Flexible hose for water supply. Flexible water supply main characteristics of corrugated stainless pipe

Yes, not everywhere metal and even plastic pipes can be replaced with hoses, but where this replacement is real, an important question arises before the homeowner - how to make the right choice?

Hose Benefits

The main feature of flexible eyeliner is directly in the flexibility itself. First of all, the hoses are more practical to transport - they can be folded up and take up less space.

As far as installation is concerned, here the hoses benefit not only due to the ease of the fastener itself, but also the mobility that the connected device can get. For example, you can move the same washing machine if something falls behind it. And if the connection was stationary, you would have to mess around with blocking communications and dismantling the connection.

Relatively easy not only installation, but also dismantling of hoses. Due to this, it is possible to carry out repairs or redevelopment of the premises and its networks less problematic. Hoses often have strength similar to rigid plastic pipes.

Disadvantages of hoses

Of course, hoses cannot be compared with metal structures, but for greater protection, some models are covered with a braid. Moreover, there are also all-metal flexible connections, but they are certainly not as strong as ordinary static pipes made of metal. Hoses are somewhat more expensive than conventional pipes, but they are used less, so the overpayment is not so significant. Both the warranty and the total service life of hoses is less than that of pipes. However, some modern flexible structures can serve for 20-30 years.

Water supply

Hoses are used to supply water to faucets, toilets, batteries, washing machines, boilers ... Often, PVC or PEX pipes are used for this, which some experts classify as hoses, because flexibility characteristics are not the only feature of the classification. But these products are still more suitable for general wiring, and for direct wiring systems it is better to use flexible connections.

On sale you can find rubber hoses, but their number is very small. The fact is that they have a lot of disadvantages - expansion at high temperature and pressure, poor resistance to chemical and mechanical stress, relative unreliability of connector fastenings. Therefore, an increasing number of sellers and buyers are focusing on more modern designs.

The rubber hose in a metal sheath has gained enormous popularity due to its good technical characteristics and comparative cheapness. The core of the system remains the same rubber hose, but on top it is braided with metal threads with red and blue stripes. Thanks to this refinement, the rubber is protected from hydraulic shocks and mechanical damage. Some manufacturers have gone further and instead of rubber use high-density ethylene-propylene rubber braided with stainless steel or aluminum. It is worth noting that steel braid is about twice as durable as aluminum braid.

One end of the hose ends with a metal sleeve with a union nut attached to the end of a threaded pipe, the other ends with a fitting that is screwed into the connected system. Around the bushings, the braid together with the hose is crimped with a metal sleeve.

Anti-vibration flexible hose- slightly improved braided hose. They are essentially the same, but the anti-vibration one has a thicker outer diameter. Due to the increase in the walls, such a hose dampens noise, therefore it is indispensable for pumping equipment.

Bellows hoses also resemble a flexible braided hose, but all parts of the hose that come into contact with water are made of stainless steel. The hose is made in the form of an annular corrugation (corrugated sleeve). The sleeves of the structure are rolled (radially deformed) along the sleeve and welded to the sleeve by means of roller welding.

The operating temperature range (from -50 to +250 °C) allows the use of hoses for almost any communications. In addition, the bellows hose is more resistant to mechanical damage. Accordingly, it serves about a third longer than braided, but it also costs more.

Hoses are by type of load:

  • into pressure
  • in pressure-suction
  • in suction (vacuum).

Wall material:

  • rubber;
  • polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
  • polyurethane
  • made of heat-resistant polyvinyl chloride
  • silicone
  • metal.

By type of reinforcement:

  • without reinforcement (tube)
  • with PVC helix
  • with fabric cord
  • with metal on cord.

