Sanitary systems of modern buildings - abstract. Methods of conducting work on the installation of sanitary installations in buildings What is sanitary engineering work

Introduction 1

1.5. General information about internal water supply 11

1.6. Water dispensing, shut-off, safety and control valves 14

1.7. Instruments for measuring water flow and pressure 16

To measure pressure in various situations, both at high and low pressure, can be used to measure pressures in two different volumes. GPA pressure measurement range, from 0 to 1999 (TESTO-512) from 0 to 100 (TESTO-515). Accuracy T0.5%. 16

Flow measuring instruments are often used in various industries. They allow you to control the flow rate, as well as the level of liquid, granular bodies. There are several types of such devices. 16

Relay sensor RIS, ROS. Level sensors-relays are designed to control one or two independent limit levels of electrically conductive and non-electrically conductive liquids. RIS, ROS relay sensors can also be used to measure the level of solid (lumpy) media, grains and products of its grinding, as well as the separation of media with sharply different dielectric constants. The RIS, ROS relay sensor is reliable in operation and affordable. 16

Flow meters. Flow meter with integrator Works on the principle of non-contact measurement of the level of liquid flowing in a water pipeline. Subsequently, it is converted into an instantaneous flow rate and subsequent integration. An ultrasonic flow meter is designed to measure the flow and quantity of sound-conducting liquids, including waste water. 16

2.2. Ventilation systems 21

General information about ventilation systems 21

Ventilation diagram 23

2.4. Classification of heating systems 26

Heating, appliances and fittings 28

Literature 29



The sanitary design and equipment of modern buildings is a complex of engineering equipment for cold and hot water supply, sewerage, heating, drains, garbage disposal, and gas supply. This complex determines the degree of improvement of the building, as well as cities and towns in general.

Water supply is a system of complex structures for collecting water from natural sources, purifying it, storing the necessary supplies and supplying water of appropriate quality to the consumer.

In all types of buildings erected in sewer areas, internal water supply and sewerage systems should be provided.

Water supply.

The suitability of the source for domestic drinking water supply is determined on the basis of an assessment of the sanitary condition of the location of the water intake structures and the adjacent territory.

Assessment of the sanitary condition of the place of water intake and the reservoir itself above and below the water intake. For open reservoirs, and assessment of the water quality of water sources. When choosing sources of water supply, you should first of all focus on artesian waters that are reliably protected from external pollution; in the absence or impossibility of using such sources, you must move on to other sources in the following order:

a) interlayer without pressure water;

b) groundwater;

c) open bodies of water.

Depending on the concentration of mineral salts in water, water can be soft or hard.

Hard water contains a lot of mineral salts, the level of hardness is determined in ° hardness.

1 ° hardness corresponds to 1 milligram of lime dissolved in 100 grams of water. The hardness of good drinking water is 6-8 °, the maximum hardness is 17-20 °, water with a hardness of more than 23-25 ​​° is completely unsuitable for drinking.

Soft water - the hardness of such water should be no more than 10 °. Water that contains air, a large amount of carbon dioxide and salt, which gives the water a pleasant taste, is considered good. Water from the well should be clear, clean, odorless, and tasteless. t drinking water from a well should be between 7-12 °C. Drinking water must comply with bacteriological organoleptic indicators.

For water supply to individual houses, it is most advisable to use centralized systems, but in the absence of a central water supply, it is necessary to create an individual water supply system. This system consists of wells or wells of pumping equipment of the water supply system supplying water from the pump to the internal water supply system, internal unit, water reserve tank, risers and cold water exploration.

For a one-story building, correspond to 10 meters of water column; with a larger number of storeys, 4 meters of water column per floor should be added to this value.

Water supply is a system of complex structures for collecting water from natural sources, purifying it, storing the necessary supplies and supplying water of appropriate quality to the consumer.

Domestic drinking water supply systems must ensure the supply of high drinking quality water; at the same time, GOST requirements for water quality must be met right up to the last water tap.

Fire water supply is used to extinguish fires.

The production plant supplies water for technological purposes.

The sprinkler supplies water for watering green areas, washing sidewalks, floors and equipment.

The water supply can be local or centralized.

Water supply sources can be surface or underground.

1.1. Characteristics and purpose of cold water supply (B1).

Internal drinking water supply supplies water for drinking, cooking and sanitary procedures. It is installed in all residential and public buildings with sewerage, as well as in all industrial and auxiliary buildings in which the installation of sanitary fixtures or drinking fountains is provided.

The suitability of the source for domestic drinking water supply is determined on the basis of an assessment of the sanitary condition of the location of the water intake structures and the adjacent territory. Assessment of the sanitary condition of the place of water intake and the reservoir itself above and below the water intake. For open reservoirs, and assessment of the water quality of water sources.

Depending on the concentration of mineral salts in water, water can be soft or hard. Hard water has a lot of mineral salts, the level of hardness is determined in ° hardness.

1° hardness corresponds to 1 milligram of lime dissolved in 100 grams of water. The hardness of good drinking water is 6-8 °, the maximum hardness is 17-20 °, water with a hardness of more than 23-25 ​​° is completely unsuitable for drinking.

To empty internal water supply networks, main and distribution pipelines, as well as pipes leading to devices, are laid with a slope of 0.002-0.005 to the input. Internal water supply networks are laid in rooms where the air temperature in winter is above 2° C. If the pipeline is laid in rooms with an air temperature below 2° C, it is necessary to take measures to protect the pipes from freezing the water in them. Pipelines running in rooms with high humidity should be covered with thermal insulation to prevent condensation of water vapor on the surface of the pipelines. The maximum operating pressure in the drinking water supply network should not exceed 0.6 MPa.

Domestic drinking water pipelines must ensure a supply of high drinking quality water; at the same time, GOST requirements for water quality must be met right up to the last water tap. 5

1.2. Characteristics and purpose of the hot water supply pipeline (T3).

The building uses a centralized hot water supply system.

In centralized hot water supply systems, water is prepared in one center, from which it is transported through heating networks to consumers. With centralized heat supply, water in hot water supply systems is heated in central heating points by coolant supplied by heating networks.

With two-pipe water heating networks and open heat supply systems, they are connected directly to the supply and return pipelines, and with closed heat supply systems - through water heaters.

For buildings with a height of nine floors or more, the pipelines of the water risers must be looped at the top with jumpers and connected to a common circulation riser. In shower rooms (the number of shower nets is more than three), the distribution pipeline must also be looped.

Hot water systems laid with lower piping. Upper piping is allowed for hot water supply systems with natural circulation of water, as well as when dividing systems into zones vertically.

In centralized hot water supply systems serving a group of buildings, it is possible to combine the pipelines of water distribution and circulation risers into sectional units.

In closed centralized hot water supply systems, measures should be taken to protect pipelines and water heaters from corrosion.

The temperature of hot water at water points should be:

Not lower than 60° C for centralized hot water supply systems connected to open water supply systems;


Central hot water supply systems can be:

- with the preparation of hot water in hot water or steam boilers installed in local boiler houses;

- with the preparation of hot water in central heating points (CHS) according to a closed circuit;

- with direct water supply from heating networks.

