How to fix a leak in a pipe: basic methods. Methods for eliminating leaking pipes under pressure How to cover up a crack in a cast iron pipe


Most of us have probably encountered a situation where we needed to fix a water leak in a sewer or water pipe. For those who had this happen for the first time, they may not have known how to repair a crack, for example, in.

It is clear that best option– replace the old water supply or sewerage element with a new one. But, firstly, not everyone can afford such an expensive pleasure, and secondly, in in some cases You can independently repair a crack in a water supply or sewer pipe. To solve this problem, you need two things: some materials and... a lot of desire.

Repairing a crack in a pipe:

Cast iron for water supply and sewerage

First, let's look at what you can do to repair a leak if it has cracked.

There are two possible cases:

  • leaks at the pipe joint;
  • there is a crack or fistula in the riser.

Type 1 failure can be eliminated by using a new caulking of the socket.

To eliminate this type of leak, you need to perform the following set of actions:

  • disconnect the sewage or water supply system;
  • Dry the joint using a hairdryer or rag;
  • remove remnants of old cement mortar and packing;
  • using linen plumbing tape, caulk the gap between the pipes;
  • make 200-300 ml from polycement and PVA glue aqueous solution, which several times, at intervals of 8-10 minutes, anoint the place of embossing;
  • Do not use the sewer system for 24 hours.

In the second case, there are several ways to repair the riser:

  1. Chemical method

To do this you need:

  • with the help metal brush or coarse sandpaper, thoroughly clean the area of ​​future repair;
  • Thoroughly degrease the problem area with acetone or another solvent;
  • take copper oxide and phosphoric acid, prepare the mixture necessary for work in a ratio of 3:2;
  • Using the resulting composition, carefully cover the joint. The procedure should be carried out with a freshly prepared mixture, since it hardens within a few tens of seconds. Therefore, you will be able to use the sewer in 2-3 hours.
  1. "Cold welding"
    To reliably seal the hole, you should buy “Cold Welding” - that’s what it’s called. So, before sealing the hole, you need to clean the desired area from dirt, water, rust, and mark the place for repair with chalk. After this, you should sand the desired area on the surface of the collector well with coarse sandpaper and degrease it. Then apply a small patch of glue to the hole and place a sealing rubber patch on top. A similar method is used to eliminate the hole in.

  1. Using a clamp
    They have been repairing them for decades using a special clamp. It is very effective at sealing holes. Before starting work, you need to purchase a clamp or, as a last resort, make it yourself, taking into account the diameter of the pipe. First, wrap the pipe very tightly in the place where the hole is located with a rubber winding. Then they put a clamp on this place and securely tighten the bolts on it. This way you can get rid of any leak, even a big one.

Plastic or PVC

If a small crack or hole has formed in, then it can be repaired. If there is too big holes, it is impossible to eliminate the leak by soldering. So how do you practically repair a crack in a water pipe?

We carry out this procedure using, which can be purchased at hardware store. So, first you need to turn on the device and wait until it warms up. At this time, you need to completely get rid of the water in the pipe cavity and dry it. After this, it is necessary to tightly fill the end of the riser regular bread(without crust) and use a hot device to carry out soldering. The whole procedure is carried out very quickly - within 10 seconds.

IN in this case use special nozzle, on the one hand it is thinner, on the other it is wider. In this case, special polypropylene rods are used. This tool is designed for welding small holes. This could be a cut with a knife, accidental drilling with a drill while performing construction work etc.

First, you need to drill the resulting hole with a larger diameter drill.

For example, if the pipe was damaged by a drill with a diameter of 6 mm, and you have polypropylene rods with a diameter of 9 mm, then drill the hole with a drill of 8.5 mm. After this, take the heated welding machine, thoroughly heat the area to be welded, insert the rod into it, wait a few seconds and remove the device. After cooling, after 5-8 seconds, carefully trim off the excess part of the rod. The water pressure will easily knock out the remaining bread.

