Do-it-yourself installation of heating from polypropylene pipes in a private house. Do-it-yourself step-by-step instructions for installing plastic heating pipes in a private house. The process of soldering plastic pipes for heating

Each owner of a private household inevitably faces the problem of heating it. And if in a small country house it is quite possible to get by with a modest and unpretentious potbelly stove, then for large buildings in which people plan to live all year round, a more thorough approach to business will be needed.

An excellent option would be the construction of a full-fledged heating system with a boiler, a polypropylene pipeline and radiators. Despite the apparent complexity, it is quite possible to implement such a project on your own, without involving familiar craftsmen and specialized organizations.

Before proceeding with the installation of a pipeline made of polypropylene, you should decide on the source of heating. This will affect the overall scheme of the heating system and the choice of additional elements.


It is considered a very economical and environmentally friendly type of fuel.. However, it is appropriate to talk about efficiency only if the house is already gasified or at least located near the main gas pipeline. Otherwise, connecting to a remote network will cost the owner a round sum.

The best option for installing a gas-fired heating system is a modern wall-mounted gas boiler equipped with a set of necessary devices and protective mechanisms that ensure maximum automation of system control processes.

Another plus of this solution is the ability to abandon the chimney so familiar to private households. Modern gas boilers are equipped with a closed combustion chamber, supplying oxygen and exhaust air from which is carried out through a thin tube.


Another environmentally friendly way to heat a room, although more expensive than gas. To ensure the operation of the heating system, you will need a special boiler equipped with safety equipment, a coolant circulation pump (depending on the chosen scheme) and an expansion tank.

Solid fuel systems

They are distinguished by a higher temperature of the coolant at the outlet of the boiler, which imposes increased requirements on the organization of the security system.

Heating system diagrams

It is very important to choose the right wiring diagram. If the house has a small area, it is quite possible to get by with a single-pipe scheme with natural circulation. For larger rooms, a two-pipe system is better suited:

  • One-pipe scheme. The easiest and cheapest option. The farther the battery is installed from the boiler, the colder the coolant will reach it. An obvious plus of such a solution is the saving of time and materials during construction, an equally obvious minus is the uneven distribution of temperature and, as a result, an unequal level of heating of the premises.
  • Collector scheme. It will require the installation of additional elements to improve the energy efficiency of the system due to a more uniform distribution of heat.
  • Two pipe system. It differs from previous solutions in the presence of supply and return pipelines. The circuits work in parallel and allow the coolant to be delivered to each radiator with the same temperature value. Another advantage is that in emergency situations, a problematic riser or radiator can be easily isolated without stopping the operation of the entire system.

Can a plastic pipe be used for heating? Does plastic have serious disadvantages compared to steel pipes? What tools are needed to mount plastic pipes for heating with your own hands? Let's try to figure it out.

Is it possible to do so? Or is it worth using the traditional material - steel?

Types of plastics

The current market offers to mount heating with plastic pipes of two types:

  1. Polypropylene.
  2. Cross-linked polyethylene.

What are the characteristics of these materials?


The raw material for these pipes is white granules. Density - slightly lower than the density of water (0.93 - 0.93 g / cm3). Melting temperature - 130-170 degrees depending on the amount of stabilizing additives.

Nuance: however, at a temperature far below the melting point, the plastic softens, losing mechanical strength. That is why for polypropylene pipes the maximum operating temperature does not exceed 95C.

Pipes have a smooth inner surface and favorably differ from steel pipes by the absence of deposits. Of course, we are not talking about corrosion either. In addition, polypropylene is a dielectric: electric shock when the wiring is closed to the heating circuit is impossible.

Typical specifications for polypropylene are:

  • Working pressure at 20C is 20 (PN20) or 25 (PN25) atmospheres.
  • The maximum operating temperature, as already mentioned, does not exceed 95C. More often - 70-90.
  • At the maximum allowable temperature, the working pressure is limited to 6-7 atmospheres.

Another important characteristic that these plastic pipes for heating have is thermal expansion. It is quite large, but decreases sharply when the pipes are reinforced with aluminum foil or fiber (fiberglass).

Learn also about the advantages of Galant electric heating boilers.

The reinforcing layer is clearly visible on the cut.

Cross-linked polyethylene

Ordinary polyethylene is so fusible that pipes made of it are used exclusively for cold water. However, the so-called cross-linking - the use of chemical or radiation treatment to form not only longitudinal, but also transverse bonds between polymer molecules - dramatically increases the melting temperature, and at the same time the mechanical strength.

Here are the characteristics of the Israeli-made Golan-AQUA-PEX pipe.

  • Scope: radiator heating, hot and cold water supply.
  • Working pressure: 10 kgf/cm2.
  • Operating temperature: 95C with an allowable increase of up to 110C. The pipe will not burst, however, in this case, the manufacturer cannot guarantee the promised service life of 50 years.

It is curious that the pipes are supplied with a ten-year warranty. The price per meter, however, is about one and a half times higher than that of polypropylene.

All the advantages of polypropylene fully apply to polyethylene pipes. In addition to greater strength, the material has much less thermal expansion.

That is why cross-linked polyethylene is often used for underfloor heating.

Steel or plastic

Typical heating parameters in apartment buildings are pressure 3.5-5 kgf/cm2 and temperature 50-95C. The temperature is limited by the current SNiP: in a residential building, not a single line can be heated above the boiling point of water. As we can see, plastic heating pipes seem to be quite suitable in terms of their characteristics.

As is customary, the blissful picture is spoiled by the fact that the current norms may not be implemented. How and why?

  • It is not water from the supply line of the heating main that enters the heating circuit of the apartment building, but its mixture with the return. Mixing is carried out in the elevator; both the coolant temperature and the pressure difference depend on the nozzle diameter.

When, according to the temperature schedule, water with a temperature of 95C should flow into the batteries, all 140 degrees will be in the supply line. Water does not boil only due to excess pressure.

Now let's imagine that in the midst of frost, it was necessary to adjust the diameter of the nozzle. What does the housing service organization do in this case? Removes the nozzle and, in order to ensure circulation, dampens the suction.

Over a period of a couple of hours to several days, water from the supply pipeline enters the batteries with a temperature of ... yes, those same 140 degrees. In addition, the nozzle can be removed in severe frosts with a large number of complaints about the cold in the apartments.

Read also about the advantages of stainless corrugated pipes for heating.

Yes, this is wrong. But it is practised.

Overheating at high pressure is detrimental to plastic.

  • The pressure can be exceeded many times due to water hammer. It is enough to open the house valves QUICKLY at startup - and at the front of the water flow there will be not 5, but all 15 atmospheres. A valve rupture on a screw valve installed not in the direction of water flow can even give a continuous series of water hammers with a frequency of several seconds.


Despite the longer service life, any type of plastic is undesirable in central heating systems. If we already put plastic pipes for heating, then at least after the shut-off valves; Mounting a riser with them is clearly a bad idea.

However: we are talking about central heating. But in autonomous circuits with their parameters completely controlled by the owner, the installation of heating with plastic pipes is strongly encouraged. A long service life will be combined with a very pleasant price against the background of galvanized steel.

Mounting Features

How to make your own heating from plastic pipes? The instruction depends on the type of plastic you choose.


In both cases, a special cutter is ideally used. However, if it is not there, the pipes can be perfectly cut with a hacksaw (preferably with a metal blade) or a grinder with any cutting wheel.


But the method of connecting pipes to each other and to valves for cross-linked polyethylene and polypropylene is strikingly different.


This material after crosslinking has a kind of mechanical memory. If you stretch the pipe, then after a short time it will return to its original dimensions. It is this effect that is used when connecting fittings:

  • The tip of a special tool - an extender - is inserted into the lumen of the pipe.
  • Then, in several steps, with a gradual immersion of the tip, it is stretched.
  • A fitting fitting is inserted into the resulting socket.
  • As soon as it is securely crimped, a lock ring is driven onto the fitting - plastic or brass. The connection becomes non-separable: the pipe from the fitting can only be cut off.

