Do-it-yourself homemade apple chopper. Crusher for apples: drawings and manufacturing technology. Making a garden chopper for a walk-behind tractor with your own hands

Summer and autumn are the time for the ripening of various berries, fruits and vegetables. Everyone who has his own personal plot must grow apple trees different varieties: "Bashkir beauty", "Antonovka", "Shalopaevka", "Ranetki" and so on. And this is not surprising, because apples are very tasty and healthy fruits.

In a high-yielding year, many people think what to cook from such a large number fruits. There are many options, of course. Someone prepares apple juice, wine, mashed potatoes, someone cooks jam, jam, preserves. Marshmallows are very tasty and some cut apples into pieces and put them in the freezer.

To perform any of the described procedures, you must have special tools. You can just use a knife. Can you make it unique? homemade apparatus, which will facilitate the process of preparing blanks for the winter.

DIY apple chopper

For the convenience of cutting apples, a chopper is used. You can use a purchased device or food processor. Especially skilled ones have ideas on how to make an apple chopper with their own hands.

First you need to decide which apple preparation will be made. That is, how finely cut the fruit?

Usually or workshop kept unnecessary boards, sticks, screws, self-tapping screws and much more. All this can come in handy in order to make an apple chopper with your own hands.

Crusher for crushing apples from improvised means

From small chipboard size a container is made where apples are poured. Next, the fruits are ground using a drum installed inside the container. The drum can be made from scraps of boards about twenty-five millimeters thick. Four such boards are glued together. It turns out a beam measuring one hundred millimeters by one hundred millimeters. This bar with the help of a planer turns into a cylinder. The drum will spin with a drill or other rotating device. A certain number of self-tapping screws or nails are planted on the drum. When the drum is spinning, these self-tapping screws begin to crush the apples. Also, the drum can be made from round pipe small diameter.

After some time, the fruits are completely crushed and ready for further processing.

For large slicing of apples (for making charlotte or drying), you can make an apple chopper with your own hands from thin iron plates.

To do this, take plates measuring 1 cm by 10 cm. They are fixed to each other in the form of a lattice or flower. The thin blade of the plates perfectly cuts apples into large pieces.

Another simple idea

How did you make an apple chopper with your own hands in the old days? They took a small one. Washed apples were put there. For grinding, a special sharp spatula was used, similar to a modern chopping knife.

Having learned how to make an apple chopper with your own hands, you can try to make other devices for the convenience of preparing various blanks. Fortunately, everyone has the materials for this.

For apples (made with your own hands, of course, it will come out much cheaper than purchased) will greatly simplify the work in the kitchen. Indeed, with the help of this simple device, you can chop not only apples, but also other types of fruits, vegetables and berries.

To make a garden shredder with your own hands, it is very important not only to understand its principle of operation, but also to know how it works. Otherwise, it will be almost impossible to make the correct drawings and assemble a home-made convenient machine for grinding in single structure.

Types of garden shredders and their purpose

The standard design of all garden shredders is similar in most cases, and represented by the following components:

  • motor;
  • working shaft with knives;
  • metal frame;
  • receiving box;
  • protective cover.

The design of the grinder is mounted on a standard two-wheel base, which makes it convenient and easy to move. The device allows you to quickly dispose of various garden waste in the form of plant stems, wood waste, fallen leaves, as well as branches and grass or apples and other fruits that have fallen from trees. As a result of the processing of wood or plant debris, you can get useful and very effective fertilizer for feeding plants, the value of which is not lower than some types of manure.

Currently, a fairly rich assortment of such equipment is on sale, but the models on the market differ in technical parameters. To choose the right unit, you need to decide on the goals and operating conditions:

  • knife models, characterized by the installation of the engine on the shaft metal disk. The design has a pair or more knives, and the speed and quality of the grinding performed depend on the engine power and the material of the knives. The advantage of such grinding methods is the high-quality processing of soft or freshly cut wood. Also, such a wood crusher helps to get rid of small bushes and dried stem parts. annual plants. It should be remembered that the knife cutting machine grinds fresh branches with a diameter of not more than 4 cm and dry branches up to 2.5 cm thick.
  • milling models have similarities with a knife branch cutter, but a powerful steel cutter is mounted on the motor shaft, represented by a coarse gear. Rotation is performed at a low speed, which makes it easy to grind even fairly thick and dry branches, as well as tree bark. It is not advisable to use such a crusher for crushing fresh or thin branches;
  • universal branch cutter is able to work equally effectively with any kind of crushed material. This technique is equipped with a universal turbine cutter. The principle of operation lies in the phased grinding mechanisms.

