Ventilation device in a multi-storey building diagram. Ventilation for multi-storey residential buildings. General technical requirements

The easiest way to ventilate apartment building is a system supply and exhaust ventilation. According to this system, air enters the room through the windows and exits through ventilation ducts, located mainly in the bathroom and kitchen, which, in turn, are connected by one common air duct. In this way, ventilation has been established in almost all old multi-story buildings. This is not surprising; the system is simple and inexpensive, but not entirely effective.

But in modern multi-story buildings it has become fashionable to use new system ventilation, and it is also more efficient. The principle of operation of ventilation in an apartment building is carried out mechanically. On the roof of such a house there will be supply and exhaust fans. These devices work like clockwork, there is no need to take into account atmospheric pressure and building design features. This method of ventilating a room has become the most effective and popular, but forced ventilation has two disadvantages: high construction cost and dependence on electricity. However, when you want to breathe fresh and... clean air at home, no one thinks about these shortcomings.

Interesting! A mechanical ventilation system creates an optimal microclimate for your home.

Existing ventilation schemes

To understand how ventilation works in an apartment building, a diagram is simply necessary. In such a house, one common prefabricated exhaust duct is constructed, to which the exhaust ducts of each floor are connected. The air exchange organization scheme provides for two types of ventilation - mixing or squeezing out air.

Room conditioning using the air stirring method is suitable for homes that do not allow air to pass through. These are buildings made of brick and concrete. Ventilation in these houses is carried out using small ventilation holes. Air currents mix fresh and dirty air, but exit through these holes. Only a properly designed ventilation system will allow it to be operated effectively.

Advice! For efficient operation of ventilation, supply and exhaust devices need to be equipped in each room and connected to the central unit.

Ventilation system project

The design of the ventilation of an apartment building must be done before the construction of the building begins for more efficient operation of this system. True, if the building has already been built, you can try to establish effective work air conditioning systems. Exhaust system- it's complicated engineering design, the installation of which requires special skills and special equipment. This project helps regulate the air volume of each room. Therefore, designing ventilation requires taking into account the characteristics of each floor of the building. The most important thing in this project is the choice of reliable equipment that can work without failures and overloads for a long time.

During design, the following points must be considered:

  • technical, architectural and construction aspects. Equipment must be selected taking into account all fire safety requirements;
  • the exhaust system should not spoil the facade and interior of the building;
  • air circulation in the room must meet all sanitary standards;
  • the price of the selected equipment should not affect its quality. From the economic side, no one wants to throw a lot of money at this project, so everyone is trying to choose more cheap option, but in this case, the main thing is not to overdo it.

Main design stages:

  • It all starts with calculating the volume of air exchange in your premises;
  • according to them and all the nuances of your project, a scheme is developed that includes aerodynamic and acoustic calculations: air cross sections in exhaust ducts and noise level of all special equipment;
  • drawing is carried out with detailed description, which must be agreed upon by all technical services;
  • after approval, documentation must be prepared for all construction and technical standards;
  • now comes the editing ventilation equipment and starting the entire system.

All work on the design of the exhaust system should be carried out only by trained specialists who perform the installation work efficiently and provide a guarantee for the work performed. Therefore, when choosing a team of workers, you need to find real professionals in this matter who have been doing this for many years. Only specialists will make the air in your home fresh and clean.

Ventilation of residential buildings is one of the key points in ensuring comfortable air environment for people. Poor air circulation in a home can not only negatively affect the health of residents, but also require spending on additional exhaust systems. Existing air ducts are also one of the main points of ensuring fire safety. In this material we will explain how ventilation works in an apartment building and what measures can increase its efficiency.

Purpose of general house ventilation

The air in a residential apartment is always susceptible to pollution. Smoke from cooking, fumes from the bathroom, unpleasant odors and dust - all this ends up in the air and creates unfavorable conditions for people's lives. Stagnant air can even lead to the development of diseases such as asthma and allergies. That is why every apartment building must be equipped common system ventilation.

