Fence with grass. From what it is better to make a hedge, fast-growing, perennial, green. Prices for different types of building boards

Many amateur gardeners believe that fast-growing hedge- this is an unattainable limit of dreams. However, this is not entirely true, since modern agrotechnical means make it possible to achieve the desired result in a short time. Many of them are very affordable and can be used in local climatic conditions.

When choosing a hedge for yourself, be prepared for the fact that it will bring not only benefits, but also a lot of time. The main one will be the painstaking work of pruning bushes. Some varieties will have to be cut every 2 weeks, or even every 10 days. The reason for this is the appearance of new shoots on the branches, which, as luck would have it, will grow in the most inappropriate and most noticeable places. Therefore, the main thing that a gardener will have to stock up on is patience!

Name Flowering time, flowers Notes
rose wrinkled April-August, white, pink, red flowers bright foliage in autumn, decorative persistent fruits
Forsythia April-May, yellow flowers very bright flowering, before leafing out
Barberry June-July, yellow and pink leaves of different colors in different varieties, very decorative in autumn
Hawthorn June, white, pink, scarlet, there are terry forms decorative fruits and leaves in autumn
decorative apple tree May, white, pink ornamental bright red or yellow fruits
Lilac May-June, white, blue, pink, purple, bicolor flowers has a strong and pleasant aroma
viburnum May-June, white there is a decorative form - bulldenezh (large spherical inflorescences)
Japonica may, orange, red ornamental fruit, foliage green until late autumn
Irga May, white, pink lush flowering, bright foliage in autumn, beautiful and tasty berries

Weaving annuals and their features

As you understand, not every hedge is fast-growing. It is the weaving annuals that show the highest growth rate. Some of them can grow to the height of a three-meter wall in just a season, but they all have one significant drawback inherent in their definition.

The last plus in favor of annual weaving plants is that they do not require pruning, unlike shrubs, which.

Shrubs and shrub crops

Fast growing shrubs for hedges - ideal for those who are not particularly limited in time. So, to create such a fence, it will take at least a couple of years to get at least a low, but hedge that does not require annual planting of new plants.

On a note! A compromise between shrubs and weaving annuals in this case can be ivy. Its foliage is much more lush than many annuals, but this plant is very ambiguous. It does not tolerate the scorching sun and does not tolerate shade.

Best shrubs for fast growing hedges:

  1. Teren;
  2. dogwood;
  3. viburnum vesicle;
  4. some varieties.

In addition to rapidly growing shoots that form impenetrable thickets, most of them also produce nutritious fruits a few years after active cultivation.

Advice! In order to grow more leafy mass in the early years, these plants will need to be pruned frequently. The more often you do this, the thicker their branches will grow, which means that the amount of foliage will increase in proportion.

Best flowering shrubs for hedges:

  1. roses;
  2. ;
  3. decorative golden currant;
  4. yellow acacia;
  5. rose hip;
  6. .

They do not bloom all season, so in order for the bush to look neat and attractive, wilted inflorescences will have to be promptly removed. As an alternative for them can be considered fast growing evergreen hedge .

Trees and tree crops for perennial hedges:

In fact, tree seedlings can also be used instead of shrubs for hedges. For its formation, their constant pruning will be required so that the plant willy-nilly turned into a dwarf. Ideal contenders for this:

  1. aspen;
  2. eucalyptus.

Eucalyptus will make a fast growing perennial evergreen hedge. But this plant also has its drawback - it does not tolerate low temperatures, and therefore it will grow reluctantly in latitudes with a subtropical and temperate climate and will require shelter for the winter. Others may also have problems. They will also often have to be trimmed, but they will grow faster due to the fact that they do not fall asleep for the winter.

For example, you can use spruce of various varieties, including common, prickly and Canadian, Chinese and columnar, Lawson's cypress and pea-like, as well as western.

It is worth noting that from such trees it will not be possible to get a fence that is as flat as a wall, which is formed shrubs. But, for example, a shrub can be obtained from a willow. This is done by simply cutting the trunk, after which the side branches actively begin to grow.

Another feature of treelike plants is that they form a fairly high hedge, so they are best used for. They are also suitable for masking located on unsightly objects such as auxiliary buildings, such as and.

Fast growing hedge: combinations and landscape compositions

An evergreen fast growing hedge is also an inexhaustible source of inspiration for professional gardeners. From it, craftsmen create a wide variety of forms. Thanks to this, they can not only create endless labyrinths of regular geometry, but also intricate shapes.

For example, spherical objects are popular, compositionally complementing the hedge on the site, bushes trimmed in the shape of regular pyramids and even complex artificial forms.

