Tselinograd State Pedagogical Institute named after Seifullin. Tsgpi - Tselinograd State Pedagogical Institute. With. Seifullin. Awards and prizes

"MEMORY OF THE HEART": memories and reflections on the TsGPI them. S. Seifullina (1962 - 1996)

BATRAK (CLASSEN) NATALIA, 1984 graduate of the Philological Faculty of the Central State Pedagogical Institute:

I learned about the upcoming meeting of graduates and teachers of the Central State Pedagogical Institute. I was informed by Natalia Sannikova (Kozyr), my friend. She said that you can send a few lines of welcome to dear teachers and some memories. They, these very memories, flooded overnight. Of course, many years have passed since that distant 1984, when we graduated from the Tselinograd Pedagogical Faculty, our favorite philological faculty. But all these years I keep in my soul the best moments of these happiest years of our life, the memory of student friends, girlfriends, teachers.

We had three groups on the course: 86th, 87th and 88th. I studied in the 88th. I am deeply grateful to all the teachers. A teacher of limitless knowledge, adored, wonderful, unique Gerta Petrovna Baigarina. Her lectures… I have never heard anything like it in my life. How inspired and simply she gave us the world of historical grammar, introducing us to the most complex subject! It was a mesmerizing "ride into the unknown." We, rural girls, saw an impressive picture of ancient Russian churches, monasteries, written monuments. This endless monologue of an outstanding, in my opinion, teacher, took us somewhere deep into the centuries. These minute-by-minute transitions of Herta Petrovna, Gertochka, as we called her among ourselves, from a language we understand to Old Russian and back, a virtuoso mastery of both, and without a single saving for any teacher, at least a small cheat sheet ... We never saw her with notes lectures in the traditional sense. She entered, began to speak, and - a miracle happened ... The phenomenon even consisted in the fact that she, like no other person known to us at that time, bore an amazing, rare name - Herta ... There was something Andersen in it, and some other then simply Baltic (I don’t know where?) restraint. Her eyes were amazing: sometimes green, sometimes gray, “clear bright eyes” ... Such, you know, “Grig's bright songs”, and not eyes. A mixture of the north (it seems that she was from Arkhangelsk, although maybe it was a legend), the metropolitan university (I remember that she absorbed the education of either Moscow or Leningrad), the culture of Ancient Russia and our native Asia, the bird of the steppe this gray-eyed sorceress who flew into the world along with the Turkic surname Baigarin. In general, for me it was an alien creature. It seems to me that all the students were in love with this amazing woman.

We never saw Gerta Petrovna's anger, her irritation at your meager knowledge, we never heard the words of even a slight reproach, we never saw a reproachful look. Only understanding, a smile, an endearing look. Only respect for the personality of each of us. And great patience, instilling in us faith in our own strength. Always an even voice, calmness. This is characteristic only of those rare people whose essence of character is inner culture, true intelligence, spirituality. Gerta Petrovna - Teacher with a capital letter. I say words of great gratitude, respect, love, gratitude and wish you, our dear teacher, good health! Let the star of your talent and the warmth of your soul warm our sometimes unkind and cold world with the fire of creativity and inspiration. Thank you for being! Live long and happily!

I recall with warm warmth a small, it seems, two-story cozy building of the Faculty of Philology (not the main building, but the one that was in the back of the courtyard, with a monument to Saken Seifullin outside the window). We were the first to move into the new dormitory number 3 in November 1980. Well-maintained, modern, comfortable, it became our home for all four years of study. Here we were friends, shared joys, successes and failures together, arranged mini-performances and funny jokes, held literary drawing rooms, concerts, sang songs with a guitar, enjoyed life and youth. People came here with joy after the holidays, and then there was no end to the conversations.

The teacher's house was very close to us. It seems that Tatyana Vasilievna Krivoshchapova lived there. There, my friend Natalia Kozyr and I came to her for a consultation on term paper. It was a magical, unforgettable time of discovery and communication with mentors. Throughout our lives, Natasha and I carried a feeling of love, respect and gratitude. She opened to us the poetry of A. Blok. A small piece of happiness is working with her. “The image of a terrible world in the poetry of Alexander Blok” is my theme. And Natasha, my romantic, however, like me, friend, plunged into the cycle of "Poems about the Beautiful Lady." Even today I admire the talent of T.V. Krivoshchapova to organize the research process in such a way that it becomes a great joy for the student. All my further pedagogical life, this invaluable experience helped me, which Tatyana Vasilievna gave us then, having taught us how to love and understand poetry, how you can convert your student to your faith. I try to follow this example in my work.

State exams were both a joy and a huge responsibility for us. Surprisingly, I got a ticket that I still remember: the first question was about Shukshin's work, and the second ... Block! Poem "Twelve"! God, how I wanted not to lose face! I was insanely worried. According to Shukshin, she carried, as it seemed to me, complete nonsense, but according to Blok's poem, she remembered everything to the smallest detail. And how happy I was when they told me: “On the first question - “four”, but for Blok we put you six points, the final mark for the exam is “five”. It seems to me that at that moment I grew wings.