Centralized hot water preparation systems in hot water boilers are used for one or a small group of buildings. The disadvantage of such a system is the release of slag on the inner surface of boilers, therefore such systems are used to a limited extent. For a small group of buildings, steam boilers are used, the steam from which enters the coil of a capacitive water heater, where it condenses, heating the water, and the condensate flows back into the boiler through a condensate line. Steam water heaters are designed to heat water with steam in heating and hot water supply systems.

To measure water pressure and temperature, pressure gauges and thermometers are installed at individual points of the control unit. Three-way control valves are installed under the pressure gauges, which are screwed into the pipe fittings.

Hot water systems They come with a dead-end or circulation pipeline.

In hot water supply systems with a dead-end pipeline, with little or no hot water being drawn, the water quickly cools down. Therefore, this scheme is used in low-rise residential buildings, where the network is short, or for systems where water is constantly removed.

Currently, single-pipe centralized hot water supply systems are used in residential buildings. In these systems, the risers within one section at the top are connected to each other, with all but one of the risers connected to the supply line, and one drain riser to the circulation line.

Pipes of hot water supply systems are located to the right of cold water supply risers. Horizontal piping from the risers to the appliances is laid near the floor above the cold water pipelines.

1.3. Characteristics and purpose of the supply and return pipelines of the heating network (T1 - T2).

Heating- this is artificial heating of premises in order to compensate for heat losses in them Q building and maintaining a temperature at a given level determined by the conditions of thermal comfort for people in the room or the requirements of the process occurring in it.

Heating systems can be local or central.

Water and air heating systems According to the method of coolant circulation, there are natural (gravity) and artificial (pump) circulation.

To supply heat to buildings, boiler systems are used, consisting of a boiler, auxiliary equipment and devices. The choice of boiler type is determined by the needs of consumers, the technical and economic indicators of the boilers, the type of fuel used and local conditions. The number of boilers depends on the total power of the heating system and the power of individual boilers.

Heating devices

Heating system diagrams are divided by the following indicators:

With top and bottom wiring;

Single-pipe and double-pipe;

Dead-end or passing.

Single-pipe water heating systems do not have return risers.

Single-pipe water heating systems do not have return risers. Hot water, passing through the upper heating devices, is cooled and returned to the supply risers to the lower heating devices. The lower heating devices receive hot water from the upper radiators. Single-pipe systems are easier to install, require fewer pipes and look more beautiful.

Two-pipe heating system with vertical risers with upper and lower wiring, it is advisable to use. in one and two storey houses and cottages with steep roofs. The advantage of such a system is that its installation requires fewer pipes and installation costs. 8

In a vertical system The radiators of the lower and upper floors are connected to a single riser.

In a horizontal system All radiators on one floor are connected to a single riser. The advantage of such a system is that it requires fewer pipes and lower installation costs.

1.4. Characteristics and purpose of a circular hot water supply pipeline (T4).

Circulation pipeline designed to circulate water in a hot water supply system, providing compensation for heat losses in pipelines.

The circulating flow rate of hot water is calculated taking into account the cooling of water in the pipelines by 8.5 or 10 ° C, depending on the hydraulic conditions in the system. In high-rise buildings, this difference in water temperature is often enough to ensure circulation due to gravitational pressure.

The use of gravitational pressure makes it possible to abandon the use of circulation pumps, but with the mandatory use of pressure accumulator tanks, which was previously recommended as an energy-saving solution based on the absence of a pump. Currently, such solutions are also being implemented. However, in modern hot water supply systems, other technical approaches are used to ensure energy saving while improving the quality of this utility service.

Modern systems are equipped with thermostats on circulation pipelines with a built-in thermal disinfection function at a temperature of 70 °C. To do this, provide cyclic temperature and hydraulic operating conditions of the system. This can only be done with pumped water circulation.

It should also be noted that the previously mentioned drops in water temperature due to its cooling in pipelines are twice as high as in foreign systems. The reason for this is insufficient thermal insulation of pipelines and the presence of heated towel rails, which leads to an increase in circulating water consumption and a decrease in the energy efficiency of the system.

Improving the energy efficiency of a hot water supply system is achieved by connecting heated towel rails to the heating system or using electric heated towel rails.

1.5. General information about internal plumbing

According to their purpose, the internal water supply is divided into utility and drinking water supply, industrial water supply and fire-fighting water supply.

Internal utility and drinking water supply is installed in all residential and public buildings with sewerage, as well as in all industrial and auxiliary buildings in which the installation of sanitary fixtures or drinking fountains is provided.

In residential and public buildings, it is possible to install a combined drinking and fire water supply system or separate two water supply systems.

Industrial buildings can be equipped with: combined utility and drinking water, industrial and fire safety, or drinking and industrial water supply and drinking water supply for all needs; combined utility and drinking and fire protection or industrial and fire protection; separate systems for various purposes. The most common is the combined utility and industrial fire water supply system.

Internal networks of domestic and industrial water supply systems supplying drinking water are laid from galvanized pipes with a diameter of up to 70 mm and from non-galvanized pipes for larger diameters. Internal networks of industrial water supply systems supplying non-potable water, as well as networks of individual fire-fighting water supply systems, are laid from non-galvanized steel pipes.

To empty internal water supply networks, main and distribution pipelines, as well as pipes leading to devices, are laid with a slope of 0.002-0.005 to the input. Internal water supply networks are laid in rooms where the air temperature in winter is above 2° C. If the pipeline is laid in rooms with an air temperature below 2° C, it is necessary to take measures to protect the pipes from freezing the water in them. Pipelines running in rooms with high humidity should be covered with thermal insulation to prevent condensation of water vapor on the surface of the pipelines.

Internal water supply networks can be with bottom wiring, when the mains are laid in the basement or technical underground, or with upper wiring, when the mains are laid under the ceiling of the upper floor.

With zonal water supply, each zone has its own main lines, which are usually laid in technical floors.

The laying of main and distribution water supply networks inside buildings should, as a rule, be provided open. Concealed laying of pipes in wall grooves and shafts is allowed; in these cases, hatches are installed in the places where the fittings and threaded connections are installed for inspection and repair.

To ensure normal operation, valve-type shut-off valves must be installed on the internal water supply:

At each input - to disconnect the building;

On a ring distribution network - for possible disconnection of individual sections, but no more than a half-ring;

On a ring fire water supply network - to turn off no more than five fire hydrants on one floor and no more than one riser in buildings over 50 m high;

On the ring network of industrial water supply - to ensure two-way water supply to the units;

At the base of fire risers with five or more fire hydrants;

At the base of the risers of the drinking water or industrial network in buildings of three floors or more;

On branches feeding five or more points;

On branches to each apartment, on connections to flush tanks, flush taps, water heating columns to group showers and washbasins;

In front of external watering taps;

Before instruments, devices and units for special purposes;

On all branches from main water supply lines.

In addition, it is planned to install watering taps on internal water supply networks at the rate of one tap per 60-70 m of the perimeter of the building.


1.6. Water taps, shut-off, safety and control valves

Depending on the purpose, the following types of fittings are used in internal water supply networks: water taps, shut-off valves, control valves, and safety valves.