Although hoses can be used for completely different applications, their designs share flexibility and some material similarities. Therefore, experts highlight the main tips that can be useful in carrying out most of the work:

  1. The location of the hose must be easily accessible. It is wrong from the point of view of safety and practicality if, during repairs, it is necessary to partially dismantle the floor or ditch the walls. In addition, hidden communications are not available for an important service inspection.
  2. In order to avoid bending, tension or twisting, when assembling flexible connections, a bending radius, on average equal to 3 times the diameter, must be observed.
  3. The bending radius can be increased with flexible elbow connections.
  4. If you do not provide a small margin along the length of the hose, then under pressure it will become shorter and excess stress will be created in the structure.
  5. Electrolytic damage to the tips must be avoided and copper and steel must not be joined. Steel is joined to steel, brass to copper.
  6. Metal parts must be protected from condensation which causes oxidation.
  7. All flexible connections must have metal ferrules.
  8. It is advisable to use two wrenches. It is important that the tightening force of the tip provides the desired tightness of the connection. To ensure the tightness of the connection, excessive force is not needed - it can only damage the structure.
  9. After installation is completed, check if the hose is kinked. Mounted systems must be tested for strength by leaving them under load for a while and checking the strength and tightness of the joints.
  10. Do not expose connections to naked flames such as a blowtorch. If something is being soldered or welded nearby, you need to protect the hoses with a heat shield.
  11. It is important to know and consider the expiration date and replacement requirements of selected hoses, especially gas hoses. Sometimes replacement is needed after 10-20 years, but it happens that after 5 years, or even 2 years. If the hose is routed correctly, replacing it should take less than 15 minutes.


In order to make it easier to choose the right hose, you first need to decide on the necessary diameter. The most common parameters are 1/2″,3/4″,5/8′,1′.

Next, you need to choose the length of the hose. Bays come in sizes of 15.25, 30, 50 m, there are also cut-off hoses. The longer the hose, the larger should be its diameter. This is necessary in order to maintain sufficient water pressure when using a sprinkler or sprinkler system.

The next equally important factor when choosing a hose is the presence of diagonal reinforcement. It ensures dimensional stability, the hose does not deform under water pressure, does not kink or twist. This ensures a long service life.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the limit pressure water that the hose can handle. It must be higher than the pressure in the supply system (usually indicated in atmospheres). The manufacturer often indicates such data on the packaging.

And last but not least is the the absence of unsafe additives in the composition of the product such as calcium, barium and lead.

In the era of modern building and plumbing materials, you no longer have to puzzle over how and where to place a convenient and discreet plumbing. The standard rigid pipes have been replaced by soft flexible hoses enclosed in a durable housing. These parts will last for many years if properly selected and used.


Flexible eyeliner has a number of features, among which positive ones stand out easily. But the negative nuances should also be mentioned in order to avoid an unpleasant aftertaste, waste of time, effort and money.

Advantages of this flexible eyeliner:

  • full tightness and protection against leaks;
  • saving space, allowing you to install additional interior items or equipment without regard to bulky pipes;

  • ease of changing the location of an object connected with a flexible eyeliner;
  • refusal to use a welding machine;
  • protection of the hose from water hammer (in case a pressure surge occurs in the water supply, a high-quality flexible hose is protected from rupture and water leakage);
  • ease of installation and operation (all basic work can be done independently).

Flexible piping, as a rule, is used for various plumbing connections. Most often it is used in bathrooms (connection to the water of a toilet bowl, faucet, boiler) and in kitchens.

As for the negative ratings of the flexible hose, most often users complain about problems resulting from improper hose installation. To avoid this, experts advise to purchase goods only from a well-known manufacturer. Also, a thorough inspection of the product in the store (before you purchased it) will become a guarantee of a good quality purchase.

When choosing, you need to pay attention to several important points.

  • The weight of the eyeliner should not be lighter than a feather. If you picked up just such a product, immediately put it in its place. At best, this hose will last you a couple of weeks after installation.
  • Flexible eyeliner should easily bend in different directions. If you have to make an effort to change the shape of the hose, you can safely put it aside and take on another one, as this one is made of low-quality technical rubber, which can simply crumble from bends.

Another significant drawback is the short service life of the plastic fitting. To accurately choose exactly the right eyeliner, consider the main characteristics of this product.


