Stanitsa Kushchevskaya Krasnodar Territory, Krasnoe village, Krasnaya Polyana farm. Krasnodar Territory. Stanitsa Kushchevskaya

Five years have passed since the mass murder was committed in the village of Kushchevskaya. But what happened in the village in November 2010 has no statute of limitations, because it will definitely never be forgotten. Residents of the Kuban still cannot talk without tears about the terrible massacre of twelve defenseless people, among whom were four children. The scumbags from the Tsapkovsky organized crime group did not even feel sorry for the nine-month-old baby Amira, who was burned alive. During the investigation, all the affairs of the hoes surfaced. On the conscience of the stanitsa lawless people are dozens of murders, crimes and broken lives, which the media have written about more than once. Until now, a series of lawsuits related to this family has been going on.

In the last days of January in Kushchevsky district court Krasnodar Territory the criminal case will be considered again, where the defendant is the mother of the family Hope Tsapok. The case was initiated on the fact of fraud with land, and it was supposed to be considered by the court in mid-December last year. But due to the fact that the judge recused himself, the meeting was postponed. The case file states that Nadezhda Tsapok and her two accomplices, using "fake" documents, registered ownership of the land with total area 180 hectares. Subsequently, more than half of these areas became the property of the defendant. The amount of damage caused to the Kushchevsky district exceeded three million rubles. The damage, of course, is considerable, but the money seems like such a trifle, compared to what else the hoes did.

Recently, fate brought me together with a native of the village, where a bloody tragedy took place, and she told me about such “pranks of tough boys” that my heart literally almost stopped from horror. For ethical reasons, we will not indicate the real names of the heroes of the material.

There would be no happiness!

“Sorry, but I associate your village only with a gang of hoes and that terrible massacre of defenseless people,” I admitted to my new acquaintance. - Was it not scary to live in the village, where such chaos was going on?

“During the reign of the Tsapks, I was a schoolgirl,” says Alena. - I was a girl from a large family, my appearance was never catchy, I dressed very modestly and, thank God, did not arouse interest in such “cool” guys as hoes. But my friend Alochka was pretty, self-confident, dressed sexy. As a result, the schoolgirl liked one of the hoes, and he even began to look after her. Although it was not common for hoes to court girls, they often got what they wanted by force. We dissuaded Alla, because even then there were legends about the cruelty of the hoes. But who would listen to us!

Allochka proudly drove around the village in her boyfriend's cool car and was even proud, silly, that she was a bandit's girl. Once the "groom" invited the schoolgirl to a party, where she turned out to be the only girl in the company of feasting lawless people ... Allochka, humiliated, beaten, in torn clothes, somehow miraculously escaped from the clutches of her tormentors and ran into the night. The unfortunate woman knocked on the door, but no one opened it, people were intimidated. And only one of the inhabitants of the village was not afraid and opened the door for the girl. Alla, in a state of shock, told Vladislav about her misfortune, but he, no, did not try to get rid of the dangerous guest as soon as possible, but ... promised that they would definitely cope with this grief. Together. Until morning, he sat with her on the edge of the bed and stroked her head. And then he went to see him home and he was not frightened by the sidelong glances and whispers of fellow countrymen. He began dating the ex-girlfriend of the bandit, and when she graduated from school, he proposed to her, despite the jokes, gossip, and warnings about the revenge of the hoes. Heroic action! You have no idea, almost all of my friends managed to run away, and Vladislav and Alla live in perfect harmony, raise their little ones, go to church every Sunday. What happened to Alla is terrible, but she is grateful to God that she survived these trials and ... found the love of her life.


- As I understand it, tsapkov were attracted only bright girls, like Alla? - I ask my interlocutor.

“Anyone could become their victim. My classmate, quiet Nyurka, was returning home from her girlfriend in the evening with an armful of books under her arm. And she had to get into the field of view of the hoes! The villains surrounded her in a tight ring, took off their pants and ... unanimously urinated on the unfortunate. Sobbing Nyurochka ran to me, through tears she said that she would not be able to live after such a shame, she would lay hands on herself. My friends and I felt sorry for Nyura, wept with her. And then it hit me like an epiphany! I say, they say, fools, don't cry here, but you need to rejoice! The main thing is that Nyurka is alive, intact, untouched. And we started crying again. But these were already tears of happiness! And Nyurochka did well. And she studied, and married successfully. It took us years to realize that with such a wild act, the scum did not lower the defenseless girl, but themselves.

- Now it's not scary to walk around the village in the evening?

- For the New Year holidays, the whole family came to Kushchevskaya, prepared kutya and went caroling at Christmas time.

- Isn't kutya prepared for funerals?

We have a village with its own long-standing traditions, we always cook kutya for Christmas time. True, not everyone dared to carol in the evenings, when there were hoes. But now, with small children, they walked around their native village and, you won’t believe it, after the scumbags got their way, it even somehow became easier to breathe here.

On November 5, 2010, the largest Russian media reported on a monstrous crime committed in the village of Kushchevskaya, Krasnodar Territory. The official message read: “After localizing the fire in a private house in the village of Kushchevskaya, in which the farmer and his family lived, the bodies of 12 dead were found. Various versions are being considered, including a criminal one.”

The non-criminal version, dear to the hearts of local law enforcement officers, had to be immediately sent to the archive. Representatives of one of the federal TV channels, who found themselves in Kushchevskaya in those days for a completely different reason, reported to Moscow the first information about what had happened. It was impossible to hide the fact that a real massacre took place in a private house in the village of Kushchevskaya.

The owner of the house, a 51-year-old businessman, died at the hands of the killers Server Ametov, his 48-year-old wife Galina, 19 year old daughter-in-law Elena and her nine month old daughter Amira, guests Vladimir Mironenko with his wife Marina, daughters Alena and Irina, father-in-law and mother-in-law Victor and Lydia Ignatenko. Two more victims were Ametov's neighbors, 36-year-old Natalya Kasyanova and her 14 year old son Paul.