Water fittings . Water taps are used to collect water for domestic and economic needs.

The water tap “Duck” (190, a) has a spout of a more elongated shape than a regular tap. Thanks to this shape, the distance from the wall of the sink or sink to the spout is greater, making it more convenient to use.

A valve-type urinal tap consists of a body, at one end of which there is a thread for connecting it to the pipeline, and at the other end there is a coupling for connecting to the urinal. A cap with a spindle is screwed into the valve body; gasket to the seat, as a result of which the flow of water stops. To ensure the tightness of the valve, there is an oil seal packing at the point where the spindle passes, which is sealed with a stuffing box bushing.

A plug-type bath faucet, in which the maximum flow of water is created by turning the faucet handle 90°, consists of a body and a conical plug with a window; Water enters through the window. The tightness of the tap is achieved through a conical plug, which is tightened with a tension nut.

The most common toilet taps are Kr67s, Kr68s and a rotary tap with a spout and mesh.

Shut-off valves is intended to turn off individual sections of the network. This includes valves, valves and check valves.

A parallel valve with a rising spindle is a shut-off valve and at the same time can be used to regulate the amount of water supplied. It is installed on pipelines with a diameter of 50 mm or more.

protrusion /, sandwiched between the cover and the flange, which prevents the spindle from moving along the axis. A rectangular thread is cut on the lower part of the spindle, which fits into the same thread in the hole of the upper wedge. At the bottom of the valve body there is a lower wedge engaged with the discs. When the spindle rotates to the right, the upper wedge and the lower wedge of the valve coupled to it go down. When the lower wedge rests on the valve body, the beveled plane of the upper wedge slides over the beveled plane of the lower wedge. The wedges press the discs against the rings of the body, hermetically closing the passage. A parallel valve of the “Moscow” type provides a tighter closure of the passage than a parallel valve with a sliding spindle. For cold water pipelines, leather, rubber or plastic is used as a seal under the valve, and for hot water pipelines water - a special ebonite mass or heat-resistant rubber.

Valves with bronze spools ground to the housing seat are installed on steam pipeline lines. The direction of water movement through the valve is shown by an arrow on the body.

1.7. Instruments for measuring water flow and pressure

To measure pressure in various situations, both at high and low pressure, can be used to measure pressures in two different volumes. GPA pressure measurement range, from 0 to 1999 (TESTO-512) from 0 to 100 (TESTO-515). Accuracy T0.5%.

Flow measuring instruments are often used in various industries. They allow you to control the flow rate, as well as the level of liquid, granular bodies. There are several types of such devices.

Relay sensor RIS, ROS. Level sensors-relays are designed to control one or two independent limit levels of electrically conductive and non-electrically conductive liquids. RIS, ROS relay sensors can also be used to measure the level of solid (lumpy) media, grains and products of its grinding, as well as the separation of media with sharply different dielectric constants. The RIS, ROS relay sensor is reliable in operation and affordable.

Flow meters. Flow meter with integrator Works on the principle of non-contact measurement of the level of liquid flowing in a water pipeline. Subsequently, it is converted into an instantaneous flow rate and subsequent integration. An ultrasonic flow meter is designed to measure the flow and quantity of sound-conducting liquids, including waste water.

Converters. They are used to measure the volume and volumetric flow of liquids, gases (natural gases and associated petroleum gas), compressed air and steam at operating pressure and operating temperature. Converters are widely used in various industries, in systems for automatic metering, regulation and flow of liquids, gaseous media and steam as part of gas and steam meters. Level alarms. There are several types of level switches.

A sludge level alarm is most often installed in settling tanks of wastewater treatment plants. Its operating principle is based on the analysis of the attenuation of infrared spectrum radiation in inhomogeneous media. The multipoint level switch supplies the control panel with an electrical discrete signal, which signals the liquid level in the tanks. The alarms can also determine the distance to the separation of two immiscible liquids in containers of technical installations.

2.1. Fire protection system.

According to the method of extinguishing fires, the water supply systems of the city as a whole from individual buildings are divided into 2 categories:

A low-pressure system in which water from hydrants of the external water supply network is supplied by fire brigade pumps;

High pressure systems must provide not only the supply of increased standard fire water flow, but also increase the pressure to a value sufficient to create jets when fed from a hydrant.

Based on the use of technical means of supplying water to the source of the fire, fire water pipelines are divided into:

Simple (equipped with manual fire hydrants);

Semi-automatic (deluge, water curtains);

Automatic (drinkler).

Simple fire water pipes designed to extinguish fires inside the building. They have a network in common with the domestic water supply. In fire-fighting water pipelines, special risers equipped with fire hydrants are connected to the distribution main lines.

Installation of internal fire-fighting water supply systems Necessarily:

In residential buildings with a height of 12 floors or more;

In buildings of hotels, boarding houses, boarding schools with a height of 4 floors or more;

In administrative buildings and auxiliary buildings of industrial enterprises with a height of 6 floors or more;

In buildings of hospitals, children's institutions, shops, train stations, catering and consumer services establishments with a volume of each building of 5000 m3 or more;

In sanatorium rest houses, research institutes, in museums, libraries, boarding houses with a volume of each building of 7500 m3 or more, in theaters, cinemas, clubs, concert halls with auditoriums for 200 seats or more.

Fire risers in residential buildings they are connected to the general main of the utility water supply, and in industrial enterprises - to a special fire-fighting or industrial water supply. Fire risers are laid openly along the wall or hidden in grooves. Fire risers and fire hydrants are placed in heated stairwells, corridors, at the entrances to separate rooms, i.e. in places convenient for servicing fire hydrants.

The systems should be used as dead-end systems when the number of fire hydrants is up to 12. 2 or more inputs should be provided for buildings equipped with stringler and deluge systems with more than 3 level nodes.

When installing two or more inlets, provision should be made for their connection, as a rule, in different sections of the external water supply network.

Entry points must be marked on the walls of buildings. This is necessary so that in the event of destruction of the internal network during a fire, it can be quickly turned off, in order to avoid a significant decrease in water pressure.

To prevent water from transiting through the inlets from one section of the network to another, check valves are installed at both inlets.

Fire risers are made only from steel pipes. The pipe connection can be welded, threaded, or glued.

The length of the hose (sleeve) should provide the ability to supply water to any point in the apartment.

If the pressure of the city water supply network is small, then pumps are installed. Pumps are installed in heating points and boiler rooms.

Design of simple fire water supply systems.

PV systems with fire hydrants consist of: the same as in hot and cold water supply.

PV has its own designations:

For separate PTs, non-galvanized steel pipes are used (the use of plastic pipes is prohibited; galvanized pipes are allowed to be used for connection with a drinking water supply);

In buildings of 6 floors or more, fire risers should be looped along the top.

Internal fire hydrants installed in lobbies, corridors, passages, etc.

In industrial and public buildings with a design number of jets of at least 3 taps;

In residential buildings there are at least two or twin fire hydrants;

In residential buildings with corridors up to 10 m, it is allowed to irrigate with two jets from one fire riser;

In residential buildings with corridors of more than 10 m, it is necessary to irrigate with two jets from 2 adjacent risers (from different fire cabinets).