Today, there are two categories of flexible water pipes: extensions and adapters. The second are standard hoses that connect the necessary devices to the water supply: sinks, toilets, showers and boilers. Usually they have a length of up to 60 cm. Extensions are an auxiliary hose that connects to an adapter to provide water to the most remote areas.

The service life of any supply hose depends both on the starting quality of the product, and on the correct installation and operation of it.

When purchasing a flexible bathroom liner, pay attention to the presence of colored stripes on the reinforced surface:

  • red indicates the possibility of using only hot water;
  • blue can only be used in cold water conditions;
  • both stripes immediately indicate that the hose can be installed to supply both hot and cold water.

Thus, when connecting a tap or toilet to places where only cold water is always used, all three types of flexible piping can be used. If we are talking about a mixer with two temperature modes, a boiler or a radiator, the use of hoses with a blue stripe is strictly prohibited here.

On sale there are also flexible eyeliners with a yellow stripe along the entire length of the hose. They are intended only for connecting users to the gas supply and have special impregnations and lubricants inside that are unacceptable for use with water, especially drinking or washing. The water that has passed through this hose is considered technical and contains impurities that are hazardous to human health.

It is worth dwelling on the main types of flexible connections that exist today in the construction market.


Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of connecting water pipes. They are classified according to the type of braid, internal filler (main tube), type, quality and size of fittings. Let's dwell on the most common division, based on the type of braid.

According to the indicated feature, flexible piping is:

  • reinforced;
  • bellows.

The first is a rubber base (quality products are made of durable rubber), covered with a steel braid. In this case, the casing of such a hose can be made of different materials. For example, galvanized steel and aluminum occupy a leading position among analogues. This is due to the low price - and nothing more. Such a braid is absolutely short-lived, it practically cannot withstand the average pressure of water in the water supply system and fails very quickly. This should not be, because the top skin of the rubber hose is designed to strengthen it and prevent water from escaping.

In terms of quality and durability, a braid made of durable stainless steel wire is considered the best. It provides reliable protection to the inner rubber hose. According to manufacturers, the operational period of such eyeliners reaches ten years or more.

Nylon braid is a reinforced water hose treatment that can withstand even the maximum pressure in the system.

By choosing a reinforced braid for flexible piping, you automatically receive the following benefits:

  • installation speed;
  • environmentally friendly manufacturing materials;
  • high strength;
  • flexibility.

The second type is an elastic stainless steel corrugation. Bellows hoses last longer and have better specifications.

There are two modifications of corrugated elements:

  • with a fixed length;
  • with variable dimensions.

For the first, manufacturers immediately determine standard sizes, ranging from 20 cm to 80 cm. The step in the length of the product is 10 cm. The second has a floating range over which it can be stretched. For example, on sale you can find bellows eyeliners with a variable length of 150-250 mm, 200-350 mm and others. It is worth considering the fact that the maximum stretch is indicated for reference - it is undesirable to stretch the eyeliner by that much.

Quality, strength and durability are evidenced by the use of bellows hoses in industrial applications. Very often, this type of eyeliner is used when connecting sprinklers - ceiling fire extinguishing devices. The main nuance is the plumbing system. A sprinkler system is a network of pipes that constantly hold pressurized water. Therefore, the choice of a particularly high-quality eyeliner material becomes most welcome.

Among the disadvantages of a bellows flexible liner, its noisy operation at high pressure in the water supply system is distinguished. Despite the fact that this does not happen often in modern apartment buildings, some users recommend using it as little as possible in private properties.

Fittings are usually supplied with flexible piping. Often these are brass fittings or nuts that have various shapes and sizes. To choose the right mount, it is necessary to measure the diameters of the pipes in the room where the installation will be carried out.

Plumbing wiring used to be an ornate intricacies of pipes, tubules and adapters. But today, thanks to flexible piping, it has become possible to install devices that use water supply in the smallest rooms. Angled flexible hose ensures installation even in hard-to-reach places. Due to the peculiarity of its fastening, it can be located close to the wall and thus increase the usable area of ​​​​the room.


