The best hedge in the country. Green fence in the garden. hawthorn hedge

Hedge- A great alternative to a conventional fence. This is a wonderful element of landscape design that hides the site from prying eyes, serves as a screen from dust and wind, performs security function. The evergreen hedge is not only pleasing to the eye, but also makes the space more harmonious.

When choosing plants for hedges, it is worth considering the following factors:

  • Desired fence height.
  • Appointment.
  • Climatic conditions.
  • Features of the site (soil type, illumination, humidity).

Fast growing shrubs for hedges: elderberry, forsythia, euonymus, currant, mock orange, cotoneaster, honeysuckle, blackthorn, privet, hawthorn, roses, broom, Thunberg barberry. If the choice fell on a single-tiered high hedge, you can choose trees - maples, poplars, willow, linden, mountain ash, derain, sea buckthorn, chokeberry, hazel, lilac and others.

TOP 10 Hedge Ideas

border fence

Such a hedge should not be higher than 50 cm. Choose dwarf plants(lingonberries, Lawson's cypress, Thunberg's barberry, dwarf caragana, boxwood and others). The alternation of evergreen and flowering plants looks interesting. For example, boxwood with wild roses or climbing roses.

Important! The border fence will be a wonderful frame for any element - a flower bed, a fountain, a pond or a playground!

Fence for zoning space

The idea is especially relevant if the site is small, but you want to separate the economic zone from the garden and vegetable garden. Shrubs up to 1 meter high look best - they will not obscure the area and at the same time look very colorful. They can be planted both symmetrically and in wavy lines.

Unusual hedge shapes

Of course, only professionals can cut a mammoth or dinosaur out of a bush. However, elements in the form of a cube, wave, arch or rectangle on the site will also look great! And caring for them is a feasible task for beginner gardeners.

colorful hedge

Layered designs are now in vogue, your trick may be in choosing plants for hedges. One row can be formed from red-leaved boxwood, the second from green juniper, the third from gray spruce. Your site will acquire unexpected color and contrast.

blooming wall

Choose fast-growing shrubs for hedges - hawthorn, spirea, blood red currant. Their flowering lasts 3-4 weeks, and curbstones can be planted at the foot of the hedge. flowering plants- so your garden will delight the eye all season long.

original mix

You can alternate plants with other elements. It will turn out a kind of chess, which looks very interesting! The hedge can be supplemented with wooden modules, brick pillars, wattle, gabions, large boulders and other elements.

Improvisation with an old fence

Suppose you have an ugly old fence. It seems to be a pity to demolish, and the view of the site spoils. With the help of a simple wire construction, you can form a support for weaving plants and containers with plants. Pots can be filled with seedlings, flowers or herbs. From climbing plants we can recommend climbing roses, grapes, hydrangea, clematis, honeysuckle, wisteria. Why not a living fence?

"Living" walls

An evergreen hedge doesn't necessarily take up a lot of space. Install wooden or mesh supports as you wish and plant creepers, ivy or grapes near them. The "walls" located at an angle look great. By the way, behind them it is quite possible to hide a recreation area or a sandbox.

wild garden

The stereotype that the fence should be cut to the ruler, to the nearest millimeter, is hopelessly outdated. If the size of the plot allows, you can give preference to an unformed hedge. Its width can reach 1-2 meters. Looks spectacular combination of plants with different periods flowering. For example, in one hedge, combine barberry, wild rose and mock orange.

hedge of fruit bushes

We combine business with pleasure! Felt cherry, gooseberry, blackberry, currant, chokeberry, barberry! The distance between bushes is 40-50 cm. Beautiful and tasty!

Photo of hedges

We also offer a selection of beautiful and fashionable hedges. Some of them are landscape design classics, while others are the most fashionable trends.

A hedge is not just three trees standing in a row! This is an opportunity to try yourself as a landscape designer and bring your ideas to life! This decoration of the site will surely please you and your loved ones!

Tired of using "dead", static material in garden structures, fences and landscape design?

Then decorate outbuildings, divide the garden into separate sections or organize in the country cozy corner for recreation through evergreen hedges.

green hedge can be free-growing (natural) or sheared, deciduous or coniferous, soft or prickly, multi-row or single-row, combined or created from shrubs and plants of the same species. Everything depends on the tasks.

Evergreen hedge

Before you start designing your own hedge design, consider what plants are most suitable for forming this kind of garden fence?

So, if you need to mask unsightly corners of the garden (for example, a barn or a fence), arrange a terrace, a gazebo or cover the trunks of old trees, use such popular climbing plants as:

1. Tree-like or herbaceous perennial vines:

Honeysuckle honeysuckle - winding fragrant vine

Campsis - woody deciduous liana Common hop (curly) Actinidia kolomikta - woody vine (creeper) Schisandra chinensis - deciduous liana

For normal development and growth, fast-growing climbing plants definitely need a solid support. It can be a wooden or metal frame, chain-link mesh. With quality support, climbing hedges will grow much faster.

Attention! A fast-growing hedge requires timely pruning and shaping. If the green fence is not properly maintained, it will look shapeless and neglected.

In the following hedge photos, we will show you how amazing interiors can be created from green walls (using the example of grapes, a fragrant pot and a climbing rose).

2. Annual creepers for seasonal hedges:

If perennial ornamental vines grow for several years and secure a certain area, then annual climbing plants can be planted in a new place every year.

In addition, when creating a hedge, annuals allow you to quickly solve some of the decorative problems of a long-growing perennial liana - quickly fill empty spaces, create vertical color spots and profusely flowering screens.

plant flowering plants in the soil annual plants necessary from seedlings and only after the threat of frost has disappeared.