To seal a crack or hole in PVC pipe Cold welding is often used. Before eliminating a leak using this special glue, it is necessary to prepare the desired area: clean the pipe section from dirt, wash it, and dry it. Then apply glue to the surface, put required sizes patch made of rubber, straighten it thoroughly, making sure that not a single bubble appears.

When sealing a crack in, it is best to use a bandage.

To do this you need:

  • buy a bandage along with clamps, taking into account that its width should be 4-5 cm larger than the size of the crack;
  • Using soft but strong rubber, tightly cover the damaged area, apply and secure the bandage.

In order to repair a crack in a corsis pipe, use a polyethylene repair plate with an electric heater built into it. Interestingly, if such a pipe is located in the ground, then the damaged section of the pipeline is not excavated. Special technology provides the opportunity to carry out repairs underground.


Probably, many have dealt with, with the help of which toilet necks and sewer holes are connected. And in almost every home there have been cases where water could be seen near the toilet. It is clear that the first thing we immediately think is that a crack or hole has formed in the corrugation. But don't rush to conclusions. First you need to be 100% sure that the water is not coming from the toilet or cistern, namely from the corrugation.

Therefore, you just need to drain the water from the tank and carefully look where the liquid is dripping from. If you are nevertheless convinced that the corrugation is leaking, then you can try to repair it, or simply replace it. Therefore, before carrying out repairs, it is necessary to accurately determine the place where the water is flowing from.

In such cases, 2 options are possible:

  • the junction of the corrugation with the socket in the toilet or with the sewer riser is leaking;
  • there is a rupture or crack directly in the pipe.

In the first option, you need to disconnect the corrugation, thoroughly clean both ends of dirt and unpleasant internal deposits, dry them, put them on sealant and connect them to the socket and the sewer riser.

Repair of the folded sleeve can be carried out in different ways:
  1. 1st method
    Seal with a piece of rubber and waterproof glue, having previously degreased and dried with a hairdryer the area where the crack or puncture is located.
  2. 2nd method
    Degrease, dry the area of ​​future contact, take a rag soaked in epoxy, wrap the damaged area in 3-4 layers.
  3. 3rd method
    Prepare a cement mixture that would resemble thick sour cream in consistency, take a bandage and “plaster” the place where the crack or hole is located.
  4. 4th method
    Soak the bandage in silicone and wrap the corrugation tightly.

It is clear that such measures to eliminate a corrugated outlet leak are temporary, since after a while water will start dripping again. Therefore, in order to completely get rid of the leak, you simply need to replace the corrugation. This option is the cheapest, since not always successful pipe repairs can end with water dripping into the neighbors’ apartment below you, and making repairs at their place will cost you much more.


I most often use it for laying water pipes. Over time, damage to welds, bends, and threads can be observed. Under the influence of corrosion, the formation of pores, cracks, and holes can be observed in the risers, through which water begins to leak. At first you cannot even notice the location of the damage. Therefore, you need to remember: the presence of a damp section of the wall or floor is a guarantee that it is necessary to thoroughly inspect the water supply system.

Let's look at several ways to seal a crack in steel pipe.

It is a case made of boards, which is filled with a solution of sand and cement in a ratio of 2:1. To make it “set” faster, dilute the mixture “ liquid glass", the amount of which is determined by sampling.

This method is very effective when there is water in the riser. To do this, before filling the box with solution, you need to tightly attach a thin tube to the hole. If, after filling the case with solution, the tube leaks clean water, then everything is done correctly. After some time, the mixture in the box will harden, and the water should also be clean. Only after this you need to tightly plug the tube with a stopper, for example, wooden or rubber.

The ideal option for getting rid of a leak in a steel pipe is using electric or gas welding, if possible.

Heating systems

Most often used to connect heating radiators to each other. If you notice water on the floor, you need to immediately find out where the leak occurred. How to repair a crack or other hole in a heating pipe?