Thank you, Tatyana Vasilievna, for your faith in us, for your gift of God, for the fact that we were so interested in you. When the time of “returned names” came in literature, I really wanted to experience it next to you, my lifelong beacon in the poetry of the Silver Age. After all, it was with you that I started from the basics. We knew little about my favorite poet Marina Tsvetaeva in our student years. Stingy lines of the Soviet anthology. Natasha and I went around all the libraries in order to find at least some volume of poetry. It wasn't!.. But even here, dear Tatyana Vasilievna, you skillfully quenched our thirst for lyrics. The third girl, who wrote your term paper with us, devoted it to folklore motifs in the poetry of Marina Tsvetaeva. Recently we met with her on the Internet. We were not close friends, so I looked at her photo in Odnoklassniki for a long time. Familiar facial features and a well-known surname - Primak Tamara. But she did not dare to write to her for a long time, she did not remember anything. And so, having heeded your invitation to write memoirs about my beloved university, about our so distant youth, I suddenly jumped from a guess that dawned on me: this is she - Tamara - the third girl from us! I immediately wrote to her, if she was the same student who wrote the term paper on Tsvetaeva from Tatyana Vasilievna Krivoshchapova. And she said that she still keeps her work! And I keep mine. Like a memory. “Your name is a bird in your hand…” In the era of glasnost, when everything became accessible, I read Tsvetaeva’s lines about Blok with trepidation, each time remembering my beloved teacher from the Central State Pedagogical Institute, Tatyana Vasilievna Krivoshchapova.

Our teachers of literature... How inspired they read poetry at their lectures! These were real masters of the word: Baronova Galina Alexandrovna, Beseda Yuri Konstantinovich, Starikova Victoria Andreevna.

Severe, fair, intelligent - the dean of the philological faculty Askarov Gala Askarovich. There was some special nobility and dignity in him. He belonged to the older generation of teachers, he was restrained in his emotions, but my friend, Tatiana Kuksa, and I, by the will of fate, found ourselves under his almost paternal control. Gala Askarovich began his teaching career in the Yermentau region, which he loved very much. Knowing that we were from there, he was always especially friendly with us, called: “My Eremeevka?” We had great respect for this teacher and felt a great responsibility towards him. Still, the dean himself is periodically interested in: “Well, how are you doing, Eremeevkas?” Embarrassed, we babbled something in response, but we always studied well, and it seems that he was pleased with us. Today, being already at an advanced age, you re-evaluate much that happened to you in your youth. How dear to me today is this modest, stern man - Gala Askarovich, who loved his youth in a distant rural school and with such warmth treated us, her chicks, to my homeland, from which I have now long been torn off forever. He brought up students without edification and sermons, with one glance he could put in place the presumptuous slob and express approval to those who were distinguished by zeal. It was still a military generation, which served the Fatherland all its life, fought, built, worked tirelessly.

Another amazing person. The kindest Grigory Alexandrovich Baklanov is an old teacher who loved us, all his students with fatherly love, in love with the Old Church Slavonic language. I always keep in my memory and in my soul his sayings, funny orders: “It is better to overeat than not sleep enough”, “Move more slowly - you will continue”, “Work with full force, but not through force”. We loved working with him on subbotniks, when we were sent to sweep the streets on Clean Fridays. Funny Baklanov ... An eccentric from the Old Slavonic annals. Our memory is selective. Over the years, I realized: when events, actions, even surnames and names are forgotten, you remember faces and voices. They sound especially recognizable in my head, although more than thirty years have passed. Bright images and voices ... I see myself at a lecture on the Old Slavonic language, I hear his invariable "a man has a name of two sons and the speech of the youngest: oh, give me a worthy part of the name ...". Our dear Grigory Alexandrovich, just before graduation, read a course of some lectures, constantly distracted by free conversations about our future. He told us about how talented each of us is. He convinced, set up, instilled optimism, he loved each of us very much. “When you come to school, the children will love you already because you are so young and so beautiful...” he told us. For many years of my work at school, especially at the beginning of my journey, I recalled these words with a smile, especially when something did not work out. And it became easier on the soul. Thank you, wise, kind teacher, who gave us so much love and care.

Yes, all my life I remember the voices of my teachers. Kamionskaya Tatyana Alexandrovna. One of the oldest and my favorite teachers of the Russian language at that time. Academicism, depth, rigor, great exactingness were combined in her with a fair, thoughtful attitude towards her students.

Oh, that wise look from under the glasses… Tatyana Alexandrovna taught me to see the beauty of our language, every sentence, every word, every sound. Today, so much is said and written about the expressive features of speech, language techniques, tropes, and the richness of Russian speech. Moreover, this is often done in a dry scientific language, with difficulty reaching the ear, but what is there to the ear - to the heart of the modern student. T.A. Kamionskaya, a true professional in the field of linguistics, turned all my ideas about the expressive possibilities of my native language in half a year of a workshop in the Russian language, showed many options and variations in the compilation of simple and complex syntactic constructions. After such classes, for me personally, the “great and mighty” sparkled with all its facets and subtlest shades. And this discovery I also carefully carried through my entire pedagogical life.

I remember Vlasova Galina Ivanovna as a young, beautiful teacher of oral folk art. She taught us practice. I remember her soft manner, affectionate smile, lush brown hair. Friendly, always accommodating. She herself, like Alyonushka from a Russian fairy tale, led her amazing, such a fabulous, folklore subject. In her classes, you could relax your soul.

Names, faces, objects float in succession in my memories.

Shlemberg Galina Alexandrovna - a person of fundamental knowledge in linguistics ...