Another option for using the same plant material is the arrangement of multi-level hedges. To create them, plantings are carried out not in one row, but in two or more. At the same time, they look most impressive when rows planted in parallel have a color of various shades.

Idea! Alternatively, a row of tall plants with dark foliage or needles is planted in the first year, and a row of low shrubs with a brighter or lighter color is planted the next season or immediately before it..

On a note! Hedges created on the basis of the same crops, but with different leaf colors, look no less impressive, an example of which is

The choice of shrubs must be approached very carefully, but before you decide to purchase seedlings, be sure to find out about the pros and cons, the main characteristics of fast-growing types. This will allow you to understand where to make a hedge, what possible problems you may have when leaving, and much, much more.

  • Advantages. First of all, most of the fast-growing shrubs are characterized by a certain height. And if varieties of plants that grow slowly can grow above the designated standards, then these species cannot. They are also characterized by a high frequency of growth and excellent density. But the most important advantage is the high growth rate, and that is why such shrubs are chosen by those who want to grow an impenetrable "green fence" on their site as soon as possible.
  • The disadvantages include the fact that such shrubs are difficult to change in the process of their growth. And all due to the high speed, which leads to difficulties in the process of forming bushes. But in many ways, the general appearance of the hedge depends on the appearance of the plants.

Thus, you need to weigh the pros and cons a thousand times, consider whether you are ready to spend so much time doing all the necessary work, because creating such a fence will require a lot of labor from you.

Fast growing plants and shrubs for hedges

You will quickly get a hedge if you use willow for planting. First of all, the tree grows at an incredible rate. The second advantage is that you will be able to intertwine the branches, forming a green and dense clutter. Most of all, their unpretentiousness attracts, since these varieties of trees grow on almost any soil, quickly take root and tolerate a haircut. The most famous varieties include the well-known weeping willow, red willow, goat and purple willow. Perfect for creating a barberry hedge, which will not only serve as a “fence”, but will also bring practical benefits in the form of berries from which you can make delicious jams. A quick hedge will also be made from a plant such as a thorn, which will become a real obstacle to animals and thieves, since its branches are incredibly prickly. Attracts ease of care for him, as well as undemanding plants to the conditions of detention, frost resistance. Rose hips also have many useful properties, which not only grows rapidly, but also delights you with valuable and tasty fruits. Among other things, such a shrub will attract birds to your site, which will become a real protection against harmful insects. Decorative varieties of shrubs have also found their wide application, which, although they do not have much practical use, can become a magnificent decoration of the garden. So, they include, which, with proper care, will reach three meters in height, various types of viburnum vesicle, lilac.

Proper fit and care is the key to obtaining a spectacular result

As we have already said, when planting fast-growing breeds, you need to be as careful and accurate as possible, especially when it comes to shaping (cutting) a bush. Otherwise, you can run the plant hard, then you will either have to spend a huge amount of time and effort on its restoration, or uproot the whole bush. First of all, it’s worth starting with a landing. So, we mark the territory in advance and, just in case, be sure to create its borders with the help of a rope. After that, we dig small ditches for planting seedlings, while their dimensions should be larger than the seedlings. When planting, be sure to ensure that the root system is intact, otherwise, this can lead to the fact that the plant simply withers. Be sure to use mineral fertilizers, and after planting the seedlings, water your hedge abundantly for three weeks.

Even though you have selected fast growing shrubs for your hedge, don't expect them to reach their maximum size the following year.

This should take at least three to four years. to give the desired shape, be sure to stretch the wire along the line of the desired height. You will need to cut exactly at its level, and not do everything “by eye”, otherwise you will not get the perfect shape. At the same time, pruning of shrubs is necessary only in summer, so that the fast-growing hedge does not have “bald spots” at the roots.

At that time, they were treated with great respect, it was believed that fairies, elves and other kind fairy-tale creatures were hiding in the crowns of trees, protecting the territory from adversity.

Plantings perform the following functions:

  • retention of water in the soil due to the reduction of the drying effect of winds;
  • even distribution of snow in winter and slow melting in spring;
  • reduction of mechanical damage caused by wind to plants located inside the fenced area;
  • protection of livestock from bad weather and heat;
  • preventing snow from covering roads;
  • the habitat of birds that destroy harmful insects.

Experienced gardeners believed that a properly laid and grown hedge is much more reliable and durable than the most durable fences. Their only drawback is the unsatisfactory development of some plants, which must be taken into account when designing the site.

The hedge looks especially beautiful in the summer, it not only protects the site from prying eyes, but also ensures the formation of certain zones for various purposes.

A fast-growing hedge plays an important role in landscape design, reaching the required height in a short period.