The photo makes it clear how to connect.


In this case, low-temperature soldering of plastic heating pipes is used. What does the process look like?

  • A nozzle of the required diameter is installed on the soldering iron heater - a simple and inexpensive tool.
  • After it is heated to 260-280 degrees, the pipe is immersed in the hollow part of the nozzle for a few seconds. At the same time fitting - coupling, angle, tee, etc. - put on the second side of the nozzle.
  • As soon as the surfaces are melted, they are combined. Without turning - in this case, the plastic will go in a wave, which will sharply weaken the connection. 15 seconds - and instead of two products, we see in front of us one, absolutely monolithic.

Just heat up and combine.

Fiber-reinforced - the so-called fiberglass - pipes for heating are connected in the same way as unreinforced ones. But in the case of a pipe reinforced with aluminum foil, preliminary cleaning is required with a special tool - a shaver. Depending on the location of the reinforcing layer, the shaver either cleans the outer surface of the pipe or removes a few millimeters of the aluminum layer from its middle.

What is the operation for?

  • With external reinforcement - so as not to try to weld polypropylene with foil.
  • With internal - to prevent contact of the foil with water. It can cause the destruction of the aluminum layer and subsequent delamination of the pipe.

Manual shaver.


Repair of plastic heating pipes is carried out in the same way as installation: the defective section of the pipeline is cut out, and a new pipe is installed on the fittings in its place.


More clearly, you can get acquainted with the installation of plastic pipes by watching the video at the end of the article. Good luck with the repair!

Learn also about the advantages of Proterm gas heating boilers.

characteristics, diameter, do-it-yourself soldering, how to make heating from plastic pipes yourself, photo and video examples

1. Types of plastic pipes for heating

2. Specifications of plastic pipes for heating

3. Cross-linked polyethylene as a basis for heating pipes

4. Features of installing plastic heating with your own hands

5. The process of soldering plastic pipes for heating

6. Connecting plastic pipes for heating to each other

Many owners are well aware that it is possible to equip a heating system in a dwelling in a variety of ways and using a variety of materials. Recently, plastic pipes for heating have become very popular, the characteristics of which explain the wide distribution of these structural parts of the heat supply system.

To figure out how to make heating from plastic pipes yourself, you need to consider the features of these products, study their advantages and disadvantages, and also determine what tools are needed for their installation. This is what will be discussed next.

Types of plastic pipes for heating

When choosing such structures as pipes, plastic for heating should also be selected individually, since there are two main varieties of this material:

  • polypropylene;
  • cross-linked polyethylene.

In order to figure out how to make heating from plastic pipes, it is necessary to consider the technical features of these two plastic options.

Technical characteristics of plastic pipes for heating

The basis of polypropylene are special granules that have a white tint. In terms of density, this material is inferior to water, and its melting point varies from 130 to 170 ° C, depending on how much stabilizing additives are used.

It is important to remember that when plastic is used at a temperature much lower than the melting point, this material is prone to softening, which adversely affects its strength. For this reason, the highest working temperature of the plastic should be 95°C.

Plastic pipes for the heating system, made of polypropylene, have a smooth surface from the inside. Speaking about the advantages of such a material, it is worth noting the absence of any deposits accumulated inside these products, and also to emphasize the absence of a tendency to form a corrosive coating. Moreover, plastic pipes for heating made of polypropylene are dielectrics, which completely eliminates the possibility of electric shock to the residents of the house in the event of a short circuit. This is partly due to the choice of polypropylene pipes for heating residential buildings.

The technical characteristics of polypropylene are as follows:

  • in the case of operation at a temperature of 20 ° C, the pressure is 20 atmospheres, and at a temperature of 25 ° C - 25 atmospheres;
  • the maximum allowable temperature parameter is 90 - 95 ° C, but often it varies from 70 to 90 ° C;
  • if the equipment operates at maximum temperature, then the operating pressure should not exceed 6 - 7 atmospheres.

When equipping plastic heating, the installation of polypropylene should also be carried out taking into account the thermal expansion of this material, which is quite large. However, its indicator can be significantly reduced by treating the surface of polypropylene pipes with reinforcement based on fiberglass or aluminum foil.

Cross-linked polyethylene as a basis for heating pipes

Due to the fact that standard polyethylene melts very easily, it is almost impossible to make plastic heating with your own hands using it. However, today there is a fundamentally new method for the production of this material by the so-called cross-linking.

This option for processing polyethylene involves the use of chemical or beam compositions designed to form cross-links between polymer molecules, and not just longitudinal ones. This, in turn, will significantly increase the melting point, as well as increase the strength of the material itself.

Heating from plastic pipes, made with the help of cross-linked polyethylene, has a number of some features (for more details: “How good is cross-linked polyethylene for heating - advantages and disadvantages of pipes”).

The technical characteristics of a standard product made from such raw materials are as follows:

  • this variant of pipes is used for arranging radiator-type heating, as well as for providing a system for supplying cold and hot water;
  • plastic heating pipes made of cross-linked polyethylene have a working pressure of 10 kgf / cm²;
  • speaking about the normal temperature for such products, it must be said that the maximum allowable value in this case is a parameter of 110 ° C. Even if there are no visible mechanical damages on the pipe, a significant increase in temperature will significantly affect the service life of such plastic pipes, of course, in a negative direction.

With the correct use of such equipment, plastic pipes for heating, the diameters of which can have a very different indicator, can last at least half a century, which is quite a lot (read: “Choosing the diameter of pipes for heating is important not to be mistaken”). However, the standard warranty period for such products is ten years.

In addition, despite the fact that the diameters of plastic pipes for heating made of cross-linked polyethylene and the same parameters for polypropylene models are largely similar, the cost of one meter of a polyethylene sample exceeds the price of one meter for polypropylene.

The diameter of plastic pipes for heating made of polyethylene is also important to consider because, despite the much lower thermal expansion compared to polypropylene pipes, it still takes place (read also: "Installation of a heating system from polypropylene pipes with your own hands" ).

Features of installing plastic heating with your own hands

If we talk about the installation features of these two options for heating pipes, it should be noted that their cutting will be identical and will be carried out using a special cutter. In the absence of such a tool, it is quite possible to use a conventional hacksaw equipped with a metal blade, or a grinder.

But the connection of the constituent parts of these pipes will be fundamentally different, therefore, specific aspects of such work as fastening the functional parts of plastic heating pipes should be discussed in more detail.

The process of soldering plastic pipes for heating

Polyethylene has some specific feature: after it is crosslinked, the pipe, if stretched, returns to its original state after a while.

This property, as a rule, is fundamental when installing fittings:

  1. Initially, the end of a tool specially designed for such work, which is called an extender, should be inserted into the space in the pipe.
  2. After this, the pipe must be stretched in several stages, gradually immersing the tip into it.
  3. Place the fitting fitting into the hole formed.
  4. After its compression, the fitting itself must be equipped with a locking ring made of brass or plastic. This mounting option is monolithic, so you can remove the pipe from the fitting only by cutting it off.

Connecting plastic pipes for heating to each other

The main type of work that will be relevant in this case is the soldering of plastic heating pipes made of polypropylene.

The whole process goes like this:

  1. The heating part of a simple and easy-to-use soldering iron is equipped with a nozzle of the appropriate diameter.
  2. Next, the tool is heated to a temperature of 260 - 280 ° C, and then the pipe must be immersed in the empty part of the nozzle for several seconds. At the same moment, the fitting, which consists of a coupling, a tee, an angle, etc., must be fixed on the second side of the nozzle.
  3. After the surfaces have properly melted, they must be connected, and this must be done without turning the pipe, otherwise waves will appear on the plastic, which will negatively affect the quality of the joint.