Kobrinskaya Tamara Ivanovna, a spectacular beauty from foreign literature ... Gavrilov Valentin Alexandrovich is a true scientist, who belonged to science from head to toe. To many, it seemed somewhat strange. However, like all these nice people of science who live, little noticing the life around them. Gavrilov, a teacher of literary criticism, is my first idea in my life of what he is - a real scientist. Serious, slightly pensive man in thick glasses, smartest head. He was always immersed in his world of scientific theories, terms and definitions. In general ... a person "not of this world." We all treated him with great respect and with a certain amount of timidity. This is how I remember this teacher, who put the basics of literary theory into our heads.

Sharonova Valentina - two contrasting sides of one subject - philosophy. One is an extravagant blond lady in dresses of various colorful shades, with amazing amber jewelry, in unthinkable exotic trouser ensembles, hats ... It seemed that she hurried off the plane to each lecture, having just returned from Rio de Janeiro, actually it was not so. It’s just that there are such unique women on earth who are able to rise above the routine of life and delight others with their non-standard decisions in clothing, way of thinking, actions, charge with spiritual energy and a constant sense of celebration. Looking at her, the word "philosophy" became not so frighteningly boring, but cheerful and understandable. And you are no longer afraid to go to the exam. Another - Shtefanov - a young woman was just a lady from an English gymnasium. Elegant, slender, even in communication, she tried to convey her difficult subject to our frivolous girlish heads at that time.

I would very much like to know at least something about Galina Alexandrovna Chernetskaya. Regal to become and such maternal care for us. If you can imagine in the life of the ancient goddesses, then they, without any doubt, were similar to our Chernetskaya. I remember her voice, with such a pleasant native burr, and an infinite number of mythological stories, names: Helen, Paris, Menelaus, Achilles ... I remember her beauty and smile. Galina Alexandrovna Chernetskaya is a whole planet in our student life. The deputy dean, the favorite of the course, is strict and soft at the same time, sharp, direct, sometimes explosive, but with a great sense of humor, fair, kind, like a mother. In a word, stick and carrot.

Our 88th group was distinguished by good studies, it included those students who, as they say, “nibbled the granite of sciences”, especially in the 1st year, who passed the entrance exams perfectly or graduated from school with a medal: Nina Shvaiko, Tatyana Kuksa , Thyssen Lilya, Molodovsky Victor and others. Thanks to the efforts of Galina Alexandrovna, who decided to reward us for our good progress and zeal in our studies, in the summer of 1981 we went to the camp site in Borovoye to rest for five whole days!!! At this time, the session was just beginning, classes were still going on, so the trip was a miracle for us, an indescribable delight and a royal gift. Five days of absolute happiness… We arrived tanned, as if we had been in the Crimea, rested, and we were no longer afraid of any session. Galina Alexandrovna solved many of our problems, she was always aware of all the events. She remained in the memory - a dear person close to all of us.

The curator of our group was a young teacher Evgenia Nikolaevna Myagkova. I remember her as a slender, smiling, red-haired girl, there was some mischief in her smile, always neat, smart. I remember she told us, her students, how serious she was about time management. It was ridiculous for us then to listen to her instructions on the proper organization of the day. “I have at home,” said Evgenia Nikolaevna, “there are many clocks in every room, I try to always have them with me or be at eye level, reminding me of discipline, of how to distribute my hours and minutes in order to be in time. Girls, you have to be organized and save your time." Then I often remembered her words when I began to work, and it was more and more difficult to find precious minutes for the most important thing. Years later, I saw Evgenia Nikolaevna on television, where she worked as a reporter and presented the news. Her purposefulness did its job, and, probably, her natural composure helped her in her new work. Now I don’t know anything about her, although I was very glad when I saw her photo on the page in Odnoklassniki. Evgenia Nikolaevna has changed little, the time, to which she treated with such respect, was favorable to her and retained her image and a barely noticeable mischief in the smile of her eyes.

Malysheva Nelly Garifovna. Teacher of the most important science for the future teacher - pedagogy. She reacted critically to my desire to be a “round” excellent student - by the end of the second year, to pass the session ahead of schedule in order to do everything this summer: go to practice at the best Ogonyok camp, then go to the construction team for two months. As it seemed to me then, she approached me too sternly at the exam, slapping a "four", and even reprimanding me for insufficient preparation for an excellent student. But fate gave me one more chance to get to know this wonderful teacher and make sure of the justice of any of her requirements for the student. Some happy circumstances revealed to me the creative side of a teacher, and it is this quality that I value most in our profession. One fine day, the Filfachki team, as we jokingly called ourselves, won the Pedagogical Olympiad, an unforgettable exciting multi-day competition where all faculties competed! We were happy. Kozyr Natalya, Kuksa Tatyana and I got into the institute team, which was prepared by N.G. for the trip to the final round in Alma-Ata. Malyshev. By that time I was a tolerable screenwriter, wrote poetry, creative performances for my friends and girlfriends. In the treasury of our creative work there was already INSPIL (instructive-pioneer camp) - a university-wide creative marathon, where both students and teachers became children for a whole week, where sparkling humor reigned, the excitement of competitions, costumes were sewn, poems were composed, the ability to march, sing was honed , play. With such luggage, we could safely go to the pioneer practice, which we did, and to the pedolympiad. It was an unforgettable event. I was happy in this sea of ​​creativity and grateful to the teacher for believing in us. The experience of such an Olympiad was very useful, and in the future it was very useful to me. I carried my love and gratitude to my teacher Malysheva through the years.

Everything bright, talented that I remember from the institute, connected with pioneering practice, brings me back to another amazing teacher with a burning heart - this is Elena Alexandrovna Dmitrienko. She had the gift to feel a teenager, to love a student, she understood better than anyone the meaning of the phrases "pioneer childhood", "pioneer camp", "pioneer summer romance". She fired us up with it. Practice at Ogonyok is the best time of my life.