The most common ways to fix a leak:

  1. To temporarily solve the problem, just take soft rubber (for example, from an old bicycle tube), wrap it tightly around the damaged area, put a clamp on top or wrap it with wire.
  2. With the help of a bandage. To do this, you need to buy a factory-made bandage, which is equipped with a rubber seal, as well as a clamp, and mount it on the problem area.
  3. When water drips or flows on a connection heating pipe, then this is more difficult option, since it is possible that there is different diameters risers. In this case, you can also use the factory bandage, you just need to replace the sealing rubber with a piece soft rubber. The main thing is to wind it correctly on the pipe, as well as to smooth out the difference in diameters. After this, apply a clamp.
  4. Heating pipes can also be repaired using electric or gas welding. Although in most cases, at home, a crack in a pipe is repaired without welding. But these are temporary measures.

Need repairs or has a cast iron pipe burst? This article details how to repair a crack in a cast iron sewer pipe!

The use of cast iron sewer pipes is now almost complete, but in many apartments or houses they are still reaching their service life. Durability, reliability and lack of noise still attract users, especially apartment buildings In old buildings, cast iron risers are installed almost everywhere. Replacing them is difficult, since this requires a complete replacement of the entire riser. It is easier to solve local problems that may arise during operation. Let's look at how to repair a crack in a cast iron sewer pipe and how it is usually done.

Causes of cracks

There are two main causes of cracks or fistulas in cast iron pipes:

  • negligence of installers;
  • fragility of cast iron as a material.

Poor quality sealing of sewer joints often causes leaks. They occur both on old connections and on transitions from cast iron to plastic pipes, if standard adapters were not used. To seal the sockets it was used cement mortar, and errors in mixing proportions could cause leaks in weak areas over time. In such situations, cast iron sewer pipes are the easiest to repair.

If a crack or hole has formed in the drain, the only cause may be mechanical impact- impact, damage received during unqualified installation or repair work. Many users do some of the work themselves.

Absence vocational training and poor understanding of the properties of cast iron do not allow them to repair cast iron sewer pipe properly. Careless actions, using conventional hammers instead rubber mallets, falling pipes - from all these influences, cast iron pipes burst and fail. Often cracks go unnoticed, or careless plumbers simply install a product that is obviously defective in the hope that everything will work out somehow. Sewage is a non-pressure system, so cracked elements are not detected immediately, sometimes after several years of operation.

There's another one possible reason hole formation - corrosion. A low-quality casting with cavities or shells can rust through, especially if the drainage system has been in operation for a very long time.

Ways to solve the problem

The most correct answer to the question - how to repair a crack in a cast iron sewer pipe - is to replace the section that has failed. However, this option is not always available, especially for residents of the lower floors. In most cases, you will have to go through the entire riser, or perform a partial replacement by cutting and removing the problem area. For the entire duration of the work, it is impossible to use sewerage and water supply, which is extremely inconvenient for all neighbors and very difficult to organize. Therefore, they usually prefer to temporarily plug the hole with something until it is possible to more quality repairs. If the work is done carefully and efficiently, the drainage system can last for many years without increasing the problem.

Let's look at how to repair a cast iron sewer pipe without replacing the problem area:

  1. The simplest, but quite effective way- installation of a rubber pad pressed to the crack with a clamp. A patch is cut out of a piece of soft rubber, which is applied to the crack and pressed with a standard or homemade clamp. It is recommended to use materials that are not susceptible to corrosion - nylon or copper.
  2. Installing a homemade bandage from a bandage soaked in cement mortar. This method is more complicated and requires stopping the sewer system for about a day, so it is used much less frequently. Most often it is used when it is impossible to get by with more simple methods. When creating a solution, you can replace water with glue (liquid glass), and use old tights instead of a bandage.
  3. Using a repair coupling. This is essentially a modified way to repair a pipe using a clamp and rubber. The coupling consists of two halves, completely encircling a certain section of the element and tightened with bolts. All that remains is to install a rubber gasket on the resulting gap and press it with a coupling to completely seal the hole.