News from Kushchevskaya infuriated representatives federal center. Such a crime would have looked out of the ordinary even in the "dashing 90s", and in 2010 it turned out to be a real challenge to the stability established in the country.

High-ranking officials rushed to the village from the capital in order to sort out the situation on the spot.

People knew everything, but were silent

I personally visited the house where the murder took place on November 8 chapter Investigative Committee Alexander Bastrykin. Declaring that he was struck by the cruelty of the crime committed, Bastrykin “demanded the investigators and operational officers to make every effort, to use all their professional experience and the latest forensic methods of investigation for the speedy disclosure of the crime and the identification of all those responsible.

For the inhabitants of the village of Kushchevskaya, there were no secrets in the murder that took place in the house of Server Ametov. The villagers knew perfectly well who killed and for what they killed.

But at first people were silent. They were silent just as they had been silent for a decade and a half before, confident that the true power in Kushchevskaya belongs to the bandits and this order will never change. The criminals were sure of the same, not too diligently covering their tracks.

But two days after Bastrykin's visit to Kushchevskaya, the first two members of the gang were arrested. Then arrests followed almost daily, and on November 15, its leader, 34-year-old Sergei Tsapok.

And only when it became clear that this time the authorities would not release the ringleader to freedom, the locals began to tell the story of the life of the village of Kushchevskaya under the rule of the ruthless "hoes".

Kolya the Crazy, heir to Uncle Kolya

It all started in the late 1980s, when the uncle of the last gang leader Sergei Tsapok Nikolai Tsapok Sr., or simply Uncle Kolya, organized the purchase of meat in state farms and cooperatives engaged in the production of moldings.

Things were going well with Uncle Kolya, but after the death of his son, there was no one to transfer the case to. Then Uncle Kolya chose his namesake and nephew as heirs Nicholas Tsapok Jr..

The usual trade in meat did not appeal to the nephew. Nikolai Tsapok Jr., who proudly bore the nickname Kolya the Crazy, dreamed of becoming a thief in law. On the way to fulfill his dream on the basis of the cooperative, he created a gang engaged in racketeering, control of the sale of alcohol and soft drugs, as well as scams with land.

By 1998, Kolya the Crazy took a big step towards fulfilling his dream. Criminal authorities, having appreciated the zeal of a young colleague, appointed him to look after the Kushchevsky district. It was in 1998 that the gang, whose members, by the last name of the leader, began to be called "caps", turned into an organized crime group with a population of one and a half hundred people.

Over the next four years, the village of Kushchevskaya turned into a real criminal state, where Kolya the Crazy was the sovereign master. He established contacts with local authorities, police, prosecutors and tax authorities. Farm lands more and more often went to the "tap", and the heads of farms preferred, leaving everything, to go away from this nightmare. Those who did not leave meekly obeyed.

A bullet instead of a thieves' crown

Nikolai Tsapok Jr. spared no effort to strengthen the group by setting strict rules for its members. "Tsapki" had to not drink or smoke, go in for sports, profess Orthodoxy and unquestioningly obey the leader and the people appointed by him.

For this, Kolya the Crazy allowed his fighters to “relax”. It was under Nikolai Tsapka Jr. that rape became the norm in Kushchevskaya. Medical students, local young girls and visitors were grabbed right on the streets. Those who tried to resist were beaten and raped. The bandits were sure that nothing would happen to them for this. In 2010, when the investigation began, facts surfaced of at least 220 rapes committed by the “hoes”. Their victims were girls aged 14 to 20 years. Only a few turned to the police, the rest, out of fear for themselves and their loved ones, took what was happening for granted. But even those who tried to seek protection from justice were left with nothing.

In 2002, Nikolai Tsapok Jr. expected that he was about to be promoted to thieves in law. But instead, he waited for a bullet - Kolya the Crazy was shot by an unknown killer. This happened on November 4, 2002.

The murder of Kolya the Madman is directly related to the massacre in the house of Server Ametov. "Tsapki" were sure that one of the most recalcitrant farmers, who did not obey the bandits, dealt with the leader. One of these was Server Ametov. The new leader of the gang, Sergei Tsapok, the brother of the deceased, dreamed of cruel revenge.

However, the criminals were wrong - Ametov had nothing to do with the murder of Nikolai Tsapok Jr. Competitors from the criminal world, and those who suffered from the "hoes", and the relatives of the raped girls, and yesterday's comrades-in-arms, offended by the leader, wanted to deal with Kolya the Crazy. As a result, one of the last and put an end to his criminal biography.

Group of "strong business executives"

Sergei Tsapok, who replaced his brother, began to strengthen ties with the authorities. He became a member of the Council municipality Kushchevsky district, actively cooperated with influential representatives of law enforcement agencies. Head of RUBOP Alexander Khodych, whose direct duties included the fight against the "caps", became the godfather of the leader of the group.

Sergey Tsapok also organized the recruitment of new members of the gang in the local vocational school, so that the ranks of the "Tsapok" were regularly replenished.

Even under Kolya the Crazy, the “hoes” took control of the Stepnyansky state farm, on the basis of which the Arteks-Agro company was created. Its head was Hope Tsapok, sister of Uncle Kolya and mother of the Tsapkov brothers.

Under Sergei Tsapka, Tsapchikha, as Nadezhda was nicknamed, began to play an important role in the affairs of the "gang". Through "Artex-Agro" "tsapki" managed to get more than 8 billion rubles in loans and the national program "Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex".

At that moment, when the "hoes" were just taking over the "Stepnyansky" state farm, the new head of the Kushchevsky district Boris Moskvich issued an open challenge to the group, speaking under the slogan "Do not span the land to the bandits!". The Muscovite achieved an audit at Stepnyansky, but did not live to see its results - he was shot dead right on the threshold of the district administration.

Under Sergei Tsapka, those who resisted the gang were killed in a show. In 2003, they dealt with the father and son Bogachev, stabbed to death in 2008 Anatoly Smolnikov, whose grave was then set on fire several times. Sergey Tsapok turned reprisals into acts of intimidation for those who decide to grumble against the omnipotence of the gang.