Yes, our CSPI gave us so much joy over the past four meteor years that even today this time is remembered as the brightest, most significant, filled with youthful hopes, creativity, friendship, love. And, of course, study.

To all teachers of the Central State Pedagogical Institute - a deep bow! Their life lessons are priceless.

I never forgot the faces and voices of my classmates. Years ruthlessly erased some names and surnames from memory. But our student youth invariably lives in us. I remember when the Internet “happened” in our lives, we began to frantically search and find each other: who is he? Where's she? how to find them? where she lives? how did they live all this time? where are they today? “Friends of my soul…” “Footsteps have been sounding down my street for years, my friends are leaving…” So many years have gone… Disappeared… And suddenly they began to come, arise “…from the poor ignorance of the past”, from unconsciousness, from the pain and chaos of devastation 90- x, time, tearing the living to pieces, when “... which, well, which March ?! They smashed us like a deck of cards!” Many rushed to a foreign side, to near and far abroad ... And suddenly ... Here they are ... Appeared - native faces from youth, from that vast, serenely happy "territory of love" called TsGPI, where we were all happy. On my page in Odnoklassniki there are many of those whom for many years I considered lost to myself forever - my friends. I remember and love you all, my dears.

Tatyana Kuksa, my friend and classmate, was one of the best students at the faculty. Very gifted in studies, active, bright personality. An artistic nature, Tanya had diction, plasticity, acting skills, the ability to dance, recite poetry. She often became the host of important concerts, programs, she was instructed to prepare events. After graduating from the institute with honors, Tatyana devotes all her knowledge, talent and years of great work to work in her native Ermentau school No. 1.

Vitya Molodovsky, a young man who struck us with the scale of his personality, powerful intellect, knowledge of the Russian language, and unique acting abilities. How he read "Barbarism" by Musa Jalil, Blok's poems, Yevtushenko. Do you remember, Victor, our disputes about the poetry of Yevtushenko and Voznesensky? You were an erudite, like you a little later I met in my life. I would very much like to talk today with my good student friend Victor Molodovsky. I heard that today he is a real professional, a journalist, editor of a leading publication. And I'm not surprised at all. IM proud of.

Sasha Demidov, Lena Zhikina, Nadya Kireeva, Tanya Bochinskaya, Alya Abzhanova, Ida Lang, Ira Fladt, Galia Nazieva, Valya Sagadatova, Clara Mustafina, Zauresh Mukhamedina, Lilya Tissen, Aisulu Zhanabilova (Zhumadildina) and my other friends and girlfriends, students 88 th. You are wonderful!

My girlfriends in the hostel and in life, those with whom I shared joys and sorrows, “bread the crust and that in half.” Natasha Kozyr is my main friend in life. With her, we went through the whole happy student path side by side, hand in hand. We were devoted to our philology and were, it seems to me, worthy students. And today we go through life together, although we live far away from each other. Our student fraternity will always be alive.

Sveta Harutyunyan. A girl of exotic beauty, kindness, sincere generosity, my friend from the very first day of school. The margin of safety that our beloved university gave her was wonderful. Today she is a newspaper editor.

Olya Tkachenko. A teacher with vast experience and seniority, head of a kindergarten in the far northern city of Labytnangi near Salekhard.

Larisa Werner, Alla Schmidt, Luda and Nadya Kochkins... My student friends flew to different parts: Russia, Germany, towns and villages of Kazakhstan. But each of us gratefully remembers our beloved Central State Pedagogical Institute, our alma mater, where we received an excellent education, where our student youth passed. It was eventful, and four years was not enough for us. I didn't want to say goodbye. “Just a year,” we said, when we said goodbye, as if dazed, hardly thinking how now to live further not together. We set off for distribution, leaving behind pioneer bonfires, and mountains of books read, hundreds of interesting discussions, student skits, "furious construction team", folklore practice, KVN - in a word, saying goodbye to our golden time as students. And ahead of us was work, children, lessons, notebooks, new discoveries. No one knew then that the 90s, which would come six years later, would later be called "dashing", and everyone would have their own way of survival, more or less successful and dramatic.

Having achieved certain heights of creativity in my native Blagodatnenskaya school in the Yermentau district, in 1998 my family and I moved to Russia, to the village of Novopernovo in the Altai Territory, where I had to start anew in my profession, and life almost from scratch. Today I am a veteran of pedagogical work, an honorary worker of education of the Russian Federation and I can report to those who "... created us and taught us to fly high, high," to our teachers. It seems that we, graduates of the Faculty of Philology in 1984, did not let you down. Our university can be proud of excellent school teachers, my classmates: Tatyana Bochinskaya, Natalya Kozyr, Galina Lapina, Petr Shmakov, director of one of the schools in the Novosibirsk region. Unfortunately, I don't know much about many. Life so happened that we never met again all together. It is all the more joyful and gratifying to realize that the meeting of students and teachers of the Central State Pedagogical Institute will take place this year. This is a great idea and a noble cause. Tselinograd Pedagogical, we remember you! We are proud of you from the very day we solemnly sang in the hall of the Palace of Youth at the ceremony "Initiation into Students" "Gaudeamus Igitur", and now, when "...there are no more, and those are far away..."

With a holiday of a meeting you, TSPI! Health, happiness, long and happy years to all our teachers, to everyone who lived to see this wonderful event!