Cold welding

You can also mention one of the temporary (although often permanent) options - cold welding for cast iron sewer pipes. This is a two-component (most often) composition, mixed immediately before application. Before you begin to cover a crack with cold welding, the surface must be cleaned of rust and other deposits, degreased and dried. There are two types of such glue - liquid and thick mass, similar to plasticine. The first type is mixed with a hardener, and the second, before starting to seal the gap, is intensively kneaded to achieve softness and elasticity of the material.

Ways to repair a crack in cast iron pipe there can be quite a lot of sewerage. The basic principle of such repairs is to apply a quickly hardening compound to the problem area, fill the crack, and apply a fixing bandage or clamp over it. New products are constantly appearing on sale that allow you to solve the problem without calling plumbers and performing labor-intensive and expensive repair work.

What materials can be used

To solve the issue of how to plug a sewer pipe, the following materials can be used:

  • rubber patch with clamp;
  • cement mortar;
  • cold welding.

These materials and methods of performing the work have already been discussed above. There are other technologies for which appropriate materials are suitable:

  • self-adhesive tape. There are plastic or metallized types with a sticky layer, which are very easy to use and the results are very effective. The only limitation is the difficulty (or impossibility) of winding some pipes with tape due to the tight connection to the wall surface;
  • silicone sealants. These are materials that are in a semi-liquid state, but harden in air and become rubber-like. They do not react at all to moisture, fill the entire crack cavity, and have a long service life;
  • To seal the sockets, use conventional linen sanitary ware, impregnated with PVA glue and cement. Before sealing a hole in a sewer pipe, it is necessary to clean it of old filler or deposits;
  • a mixture of copper oxide and phosphoric acid in a ratio of 3:2. This compound is used to fill large holes or potholes. The solution hardens quickly, so you first need to prepare the area for application and only then start mixing the components.

Most users try to use the simplest and most available materials, which are at hand or on sale.

So, a cast iron sewer pipe burst - what to do? First of all, you need to carefully examine the entire visible surface of the riser. Perhaps the number of cracks is greater than it seems at first glance. Then you need to decide on ways to solve the problem - change the section of the riser to a plastic pipe with a diameter of 110 mm, or seal it yourself using improvised means. If most quick ways solutions to the issue are not suitable, you will have to go and negotiate with your neighbors not to use sewerage and water supply for some time. This is very inconvenient, but sometimes there are no other options.

Crack or leak in sewer pipeline- This real problem, which anyone can encounter. Communication systems become vulnerable as a result of natural aging, so the question of how to repair a crack in a cast-iron sewer pipe can be asked even by those people who have not yet been affected by this problem.

Moreover, the relevance of this issue is constantly growing. The most optimal solution may become complete replacement damaged sewer sections for more than modern products, but not all homeowners have this opportunity.

Causes of cracks in cast iron sewer pipes

In order to choose the right way to eliminate damage to a sewer pipe, it is important to establish the cause of this situation. First of all, you need to accurately determine the location where the crack has formed in the cast iron sewer pipe. To do this, inspect the joints of the pipes and identify obvious defects in the cast iron pipeline.

The reason for sewerage leakage at the junction of the fittings is the negligent attitude of plumbing workers to the assembly of the system.

Cast iron is a weakly resistant material, so when using it, you should avoid any impulse impacts, including impacts. Although a uniform load distributed throughout the pipe prevents the problem of repairing sewer pipes in the apartment.

Modern cast iron products are more durable, but can withstand only minor impacts. At the same time, a load of any intensity over 10-20 years will still lead to the formation of a crack, which in the best case can simply be covered up, and in the worst case, the pipe will have to be replaced.

Methods for eliminating leaks in the sewer system

The problem of how to eliminate a leak in a cast iron sewer pipe is solved in several ways, the choice of which depends on the strength of the pipeline, the presence of cracks and chips, and also their size.

Repairing sewer pipes without replacing the damaged section can be done in the following cases:

  • The case has minor cracks and holes.
  • A leak was found at the pipe junction.