In order to fully understand the features of a heating device made of plastic pipes, you can always study additional photo and video materials that are usually available from specialists in the installation of such equipment. In addition, qualified craftsmen will be able to give the necessary advice regarding the installation of the system and help with any repairs.

Characteristics of plastic pipes for heating on video:

characteristics, types, installation of plastic pipes, how to choose plastic, can it be used

Over the past few decades, plastic has only become more popular. And this is due to its versatility. Separately, it is worth considering such plastic products as water, gas and sewer pipes - we will talk about them in this article.

Positive qualities of plastic pipes

Plastic pipes for heating have a list of positive qualities that distinguish them from similar metal products.

It is worth highlighting the main advantages of plastic pipes:

  • Plastic pipes for heating are not afraid of a humid environment. Plastic is a polymer, and such a material, as you know, does not interact with chemical and other aggressive substances.
  • Due to their corrosion resistance and resistance to decay, such pipes may well last up to fifty years.
  • Plastic heating pipes are considered environmentally friendly, because toxic compounds are not emitted from them.
  • During the transportation of water through such pipes, they do not make noise. All because plastic transmits sound worse. In addition, plaque is not collected on plastic pipes, which has a positive effect on their throughput.
  • Plastic has low thermal conductivity, which is very important for the design of the heating system. This can be considered its main advantage over steel pipes, in which the water quickly becomes cold.
  • The characteristics of plastic pipes for heating are such that they successfully cope with temperature changes. This also makes them indispensable in organizing the heating system in the house.
  • Due to their lightness, they are very easy to transport and install. It is worth noting the fact that the pipes are interconnected by fittings, by soldering. The process takes a minimum of time, and the pipes themselves do not need to be painted, maintaining their aesthetics for a very long time.
  • In addition, they have a low cost. Steel pipes will cost much more.

Pipes for heating from metal-plastic

Metal-plastic is one of the varieties of material for the manufacture of plastic pipes for heating. The walls of such pipes consist of five layers: top and bottom - plastic, and inside there is a layer of aluminum foil, separated by two layers of special glue.

Metal-plastic heating pipes consist of high-strength PEX polyethylene, which is produced using a special technology that allows them to withstand a burst pressure of 70 bar. Such polyethylene has high resistance to chemicals, it does not oxidize, and biological growths do not appear on the walls over time.

Polyethylene PEX is characterized by a very low roughness of the inner walls, which is equal to 0.004 mm. In addition, polyethylene is not afraid of high temperatures, up to 90 ° C. The high strength of polyethylene allows the pipes to function up to 50 years.

The layer of aluminum foil located between the polyethylene has a thickness of 0.2-0.3 mm. It prevents the plastic pipe from elongating over time, and the plastic, in turn, protects the aluminum from environmental influences.

For a plastic pipe, the linear expansion index is less than that of polypropylene, but somewhat greater than that of copper. The manufacturing technology of the aluminum layer gives it high elasticity and high strength. This makes it possible for metal-plastic pipes to bend quite easily, without losing their structure for the entire period of their operation. In addition, aluminum protects the pipes from oxygen penetration.

Layers of glue, in turn, endow pipe joints with strength. The glue used is of high quality, so it perfectly glues all layers together, giving the product flexibility and resistance to high temperatures.

However, the metal-plastic pipe is currently losing its popularity. This happens because low-quality products can often be found on the market, moreover, leaks often form at the joints already 2-3 years after their installation.

Technical characteristics of pipes made of metal-plastic

Metal-plastic pipes can be used for transportation, both for hot and cold water.

This type of plastic pipes for heating has the following performance characteristics:

  • limit operating temperatures should not exceed 95 ° C;
  • at this temperature, the maximum pressure in the system should be 10 bar;
  • at water temperatures from 0 to 25 °C, the pressure can reach 25 bar;
  • permitted peak temporary temperature – 130 °C;
  • the service life of such pipes is 50 years - this is subject to the possession of material from the above parameters.

PE pipes for heating systems

Pipes made of polyethylene for supplying hot water and for heating also have the PEX brand. This is polyethylene of increased strength and heat resistance, made using a special technology that involves the creation of longitudinal and transverse molecular bonds in the process. Such polyethylene is also called cross-linked.

Technical characteristics of PE pipes

Polyethylene pipes can also be used in hot water circulating systems.

They have the following performance characteristics:

  • the ability to function in conditions of media temperature up to 90 ℃;
  • the maximum working pressure in this case can reach 10 bar;
  • the maximum pressure at temperatures of 0-25 ℃ can reach up to 25 bar;
  • short-term peak temperature can be 100 ℃, but no more;
  • when using pipes made of a material with the above characteristics, their service life can also reach 50 years. See also: "Production of PVC pipes - manufacturing technology and materials used."

A variety of polypropylene heating pipes and their properties

Polypropylene pipes are made from PPR polypropylene. It also has high strength and heat resistance.

It should be noted that polypropylene pipes have slight differences from other types of plastic products. They have a high fluidity, which is why they change over time under the influence of gravity. See also: "Types of plastic pipes, characteristics, advantages, scope."

Therefore, if you do not know if plastic pipes can be used for heating this kind, then yes, you can. The main thing is to use more fasteners when organizing internal wiring.

Polypropylene pipes are more rigid than other polymer pipes (read: "Characteristics of polymer pipes for heating, connection and installation features"). This will require larger bending radii and more swivel fittings. This leads to the fact that the use of polypropylene pipes is considered more expensive than previous options.

Note the technical characteristics of PP pipes

Polypropylene pipes can also be used for heating systems and hot water transport. However, pipes made from this material are not used as often, because their working properties are slightly inferior to the materials mentioned earlier.

Polypropylene has the following performance characteristics:

  • allowed to use in systems with coolant up to 70 °C;
  • the maximum working pressure under conditions of maximum temperature is 10 bar;
  • the maximum working pressure at temperatures from 0 to 25 ° C is 25 bar;
  • peak temporary temperature can increase up to 90 °C;
  • when using polypropylene pipes with the above characteristics, their service life may well be 50 years.

The use and characteristics of PVC pipes for heating systems

PVC pipes are made from polyvinyl chloride, which has plasticity and heat resistance. They are produced using a special technology. The material used is corrosion-resistant and durable, pipes made of such material are easy to lay. In addition to the characteristics include high chemical resistance, low flammability and high throughput. See also: "Characteristics of fluoroplastic pipes, application, installation and docking rules."

PVC pipes are used for heating systems somewhat less frequently, due to the fact that their operating temperature should not exceed 70-90 ° C.

In this article, we looked at how to choose plastic pipes for heating, what they are and why they are so common at the present time. Due to their special properties, the installation of plastic heating pipes is as simple as possible. The material is durable, has high strength, it is corrosion-resistant, and is not afraid of sufficiently high temperature indicators.

It is also important that such pipes are relatively cheap, so they are very beneficial when installing heating systems and water supply systems. In addition, when purchasing plastic pipes, do not save money, because, as practice shows, the cheapest material becomes unusable the fastest.

Heating schemes in a private house made of polypropylene

Here you will learn:

Thick steel pipes for heating systems in private homes are familiar to many. In addition to them are no less thick and heavy cast-iron batteries. In the process of overhaul, it is customary to change them to more modern models - plastic pipes are laid in the houses and compact aluminum or steel batteries are installed. In this review, we will talk about plastic pipes and consider heating schemes in a private house made of polypropylene.

Metal pipes are used in autonomous heating systems less and less. Their place is taken by brothers made of polypropylene. They are easy to install and resistant to high temperatures. Pipes are easily soldered and cut, no less easily laid directly into walls or floors. In the event of a breakdown, it will take a minimum of time to replace the damaged area. If the installation is carried out from scratch, then when using polypropylene pipes, the work time is significantly reduced.

There are various sizes of polypropylene pipes. The diameter is selected based on the power and size of your heating system.

What are the advantages of polypropylene pipes?