The main parameters of flexible hoses are the diameter of the hose and its length. At the same time, the caliber is important not only in the tube, but also in fittings. For example, modern flexible hoses are produced with a maximum diameter of 1-2 inches. And the most commonly used ones have parameters in 1/2, 3/4 and 3/8.

As for the length of the reinforced or corrugated hose, each manufacturer has its own. In addition, it is almost individual for each individual case. If we consider a stationary eyeliner, then the maximum length is 60 cm. In corrugated sliding models, this indicator can only start at 500 mm and finish within 5000 mm. The latter are extremely rare, mainly on an industrial scale.

Manufacturers: review and reviews

The most popular today are flexible eyeliners made in Italy. They have proven themselves in the construction market, and many users are happy to note their advantages.

One of the most popular Italian trough brands today is Parigi. According to customer reviews, the products of this brand have high strength. The manufacturer guarantees the service life of reinforced flexible hoses from 3 to 5 years, while bellows products can last more than 7 years. Italians pay special attention to details: fittings and nuts are made of high quality nickel and have a service life of more than 10-15 years. Prices for products are high, which about 60% of users consider the main drawback.

Mateu- a Spanish manufacturing company that has established itself as a quality manufacturer of the middle price segment. In kitchen or bathroom faucet sets, you can often find flexible hoses with a metal braid from this particular company. They also produce large quantities of their own brand products for large construction hypermarkets.

Another feature of the Spanish manufacturer is the production of reinforced hoses using PEX hoses. According to the descriptions of professionals, this type of hose has a maximum service life, since they are made of cross-linked polyethylene. The operation of such material in some cases reaches 50 years. Another feature of the PEX hose is its versatility: flexible connections with such a base can be used to connect both complex devices (for example, heating systems) and simpler ones (cold and hot water supply).

The domestic plumbing industry also does not stand still. A large number of high-quality, but more affordable products are produced by manufacturers such as "Giant", "Monolith", "Aquatechnics". Users note a large number of advantages of these eyeliners. But still, approximately 50% of respondents insist on the inconsistency of some of the technical characteristics specified in the product passport, but in general they are satisfied with the purchase.

In order for each part to function correctly and for as long as possible, it is necessary to strictly follow the rules for connecting and installing elements. Despite the fact that even a high school student can cope with this process, some expert advice should be taken into account during installation.

Connection rules

Plumbing systems are connected to each other by means of special mounting fasteners. As mentioned earlier, these are fittings and nuts. The hose must be fastened freely, slightly sagging, therefore, when choosing a length, they rely on a large number. As for the fittings themselves, they come in different diameters (0.5-1.5 inches) and different shapes. If the water pipe and the liner have different diameters, a special adapter comes to the rescue, which can be easily found in all plumbing stores.

Consider the basic rules for installing a flexible water supply.

  • Before installation, and even better before buying, make a complete inspection of the tips of the fittings (fasteners). Check if the gasket is in place, in what condition the thread and braid are.
  • After installation, it is necessary to connect the water supply to the system and within 30-40 minutes check the operation of the piping for leakage. If there is still a leak, try tightening the nuts a little tighter. But with this, too, you need not to overdo it, so as not to spoil the mount.
  • Bending of the hose is allowed in a ratio of not more than 5-6 diameters of the outer tube.

  • The hose is very afraid of high temperatures, so try to avoid using the product in unfavorable conditions for it.
  • Twice a year, it is imperative to check the tightness of the installation and inspect the external condition of the flexible piping.
  • In case of a shortage of hose length, you can purchase a special extension cord. Pairs of the same material must be used to avoid metal corrosion due to electromechanical reaction.
  • Despite the service life specified by the manufacturer, it is recommended to replace flexible hoses at least once every 3-5 years.

Among the prohibitions there are three immutable rules:

  • do not use in continuous flow mode;
  • do not install without gaskets or with visible defects;
  • do not operate at low negative temperatures.