For uninitiated people, far from the village of Kushchevskaya, the Tsapkov family was almost an example of "strong business executives" reviving Agriculture. In 2009 Sergey Tsapok Pedagogical Institute Southern federal university defended his thesis, becoming a candidate of sociological sciences. In the same year, the organized crime group was actually legalized under the guise of security agency Centurion Plus.

“I wanted him to see his loved ones suffer”

Sergey Tsapok was at the pinnacle of success. At that moment, he decided that the time had come to get rid of one of the few stubborn people who continued to resist the gang - Server Ametov. But first of all, Tsapok considered the murder of the businessman as revenge for the death of his brother.

Preparations for the crime began in February 2010. Sergey Tsapok determined the date of the murder on November 4 - he wanted Ametov to die on the day of the death of Kolya the Madman.

For reprisals, Tsapok selected the most reliable members of the gang - Vladimir Alekseev named Vova Bespredel, Andrey Bykov(Bull), Sergei Karpenko(Rice Jr.) Vyacheslav Ryabtsev(Buba) and Igor Chernykh(Amur).

Tsapok intended to kill the entire Ametov family. Pistols were planned to be used only for intimidation, they wanted to kill with knives. “I wanted him to suffer himself and see how his loved ones suffer,” Sergei Tsapok said during interrogation.

Ametov's house was under constant surveillance. The bandits knew that the farmer never locked the doors and they would have no problems getting inside.

At the very last moment, however, the murder plan was violated - it turned out that the head of the Rostov agricultural company came to visit Ametov with his family Vladimir Mironenko. This did not stop Tsapok: he ordered to kill everyone who was in the house.

Nine-month-old child of the killer was placed on a fire of dead bodies

On November 4, 2010, the “hoes” entered Ametov's house. The owner of the house and Mironenko were in the billiard room when Sergei Tsapok, Alekseev and Bykov burst in. Ametov tried to defend himself with a cue, but he could not resist the three armed bandits. Tsapok stabbed him several times with a knife. At that moment Alekseev and Bykov were killing Vladimir Mironenko.

The rest of the bandits dealt with women and children. Wounded, but still alive, Ametov was dragged into the hall, where they killed his relatives in front of his eyes, then finished him off.

Together with the Ametovs and Mironenko, the Ametovs' neighbor Natalya Kasyanova, who also came to visit, died.

Having dragged the bodies into a heap, the bandits doused them with gasoline and set them on fire. On top of the mountain of corpses they laid the granddaughter of Server Ametov, Amina. The nine-month-old baby was alive and crying. As the forensic examination showed, Amina died, suffocated by carbon monoxide.

The last, 12th victim of the killers was the 14-year-old son of Natalia Kasyanova Pavel. He went to the Ametovs to call his mother home. Realizing that something terrible was happening in the house, the teenager tried to run away, but was spotted by bandits. Andrei Bykov shot him in the back and dragged him into the house.

After that, the criminals went to the local cafe "Malinka" to celebrate the massacre.

Roller of justice for the presumptuous bandit

Sergei Tsapok was sure that he would get away with the massacre in the house of Server Ametov, as previous crimes had gotten away with.

But, as often happens with criminals, he went too far. The case went to the federal level, and the patrons in power and law enforcement agencies were no longer able to help the leader of the “caps”. Officials associated with Sergei Tsapok, one by one lost their posts.

Realizing that this time it would not be possible to evade responsibility just like that, Tsapok put into the business multimillion-dollar capital accumulated over the years of criminal activity. The best lawyers tried their best to present Tsapok as a victim of the arbitrariness of law enforcement agencies, who accused him of something he did not do.

There was pressure on the jurors, who were to consider the case, the associates of the "caps" who remained at large threatened the witnesses. Nevertheless, the case stubbornly went to a guilty verdict.

If Sergei Tsapok was confident at first, then many members of his gang could not stand it. Sergei Karpenko and Vitaly Ivanov committed suicide during the preliminary investigation.

In December 2011, the court sentenced one of the members of the Tsapok gang, Andrei Bykov, to 20 years in prison.

In April 2012, another member of the gang, Vyacheslav Ryabtsev, received a similar sentence.

Both Bykov and Ryabtsev entered into a pre-trial agreement with the investigation, pleading guilty and testifying against accomplices. In return, they received the right to a special hearing and avoided life imprisonment.

The main "hoe" died behind bars

On November 19, 2013, the Krasnodar Regional Court announced the verdict for the main members of the Tsapkov gang. The bandits were found guilty of 19 murders and a series of other serious crimes. The gang leader Sergei Tsapok and his closest accomplices Vladimir Alekseev and Igor Chernykh were sentenced to life imprisonment, Vladimir Tsepovyaz was sentenced to 20 years, Nikolai Tsapok Sr. to 20 years, and Vladimir Zaporozhets to 19 years.

The convicted criminals did not admit their guilt, saying that testimony was beaten out of them with the help of torture, the lawyers promised to appeal the verdict. Sergei Tsapok himself told reporters that he expected to be released soon.

However, it did not work out. On July 7, 2014, the leader of the gang was found dead in the medical unit of the pre-trial detention center in the city of Krasnodar. The cause of death of Sergei Tsapok was a detached blood clot. Three days before Tsapok's death, his accomplice Igor Chernykh, also sentenced to life imprisonment, hanged himself on a towel in a pre-trial detention center.

In December 2014, Nadezhda Tsapok was sentenced to 6 years and 6 months for fraudulent operations with land.

After the news of the death of Sergei Tsapok, the village of Kushchevskaya became agitated. There was a persistent rumor among the locals that the double of the gang leader had died in the cell, and the real Tsapok was already abroad. The villagers managed to send a whole delegation to the morgue where the body of the deceased was located, which was supposed to make sure that Sergei Tsapok was no longer alive. And only when the sent messengers, having returned, confirmed that they had seen the body of the real Tsapok, the mountain fell from the shoulders of the inhabitants of Kushchevskaya - a nightmare in which they lived long years finally finished.