A leak at the junction of sewer pipes involves sealing the cracked joint, for which the following steps are performed:

  • The system is temporarily disabled.
  • Use a rag or hair dryer to dry the joint.
  • Clean the joint from cement and remove the packing from the cracks.
  • Using linen plumbing winding, mint the gap between the pipes.
  • Prepare a solution of polycement and PVA glue and coat the crack with it.
  • It is recommended to begin operation of the sewer system only after 24 hours.

You can seal a crack at the junction of sewer pipes with waterproof glue, epoxy resin, raw rubber, ordinary plasticine or special silicone sealant. In the latter case, the sewer can be used after 3 hours.

To avoid having to constantly repair cast iron sewer pipes, it is better to replace the part of the system that has become unusable before it is completely destroyed. Otherwise, as a result of failure engineering communications sewage can flood the apartments on the floors below.

If the leak is caused by a small hole, you can use the following materials:

  • Rubber bandage. This material is best used for short-term repairs of cast iron pipes, and the bandage must be secured with aluminum or copper wire.
  • Stub. This repair item is a wooden wedge. During manufacturing, it is important that the product is not very long, as it can cause a sewer blockage. The finished part is hammered into the leak area and the pipe is wrapped with a strip of gauze. Finally, you can impregnate the material with epoxy resin.
  • Gauze. This material, pre-moistened in epoxy resin or cement mortar, is wrapped around the pipeline. Such a winding should have the shape of a cocoon.
  • Special clamp. In this way, any leaks in a cast iron sewer pipe are eliminated even if a water pipe bursts. The repair process is as follows: the crack or hole is wrapped rubber gasket, is covered with a clamp, which is then tightened. Read also: "".

A small crack in a cast iron sewer pipe can be repaired in this way:

  • The crack is widened, giving it a V shape.
  • The area is degreased and dried well.
  • Cover this area with sealant or silicone.

Materials for sealing cast iron pipes

Methods for sealing joints of sewer pipes are described above, especially since they have become known since the advent of cast iron pipes for the sewer system (read: ""). However, innovative technologies are constantly being introduced into this area and now experts say that the most in an efficient way eliminating leaks is the use of phosphoric acid and copper oxide.

As a result of the reaction of these substances, a strong hard filling is formed on the damaged area.

To answer the question of how to repair a crack in a cast iron pipe using this method, you should perform the steps in this order:

  • Clean the area where you plan to lay the bookmark using sandpaper or a stiff wire brush.
  • Degrease the prepared area with acetone or another solvent.
  • Prepare a mixture for sealing by mixing phosphoric acid and copper oxide in a ratio of 2:3.
  • Apply the resulting mixture to the damaged area immediately after mixing. The filling hardens very quickly, so you should not leave the prepared mixture even for a short time. The sewerage system after such repairs can be used within a few hours.

The list of ways to eliminate a leak in a cast iron sewer pipe can be completed with one more option. In this case, you should prepare a mixture of powdered ammonia, sulfur and iron filings. All ingredients are mixed and diluted with water until thick consistency. This method has been used in practice for a long time, and has proven itself very well.

The formed connections obtained during the repair of damaged areas and in the process of sealing joints of sewer pipes are distinguished by long and flawless operation.

Easier ways to seal a sewer pipe

Quite often, homeowners wonder how to seal a cast-iron sewer pipe if a leak is found at a caulked joint. In this case, you should use silicone sealant. Actions are performed in next order: the socket of the sewer pipe is cleaned of old putty, debris is removed and the pipe is thoroughly dried. After this, the joint is sealed with sealant.

Sometimes you can observe the following situation: there is no leak in the connection, but you constantly feel unpleasant odors. In this case, you can seal the sewer pipe using cement mortar, which simply covers the joint. If you add a little sodium silicate to the cement, the connection will be stronger and the solution will set faster.