Russia, Altai Territory

Teachers of the Department of Russian and Foreign Literature of the L.N. L.N. Gumilyov

Zagatova Saule Bazylovna

Candidate of Philology


Education: Tselinograd State Pedagogical Institute. S. Seifullina, 1976, specialty: "French language".

Moscow State Institute of Foreign Languages. M. Torez, scientific internship, postgraduate study, 1985 - 1990 In 1990 she defended her thesis on the specialty: 10.02.05 - Romance languages.

Awards and prizes: badge "Excellent worker in education of the Republic of Kazakhstan", badge of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Y.Altynsarin", anniversary medal "Kazakhstan Constitutionyasyna 10 zhyl", diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, holder of the state grant "The best teacher of the university", badge "Honorary worker of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan ".

The total number is 86, including:

  1. Value attitude to foreign culture// Proceedings of the I International Scientific and Practical Conference // Topical issues of science: Moscow, 2011.- P.61-65.
  2. Methodical manual "The English teachers handbook" Astana: EAGI. - 2012, 74p. (co-author Shaimukanova R.K.).
  3. Psycholinguistic problems of translation // Reports of the Kazakh Academy of Education, No. 4.- 2014, P. 41- 44.
  4. Ways of transferring segmented constructions in translation (based on the French language) // Bulletin of the Eurasian Humanitarian Institute. No. 3.- 2015, pp. 128-132.
  5. Latin for the Humanities, textbook Astana: EAGI, 2015, 227 p. (co-author Kokhovich S.D.).
  6. Allied functions of the French dialect aussi // Bulletin of the Eurasian Humanitarian Institute. - No. 4, 2016, pp. 154-159.
  7. Linguo-culturological meaning of the Latin language // Reports of the Kazakh Academy of Education, No. 3, 2015, P.23-27.
  8. Teaching foreign language communication at the intercultural level // Khabarshy. Scientific journal of ENU. - No. 3, 2016, pp. 118-191.
  9. Guidelines for the implementation of diploma works in the specialty "Translation Studies", Astana: EAGI - 2016, 30 p.
  10. Guidelines for the implementation of diploma works in the specialty "Foreign language: two foreign languages", Astana: EAGI -2016, 34 p.

Linguistics. Psycholinguistics. Theory and practice of translation .


Professional achievements:
2013 - International scientific and methodological seminar "Modern teacher in the modern world", Kazakhstan branch of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov.
2014 - summer school in philology "Actual problems of linguistics, literary criticism and translation studies", ENU named after L.N. Gumilyov.
2014 - advanced training courses on the theory of language under the guidance of Professor L.P. Selimsky (Bulgaria), ENU named after L.N. Gumilyov.
2014 - lecture courses "Cognitive aspect of contrastive linguistics" by Professor N.F. Flefirenko (Russia), ENU named after L.N. Gumilyov.
2015 - International scientific and methodological seminar "Actual problems of foreign philology and linguodidactics", ENU named after L.N. Gumilyov.
2015 - scientific and methodological seminar "Theorie und Praxis einer innovativen Methodologie des Deutschunterrichtes" under the guidance of international expert Johannes Stickel (Germany).
2011-2017 - seminars on the methodology of the French language, Alliance Française (at the Embassy of France in the Republic of Kazakhstan), Astana.

2016 (June) Higher School Management / Characteristics of the communicative-competence approach in the context of vocational education, Astana
2016 (September) - Higher School Management / Approaches to the formation of educational programs, Astana.

2017 - round table "On the Kazakh realities as an exponent of the features of national culture: translation aspect, L.N. L.N. Gumilyov.
2017 (April) - online seminar on Clarivate Analytics resources for scientific research (basic features).
2017 (June) - Online Workshop on Clarivate Analytics Resources for Research (Advanced).
2017 (July) Higher School Management / University Entrepreneurial Opportunities, Astana.
2017 (September) - Higher education management / Determination of key performance indicators of the university, Astana.
2017 (October) – International Training Session “Student-Centred Learning, Teaching and Assessment: Principles and Technologies”, IQAA, Astana.
2017 (November) - online seminar "Case technology in the educational process: stages of creating electronic content", South Kazakhstan Humanitarian Institute. M.Saparbayeva.
2017 (November) Massillan seminar "Developing critical thinking". Astana, Masmillan education.
2017 (December) Certificate for participation in the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Modern problems of the humanities and social sciences", Astana, EAGI.
2017 (December) Certificate for participation in the Central Asian Quality Assurance Forum, Almaty, IAAR.
2018 (January) Scientific and methodological seminar under the direction of. Professor E.Kapagan "Turkі khalyktarynyn latyn alіpbiіne koshu tazhіribesi", Astana, EAGI.
2018 (January) Certificate for participation in the Springer Nature Training “How to use. How to publish”, Astana.
2018 (Feral) Clarivate Analytics Resources Online Seminar "Practical Guidelines for Publishing in International Journals".
2018 (March) Certificate for participation in the International Seminar on Professional Development of Experts, Astana.
2018 (April) Certificate for participation in the International Seminar "Management of Internal Quality Assurance System in Higher Education", Astana.

Abdrakhmanova Aitbala Ergalievna

Scientific, academic degree: Candidate of Philology

Scientific, academic title: docent

Education: Kokshetau Pedagogical Institute named after Sh. Ualikhanov, 1987, specialty: "Russian language and literature, native language, literature." In 2010 she defended her thesis on the specialty: 10.02.02 - Kazakh language.

