What are the 4 basic departments of yufu. Federal University Southern. Southern Federal University: faculties

The city of Rostov-on-Don is one of the millionaire cities in Russia. As a rule, the number of large cities in Russia is directly related to their geographical location, which determined further political and economic development.

For Rostov-on-Don, the key moment was the foundation in its place in 1749 Temernitsky Customs Decree of Queen Elizabeth Petrovna. Through this customs post there was trade with Turkey, and goods and cargo were transported by water.

Since there were raids on the border area with Turkey in the early 60s of the 18th century, by the decree of Catherine II, the fortress of St. Dmitry of Rostov was built here. At the end of the 18th century, having lost its military significance, the fortress was transformed into a county town. Rostov-on-Don received its current name in 1806.

The main source of economic development of Rostov-on-Don until the beginning of the 20th century was trade, since the city itself has access to three large seas - the Caspian, Black and Azov. Also, being at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, Rostov has routes to the Mediterranean, the Caucasus and the Middle East.

Sights of Rostov-on-Don

Being at the crossroads of several cultures and being in the neighborhood with other states, Rostov-on-Don attracts a large number of tourists, both Russian and foreign. Despite the fact that during the Great Patriotic War, many buildings were destroyed, most of them were restored and restored in the post-war years.

In Rostov-on-Don, there are more than half a thousand historical and architectural monuments of the 18th-20th centuries. attracts a lot of attention from tourists Rostov Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, built in the middle of the 19th century and being a reduced copy of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. Special attention deserves the building of the City Hall built in the late 19th century and made in the Baroque style, as well as the church of the Armenian monastery built in the late 18th century.

And not far from Rostov-on-Don is the world-famous open-air historical and archaeological museum. Tanais, created on the site of the ancient city of the same name, founded here in the 3rd century BC and being a major center of trade for the peoples inhabiting the Black Sea, Azov, and the Greeks.

The largest enterprises of Rostov and the Rostov region

Active construction of industrial enterprises in Rostov began with the advent of Soviet Power. One of the first large enterprises was the Rostselmash plant, which manufactured machines, combines and other equipment for the agricultural industry.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Rostov-on-Don was one of the largest trading and merchant cities in Russia with a large share of foreign capital: more than 30 percent of enterprises had investments from foreign companies in their capital.

The Great Patriotic War caused great damage to the city, during which almost all industrial enterprises were destroyed and Rostov-on-Don was literally restored from ruins. But, despite this, a large number of architectural and historical monuments have been preserved and restored here.

Rostov-on-Don is also known for its enterprises such as Donskoy Tabak, which covers about 10 percent of the Russian tobacco market, Rostvertol OJSC, the only enterprise in Russia that assembles helicopters for various purposes.

The largest industrial enterprises of Rostov-on-Don:
- Legmash is a manufacturer of equipment for light industry.
- Rostprodmash is a manufacturer of equipment for the food industry.
- GPZ-10 - production of bearings.

Type federal university Acting Rector Inna Konstantinovna Shevchenko supervisor Vladimir Isaakovich Minkin students 33125 The doctors 394 teachers 2951 Location Russia Russia, Rostov-on-Don , Taganrog , Rostov region Campus Rostov-on-Don, st. Zorge, 21, 28 Legal address 344006, Rostov-on-Don,
st. B. Sadovaya, 105 Website sfedu.ru

The history of the Southern Federal University begins in 1915, when the faculties of the Russian Imperial University of Warsaw, opened in 1817 by Emperor Alexander I of Russia, were evacuated to the south. The initiator of the transfer of Warsaw University to Rostov-on-Don was Nikolai Vasilievich Pariysky (1858-1923). During the 20th century, the university changed its name. Within the framework of the national project "Education" by order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 23, 2006 N161-r and by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 4, 2006 N1447, SFedU included: Rostov State University, Taganrog State Radio Engineering University, Rostov State Pedagogical university and Rostov State Academy of Architecture and Arts.

general information

As of 2016, the university included 5 academies, 12 educational institutes, 6 faculties, 6 branches and 2 representative offices, as well as 19 innovation-technological and scientific-educational centers, 3, a museum and the Regional Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Education. As of 2016, the university has over 29,000 students.