Trees, climbing plants and shrubs can be used for a green fence. For arranging a hedge, you can use several varieties of plantings, which are selected in such a way that the green fence in all areas is of the same density and height.

It must be taken into account that different types of plantings grow at different rates.

How to make a drip irrigation system from a plastic bottle with your own hands, find out.

Species and varieties

The following plants are used to create a fast-growing perennial hedge:

Willow. It grows quickly, the pliable branches of the tree are easily intertwined. The plant gets along well in various climatic zones, feels good on different soils. In wetlands with high humidity, willow quickly forms a wide root system.

Weeping willow is most suitable for weaving branches, the best effect is achieved when weaving branches of the following varieties: goat, purple, holly willow and red.

Barberry. In addition to the decorative effect, barberries can bring significant benefits; berries grow on their branches, from which jams and jams can be made. The shrub can be cut, given almost any shape, a hedge is quickly formed from the thorn. Common varieties: Thunberg barberry, Kornik, Red Chief, Atropurpurea, Superba, Golden Rocket.

Rosehip and tea rose. The plant has many useful properties; when planting, it is allowed to alternate bushes through one or in a certain configuration. Rosehip grows rapidly, the fruits contain many useful substances, drinks from berries are very useful in winter.

The most common varieties are Junzilla, Mont Blanc, Scabrosa, Robin Hood, Ballerina, Resonance.

Derain is white. The shrub is a hedge, the height of which very quickly reaches 3 m, the given growth can be maintained at 1.2 m. The flower baskets have a milky hue, flowering occurs twice a summer: in June and August. The hedge grows well in any light, the shrub is hardy, does not require frequent watering.

Deren feels great on soils with a close location of groundwater to the surface. To prevent the hedge from growing in width, the lower branches must be trimmed regularly. The shrub allows you to grow picturesque green fences of different heights.

The shrub is large in size, its length can reach 3 m in height, length - up to 4 m, the hedge is dense in winter and dense in summer. Decorative effect is achieved due to arched shoots with foliage of different colors, the shade of which depends on the variety.

The plant feels best on acidic and neutral soils, the shrub is drought and frost resistant, not affected by harmful insects and diseases. The vesicle is represented by two main varieties: red-leaved and yellow-leaved.

The shrub is often used to create a figured hedge, the flowers have a greenish tint, the fruits are red, have no taste. The plant is resistant to frost and winds, does not tolerate dryness and heat. With regular fertilization, dense foliage is formed, from which curly compositions are easily created.

Common varieties: marble, cut-leaved, variegated, glossy.

Turn. The plant has dense beautiful leaves, the fruits of dark blue color have a pleasant sweet and sour taste. The tree is unpretentious, has high winter hardiness, you can hide an ugly building or fence behind a thorn.

thuja. In central Russia, different varieties of thuja are widely used, it grows well in the shade, is frost-resistant, and is not demanding on the soil. The plant is well suited for pyramidal and columnar hedges (Brabant, Holmstrap, Smaragd). Thuja tolerates haircuts well, after which the crown becomes thicker, a hedge of various shapes can be formed from the plant.

Cotoneaster. Cotoneaster horizontalis a shrub up to 50 cm high, the shoots of which can stretch to a width of up to 1.5 m. The flowering period occurs at the end of May, lasts about three weeks, the flowers are inconspicuous, have a bright pink color with a red tint, the fruits are unsuitable for food.

The most famous varieties are: ordinary (whole-edge), many-flowered, pressed, chokeberry and red-fruited, shiny horizontal.

Hedges from these plants, see the photo:


Many hedge plants are propagated by seed, so you can buy one seedling to start with and see how it develops. If everything suits you, then you can collect seeds from the fruits and start growing planting material.

Usually, fast-growing 2-3 year old plants are used to form a hedge, while buying large bushes is not recommended, as they do not tolerate transplanting well.

Plants around the perimeter of the site do not have to be the same, large shrubs can be planted on the north side, and small light-loving plants on the south side. On the western and eastern side, you can create a hedge of medium height from medium-sized crops.

A good time to plant fast growing hedge plants is early spring and fall.

The best time to plant is early spring, before the buds begin to open. Planting can also begin in the fall, but no later than mid-October, at the same time of the year, a site for a hedge is being prepared. If bushes are planned to be planted at the same time, the site should be prepared 10-12 days before the start of planting.

For a sheared hedge, trenches are dug 50-70 cm deep; during planting, it is necessary to ensure that the roots do not bend, and the root collar rises slightly above ground level. The width of the trench for uniform planting should be 50 cm, for 2-row - 70 cm, for 3-row - 90 cm.

