must be carried out.

If payment for heat is charged according to the old rules, and a common house meter is installed in the house, then the final figures in consumer receipts will depend on how much heat the apartment building consumed during the past year.

This value is divided by the total area of ​​the building, taking into account both residential apartments and non-residential premises such as offices and shops. The result is the amount of heat per 1 sq. square meter, it is divided into 12 months.

After that, the resulting average monthly energy consumption is multiplied by the tariff approved by the local government. The resulting value must be multiplied by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment. Calculation example based on 2011 tariffs for Izhevsk. According to the general house meter, the total amount of thermal energy consumed in one year amounted to 990 gigacalories.

The total area of ​​all apartments in the house and common areas is 5500 meters. After the calculation, it turns out that during the year per 1 sq. meter spent 0.015 gigacalories per month. The resulting average monthly volume is multiplied by the cost of 1 gigacalorie of heat at the established rate. 943.60 (tariff) * 0.015 * 1.18 (VAT) = 16.70 rubles per 1 sq. meter of heated area.

The resulting value must be multiplied by the area of ​​\u200b\u200beach particular apartment. If, for example, it is 45 sq. meters, then the total monthly cost of heating will be 751.5 rubles per month. It is this figure that residents will see in their bills throughout the year, since it is not the amount of heat spent per month that is taken into account, but the average monthly consumption received at the end of the last year.

How is the payment for heating calculated according to these rules if a common house meter is not installed in the house? In this case, the standard is used - the amount of thermal energy required for heating. For each house, it is determined separately, this information should be in the public domain. When contacting the management company, a tenant of an apartment building must receive all the information on how the payment for heat is calculated.

According to the rules of Decree No. 307, a recalculation must be carried out in the house every year. It takes into account the amount of heat consumed in the past year, and a new payment is calculated based on it.

If the figures in the payment raise doubts and seem overpriced, he has the right to demand that the recalculation be recalculated. To do this, an application is written and sent to the management company, it must indicate the time for which it is necessary to recalculate. Public utilities do not have the right to refuse to apply, the answer is provided within 4 days. If, after re-calculation, an overpayment is detected, it must be deducted from the amount of the debt for the next month.

Knowing the laws allows you to fight for your rights and seek justice. Regular increase in tariffs creates a serious burden on, so you need to achieve fair accounting for heat losses.

You can find out how the payment for heating is calculated from the video:

Determining the cost of heating and calculating the amount of payment for a room in which there are two or more apartments is a rather complicated process and requires special knowledge. There have also been changes in the settlement procedure that began to operate in 2017.

The main document that guides organizations that charge and calculate the amount of payment for heating is Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 No. 354 “On the provision of utilities to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings”. In accordance with this document, there are 2 ways for consumers to pay for heating services:

  1. Equal amounts throughout the calendar year (Further - Method No. 1);
  2. Accrual for actual heat consumption only in the heating period. And in the summer and outside the heating period - the service is not charged (Further Method No. 2).

The choice of payment method is made by the local Administration of the city or district.

In the event that Method No. 2 is chosen in the municipality, consumers must be recalculated at the beginning of the next year after the year in which the accrual option was changed.

How is the amount of payment for heating calculated in the absence of a common house heat energy meter?

Installation of a heat meter on the inlet heat pipeline in residential buildings is mandatory.

Only for houses that belong to a dilapidated / emergency fund, as well as houses whose heat supply load does not exceed 0.2 Gcal / h, an exception can be made. This requirement is established by Federal Law No. 261-FZ of November 23, 2009 “On Energy Saving and Improving Energy Efficiency and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation”.

In multi-apartment residential buildings where a general house heat meter is not installed (it is technically impossible to install it), as well as in apartments, rooms or non-residential premises individual heat meters are not installed, the calculation of the amount of payment for heating for a particular room using Method No. 1 (calculations for heat are carried out evenly in during the year) is carried out in the following order:

The fee is determined based on heating regulations per 1 m2 of area (the sizes of the indicators of the standards are accepted by the tariff committee or the local administration for each region) divided by periodicity(12 months) and multiplied by the tariff and area of ​​the premises.