Awards and prizes: Letter of thanks from the rector of the Eurasian Humanitarian Institute.

List of scientific and scientific-methodical works: The total number is 40, including:

  1. Folklore sanadagy alemnin tildik beynesi. Қ. Yasaui at. KhҚTU "Madeni yқpaldastyқ zhane өrkenietter bіrlіgі" Halykaralyқ V turkologist congressi. - 2013. 17-19 Sauir. - 144-149-bb.
  2. Latin karpindegi kazak alipbiinin ulttyk beynesi. Shet tilder zhane іskerlіk university career. "Kazakhstan - 2050: Strategies zhane latyn alіpbiіne koshu үrdіsi" Khalykaralik gylymi-practical symposium. - Almaty, 2013 zhylgy 6-8 mausym.
  3. Bilingualism in sociolinguistics: a preliminary analysis of materials in the Kazakh language. "International Review of Education and Science", gylymi-köpshilik journal Ottawa Canada. No. 1 (8), 2015. Scopus basesynda Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 3.842 SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 3.865. 18-20 September 2015.
  4. Kazakhstan tіl mektepteri: құrylymy, zhai-kuiі zhane keleshegі. "Negizdi gylym men technology - bolashagy bar azirlemeler" V Halykaralyk gylym-practical conferences. 193-196-bb. AH, North Charleston. 2015 zhylgy 24-25 akpan.
  5. Translation studies: the formation of linguoculturological competence (based on the Kazakh language). Problems of Education in Modern Russia and the Post-Soviet Space: Collection of Articles of the XXIII International Scientific and Practical Conference. - Penza: Privolzhsky House of Knowledge, 2015. - 136 p. (pp. 92-96).

Area of ​​scientific research: Stylistics of the Kazakh language.

Professional achievements:

2012 - certificate for participation in the seminar "Rhetoric - oratory - culture of speech". Center for Humanitarian Research at the Kazakh Multidisciplinary Institute "Parasat".

2012-Certificate for participation in the seminar “Tүbirtek (archaesillab) theory of raw Mahyzy Zhokey Bolashagi”, “Koerki Zhazba Eskertkishterin Zaritteudіn Zhana Men Tәsilder” Turkish Academy.

2013 - certificate for participation in the republican seminar "Okytu bagdarlamalary men mazmuny, oқytu technology son zhetildiru". Committee on Languages ​​under the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2014 - certificate for participation in the international seminar "Turkі duniesi: ruhani mura zhane bugіngі madeniet", ENU named after L.N. Gumilyov, Institute for the Study of the Turkic World at Ege University.

Abylova Gulnar Erezhepovna

Scientific, academic degree: Candidate of Philology

Scientific, academic title: docent

Education: International Kazakh-Turkish University named after H.A. Yassavi, 2001, specialty: "Kazakh language and literature". In 2010 she defended her Ph.D. thesis in the specialty: 10.02.19 - Theory of language.
Teaching disciplines: general theory of language, Kazakh language.

List of scientific and scientific-methodical works: The total number is 25, including:
1. "Adam-Zaman-Tabigat" ushtigіndegі dunienіn poeticalyқ beynesi (ХҮ-ХҮІІІ ғasyrlardaғy ақyn-zhyraular shyғarmalary boyinsha) // Tүrkі өrkenieti zhane Tauelsіz Kazakhstan. ҚR tаuelsіzdіgіnіn 20 zhyldygyna arnalғan halyқaralyқ conference material gifts. Volume I (A-Y). Sh.Ibraevtyn editorial board. - Astana, 2011. - 482 b. - 54-59-bb.
2. Dunienіn poetical beynesindegi "Adam - Zaman - Tabiғat" үshtigіn құraytyn konceptіlerdіn erekshelikterі // "Er Edіge zhane Altyn Orda memleketi tusyndaғy biler institutenyn manyzdylyқy-teorylyқyimi conference material – Turkistan, 2011.
3. Ongin, Kulli-chor zhane Moiyn-chұr eskertkishterindegі үsteu soz tabynyn syntactic erekshelikterі // Altaistika zhane turkologiya journals. - Astana, No. 3-4. – 2011.
4. Köne Türkі zhazba eskertkіshterіndegі үsteudіn zhasaluy men қyzmetіnіn erekshelikteri // Altai-Turkі aleminіn altyn besigі. Halykaralyk gylymy-tazhіribelik conference material gifts. 26-27 tamyz. - Oskemen, 2011. - 140-148-bb.
5. Turkilik epikalyk sana zhane tarihi sabaktastyk (kazak aқyn-zhyraular poetry zhane "Manas" zhyry boyinsha) // Kazakh Khabarshysy Philology series. - Almaty. - No. 1-2. – 2012.
6. Features of representations of the concepts of the Kazakh poetic worldview of the XY-XYIII centuries // The Aitmatov Academy JOURNAL ISSN 2051-1299 Vol.II, Issue l. - London 2013. - 81-84 p.
7. Dүnienіn poeticsli banesindogі “Bun” concepts қne қrylymi // Krnekti Folklortanushy qlym, қgua Academigi Academigi Askaruly қASABASOBASYA 75 Zhasaa Arnalgan Khalykarals Congrests. Kazan 5, 2015 - Astana: L. Gumilev atyndagy EҰU baspasy, 2015. - 422 b. - 335-339-bb.

Area of ​​scientific research: Cognitive linguistics, psycholinguistics, linguoculturology, syntax of the modern Kazakh language, text linguistics.