Popular Hedge Shrubs

If you need to protect the territory of a suburban area or cottage from uninvited guests, most often when laying a green fence, tall deciduous and coniferous shrubs are used.

Coniferous hedges

Making a hedge from coniferous plants will not be expensive and laborious. However, the process is not fast, and the growth of one such fence can take at least three years. Another, not so significant drawback of coniferous fences is the unchanged appearance. Both in winter and in summer, firs, junipers and spruces enliven the garden with greenery, but do not bloom.

To add color to a living fence, evergreen conifers can be used as a background. Next to them, both traditional garden flowers and alpine plants look great.

The life tree serves as a barrier against penetration into the territory, perfectly protects the garden from exhaust gases, extraneous noise and dust from the street, retains snow and masks unaesthetic buildings outside the site.

Living fence from thuja, with proper care, will never fall off or wither. Thuja is one of the easiest to care for and unpretentious evergreens. She easily tolerates a shaping haircut and transplant.

In order to create a dense impermeable living wall from plants, planting must be carried out in one row after 40-80 cm, depending on garden form tree.

It is best to form a green wall from small 4-year-old seedlings - they take root faster and cost less.

spruce hedge

The most common varieties that are used to form a hedge of spruce include: prickly spruce, oriental, Siberian, purple and gray. The dense crown and good branching of these conifers completely closes the view of the site and clearly defines the boundaries of garden zones.

The landing of coniferous young is carried out warm autumn, in a fairly loose and moist trench soil up to 50 cm deep. When planting a single-row coniferous hedge, keep a distance of 1 m between seedlings. In the case of a two-row planting (as in the hedge diagram just below), the interval between the fir trees should be at least 80 cm.

juniper hedge

Impenetrable thickets can be created through the Cossack juniper with green or bluish needles. A rapidly growing hedge will form a virgin juniper. And ordinary, with slow growth, will grow in the garden for a very, very long time (almost 200 years). But if you are not going to live so long, then scaly or Chinese juniper. They branch well and easily withstand severe frosts.

To minimize accidental free openings, juniper seedlings are planted in a checkerboard pattern with a large clod of earth. Over time, when the trees grow a little, it is necessary to evenly cut off all the tops. This will make the juniper as neat as possible.

Deciduous hedges

Common hornbeam hedge

In order to create a good dense hedge without large holes, when planting, it is necessary to use younger seedlings, about 50 cm high. They are more likely to achieve density. When the trees grow together in a wall in two years, you can begin to mold them.

Willow hedge

Such a hedge can be grown both in a swampy and in a dry area. Using two-year-old woody cuttings for planting (such will be better accepted). To do this, young plants need to be planted in a hole half a meter deep and tied to a pre-prepared frame with poles.

It looks like this.

Literally in a couple of years, the willow hedge in the country house (if it is not subjected to regular molding) will turn into a dense wall of an acceptable height.

Willow is the only hedge plant that can achieve such an impressive effect in such a short (compared to coniferous) period of time.

hawthorn hedge

In addition to bright decorative foliage, hawthorns bloom very beautifully. Yes, they are good in winter. Their branches until spring are decorated with red fruits, similar to miniature apples.

Planting a hedge from common hawthorn always begins with the preparation of holes located at a distance of 30 cm from each other. Hawthorn seedlings must be chosen already quite large - from 3 to 5 years. The following year, they must be cut off, leaving a 10 cm high stump above the ground.

Wild rose hedge

Some types of wild roses can reach a height of three meters in a few years. Given this fact and the fact that wild roses, like roses, grow strongly, they can be planted in one row. And only when the garden needs a wide hedge for landscaping - the seedlings are placed in a checkerboard pattern, sometimes in two, less often in three rows.

Flowering thickets of wild rose are not as unpretentious as, for example, hedges made of hornbeam or willow. This ornamental shrub is often sick with powdery mildew, its leaves are affected by sawflies, spider mites, aphids and other pests. Regular spraying with chemicals helps fight diseases.

Advice. Fast growing hedge shrubs need manual pruning of both the tops of the branches and the inner stems. This will keep the hedge tidy and allow sunlight to reach deeper into the bush. Hedge trimming is carried out at the end of winter, at a time when a tree or bush does not bud (is at rest).

Hedges from medium-sized plants

Decorative hedge in shape can be high, medium and short (up to half a meter). And it can be shaped (shorn) and unshaped (free-growing).

The distance when planting hedges also depends on the size and shape of plant growth. So for high hedges (which gardeners call among themselves green walls), 2-3 seedlings are enough for one linear meter, for low ones - 3-4.

Protect the garden and plants in it from strong wind and dust can be used with the following medium-sized and undersized shrubs:

Red and black elderberry hedge

Due to extremely rapid growth shoots, elderberry must be cut strongly (shortly) (even cut branches of a shrub give abundant shoots).

This plant has the highest decorative effect in the summer period of flowering and fruiting. At this time, the compact elderberry tree (or shrub) is completely hung with shiny scarlet berries.

Blooming hydrangea tree hedge

Tree-like hydrangeas bloom for a long time and profusely - from July to mid-autumn. The height of lush, very sprawling hemispherical bushes with numerous flexible shoots is about 1.5 m.

For beginner gardeners (for those who have not yet encountered such a thing as a hedge), buying a hydrangea grown in a nursery is a real success. Seedlings that were bought directly from the producer (located in the same climate zone, where the shrub will grow in the future), take root better in the garden and develop faster.