The scope of flexible hoses is quite wide. One of the main rules here will be the appropriateness of their use in this particular situation. There are cases when such products were used to connect fan coil units - elements of the air conditioning and ventilation system. Any flexible reinforced or bellows fitting for water has a wide variety of attachments. In the language of professionals, they are called: “mother” - “mother”, “dad” - “mother”, “dad” - “dad”. "Mom" here is expressed with a union nut, and "dad" with a long fitting.

In the process of installing a flexible water supply, one cannot do without the recommendations and advice of specialists, especially if the installation is done by you yourself and for the first time.

Having decided on a flexible water supply, you risk, unfortunately, being faced with the purchase of a low-quality fake.

To prevent this from happening, here is a list of basic recommendations for acquiring a good product.

  • Buy only from trusted retail outlets and from reputable manufacturers.
  • Reliable products are always equipped with a passport describing the technical characteristics (for example, the maximum pressure and temperature in the system that this hose can withstand), the period and rules of operation. Quality models usually have a designated shelf life of up to 10 years.
  • In addition to the accompanying documents, each product has special markings indicating the same technical characteristics, manufacturer, diameter, and other things.
  • All official brands put only certified positions on the sanitary goods market.

  • Due to their design, bellows liners are usually noisy. But this can be avoided by purchasing such hoses with a special plastic coating.
  • Nickel-plated brass is the best material for union nuts and fittings, while aluminum or hybrid steel-aluminum components last three times less - no more than 3 years.
  • Sometimes, in the process of screwing the eyeliner, it may be twisted, unnecessary bending. Such moments should be avoided and the condition of the hose should be carefully monitored. Otherwise, this can lead to early abrasion of the rubber component and its rapid replacement.
  • When visually assessing the quality of a flexible hose, pay attention to the braid, which must be uniform, without burrs, protruding tails and other shortcomings, and the fittings must be well pressed.
  • The rubber gaskets included in the kit, as a rule, rarely serve their owner for a long time. Perhaps there is a need to purchase more durable silicone or paronite products.

How to make your own

Craftsmen easily share recipes for making flexible eyeliner with reinforced braid with their own hands.

One of the parts includes:

  • flexible stainless steel pipe;
  • device for cutting pipes;
  • roller;
  • nuts;
  • rubber or silicone gaskets.

The technology consists in cutting off the necessary piece of pipe, rolling both of its edges, fixing them with a retaining ring, stringing nuts and installing gaskets.

There is nothing difficult in the process of installing a flexible water supply, but there are a number of nuances in choosing the necessary parts. Therefore, carefully pay attention to all the little things even before making a payment for the product, so that you do not have to go back and buy a new eyeliner.

See the following video for the features of a flexible water supply.

A few years ago, in almost any bathroom, one could see large heaps and intricacies of steel pipes connected to various plumbing fixtures. Washbasins and showers were connected to them through a variety of couplings and adapters. As a result of this connection, all corners of the bathroom were occupied by massive pipe structures that regularly failed due to hydraulic vibrations and shocks.

With the entry into the plumbing market of a new flexible “nut-nut” connection, it was possible to solve not only the problem of the rapid destruction of the water pipe, extending its service life to 10-15 years, but also to free up space by expanding the free area of ​​small bathrooms.

Features and Benefits

The flexible system consists of a movable elastic hose covered with a metal braid on top. Its length can start from 30 cm and reach 5 m. At the ends of the liner there are nuts and fittings with rubber seals that are attached to the main pipe and to a plumbing element or household appliances. Color markers are applied to the metal braid, which indicate the scope of the hose. The red marked hose should only run hot water, the blue marked hose should only run cold water, and the double color indicates product versatility.

On sale you can also find eyeliner with yellow stripes. It is designed to connect and work with gas equipment, but it cannot be connected to water. The inner surface of the elastic hose of such an eyeliner is impregnated with special substances, which in no case should get into drinking water.

Flexible piping has almost completely replaced rigid steel pipes due to a large number of advantages.