Gone are the days when neighbors tried to separate plots from each other with high fences. Now hedges are used for these purposes - they both look attractive and protect from the winds quite reliably. True, a hedge in a country house is unlikely to help against unwanted penetration, since its main purpose is an aesthetic function and zoning of the site.

How to plant a multi-row hedge

Long monotonous coniferous hedges are as boring as a long fence, but they can be varied, as one option is to create multi-row hedges. Low-growing shrubs are planted in the first row, and taller ones (for example, sod, hazel, linden, hairy lilac) are planted in the second and third rows. Some levels can be cut, some can be allowed to grow freely, this will be a good contrast.
Here is an example of such a hedge of conifers and perennial shrubs:

1st row - sheared low hedge of gray spirea 1 m high;

2nd row - free-growing mock oranges of the Mont Blanc variety, 2 m high, blooming in mid-May for three weeks; as an alternative, you can use a collection of green-leaved mock oranges, different varieties will bloom at different times, the total duration of flowering of this series will increase to a month;

3rd row - light purple and dark purple lilacs 4-5 m high, blooming in mid-May.

In multi-row perennial hedges, a combination of contrastingly colored plants looks spectacular (for example, a combination of light green and dark purple foliage looks interesting, yellow-leaved shrubs will sparkle brightly against the background of dark needles).
As you can see in the photo, in hedges, the combination of hardwood and coniferous species looks just great and very unusual:

And how to plant a hedge in several rows? If you plant varieties of the same plant that are different in color in one row, for example, differently colored varieties of western thuja, viburnum vesicle, barberry are suitable for this option, then you get the so-called marble sheared hedge.

The best hedge is one in which plants combine not only from an aesthetic point of view, but also have similar biological characteristics - growth rate, relation to light, moisture, soil composition.

The hedge with inserts of vines looks original, while not taking up much space.

If hedges intersect at right angles, then one of them can be with dark green glossy leaves, for example, from brilliant cotoneaster, and the other with matte light green leaves, for example, from arguta spirea.

It is not necessary that the top line of the hedge be parallel to the ground.

A green wall of medium height will be created by brilliant cotoneaster, tall varieties and types of barberry, as well as spring-blooming types of spirea - Van Gutt's spirea, gray, oak-leaved arguta.

Well, low green border hedges can be made from Kuril tea (cinquefoil), Thunberg barberry and low types of spirea - Japanese spirea and Bumald, as well as low and medium varieties of western thuja and privet, including its yellow-leaved form.

Curb hedges are especially often used when creating parterres; they are also good as bordering the sheared row of the composition, making it more spectacular and neat.

Which thuja is best suited for hedges

In central Russia, to create a hedge with your own hands, the best plants are pyramidal and columnar varieties of western arborvitae and common juniper, as well as varieties and types of spruce.

Western arborvitae are shade-tolerant, frost-resistant, not demanding on soils - they will grow on clay and sand, in dry and waterlogged places, but, of course, they will be most beautiful on good garden soil with sufficient moisture.

Generic plants grown from seeds are relatively cheap, but naturally not as luxurious as varietal ones. Material for a thuja hedge can be grown not only from seeds, but also from cuttings; recently, thujas 50-60 cm high have also been sold cheaply by network hypermarkets. A hedge is planted at a distance of 50 cm, in the first year they are not cut.

In the second or even third year, they cut the tops for better tillering. In the third year, in addition to the top, side shoots are also cut. Tui grow continuously throughout the season, they can be cut 2-3 times a season.

Tui crowns are naturally dense and dense, so the formation of a hedge is quite easy. It is best to cut them at the end of June after the active spring growth of the shoots is completed. It is desirable to make the hedge profile trapezoidal.

Which thuja is best for hedges in the middle lane? The most chic variety is the columnar thuja "Smaragd". Its needles do not turn red and do not turn brown either in autumn or winter, retaining a juicy emerald color throughout the year, but it grows more slowly than other varieties. This thuja variety does not tolerate shearing, keep it loose.

And which thujas are suitable for trimmed hedges in our conditions? Thuja "Braband" tolerates even a radical haircut, but is prone to abundant fruiting, which looks sloppy.

What is a hedge and at what distance should it be planted

From what plants can you plant a hedge if thujas do not attract you? Spruce hedges look wonderful, they were once popular in Russian estates. To create it, take seedlings 50 cm high and plant at a distance of about 1 m from each other.

Do not prune in the year of planting. Starting from the second year, cut in May-June, shortening the lateral shoots by about two thirds of the length with secateurs, the apical shoot by one third. This pruning will give good branching next year.

It is important to cut the hedge regularly, since for spruce pruning of wood older than 3 years is undesirable, that is, it is impossible to fix a neglected or damaged hedge. Pruning is carried out to obtain a given height of the hedge, forming a trapezoidal or rectangular profile.