On November 19, 2015, the Neurotechnologies of Perception and Recognition laboratory was opened, which will develop methods and tools for the rapid detection of potentially hazardous substances. This is a joint project of the Foundation for Advanced Study and the Southern Federal University.


academies Institutes Faculties Research Institute and NKB
  • Academy of Architecture and Arts
  • Academy of Biology and Biotechnology. Dmitry Iosifovich Ivanovsky
  • Academy of Psychology and Pedagogy
  • Academy of Physical Culture and Sports
  • Academy of Engineering and Technology
  • Institute of History and International Relations
  • Institute of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science. I.I. Vorovich
  • Institute of Geosciences
  • Institute of Sociology and Regional Studies
  • Institute of Philology, Journalism and Intercultural Communication
  • Institute of Philosophy and Socio-Political Sciences
  • Institute of High Technologies and Piezotechnics
  • Institute of Nanotechnology, Electronics and Instrumentation
  • Faculty of Military Training
  • Management department
  • Faculty of Physics
  • Chemical faculty
  • Faculty of Economics
  • Faculty of Law
  • Research Institute of Multiprocessor Computing Systems. A.V. Kalyaev
  • Research Institute of Robotics and Control Processes
  • Research Institute of Physical and Organic Chemistry
  • Research Institute of Physics
  • NKB of modeling and control systems
  • NKB digital signal processing
  • International Research Center "Smart Materials"


History of the Southern Federal University

  • - Imperial Warsaw University in Rostov-on-Don.
    • Evacuated in connection with the capture of Poland by German troops during the First World War. The composition of the faculties:
      • Historical and philological
      • Medical
      • Physics and Mathematics
  • - Don University
    • May 5 Renamed by Decree of the Provisional Government No. 1227
  • - Donskoy University named after M. P. Bogaevsky
  • - North Caucasian State University
    • September 30 Renamed by the Decree of the Government of the USSR
    • Faculty of Economics established
    • September 19 By order of the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR, the Medical Faculty of the University was transformed into a Medical Institute (currently Rostov State Medical University)
    • chemical, geological-botanical and working faculties were formed.
    • January 15 Pedagogical and economic faculties were separated and transformed into pedagogical, food industry and economics of exchange and distribution, and financial and economic institutions (currently - Rostov State Economic University)
    • Geological-soil-geographical and botanical faculties were separated from the Faculty of Geology and Botany.
  • - Rostov-on-Don State University
    • Renamed in connection with the disbandment of the North Caucasus Territory and the exit from its composition of the Rostov Region
  • - Rostov-on-Don State University named after V.M. Molotov
    • The Scientific Research Institute of Physics and Mathematics (NIFMI) and the Research Institute of Biology (NIIB) were established.
    • The university includes a botanical garden.
    • June 15 By decision of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, Rostov University was recognized as a higher education institution of the first category.
    • August The charter of the university is adopted.
    • The Faculty of History and Philology was restored.
    • The Faculty of Law has been restored.
  • - Rostov State University
    • Renamed by order of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of December 06, 1957 No. 36333-r
    • The Faculty of Economics and Philosophy was created.
  • - Rostov State University named after M. A. Suslov
  • - Rostov State University
    • the Faculty of Psychology was created (Dean Ermakov Pavel Nikolaevich)
    • The department of regional studies was created
    • The Faculty of High Technologies was created
  • Until now South Federal University
  • Since 2008, the issue of granting the status of an autonomous institution to the Southern Federal University has been considered.

The history of the names of the Pedagogical Institute of SFedU

  • Rostov State Pedagogical Institute
    • Created on January 15, 1931 by separation from the North Caucasian State University
  • Rostov State Pedagogical Academy
  • Rostov State Pedagogical University until 2006
  • Academy of Psychology and Pedagogy since 2014

History of names: SFedU Engineering and Technology Academy

  • from 1951 to 1974 - Taganrog Radio Engineering Institute
  • from 1974 to 1993 - Taganrog Radio Engineering Institute|Taganrog Radio Engineering Institute named after A.I. V. D. Kalmykova
  • from 1993 to 2006 - Taganrog State Radiotechnical University|Taganrog State Radiotechnical University. V. D. Kalmykova
  • from 2007 to 2012 - Taganrog Technological Institute of the Southern Federal University
  • from 2012 to 2013 - Taganrog campus of the Southern Federal University

History of the names of the Institute of Architecture and Arts of the Southern Federal University

  • Rostov State Architectural Institute
    • Created in 1988 on the basis of the Faculty of Architecture in (currently

This university attracts people primarily because here you can get a high-quality classical education. Some get a great chance to go abroad and do an internship at leading foreign partner universities. Applicants who choose SFedU are primarily interested in what faculties there are. Before talking about them, it is worth understanding the history of the creation of the university and getting acquainted with its multi-level structure.