The most in a simple way Repairing a cast iron sewer pipe is the use of adhesive composition"Cold welding". To eliminate a leak in the system in this way, it is necessary to clean the sewer pipe from the existing liquid, dry it and mark with chalk the place where the leak is found. Next, the surface of the pipe is degreased and a small amount of adhesive is applied. A rubber lining is made on top of it. This method may well be used to eliminate leaks in sewers made of plastic pipes. In addition, “Cold Welding” helps solve the problem by repairing a crack in a water pipe.

In addition to all of the above methods, a malfunction at the junction of sewer pipes can be eliminated using tape, which consists of a copper or aluminum layer on a bitumen-rubber base. Sealing a sewer pipe made in this way is strong and durable, and the process itself does not have any difficulties.

Despite the fact that cast iron pipes as part of intra-house engineering systems are considered outdated compared to plastic pipes, today you can still find cast iron pipelines in sewerage installations.

As a rule, residents of houses where cast iron pipelines for draining domestic wastewater operate regularly face the problem of leaks. The fact that the pipes are leaking can be determined by the foul odor from the bathroom or basement where communications take place.

Cast iron sewer pipes may leak various reasons. Leaks are localized at joints and connections between pipes, at areas where the pipeline turns at an angle, as well as at connections with engineering equipment(manifolds, inspection windows) and plumbing products (toilet, bathtub, shower).

The easiest way to eliminate such leaks is to use available materials and tools. The situation is more complicated when the leak occurs due to a formed fistula or crack. In this case, you will have to seal the area, and if repairs are impractical, you will have to completely or partially replace the cast iron pipeline.

Reasons for leaking cast iron pipes, depending on location:

  • natural wear and tear, excess maximum term operation (relevant for old houses);
  • metal corrosion upon contact with air;
  • errors in pipeline design (the formation of an ice plug inside most often occurs due to the proximity to the soil freezing line during underground installation);
  • installation errors, insufficient sealing of joints;
  • careless operation, impacts and other rough mechanical impacts;
  • factory defect (rare).

Attention! Even a small damage from which water flows drop by drop requires prompt measures to restore the integrity of the pipe. Unlike cast iron batteries and heating risers, holes and cracks in sewer pipes do not tend to heal spontaneously. If left to its own devices, the problem will get worse over time and may end in an emergency.

Repair methods

There are different ways to repair a leaking sewer pipe, the choice of which depends on the location of the leak, the size of the hole or crack.

Reading time: 8 minutes.

In old multi-storey buildings sewer pipes made of cast iron were laid. Over time, this material wears out. Holes or cracks appear in the pipes, which cause leaks. To solve this problem you will have to resort to thorough examination sewer line with subsequent elimination of the defect.

Cast iron pipe repair

Repair of cast iron sewer pipe

If a cast iron pipe leaks in a toilet, repairs should be made immediately. This process depends on many factors, the main ones being:

  • strength of the pipeline line;
  • size of the defect;
  • presence of longitudinal chips and cracks.

The following may indicate that a pipe has burst:

  • the appearance of an unpleasant odor in the sewer system;
  • presence of leaks on outside and pipe joints.

If a leak is detected at the entrance to the pipe (as a result of a poor-quality connection at the transition point of the siphon or drain hole), then the problem is solved by:

  • gasket replacement;
  • tightening connection elements;
  • sealing the entrance structure.

How to repair a cast iron pipe when a leak is detected on the structure itself? In this case, you should carefully examine it to determine the size of the defect. If there are small holes or cracks in the pipe, then you do not need to dismantle it to carry out repairs. Otherwise, the damaged area will have to be removed.

Seal cracks or holes

Used to eliminate defects different materials and technology. You can seal a hole in the sewer using two universal fixing couplings UR-01. Their internal diameter must match external dimensions pipes.