When the desired height is reached, the spruce hedge is supported by pruning with garden shears in late March - early April. The operation is repeated for all subsequent years. Thanks to this, young Christmas trees actively branch and do not become bare from below, creating an impenetrable green fence. If you plant in a hedge not species plants, but compact varieties, then they will not require a haircut, it's a pity they are expensive and grow slowly.

What else is a hedge that is easy to care for and aesthetically attractive? Junipers love the sun, tolerate drought, are resistant to frost, but will not be able to live on heavy clay soil and in flooded areas.

Species plants do not take root well, so they are not suitable for creating a hedge, you will have to buy planting material with a closed root system in the nursery. At what distance to plant a hedge of their juniper? The optimal distance is 50-80 cm from each other, in one row.

The size of the juniper in the container can be any, the optimal age of the seedling is 3-4 years. Shear junipers with scissors for cutting shrubs 1-2 times a year.

All types of hedges help to zone the garden, protect from prying eyes, emphasize the beauty of flower and shrub arrangements, close from noise, dust and wind. They are created for many years, so it is better to design, plant and grow them according to all the rules.

What shrubs can be used for hedges

Hedges can be very different: sheared or free-growing, coniferous or deciduous, made from the same species of shrubs or combined, single-row or multi-row, prickly or soft.

All hedges, both deciduous and coniferous, are made from densely leafy trees and shrubs that lend themselves well to shearing. The main thing is that the plants from which a hedge can be made have a dense crown and relatively slow growth.

Free-growing hedges look less formal than sheared ones, but require considerable space, their width is from 1 to 3 m. Most often, such hedges are created from species that have natural compact crowns.

What shrubs are used for free-growth hedges? Such hedges should include beautifully flowering and spectacularly fruiting plants that can transform the monotonous look of the “green wall” (rose hips, spindle trees, various types of spirea, Hungarian and Amur lilacs, mock orange).

In central Russia, you can also use different types of hawthorn, common elderberry, Maak and Tatar honeysuckle. From what other shrubs there is a hedge, it is from viburnum pride (common viburnum often suffers from leaf beetles), vesicles and derens.

Evergreen sheared hedge

Trimmed evergreen hedge is compact in width and therefore most suitable for smaller gardens. Creating and maintaining a clipped hedge in good condition will require material, time and physical costs, this work is not limited to planting. Once you decide to grow a sheared, or formal, hedge in your garden, you will have to work on it all your life.

It is extremely important to observe the technology of pruning plants, since gross errors made are practically not subject to correction. In addition to regular hedge trimming, it must be provided with sufficient moisture and nutrients so that the plants can make up for what is lost during pruning.

Free-growing shrubs may go unnoticed for a while, but frequently planted and regularly cut shrubs in molded hedges need to be fed and watered annually with organic and mineral fertilizers. If the soils are very fertile, they can be applied once every 3-4 years, the poor require top dressing every year. In addition to watering and fertilizing, weeding, loosening, mulching, as well as spraying from pests and diseases will be needed.

Neglect of the needs of plants affects the appearance of the hedge. Sodding of the soil around the plants in the hedge should not be allowed, trim the lawn in a timely manner, the earth at a distance of 50 cm on both sides of the hedge should be mulched.
Fences can be classified by height. High hedges are called higher than 2 m, medium - 1.5-2 m high, low - 1-1.5 m, border - 30-50 cm high.

High hedges become impassable and impenetrable to the eye with age, that is, they successfully play the role of a fence, protect against pollution and dust, as well as wind, create a special microclimate, and serve as an excellent backdrop for ornamental plants. They bring clear lines into the structure of the garden, with their help you can divide the territory of the garden into separate functional zones, mask outbuildings or a vegetable garden area.

In central Russia, high deciduous sheared hedges can be made from trees such as small-leaved linden, alpine currant, brilliant cotoneaster, spring flowering spirea, hawthorn (prickly, blood-red and plum-leaved), Ginnala maple and Tatar.

You can “construct” excellent coniferous high sheared hedges from ordinary and prickly spruces, from western arborvitae and junipers.

Coniferous hedge

A hedge of coniferous plants looks austere and is an excellent backdrop for floral or decorative leafy plants. The evergreen "fence" will reliably protect the garden from prying eyes even in winter.

Severity, uniformity, the ability to have a good haircut make the coniferous fence a welcome decoration of the garden, it always looks respectable.