The next classification of garden shredders is the difference in the type of material, used to make the case:

Power ratings and performance levels, allows subdivide garden shredders into the following types models:

When choosing, you should focus not only on the size of the branches, but also on the age characteristics of garden plantings. The amateur version of the aggregates is suitable for processing the thinnest branches and young plants. To grind thick branches, professional models are used.

How to choose a garden shredder (video)

We make garden shredders of branches, stems and grass with our own hands: drawings, device, installation steps

The most commonly produced disc version is based on saws. It is necessary to purchase a dozen and a half hard steel blades with nozzles for teeth.

  • select or make a set of steel washers for distributing disks along the shaft. The standard gap between the saws should not be more and not less than a centimeter.
  • put discs with washers on the machined shaft, placing the teeth with an offset or randomly, which will extend the life of the structure;
  • weld a reliable frame from corners and channels, after which, in the lower part, install a foundation base for installing an electric motor;
  • organize pedestals on transverse structures for the installation of ball bearings with a fixed working shaft;
  • to equip a working durable hopper for grinding with reliable walls and a base plate or a passive knife;
  • organize a bell for the supply of branches, necessary to direct the material into the grinder and protect hands from injury.

In the process of pruning garden plantings, it is not recommended to mix branches and other woody debris. With separate grinding, quite decent firewood is obtained, and processing is carried out into wood chips for a home smokehouse. It is allowed to make a chopper based on a chainsaw, but the creation of such a design option is quite time consuming.

How to make a homemade apple chopper

In addition to the wood chipper, an efficient and fairly productive apple chopper is very popular in home gardening. Such an assembly is not too difficult to perform, guided by the following recommendations:

  • from sheet metal d 80 mm on lathe make exit steps for the shaft and under the bearings;
  • a toothed shaft with triangular notches along the entire length of the teeth is made on a milling machine;
  • for the manufacture of the body, the outer steel part of the old washing machine With vertical loading, welded into a single box;
  • making a small gap in the box, which falls on the distance between the working shaft and the housing wall;
  • for smooth rotation of the shaft and its reliable fastening, standard bearing assemblies from a circular are used;
  • welding from the corners of the support frame and making wooden base to install a container for receiving the mass leaving the grinder;
  • the use of special ballasts for the arrangement of the control unit, which will allow turning the equipment on and off;
  • fixing the belt with a special bolt and screwing the handle and rollers onto the frame, which simplifies the operation of the unit.

At the final stage, on the upper corners of the frame, with the help of bolts, the body is fixed. The electric motor is located in the side of the structure.

How to make a grass chopper with your own hands (video)

Making a garden chopper for a walk-behind tractor with your own hands

An efficient wood shredder for a walk-behind tractor can significantly reduce the amount of plant debris by personal plot. The prefabricated wood shredder is perfect for any type of walk-behind tractors and motor cultivators with a belt drive from the engine pulley to the gearbox pulley.

For self-manufacturing you will need to use the materials and tools presented:

Self-manufacturing technology:

  • we weld the base from the channel and install a fixed knife;
  • we carry out a drive shaft with knives from an electric planer;
  • we install the pulley on the shaft with the cutting device, which will allow it to be driven by a belt drive from the walk-behind tractor;
  • We weld and install a receiving hopper for crushing plant debris.

At the final stage, we install the grinding unit on the front of the walk-behind tractor and pull the belt drive onto the pulley.

How to use crushed biomass as fertilizer

As biomass for fertilizers, crushed cardboard mass, kitchen waste and plant debris are used. This is a great alternative to purchased fertilizers. Very important properly prepare the biomass for use in home gardens and garden plots as a highly effective top dressing. For this purpose, special composters or standard compost heaps are used.

To the very bottom compost heap a mass is laid, represented by crushed thick shoots perennials. From above, such a layer is covered with a small amount of already mature compost or fertile soil. Then shredded waste of plant origin is poured in layers. It is necessary to pour each layer with a two-centimeter layer garden soil with dolomite or chalk at the rate of a couple of kilograms for each cubic meter compostable mass.

As a result of natural processes occurring inside the composted mass, a valuable fertilizer is formed, which can be used practically in unlimited quantities for improvement quality characteristics soil on the backyard territory or top dressing of cultivated garden plants. Compost can be applied to the soil throughout the growing season, but the best effect can be obtained when applied in spring and autumn.

Around perennials and garden plantings, as well as in flower beds and flower beds, compost biomass is poured in a layer of 20-50 mm and slightly mixed with the soil. To improve the condition lawn grass it is enough to pour a centimeter layer.