Using couplings does not require special tools:

  • using a grinder, cut out the part of the pipe where the crack or hole appeared;
  • Rust and dirt are removed from the ends of the pipes being connected, where the couplings will be located;
  • the distance to the middle of the coupling is measured;
  • marks are made at the ends of the pipes for the specified length;
  • 2 couplings are installed on both ends of the pipe;
  • a new piece of pipe is inserted (must have the same dimensions);
  • couplings move towards new pipe(their ends are located at the level of the marks made);
  • by using wrench The bolts on the couplings are tightened.

You can also plug the hole using a simple rubber coupling with a seal. In this case, the joints must be covered with cement mortar and then painted.

In such a process as repairing a crack in a cast iron sewer pipe, it is not recommended to use improvised means. Chewing gum, plasticine, glue, and other household products will eliminate the problem only for a short time. The situation cannot be corrected by driving a wooden (plastic) chopper into the hole. This will cause even more damage to the system.

When carrying out repair work, it is prohibited to remove build-up on the pipe, as this will lead to the appearance of a new leak. Large quantity rusty growths indicate that in the near future it is necessary to completely change this section of the sewer system.

How to seal a cast iron pipe joint

Now let’s talk about how to cover the joints between adjacent pipes. The leak is eliminated as follows:

  • the bell is hammered out;
  • Remains of tow, cement and other debris are removed;
  • all elements are dried construction hairdryer;
  • a sanitary winding made from flax is stuffed into the gap;
  • with an aqueous solution mixed with PVA glue and cement, it is necessary to waterproof the joint several times.

Sewer pipe repair can be carried out in different ways. Depending on the complexity of eliminating the defect, we use following materials and tools:

  • clamps;
  • silicate glue;
  • sandpaper;
  • solvent;
  • bandage;
  • cement mortar;
  • acetone;
  • copper oxide;
  • phosphoric acid;
  • silicone sealant;
  • self-adhesive tape;
  • rags;
  • metal brush;
  • screwdriver set;
  • container for cement mortar;
  • mounting gun;
  • synthetic brush;
  • spatula;
  • construction hairdryer

A simple way to repair a sewer pipe

This technology is used when a small crack appears in the pipe. To eliminate the defect, use a clamp of the appropriate size, which is simply tightened along the crack.

If the crack is slightly larger, then a cut-out blank of a car or bicycle tube is applied to it, which is tightened with wire. For more reliable fixation rubber seal a clamp is used.

Repair using cement and construction adhesive

A crack that appears in a sewer pipe can be sealed. But you cannot use it for repair work. standard composition, which does not have sufficient moisture-resistant properties. You should purchase silicate glue. It is resistant to negative impact humid environment and promotes rapid setting of the cement mortar.

When eliminating a defect, the following must be taken into account. It is not recommended to mix glue and concrete mortar in a separate container. This will cause the mixture to harden prematurely and become unsuitable for effectively covering the crack. The solution is prepared directly on the damaged surface. For these purposes, use a synthetic brush.

Sewer pipe repair includes the following steps:

  • the damaged area is cleaned sandpaper(all rust must be removed);
  • silicate glue is placed on the surface;
  • dry cement is poured over the glue;
  • the procedure is repeated 5-6 times.

Repair with cement and bandage

To eliminate a clearly visible hole, cement mortar and a bandage are used:

  • the damaged part of the sewer system is cleaned with sandpaper and treated with a solvent;
  • the bandage is cut into several pieces (each length is 0.4-0.5 m);
  • a cement mortar is made, which should have a uniform consistency (you can use liquid glass instead of water);
  • the bandage is dipped into the prepared solution;
  • after soaking in the mixture, the bandage is wrapped around the damaged section of the pipe;
  • a small amount of dry cement is poured on top of it (until a “cocoon” is formed);
  • At the site of the crack, a layer of liquid glass is placed on the bandage.

The bandage is wrapped around the pipe 4-5 times. You can use the sewer system after a day, when cement mixture completely dry.

Repair with copper oxide and phosphoric acid

If there is significant damage to the riser or outlet pipe, when clamps, cement with a bandage or construction adhesive do not help, copper oxide and phosphoric acid are used. The undoubted advantage of this technology for eliminating the defect is the rapid hardening of the working mixture, which makes it possible to use the sewer 1-2 hours after the repair work.