Viburnum hedge

Viburnum vulgaris, pleasing to the eye with pink foam of flowers throughout the spring, and corals with a red scattering of fruits in the fall, has long been registered in many domestic gardens.

Viburnum hedges grown in the garden will have the shape that a person will give it with pruning. Beneficial (well combined) viburnum looks against the background of such plants as spruce, birch, linden and maple.

Spirea hedge

It becomes clear that fast-growing plants for hedges are deciduous, beloved by everyone, and no less adored conifers. Spirea (meadowsweet) was no exception. This deciduous shrub with a variety of bush shapes: hemispherical, pyramidal, erect, etc., develops quite quickly. In 2-3 years, this undemanding culture reaches its full growth, forming a durable, abundantly flowering spirea fence.

Lilac hedge

It seems incredible, but such a decorative hedge in a summer cottage is almost irresistible. Simple varieties of lilac densely fill the lower tier with flexible branches, which makes the living wall impassable either for humans or for many animals. (A lilac fence will be even stronger if you periodically twist the grown seedlings crosswise, fixing the branches with wire, twine or metal rings).

curb hedges

When zoning a garden in landscape design, it is recommended to use a low and very dense hedge of regular geometric shape - bosquets.

So, for the design of walls with clear contours, wood species that perfectly tolerate a haircut are most suitable.

If the border fence is used to enclose a flower garden or as a decorative living frame, then it is important that the plants for the border do not distract attention from the accent flower arrangement. They grew slowly, were persistent, neat and non-capricious.

Molded hedge (plants for which it is better to choose shade-tolerant with relatively slow growth) can be thorny and non-thorny, deciduous and coniferous.

Yew hedge

In the harsh climate of Russia, high impenetrable fences are rarely created from yews, most often they form low curbs- yew branches, slowly growing and branching well, create a very dense texture. These shrubs are recommended to be planted in sheltered places - so the breed will better retain its appearance after a harsh winter and give abundant fruiting.

It is necessary to cut such a living thorny hedge when the crowns of neighboring trees close. But since the yew grows very slowly, molding will have to wait a couple of years.

Boxwood hedge

Boxwood is a compact plant with a beautiful dense leaf - a traditional element of classic landscape design. In order to make a straight line of a hedge out of boxwood, you need:

using a tape measure, mark the length of the fence;

fix a distance of 35 cm between the bushes;

hammer pegs at the ends of the furrow and pull a rope between them;

check how the hedge will be parallel to the fence.

By means of some boxwood thickets, you can create entire labyrinths. It is recommended to start cutting the boxwood shrub the very next year after planting. And this should be done only in the evening (bright sunlight can burn the tips of trimmed leaves).

Living hedge of brilliant cotoneaster

Although the cotoneaster grows slowly, it forms an impenetrable, dense crown, covered with pinkish-white inflorescences from the very spring, and burgundy leaves in late autumn.

Unlike many shrubs, the lower foliage of a tree from the Rosaceae family does not fall off. This means that there is no need to plant a second line of green spaces.

In addition, the branches of a deciduous shrub branch quite strongly, so they need to be planted at a distance of at least one meter from each other.

hedge of common barberry

Intense purple colors in autumn, incredible fragrance in spring, and abundant fruiting in summer - this is all a hedge, the price of which depends on the method of cultivation and the right plants. So, a barberry fence will cost you much more (from 2000 rubles per 1 linear meter) if you order its project from a company providing landscape services. Whereas a fast-growing hedge, made by hand in the country, will cost you five times cheaper.

Privet hedge

From privet, especially loved by all gardeners, formed hedges are most often grown. They are sheared at least 3 times a year using hand and mechanical garden tools such as large scissors, secateurs, hacksaws, hand saws, chainsaws, trimmers.

(The height of the privet hedge will be uniform if the shear is carried out along a cord stretched through pegs installed on the tops of the outer plants).

Hedge of holly mahonia

Leathery shiny leaves of mahonia, with tiny sharp needles, habitually green in summer. But in winter, the shrub becomes brown-purple, somewhere even purple. But there is one “but”, young plants do not tolerate the first wintering very well. Do not be lazy and cover the evergreen living fence with spruce branches.

Forsythia hedge (fence)

In early spring, when most of the shrubs and trees in your country house are bare, a beautiful forsythia hedge is already covered with amazing golden yellow flowers that look like bells. And in late autumn, when many plants have already shed their outfit, dark green leaves still adorn the forsythia.

Due to their exceptional decorative effect, forsythia shrubs look good both in complex compositions with other plants and in group plantings.

Japanese quince hedge (Chenomeles)

Highly ornamental shrub bright colors grown in the border and actively used in landscape design. Such a fence can decorate any outbuilding, giving it even some glamor and mystery.

Selection of plants and shrubs for hedges

Regardless of the purpose and types of hedges, you should correctly choose plants and plant them correctly:

  • a living fence will grow without problems in the garden if you use only those coniferous and deciduous trees that tolerate the climatic conditions of our country well;
  • for shaded areas of the garden, shade-tolerant woody shrubs should be selected, and for well-lit areas, those that bloom profusely and grow well;
  • if you have no time (or don’t want to) to engage in constant shaping and cutting, then grow an unshaped hedge of lilac, honeysuckle, mock orange, apple tree, viburnum or shadberry;
  • coniferous hedge will protect, decorate the garden and saturate the air with the healthiest phytoncides;
  • deciduous and coniferous species are allowed to alternate - only if you are not embarrassed by the fact that the hedge will be slightly transparent in winter due to fallen leaves;
  • the optimal time for laying an evergreen hedge is mid-spring;
  • a trellis hedge, which serves as a reliable support for climbing perennials, is both a very dense and light fence of the site;
  • a green hedge in the garden will not only decorate it, but also bring edible fruit, if you plant such useful shrubs as gooseberries, cotoneaster, sea buckthorn, barberry, currants, henomeles, sheferdia, wild rose, hawthorn, viburnum, etc.