How to make a garden shredder with your own hands (video)

Self-made shredders for grass, falling fruits and any other plant debris are today very reliable helpers for gardeners and gardeners. With the help of such equipment, it is possible not only to quickly and easily clear the backyard of debris, but also to obtain high-quality and very effective, environmentally friendly fertilizer.

It's no secret that all fruit juices include useful material. In addition, they are also very tasty, so both adults and children especially like them. To date, the most common juice is apple. There are a lot of apples growing in our country, and the juice from them is both tasty and healthy. Therefore, many people are wondering how to make juice with their own hands, without preservatives and flavorings. Unfortunately, you can't buy this in stores.

In order to decide this question, you need, firstly, to use the so-called fruit chopper, and secondly, a juicer, which is perfect for apples. With the mentioned apple crusher, you will be able to get more juice. At the same time, you will put much less effort into its preparation.

In our article, we will look at how an apple crusher is made with our own hands (its drawings will also be provided to your attention).

DIY chopper

So, we need to create a so-called chopper with our own hands. First of all, it is worth noting that the device itself is various kinds. It all depends on the material from which it is made. The choice is wide - from wood to metal. But this is not the most important thing in the crusher, it is very important how it performs its work.

We will consider a crusher from two types of material at once - metal and wood. We first need a sheet of stainless metal, the thickness of which will be no more than 8 centimeters. From this piece it will be necessary to make steps for the bearings and for the shaft to exit. This stage of work must be done on a lathe.

The process of creating a crusher

Further, to create an apple crusher, the drawing of which you can see in the article, we will already need milling machine. On it we will create a gear shaft. As can be seen in the drawing, in this case, it will be necessary to remove 8 faces. And in order for the crushing of apples to be effective enough, you also need to use a grinder on the teeth, along their entire length, to make special triangular notches. This is what will help to crush the apple simply and quickly.

To make the case of the described device, many use the case from an old washing machine. But it is worth noting that when choosing it, it is necessary that the metal of the case be stainless, and the machine itself would be related to devices with vertical loading. Its walls must be at least two millimeters thick.

It must be cut into 4 equal parts - two end and two side. Then we fold the parts and get the boxes, which must be welded around the edges. But before you complete the welding process in the side parts, you will need to bend the metal a little and leave a small gap. This gap is necessary between the working shaft and the wall of the chopper itself.

Do-it-yourself apple crusher is made in this way.

Making a crusher body

In order for the apple crusher shaft to be well fixed and at the same time to rotate smoothly, you can use ordinary bearing assemblies, which are available in all circulars. From the corners it will be necessary to weld the support frame, and the base of the apparatus can be made of wood. The plank base should be placed from below, as containers will be placed on it, into which the mass coming out of the grinder will fall.

We made the basis of the apple crusher with our own hands, and now let's take care of the motor.

crusher control unit

To create a do-it-yourself apple crusher control unit, we use a regular button that will be responsible for starting and turning off the machine. The belt, which is visible in the drawing, will be tensioned using a special clamp bolt while the body moves along the guides.

Do not forget to screw on the handle, which will increase the usability of the crusher. To reduce splashing, use a wide basin and make the frame low. Place the electric motor on the side, then moisture will not get on it.


Such apple crushers, which are made exclusively with their own hands, do not differ much from those that are produced in factories and sold in stores. It is worth noting that if you have an old washing machine, then the motor can not be bought, because it can also be taken from the washing machine. Both technically and externally, the device is identical to the others.

It is also worth noting that this grinder, which carries out its work from electricity, is used not only for the production of juice, but also for the production of wine. A do-it-yourself apple crusher, the drawings of which you saw in our article, will always come in handy on the farm.

At home apple juice mass of fans. And not only because it has a pronounced taste - fresh apple juice contains vitamins and nutrients. In stores, fresh juice, as they say about it, is real, without chemicals and preservatives. The only option is to squeeze out a can of fresh juice yourself. But this will require a special tool.

An apple chopper and a juicer will help overcome a number of difficulties in preparing and processing fruits. With such equipment, it will take three times less time to prepare juice than with manual processing.

Check out the benefits, features and process of making a shredder in your home workshop.

Why Should You Buy a Crusher?

The named device can be easily found and purchased on the Internet or in a store, but real craftsmen design a crusher with their own hands, spending a minimum of money in the manufacturing process. Such a device is made from improvised materials.