Functions of ventilation in a residential area:

  • ensure the penetration of clean air into apartments;
  • remove dust and other impurities harmful to health along with the exhaust air;
  • regulate humidity in residential and utility rooms.

The majority of the urban population of our country lives in panel houses built during Soviet times, while others are moving to new buildings. Providing ventilation for residential buildings is mandatory requirement during the construction of houses. However, the level of ventilation in multi-apartment residential buildings remains quite low. It is customary to save on air duct systems during construction.

On at the moment you can meet the following types ventilation in residential buildings:

  • with natural inflow and exhaust;
  • with forced air movement through ventilation units.

IN modern houses elite class heating and ventilation systems correspond to latest standards and are created using special technology and materials. For ventilation of multi-storey panel-type residential buildings, natural air exchange is used. The same applies to brick residential buildings Soviet era, as well as modern budget class buildings. Air must flow through the openings between the doors and the floor, as well as special valves on plastic windows.

Ventilation in panel house works as follows. Air is discharged upward through vertical ventilation shafts, thanks to natural draft. It is pulled outside the house through a pipe located in the roof or attic. When air enters the apartment through open windows or doors, it rushes to those located in the kitchen and bathroom - where purification from smoke and moisture is most needed. Thus, stagnant air is discharged into the pipe, and clean air enters the room through the windows.

If you stop the flow fresh air, ventilation will not work effectively. Residents of apartments in apartment buildings often forget about natural ventilation of the room when installing additional exhaust systems. Here is the list typical mistakes during repairs that stop air circulation:

  • installation of blind double-glazed windows made of metal-plastic;
  • eliminating the gap between door leaf and floors when replacing interior doors;
  • installation axial fans in the toilet (affects the ventilation of neighboring apartments).

When decorating living rooms, it is worth remembering to create natural paths for ventilation. You can install plastic windows with special valves that will automatically supply air from the street.

Interior doors should be selected in size so that they do not stand close to the floor. When installing additional fans, you can configure them for supply.

Ventilation schemes for residential buildings

Depending on the construction plans, ventilation can be completely different designs. In this section we will try to figure out how ventilation works in a panel house using diagrams and talk about the degree of effectiveness of one or another type of ventilation.

The most successful ventilation scheme in a panel house is individual, when each apartment has a separate duct with access to the roof.

In this case, the ventilation shafts are not connected to each other, the air quality improves, and polluted air from neighboring apartments does not enter the house. Another variation of this ventilation scheme in a Khrushchev building is that from each apartment separate channels lead to the roof, where they are connected into a single pipe that carries air masses to the street.

Unfortunately, the simplest one is used quite often, but not enough effective way ventilation, in which air from all apartments enters a single large shaft - the same way ventilation is arranged in a Khrushchev-era building. This allows you to save space and costs during the construction of a building, but has a lot of unpleasant consequences:

  • the entry of dust and unpleasant odors from other apartments - residents of the upper floors, where the air rises naturally, are especially susceptible to this;
  • rapid pollution common pipe ventilation;
  • lack of sound insulation.

There are several other ways to exhaust air through ventilation shafts - with horizontal ducts in the attic and pipe outlets into the attic without a chimney. In the first case, horizontal air ducts reduce air draft, and in the second, the attic becomes dirty due to the lack of outlet to the street. The ventilation scheme in Khrushchev and other Soviet-type buildings, although budget-friendly, is inconvenient for residents.

Schematic diagrams of some systems natural ventilation residential buildings: (a) - without prefabricated channels; (b) - with vertical collecting channels; (c) - with horizontal prefabricated channels in the attic; (d) - with a warm attic

Fortunately, there is modern system ventilation, which automatically extracts and supplies air. Its design includes a fan that forces air into the shaft. It is usually located in ground floor buildings. Placed on the roof of the house exhaust ventilation the same power, which forcefully removes contaminated air masses from the air duct. This is the most simple circuit ventilation in an apartment building. It can also be arranged using energy saving equipment– recuperators. The task of the recuperator is to remove heat (or cold) from the exhaust air and transfer it to the supply air.