  • Sufficient strength to work in autonomous systems - plastic pipes can withstand pressure up to 10 atmospheres and above, without bursting under its influence;
  • Resistance to high temperatures - combined pipes made of plastic and aluminum are able to operate at coolant temperatures up to +95 degrees. It is also allowed to briefly exceed the maximum possible temperature;
  • Excellent passage of the coolant - the inner surface of the plastic pipes is very smooth, so nothing interferes with the flow of the coolant;
  • Lack of corrosion - if steel is afraid of rust, then plastic is not afraid of it. They do not deteriorate and do not rust, retaining their properties for many decades.;
  • Long service life - manufacturers claim that polypropylene pipes serve for 40-50 years and even more;
  • Resistance to salts and aggressive components - polypropylene calmly reacts to the increased acidity of the coolant, without collapsing or spoiling;
  • Ease of installation - the heating system can be easily mounted independently, without outside help.

The list of advantages is quite large, which is why polypropylene pipes have become so widespread.

Long service life is achieved under optimal operating conditions without pressure and temperature overloads.

Unfortunately, polypropylene pipes also have disadvantages:

  • The presence of heat loss - for this you will have to pay additional heating costs. In some cases, the problem is solved with the help of additional thermal insulation applied from above;
  • You need to learn how to install it correctly - those who are used to working with metal pipes will have to learn the principles of their installation from polypropylene.

Also, for the installation of pipes, you will have to purchase special equipment for soldering. We recommend that you contact heating and plumbing stores to rent equipment - many stores rent "soldering irons" for rent, with a daily payment, which will provide additional savings.

Choosing polypropylene pipes

Polypropylene pipes for heating have an aluminum layer in their design, for greater resistance to high temperatures.

Ordinary plastic pipes for heating are not suitable - the high temperature of the coolant can damage them. Therefore, reinforced pipes are used in heating systems. They contain aluminum or fiberglass in their structure, which makes them stronger and more resistant to high temperatures. Such products are the best suited for use in heating systems.

When choosing pipes made of polypropylene, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer. The best option - buy products from the most common brands, which are not so many. Taking the products of a little-known manufacturer, you may encounter a situation where there are no suitable fittings and other accessories - if something breaks in the system or it needs to be reworked, installation and repair work may be delayed until the necessary elements are found.

For installation of pipes, it is desirable to use one-piece fittings - they provide a strong and tight connection. Installation work is carried out using a special soldering tool.

Heating scheme in a private house

In private houses, a single-pipe heating system with a circulation pump is often used.

Heating schemes in a private house, with polypropylene pipes, can be very different. For example, nothing prevents laying a single-pipe system, supplemented by a circulation pump - it will ensure intensive flow of the coolant and uniform heating of the premises. It is possible to use vertical two-pipe systems with bottom and top wiring. Want to make a horizontal wiring - please.

Thus, a variety of heating schemes are used in private homes. They warm up the rooms well, but it is highly desirable to use circulation pumps in them.. This ensures the normal circulation of the coolant.

Installation of polypropylene pipes

For soldering polypropylene pipes, a special apparatus is used.

For the installation of polypropylene pipes, special tools and fittings are used. The soldering tool tightly welds the products, forming a reliable and tight connection. Cutting is carried out with a conventional hacksaw or with the help of special scissors - this equipment can be rented. When cutting pipes, be sure to respect the angles.

Since there is an aluminum reinforcement inside the plastic pipes for heating, the edges must be cleaned after cutting - use suitable sandpaper for this. Heated pipes and fittings are connected to each other in a hot state, and the junction during cooling should remain motionless - distortions are not allowed here. If you need to ensure the docking of plastic and metal pipes, use special fittings for this.

Do-it-yourself heating with plastic pipes

Plastic pipes for heating have advantages and disadvantages, and there are much more of the former, which makes polymer materials in demand in the domestic, world market. The main advantages of PP, PVC, HDPE materials are:

  • light weight - reduces the load on the walls to which the heating circuit is attached
  • democratic price - the production of polymers is much cheaper than the production of rolled metal
  • reduction of blockages - a smooth inner surface does not contribute to the deposition of salts, foreign impurities, scale
  • easy assembly - instead of bulky welding transformers, argon welding machines, compact soldering irons are used
  • lack of corrosion - service life, maintainability increases many times

The most important disadvantage of polymers is insufficient mechanical strength and rigidity.

Unlike traditional steel heating circuits, pipes cannot be leaned on (important in rooms with limited space - bathrooms, toilets, boiler rooms of private houses). For reliability, additional mounting brackets or pipeline wiring in a niche, wall strobes will be required.

Installation of plastic pipes for heating

  • Building codes SNiP are currently being revised and adapted to new materials. Plastic pipes for heating are ideal for self-assembly, repair:
  • buying a soldering iron, learning how to join polyethylene, polypropylene is much easier than skillfully welding stainless steel, ensuring the tightness of the seam, paying a round sum for the inverter, electrodes
  • the number of repairs is minimal, therefore, the cost of the tool will be fully justified in the first couple of years
  • there are more schemes for laying heating systems from polymer pipes than from traditional metal pipes

Plastic pipes for heating practically do not need edge processing before joining. They are cut with a hacksaw, a special knife, the chamfer is removed in one motion. Joints, pipes do not need to be painted, they are easily dismantled when changing the wiring diagram. Products must be dry, the edges are heated until a plastic state is reached, fixed for several seconds. Both ends (pipe/pipe, pipe/fitting) heat up at the same time, making the assembly process easier.

Secrets of plastic pipes for heating

For high temperatures(primary supply circuit) Random copolymer PP-R is excellent. Plastic pipes for heating made of cross-linked polyethylene REX can withstand no more than 90 ° C. these products have a "memory" effect - after bending when heated, they retain their shape, after reheating they restore their original configuration. This property is convenient when installing complex structures for heating in combination with press fittings, threaded connections instead of welding. Products made of C-PVC materials are recommended to be used in the secondary "return" circuits, since the recommended operating temperature of the coolant should not exceed 60 ° C.

The right choice of plastic pipes for heating in accordance with the operating temperature of the coolant will increase the resource of the system and save you from repairs. The inner surface of the products is smooth, which allows the use of coarse filters, do without them. Scale, salts are not deposited on the surface, abrasive materials present in the water pipes of autonomous systems do not cause significant damage to materials. In addition to polymer products of this type, there are composite pipes with a metal layer, compensating linear expansions of materials. Such pipes are called metal-plastic pipes, they are widely used in cottages, townhouses, and summer cottages.

Is it possible to make steam heating wiring from plastic

Good afternoon, please advise. is it possible to make plastic steam heating wiring without forced circulation of fluid in the system, taking into account all the slopes of course).
Thank you.


Steam - no way. Plastic pipes with a margin withstand the pressure created in the steam heating system, but do not match the thermal characteristics. The temperature in the system may well rise to 130 ºС, while the maximum operating temperature for polymer pipes is 95 ºС, and the short-term one that they are able to endure without loss of integrity is 110 ºС. In the best case, the plastic pipes in the steam system are deformed (hello to the slopes), in the worst case, the heaters will be torn off the fixtures, the pipes and fittings will be destroyed, and the system will break. Definitely - no.

Perhaps you meant a water heating system, not a steam one. In this case, plastic pipes intended for heating may well be used, their performance characteristics fully fit into the thermal regime of the water system. We emphasize, "intended for heating." The fact is that if all high-quality metal-plastic and PEX pipes are heat-resistant, then only reinforced pipes of the PN25 brand are suitable for heating from polypropylene pipes.

The result of a wrong choice. Polymer pipes not intended for heating are deformed

For a gravity system that requires large diameter pipes, you will find suitable plastic ones: the maximum diameters of polypropylene are 110 mm, metal-plastic and PEX polyethylene are 63 mm. It is more convenient to conduct heating with observance of the slope with rigid polypropylene pipes, and such a system will cost somewhat less due to inexpensive fittings. For a solid fuel boiler, we recommend making the piping (the first meter and a half from the supply) with steel or copper pipes. The boiler safety group, which excludes overheating of the coolant, must be in good order.