Often, multi-stage hedges are created from undersized shrubs. And if you are a clear fan of designer delights, then a hedge) will surely appeal to you. Just keep in mind that single-breed hedges are not bad for gardens. small size, and heterogeneous - for large.

Hedge - photo for inspiration and ideas

Well, and finally, a photo of a hedge for the pros!

Mandatory for each courtyard of private housing construction or a summer cottage is a fence, with which residents try to fence off their cozy little world from extraneous presence in the form of interested glances. But some are not entirely pleased to look at a metal two-meter fence or a dull concrete extended fence.

The optimal rhenium, which allows not to disturb the natural color of the yard, but protects the site from dust, noise and gusts of wind, will be the cultivation of a living fence from plants planted in one line.

dense planting park and garden rocks plants will not only protect the yard from unnecessary encroachments, but also decorate the territory of a private yard. One of the factors that speaks for the use of a green hedge in the country is that the cost of such a do-it-yourself living fence is much lower than the cost of building a massive fence from modern building materials. For growing green hedges, I use many types of plants. Some of them require care, periodic haircuts to create a beautiful geometric shape, others grow without pruning and unpretentiously delight the eye with a riot of colors in the autumn.

difference between green hedges


Living fences, depending on the possibility of growth, are divided into three types:

Depending on the profile being created

The green hedge happens various forms, which are attached to it with a haircut:

  • the conical shape is given to the bush by cutting off the green mass gradually from a wide base to a narrow elongated top, this shape allows all plants to be evenly illuminated by the sun, starting from the lower ones;
  • rectilinear vertical wall emphasizes strict lines, used in classic options and takes up little space with excellent visual closeness;
  • a rounded fence is characterized by a smooth narrowing towards the top, used for low hedges, different complex care to keep in shape.

solid shearing is applied to plants in the second year of growth after planting. Strong pruning is needed in order to activate the growth of shoots, and the plant begins to bush. After the regrowth of branches for emerging bushes, templates are used to trim the bush into the desired shape. Do-it-yourself side and top pruning is done along the entire length of the hedge, usually 2 to 4 times per season, to support the emerging image. To perform a haircut, electric tools and garden shears are used, depending on the amount of work.

By row of landing

Do-it-yourself green hedge device

Plant selection rules

Regardless of the type of hedge, plants should be selected according to standard rules so that they fit the climate and do not cause trouble:

  • in order for plants to exist near the site without problems, you should choose those deciduous and coniferous species that belong to the climatic zone of our region;
  • if the fence is located on the north side and is constantly away from the rays of the sun, then the plants choose those species that are unpretentious and do not need constant lighting;
  • for busy people who do not have the opportunity to constantly engage in cutting and caring for the shape of the fence, you need to choose plants for an unshaped hedge from an apple tree, viburnum, honeysuckle, lilac, etc .;
  • if there is a desire to purify the air in the yard and nourish it with useful phytoncides, then coniferous trees are used;
  • alternation of coniferous and deciduous species, but in winter period such a fence will look heterogeneous due to bare branches;
  • the best time for a live fence is the middle of the spring season;
  • to increase the benefits, fruit-bearing bushes of currant, gooseberry, wild rose, dogwood, sea buckthorn, etc. are planted as a shrub;
  • a dense and lightweight hedge structure is obtained by planting perennial climbing plants on a frame;
  • it is desirable to use shrubs, trees and plants with small leaves, which, when trimmed, form a uniform top layer.

Rules for marking a living fence

Marking is done using pegs about 50 cm long, which are installed at key places in the future hedge, turns, intersections with other linear structures and buildings. After digging in, twine or twine is tied to them to determine the direction and align the landing line. A trench is dug along the stretched rope, the depth depends on the type of plant being planted. The moat is about 70 cm wide.

Because the plant will constantly live and develop in the same place, then the soil is thoroughly prepared for planting. The bottom of the trench is loosened with a pitchfork, the necessary organic and mineral fertilizers. The soil that was selected when digging is mixed with a small amount of fertilizer. After preparing the plant for planting, cutting off the damaged and broken parts of the root system, it is placed in a pit and covered with a prepared fertilized mixture.

Frame device

As a support for a hedge, a frame is prepared with their own hands, which can be an ordinary picket fence or a grid on poles. If there are none throughout the future fence, then it must be installed. First, dig a trench for planting.

At the beginning and end of the pit section install poles desired height depending on the size of the living fence. As risers use metal, wooden or concrete products, which are dug into the ground to a depth of 60 cm for a stable position. Between the supports in the longitudinal direction at equal intervals along the height, a nylon cord or stainless wire is pulled. The last row depends on the height of the fence.

Further plants are being planted, for this they make soil fertilizer. It is advisable to bring in a mass of fertile black earth soil, if the soil on the site leaves much to be desired. It is better to dig seedlings in late March or early April. Sometimes it will be effective to do this in the autumn, a month before the expected frost.

Types of plants for a living fence with your own hands

Each type of plant is used for specific purposes, with its development it can help close an unsightly blank wall of a building or make a composition in the center of the garden.