Ventilation shafts usually come from the basement multi-storey building, additionally providing its protection from dampness and fumes. Basement ventilation is ensured using natural draft, and in modern houses they install and air supply units. To remove damp air from the basement, common ventilation shafts are used, with openings on each floor and in each apartment.

Ventilation of the basement, the place where the natural ventilation system begins, is one of the main conditions for its proper operation. To do this, vent holes are made in the basement walls, through which fresh air enters the basement. It not only reduces humidity at the base of the house, but also creates draft in the common house shaft.

The shape of the holes can be simple - round or square. They must be placed at a sufficient distance above the ground so that water and dirt from the street do not get inside. Optimal distance from the ground - at least 20 cm. The holes should be placed evenly around the perimeter of the basement; if there are several rooms in it, it is necessary to organize several vents in each. The vents must not be closed, otherwise the entire principle of ventilation will be disrupted. apartment building. To prevent animals from entering the basement, the openings are covered with a metal mesh.

Calculation of apartment ventilation

Natural or artificial ventilation of a residential building is calculated by specialists during the construction of the building, and the residents of the building receive apartments with a “default” ventilation system. It will not be possible to change the design of the ventilation system in a Khrushchev-era building; this will require serious intervention in the structure of the building. However, with the help various devices You can improve air circulation in your apartment. For this it is necessary.

If you are not satisfied with the ventilation in your apartment, you can install additional hoods in the kitchen and fans on grilles in the bathroom. In this case, you should remember the basic rule - the amount of air exhausted should not exceed the amount entering the apartment. In this case, the ventilation systems will work as efficiently as possible. Some models of hoods and fans can operate on air flow - they are worth installing if the room is not ventilated enough through windows and doors.

Special attention it is worth paying attention to the power of exhaust devices, for small apartments A capacity of 50 to 100 m³ of air per hour will be sufficient. To accurately determine what load will be optimal for the device, you can measure the amount of air mass in the room. To do this, the area of ​​the apartment is summed up and multiplied three times. The resulting volumes of air must completely pass through the fans within an hour.

You can organize additional air flow using air conditioners, hoods and fans. Together, these devices will perform the main tasks of room ventilation:

  • a kitchen hood will cleanse the room of unpleasant odors, grease and smoke, filling it with clean air;
  • fan in the bathroom - remove moist air;
  • air conditioner - cools and dehumidifies the air in the room.

These devices will ensure good circulation of air masses in different rooms and regulate their cleanliness - they are simply irreplaceable in the bathroom and kitchen.

Quantity supply air may exceed output volumes by 15–20%, but not vice versa.

Home ventilation care

Often, ventilation does not work due to a clogged air duct or outlet grille. You can do it yourself within your apartment by removing the grate and cleaning the pipe walls with a brush, broom or vacuum cleaner. Particular attention must be paid to the mesh covering the entrance to the mine - it acts as a filter on which all contaminants remain.

Complete is carried out by a special service at the request of residents.

First, the performance of the exhaust ducts is diagnosed and a work plan is drawn up. To check the cleanliness of mines, a video camera on a cable is often used - it allows you to determine where dirt accumulates and where the pipe is deformed.

After this, cleaning of the air duct begins. Professionals use weights, pneumatic brushes, weighted brushes and other tools. Ordinary residents should not engage in such work - this can damage the integrity of the pipe.

Natural ventilation in a multi-storey building is not very effective compared to mechanical ventilation, but it requires cleaning less often. A team of specialists should be called once every few years when obvious signs air duct contamination. Automatic systems ventilation is tested heavy loads and require more thorough cleaning. The maintenance of such systems is often carried out by the companies that install them.