Professional achievements:
2014 - "Kazirgi gylymdagy innovation technology: comparative studies, audarmatanu, linguodidactics" halykaralyk gylymi-practical seminars for katyskany ushіn certificate.
2015 - "Halykaralyk folklortanushylar congresіne" katyskany ushіn certificate. L.N. Gumilyov atyndagy EҰU zhane Halykaralyk Tүrkі academies.

Vazhova Leonina Stanislavovna

Education: higher, specialty: teacher of English, associate professor of the department of foreign languages.

Job title: teacher of the department of foreign languages

Scientific, academic degree: candidate of pedagogical sciences

Scientific, academic title: docent

Teaching disciplines: theoretical phonetics, practical grammar

Period of work in EAGI: from 2001 to the present.

Academic experience:

1967 to 1968 - English teacher at secondary school No. 6 in Tselinograd

1969 to 1996 - senior teacher of English at the Central State Pedagogical Institute im. Seifulin, Tselinograd

1996 to 1998 - Head of the Department of English, Akmola Pedagogical University (L.N. Gumilyov ENU)

Professional achievements:

Certificate for participation in the seminar on the methodology of teaching languages ​​"Policy of modern language training in Kazakhstan" (72 hours) 2015

Awards and prizes:
2007 - badge "Teacher-innovator" of the Kazakh Academy of Education
2010 - badge of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Y. Altynsarin"
2013 - a letter of thanks from the EAGI rector for Teacher's Day.

List of scientific and scientific-methodical works:

  1. Review of the author's work "Peculiarities of teaching English in elementary school" by a teacher of additional education of the GKKP "Palace of Schoolchildren" named after. M. Utemisova Kirova T. V. 2012
  2. Review of the creative work of the teacher of the school-gymnasium No. 32 Akhmetaliyeva T.R. "Game technologies as a means of enhancing cognitive activity" 2013
  3. Collection of introductory-corrective course (370 pages). 2016
  4. Manual for independent work “Easy reading” (170 pages) together with Plotnikova N.Ya. and Sharpak Y. 2016

Ilyasova Alima Ukubaevna

Scientific, academic degree: master of pedagogical sciences

Scientific, academic title: docent

Education: Tselinograd State Pedagogical Institute. S. Seifullina, 1980, specialty: "English". In 2012 she defended her master's thesis in the specialty: 6M010200 - Pedagogy and methods of primary education.

Teaching disciplines: language for special purposes (CI-C2 level), lexicology and theoretical grammar of the English language, advanced English in the IELTS program, the basics of the professional activity of a translator, the basics of language theory, the elective discipline "Origin of the Kazakh people", "History of Great Britain" .

Period of work in EAGI:

Academic experience:
1980-1983 - teacher of English at the Department of English Philology of the Central State Pedagogical Institute named after. S. Seifullin, Tselinograd;
1983-1985 - English teacher of secondary school with / for him. Amangeldy Imanov, Kurgalzhinsky district, Tselinograd region;
1985 - 1994 - English teacher, methodologist, head teacher of secondary school No. 1 in the village. Kzyltu of Kokshetau region;
1994 - 2000 - Senior Lecturer of the English Language Department of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University.

Professional achievements:

  1. Certificate of Attendance for participating in the methodology seminar on the theme "Using minimum resources to maximum effect" (Macmillan Education: conducted by Teacher-trainer Teresa Doguelli), held in 4 June, 2013.
  2. Алғыс Хат, Шетел тілдері бойынша РЕСПУБЛИКАЛЫҚ ПӘН ОЛИМПИАДАСЫН ұйымдастыру және жүргізуіне белсенді қатысқаны және Қазақстан Республикасында тілдің дамуынв елеулі үлес қосқаны үшін, Абылай хан атындағы қазақ халықаралық қатынастар және әлем тілдері университеті, 29-30 наурыз 2013.
  3. CERTIFICATE OF MES RK on accreditation. Series MK No. 004222.
  4. Certificate of participation at the international scientific-practical seminar “Pedagogical innovation. Methods of Teaching. Educational Projects, at the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. 8-20 December 2014, Astana, Kazakhstan (72 hours). - Registration number 418.
  5. Certificate of the course of lectures "New Directions of Linguistics". ENU them. L.N. Gumilyov. December 8-20, 2014 (45 hours).
  6. Certificate for participation in the training seminar "Preparation of a self-assessment report of the university in the framework of institutional and specialized accreditation." November 17, 2015
  7. Certificate of completion of the course of the educational program "Higher School Management". Module: Approaches to the formation of educational programs. June 2016 (36 hours).
  8. Certificate of completion of the course of the educational program "Higher School Management", Module: Competence and competence in the context of a competency-based approach in education. Module: Characteristics of the communicative-competence approach in the context of vocational education. August-September 2016 (72 hours).
  9. Certificate of attending the scientific-methodical seminar “Brain Research and Learning” by Dr.Michael Naeder (SES), at the Department of Foreign Philology, L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, October, 04, 2016. – Registration No. 02-7995.
  10. Certificate of successfully completing the official Springer Nature Training How to use How to publish, held by Irina Alexandrova, Licencing manager Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, June, 15, 2017.
  11. Certificate of completion of the course of the educational program "Higher School Management". Module: Entrepreneurial opportunities of the university. June-July 2017 (72 hours)
  12. Certificate of completion of the course of the educational program "Higher School Management". Module: determination of key performance indicators of the university. August-September 2017 (72 hours)