Perennial creepers with a tree or herbaceous stem

These types of climbing plants include: ordinary hops, Chinese magnolia vine, climbing rose, clematis, Amur grapes, ivy, honeysuckle, nightshade, wisteria.

For effective growth and reproduction this kind of curly beauties is a must create a solid support with your own hands, preferably a mesh type. So the plants will develop and reach up much faster. The trench should be half a meter from the frame.

All green r curly asthenia be sure to undergo regular pruning, as they have intensive growth. You can not neglect this action, otherwise the overgrown bindweed will look neglected and shapeless.

annual climbing plants

Good because after winter in a new place you can plant a different species and create a new exterior. One year olds include: sweet pea, nasturtium, dolichos, morning glory, kobe, ornamental beans, lobed echinocystis, ornamental pumpkin.

Sometimes annuals bindweed is used to close gaps in long-growing fences of perennial individuals. One-year-olds are planted in the soil directly from the seed and only after the onset of a persistent frost-free climate.

Live fences from coniferous trees and bushes

Conifers are used for do-it-yourself hedges in cases where it is necessary to protect the territory of the dacha from uninvited visitors, and these can be both people and various wild and domestic animals.

The unfavorable factors include the fact that coniferous hedges grow for quite a long time, it will take about 3-4 years, and fences from living needles constantly have the same appearance, they do not bloom.

D to eliminate the second disadvantage against the background of fairly tall plants with needles, colored plants are planted to diversify the appearance of the green fence.

Very common in our region coniferous hedge from thuja. The plant serves as a reliable barrier, holds snow, masks unsightly buildings. Exactly this unpretentious plant from a number of conifers, with proper care, it never fades, needles do not fall from it.

Used for landing as a hedge and spruce, which in our country is represented by varieties: Siberian, eastern, gray and purple. The plant has a spreading crown and completely closes the view.

As impenetrable living thickets juniper plant works well, the needles of which can even have a lilac tint. Such a plant can grow up to 200 years. Scaly and Chinese types of juniper are very common due to their resistance to frosty weather.

Deciduous shrubs and trees for hedges

Often n apply the planting of a common hornbeam. In order to quickly achieve a dense fence without empty zones, young seedlings that have reached half a meter in height are taken for planting. You can start to form them after two years of growth.

Well growing and developing in swampy and damp soils, a willow hedge. For her, a frame is prepared in advance, on which two-year-old woody seedlings are tied up during planting. In a couple of years, such a fence will turn into a dense wall.

A beautiful and elegant living fence can be formed from hawthorn bushes. Pretty mature seedlings are chosen for planting, which are 4–5 years old. The following year, they are subject to complete pruning to the state of a stump.

Rose hips when using them as a hedge, can reach a height of about three meters. They are planted initially in one row, as the plant grows rapidly and goes beyond the designated limits. The plant should be treated with drugs from powdery mildew, aphids, ticks. Needs periodic pruning to shape.

Plants of medium and low growth for a hedge in the country

Decorative hedges can be of medium and low growth, shaped and unshaped. You can protect the garden and flower beds from dust and wind gusts with the help of various types of shrubs.

Black and red elderberry bushes grow very quickly and give lush shoots, it must be constantly pruned, otherwise the hedge will look disheveled.

Hydrangea arborescens forms an unusually flowering and attractive hedge for giving. For planting, it is better to purchase seedlings grown directly in the nursery, the plant reaches a height of up to 1.5 m.

The viburnum fence will delight the eye all spring with a living abundance of pink foam from the petals on the bushes. Landings look very effective against the background of the second tier of conifers trees.

Lilac fence after two years forms such a dense growth of shoots and branches, which becomes completely impassable either for humans or for all kinds of animals. To increase the density even more, it is recommended to intertwine the overgrown shoots with each other, securing them with wire or a strong cord.

Grow hedges in the courtyard of the cottage with becoming more and more popular, because in addition to being useful, such impromptu fences allow the development of creativity in a person who undertook such a painting business.

The creation of a protective fence is a necessity for the protection of the owner of his land. An important factor determining the choice of materials for the fence is the type of material used. The most environmentally friendly raw materials -. But here the question also arises of which seedlings are better to choose, how to properly plant and maintain an attractive appearance.

What plants are best for making hedges

Variants of trees or shrubs for the formation of green protection are divided into varieties, breeds, species. Living materials are divided according to growth, crown splendor, flowering time, soil requirements, climate, and so on.

The use of a living fence is required when:

  • the desire to hide your allotment from prying eyes;
  • external boundary of the territory;
  • designation of the boundaries of the land;
  • space zoning;
  • decoration of a flower garden, borders of paths.

If the owner wants to make the fence tighter, it is recommended to plant vegetation in several rows.

It is allowed to create a fence from several types of material, combine different varieties. But it should be borne in mind: flowering time, growth rate, frost resistance, survival on the ground, demanding care.

When choosing seedlings for a hedge, you should focus on the characteristics of the vegetation:

  1. Compliance to mechanical processing. Most trees, shrubs, and grasses require regular trimming. This is necessary not only to give a neat look, but also to create various forms, to maintain the health of the fence. Sick, frostbitten, dried, bare fences very often die or have to be cut "to zero", growing a bush, a tree again.
  2. Need for care. If the owner of the territory does not have enough time for systematic pruning of vegetation, varieties should be purchased that retain their external qualities and do not get sick without cutting.
  3. Shade tolerance. The location of the hedge is determined by what seedlings love more: sun, shade, partial shade, light shade. If a photophilous plant put in a shady place, most likely it will die. Some subspecies slow growth rate or do not bloom without sunlight.
  4. Claims to the quality of the soil. Not all shrubs, trees take root well on any type of soil. The degree of acidity, humidity, friability, the composition of the earth on the site affects whether the planted fence will grow, bloom, fruit.
  5. The need for supplementation. Experienced gardeners it is recommended to regularly apply fertilizers inside the soil in order to feed the fence, feed it with useful microelements, improve the condition and growth rate. It is not necessary to fertilize absolutely all breeds, there are the least whimsical in this issue varieties.