With Method No. 2 (calculations for heat are carried out only in the heating period) periodicity is not taken into account.

In multi-apartment residential buildings, where it is technically determined that there is a place and a room for the installation and normal functioning of a common house heat meter, and for which such installation is mandatory, an increasing coefficient is additionally applied to the above calculations, increasing the standard calculation in 2016 by 1.4 , and since the beginning of 2017 by 1.5.

In other words, the legislation motivates the owners of premises in an apartment building to install common house heat meters and make calculations using them.

Otherwise, sanctions in the form of increasing coefficients to the standards will be applied.

How is the amount of payment for heating calculated if there are common house heat meters in the house

As a rule, general house heat meters are installed and maintained by management companies, an association of homeowners of an apartment building, or any specialized organization at the discretion of the owners of apartments or other premises of the house.

The organization hired to perform maintenance work on the meter is obliged to take readings from the heat meter on a monthly basis. Then they are transferred to the heat supply organization.

At Method number 2(calculations for heat are carried out only in the heating period) calculation of the amount of payment for heat supply to the premises produced as follows:

for method number 2: the ratio of the share of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis room from the total quadrature of the whole house (the ratio of S of the premises to the total S of all occupied premises) multiplies on the amount of heat consumed per month and per tariff for heat energy.

With Method No. 1, the amount charged for heat supply during the calendar year is the same.

for method No. 1: the amount of the heating fee is determined in the following way: the area of ​​​​the room is multiplied by the average heat consumption per unit area (1 m2) and by the corresponding tariff.

The average consumption per 1 m2 is calculated based on the total annual consumption of the common house meter for the past year divided by the total area of ​​​​all rooms in the house.

In the absence of actual data for the previous year, the approved standard for thermal energy is used.

At the same time, annually in the first quarter of the year following the reporting one, an adjustment is made: the difference between the amount accrued for the year (according to the data of the previous year) and the actually consumed thermal energy is additionally charged or compensated.

How is the payment for heating calculated if common house and individual heat meters are installed?

Individual heat metering devices (IPU) in our country are rarely installed in apartments and non-residential premises.

The reason is the peculiarity of in-house heating systems with vertical risers, from which heating devices are connected, which was mainly designed in residential buildings until recently. We wrote about when it is possible to install an individual heat meter in an apartment.

Usually, the installation of individual heat meters is carried out at the entrance to the heating pipeline, in this case the heating devices are connected in series to the horizontal wiring. And the return line runs parallel to the supply line and returns to the input point creating a “loop”.

If there are individual metering devices in all occupied premises of an MKD (apartment building) at Method No. 2 (calculations for heat are carried out only in the heating period), the charge for heating for any room is determined by:

For method No. 2, in the presence of individual metering devices in all rooms: as the difference between the readings according to the IPU (individual heat metering device in the room) and the share of ODN per room (common house heating needs) multiplied by the tariff.

The share of ODN is determined based on the difference in the readings of a common house meter (heat consumption consumed by the building) and the sum of the readings of all IPU multiplied by the ratio of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room divided by the total area of ​​\u200b\u200ball rooms in the house.

With Method No. 1, calculations are carried out similarly to the method with Method No. 1 in the presence of a common house meter and no IPU, only the total consumption of the heat meter in the room and the ODN for the entire heating period divided by 12 months is taken as a monthly expense.

If your apartment has cold batteries, then we wrote what to do in this case and where to complain.

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Tariffs and Regulations

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 603 dated June 29, 2016 offered various options for paying for heating. The population has already been informed about some of the nuances. Some remain incomprehensible.

So, let us recall that from July 1, 2016, the Rules for the provision of public services to citizens, according to which Russians lived in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No.

The ordinance was issued on May 23, 2006 and declared payments during the calendar year. There were quite a lot of indignations about the fact that you have to pay for heat in the summer, as well as in the first month of autumn and the last month of spring, when the service is not provided. As a result, on May 6, 2011, the sixth paragraph of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 canceled the 307th legislative act. The cancellation was scheduled for the current year - 2016. Moreover, almost every year this Resolution was amended. The last time this happened was in December 2015.