Monitoring the performance and increasing the efficiency of home ventilation is one of the key points in creating a healthy microclimate in your home. By taking a number of measures to improve the ventilation of your home, you will rid yourself of dust, unpleasant odors, and kitchen or bathroom products in the air.

Pollution in the apartment includes sources of dust in living rooms, increased humidity in kitchens, bathrooms, release of toilet and kitchen odors. A healthy, comfortable environment requires highly efficient air exchange in every room of the building. The most common ventilation system in an apartment building.

Its scheme is built according to the natural passive principle and includes:

  • air supply to rooms through slightly open windows and vents in summer;
  • air flow through the cracks of old wooden windows or microcirculation devices modern windows made of plastic in winter;
  • use of increasingly popular inflow valves;
  • creating traction in vertical channels leading outside the roof;
  • , bathrooms, toilets connected via satellite channels to vertical shafts;
  • movement of air from living quarters to kitchens, toilets through gaps under the door leaf and flow grilles in doors.

Passive air exchange is the simplest, cheapest, and cost-free solution.

Causes of ventilation problems

The degree of draft depends on the temperature difference between the air parameters in the room and outside and clearly decreases in the summer. If the ventilation in an apartment building does not work, then the main reasons may be:

  • clogging of air exchange channels;
  • blocking of channels during illegal redevelopment and reconstruction of apartments;
  • insufficient draft of short exhaust air ducts on the top floors.

You can control the attraction of a piece of paper to the exhaust grille. When the draft decreases, it is necessary to check and clean the air ducts.

Basic diagrams of air exchange devices for apartment buildings

Let's take a closer look at how effective ventilation is arranged in an apartment building, depending on its number of floors. For buildings up to four floors high, vertical shafts are usually led to the roof from each apartment. Despite the reliability of this system, it takes too much internal space buildings.

How does effective ventilation work in an apartment building with nine storeys and above? Individual apartments are connected to the vertical shaft through channels called satellites. The ventilation ducts of various entrances in the attic are united by a horizontal duct, from which a vertical air duct is then led outside the roof.

Tilting ventilation problems

With such a scheme, it becomes possible that the ventilation in an apartment building will overturn, to a certain extent, caused by the reflection of air when moving into a horizontal channel, as well as by the increased resistance of clogged air ducts. But the key reason for capsizing is insufficient air flow. This phenomenon can be observed even on vertical ducts directly leading to the roof.

For most old buildings, effective ventilation of an apartment building involves the flow of air through unsealed wooden windows. Massive conversion to plastic causes a significant reduction in air flow in cold weather. closed windows. In this case cold air creates a reverse flow in vertical shafts, starting to flow from the roof into the apartments.

The main principle of air exchange in an apartment building necessarily involves a balance between the supply and output and the creation of draft in high vertical shafts. Therefore, the main way to combat flow overturning is to arrange a sufficient number of supply valves. An effective measure is the use of adjustable grilles at the entrance to the exhaust ducts, allowing to balance the air flow.

In addition, ventilation repairs in an old apartment building usually include expanding the cross-section of the horizontal air duct in the attic, installing special flow dividers in it, and periodically removing blockages in the air ducts.

Features of modern ventilation

Modern ventilation of an apartment building is based on next decisions:

  • usage plastic windows with micro-ventilation systems;
  • installation of a sufficient number of inflow valves, for the placement of which a gap is usually selected from the window sill to the battery for heating the incoming air;
  • installation modern models inflow valves with heating and filters, which are located in the lower zone of the walls;
  • use of hood grilles with check valves or models with adjustable flow.

New ventilation schemes apartment buildings often include:

  • connecting apartments to exhaust shafts through vertical accelerating air ducts a couple of floors high;
  • exit of exhaust shafts into insulated general attic space with complete elimination of reverse flows.