Creation of an educational institution and its goals

In 2006, a major Russian university, the Southern Federal University, began operating in Rostov-on-Don. It absorbed the traditions and knowledge accumulated by other universities, because SFU appeared on the basis of 4 united educational organizations:

  • Rostov State University, functioning since 1915;
  • Rostov Pedagogical University, which began training in 1930;
  • operating since 1952;
  • Rostov Academy of Architecture and Arts, which appeared in 1988.

The university was established with the aim of preserving and enhancing existing traditions, improving educational services, training highly qualified specialists, and actively participating in research and innovation activities.

The structure of the educational organization

Since the Southern Federal University was created on the basis of several universities, it has a multi-level structure. As part of the educational institution there are academies, institutes, faculties and other divisions that are engaged in organizing training in and specialties.

All existing structural units are combined into 5 large groups related to certain areas of knowledge:

  • physical-mathematical and natural-science direction;
  • engineering direction;
  • socio-economic and humanitarian direction;
  • direction of education and science in the field of pedagogy and psychology;
  • direction of education and science in the field of arts and architecture.

Faculty of Physics and Mathematics and Natural Science

This group of subdivisions includes the Faculty of Physics. This is one of the largest structural units of the Southern Federal University. This faculty works with schoolchildren. On its basis there is a school of additional education. In it, children from an early age study interesting science, immerse themselves in various experiments, and become interested in solving problems. After completing their studies at this school, many enter the Faculty of Physics at the Southern Federal University, choosing the most suitable and interesting specialties for themselves.

The Faculty of Chemistry also belongs to the physics and mathematics and natural sciences. On it, students study theory, conduct chemical research in laboratories. For applicants, one undergraduate direction (“Chemistry”) and one specialty (“Applied and Fundamental Chemistry”) are offered. In senior years, students improve their knowledge and skills in the most interesting specializations for them, of which there are more than 10.

Faculty of Engineering

The Faculty of Military Education belongs to the engineering direction at the Southern Federal University. Its history began in the 1920s. The current faculty has several main tasks. It is in the structure of the Southern Federal University should:

  • to implement military training programs for reserve officers at military departments in military specialties;
  • carry out educational activities and work on the military professional orientation of young people.

Military education, which can be obtained at the faculty in question at the Southern Federal University, is considered additional. University students are accepted for training, who undergo a medical examination, the stage of professional and psychological selection, and successfully pass the standards for physical fitness.

Management department

It has in its composition the Southern Federal University faculties related to the socio-economic and humanitarian areas. One of these structural units is the Faculty of Management. It appeared in 2014 due to the lack of managerial personnel in the region and the country. This structural unit was separated from the Faculty of Economics.

For applicants at the Faculty of Management, one direction of bachelor's degree is offered - "Applied Informatics and Mathematics". On it, students receive knowledge on the use of information technologies and systems in business, mathematical methods for making important management decisions. The proposed direction is characterized by a large amount of project work, students undergo internships, perform research work and solve important practical problems.

Faculty of Economics

Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don) has an economic structural unit. It grew out of the Faculty of Economics and Philosophy, which existed at Rostov State University since 1965. At present, this is a fairly large structural unit, which includes 8 departments, 6 educational and research laboratories, 5 educational centers. The faculty sees its goals:

  • in the qualitative implementation of the educational process;
  • expansion of services;
  • human resources development;
  • improvement of the material and technical base;
  • development of the research potential of the faculty;
  • development towards national and international recognition.

At the Faculty of Economics, applicants are offered 2 areas of training - these are "Management" and "Economics". In the first direction, students study financial and organizational management, business process management strategy, practice and theory of managerial decision-making. At the "Economics" students get acquainted with topical disciplines. Lecturers from different departments may be involved in lecturing on the same subject. This allows students to form a systematic vision of ongoing economic processes.

College of Applied Professional Education

Federal University Southern aims to train specialists not only with higher education. The structure includes a college of applied vocational education.

This division began its work in 2015. Created a college on the basis of:

  • College of Economics, related to the Higher School of Business;
  • College of Arts and Humanities, formerly part of the Academy of Architecture and Arts.

Directions of preparation in college

This structural subdivision of the Southern Federal University implements its educational activities in 6 specialties:

  • "Information Systems";
  • "Folk art";
  • "Organization and law of social security";
  • "Banking";
  • "Finance";
  • "Accounting and economics (by industry)".