There is no big difference whether to use polymer pipes in a system with natural or forced circulation. However, in the gravitational version, their diameters will be significantly larger.

The gravity system will be more stable and more comfortable to work in a two-pipe version with a top wiring. Please note that for such a small one-story house, the pipe diameters are quite large.

Large diameter pipes are expensive. Fittings are also expensive. It is not a fact that polymer pipelines, taking into account fittings and adapters, will cost less than steel ones, especially in a large system and with diameters of 32 mm and above. It makes sense to consider the possibility of installing a circulating heating system. The pump and automation will more than pay off by reducing the cost of pipes due to a decrease in their diameter, the obvious gain will be in comfort. The main disadvantage of the circulation system is its dependence on electricity, which can be largely compensated by installing a battery or a generator; you can choose relatively inexpensive models.

Heating scheme from polypropylene pipes in a private house

Wanting to make their home more comfortable and cozy, the owners often face the problem of creating or upgrading a heating system with their own hands. This task is within the power of everyone. Let's take a closer look at where to start and how to act so that your water heating will serve reliably for many years.

Most owners today choose polypropylene pipes and fittings for heating a private house. And this is quite natural, since polypropylene has a large number of advantages over other materials at a relatively low cost and ease of installation.

Polypropylene pipes and fittings

Water heating is characterized by a relatively high coolant temperature, which can cause significant thermal elongation of pipelines. In this regard, ordinary polypropylene cannot be used; only reinforced polypropylene pipes for heating are used. Fiberglass or aluminum is used to reinforce polypropylene.

Polypropylene pipe with fiberglass

The reinforcing layer has a significantly lower degree of linear expansion than polypropylene, and prevents the occurrence of such undesirable phenomena as bending and sagging of pipelines when heated.

Sagging of heated pipes

In addition to an unsightly appearance from an aesthetic point of view, temperature deformations can create serious stresses in pipelines and cause cracks in building structures or coolant leaks.

Reinforcement of polypropylene pipes for heating with the introduction of an inner aluminum layer can be performed in 3 different ways:

  • The solid metal layer is inside the polypropylene pipe;
  • A layer of solid metal is located near the surface;
  • At the surface of the material is a perforated layer of aluminum.

Soldering is used to connect polypropylene elements. The end of the pipe and the necessary fitting are heated with a soldering iron, and then rigidly connected to each other, creating a reliable homogeneous joint after solidification.

The reinforcing aluminum foil is removed at the joint. If the metal is near the surface, then it is cleaned with a special stripping or a knife, and if inside, then the inner layer is cleaned with a trimmer. This ensures the reliability of the connection of the end of the pipe with the fitting and protects the aluminum from possible damage and delamination during operation.

Before proceeding with the independent installation of a heating system with polypropylene pipes, be sure to carefully study all the recommendations and complete a few training rations!
It is better for a novice installer to choose fiberglass reinforced polypropylene pipes for heating his home, as they do not need to be processed before soldering, which speeds up work and eliminates the need to purchase additional tools.

In addition, they clearly win in terms of cost-quality ratio. It should only be taken into account a slight increase in length when heated for pipes with fiberglass fibers. When crossing the walls, the pipes are enclosed in sleeves that allow the polypropylene pipe to move freely, and between the inner corners of the walls and the turns of the pipeline, space is left for a compensatory stroke during thermal elongation.

Without professional skills, it is rather difficult to understand a wide range of brands and decide what is the best way to mount your water heating. Therefore, as practice shows, it is better to trust the experience of the majority and give preference to the most common well-known brands. More expensive pipes, in addition to increased reliability, also have a very important plus for a beginner - they are usually easier to solder, they forgive minor flaws when joining elements.

Thus, a fiberglass-reinforced polypropylene pipe from a well-known manufacturer is an ideal solution for installing a do-it-yourself heating system for a private house.

The marking of the pipe must contain the inscription PN 25. The diameter of polypropylene pipes for heating is selected according to the calculation, in proportion to the required flow rate of the coolant according to the heat load and the selected scheme of the heating system.

Advantages and disadvantages of polypropylene pipes

The heating system made of polypropylene pipes has the following advantages:

  1. Affordable price and quality.
  2. The smooth inner surface of the pipe allows the coolant to pass through with minimal pressure loss.
  3. Reliability.
  4. Resistance to corrosion and water hammer.
  5. Good maintainability.
  6. High heat and sound insulation.
  7. High elasticity, providing resistance to freezing of water in the system.
  8. Environmental friendliness.
  9. Working pressure up to 10 atmospheres.
  10. The temperature of the transported liquid is up to 95 °C.
  11. The estimated service life is more than 50 years.
  12. Possibility of concealed laying in walls and floors.
  13. Ease of assembly allows you to quickly and easily install the heating system of a private house with your own hands.

In fairness, it is worth noting the minor drawbacks characteristic of polypropylene pipes.:

  • High coefficient of linear expansion;
  • The need for protection from sunlight, because. they negatively affect the structure of the polymer;
  • When heated to 175 ° C, polypropylene melts;
  • Buying from an unverified manufacturer can lead to unexpected surprises due to a significant decrease in all indicators due to low-quality raw materials and violation of production technology.

Heating system diagrams

If apartments usually use a dependent heating scheme that operates on a heating network, then in a private house you have to think about installing your own heating boiler and how to tie it. For independence from external factors and the ability to independently set a comfortable temperature in the premises, you have to pay with additional troubles in arranging the heating system and the cost of boiler equipment plus accessories.

An independent scheme for organizing the heating of a private house implies, in addition to laying pipes, the installation of a heating boiler. The most economical option today is to combine an electric boiler with a solid fuel boiler. Due to the nature of this equipment, the following precautions must be taken:

  1. In view of the release of a large amount of heat during the combustion of firewood, it is advisable to use metal pipes for tying a floor-standing solid fuel boiler, followed by a transition to polypropylene using special couplings.
  2. For reliable operation of the electric boiler, it is necessary to ensure a constant voltage in the network.
  3. The piping scheme for a floor-standing solid fuel boiler must necessarily include the presence of an expansion tank and a safety group.

Depending on the tightness, the heating system can be open or closed. The first implies the presence in the attic of an open container for the coolant expanding when heated, the second has a special closed tank with a membrane near the heating boiler.

An open system can only be used with the natural movement of the coolant. In this case, it moves by gravity due to gravitational pressure. In a closed type system, the transfer of the working fluid is provided by a circulation pump.

Despite the seeming cheapness of heating without a pump, a gravity-fed scheme will require significant costs for pipes, since it works well only with large diameters and, accordingly, requires significant capital costs for pipes. In this case, only open laying is possible.

Heating schemes with forced circulation in practice turn out to be more economical and more aesthetic, better adjustable and provide higher efficiency. A closed-type water heating system with a pump works more stable than a gravity-flow one. It ensures always a constant pressure and good circulation, and therefore an even distribution of heat.

An open system can only be justified for small houses and in areas with power outages. Before you create water heating of a private house with your own hands, you need to decide on the concept, circulation method and piping layout, carefully design everything and draw up the necessary drawings.

The efficiency of heating schemes, ease of use and comfort of residents depend on the right choice at the design stage.

Based on the type of wiring used, there are 3 main heating schemes from polypropylene pipes in a private house: single-pipe, manifold and two-pipe.

Single pipe scheme

The cheapest and easiest to implement heating wiring diagram. The coolant in the single-pipe heating system sequentially fills all the heaters. At the same time, each subsequent radiator receives more and more chilled water, heat is distributed unevenly. In closed systems, where the pump provides good circulation, this disadvantage is almost imperceptible.

One-pipe heating system closed circuit

As practice shows, under certain conditions, it is possible to completely cool the water even before entering the last heating batteries and, as a result, the rooms remote from the boiler remain cold.