Ventilation of the last 2 floors of an apartment building is solved by installing separate vertical exhaust ducts more than two meters high and using exhaust fans at the entrances to the shafts.

Often, ejectors or duct fans hoods turned on in unfavorable conditions.

Active ventilation type

The system is increasingly being used effective ventilation in an active apartment building. It is usually a combination of an air supply unit with an exhaust fan installed in the attic.

In addition to the fan, the supply part can be equipped with filters, devices for air humidification, heating or cooling units. Air intake is usually carried out at the level of the second or third floors. The prepared air is distributed to apartments through a network of channels.

The exhaust network is activated by the exhaust unit in the attic.

Such a ventilation project for an apartment building provides increased comfort, does not depend on the weather, and allows you to regulate climatic parameters. But active ventilation is much more expensive and more complex than passive air exchange, both at the stage of arrangement and during operation.

Proper operation of the ventilation system is an important component comfortable stay in the apartment. Ventilation in an apartment building allows you to organize proper circulation air: removal of polluted air and supply of fresh air from the street in sufficient volumes. To do this, it is important not only to understand well how the ventilation system in the house should function, but also to ensure its proper maintenance.

Insufficient ventilation has a direct impact on the health and well-being of residents living in the apartment. Lack of fresh air provokes headache, depression, drowsiness, fatigue.

In each high-rise building according to building regulations exists centralized system ventilation, which is a set of ventilation shafts and channels that remove exhaust air masses from rooms to the attic or to the street. Air ducts are located in the ceilings, and their installation is carried out during the construction stage.

There are three approaches to organizing ventilation in multi-storey buildings:

  • Natural air supply and exhaust system. Used in most typical high-rise buildings. A clear advantage of this solution is that it works without connecting to a power supply.
  • Forced ventilation using special installations. It is used where the power of natural air exchange is insufficient.
  • Combined ventilation systems use a combination of mechanical and natural ventilation systems.

It is also possible to add additional units to the home ventilation system.

For example, installing a recuperator (a device capable of accumulating heat from exhaust air and releasing it to the supply air) allows you to save a lot of money on heating.

Or another element - a deflector, which is installed on the roof, above the outlet of the shaft. Performs two functions: protection ventilation shaft from being hit atmospheric precipitation and increased traction through wind energy.

Operating principle and ventilation device options

The influx of outdoor air into the premises passes through loosely fitting window shutters or channels and valves provided for this purpose in double-glazed windows made of metal-plastic.

The exhaust is carried out through vertical shafts (usually located in bathrooms and in kitchen areas), going from the apartment to the roof or attic space. Due to the difference in temperature indoors and outdoors, a draft arises in the shaft, ensuring air movement.

Pay attention! In the cold season, traction is higher than in summer. In hot, windless weather, on the contrary, natural ventilation virtually does not occur.

The flow of fresh air moves through the rooms, gradually mixing with exhaust air masses, after which it is removed from the room through exhaust ducts.

During construction multi-story building There are many important engineering issues to consider. One of these issues is air conditioning. Ventilation of an apartment building is complex circuit air circulation. Therefore, the correct operation of this system depends on the design of this system. Air conditioning in combination with heating creates a microclimate in your homes, on which your health and good mood. The main sources of indoor air pollution are: kitchen stove, washing machine and a bathroom. As a result, it forms in the air large number harmful vapors and gases that have a detrimental effect on the human body.

To know if your ventilation system is working correctly, you need to pay attention to the following signs:

  • fogging of glass in windows;
  • condensation on glass and walls;
  • dampness in the corners of the room;
  • the appearance of fungus.

Important! High humidity and fungus can lead to respiratory tract disease.

There is the easiest and most effective way to check your hood. You just need to go up to it and attach a small piece of paper. At proper operation the paper will begin to be drawn into the air valve.