"We live here"

Elena Kostyuchenko

Special reportage from the village of Kushchevskaya

Stanitsa Kushchevskaya does not look like a depressing place at all. Quite large - 30 thousand inhabitants. stone houses, repaired roads, social advertising with children's faces. Flower beds - roses - still bloom in December.

In Kushchevskaya on the evening of November 4, killing 12 people. The families of Ametovs, Mironenko, Ignatenko, Kasyanovs were literally massacred. Three 14, 5 and one and a half years old were stabbed with knives. A nine-month-old girl suffocated in the smoke when the bastards set fire to the house.

Surprisingly, the locals are sure that the murder would not have received publicity outside the region, if not for the incident. On that day, the film crew of the program "Wait for me" was present. A missing child was found in the Kushchev boarding school, and journalists came to make a story. It was they who broadcast the first footage. In the village they are sure that if it were not for the accidental presence of federal journalists, would not have been investigated, like other murders in Kushchevskaya over the past 20 years.

There will be few surnames in this material, many names have been changed. Even now, when the main backbone of the gang is in custody, people are afraid to speak. The most common phrase in today's Kushchevka: "We live here." And even now, after the terrible murder, the village is surprisingly fragmented. "Sixes" against Tatars, teachers against students, parents against children, policemen against everyone. For a stanitsa that has experienced something terrible, there is surprisingly little sympathy and desire to hear each other. Maybe because no one believes that the terrible is over.

Most of the information about the emergence and formation was provided to us by employees of the Kushchevsky District Department of Internal Affairs and the Kushchevsky bandits. The discrepancy between their versions is rather small, so the story can probably be considered objective.

The chronicle of the tsapkov, according to the stories of local criminals and the police, looks like this.

Life is raspberry. Initial savings

The Kushchevsky district, the center of which is the village, was traditionally considered a criminal one. Rostov is about 120 kilometers away, and in order not to shine in their native region, the gangs went to showdown here.

In Soviet times, almost all the land in the region was divided among collective farms, there were almost no private allotments. Kushchevtsy, in order to feed themselves, "carried" meat, grain, and vegetables from work. Since almost everything was stolen, it was considered bad form to interfere in other people's affairs. Crime contributed to the traditional Kuban nepotism.

In the 1990s, when collective farm land was distributed, the main land shares were distributed among relatives of the administration and the security forces. The land business here has always been "elite".

The surname Tsapok began to sound in Kushchevka back in the 80s. Uncle Kolya Tsapok (the uncle of Nikolai and Sergei Tsapkov, the younger brother of their father) organized the purchase of meat in state farms. In the 86th, he created a cooperative engaged in the production of moldings - self-adhesive rubber pads. The novelty was bought all over, so the first money of the hoes was “raised” precisely on innovations.

The local criminals, who are not particularly sentimental, call Uncle Kolya "extremely cruel and reckless." They tell how back in the Soviet years he escaped detention. The thieves' legend is as follows: when the operatives came to the apartment, Uncle Kolya "pulled out" an eye for a teaspoon and promised that he would make himself an invalid if the police did not leave.

The cooperative bought out small plot land on Chernomorskaya street. A gym was built there, in which the first militants trained. In Kushchevka, the first mass fights and brutal rapes begin.

In 1991, Uncle Kolya's son dies of diphtheria, and he begins to look closely at his nephews, Nikolai and Sergey. According to the stories of the Kushchevites, the boys literally grew up in the gym.

In 1991-1993 the number of "fighters" (the power unit of the group) is 20-30 people. Of the "senior" - Sukhoi, Maf, later -, Bull (Andrey Bykov). Fights and rapes continue, robberies and robberies begin. It is this time that is called the beginning of the Kushchev terror. Then, however, no one thought that it would last long. Tsapkov was considered an ordinary gopota.

In 1993, Nikolai Tsapok turns 18, and Uncle Kolya decides to "promote" him. Nikolai is ambitious and greedy for power, but he is not interested in the position of an official or a security official, he dreams of becoming a thief in law. (Uncle Kolya himself is gradually fading into the shadows.) Tsapki are "expanding" - there are already 50-70 of them. The first scams with land begin, intimidation of businessmen and farmers not only in Kushchevsky, but also in Krylovsky, Pavlovsky, Kanevsky, Berezansky districts. Several small farmers are killed. The group has ties with Rostov and Krasnodar thieves.

The group also begins to control the flow of the lungs through the area and protect the alcohol hucksters.

Nikolai actually becomes the leader of the group. "Brutal, in great shape and completely without brains." It was from 1993 to 2002 (the year of Nikolai's death) that the peak of rape occurred. Tsapki calmly walk around the Kushchev medical school, break down the doors in the apartments of students.

In April 1998, with the active support of the Krasnodar kingpin Volchok and the Rostov group "Volkovskiye", Nikolai Tsapok was appointed "watchman" for the Kushchevsky district. It is April 1998 that is considered the date of creation. By this time, the backbone of the tsapkov had already formed.

The bull is "the strongest after the Tsapok, mentally prepared."

Vova Bespredel (Vladimir Alekseev) - "absolutely reckless." In Kushchevka, it is known for the fact that in bad mood goes to the center of the village with a bat and "destroys everyone he meets." He also holds the absolute record of the region - 11 allegations of rape per day. Meetings with him, and not with Tsapok, were most of all afraid of every Kushchevets.

Buba (Vyacheslav Ryabtsev) - "is silent, rarely speaks, can carefully come up from behind and quietly cut his throat."

Another backbone is Rees Sr. (Aleksey Karpenko), who acts as a liaison between the backbone of the group and the fighters, later - Rees Jr. (Sergey Karpenko), the Palyonye brothers, the Rabuli brothers, Kamaz (Vladimir Zaporozhets). The number of fighters reaches 150 people.

The gang continues to seize land. According to the Kushchev bandits, the seizures were carried out with the help of friends - Slava Tsepovyaz (Slava LLC) and Viktor Degtyarev (DVV-agro LLC).