  • Unlike old massive pipes, thin flexible pipes take up less space and allow you to place plumbing products at a great distance from the main pipe without cluttering up the space near the walls and floor.
  • The flexibility of the hose allows you to move already connected household appliances and connect them even in the smallest rooms.
  • The product does not need welding and is connected practically with "bare hands". This not only allows you to save money spent on the purchase of welding machines, but also make the connection yourself even for a beginner.
  • Higher, compared to conventional pipes, reliability of the product extends their service life up to several tens of years.
  • Such a flexible tube is more resistant to external damage and internal water hammer.

Flexible eyeliner, although much better than rigid, has its drawbacks.

  • The product does not tolerate tension and twisting, they can damage and deform it.
  • It is forbidden to install a flexible eyeliner near an open fire. The exception is a gas hose in a metal braid, although it is also recommended to mount it so that it cannot reach the fire on the stove.
  • If water is supplied to several rooms at the same time, then the flexible hose starts to vibrate and, as a result, creates a low rumble.


In the plumbing market, you can find two different categories of flexible hoses - these are adapters and extension cords. Adapters are ordinary hoses for supplying water to showers, sinks or washing machines. Their length rarely exceeds 0.5 m. With the help of an extension cord connected to the adapter, water is supplied to those areas that a conventional hose cannot reach.

The characteristics of eyeliners and the first and second categories are similar and look like this:

  • the diameters of the outer and inner radius of the pipe are 12 and 11.5 mm, respectively;
  • the nominal pressure is 8 bar, and the maximum reaches 10 bar;
  • the minimum bending radius is 60 mm;
  • the maximum allowable temperature is 70 degrees;
  • the service life is at least 10 years;
  • rubber hose hardness 75 Shore;
  • maximum tightening torque of fittings at hose ends 50 Nm.


The production of flexible hoses is still at the development stage, but there is already a wide range on the market. They are classified according to various characteristics, for example, by braid, by type of fitting or by internal filling. The most common of these is the classification by type of braid.


One of the most popular types of flexible piping is reinforced piping. It consists of two parts: an inner rubber hose and an outer steel braid. Hoses of different lengths are wrapped with steel of a certain color (blue for cold water, and red for hot), fittings or nuts with rubber seals are attached to the ends.

The maximum operating temperature of such an eyeliner is +90 degrees, so it is not used for the installation of heating systems. However, it is very convenient to connect to a faucet, washing machine or boiler. The benefits include:

  • ease and speed of installation, of all tools, one adjustable wrench is enough;
  • greater flexibility than other species;
  • greater strength compared to polypropylene pipes, since the reinforced eyeliner is reinforced with metal.

The disadvantages of a reinforced product include:

  • rapid wear of thin rubber seals;
  • rapid wear of the braid with frequent kinks.

The reinforced product costs significantly lower than the bellows liners, but it also wears out somewhat faster. Its average service life is about 2-4 years.


The bellows is a steel corrugated pipe up to 2 meters long, which can be stretched and compressed to the required values. At its ends are brass nuts with rubber gaskets that can withstand fairly high temperatures. Such a metal accordion can withstand drops from a minimum temperature of -50 to a maximum of +250 degrees. It is often used to supply water to heating and cooling systems, such as fan coil units or split systems.

The advantages of such a corrugated eyeliner are:

  • high reliability and durability;
  • resistance to water hammer and temperature changes;
  • such an eyeliner does not burn and can be mounted even near an open fire;
  • it is hygienic and completely safe for humans.

The only downsides are:

  • high price;
  • loud noise created by the flow of water through such a pipe.

The service life of a flexible pipe can reach 25 - 30 years, however, it is very expensive. It can be used not only to supply water, but also gas.

stainless steel

Hoses made of stainless steel are cheaper than bellows, and they last longer than conventional reinforced ones. Their length can start from 50 cm and reach up to 1 m. At the ends of a stainless hose, as well as on a reinforced one, there are ordinary nuts or fittings. With their help, you can connect the eyeliner to both ordinary and corner adapters. Among its advantages are:

  • high corrosion resistance (higher than other pipes);
  • democratic price;
  • ease of installation;
  • resistance to fire and sudden changes in temperature.