If you need reliable water heating that works stably and a comfortable temperature in all rooms, then a one-pipe heating system should be avoided. It can be justified only for small houses, while living rooms are connected first in the direction of the coolant, and then technical premises.

Collector scheme

A more complex and costly water heating scheme, but allowing for uniform heat distribution, ease of use and high reliability of the system. At the outlet of the heating boiler or at each branch from the riser, a collector comb is installed, to which horizontal branches or individual devices are connected.

The most relevant is the use of this scheme for connecting devices in large cottages with complex branched systems. It allows you to adjust the temperature and pressure parameters for each branch or device separately.

If your house will use a combined heating scheme, that is, a combination of classic radiator heating with underfloor heating, then you will definitely make the right choice by choosing a collector scheme.

Provides parallel connection of heating devices to the supply and return pipelines. Each radiator is independent of the others and receives a coolant of almost the same temperature at the inlet.

In an emergency, you can turn off one or more devices without compromising system performance. The two-pipe installation scheme allows you to use a hidden gasket and easily hide pipelines in the floor. In most cases, this heating scheme of a private house is the most optimal.

Two-pipe heating scheme with bottom wiring

In a private house, both horizontal and vertical piping can be used. Vertical wiring is used in houses with 2 or more floors. It is most typical for large cottages.

The coolant moves along the risers from floor to floor. It is possible to organize heating with a lower wiring and with an upper one, depending on the location of the supply pipeline relative to the radiators. The heating scheme of a two-story house can also be carried out with horizontal wiring, when horizontal branches on each floor diverge from one riser around the house. The heating scheme of a one-story house will definitely be horizontal.

Horizontal wiring

The horizontal scheme for connecting radiators in modern private houses is the most common. It allows you to make a heated house comfortable both in terms of thermal conditions and aesthetics. Individual devices and branches can be turned off without affecting the main system and adjusted as needed.

The circuit diagram of heating can be single-pipe or two-pipe. Depending on the method of laying, there are perimeter and radial.

Perimeter wiring

Perimeter wiring provides for laying pipes along the walls around the perimeter of the apartment; hidden laying in the floor structure is also possible. It is convenient to mount such a water heating system both in new construction and in reconstruction. The main disadvantage is the significant length of pipelines and the difficulty in ensuring the possibility of draining water from the system.

Heating scheme with horizontal perimeter wiring

Beam wiring provides for a separate connection of each radiator to a common collector in the shortest possible way, the device connection diagram resembles the sun's rays. It allows the user to individually adjust each instrument and provides easy hydraulic balancing.

This scheme of the heating system is convenient for new construction, the pipes are laid on the rough floor surface and filled with a screed. The disadvantages include the complexity of the repair, since in the event of an emergency it is very difficult to get to the pipelines. The consumption of pipes with radial wiring is greater than in other options, but this is offset by a decrease in their diameters. It is this piping layout that is typical for most modern cottages.


When starting to install a heating system from polypropylene pipes in a private house, carefully study the technology of soldering polypropylene, analyze all possible water heating schemes, determine the necessary heat loads, draw up plans and three-dimensional drawings.

Try to first consult with a specialist in the field of heat engineering and coordinate with him the project of the future system. Enlisting the support of an experienced person in technical matters and having carefully prepared, you can easily handle the installation of a water heating system for a private house with your own hands.

The polypropylene used in the production of heating pipes allows them to withstand high temperatures (up to +75 °C). Products made from this material do not conduct electricity and are lightweight.

In addition, they have low thermal conductivity, and not only professionals can install heating systems with their help. Doing the installation of polypropylene pipes with your own hands, take into account their diameter, linear expansion, constant pressure in the system and water temperature.

Material Properties

Due to the resistance to aggressive environments, polypropylene pipes in the walls of a private house can be used for more than 50 years. The working pressure that the material can withstand is 20 bar. More durable products made of reinforced polypropylene.

Polypropylene stability comparison

Positive characteristics

The installation of polypropylene pipelines has become so popular due to the following qualities of the material:

  • high thermal insulation, which significantly reduces heat loss in the system;
  • resistance to chemicals and corrosion;
  • sealed connection by soldering;
  • high strength;
  • low cost.

However, when choosing heating pipes for an apartment or a private house, one should also take into account the disadvantages:

  • linear expansion during operation makes it necessary to leave a gap when laying pipelines;
  • the rigidity of the material does not allow bending, which entails the use of special connecting elements - fittings.

Carrying out installation work

Installation of polypropylene heating pipes is best done in a closed system, when the temperature regime is limited by the boiler settings. Standard pipes for heating with a diameter of 63 mm are butted.


In addition to the pipelines themselves, various types of fittings will be needed: couplings, angles, tees. With the help of couplings connect straight segments. Corners are used for corner joints, and tees are necessary for branching the system.

Since polypropylene products cannot be threaded together, you will need a special soldering tool, as well as polypropylene scissors or a jigsaw.


To perform the installation of heating from polypropylene pipes, they will need to be welded with a special apparatus heated to 260 ° C. When connecting, the socket method is usually used. To do this, with the help of scissors, the necessary segment is cut off at a right angle. The ends of pipes and fittings are cleaned, degreased with an alcohol or soapy solution and dried thoroughly.

For reinforced products, it is necessary to remove the upper polypropylene layer and the aluminum part with a shaver. Then the surface is cleaned to the required level, taking into account the entry into the fitting (the depth is planned with a margin of 2 mm).

Next, the parts are placed on special nozzles of the welding machine and fixed. Depending on the size of the parts, they are kept for several minutes at the required temperature. The pipe and coupling are aligned along the axis, pressed against each other and cooled motionless. Heated polypropylene is glued at the joint and an inextricable bond is created.

Wall wiring

In order to make the correct fastening of polypropylene pipes to the walls, a wiring diagram is marked. In the process, you will need clips of a suitable size, dowels and screws. Pipe laying is carried out with a slight slope towards the flow of water.

To avoid stagnation of the coolant and reduce the hydraulic resistance in the system, it is desirable to avoid bends and branches. Installation of pipelines can be done in two ways: top and bottom.


Such a wiring diagram involves the installation of a supply pipeline at the top - in the attic or under the ceiling. The coolant is supplied to the radiators through vertical risers, and returns to the heat generator through pipes laid in the basement or along the floor.

Scheme of the upper heating wiring


In this case, the supply and return of the coolant is carried out through parallel pipelines laid along the floor or under the basement ceiling. According to the lower scheme, hot water is supplied independently to each heating device.

Example of upper and lower heating wiring

Some nuances

From the foregoing, it becomes clear that the installation of heating pipes made of polypropylene requires preliminary marking, the acquisition of material and the availability of a certain tool. If all this is backed up with knowledge, then you can mount the system yourself, but several important points should be taken into account.

Heat carrier temperature and pressure

When planning the installation of polypropylene pipes, special attention should be paid to the temperature of the coolant. It is this indicator that causes the most questions and misunderstandings. Many manufacturers claim that the permissible temperature is 95 ° C, then the service life is at least 50 years, but the pressure in the system must also be taken into account.

Pressure affects service life

A slight pressure has a positive effect on the service life even at high temperatures. The reverse ratio is allowed when the pressure is high and the temperature is minimal. But the combination of high temperatures with pressure reduces the service life; there is a special table to determine the required indicators.

When installing heating from polypropylene pipes, it is necessary to take into account their ability to expand under the influence of high temperatures. It is impossible to limit the expansion, because the internal stress created is more dangerous than pressure.

As a result, most of the damage to pipelines is not due to violation of operational requirements. This is mainly due to the illiterate installation of pipelines, especially long sections.

To reduce the risk of damage, it is necessary to make compensators. Installation of polypropylene pipes with a length of more than a meter is done with a compensation niche, having previously protected them with heat-insulating material. It is not recommended to place pipelines in narrow strobes.