Tsapki do not forget about the "roof" - and "thieves of Yeysk, the underworld of Rostov warms itself with a common fund."

But the first step of the "looking" Nikolai Tsapok is the appointment of little "looking" for public places- a bar, a medical school, a park, a toilet ... So even those who are far from crime begin to realize who the true owner of Kushchevka is. The group already has its own style and its own ideology: sports, discipline, Orthodoxy, nationalism.

A group member cannot drink or smoke. This is strictly prohibited, there are no exceptions. Daily workouts in the gym at the "base" of the hoes are mandatory for everyone. Instructors from Rostov train gang members in hand-to-hand combat. "Fighters" should always be available by phone, they should be ready to go to any place without delay, and clearly follow the orders of the "seniors". Any departure on personal matters outside the district must be coordinated. On the church holidays, especially at Easter, attendance is required.

The younger hoes move on motorcycles, the older ones on the domestic auto industry. The rapes continue. Street fights quickly mutate into attacks - hoes prefer to deal with enemies in conditions of significant numerical superiority.

The conflict between the Tsapkov and the Ametovs began with nonsense. In 1997, Jalil, the son of a wealthy and reputable local farmer, Server Ametov, was approached by two "fighters" and stated that if he wanted to meet his girlfriend "without problems", he must pay a tribute of 3,000 rubles. Jalil beats them without much talk. From this moment on, fights begin between Jalil's friends and the henchmen.

Finally, Nikolai Tsapok declares to his "fighters" that the Tatars will not live in Kushchevka. This is not an ethnic conflict at all - Jalil's friends, as well as all those living on the streets of Kirov, Kalinin, Leningradskaya, Oktyabrskaya (the then Ametovs' house was at the crossroads) and in the vicinity of the 16th are recorded as "Tatars" by default. "Tatars" are forbidden to appear in the center of the village - there they are mercilessly beaten. In addition, the hoes often arrange trips - armed with chains, clubs and knives, they patrol the "Tatar" areas.

"Tatars" and farmers, who also suffered from hoes, agree on mutual support. In the summer of 1998, armed, at the city stadium, they gather a crowd of several hundred people and go through the whole city. “Then they found Uncle Kolya. He was sitting at home. We say: take your bastards, come to the stadium. We will decide how to live on. He arrives in an hour. There are only two of them, and we are a crowd. He says: they are afraid, they need to think, let's meet tomorrow.

During the night they drag some of the people, the same Smolnikov (a farmer who was later killed). And we already know that the police are in the know. We go without weapons, we talk to them calmly. We agree that they should deal with crime... Yes. But in the village - silence. But we're not a gang. We don't have that kind of discipline. A week later they began to kick, maim, kill one by one. We didn't get together like this anymore."

As a "watcher" Kolya establishes connections with the heads of district administrations, justice, and tax authorities. For members of the gang in the "family psychiatric hospital of tsapkov" - psychiatric hospital on the farm Tsukerova Balka - "yellow tickets" are issued. Tsapki are not responsible for their actions before the law.

Sergei Tsapok was then considered a "complete schmuck." Formally, it is "in motion", but in fact it was "removed into commerce." Tsapok Jr. is responsible for the legal side of the gang's life, "working with friendly firms." He is close friends with Sergei Tsepovyaz (then he bore the surname Lapshin). Sergei's father is a traffic cop Yuri Tsepovyaz, head of the Pavlovsk division. “Tsapki could drive backwards, tear people at a speed of 200, load shmal into the trunk ... Stops a non-local cop? Went to ... The girl is walking - hooked and inside. It doesn't matter who she is, we'll figure it out later."

In general, in Kushchevka, there are funny rumors about the connections of traffic cops and hoes. If, for example, you don’t stop at the request of the traffic cops, soon the henchmen come to the offender’s house and demand a double fine.

From 1998 to 2002 there was an active seizure of farm land. Boris Moskvich becomes the head of the Kushchevsky district under the slogan: "Not an inch of land for bandits." He begins an audit of the Stepnyansky state farm, which at that moment was actively spudded by hoes. In January 2002, a Muscovite is killed. The building of the administration of the state farm burns down along with all the documents, the land goes to the hoes.

In October 2002, Nikolai announced that he would soon be crowned a thief in. Five days later, he is shot by an unknown killer.

November 4, the funeral of Nicholas. This murder has not yet been solved, and there is no consensus regarding the customer in Kushchevka. He ruined too many lives. A significant part of the people believe that the Ametovs ordered it. Criminals are inclined to believe that Tsapka destroyed the thieves' community, which did not want to accept a lawless rapist into its ranks. The story about the father of a tortured student is popular among young people...

The death of Nicholas becomes the cause of serious family discord. The mother of Nikolai and Sergei, Nadezhda Tsapok, or Tsapchikha, blames Uncle Kolya for the death of her son: he was unable to conduct business in such a way as to ensure her safety. Tsapchikha declares that she will conduct business herself together with Sergey, and “he will always be alive with me.” Uncle Kolya, who during the reign of Nikolai had already lost his influence on the group, agrees. (Uncle Kolya, by the way, is alive, but has already turned into a local legend: no one has seen, but he remembers. They say he drinks ...) Sergey Tsapok becomes the main one.

fat years

“The late Kolya was a real bandit. And Seryozha - just to go to commercial structures. Buy a person for your business. The first thing he does is transfer the gang from the Zhiguli to foreign cars and begin to actively “share”. It was Sergey who came up with the idea to pay for the local police officers. He is affectionately friends with the head of the RUBOP Khodych, making him his godfather. Invest in connections. Tsapok seeks to legalize.

In September 2003, farmer Valery Bogachev and his son are killed. Bogachev refused to pay the dues obligatory for Kushchevka - he did not like the lawlessness of the hoes. And the lawlessness continues, although not so openly. For example, girls are taken from classes, waiting at the gates of the school. The young Zhenya Gurov especially stands out in this regard. Not only rapes, but also brutally beats girls. Older hoes look at it through their fingers - he reminds them of himself in his youth.