Riser repair consists of four stages:

  1. Preparing the damaged area. Using a metal brush, the surface is cleaned of rust, and the crack deepens a little. This is done carefully, since cast iron can be damaged in other places.
  2. Degreasing the surface. Acetone is used to carry out this procedure.
  3. Preparation repair mortar. Phosphoric acid and copper oxide are mixed in a ratio of 1:1.5.
  4. Applying the working mixture. The solution is applied to the damaged area of ​​the structure. This is done immediately after its preparation, otherwise the mixture will quickly harden and become unsuitable for repair work.

Application chemical preparation carried out with gloves and protective mask. After using the solution, the room must be ventilated.

Application of cold welding

If the pipe is damaged in places where it is impossible to use a clamp or coupling, cold welding should be used. This technology involves mixing several substances without heating, when combined they undergo chemical reactions followed by the formation of a working polymer mixture.

Cold welding consists of epoxy resin and filler (hardener). For this reason, the adhesive composition has:

  • high adhesive qualities;
  • plastic;
  • quick hardening (the solution must be used immediately after preparation);
  • excellent mechanical characteristics.

Sealing cracks and holes in the sewer system involves performing the following actions:

  • cleaning the surface from rust and paint with sandpaper;
  • preparing the working solution (you should get a homogeneous mass);
  • applying the mixture with a spatula around the damaged area (the first layer is laid as carefully as possible);
  • coating a crack or hole with a composition;
  • grinding hardened material;
  • degreasing the surface;
  • applying a second layer of polymer substance.

If a leak appears in the damaged area, the plastic substance is rubbed in until it hardens. At the polymerization stage, the material is given the desired shape. This is done with a hand wearing a rubber glove.

To speed up the hardening process cold welding use a hair dryer (especially when renovation work carried out in the cold season). After using a hairdryer, the polymer is pressed onto the surface.

Most cold welding manufacturers produce two-component products. The first tube contains epoxy resin, which is mixed with a plasticizer and additional filler. The second tube contains a material that acts as a hardener. First, the contents of the first tube are applied to the damaged surface, and then the second.

The main advantage of cold welding is the possibility of quick repair without shutting down the sewer system.

Silicone sealant

Sealing of joints and cracks in cast iron sewers is also carried out by other specialized means. These include silicone sealant, which is characterized by excellent adhesive properties regardless of the type of surface.

Silicone sealants are divided into:

  • acidic;
  • neutral.

Application silicone sealant on the damaged surface using mounting gun. The vulcanization process is facilitated by moisture in the air. Silicone paste turns into a substance that has similar characteristics to rubber.

As alternative options For sealing cast iron pipes at home, the following are used:

  • Portland cement;
  • jute or hemp rope;
  • epoxy resin;
  • technical sulfur.

Sealing tapes

These innovative products have anti-corrosion properties. They consist of a bitumen-rubber base with the addition of a layer of aluminum (or copper). The greatest efficiency of using self-adhesive tapes is achieved when sealing the joints of sewer structures.

Positive characteristics of sealing tapes:

  • ease of use;
  • strength;
  • long operational period;
  • providing dielectric and anti-corrosion protection of pipes.

The only drawback of the material is rapid deterioration upon contact with sun rays. This “minus” of the product does not in any way affect the elimination of pipe defects. After all, in most cases sewer system located away from exposure to ultraviolet radiation. If the pipes are in open space, then when sealing holes and cracks self-adhesive tape additionally covered with protective material.

The process of using tape consists of the following steps:

  • the damaged surface is cleaned of dirt and dust;
  • after the surface has dried, the protective film is removed from the tape;
  • the tape is wrapped around the pipe.

The tape is wrapped in a spiral with an overlap of up to 50%. As a result, the entire pipe will be covered with two layers of material. When tensioning the tape, it is necessary to avoid the appearance of wrinkles.