The range of suitable coniferous plants that can grow in the climate of central Russia is small - this is western thuja, spruce and common juniper. Conifers grow slowly, but are expensive.
As you can see in the photo, a hedge of conifers can be cut and freely growing:

Unwanted Plants for Perennial Hedges

If one or more plants freeze in your "green fence" in some severe winter, it will lose its appearance immediately and forever, therefore, yew, privet and boxwood, so spectacular in warm Europe, we have poor candidates for "building" a living hedges. But not all hardy shrubs should be planted in hedges. With age, the lower part of the varietal lilac bush becomes bare.

It must either be covered with plants planted in front of it, or use wild-growing types of lilac, drooping, Hungarian and Amur, which are quite suitable for creating a green wall, as they grow quickly, form a dense volume, are unpretentious and resistant to pests.

Kalina is a very beautiful shrub, but, unfortunately, it suffers greatly from pests that can eat it to the ground by mid-summer; for a hedge, it is better to replace it with viburnum pride.

Also undesirable plants for hedges are silver sucker, fieldfare and decoratively flowering mapinucleus. There is another problem with them - they crawl, scatter and are able to fill the entire garden with root offspring. Of course, they can be controlled, but it is still not worth using in a hedge.

It just so happened that we are all trying to create our own little "world", protecting private land from the manifestations of the outside world - neighbors and curious passers-by, wind and noise, exhaust fumes and the hum of cars. However, not all of us are pleased with the prospect of constantly resting our eyes on an unattractive two-meter fence that outlines the boundaries of our possessions. How to make your “kingdom” inaccessible to outsiders without disturbing the natural beauty of the garden landscape? The answer to this question lies in the depths of the 18th century, when a hedge was first grown - a dense linear planting of landscape gardening plants, designed to protect and, at the same time, decorate a private area.

A green fence located on the border of your land will become a natural barrier to dust, noise and wind, as well as annoying neighbors and intruders. The hedge in the country is especially good, since it does not require such significant financial investments as the construction of a capital fence. An excellent option for a summer cottage is a free-growing hedge - it is quite easy to create it with your own hands, because it does not require periodic haircuts, like regular hedges of the correct geometric shape. Special attention deserves a hedge of roses, which will perfectly decorate the facade of the house, a gazebo or a dull fence. The fence made of girlish grapes looks spectacular - it does not need special care, and in the fall, red grape leaves will create an elegant atmosphere in the garden.

A vine hedge can serve as both a fence and a good backdrop for other landscape design elements.

Types of green hedges

Hedges have come a long way in development before finding themselves in our time. This is probably why the hedge formed with the help of ornamental plants has such a variety of types and forms.

A green hedge, formed in the form of a low curb, is an original frame for flower beds and paths

Based on such a characteristic of a hedge as height, three types of this enclosing plantation can be distinguished:

  • low borders up to 1 meter in height - for delineating the boundaries of lawns, flower beds, paths
  • hedge 1-2 meters high - for dividing the site into functional zones
  • a living wall with a height of 2 meters or more - for landing along the boundaries of the site

Depending on the intensity of the haircut, green hedges are divided into molded and free-growing. Unlike molded hedges, which are sheared into a clear geometric shape, free-growing hedges are practically not subject to correction and grow in an arbitrary direction.

A free-growing hedge of different types of shrubs will decorate the landscape of the site in a landscape style

Another parameter by which hedges are classified is the planting row. A green hedge, during the creation of which plants are planted in one line, belongs to single-row. Two and three-row hedges involve the placement of plants in several lines in the form of tiers of different heights. A single-row green hedge is formed from plants planted at an equal distance from each other. For shrubs, they adhere to a planting step of approximately 30-50 cm, for trees - from 75 to 150 cm. In a multi-row hedge, plants are planted in a checkerboard pattern, while the distance between them is respected depending on the expected crown size and height.

Multi-row cascading hedges are created with a certain amount of imagination, combining free-growing and molded “steps” from various types of shrubs and trees. A beautiful flowering fence can be created using an unshaped hedge from, shadberry, barberry and other shrubs. For planting a hedge of a mixed type, plants of the same species are used, but of a different variety - having different colors of foliage or needles. Combinations of purple and green beech, green and variegated privet or holly look good. Such multi-layered fences take up a lot of space, but more effectively protect against unwanted glances and intrusions, polluted atmosphere and highway noise.

To create a molded hedge, it is best to plant plants with small foliage - they will provide a dense surface for the fence.

In the process of shearing, green hedges can be given any shape - from geometric to rounded.

Selection of plants for a green hedge

When choosing plants for planting in the form of hedges, it is better to give preference to those that have passed the “strength test” in domestic climatic conditions. These should be hardy, hardy plants with dense foliage that recover well after shearing and have a high ability to form shoots. It is worth paying attention to trees such as maple, hornbeam, blackthorn and shrubs - privet, hawthorn, cotoneaster. Hedges from sea buckthorn, rhododendron, barberry, honeysuckle, wrinkled rose, lilac, shadberry look spectacular. To create a green hedge, plants with small foliage are selected, which, when periodically sheared, form a uniform surface.