The gang is growing - the number of fighters has already reached 200 people. Under the leadership of Tsapchikha, the family company Arteks-Agro flourishes. Artex-Agro enjoys incredible state support: to date, the firm has received loans of almost 8 billion rubles and 136.7 million rubles. under the national project "Development of the agro-industrial complex". Information about regional loans for 160 million rubles is denied by the governor's press service. The staff in the family business Tsapkov is also recruited wisely - the head of the legal department is the wife of the head of the internal security service of the regional prosecutor's office Fedorova...

Sergei, unlike the late Nikolai, understands the power of official power. First, Sergei Tsapok becomes a district deputy. When he is replaced in this post old friend Tsepovyaz, Tsapok becomes a member of the Council of Young Deputies. On the territory of the Arteks-Agro complex, an off-site meeting of the council is held. In general, Sergei Tsapok begins to actively participate in public events ... Among the legends of Kushchevskaya: having returned, according to him, from the inauguration of the President of Russia, Tsapok bent his fingers already with sovereign grace. The brigade was terribly proud of this fact.

The last years of the life of tsapkov can be called luxurious. Kushchevtsy say that in principle there was no closed doors. The head of the ROVD called Tsapchikha “mother” and saluted her when they met.

In November 2008, on the threshold own house farmer Anatoly Smolnikov was stabbed to death, ten years ago he dared to go out against the Tsapkov during the shooting at the stadium. Smolnikov, nicknamed Bobon, was a wealthy farmer and a long-retired criminal authority of the "old concepts": he was in opposition to the lawless Tsapki. They say that the murder of Smolnikov was rather an act of intimidation in the village. Smolnikov's grave was set on fire several times. The farmer's coffin was then dug up and thrown onto a nearby highway. Neither the murderers of the Bogachevs and Smolnikov, nor the cemetery vandals were found by the Kushchevskaya police, and the last dissatisfied in Kushchevka are silent.

In 2009, Sergey Tsapok creates the agency "Centurion Plus", thus legalizing the long-term extortions for the "roof". The very sign "Centurion" on the building guarantees peace of mind - after all, in case of problems, Vova Lawlessness or the quiet Buba will arrive.

On November 4, the anniversary of Nikolai Tsapok's funeral, a massacre takes place. Jalil Ametov is saved by a miracle - he went to the store for beer, missing the killers for 20 minutes.


- It couldn't be Seryoga Tsapok. I answer. He is a worthy person. And his friends are worthy people. They couldn't. Well, that is, the Tatars - okay, but - never. What why? Well, it's a child! Sasha is outraged.

He is a student of PU-55 (professional school), he has just turned 18. He “communicated” with the hoes, but not as close as Igor. 16-year-old Igor M. is now in a pre-trial detention center. Investigators believe he was involved in the murder. “But it’s pissing, of course,” Sasha continues. "He's about to be released." The whole company nods their heads. Everyone believes that Igor will be released any day, you just have to wait. We are standing at the dormitory PU-55, or "bursa". This is the place that swelled the ranks of the hoes.

Many orphans from the surrounding orphanages and the district boarding school were admitted to the “bursa”. Among the students there were enough so-called "orphans with living parents." Igor is one of the second - immediately after birth, his mother "threw" him to his grandparents. She drank a lot. She died on November 6, two days after the murders. It was for children without parents that the hoes were given Special attention.

- Well, that is, they drive up, get acquainted. Then we go to the bar to drink juice or tea! Sasha says. “If they saw one of us drunk, they hit us in the liver. And they said: why do you drink? They built a gym for us, took us to swing. If one of our clothes was removed, they drove up and destroyed the villain. They cared! Tore for orphans!

“Orphans are more important to them than their mother,” Rezvan confirms.

In fact, both Sasha and Rezvan have nicknames. For them, they are “Tsapkovsky sixes”, “gears”, “shoots”. The guys call themselves a brigade, each other - brothers. The shooter of the Tatars and Tsapkov at the stadium is remembered as the Brusilov breakthrough. They remember from other people's words - they were then 6, they could not participate in it. But we would like to.

You need to understand that the whole conscious life of these guys in the village was ruled by hoes. And they just do not know another life. To gather in brigades for them is an absolutely normal variant of “promotion”.

We sit down at the "Cascade" at a table that was not removed for the winter. There are no gatherings at Cascade. Lyosha goes to the pharmacy and the store. Beer, a bottle of mineral water and trigan-d. If you mix mineral water and tablets, there will be colored spots on the wall. Remantadine and ascorbic acid - you stop feeling "paws" and start "sniffing". Cola-coffee-chifir - almost like amphetamine, only much cheaper. All young guys knew that being a hoe was prestigious and profitable. Many - like Igor, who was "looking" for his native 4th school, have long planned their lives for many years to come.

For those who did not want to join the brigade, the hoes also had classes. For example, to guard the family fields. Work as loaders. The kids were picked up straight from class. Of course they didn't pay. For the "Tatars" the hoes had only fists, brass knuckles, chains and fittings.

– And now how? Where will you go to work after the "bursa"? I ask. What I fear the most is silence. But no, they begin to enumerate: Sasha wants to organize his own welding company “in his specialty”, Lyosha wants to be a farmer, so that his household, Rezvan wants to “sing or play football”.

They eagerly ask “for”: “How are the options to advance there? Are there any thieves? A police patrol passes by. Shine a flashlight in the face. The guys squint, bass: “Good, boss!” The "chief" - a local district police officer - with two Krasnodar operas asks not to swear and "go bye-bye on time." Lyosha begs for 50 rubles in debt on the phone, the district police officer agrees - "if you put it with me." They go to the machine. Krasnodar cops look contemptuously. The guys answer them the same, stretching their necks with all their might.

“What do we need Hawaii, what do we need Miami, we have our own places,” sings Kushchev's rapper Cherigan from Lesha's mobile phone. He also has a song about Kolya Tsapka: “He was a man of mystery, a man of his word. He was respected by the lads, ask anyone. Boys were dedicated to his deeds and deeds. He was known everywhere, his enemies were afraid of him"...