Features of ventilation in a multi-storey building

These features are as follows:

  • the air should move in such a way as to remove unpleasant odors from the rooms, kitchen and bathroom;
  • for each building its own exhaust system is specifically calculated;
  • some buildings are equipped with exhaust fans, so additional sound insulation must be provided in such houses;
  • Air conditioning in multi-storey buildings must be controlled to reduce air heating costs.

Types of ventilation system design

Natural ventilation is of the following types:

  • individual - each apartment has its own exhaust duct leading to the roof. But now this method of ventilation is not popular;
  • the exhaust ducts of all apartments are connected by one horizontal duct facing the roof;
  • ventilation communications of the entire house lead to one room, from which the air is removed to the outside using special equipment.

In order to better understand how ventilation works in an apartment building, let’s look at what types of air movement there are:

  • natural;
  • combined;
  • mechanical.

The natural method involves the penetration of fresh air into the apartment through the windows, and the exit through the ventilation ducts due to the difference in pressure and temperature.

The combined method involves the creation of an artificial air flow and its natural release, or vice versa.

Mechanical method or forced ventilation provides air conditioning of the room using supply and exhaust equipment. This type of ventilation is used in almost all modern buildings and buildings.

Ventilation of houses

The simplest method of ventilation in an apartment building is a supply and exhaust ventilation system. According to this system, air enters the room through the windows and exits through ventilation ducts, located mainly in the bathroom and kitchen, which, in turn, are connected by one common air duct. In this way, ventilation has been established in almost all old multi-story buildings. This is not surprising; the system is simple and inexpensive, but not entirely effective.

But in modern multi-storey buildings it has become fashionable to use a new ventilation system, and it is more efficient. The principle of operation of ventilation in an apartment building is carried out mechanically. The roof of such a house is provided with supply and exhaust fans. These devices work like clockwork; there is no need to take into account atmospheric pressure and the design features of the building. This method of ventilating a room has become the most effective and popular, but forced ventilation has two disadvantages: the high cost of the structure and dependence on electricity. However, when you want to breathe fresh and clean air at home, no one thinks about these shortcomings.

Interesting! A mechanical ventilation system creates an optimal microclimate for your home.

Existing ventilation schemes

To understand how ventilation works in an apartment building, a diagram is simply necessary. In such a house, one common prefabricated exhaust duct is constructed, to which the exhaust ducts of each floor are connected. The air exchange organization scheme provides for two types of ventilation - mixing or squeezing out air.

Room conditioning using the air stirring method is suitable for homes that do not allow air to pass through. These are buildings made of brick and concrete. Ventilation in these houses is done through small vents. Air currents mix fresh and dirty air and exit through these openings. Only a properly designed ventilation system will allow it to be operated effectively.

Advice! For ventilation to work effectively, supply and exhaust devices must be installed in each room and connected to the central unit.

Ventilation system project

The design of the ventilation of an apartment building must be done before the construction of the building begins for more efficient operation of this system. True, if the building has already been built, you can try to establish efficient operation of the air conditioning system. An exhaust system is a complex engineering structure, the installation of which requires special skills and special equipment. This project helps regulate the air volume of each room. Therefore, designing ventilation requires taking into account the characteristics of each floor of the building. The most important thing in this project is the choice of reliable equipment that can work without failures and overloads for a long time.

During design, the following points must be considered:

  • technical, architectural and construction aspects. Equipment must be selected taking into account all fire safety requirements;
  • the exhaust system should not spoil the facade and interior of the building;
  • air circulation in the room must meet all sanitary standards;
  • the price of the selected equipment should not affect its quality. From an economic point of view, no one wants to throw a lot of money at this project, so everyone tries to choose a cheaper option, but in this case, the main thing is not to overdo it.

Main design stages:

  • It all starts with calculating the volume of air exchange in your premises;
  • according to them and all the nuances of your project, a scheme is developed that includes aerodynamic and acoustic calculations: air cross-sections in the exhaust ducts and the noise level of all special equipment;
  • Stone stove for baths and home