A dense impenetrable hedge can be created from free-growing lilac and rhododendron bushes

Planting a green hedge

When choosing planting material for a hedge, you need to look at the root system and the crown of plants - the roots should not be overdried, the crown should be uniform in shape. For planting a plantation in the form of a hedge, young shrubs and trees from 3 to 6 years old are chosen, which are quite developed and can easily take root in new conditions.

Before forming a green fence, it is necessary to learn how to properly plant a hedge so that the plants do not lack sun, moisture and nutrients. In this regard, an important point is the selection of a place for planting a hedge and a season for transferring plants to open ground. As a rule, laying a hedge is done in the spring, after the soil has already dried out, or in the fall, if winter-hardy plants are chosen to form a hedge. The place for the location of the green hedge is chosen away from the buildings - at a distance of at least 2 meters and 0.5-1.5 meters from the capital fence.

Material on the requirements for the distance from the fence to buildings will also be useful:

When planting a hedge, it is necessary to dig a trench, loosen and fertilize its bottom, place a seedling and compact the ground

Before planting the hedge, it is necessary to outline the line of its location with a stretched cord. A trench is dug along the marking line with a depth of about 0.5 meters. The width of the trench depends on the row of green hedges - for single-row it is 40-50 cm, for multi-row - plus 50 cm for each subsequent row. The planting density of the hedge is influenced by the characteristics of specific plants, the expected height and the number of rows of hedges.

Dense hedges are used to create secluded places to relax on the garden plot - “green rooms”

Planting density of seedlings per 1 running meter of hedge:

  • low shrub (magonia, spirea) 5-7 bushes;
  • medium shrub (snowberry, cotoneaster) 4-5 bushes;
  • tall (2-3 m) trees and bushes (vesicle, hawthorn) 1-2 plants.

Planting a hedge of coniferous plants

When planting coniferous trees, a hole is dug with a diameter that is 2 times the size of the rhizome. Garden soil taken out when digging a hole is mixed with compost, organic fertilizer and silica, after which it is sprinkled on the bottom of the hole. Coniferous plants are most often sold in plastic containers. Before planting, the plant is carefully removed from the container and planted in open ground with an untouched earthen clod. After the tree is installed in the planting hole, it is covered with earth, which is then compacted, but not rammed. At some distance from the planting line, an irrigation ridge is formed in the form of a low mound that prevents the spread of water. At the end of planting, the plants are watered abundantly.

A hedge that delights the eye with its greenery all year round can be formed from evergreen conifers.

Planting a hedge of deciduous plants

Deciduous medium-sized or tall shrubs and trees are sold mainly with a bare root system, which is washed for several hours before planting and pruned, removing damaged and long shoots. The pit for planting is prepared in such a way as to plant the plant to a depth not exceeding that to which it was planted earlier. The earth taken out of the pit is mixed with organic fertilizers, compost and partially returned to the bottom of the pit. A bush or tree is placed in a hole and sprinkled with the remaining earth, monitoring the density of the backfill so that no voids form between the roots of the plant. If the tree has a high trunk, a supporting stake is hammered into the bottom of the pit, to a depth of about 50 cm, to which, after planting, the tree is loosely tied.

A free-growing hedge is often formed from unequally tall deciduous trees and shrubs.

Planting a shrub hedge

Low shrub seedlings are usually grown in plastic containers, which provide reliable protection for the plant's root system. This allows you not to adhere to clear deadlines for planting bushes in open ground. The hole for planting a bush is prepared taking into account the size of the rhizome of the plant and the earthy coma. When planting, the plant is released from the container with the preservation of an earthen coma and is placed in a dug hole. After filling the voids of the landing pit with earth, the top layer of soil is slightly compacted and watered.

A hedge in the form of a free-growing border of low-growing shrubs unobtrusively outlines the border of a green lawn or lawn

To plant a large shrub, you need to dig a trench about 1 m wide and 50-60 cm deep. The bottom of the trench is loosened with pitchforks to a depth of 20 cm and the loosened layer of earth is mixed with peat, leaf humus, manure or compost. It's a good idea to add lime, wood ash and some phosphate fertilizers.

The material will help you choose the best varieties of ornamental shrubs:

Lavender bushes, planted in the form of a rounded border, will effectively emphasize the path leading to the house.