Stanitsa Kushchevskaya

Village Kushchevskaya Krasnodar Territory

Stanitsa Kushchevskaya administrative center Kushchevsky district, Krasnodar Territory, located 220 km. north-east of the city of Krasnodar, 80 km. south of the city of Rostov - on the Don, 120 km. east of the city of Yeysk, 350 km. northeast of the city of Novorossiysk.
The village is located on the Eya River at the confluence of the Kugo-Eya River.
The population of Kushchevskaya is more than 30 thousand inhabitants.
The railway line Rostov - Tikhoretsk passes through the village, the North Caucasus railway, railway station kushchevka and near the federal highway "don".
Kushchevskaya is a kind of northern outpost of the Kuban, leading the way to Azov and Black Sea coast, Caucasus and Transcaucasia.
The village was founded as a smoking settlement of the Black Sea Cossacks in 1794, one of the 40 founded by the Cossacks who moved from Ukraine to the Kuban lands granted to them by Catherine II. Later it received the status of a village. The place is determined by lot. The name, according to legend, is from the word "shed", that is, a bush. Apparently the place near Yeya was covered with bushes.
The village of Kushchevskaya is landscaped, surrounded by greenery and flowers. Lots of cultural and sports facilities. Residents are proud of their musical, singing fountain, built in 2008, which is the largest in the south of the country. Its diameter is 17 meters, the height of the central jet is 14 meters, a total of 457 jets.
In Kushchevskaya they love sports, there are various sections: volleyball, football, taekwondo and a number of others. The Kometa motoball team is one of the best in Russia.
Kushchevskaya was "glorified" by a successful businessman Sergei Tsapko, who arranged with his gang the murder of 12 people, adults and children, in the Amedovs' house. But this could happen in many places in the country, too many gangster businessmen and their patrons appeared during the period of reforms under the slogan "get rich as you can." The process of cleansing from this dirt will be long and difficult. And in Kushchevskaya, mostly kind and hardworking people live, and economic, cultural and sports indicators are evidence of this.
Kushchevsky district was formed in 1924 as part of the Donskoy district of the South-Eastern Territory. After transformations since 1937 as part of the Krasnodar Territory. In 2004 received the status of a municipality.
The territory of the Kushchevsky district is 237.2 thousand hectares, the largest in the Krasnodar Territory, of which 215 thousand hectares are agricultural land. 192 thousand hectares of arable land.
The area is located in the northern part of the Azov-Kuban Plain - the most northern region Krasnodar Territory.
Kushchevsky district borders: in the north and west with Azov, in the north and east with Kagalnitsky districts of the Rostov region, in the west with Starominsky, in the south with Leningradsky, in the south and east with Krylovsky districts of the Krasnodar Territory.
The population is 73 thousand inhabitants living in 72 settlements.
In Kushchevsky district in 2005, 12 rural settlements:
1. Glebovskoe - center farm Glebovka
2. Ilyinskoye - center the village of Ilinskoe
3. Kislyakovskoe - center stanitsa Kislyakovskaya
4. Krasnopolyanskoye - center farm Krasnaya Polyana
5. Krasnoselskoye - center Krasnoye village
6. Kushchevskoe - center stanitsa Kushchevskaya
7. Novomikhailovskoe - center Novomikhailovskoe village
8. Pervomaiskoye - the center Pervomaisky village
9. Poltavchenskoye - center Poltavchenskoe village
10. Razdolnenskoe - the center Razdolnoye village
11. Srednechuburkskoye - the center Farm Middle Cheburki
12. Shkurinskoye - center stanitsa Shkurinskaya
The economy of the region is represented by such enterprises as an armored repair plant, a foundry and mechanical plant, enterprises Food Industry: JSC "Yantar", specializing in the production of a variety of dairy products, which has a network of its own stores, a spire plant, a bakery and a number of other enterprises.
large areas Kuban chernozem is cultivated by 18 agricultural enterprises and 500 peasant (farmer) households. They grow cereals, sunflower, corn, sugar beets, vegetables, melons and a number of other agricultural crops.
AT Kushchevsky district many rivers: Eya, Kugo-Eya, Srednyaya Chuburka, Rossosh, Elbuzd. There are many in the rivers various kinds fish, in reed thickets of game. There are many excellent places for recreation, hunting and fishing.

It is one of more than two hundred villages, freely spread over the expanses of the Kuban. It is the administrative center of the rural settlement itself and the district of the same name. Its location is convenient - on the banks of the Yeya River at the confluence of the Kugo-Eya tributary. The railway station on the Tikhoretskaya - Bagaysk branch bears the same name as the village itself. It is 195 kilometers from the regional capital of Krasnodar, but more than twice as close to Rostov-on-Don - eight tens of kilometers. So it is located in one of the busiest places in the Kuban from where and where you can quickly get there either by train, or by comfortable regular buses, minibuses and taxis. The population is approaching 29 thousand. Mostly Russians, but there are also Ukrainians, Armenians, Germans and representatives of other peoples and nationalities.

Stanitsa - a former hut of the Black Sea Cossacks

The history of one of the largest rural settlements of the region and the country is rooted, as well as dozens of similar villages, in the distant past. And it is most closely connected with the dead three Russian-Turkish wars, in which the Cossacks actively participated - be it the Black Sea, Don or Zaporizhzhya Sich. After the conclusion of a peace treaty with Ottoman Empire, known in domestic yes foreign history As the world of Yassy, ​​the Russian Empress Catherine the Great was faced with the need to protect the southern borders of the Motherland from new often completely unexpected attacks. And since it was very expensive to maintain a regular army here, she took a different path. Cossacks, Don, Black Sea, Zaporizhzhya Sich have long beaten her with their foreheads to allocate for permanent residence and military service of the land in the Kuban. And she complied with this request. In total, over twenty-five thousand Cossacks moved here to begin with. They formed four dozen kurens. Kushchevsky kuren was one of the first of these forty. And it was inhabited during the reign of Emperor Alexander III. But with one condition - they had to accept the Christian faith. Which is what was done. So, at the confluence of the Yeya and the tributary of the Kugo-Eya, a rural settlement appeared in 1794, a kuren, which formed the basis of the future village of Kushchevskaya. And initially there were only two hundred souls in the settlement. Everyone started from scratch - building huts from improvised natural materials: clay, sand, wood, public buildings - mills, trading shops, forges, the temple of God. The settlement received the official status of a village in 1842.