In the cabinets, paired fire valves are installed one above the other in one cabinet, each valve is placed at least 1 m from the floor, special fire valves, semi-connecting nuts, a fire hose, and a fire catcher are also installed.

To obtain a fire jet with a water flow rate of 4 l/sec. Fire hydrants and hoses with d=50mm should be used. Fire hoses are used 10-15 m long.

2.2. Ventilation systems

General information about ventilation systems

To achieve everyday comfort, in accordance with the requirements of European standards, modern industry constantly offers more and more new developments and achievements. Double-glazed windows of the latest designs protect the room from street noise and save heat, reliable steel doors ensure safety, powerful kitchen hoods eliminate the penetration of food odors into the living area.

However, unfortunately, it often happens that after high-quality repairs, carried out in the strictest accordance with the requirements of European standards, after installing modern sealed windows and doors, it turns out that a certain discomfort is still present, and it is associated with improper air exchange, uncomfortable temperature, excessive dryness or excessive humidity. This task becomes very relevant when using modern windows, characterized by a high degree of tightness, which do not allow, when closed, to provide the necessary flow of fresh air into the room.

It can be argued that in every city house there is a system of natural supply and exhaust ventilation: in the kitchen, bathroom, toilet, even at the stage of building the house, special ventilation holes are made through which exhaust air naturally escapes. And, besides, there is always a simple and affordable way to ventilate a room - regular ventilation by opening windows.

However, natural home ventilation has certain disadvantages associated with the design features of the house, the location of the apartment and other reasons. If we talk about opening window sashes, then long-term ventilation in this way is possible only in the warm season, and in winter and with significant temperature changes, significant heat loss is inevitable. In addition, such primitive ventilation does not allow you to control either the air temperature, the degree of humidity, or the level of pollution. In winter, when windows are opened, there is a large influx of cold air, not to mention drafts, which often cause colds.

And although modern windows, equipped with the latest fitting systems, are quite convenient - they allow ventilation in any mode, that is, opening the window to the desired degree and securely fixing it in this position - natural ventilation by opening them still does not save you from stuffiness, for example , hot and windless summer day.

According to experts, for urban residents who spend most of the day in their homes, the most severe discomfort is caused by an unbalanced air environment. When staying in a room with poor ventilation for a long time, a person’s sleep and well-being worsen; too cold or too heated air becomes a cause of illness; In addition, excessive dryness or excessive humidity causes damage to furniture, wallpaper, and furnishings.

Experts advise residents of apartments located in dilapidated, damp buildings, with a poorly functioning natural ventilation system, and especially in apartments on the first and last floors of buildings, to pay especially close attention to the quality of the air environment. There are special regulatory documents that reflect air exchange standards for city apartments. Thus, according to SNiP 2.08.01-89, the normal volume of fresh air inflow per 1 m2 of living space should be at least 3 m3/h, and the total norm of the volume of polluted air removed using an extractor from toilets, bathrooms and kitchens, depending depending on the type of stove, - 110-140 m3/h. Without going into tedious calculations, we can comment on these data as follows. A sufficient rate of fresh air flow into an apartment is considered to be 3 m3/h per 1 m2 of area, if there is less than 20 m2 for each inhabitant. If there is an area of ​​more than 20 m2 per person, then the air exchange rate per hour (the ratio of the volume of air supplied or removed per hour to the internal volume of the room) should not be less than 0.35 - provided that the air is not additionally polluted by cigarette smoke and food products vital activity of indoor plants. In this case, the air exchange rate increases.

To solve this problem, European manufacturers have developed special ventilation devices. Depending on the design features, they can be attached either to the profile of the sash or frame, or between the double-glazed window and the sash. Currently, manufacturers offer entire automatic ventilation systems for use, consisting of supply and exhaust humidity-controlled devices. The purpose of such a system is to adapt the supply of fresh air to real needs in all rooms and exhaust polluted air. Thanks to the functioning of such systems, air masses move in the room in the required volume.

However, a conventional ventilation system, as a rule, is not capable of purifying indoor air and maintaining the required indoor temperature. And since for many city residents today, cleaning indoor air and its temperature is an urgent need, experts have created special devices. So, there are special air purifiers for air purification. And so that the air is not only clean and fresh, but also has a temperature that is comfortable for each inhabitant of the apartment - after all, one person may prefer warmth, while another may prefer pleasant coolness - with the help of special household appliances, you can also create an individual microclimate in each room .

Ventilation diagram

The design department of the SKN group of companies specializes in the development of working documentation for the proposed solutions. Without developing a full-fledged Project, this approach allows you to reduce the overall costs of the facility.

Ventilation diagram - a drawing describing the design of the ventilation system, including a description of the air ducts used, the main elements of the configuration of the air supply network. Usually performed in axonometry.

In a broader sense, the concept of ventilation scheme can be understood as the general type of system used. The ventilation concept may involve a mechanical supply system and a natural exhaust system, or vice versa, a mechanical exhaust system and an unorganized supply. These two examples are only special cases, but they clearly illustrate that sometimes even opposite options can be in demand on real objects.

Also, the concept of a ventilation diagram may include the configuration of the air duct network, this is a drawing and description of all elements and sections of air ducts, including shaped elements, adapters and air distribution devices. You may need this service in cases where the customer does not require full protection of the Ventilation Project before the supervisory authorities; work on site may

2.3 Sewerage

The sewer system consists from internal sewerage devices in buildings, external gravity pipe networks, treatment facilities and special devices for release into a reservoir. If, due to local conditions, wastewater cannot be drained by gravity to treatment facilities, arrange pumping stations pumping and pressure water pipelines.

Internal sewerage devices are used to receive water used in everyday life or at work and discharge it into the external sewerage network. A gravity-flow external pipeline network that receives wastewater from internal sewers is laid along the streets and passages of cities and towns. Depending on the type of water discharged, sewer systems are divided into three main groups: combined, separate and semi-separate.

The all-alloy system consists of a network of pipes and collectors (prefabricated sewer lines) through which wastewater of all types is discharged: domestic and fecal, industrial and atmospheric; wastewater enters treatment facilities, where it is purified and neutralized, and then discharged into natural reservoirs. To reduce the size of the main collectors, storm drains are installed on them - structures through which a mixture of rain and household wastewater is discharged into the nearest flowing reservoirs located before the treatment facilities during heavy rains.

The internal sewerage network is installed in the following sequence: first, sewer risers are installed and outlets are laid, then drain pipes are laid and sanitary fixtures are installed.

Types of pipes.

Pipes in sewer pipelines:

    Metal pipes.

    Glass pipes.

    Synthetic pipes.

    Ceramic pipes.

    Cast iron pipes without coupling.

    Steel pipes with couplings.

    High quality stainless steel pipes with couplings.

Types of synthetic pipes:

    Pipe systems made of high density polyethylene.

    Resistant to high temperatures.

    Made of polypropylene, intended for the installation of house branches and house outlets. 22

    High temperature resistant pipe systems. made of polyethylene with soundproofing properties.


    Polyvenyl chloride.