Shortly before this, the regions were given the right to decide for themselves how to collect payments - throughout the year or only during the heating season. The new law proclaims the following order: the service is first provided, then paid. But, again, options are allowed. And it is even possible to return to the old system - at the numerous requests of the population and by decision of the regional authorities. Such requests, by the way, have already appeared. Not everyone was satisfied with the transition to pay-as-you-go. After all, with the new system there is a big difference in payments.

The amount of payment depends on the air temperature outside. In the cold months, payments naturally rose sharply and no one liked it. In some regions, calls have already begun to pay, for example, as before, in equal payments, and then the resource supply organization will recalculate. The legislator, in principle, also allows such a system of payments. True, it no longer allows you to be self-willed and appoint a different number of months for the distribution of such payments. Now they should not be divided into seven, for example, months, but into twelve. And, of course, this applies primarily to apartment buildings, in which heat meters have not yet appeared.

Note that the legislator does not oblige to install meters in dilapidated, emergency facilities to be demolished or overhauled in the coming years, as well as in apartment buildings where the heat load is less than 0.2 gigacalories. Saved from this obligation and MKD, where it is technically impossible to install a meter. Everyone else will pay a higher rate. According to the law, the cost of heat from the “regulators”, who could, but did not want to install a heat meter, should increase quite significantly. In fact, in many regions, this urgent recommendation has not yet been rushed to take into account, taking into account the already difficult situation of the population.

Decree No. 354 contains separate items on the amount of payment for heating, it is said about the need to adjust the calculations. The formulas for calculating the multiplying coefficient for certain categories of owners are prescribed. The change of the executor of the utility service for heating is also taken into account. And the failure of a common house heat energy meter. If this happened: it broke, the service life ended, it was stolen, then in two months the fee will be charged according to the standard.

The decision on the method of payment for utility services is made by the subject of the Russian Federation a year before the start of the heating season, during which it will be necessary to switch to the chosen method. When changing the method of payment for a utility service for heating, the contractor adjusts the amount of payment for a utility service for heating in the 1st quarter of the calendar year following the year in which the payment method is changed.

We emphasize that homeowners cannot choose the method of payment for heating at the meeting. This is not allowed by the housing laws.

Rules No. 354 establish a ban on presenting utility services to consumers for payment of the cost of an excess volume of a utility service provided for general house needs in the billing period in which such an excess volume was formed. Reimbursement of shortfalls in income to utility service providers is carried out at the expense of funds received by them as payment for the relevant services rendered.

The cost of housing heating is one of the most significant components of the bills that we pay for housing and communal services. It is not surprising, therefore, that among the frequent questions that arise among consumers of public utilities, an important place is occupied by the procedure for charging fees for supplying heat to our homes. We decided to raise this topic again due to the loss of force of the Rules for the provision of public services to citizens, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 23, 2006 No. 307, and the adoption of a new document of June 29, 2016 No. 603 “On Amendments to Certain Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation on issues of providing public services. Starting from July 1, 2016, the procedure for calculating the payment for heating has been changed, so on the pages of the MG we will analyze where the specific figures in the “heating” column will come from in 2017.

Today, calculations for thermal energy can be carried out in one of two ways:

  • only during the heating period
  • evenly throughout the calendar year

The specific method is chosen by the Moscow Government no more than once a year before October 1 of the current year and the decision is implemented only in the following year: from July 1 when switching to uniform payment throughout the year, or from the first day of the heating season when switching to payment, respectively, during the heating season.

For 2017, the City Government has maintained a uniform method of paying for heating in Moscow, excluding the Troitsky and Novomoskovsky districts. However, the same settlement procedure applies to TiNAO.

In 2017, residents of houses that are still not equipped with a common house heat energy meter will pay 1.5 times more than residents of those houses where such a meter is installed.

Let's consider four typical cases, according to which payment for heat supply to our houses is charged.