In all available areas of training there is only full-time education. You can enter some specialties not only after 11 classes (that is, on the basis of secondary general education). Persons who have completed 9 classes can also receive secondary vocational education.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the Federal University of the South provides students with excellent opportunities to receive a quality education. Students can use modern computers, hardware and laboratory instruments, communicate with highly qualified teachers and receive from them the necessary baggage of theoretical knowledge and practical skills. It should be noted that SFedU students study not only in Rostov-on-Don. It has a branch of the Southern Federal University in Gelendzhik, Zheleznovodsk, Makhachkala, Novoshakhtinsk, Uchkeken.

License series A No. 283373, reg. No. 9693 of December 25, 2007
Certificate of state accreditation, series AA No. 001070, reg. No. 1043 of December 29, 2007

Southern Federal University (SFU) is a Russian university, a center of higher education and science in the Southern Federal District of the Russian Federation, located in Rostov-on-Don and Taganrog, Rostov Region.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 23, 2006 N1616-r as a result of joining as structural units to the state educational institution of higher professional education "Rostov State University" of state educational institutions of higher professional education
- "Rostov State Academy of Architecture and Art",
- "Rostov State Pedagogical University",
- "Taganrog State Radio Engineering University"
Southern Federal University was formed.

The structure of SFedU includes four separate branch institutes, the total number of faculties is 37, scientific structural divisions are 70, including 10 scientific research institutes, as well as design bureaus, the Center for Collective Use, educational and scientific laboratories (including joint ones with institutions of the Russian Academy of Sciences), 20 innovation activity structures (in including 2 pilot productions, 2 technoparks, 2 business incubators, 5 collective use centers), etc., employing about 800 researchers, including 354 candidates and 45 doctors of science. The total number of students is about 56 thousand people.


  • Faculty of Architecture (IARCHI)
  • Department of Regional Studies
  • Open faculty
  • Faculty of Radio Engineering (TTI)
  • Faculty of Automation and Computer Engineering (TTI)
  • Faculty of Lifelong Learning (TTI)
  • Faculty of Biology and Soil
  • Faculty of Military Training
  • Faculty of High Technologies
  • Faculty of Geology and Geography
  • Faculty of Science and Humanities (TTI)
  • Faculty of Natural Science (PI)
  • Faculty of Fine Arts (PI)
  • Faculty of Information Security (TTI)
  • Faculty of Arts (IARCHI)
  • Faculty of History
  • Faculty of Linguistics and Literature (PI)
  • Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Physics (PI)
  • Faculty of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science
  • Faculty of General Training (IARCHI)
  • Faculty of Pedagogy and Practical Psychology (PI)
  • Faculty of advanced training
  • Faculty of advanced training and professional retraining of educators (PI)
  • Psychology faculty
  • Faculty of Socio-Historical Education (PI)
  • Faculty of Sociology and Political Science
  • Faculty of Technology and Entrepreneurship (PI)
  • Faculty of Management in Economic and Social Systems (TTI)
  • Faculty of Physics
  • Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports (PI)
  • Faculty of Philology and Journalism
  • Faculty of Philosophy and Cultural Studies
  • Faculty of Chemistry
  • Faculty of Economics, Management and Law in Education (PI)
  • Faculty of Economics
  • Faculty of Electronics and Instrument Engineering (TTI)
  • Faculty of Law

Southern Federal University, a leading center for the development of education, science and culture, is a higher educational institution of federal jurisdiction.

Southern Federal (Rostov) University is traditionally known for developments and research in various fields of science. Significant progress has been made in the analysis and synthesis of a number of organic compounds, the electronic and spatial structure of their molecular structure, in the development of new high-performance ferroelectric materials and technologies for their manufacture, non-destructive testing methods, theoretical and applied problems of mechanical engineering, construction and architecture, fundamental and applied problems of cybernetics brain, problems of artificial intelligence, automated biomedical systems, in the development of a new concept of management in a market economy, problems of the dialectics of material and spiritual culture.

International activity University includes work on training students, interns, graduate students and doctoral students from foreign countries, including on a contract basis, joint research, exchange of teachers and researchers.

University scientists are actively working on international cooperation programs with colleagues from foreign countries: the USA, Germany, France, Great Britain, Israel, Italy, Yugoslavia, Poland, China, Turkey, Bulgaria, Greece, etc.