    Plastic pipes

2.4. Classification of heating systems

General information

Temperature conditions in the premises depend on heat gains and losses, on the size and heat-protective properties of external fences and the location of heating and heating devices.

Heat enters the room from people, animals, household and technological equipment, sources of artificial lighting, heated materials, products, due to supply ventilation air and solar radiation, as well as during technological processes associated with the release of heat.

Heat loss in cold times are caused by heat transfer through the external fences of buildings, heating of cold air entering the interior through leaks in fences or doors, gates and supplied for ventilation, heating of cold vehicles, products and materials entering the room.

Estimated maximum heat loss Q building (W) through external fences are determined by the difference in the calculated temperatures of the internal t in and outdoor t n air, the size and orientation of external enclosures, their thermal properties, household and process heat emissions, as well as meteorological conditions (for example, wind speed and outdoor air humidity).

Heating - this is the artificial heating of premises in order to compensate for heat losses Q building and maintain temperature t at a given level, determined by the conditions of thermal comfort for people in the room or the requirements of the process occurring in it.

Depending on the coolant used in heating systems - water, steam, air or several at once - they are called water, steam, air or combined. In some cases, electric and gas heating systems are also used.

Heating systems can be local and central.

According to the method of coolant circulation, water and air heating systems come with natural (gravity) and artificial (pump) circulation.

Water heating systems, widely used, consist of the following main elements:

      Heat generator or heat exchanger

      Heating devices

      Mains (pipes)

      Expansion vessel

      Circulation pump or elevator unit

According to the location of the pipes connecting the heating devices, water and steam heating systems are divided into vertical and horizontal .

Depending on the design of the risers and the connection diagram of heating devices to them, heating systems can be single - or double-pipe or bifilar .

Based on the placement of highways, systems with upper and lower wiring are distinguished.

Depending on the movement of the coolant in the supply and return lines - with passing and dead-end water movement

Heating, appliances and fittings

Heating devices designed for heating rooms by transferring heat from the coolant to the room. Heat is transferred by convection and radiation (radiation). Heating devices are divided into radiation, convection and convection-radiation.

The most common types of heating devices are:

      Radiators – sectional and panel


      Finned tubes

      Smooth tube registers

      Heating panels (eg underfloor heating)

      Dynamic heating devices - fan convectors and decentralized heaters (closers)

The most important characteristic of heating devices is the heat flow transmitted by the device to the air and enclosures of the room under standard conditions.

The operating conditions of the heating device are taken as standard, under which the difference in the average temperatures of the coolant in the device and the air in the room is 70° C, water flow through the device M = 0.1 kg/s (360 kg/h), the barometric air pressure in the room is 1013.3 hPa (760 mm Hg) and the movement of the coolant in the device is carried out according to the “top to bottom” pattern.

Under other operating conditions of the heating device, its heat flow will differ from the standard one (usually indicated in its technical characteristics), therefore it is necessary to calculate the heat flow of the heating device for each individual case.


1. Sargin Yu.N. etc. Designer's Handbook. Internal sanitary installations. Part 2. Water supply and sewerage. M.: Stroyizdat, 1990. – 247 p.

2. Somov M.A. Plumbing systems and construction. M.: Stroyizdat, 1988. – 399 p.

Operation buildings and structures (2) Abstract >> Construction

May be subject to replacement. IN modern buildings the number of structural elements has increased, the life... buildings with the minimum required strength and durability, quality of finish, degree of equipment with engineering and sanitary-technical systems. ...

  • Technical operation of residential buildings

    Test >> Construction

    Equipment of thermal units buildings modern control and measuring... with systems automatic regulation of heat consumption; - systems heating... in sanitary-technical cabins List of used literature Technical operation of residential buildings – ...

  • Sanitary-technical installation and drainage of residential buildings

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    6.References Introduction Sanitary-technical device and equipment modern buildings is an engineering complex... with hydropneumatic installations; zone systems. Internal sewerage - system engineering devices and structures...

  • Calculation of internal water supply buildings and structures

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    Hot water supply and sewerage for a 7-storey residential building buildings. Modern systems water supply and sewerage are complex... rational placement sanitary-technical devices in building . 1.3 Systems internal hot...

  • The purpose of sanitary devices and buildings is to maintain a given temperature, humidity and air purity, provide flammable gas and water for domestic needs and production processes, and remove wastewater, solid and liquid waste.

    Plumbing systems in buildings include heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, gas supply, cold and hot water supply, sewerage and drainage systems, as well as garbage chutes.

    Plumbing related to the device

    heating, ventilation, heat and gas supply systems, hot and cold water supply and sewage systems of buildings. There are external and internal sanitary works.

    External sanitary work includes laying pipelines to buildings for external heat, gas and water supply and sewerage networks.

    Internal work on the installation of sanitary, heating, ventilation and gas equipment inside buildings and structures.

    Sanitary work is divided into:

    • - preparatory
    • - procurement,
    • - auxiliary,
    • - installation and assembly.

    When installing sanitary systems, the main work is usually preceded by partial or complete dismantling of the old system.

    Preparatory work is the initial stage of creating a sanitary-technical system, when they study technical documentation, draw up installation projects and work execution plans (PPR), carry out measurements, draw up orders for the manufacture of pipeline assembly blanks in central procurement workshops

    (TsZM) or at assembly workpiece factories (ZMZ), draw up requests for materials and equipment, etc.

    Procurement work includes cutting, bending and connecting pipelines, assembling enlarged pipeline assemblies and blocks, assembling pumps and other equipment, inspection and testing of fittings, pipeline assemblies and equipment, manufacturing of non-standard parts, means of fastening devices and pipelines. To facilitate the work of workers, most procurement work is carried out at highly mechanized procurement enterprises (ZMZ, TsZM and local procurement workshops), where comprehensive mechanization and automation of procurement processes are used.

    Auxiliary work consisting of preparing equipment and a facility for pipeline installation includes loading and unloading (delivery of installation workpieces, materials, equipment to the site, loading, unloading and delivering them to the installation site) and fastening (drilling holes for fastening pipelines and installation means of fastening) work.

    Installation and assembly work includes installation into the mounting position and connection of pipes, enlarged units and blocks, instruments and equipment, testing of systems.

    Installation and assembly work of sanitary systems using the flow method at a construction site is carried out in three stages:

    • - the first stage - laying sewer outlets, water supply inlets, gas supply, heat supply, installation of thermal units, heating boiler houses, their testing;
    • - the second stage - installation of heating devices, assembly of pipelines for water, gas and heat supply systems, sewerage systems, testing them;
    • - the third stage - installation and testing of sanitary and gas appliances.

    The first stage of work is carried out in the basements of buildings under construction or special ancillary buildings (heating stations, boiler rooms) and in the open building area. Therefore, construction schedules link only the final and most important intermediate deadlines for their implementation.

    The work of the second and third stages is carried out on the floors of the building, and the order of their implementation is strictly linked to general construction work. For example, after completion of general construction work on the first section (the part of the building on which work is being carried out), builders move to the second, and plumbers lay pipelines and install equipment on the first section. When the builders leave for the next job, the plumbers come to the second job.