There is only one drawback of such an eyeliner - with low quality rubber gaskets or insufficient tightening of the fixing nut, such an eyeliner begins to leak at the joints and quickly becomes unusable.

Materials and dimensions

Flexible eyeliner of different types can consist of either one material or a combination of several. The inner flexible hose is made of rubber or rubber.

Rubber hoses are most often used to connect to a toilet or washing machine, since drinking water cannot be supplied through them. Rubber has a specific smell that will be transferred to the water running through it. In addition to the inner hose, the inlet is braided on top with a reinforcing material that protects the fragile hose from external damage. It can be made from various metals or synthetic materials.


Such a braid is only suitable for supplying water with a temperature not exceeding 80 degrees. It is very susceptible to corrosion and its service life does not exceed 5 years.

Stainless steel

The stainless steel braid increases the service life of the eyeliner from 5 to 10 years, while the maximum water temperature increases to 95 degrees and pressure to 10 atmospheres. One type of stainless braid is an all-metal pipe called a bellows liner.


Nylon braid will last about 10 years and can withstand heat up to 110 degrees. In addition, its working pressure is increased to 20 atmospheres, which significantly increases the price of such products.


Galvanized wire braid does not differ in durability and flexibility, however, its price is much less than for other materials.

The main dimensions of the flexible hose are the length of the hose, the inner and outer diameters. In this case, the diameter of not only the hose itself is important, but also the caliber of the fittings located at the edges. The diameter of modern hoses rarely exceeds 1-2 inches. Most often on sale you can find eyeliners with diameters of 3/8, 3/4 and 1/2 inches.

With regards to the length of flexible pipes, it differs significantly depending on the manufacturer. Most often, the line begins with products with a length of 500 - 600 mm, and ends with large industrial pipes reaching 5000 mm.


Flexible piping is used almost everywhere, its purpose is to connect a plumbing fixture to a water pipe. With its help, you can bring water to the tap located near the kitchen sink or on the sink in the bathroom, you can connect a washing machine and dishwasher and various pumping stations. They supply water to the toilet cistern, shower and boiler. They are mounted to supply water to sprinklers (a sprinkler system is an integral part of the fire extinguishing system, irrigation heads and pipes supplying water to them).

In addition to conventional plumbing systems, flexible hoses are used in many different applications. For example, gas pipelines, technical pipelines or pipes in various vehicles.

How to choose?

In order to choose the right flexible hose, suitable for each specific case, many nuances must be taken into account:

  • The braid must be selected depending on the room in which the installation and operation of the pipe will take place. A nylon pipe cannot be mounted near a fire, and a metal pipe in rooms with high humidity.
  • The size should be so that the pipe does not stretch when connected, but you should not buy products that are too long. If the length of the hose is not correct, it will either not be securely attached or twisted with loose rings, which will quickly destroy the braid at the folds.
  • The hose should not emit a strong rubber or chemical odor. It is strictly forbidden to use such an eyeliner for supplying drinking water, it is suitable only for technical needs.

  • The product should not be too light- This is an indicator of low quality material. The highest quality is considered to be a product made of stainless steel or with brass fittings, and the lowest quality is made of silumin and zinc. There are hoses with plastic fittings - these are practically disposable products.
  • The purpose of the liner must correspond to the operating temperature and pressure specified in the accompanying documentation. Do not connect the blue braided hose to a battery or gas stove - this can lead to both minor troubles and real emergencies.
  • The hose should bend well no defects should be visible on the body. Packaging must be selected whole and with the appropriate marking.

Italy is a manufacturer that has long established itself in the construction industry. One of the best Italian eyeliners are products of the company Parigi. High prices are due to the reliability and durability of their eyeliners. All fittings are made of high strength nickel and will last at least 15 years.

No less popular foreign manufacturer is the company Mateu from Spain. Products of the middle price segment are found in almost every third apartment. Its distinguishing feature is the use of PEX hoses made of polyethylene. The same connections of this brand can be used both for supplying cold water and for installing a heating system.