What is the best to make a high hedge from:

  • undersized - grow up to 1 meter, are used to determine the boundaries of the territory planted with a lawn, design paths, flower beds;
  • medium - length is 1-2 meters, designed for zoning space;
  • tall - otherwise called "living walls", reach a height of more than 2 meters, determine the boundaries of the site, protect the allotment from the intrusion of uninvited guests, hide it from prying eyes.

By external state There are two main groups of seedlings: those requiring shearing and free-growing. In the first case, it is necessary to systematically produce machining plants, in the second - leave the bush or tree alone, since they will not harm themselves, even if they are not mechanically processed in any way, never.

Hedges are divided according to the expected number of planting rows. Single-row fencing is easier to plant, care for, and water. Multi-row fences look much more spectacular, more beautiful, and are more protective.

What types of plants are better to choose, the rules for caring for hedges

Plants are able to maintain an attractive appearance all year round.

When creating a living protective fence made of coniferous species, two main goals are achieved: the decorative effect of the structure, the level of noise isolation. The landing density directly affects such a function as protecting the space from the penetration of unwanted guests or animals. Evergreen vegetation does not have a high growth rate.

High growth or low growth for the period of all 12 months does not completely shed its greenery, leaving a bare trunk, which increases its decorative qualities. Trees are not particularly demanding in care, unpretentious to the soil. Different varieties can grow from 15 to 70 meters. Breeds of wood are different in shape, color, number and size of cones.

It is a very common coniferous tree that looks great as part of a green fence. There are about 70 subspecies of the plant. It differs in height, density, splendor. Some varieties require the least care from their owner: virgin, Chinese, common, Cossack, scaly juniper. These varieties have a high degree of resistance to pests, weather events, diseases. Growth varies in relation to the variety from 1.5 to 10 meters. It is unpretentious to the composition of the soil, but it does not develop well in “heavy” territories, it is recommended in such a situation to make soil drainage.

It cannot be grown under urban conditions, but in a country house or a suburban area it will get along well, grow well. It has a conical shape, a powerful root system, flat view needles. The buds mature in a completely upright position, which bear fruit in the first year, disintegrate to release the seed. After 2-3 years of planting inside the soil, fertilizers are applied in the spring. Watering is plentiful, about 3 times in one season. But you can not pour too much water - waterlogging is detrimental to fir.

You should choose resistant to cold, unpretentious to care. They differ in decorative appearance: ordinary, mountain, Weymouth. The branches of the plant do not push, only one branch will grow at the place of pruning. The material cannot be bought in unverified places, as the risk of fraud increases: they sell forest species of pines. For hedges, it is better to choose seedlings with a well-developed root system.

Yew - this is the best option to increase the chances of experiencing frost, drought, heat, cold. Prefers shady places. A tree that is not particularly difficult to care for, landing is done at a distance of 20-50 centimeters. There is no need to water often, as the plant is not the most moisture-loving. It does not need to be cut often, a free-growing plant does not lose its decorative qualities, does not get sick due to lack of a haircut. Landing is carried out in early spring, starting in April. To protect the root system from undue stress, it should be planted with the soil clods with which the seedlings were purchased. Pretentious to the composition of the airspace. Every spring it is recommended to apply fertilizer inside the soil. It is better to cover young seedlings for the winter period, since at a young age the tree does not survive negative temperatures and frosts.

Western is resistant to harsh weather conditions, a variety of varieties, forms. It lends itself perfectly to a haircut, which allows you to create almost any shape. Planted at a distance of at least 40 centimeters from each other. After 7 years of growth and mechanical processing, a dense, beautiful protective fence will form on the site. Undemanding to the ground, but the best way develops on loamy, sandy, sandy soil. Very resistant tree in relation to pests, diseases, winds, gases. Does not prefer only sunlight, forms a dense plantation. Creates healing effect due to the release of phytoncides into the air, the destruction harmful substances, microbes in airspace. Maximum free growth, in accordance with the subspecies, can be from 4 to 15 meters, but for the construction of live protection they maintain a length in the range of 1.5 - 3.5 meters.

If the owner of the land plot wants to see on such deciduous plants, then you should also familiarize yourself with a number of greens with enhanced characteristics.

Deciduous Thunberg - fast growing shrub with bright red shoots, great choice for country house. Depending on the variety, it is possible to make a medium or high hedge. It gets along well in almost any territory, is fast-growing, frost-resistant, loves sunlight. The fruits are set every year, even without much care for the vegetation. Seedlings are immersed in the ground in the autumn after the leaves have fallen. The lower part of the shrub practically does not grow bald, there is no need to water frequently. Bushes less than 3 years old should be covered during the winter.

during the summer and autumn will delight the eye with colorful foliage. The crown has an openwork appearance, which increases the decorative qualities of the protective structure, dense. Blooms in the second half of May and the first part of July, not very lush, pale, in the form of a small inflorescence. It bears fruit in the form of dryish boxes, inside which seeds are located. There is information about the poisonousness of the seeds, however, in order to get poisoned, you need to eat a fairly large number of them. Demanding on the quality of the soil, friability, however, does not tolerate excess moisture. Strongly attracts pests. Young shoots stand out brightly with a green or brown crust.