    The flow method allows several types of work to be carried out simultaneously, which reduces the overall construction time. However, each type of work must be performed at a strictly specified time. In case of violation of the deadline for completing any type of work, all subsequent operations are delayed, for example, the delay in installing a heating system does not allow concreting the seams between the panels and carrying out finishing work in winter.

    The sequential method of organizing work, when sanitary and technical work is carried out after the completion of general construction work (except for finishing), is used mainly in the construction of low-rise buildings, small industrial buildings, as well as when installing sanitary and technical systems in existing buildings and during their reconstruction.

    Sanitary work is supposed to be carried out using an industrial method, observing the principle of a clear separation of operations for pipeline preparation and installation.

    Installation and assembly work at sites is carried out according to the calendar plan (schedule) of work, which lists all types of work in detail and indicates the sequence of installation in conjunction with general construction work.

    Installation work at sites - installation of boiler rooms, heating systems, sewerage, water supply, hot water supply, gas pipelines - is carried out by teams of installers.

    Parallel method, i.e. installation simultaneously with the construction of walls is the most common. With this method, it is necessary that at least one interfloor ceiling in brick buildings and at least two floors in buildings made of large blocks and panels be installed above the installers of sanitary systems. With this method of work, the building is divided into two sections horizontally and into a number of sections (depending on the height of the building) vertically. With this breakdown, the installation of building structures is carried out on the right side of the building, and at the same time, work on the installation of sanitary systems is carried out on the left side of the building. Having completed construction work, workers move to the left side of the building, and plumbers move to the right side to perform installation work; So they alternate until the work is completed.

    The parallel installation method can significantly reduce construction time and reduce installation costs compared to the sequential method.

    The method of carrying out work on the installation of sanitary installations by specialized teams and units has become widespread. A specialized team or unit performs one type of work, for example, installation of sewerage systems, installation of gas pipelines, installation of heating systems.

    Many installation works are carried out simultaneously with general construction work, for example, the installation of inputs for heating networks, water supply, gas pipelines, and sewer outlets is carried out simultaneously with the digging of pits and the laying of foundations and basement walls. The pumps are installed on finished foundations simultaneously with the construction of walls. Installation of networks, as a rule, begins from the lower floor after completing the zero-cycle work, which allows for floor-by-floor commissioning of individual sanitary systems. This method is especially widely used in block and panel housing construction.

    In the process of installing sanitary systems in the zero construction cycle, an important role is played by the implementation of work on insulation and sound insulation of pipes, which require linking the installation with the building structural elements of the building.

    Insulation of pipelines laid in rooms with low temperatures (even with a short-term drop in temperature below 0 °C) is carried out using various materials for the installation of backfill, coating or lining thermal insulation. Mineral wool, clay with felt flakes, slag (not containing sulfur), etc., as well as ready-made segments (shells) of factory production are used as insulating materials. Thermal insulation increases the outer diameter of the pipes and often requires the installation of boxes reinforced along the walls, under the ceiling, and in the floor. Particular attention should be paid to the insulation of the water supply inlet, since in the absence of a warm basement or technical underground, the inlet takes place in the zone of soil freezing.

    Successful completion of the work is ensured by: 1) thorough and timely preparation of the object for installation, early and high-quality production of all Parts required for installation at procurement enterprises; 2) timely and complete delivery of products to the construction site; 3) use of well-established technology for installation work on site; 4) use of construction cranes according to a combined schedule: 5) mechanization of labor-intensive processes during installation work; 6) installation from vehicles.

    Before the start of internal sanitary and technical work on the zero cycle, the following must be arranged: a) input of the heating network and heating points for heat supply from the combined heat and power plant; b) water supply entry; c) yard sewerage, outlets and pipelines below the basement floor level; d) gas injection. The technological sequence of performing sanitary and technical work is established by the work project. When linking sanitary and technical work with general construction and other related work, the following rules must be taken into account:

    • 1) brackets, hangers and other means of fastening equipment, instruments and pipelines are installed before finishing work begins;
    • 2) sanitary and gas appliances are installed before painting the premises, and water fittings are installed after painting;
    • 3) hydraulic tests of sanitary pipelines are carried out before the start of finishing work;
    • 4) at facilities constructed in the autumn-winter period, it is necessary to provide for the completion of the installation of heating systems within a time frame that ensures finishing work is carried out during the cold season.

    Before the start of installation and assembly work, the head of the installation site, together with a representative of the general contractor, based on the instructions of the PPR, establishes the boundaries of the next work - occupation - at the construction site.

    The enclosures can be: a) for industrial buildings - the entire building with a volume of up to 5000 m3 or part of it, including a separate complex of sanitary and technical devices based on location (basements, separate production premises, workshop, span, etc.) or itself complex of devices (heating station, etc.); b) for public, cultural and residential buildings constructed from small-sized elements - one or several sections or a separate building (for small volumes of work). An office for line workers (trailer, etc.), a storage room and household appliances should be organized on the site. Industrial prefabricated elements of sanitary devices must be manufactured in a timely manner at procurement enterprises. Within the time limits specified in the schedule, components and parts are delivered to the site fully equipped.

    5. Connect the heating system of an industrial building with an administrative building to external heating networks. Draw a diagram, give a description of the equipment (diagram of the subscriber node)

    The system connection will be made based on TKP 45-4.02-182-2009 (HEATING NETWORKS Building design standards), where the following is stated in clause 7.2.4 - connection to heat networks of consumers should be carried out, as a rule, according to an independent scheme through individual heating points (hereinafter referred to as ITP). It is allowed to connect consumers according to a dependent scheme in heat supply systems from heat sources with a capacity of up to 20 MW.

    Sanitary work accounts for about 10% of the total volume of construction and installation work. The successful implementation of such a volume of sanitary and technical work is possible only when they are produced using industrial methods, which make it possible to separate procurement operations carried out at assembly plants and in central procurement workshops (CPM) based on measurements from nature or according to installation projects, from assembly operations carried out at construction sites , and create conditions for significantly accelerating and improving the quality of sanitary work, reducing their cost and increasing labor productivity.

    In large cities, the industrialization of sanitation works is carried out with the help of assembly plants. An assembly plant, or a plant of assembly structures, is a more advanced type of construction industry enterprise created under specialized installation trusts. The name and purpose of the workshops that are part of the procurement plant are determined by the nomenclature and quantity of products and blanks produced.

    As a rule, the procurement plant includes the following workshops: pipe procurement, boiler-welding, tinsmithing, as well as a section for assembling units from cast iron and plastic sewer pipes, a machine shop, a repair section and a pipe bending area.

    The pipe procurement shop produces parts from pipes with a diameter of up to 50 mm inclusive and assemblies for heating systems, internal cold and hot water supply, gas supply, special pipelines for boiler rooms, and boiler rooms. When carrying out work in a pipe procuring shop, a distinction is made between operational and route technologies. Operational technology is understood as the sequence of work according to special technological maps. Route technology is the technology of the entire production process for the manufacture of parts or products. The shorter and more perfect the path of a part from operation to operation, the more rational the route technology is. This depends primarily on the arrangement of machines and mechanisms; they must be placed along the flow so that in the technological process there is no cross movement of the part around the workshop, so that the part moves in one direction.