A crusher is needed to grind apples into small pieces. This will make it easier to crush the apples, and the juice yield will increase. It is generally accepted that the smaller the mass, the more productive the result of the production of apple juice at home.

Chopper Benefits

The universal crusher has a number of advantages:

  1. It will take a minimum of time to process apples of large volume.
  2. The amount of waste is reduced to a minimum. All the juice is squeezed out of the fruit, and a small amount of cake is left for the rest.
  3. Construction home chopper low cost process.
  4. When processing fruits in this way, physical effort is minimized.
  5. Small batches of apples are the most convenient to process, which is ideal for the household.
  6. The equipment is practical and reliable.
  7. If the installation is out of order, you can fix it yourself without resorting to the help of craftsmen, which significantly saves money.

To design an apple crusher at home, use a standard set of tools. Special equipment is not needed here. In addition, materials for the manufacture of the device will also be required, and if there are no suitable parts at hand, you will have to make a purchase.

Choppers are of different types:

  • metal;
  • wooden;
  • combined.

But the main thing is not what the installation is made of, but how it copes with functional tasks. So, let's look at how to make a crusher with your own hands.

Material preparation

For work, prepare a sheet of stainless steel, d80 mm. In the future, the metal will have to be processed on a lathe and steps will be made from it for the shaft exit and for bearings.

Gear shaft design

For manufacturing, a milling machine is used and 8 faces are removed. In order to increase the productivity of the installation, triangular notches are made with a grinder on the teeth (along the entire length).

Case manufacturing

For the base, a case from an old top-loading washing machine is suitable, namely its outer part, made of stainless steel with a wall thickness of up to 2 mm. During processing, the workpiece is cut into four parts, getting 2 end and side parts. The elements are folded into one structure and tacked by a welding machine. Before final welding of the side pieces, metal sheets in the lower part they bend a little, making a small gap between the rotating shaft and the wall of the structure.

For smooth rotation, the shaft is well fixed using bearing assemblies similar to those installed in circulars. In order for a do-it-yourself apple crusher to stand securely, it is attached to a support frame, for the manufacture of which metal corners are used.

For the base of the machine, wooden blanks from durable rock are taken. A wooden base is placed below, on which a container is subsequently placed to receive the processed mass at the exit, which later needs to be placed under the apple press.

Fixture improvement

For the convenience of work, they tighten the belt, which is fastened with a special bolt for clamping and by the main block along the guides.

Rollers and a handle are screwed to the frame, which makes it easy to transport the chopper.

It is possible to avoid bending the body of the apple crusher by attaching to upper corners frame with bolts.

Note! To avoid splashing when processing apples, make sure that the dishes in which you collect the puree at the exit are wide. Keep the frame low during the construction process, otherwise the processed food will flop into the basin and splash around.

Assembly of the control unit

To do this, you will need special ballast equipment. Do not be afraid of the big name - this is the button responsible for issuing commands: “turn on” and “turn off”.

The electric motor is mounted on the side of the structure so that liquid and splashes from the processed fruits do not get on it.

A do-it-yourself crusher made from improvised materials is no worse than purchased models, but differs only appearance. By the way, sometimes homemade devices show greater performance and technicality than the units developed by specialists.

To save on design, you can not even buy a motor, but take an old unit from a washing machine.

The use of an installation powered by an electric motor allows you to chop apples not only for juice, but also for making wine.

An apple crusher is an indispensable thing in the household. Passing the fruits through the chopper only 1 time, you will get a uniform mass, and after reprocessing- a substance that resembles puree in consistency. A home crusher can handle apples of any variety, even the hardest ones.

After that, the processed fruits are loaded under an apple press or into a juicer to obtain fresh or juice.

How to care for your home crusher

If you managed to make a chopper, then the hardest part is over. Do not worry about the care and cleaning of the crusher with your own hands - it's as easy as shelling pears.

The main rule for the operation of devices in contact with food products, - cleanliness of aggregates. After each grinding, thoroughly rinse the surface of the device, clean and dry even in hard-to-reach places- these are the main foci of accumulation of bacteria and mold, which not only lead to rapid deterioration of the juice, but are also dangerous to human health.

Important! Before you start washing, turn off the power to the crusher!

To be able to enjoy delicious juice both in summer and in winter, it is enough to design home crusher for apples and learn how to squeeze juice. Assembling such a unit is quite simple. You will get undoubted benefits and save money.