Privet ( wolfberry ) It lends itself well to mechanical processing, but for the winter it should be sheltered from frost. Grows up to 5 meters in height. It is malleable to mechanical processing, takes root well. Planting this type of plant allows you to quickly form a high-quality green fence with dense trunks, fleshy branches and elliptical leaves. It is necessary to periodically fertilize, systematically water, and the haircut is carried out once at the stage of the first formation of the crown. Fruits in September - October, sometimes in the month of October, and the fruits are preserved for all winter time. Grows well in full sun and light shade.

It blooms small, but the aesthetic appearance is determined by the lush crown, which changes shade closer to autumn. Also in the autumn, red berries are tied, which will decorate the bush until the onset of frost. Easy to cut, holds its shape well. It grows up to 2 meters, with free development it can grow up to 3 meters. Unpretentious to the type of soil, tolerates a lack of watering, easily survives the winter.

Bush attracts the eye during the fruiting period. Fruits grow in different colors: red, yellow orange tint creates a colorful picture. As autumn approaches, the foliage becomes brighter. Differs in the presence of a large number of trunks, durability. Perfectly takes root on any land, tolerates frost, drought, a little shade. To increase the growth rate, as well as decorative, sanitary characteristics, bushes should be planted on illuminated sunbeams places with soil drainage, fertilize regularly. Landing is carried out on a trench line, about 60 centimeters deep. The width of the digging is directly dependent on the expected number of rows of live fence.

Forsythia pieces are distinguished by increased decorative qualities, is used most often in the formation of a dense hedge. Grows up to 3 meters, flowering begins early. Flowers form golden yellow shade. Not pretentious in terms of care, as well as the quality of the soil on land plot. Grows well in any land, in any climate. Do not water too much, otherwise the plant will get sick or even die. It is necessary to carry out a sanitary haircut every time immediately after the end of the flowering period. Otherwise, the shrub will stretch and begin to bloom much worse.

Withstands moderate frosts, will not survive the very cold winter wind, early spring sunshine. It has a low growth rate, the crown is dense, shiny. It flowers beautifully, and the fruits are formed with black seeds. It grows well in shaded areas, in general it tolerates both shade and sun.

hedge planting technology

The first step in creating a living barrier structure is to draw up technical drawing. This diagram indicates the proposed location of the future fence, the distance between seedlings for planting, the number of rows, tiers. This step is necessary in order to accurately calculate the amount of raw materials needed.

Materials should not be purchased from dubious places, there is a risk that the seller will give a seedling, diseased seedling, tree or bush of the same species, but of a different variety, that is not appropriate for planting. All of these, individually or in combination, can cause substantial harm, since the planted structure can die almost immediately or spoil general form. The owner will not get what he expects. Seedlings are recommended to be purchased in specialized stores, nurseries.

When the choice fell on the breed of vegetation, care should be taken about the composition of the soil. No matter how unpretentious the plant is, fertilized soil with a balanced level of acidity will help accelerate the growth rate, reduce the risk of disease, and improve the degree of flowering and fruiting. Ultimately, an adult tree or shrub, which was carried out certain control look much better than no care at all. Also rising performance: the intended purpose of the fence will be performed better.

Along the perimeter of the territorial allotment, marking the location of the future fence is applied using a stretched rope.

Dig a trench or individual holes under the bushes, apply fertilizer.

The final step is watering under the root of the plant.

Experienced gardeners recommend regular mechanical processing of seedlings during the first 1-2 years of growth. In order for the soil to retain moisture longer, it is possible to mulch the earth by introducing sawdust, leaf humus, and peat into the soil. Next, it will be necessary to systematically water the vegetation, cut it.

Video instruction for creating and shaping a green hedge:

A summer cottage is a place that every owner country house can decorate and equip as he wants. If you connect your imagination and spend a little time and effort, you can make a suburban area beautiful and cozy.

For example, instead of the ordinary and boring, you can build a hedge, which will become a real decoration of the territory. It is also worth noting that the fence of green plants will protect the site from prying eyes and noise, reduce the penetration of exhaust gases and dust from the street.

Types of hedge

By size, plant hedges are divided into three types.

type of hedgeDescription
bordersThey differ in small height (up to 1 meter), lush bushes are most often used for this type of fence. They are mainly used for decorative purposes to highlight areas of the yard space.
HedgesTo create this type of fence, tall plants (from 1 to 3 meters) are used, characterized by slow growth and good branching.
living wallsPlants that are planted to create walls at the boundaries of the site should be distinguished by a deep root system, good branching, and shade tolerance. Height - from 3 to 5 meters. These living fences perfectly protect the site from noise and dust, prevent the penetration of strangers from the street.

Also, plants are perfectly combined with fences made of various materials: wood, metal, natural stone, plastic.

The fence in the summer cottage does not have to be made high and monumental, you can create an unusual and festive fence of flowers. Openwork will serve as a frame for the structure, and climbing flowering plants will serve as decoration.

Materials and tools for the construction of a lattice wooden fence structure

  1. Posts to support sections (40 by 40 mm). You can use round or square bar. Height - 1.5 meters. A third of the timber should be dug into the ground, which will ensure the stability of the structure.
  2. Planks for mounting the crate.
  3. Cross bars.
  4. Wood preservative.
  5. Rope and stakes to ensure correct marking.
  6. Screwdriver and wood screws.
  7. Cement mortar and crushed stone for fixing the pillars.