    In a pipe procurement shop, a part can be moved to a worker to perform the next operation in various ways: it can be carried manually, transported on a trolley, or using a rotating rack around which machines are placed, etc. Issues of interoperational transport are most fully resolved on a pipe procurement conveyor. To organize route technology, machines and mechanisms are placed along the conveyor.

    The boiler and welding shop houses three departments: sheet structures, lattice structures, and pipe assemblies. The sheet metal department manufactures parts and equipment from thick sheet steel. The lattice structures department produces various supports, brackets and stands for sanitary equipment. In the pipe assemblies department, parts are made from pipes connected at flanges and.

    Creating a flow with a clear operational and routing technology is possible in the case of work on the preparation of large-diameter pipes in specialized workshops of assembly plants using advanced welding technology and devices that facilitate the work of the welder. Such devices include manipulators that allow you to rotate a heavy part and install it so that all joints alternately come to a position convenient for welding. Currently, robotics are used in boiler and welding shops to eliminate manual labor and improve the quality of products.

    In the tin shop, air ducts and parts of ventilation systems are prepared from thin sheet steel.

    The assembly area for cast iron sewer units and at many procurement plants is equipped with a significant number of mechanisms and vehicles. Sealing is done using various materials.

    In Fig. Figure 1.1 shows a diagram of the site for harvesting units from sewer pipes. As can be seen from the diagram, all procurement processes are mechanized. and shaped parts are delivered to the site by a forklift, after which the cassettes are installed on racks, and the hoppers are moved to the workplace using an electric hoist along a monorail. Before cutting, pipes are marked directly in cassettes on racks. The pipes are released from the cassettes using a pneumatic drive. Assemblies completed according to the installation drawing are delivered to the carousel for assembly. Finished units are placed using an electric hoist into containers, which are transported to the finished product warehouse by a forklift.

    Rice. 1.1. Scheme of the site for preparing sewerage units
    1 - forklift; 2 - rack with cassettes; 3 - electric hoist; 4 - mechanized rack; 5 - cutting of pipes; 6 - acceptance to picking tables; 7 - jib crane; 8 - workbench; 9 - bins for fittings; 10 - furnaces for cooking sulfur; 11 - carousel for assembling units; 12 - baths for heating sulfur; 13 - containers for transporting units; 14 - jobs

    A procurement enterprise should strive for comprehensive mechanization of all processes - from unloading materials at the enterprise to shipping finished products to the construction site.

    Objective data for assessing the profitability of a procurement enterprise are its technical and economic indicators. The initial data for this are the annual program of the installation trust, the range and volume of products, the operating mode of the enterprise, the productivity of machines and mechanisms. Based on these data, the number of workers and the necessary equipment of the procurement enterprise is calculated.

    Sanitary work is one of the main parts of the entire complex of construction production. Therefore, the organization of work must be decided in combination with its entire organization.

    The complex process of constructing buildings and structures consists of separate types of general construction and special work. General construction includes the main work on the construction of buildings, from excavation to finishing, while special work includes the installation of sanitary systems. General construction work is carried out by a general contractor (general contractor), special work is carried out by a subcontractor. Currently, the main method of conducting construction and installation work of the general construction complex is. It provides for the grouping of all construction and installation processes at the site into cycles that follow one after another in a strict technological sequence. Plumbing installation is one of the flow cycles. It can be carried out simultaneously with certain civil construction works or after their completion. In the first case, the method is called parallel, in the second case - sequential.

    Work related to the construction of heating, ventilation, gas supply, hot water supply, water supply and sewerage systems of buildings. Based on the nature of the devices being constructed and the methods of performing the work, two main types are distinguished. groups of works: external, which includes work on laying pipelines for external networks - heat, gas and water supply and sewerage for communities, points and enterprises (industrial, transport and agricultural) and on the construction of head structures of systems water supply and sewerage; internal - installation of plumbing, heating and ventilation. and gas equipment industrial. and citizen buildings and structures.

    External sanitary works account for up to 15% of capital investments in a new industrial building. enterprises and cities. In the future, their volume will increase, including due to an increase in the level of improvement of rural settlements. Part of this work - the construction of head structures of water supply and sewerage systems (water intakes, pumping stations, water towers, underground reservoirs, etc.) - refers to general construction work. profile (stone, concrete, finishing, etc.) performed during the construction of buildings and structures for any purpose. At the same time, prefabricated reinforced concrete structures are widely and effectively used. The laying of external networks is a special issue. work. An integral part of them is excavation work on excavation and backfilling of trenches, which is fully mechanized using a special complex. mechanisms (ditch diggers, bucket wheel excavators, water reduction plants, etc.) and road machines (scrapers, bulldozers, etc.). Pipelines in trenches are laid in a trace. sequences: preparation on the edge of the trench of links (lashes) from several. pipes, lowering them into the trench using truck cranes or winches, straightening on the leveled bottom of the trench or using special tools. prepared base (for example, on a grillage, on piles when laying in quicksand), connecting the links with sealing the installation joints and hydraulic. or pneumatic testing pipelines for strength and density. The connections of pipes into links and links between each other are very diverse in design (welded connections of steel pipes, socket connections of cast iron and ceramic pipes, etc.), they are determined by the material of the pipes, the purpose and operating conditions of underground pipelines.

    For relatively rare above-ground installation of pipelines (on overpasses or on supports), the sequence and methods of performing the work are similar. When laying several at the same time. pipelines for various purposes in cramped urban conditions, the method of combined laying of underground communications is used (see Underground facilities). An effective design of the collector is made of frequently ribbed reinforced concrete panels, manufactured by vibration rolling and assembled at the factory into volumetric sections, delivered to the construction site, and installed in a trench. Gasket of external engineering networks is part of the engineering work. preparation of the construction site, and with proper organization, should be carried out before the construction of buildings begins.

    The basis for the industrialization of work on laying main pipelines is preparation for the installation of links (lashes) in production, on a stationary basis for large volumes of work in large cities and industrial centers, or mobile (local workshops) when laying very long pipelines (for example, for transport gas, etc.). At the production facilities, in addition to the main work - connecting (welding) links and strands, anti-corrosion and heat-insulating coatings are applied to the pipes, in particular foam concrete, foam glass, etc. The laying of external networks is carried out by specialized construction organizations.

    Internal sanitary and technical work is in industrial. and citizen construction on average up to 10% of the total cost of construction of buildings and structures. The volume and share of these works will increase significantly in the future due to an increase in the level of engineering equipment of buildings (hot water supply, air conditioning), expansion of heating and gasification of communities, settlements, improvement of the air environment in enterprises and improvement of the air basin of cities and industries. centers. Organizationally internal S.-t. r. are isolated from other types of construction and installation work and are carried out by specialized installation organizations, mainly using industrial methods. At the same time, they are part of the general process of constructing buildings and structures and are closely linked in terms and sequence of implementation with general construction and other special projects. works. Therefore, for internal S.-t.r. a combined method of work is used, in which installation of sanitary and technical equipment, heating and ventilation. and gas devices is carried out within several. cycles of a single construction process (flow).