Case 1 The house is not equipped with a common house metering device (OPU), while there is no technical possibility of its installation. This mainly concerns the old housing stock. Here the calculation is carried out according to the following formula:

Case 2. The house is not equipped with a control room, but at the same time it is technically possible to install it (housing stock, where, for various reasons, a common house heat energy meter has not yet been installed). In this case, the calculation is carried out as follows:

As can be seen from the above formula, residents of houses that are still not equipped with a common house heat energy meter will pay 1.5 times more in 2017 than houses where such a meter is installed. In accordance with Federal Law No. 261-FZ "On Energy Supply and Energy Efficiency Improvement", common meters must be installed in all apartment buildings by July 1, 2012, then this period was extended, however, today even in Moscow all houses are equipped with them. A special multiplying factor should encourage homeowners to take measures to have such meters in their homes. However, for example, in the settlement of Sosenskoye, the PMU are placed in the old housing stock as part of a long-term target program at the expense of the local budget.

Case 3 The house has an operating control room, but not all rooms are equipped with individual heat meters (ITU). This case includes the vast majority of houses built after the enactment of the law "On Energy Saving", when the installation of common house meters became the responsibility of developers. In this example, the calculation is carried out according to the following formula:

Once a year, the payment for heating is adjusted based on actual consumption, according to the formula:

In this case, the management company during the year evenly accrues payment according to the standard or average actual consumption for the previous year, and after a year it recalculates based on the readings of the common house meter. At the same time, the recalculation can be either up or down, depending on how cold and long the heating season was, as well as on the economy of heat consumption by the owners, including in public places.

Case 4 The house is equipped with an operating control room and all the premises of the house are also equipped with an operating control room. This case mainly applies to new buildings with a horizontal distribution of the heating system, which allows you to install a heat meter separately for each apartment. The calculation will be carried out according to the following formula:

Heating payment adjustment based on actual consumption (once a year):

Separately, it should be noted that in order to apply the calculation scheme No. 4, all residential and non-residential premises in an apartment building must be equipped with meters. At the same time, all meters must be in good condition, undergo verification within the established time limits (1 time in 4 years), and must also be put into operation with the involvement of a management company. This situation makes it virtually impossible to pay for individual heat meters, since one non-working or non-verified device is enough for the calculation to be made according to scheme No. 3.

The government has decided to maintain a uniform payment for heat consumption in apartment buildings for 2017.

So, we have considered 4 typical cases of payment for thermal energy that owners of multi-apartment residential buildings face (multi-apartment buildings stand apart, where the common property includes their own boiler house and where the owners pay not for thermal energy, but, as a rule, for gas, which used to heat water). As you can see, according to the amendments to federal legislation, now the Moscow Government determines how Muscovites will pay for heating: evenly throughout the year or only during the heating season. So far, the decision has been made to keep the payment evenly over 12 months. It can be assumed that this is due to the desire to evenly distribute the burden on family budgets (primarily low-income citizens). If, say, the annual payment for heating is 12,000 rubles and this amount is distributed evenly throughout the year, then the monthly burden on the budget will be 1,000 rubles. If payment is made only during the heating period, which in our region is 5-6 months, then heating costs during this period increase by 2 times, although they disappear completely in the rest of the year.


1. In accordance with paragraph 42.1 of the Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05/06/2011 N 354 (as amended on 06/29/2016) "On the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings).

2. Clause 2 of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 29, 2016 N 603 “On Amendments to Certain Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation on the Provision of Public Services”.

3. Decree of the Government of Moscow of 29.09.2016 N 629-PP “On maintaining a uniform procedure for making payments for utility services for heating in the city of Moscow and amending the Decree of the Government of Moscow of January 11, 1994 N 41”.

4. Clause 3 of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 29, 2016 N 603 “On Amendments to Certain Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation on the Provision of Public Services”.

5. Clause 2(1), Appendix 2 of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05/06/2011 N 354 (as amended on 06/29/2016) "On the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings" (together with the "Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings”).

6. Clause 2(2), Appendix 2 of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05/06/2011 N 354 (as amended on 06/29/2016) "On the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings" (together with the "Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings”).

7. Clause 3(2), Appendix 2 of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05/06/2011 N 354 (as amended on 06/29/2016) "On the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings" (together with the "Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings”).

8. Clause 3(3), Appendix 2 of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05/06/2011 N 354 (as amended on 06/29/2016) "On the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings" (together with the "Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings”).