Step 1. Marking the location of the fence

For these purposes, stakes and ropes are used. It is advisable to correctly mark the length of the protective structure in advance in order to accurately calculate the amount of wood and poles for the fence sections.

Step 2 Installing the Poles

On the equal distance holes are dug from each other with a depth of more than half a meter. It is desirable that the supports are located at a distance of 1200 -1500 mm from each other. Since the height of the fence is 2 meters, you need to dig the pillars into the ground by 70-80 cm. Do not make the pits too wide, as you will need a lot of rubble and cement to fix the pillars.

Before immersing the pillars in the ground, the wood must be thoroughly impregnated. The pillars are installed in a horizontal position, the pits are covered with rubble and filled with cement mortar. This will ensure high-quality fixation of the supports. So that in the process of drying the solution the pillars do not mow, you can strengthen them with wooden spacers.

Step 3. Installation of fence sheets

This stage is performed after the concrete has hardened. First, with the help of self-tapping screws, the upper and lower transverse strips are screwed to the posts. Together with the supports, they form the power frame of the fence. The upper planks are fastened below the tops of the pillars by 15-20 cm. The lower ones are at a distance of 20-30 cm from the ground.

Step 4. Mounting the crate of wooden planks

Since the fence is made specifically to support climbing plants, the crate should be with large cells. Plant shoots should easily penetrate the holes in order to completely hide the wooden structure. Wooden planks laid crosswise are best fastened together with small self-tapping screws. This will give the whole structure stability and strength.

Prices for different types of building boards

Building boards

Step 5. Wood processing

After the fence is ready, you need to without fail treat the tree with a deep impregnation antiseptic. This is necessary to protect the wood from moisture and pests, especially if the planks are densely covered with plants.

Step 6. Landscaping

After installing the fence, you can start landscaping and designing the structure. If the owner of the cottage loves bright and densely flowering plants, then you can decorate the hedge with the help of climbing roses, barberries, hydrangeas, spireas.

Video - 8 ways to decorate a chain-link fence

Plastic mesh for creating a hedge

Plastic is a fairly strong material that can easily withstand changes in weather conditions, high humidity. If you want to protect the suburban area in an original and affordable price, then you can use a special plastic mesh for climbing plants for these purposes. The advantages of such a fence are obvious.

  1. Light weight.
  2. Corrosion resistance.
  3. Ease of installation and installation.
  4. Affordable price.
  5. Variety of sizes and colors plastic sheet.
  6. Good light and water permeability.
  7. Thermal resistance.
  8. Strength and durability.

Installation of plastic mesh to support hedges

Tools and materials

Step 1. Since the canvas itself plastic fencing it is light in weight, it is not required to deepen the pillars much. It is desirable to have supports at a distance of 1.5-2 meters from each other. To install the pillars, you need to dig holes with a depth of 40-50 cm. After installing the pillars, crushed stone must be poured into the recesses and cement mortar should be poured. Such structures dry for 2-3 days.

Step 2 After the pillars are firmly fixed in the ground, you can proceed with the installation of the plastic sheet. The canvas does not need to be cut into pieces. If metal pipes were used for the supports, then special hooks can be welded on them, for which the mesh will be attached. If welding is not possible, then ordinary plastic clamps can be used.

Step 3 When installing the mesh, it is important to observe a uniform tension of the material. The canvas must not sag. If the distance between the supports is more than 1.5 meters, then it is advisable to use a wire that will serve as the upper and lower stiffeners. The wire is stretched along the upper and lower edges of the grid, attached to the posts.

Step 4. The connection of the mesh sheets must pass along the supports. You can not build up the canvas between the pillars.

Step 5. After the mesh fence is installed, you can start planting the structure. Plastic is a durable material, it can easily withstand the weight of grapes, ivy, honeysuckle, campsis. These perennials will become a real decoration of the personal plot and will reliably cover the territory from prying eyes.

A living arch would be appropriate next to the hedge

Video - Installation of a plastic mesh

Prices for various types of plastic mesh for the fence

plastic mesh

If for some reason the site owner does not want to install a standard wooden fence or, but dreams of a reliable and high fence, you can pay attention to the hedge on the earthen rampart. Plants, coniferous or deciduous, are densely planted on a cushion of earth.

This method of creating a hedge has many advantages: the territory of the site is reliably isolated by an earth embankment. The shaft allows trees to be planted at higher elevations, which shortens the time it takes for plants to reach a certain height. But there are also disadvantages in this method of fencing the territory: a shaft of earth can take up quite a lot of space.

Creation of an earthen rampart

Step 1. A site is selected on which a hedge will be installed on a hill. The width of the shaft can vary from 50 cm to 1 meter.

Step 2. A frame for an earthen rampart is created. To prevent the earth from crumbling, it is required to create a double-sided frame made of bricks or natural stone. Earth will be poured between bricks or masonry. The side of the masonry, which is located closer to the site, should be half as high as the second side of the masonry. For example, the height of the inner masonry is 1 meter, the outer one is 50 cm.

Step 3 Between the masonry, the earth is filled up, into which coniferous or deciduous trees are later planted.

The resulting shaft tilt provides a runoff excess moisture, a side walls prevent subsidence of the soil.

It is worth knowing that the construction of such a fence is a rather laborious process and requires a lot of time and effort, especially if you need to fence large plot. But, the hedge, which acts as an impregnable bastion, will eventually protect the summer cottage from outside visits and views no worse than a metal or wooden fence.