Polypropylene pipes have been widely and successfully used for the installation of various engineering systems for many years. Today, this type of communications has almost completely replaced the classic installation of systems using metal pipes. This is due to their excellent performance and availability. And if a few years ago polypropylene pipes were widely used in urban buildings, at the moment they are widely used in private households. This article discusses the main nuances of the selection and operation of heating systems made of polypropylene pipes in private houses.

Advantages of heating systems based on polypropylene pipes

Consider the main characteristics of polypropylene pipelines, thanks to which they rapidly replaced classic metal pipes.

  1. 1. Profitability. Due to the simple technological process and the cheapness of the raw materials used, polypropylene products are significantly cheaper than metal ones.
  2. 2. Easy to install. Possessing a specialized tool - a soldering iron and basic skills in its use, it will not be a difficult task even for an unprepared person. It is quite possible to do all the work with your own hands in a couple of days.
  3. 3. Long service life. This indicator is due to the durability and reliability of a material such as polypropylene. High-quality products are not subject to chemical influences, aggressive environmental influences and temperature deformations. The design features of pipelines made of polypropylene practically exclude the formation of deposits and scale in the conductor channel.
  4. 4. Excellent soundproofing and heat-insulating performance. Using polypropylene communications in a private house, you can forget about such things as the noise of the coolant in communications, and due to the low coefficient of thermal conductivity, such products cannot be burned.
  5. 5. High coefficient of plasticity and elasticity. This characteristic of polypropylene pipelines is especially relevant in private homes, where there is a high risk of "defrosting" of the heating system in extreme cold. Products made of polypropylene practically exclude damage to communications when the coolant freezes, which, however, does not protect radiators used for heating from failure.

It is worth noting that there are practically no shortcomings in polypropylene pipelines, they rather relate to the human factor: it is necessary to purchase products from trusted suppliers and observe the recommended temperature regime during operation. Also, polypropylene is sensitive to mechanical stress and the use of products based on it in rooms with significant risks of damage (workshops, shops, welding) is impractical, and sometimes unsafe.

Choosing the type of pipes based on polypropylene for a private house

The heating system in a private household has some differences from that in an apartment building. The main ones are the following:

  • Possibility of independent design with changing the finished project "on the go", which opens up great opportunities for the implementation of various installation schemes.
  • Low main pressure and almost complete absence of water hammer.
  • The choice of coolant in the system is determined by the owner of a private house. It is possible to change the coolant at any time.
  • The short length of the pipe line eliminates air pockets.
  • Installing a circulation pump will increase the flow rate of the coolant and ensure a more even distribution of heat throughout the building.

The modern industry offers the widest selection of types and sizes of polypropylene pipes. In order to correctly select the necessary option for a particular private house, we list the most common polypropylene pipes offered on the market, indicating performance characteristics.

Pipe PN-10

Polypropylene conductors of this type are produced with an outer diameter of 20 - 110 mm and an inner diameter of 16.2 - 90 mm. The wall thickness of the material in this case ranges from 1.9 to 10 mm, depending on the diameter. They are made of thin-walled polypropylene, most often single-layer, which has a working temperature of up to 20 C and a pressure of up to 1 MPa. Available in 4 meter lengths. Such pipes cannot be used in heating systems; they are intended for domestic needs for supplying cold water over short distances without pressure in the line.

Pipe PN-16

This type of product is characterized by thicker walls compared to the above option. At the same time, the outer diameter is identical to PN-10 products, but the inner diameter is slightly smaller - it varies from 14.4 to 79.8 mm. The operating temperature range of the coolant is from 0 C to 60 C, and the operating pressure is 1.6 MPa. Release form - segments of 4 m. It is worth noting that this type of pipe in heating is used quite rarely, since the upper limit of withstand temperatures of 60 C is low for heating systems, and the cost of such products is comparable to the cost of more functional products. It is recommended to use such conductors for the installation of underfloor heating, where the operating temperature is usually not higher than 50 C, or for hot water supply.

Pipe PN-20

Products are characterized as universal conductors used for heating and hot water supply. However, when used in the heating mains of a private house, it is recommended to install only return water from them, since the temperature of the coolant supplied from an individual heating boiler, unlike the central heating main, can reach up to 100 C, and the maximum operational for this type of conductors is 80 C. They have a two-layer structure, which provides increased strength and ductility. External diameter - from 16 to 110 mm, internal - from 10.6 to 73.2 mm, with a wall thickness of 1.6 - 18.4 mm. As the name suggests, the maximum working pressure is 2 MPa. The use of this product is advisable for arranging underfloor heating, heating greenhouses, hot water supply, when installing a heating main in apartments with central heating.

Pipes PN-25

They are the best for arranging heating systems in a private house. Due to the two-layer design and the presence of aluminum or fiberglass reinforcement between the layers, it has improved performance. Such products are able to withstand a constant temperature of the filler up to 95 degrees, have improved strength characteristics, high thermal insulation properties. The outer diameter of PN-25 pipes varies from 21.2 to 77.9 mm, the inner diameter - from 13.5 to 50 mm. The release form is standard - segments of 4 m.

The inner reinforcing layer reduces the expansion coefficient of the pipeline, which reduces deformation microdamages of polypropylene and increases the service life of the product.

Attention! Before starting work on the installation of a line from polypropylene pipelines, it is recommended to practice soldering. To do this, you should buy the cheapest material, cut it into segments that need to be connected to each other in various variations using couplings and fittings.

Selection of the required diameter

When planning and calculating a heating system in a private house, in addition to the type of pipeline, it is also necessary to correctly select its diameter. There are a few fixed rules here:

  • The greater the total length of the pipeline, the more significant should be the diameter of the conductor used.
  • The diameter of the pipeline must be the same along the entire length. Exceptions here may be taps to heating appliances.
  • If there is a circulation pump in the system, a decrease in the diameter of the line is allowed.

Thus, based on these requirements, experts recommend the following types of pipes for use in heating systems of private households: with a line length of not more than 50 m and the presence of a circulation pump, it is necessary to use a pipe of the PN-25 type, with an inner diameter of 20 mm to 30 mm, in the absence of a pump - from 25 mm to 35 mm.

If the total length of the line is more than 50 meters, then it is necessary to use a pipeline with a large internal diameter, observing the rule - with an increase in length by 10 m, the diameter increases by 2 mm. In this case, it is allowed to use pipe segments with a diameter 25% less than the diameter of the main pipeline as supply lines to heating devices.

When used, it is possible to use pipes of the PN-20 type for the return line, which carries out the removal of the coolant.

Important! To connect the heating main to the heating boiler, it is necessary to use pieces of a metal pipe with a length of at least half a meter. This will prevent damage to polypropylene products from exposure to high temperatures.

Applicable wiring diagrams

The standard frequently used schemes for connecting heaters to the main, used for the installation of polypropylene pipes, do not differ from those of other types of materials. Here it is possible to classify schemes according to three parameters:

  • According to the location of waterways.
  • By the number of stands.
  • By the number of pipes for the circulation of the coolant.

Options for implementing the scheme for the location of the waterway

There are 2 types of coolant supply:

  1. 1. Top eyeliner. In this case, the water supply system, through which the hot coolant is supplied, is located on top. This can be an attic space or fixing on the ceiling under a layer of finishing materials. The lower, return channel is laid under the floor or in the basement. The heaters are fed with coolant through vertical risers. The advantage of such wiring is that there is no need for a circulating boiler, which will be relevant if a private household is located in an area with power outages.
  2. 2. Bottom eyeliner. In this case, water supply and drainage is carried out through pipelines located from the bottom of the room, in the floor, or in the basement. The advantages of this system are savings on materials and uniform heating of all heating devices, a significant drawback is the impossibility of implementation without the use of a forced circulation pump.