Planting a trellis fence

Quite often, when a hedge is formed in the country, saving the space of a small garden plot is put at the forefront. How can you grow a hedge in the cramped conditions of a land allotment limited to 6 acres? In order to create a green hedge in the form of a dense, but not wide trellis, the plants are planted at a small distance from each other - about 20 cm. The trellis hedge looks great if it is formed from plants such as yellow acacia, willow, mountain ash or hawthorn .

A thin and, at the same time, dense trellis hedge can be formed from an ordinary willow

A year later, the planted trees and shrubs are cut off, as they say, “on the stump” - leaving 10-15 cm of the above-ground part of the plant. A year later, in the spring, they carry out a major pruning of the hedge, keeping several of the strongest shoots that are intertwined crosswise - at an angle of 45 degrees, cutting off the bark at the points of contact of the branches. The resulting diamond-shaped “pattern” is fixed on a frame in the form of a lattice structure built on the basis of stakes driven into the ground with a small step and crossbars.

The trellis fence is grown by the method of cross-weaving of shoots of shrubs or stunted trees.

Subsequently, all side shoots of the trellis are pruned 2-3 times per season, adhering to a vertical plane, which stimulates further branching of the hedge upwards. Regular side cutting of the trellis hedge is aimed at creating its uniform width - about 30 cm. The trellis is also cut from above, maintaining a certain height of the green fence.

A monotonous gray fence can be revived with a bright, abundantly “blooming trellis” of climbing roses.

Green hedge care

When laying a green fence on an individual or summer cottage, it should be noted that caring for a hedge during the season is much more difficult than for ordinary garden plants. This is due to a greater extent to the fact that the vegetable fence must be tirelessly monitored - watered, fertilized and cut. If you treat the issue of pruning and cutting a hedge without due attention, it can grow so much that it will be impossible to put it in order and you will have to cut the landing “to zero”.

Lush hydrangea inflorescences collected in a hedge will decorate your garden with a bright accent and protect from uninvited guests

Rules for cutting and trimming

Pruning at landing

Deciduous varieties of trees and shrubs formed into hedges are heavily pruned immediately after planting, leaving 10-15 cm of the above-ground part of the seedling to accelerate the growth of shoots at the base. If the seedlings were purchased with a bare root system, then the aerial part should be pruned to half the existing height. Seedlings grown in a container are cut to one third of the height.

A combination of different heights and multi-color geometric borders will give your garden a unique touch.

Pruning in the second season

A year later, the planted hedge is trimmed about 4 times per season - from May to August. Light pruning in the second year of the hedge is aimed at giving the plant a certain shape and increasing the density of branching.

In strong pruning - to a height of about 15 cm from the ground surface, these types of shrubs need: privet, hawthorn, blackthorn, tamarix. At 1/3 of the height of new shoots, pruned: cotoneaster, hornbeam, barberry, boxwood, beech. Cardinal pruning is not required: juniper, laurel cherry, cypress, cypress. In such hedges, only individual branches are cut, which are knocked out of the total mass and give the hedge an untidy look.

Trimming the hedge is done in such a way that its lower part is wider. than the top

Haircut after 2-3 years

Haircuts of the hedge in subsequent years are carried out to give the decorative fence a neat look - the lateral branching is cut off, the upper shoots are trimmed a little. Deciduous trees and shrubs are cut in early spring - even before the young leaves appear, coniferous evergreens can be cut in later spring or early autumn.

It is important to know! When cutting a green hedge, the base is formed slightly wider than the top, so that the lower branches are sufficiently illuminated and develop accordingly.

A special power tool is used to cut long molded hedges.

The upper trimming of the hedge is performed to a height of about 10 cm, after pulling the string for a guide

A hedge of evergreen or small-leaved plants is cut with an electric tool or scissors. Secateurs are used to trim and trim large-leaved hedges.

When pruning and cutting, hedges can be given any shape, even the most bizarre

Watering and fertilizing

During the season, the hedge must be watered regularly, after loosening the soil by 50-70 cm on both sides of the planting. When watering, a jet of water is directed directly to the base of the plants, providing soil moisture to a depth of 30-40 cm.

With the help of a low rounded hedge, form a labyrinth in the garden - a place for children's games and secluded relaxation

By planting weaving plants near the walls of your house and arranging a simple frame, you will become the owner of a work of park art

In addition to watering, the green hedge needs to be fed with organic and mineral fertilizers. Organic fertilizers - compost, leafy humus, peat are applied to the dug up soil in early spring or autumn in an amount of 2 to 5 kg per square meter of land. Mineral fertilizers - nitrogen and phosphate-potassium are added to the soil depending on the season: nitrogen only at the beginning of spring, phosphate - mainly at the end of summer and early autumn. Autumn bait may consist of the following components: 30-40 g of potassium salt, 50-70 g of superphosphate, 50-70 g of ammonium sulfate.