An interesting interpretation of the name - Kuschevka. There are several options for this. One of them - it is known for certain that the Kushchevsky kuren took place back in 1690. And it was founded by the Zaporozhye Cossacks. And the name of the kuren came from the nickname of the chieftain Kushchi. In general, the words "booth" has many meanings - a roof, a tent, a hut, a hut, and even a shack in the forest. in amazingly beautiful places - groves, oak forests, bends of the river and tributary, rich in fish, finally man-made gardens, vineyards - well, why not a paradise?! natural beauties and this amazing name went - Kuschevka! By the way, the famous Russian writer (1847-1876) bore the surname Kushchevsky. And in the sixties of the last century, the goalkeeper football team"Kuban", beloved in the region from young to old, was Oleg Kushcha. So break your head about the origin of the name Kuschevka! Until 1924, the village was part of the Yeysk department of the Kuban region. Seen a lot of bad luck in her lifetime. For example, in 1942, its 17th cavalry corps delayed the pressure of the Nazi troops for several days, launched counterattacks, suffering serious losses. The village changed hands several times. And she was liberated from the invaders on February 2, 1943. The villagers did not forget the brave cavalry corps - they opened the "Field of Cossack Glory".

Economically developed village

Like other rural settlements of the Kuban, Kushchevka is effectively working on the implementation of the food program. This is done in the interests of the residents themselves, as well as millions of tourists who come to the region for rest and treatment. In spring, summer and autumn, you can look at the boundless fields of wheat, corn, sunflower, barley, sugar beets, castor beans and other crops. The villagers are intensively engaged in cattle breeding, pig breeding, and poultry farming. The products of the workshop for the production of seeds "Ot Martina" are popular. But there is also a brick factory and a foundry and mechanical factory, the Komus factory, which produces packaging, NovoPlastYuG LLC, where foam plastic production has been established. To the west of the village there is a training military airfield, which trains cadets of the Krasnodar Aviation Institute and for foreign countries.

The villagers have great opportunities for rational recreation and sports. Harvest Stadium. In Kushchevka, the Russian motoball championship is held, and its own team "Kometa" is popular. The sports complex "Snegovik" with an ice arena and a section for figure skating and hockey, gyms and swimming pools. Among the popular attractions is the "Singing Fountain", built in 2008 with a bowl diameter of seventeen meters and a height of jets of fourteen meters. This is a magnificent sight when 457 jets take off into the sky! During the day they are painted with silver and crystal under the rays of the sun, in the evening they fascinate from the illumination with all the colors of the rainbow. In 1996, the church of the Holy Apostle the Theologian was built with donations from the villagers.
Interior decoration in a purely Russian style. Altar, colonnade - an exact copy St. Isaac's Cathedral St. Petersburg. At the disposal of the villagers and guests - the park of culture and recreation named after Lenin, the parks of Gorky and the 30th anniversary of the Victory, Kushchevsky Arbat. If we talk about the sights of the region as a whole, then there are 211 monuments, 13 of them are architecture, 167 archeology, 31 history. By the way, a little more about the Kushchevsky district. It has existed since 1924. It is home to over 70 thousand inhabitants. It is located in the northern part of the Azov-Kuban Plain. Borders with Rostov region, Starominskiy, Leningradskiy and Krylovskiy districts of Kuban. There are 12 rural settlements in the district: villages - Kushchevskaya, Shkurinskaya, Kislyakovskaya, farms - Krasnaya Polyana, Glebovka, Middle Cheburki, villages - Razdolnoye, Poltavchenskoye, Novomikhailovskoye, Ilinskoye, Pervomaisky village. 1659 enterprises work in them, including 1105 small ones, 2194 entrepreneurs without education legal entity. More than 33,000 rural workers are employed in the economy in the areas of the food market, manufacturing, construction, and small businesses. The area had its own famous people- Elina Chaga, popular singer, producer, composer; Soviet football player Sergei Andreichenko, Hero Soviet Union Fedor Koshevoy. The younger generation has someone to take an example from. Work, of course, is a noble cause! But rest is not secondary. We talked about parks, stadiums, swimming pools and the like. But people are often drawn closer to nature. Well, please, there is a place to fish in the area - the rivers Eya, Kugo-Eya, Wet Chuburka, Rossosh, Sosyka, Elbuzd, Kavalerka - catch big and small fish, crayfish - I don’t want to!

Sad pages of history

They are connected with modern Kuschevka. They are well heard not only in the Kuban, in the country, but also abroad. The details of the massacre in November 2010, and specifically of twelve people, among whose victims were children, are widely covered in the media, including the stanitsa, of which there are five (newspapers and magazines). Therefore, we will not once again rub salt in the wounds. Members of the criminal gang, who created chaos in the village, were arrested and sentenced to long terms. God marks the rogue - five of those arrested committed suicide. The leader of the gang Sergei Tsapok died of a heart attack. His mother, Nadezhda Tsapok, who stole 15 million undeserved subsidies for her Artex-Agro agricultural complex, will be behind bars for a long time. And the sad event will serve as a harsh lesson for the Cossack villagers: their ancestors fought valiantly against the Turks and mountaineers, but they could not save the village from such a big disaster?! However, both the federal, regional and stanitsa authorities took measures so that such a tragedy would not be possible in the future in principle!

    The main part of the villages, of course, fell on five large resort areas - Big Sochi, Tuapse, Gelendzhik, Anapa, Taman Peninsula. It is these zones that are coastal. And it is in them that the seaside villages are located.