How to make an apple chopper with your own hands? To squeeze juice from apples or grapes with a press, you need them Preliminary processing. Apples need to be crushed, and grapes crushed. After all, the higher the degree of grinding, the more output juice. You can not only buy an apple crusher, but also make it yourself. To do this, all you need is the tools that are in your garage and, of course, a little ingenuity will come in handy. Chopper (crusher) for apples, fruits, vegetables and grapes powered by a drill with your own hands This is the most cheap way, since you do not need to buy an electric motor, order parts from a turner, etc. An apple and grape chopper can be made from a plastic bucket. 1) Plastic bucket Buy a 20 liter bucket. Remove the plastic cover and handle - they will no longer be useful to you. 2) Cutting knife To make a knife, take a 3mm stainless steel and sharpen it on an emery wheel. Weld a tube in the center, and a hexagon at the end of the tube so that the knife axis can be well clamped in the chuck. On the back of the knife, weld a piece of metal that will cut the way down for the knife. (See photo) 3) Lid Make a stainless steel or plywood lid with a hole in the middle. Make clips on the lid so that you can fix the lid on the bucket. Screw the centering sleeve made of friction plastic to the cover with 4 self-tapping screws. Coat the cover made of plywood with varnish. 4) Foot platform Screw the foot platform to the bottom of the bucket so that the bucket does not scroll while chopping apples. The platform can be made of stainless steel or 10 mm plywood. Lacquer the plywood. 5) Use only a powerful quality drill, or a rotary hammer in drilling mode. To simplify the manufacture of a crusher for apples and grapes, you can buy such a crusher as a whole assembly in our online store or order from us the most difficult parts to manufacture and search for materials (for example, a knife and a bushing). It is very convenient to do this when buying a press, since everything will fit in one box and you will not need to overpay for the delivery of 2 goods. As a result, you will get a ready-made kit for squeezing juice. It remains only to assemble the chopper with your own hands. Do-it-yourself electric grinder (crusher) for apples and fruits for juice (1st option) 1) Crushing cylinder Turn a wooden cylinder with a diameter of about 160 mm and a height of 160-180 mm. Large diameter the cylinder is necessary so that the apples do not have to be pressed and pushed during the chopping process. The cylinder itself will capture them. Turn through in the middle through hole and glue the shaft (stainless steel circle 10-12mm). Screw stainless self-tapping screws into the cylinder in a checkerboard pattern so that the heads of the self-tapping screws protrude by 7-8 mm. The cylinder can also be made from stainless pipe. Slide the bearings onto the shaft ends and screw them onto the housing. Connect the shaft to the electric motor through pulleys and a belt drive. 2) Electric motor - Engine power 0.55 kW - Speed ​​1400-1500 rpm - To be able to plug it into a regular outlet, it is better to take a single-phase motor. When working with a grinder, be sure to use electrical network with grounding! 3) Body The body of the chopper is made of wood or stainless steel in such a way that the container for falling asleep apples gradually narrows towards the chopping cylinder. Do-it-yourself electric chopper (crusher) for apples, fruits (2nd option) 1) Cutting disc Make cutting disc stainless steel 1mm thick. To do this, cut out a circle and drill alternating holes in it with a diameter of 8mm. Of course, it is best to cut such a disk with laser cutting. Then "knock out" the holes and sharpen with a file or cutter for metal. Screw on the other side of the disk 2 blades that will push the chopped apples out. 2) Casing Weld the stainless steel casing in such a way that when crushed, the apples fly out well and the juice does not get on the motor. To do this, you can use the gland or the principle of "inverted glass". 3) Engine - Engine power 0.18-1.3 kW, depending on the required performance - Speed ​​​​1400-1500 rpm, - To be able to plug it into a regular outlet, it is better to take a single-phase motor. When working with a grinder, be sure to use an electrical network with grounding!!! 4) Engine support 5) Weld the engine support or make legs so that the shredder is stable when working, and a bucket for crushed raw materials can be placed at the outlet. Making an electric chopper for apples and grapes with your own hands is a rather laborious process, you also need to comply with all electrical safety requirements. Therefore, it is easier to buy a ready-made apple chopper right away. We are manufacturers of juice extraction equipment and in our online store you can buy both a compact electric grinder for own dacha, as well as a fruit grinder for a small line for the production of natural juices of direct extraction. If you still decide to make an electric chopper with your own hands, then we can offer you to buy a ready-made cutting disc, bushing, chopper body or other spare parts from us. Thus, you will greatly simplify your task of manufacturing and save time. Do-it-yourself apple and grape crusher drawings, as well as do-it-yourself apple and grape chopper drawings are the intellectual property of Apple Press Ltd., therefore, this article describes only the basic manufacturing principles. Read more on our website.