Wiring according to the number of risers

Depending on the number of risers supplying hot coolant, the following options are possible:

  1. 1. Scheme with one riser. This option is suitable for use in small two - three-story cottages, when the area of ​​\u200b\u200beach floor is relatively small. The water supply here is carried out by one riser to all floors, from which further wiring is carried out to all rooms of the floors.
  2. 2. Scheme with several risers. In this case, several risers are installed, which feed one radiator in separate rooms on each floor. The risers are connected to the boiler by separate lines. This scheme is perfect for large houses. Due to the autonomy of each riser, in the event of a breakdown, there is no need to turn off the entire system, it is enough to close one riser to which the damaged element is connected and make repairs.

Wiring by the number of pipelines

Here, two options for mounting the highway are possible for implementation:

  1. 1. One-pipe line. With this scheme, the coolant is supplied to the heating devices through one pipeline, in series, from device to device. A significant drawback of this scheme is the sequential cooling of the coolant, as a result of which the heaters that are located at the end of the line will not warm up well. Therefore, the use of this method is advisable in small houses with no more than three heating radiators.
  2. 2. Two-pipe line. Here, the coolant is supplied through the primary pipeline in parallel to all radiators, and the outlet is carried out through the return channel. Due to this, the temperature of all radiators is the same and can be adjusted individually, with a special regulator. The advantage of the system is the possibility of shutting down one of the heating devices in case of its failure, without stopping the entire system.

Thus, when choosing a scheme for installing a heating pipeline in a private house, it is worth taking a closer look at the option with one riser and a two-pipe system on each floor and a lower connection with a two-pipe scheme in the case of a one-story building. These methods are the most practical, maintainable and economical.

Heating system installation

Before starting work, you need to thoroughly prepare:

  • Decide on the scheme of the future heating system, the locations of radiators, expansion tank, boiler, taps, etc.
  • Purchase all necessary equipment.
  • Purchase consumables, which, in addition to pipes, include various fittings, tees, taps and other elements, depending on the chosen scheme.
  • Buy or rent a tool: scissors for polypropylene pipes, a soldering iron with interchangeable nozzles, a perforator, a marker, a tape measure, etc.
  • Practice soldering pipes on scraps of material.

After that, you can proceed with the installation work, be sure to follow some recommendations:

  1. 1. Work must be carried out at an air temperature above +5 C. Otherwise, the polypropylene hardening process will be very fast, and the connection may turn out to be fragile.
  2. 2. It is advisable to treat the joints of polypropylene products with an alcohol solution.
  3. 3. To determine the time of heating and soldering products, you must use a special reference book

Following simple rules in the process of choosing polypropylene products for installing a heating system in a private house, choosing the right heating scheme and following the instructions during soldering, you can do all the work yourself. At the same time, the quality and accuracy of the work will depend only on the owner of a private house.

By installing heating pipes with their own hands in their own home, the owners are trying to make living conditions for their family as comfortable as possible at any time of the year. Ensuring high-quality installation of this system is a complex task that requires accuracy and attention.

In our article, we will consider the main stages and features of the heating pipeline device, we will present detailed instructions for its installation.

Stages of installation of the heating system

The device of the heating system must be carried out in strict accordance with the Sanitary Norms and Rules (SNiP 41-01-2003). This document provides for three installation steps:

  1. Creation of a heating system project. At this stage, there is:
  • selection of materials and equipment;
  • calculation of pipe diameters.
  1. Preparation of premises for the installation of equipment.
  2. directly.

Installation work must be carried out in such a way as to ensure the thermal and hydraulic stability of the heating system, guarantee its operation without accidents for at least 25 years.

Pipes for heating systems

Which pipes to choose for creating a heating system, in each case, is decided depending on the total size of the premises requiring heating, on the wishes and financial capabilities of the customer.

The total price (estimate) of the heating system installed in the house directly depends on the material of the pipes intended for use:

  • Copper. Durable material - copper pipes can last up to 50 years. It has fairly good technical characteristics, but has a fairly high cost.
  • Cross-linked polyethylene. A material that is used not only for the installation of a traditional water heating system, but also for the installation of underfloor heating.
  • Polypropylene. The most popular and affordable material with excellent characteristics, used for heating cottages and houses in most cases.

Other types of pipes in relation to the heating system are considered less relevant today.

Heating system wiring

Important components of the installation of the heating system are also the distribution of heating pipes (single or multi-level) and the estimated number of radiators.

There are the following possible options for distributing heating pipes:

  • Single pipe wiring. Suitable for small (up to 150 m2) rooms. With this type of wiring, only one pipe goes from the riser - first to the first radiator, from it to the next, etc. As a result, the temperature of each subsequent battery will be lower than the previous one. For this reason, it is often necessary to increase the number of sections in the radiators farthest from the beginning in order to ensure sufficient heating of the room.
  • Tee wiring. This type of wiring allows you to connect several heating batteries to a single riser at once.
  • Collector wiring. At the same time, direct and return pipes are connected to the heating riser, collectors are installed, radiators are connected to the collectors - each of them with a separate pipe.

Try to arrange the collectors in such a way that the length of the pipes from them to the batteries is the same.

Welding of polypropylene pipes of the heating system

Plastic (polypropylene) pipes have recently become the most used for creating water heating systems in houses.

You can entrust the installation of heating with plastic pipes to specialists who have all the necessary equipment for welding. But the process of welding polypropylene pipes is not very complicated and is quite accessible to everyone to do it themselves. The main thing is to follow the step-by-step recommendations.

The whole welding process consists in heating the pipe and the coupling, followed by a neat connection of the parts. In this case, strong adhesion occurs due to the mixing of the heated polypropylene of the two connected elements and the formation of a monolithic structure at the junction. The characteristics of the seam in this case practically do not differ from the properties of the original parts.

You can get an idea of ​​how to weld plastic pipes by watching the following video:

First stage

At the initial stage, the parts to be joined are prepared for soldering. In this case, it is necessary:

  1. Cut the pipes into pieces of the required length.
  2. Remove the chamfer from the outside of the pipe.
  3. Remove dirt from the parts to be joined, degrease them.

The chamfer parameters are regulated by both Russian and foreign standards:

  • according to the German standard: chamfer slope - 15 degrees, depth - 2-3 mm;
  • according to the Russian standard: chamfer slope - 45 degrees, depth - 1/3 of the pipe thickness.

To make a chamfer, you can use any tools that will allow you to remove the required layer of material fairly evenly.

In addition, you will need to find (purchase) and prepare an apparatus for soldering plastic pipes:

  1. Install the device on a stable special stand.
  2. Set the temperature controller to 260 °C. This temperature will ensure uniform and safe melting of polypropylene and will not damage the Teflon nozzles of the unit.

Soldering technology for polypropylene heating pipes

Instructions for welding polypropylene pipes involves the following sequence of actions:

  1. Wait for the soldering iron to heat up to a certain temperature (usually 260 degrees).
  2. At the same time, put the fitting on the mandrel (special nozzle on the soldering iron) and insert the pipe into the sleeve.
  3. Maintain the heating time specified in the instructions for the device. It depends on the wall thickness of the pipe and its diameter.
  4. At the same time, remove the parts from the nozzles and connect them.
  5. Wait for spontaneous cooling of the assembled structure.

This, in fact, ends the process. The system is now ready for performance testing.

Features of welding polypropylene pipes

However, there are some features that should be considered in the production of welding work:

  • The nozzles of the welding machine are made in such a way that they form a cone with a slight inclination (up to 5 degrees) and have a diameter equal to the nominal diameter of the pipe only in the middle. Therefore, the pipe will fit into the sleeve with some effort. The same applies to fitting the fitting on the mandrel. Insert the pipe into the sleeve until it stops. You can't push any further!

  • To designate a “border” that should not be crossed and to control the correctness of the process, you can mark a distance on the outside of the part equal to the depth of the sleeve.
  • It is necessary to connect heated parts as quickly as possible to avoid cooling of the molten material.
  • It is impossible to displace (shift, rotate) the hot connected parts of the system relative to each other. Otherwise, you can get a poor-quality connection, which will soon fail.