    With the industrial method of conducting installation work in their production, the base is the procurement enterprise (assembly plant), where assembly units and parts are manufactured and systems are completed with the necessary equipment and materials. Such an enterprise serves construction sites in one or several economic districts, and is an industrial company. balance sheet and produces complete mounting blanks for the entire system or device.

    In connection with further specialization and gradual organization. By separating the work on the installation of ventilation and air conditioning systems, independent ventilation-procurement enterprises are created, which are production facilities and the base of specialized installation organizations. The basis for mass factory production of workpieces is the unification of assembly units, systems and devices and their consolidation to the limits determined by the convenience of transportation and assembly on site, which means a reduction in the labor intensity of installation and assembly work. In mass housing construction, the unification of installation components and systems has partially led to the combination of certain sanitary and technical equipment. devices (in a large-panel design) with the construction, design and delivery of these devices to the site in the form of independent enlarged installation blocks (heating panels, sanitary cabins).

    When linking sanitary and technical work with general construction work, the following conditions are met: hydraulic. tests are carried out no later than the completion of plastering work, and when laying hidden pipelines in furrows - before closing the latter; means of fastening equipment, pipelines and air ducts are installed before the start of painting work; sanitary and gas appliances are installed before the premises are finished and painted, and water fittings are installed after all finishing work is completed; adjustment of heating and ventilation systems, testing of gas supply systems is carried out before putting these systems into operation.

    Most assembly operations (installation joints) are carried out on site with the help of hand tools (pipe wrenches and wrenches, manual welding, etc.), and almost everything is auxiliary. the work is mechanized. The latter include: punching holes in structures, structures for installing means of fastening and laying pipelines and air ducts using electric and pneumatic tools, rigging work and moving equipment and workpieces to installation sites using lifting and transport mechanisms (wall-mounted and conventional winches with manual drive , double-drum electric winches, mobile jib cranes with a lifting capacity from 250 to 1000 kg, etc.). For installation of air duct equipment and main pipelines inside industrial facilities. buildings (if there is preparation for floors), truck cranes, hydraulic lifts and forklifts equipped with installation platforms are used. For assembling bolted connections in accessible places, electric power is widely used. and pneumatic impact wrenches. After completion of installation and assembly work, adjustment, adjustment and thermal testing of the installed systems are carried out for design parameters. Sanitary inspection ventilation efficiency devices is performed specially. commissioning organizations after the launch of the industry. enterprises (at full technological load of ventilated premises). Start-up and testing of sanitary technical. devices in winter are produced without preliminary, hydraulic. testing, eliminating leaks on the fly, pre-starting the heating system, temporarily switching supply ventilation systems to recirculation, etc.

    Lit.: SNiP, part 3, section. G, ch. 1. Sanitary equipment of buildings and structures. Rules for the production and acceptance of work, M., 1963; Govorov V.P., Economics and organization of sanitary works, M., 1961; JIiber I. S., Yakovlev P. S., Sanitary work in industrial and civil construction, JI.-M., 1962; Borodin I.V., Technology of construction of water supply and sewerage structures, 2nd ed., M., 1963.

    1. General characteristics of sanitary production.

    Plumbing work performed at a construction site by a specialized subcontractor includes:

    - installation of heating, gas supply, ventilation, water supply and sewerage systems;

    - installation of industrial ventilation systems, aspiration devices, pneumatic transport systems, air conditioning of industrial enterprises and special structures;

    - installation of boiler rooms, external gas supply systems, heat supply and automatic control devices, heat and gas points;

    - installation of cooling systems for blast furnaces and open-hearth furnaces, as well as other special sanitary and technical devices.

    In the pre-crisis years, there was a tendency to increase the share of sanitary and technical work due to the emergence of new design solutions, as well as in connection with the expansion and reconstruction of existing enterprises.

    Course on industrialization construction was also reflected in sanitary and technical work. Most of the sanitary-technical and ventilation products, parts and structures were procured in regional and metro-district procurement organizations equipped with special mechanisms for processing pipes and steel sheets, and only their assembly was carried out at the installation site. New welding methods were introduced.

    For the installation of enlarged units of sanitary and ventilation systems, hydraulic lifts, aerial platforms, forklifts and other means of mechanization began to be used, which made it possible to significantly increase labor productivity during installation. As a result, the number of workers in installation organizations has decreased.

    However, labor costs directly on construction sites are still quite high. Simple calculations show that they can be reduced to 30-35% of total labor costs, while factory labor costs, on the contrary, are increased to 65-70%.

    Panel heating systems have appeared in large-panel housing construction, and the degree of industrialization has also increased.

    The main way to improve blank production at present is the typification of assembly parts, assemblies and products to transform them into mass serial products.

    Recently, advanced technology for the production of wafer-wound spiral air ducts has been developed. The introduction of flexible plastic and other non-metallic air ducts and connections has begun.

    The performance of work by specialized organizations, in contrast to general construction general contracting trusts, has its own characteristics :

    The need to test, adjust and run sanitary and ventilation systems for their commissioning;

    Lack of specialization for a certain type of construction, which makes it difficult to organize the continuous execution of work by a specialized trust at the sites of several general contracting trusts;

    The dependence of the plan of a specialized organization on the plans of general construction trusts, because he must ensure the completion of specialized work within a certain time frame at all sites of general construction trusts;

    Simultaneous execution of work on a much larger number of objects than in general construction organizations;

    Significant territorial disunity of objects of a specialized trust;

    A large number of works that are difficult to account for in the activities of specialized organizations;

    A sharp increase in the cost of certain types of work in winter.

    2. Sanitary and hygienic production and scientific and technological progress.

    No one doubts that the economy revived after the crisis will develop further based on advanced technologies, because technically outdated products with high production costs will simply be of no use to anyone.

    All this applies to sanitary production. Scientific and technological progress will continue, which consists of improvement means of labor(machines, mechanisms, equipment), objects of labor(materials, products, structures) and ways of influencing the means of labor on the object of labor(technology, organization, planning and construction management).

    These three areas of scientific and technological progress (STP) are interconnected and have a complex effect on increasing labor productivity.

    First of all, the course towards industrialization of sanitary production will be continued. As in general in construction, the essence of this process is that labor processes, within economically justifiable limits, are transferred to factory conditions, where labor is more productive, and at construction and installation sites the level of mechanization and automation of work increases, which together achieves a reduction in manual labor costs. labor.

    An integral part of the industrialization of sanitary production is, on the one hand, rational unification constructive solutions, and on the other – typing products, parts and structures used for installation of sanitary and ventilation systems. a high level of unification and typification allows the same products, parts and structures to be repeatedly used in sanitary and ventilation systems.

    Naturally, this will require accelerating the development of the production base.

    As in all construction and installation work, mechanization of sanitary production is the replacement of manual labor with machine labor in the production of sanitary and ventilation work. Introduction of new materials.

    In the previous period, only partial mechanization was carried out, in which individual processes were carried out with the help of machines and mechanisms. The task for the future is complex mechanization, in which all main and auxiliary technological operations are performed by a set of machines and equipment that are interconnected in their productivity and operational parameters. Mechanization should play a decisive role here.

    A new step here should be the automation of processes at enterprises that produce products, parts and structures.