Awards and prizes:

— 2007 - badge "Teacher-researcher" of the Kazakh Academy of Education
— 2011 - Certificate of honor of the National Testing Center of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
— 2012 - a letter of thanks from the akim of the district "Almaty" of Astana S. Akhmetov
— 2015 - badge "BILIM BERU ISININҢ KURMETTI KYZMETKERI" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

List of scientific and scientific-methodical works:

  1. On the specifics of teaching foreign languages ​​to junior schoolchildren.//Proceedings of the international scientific conference "Humanitarian education in the modern world: problems, searches, prospects", dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the rector of the Eurasian Humanitarian Institute, academician, doctor of historical sciences, professor A.K. Kusainov. – Astana, 2012.
  2. Lexicology without theoretical grammar (co-authored with Davletova S.E., Arenova G.U.) // Astana: EAGI, 2012.-168 bet.
  3. Educational and methodological complex on the history of language and theoretical phonetics (co-authored with Alipbekova L.U., Doldinova S.A.) // Astana: EAGI, 2012.-167 pages.
  4. Soileu daғdasyn damytu. Komekshi kural, co-authors Alipbekova L.U., Esimova A.K., Yasinova K.A., Astana: EAGI, 2012.-131 bet.
  5. Agylshyn tilinіn practical grammar, co-authors Yasinova K.A., Alipbekova L.U., Esimova A.K.// Astana: EAGI, 2012.-150 bet.
  6. Formation of schoolchildren's tolerance in English lessons.//Materials of the republican scientific-practical conference "Modern problems of the humanities and social sciences"/ under the general editorship of Kusainov A.K. - Astana: Eurasian Humanitarian Institute, 2013. - 512p. (341-343)
  7. PROGRAM of professional practices for students of the specialty "Foreign language: two foreign languages".//Astana: AFAO "NC NTI", 2014.-36 p.
  8. “Shetel tіlі: ekі shetel tіlі” mamandygy boyinsha student arnalgan käsiptik tazhіribeden өtu bagdarlamasy, co-authors Koszhanova A.S.//Astana: AF JSC "NC NTI", 2014.-34 p.
  9. Program of professional practice for students of the specialty "Translation") (co-authored with Arenova G.U.) // Astana: AF JSC "NC NTI", 2014.-36 p.
  10. "Audarma іsі" mamandygynyn student arnalgan kasibi practice BAGDARLAMASY, co-authors Alipbekova L.U.//Astana: AF JSC "NC NTI", 2014.-33 bet.
  11. Ways of translating linguistic realities from English into Russian.// Reports of the Kazakh Academy of Education, No. 2.- 2015. - P. 124-129.
  12. The use of innovative technologies in higher education.//Materials of the republican scientific-practical conference "Modern problems of the humanities and social sciences", dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Eurasian Humanities Institute, under the general editorship of Kusainov A.K. - Astana: Eurasian Humanitarian Institute, 2015. - 522p. (328-332).
  13. Units of phraseology and classification principles of phraseological units. // Reports of the Kazakh Academy of Education, No. 4. - 2015. - P. 53-58.
  14. Neologisms in modern English. // Bulletin of the Eurasian Humanitarian Institute No. 4, 2015. pp. 194-197.
  15. Collection of tasks for the SIWT on the discipline "Theory of Translation Recording" for students of the specialty 5B020700 - "Translation Studies", (co-authored with Kardybayeva M.S. and Baiturina U.K.) - Astana: AF JSC "NC NTI", 2015.- 90 pages
  16. 5B020700-“Audarma ici” mamandygynyn student of “Audarma zhazbalarynyn theoryy” päninen SOӨZhge arnalgan tapsyrmalar zhinagy / A.U.Ilyasova, U.K.Bayturina, L.U.Alipbekova, M.S.Kardybayeva. -83 b.
  17. S.B.Zagatova., Ilyasova A.U. National specificity of concept representation HOUSE in English, Russian, Kazakh and Turkish// Bulletin of the Eurasian Humanitarian Institute.-№2.-2016, P.82-87.
  18. R.F.Zhusupova, A.U.Ilyassova, Continuing Teacher Professional Development// Bulletin of the Eurasian Humanitarian Institute.-№4.-2016, P.82-87.
  19. Types of non-verbal means of communication//Materials of the International scientific-practical conference "Modern problems of the humanities and social sciences", dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Astana: EAGI, 2016.- S. 76-78.
  20. PROGRAM of pre-graduation practice (for students of the educational program in the specialty 5B011900 - "Foreign language: two foreign languages"). - Astana: AF JSC "NTs NTs NTI", 2017. - 15 p.
  21. PROGRAM of pre-graduation practice (for students of the educational program in the specialty: 5B020700 - "Translation"), in collaboration with Arenova G.U. Astana: AF JSC "NTs NTs NTI", 2017. - 15 p.

Additional Information: developer of tasks for the Republican Olympiad in English for students of the 11th grade of specialized schools for gifted children with instruction in three languages, on behalf of the Republican Coordinating and Methodological Center for the Development of Languages. Sh. Shayakhmetova RGKP, October 2015

Plotnikova Nadezhda Yakovlevna

Education: 1971 - Tselinograd State Pedagogical Institute named after S. Seifullin, Faculty of Foreign Languages, qualification: English teacher.

Job title: Lecturer at the Department of Foreign Languages ​​EAGI.

Scientific, academic title: docent

Teaching disciplines: theory and practice of intercultural communication, intercultural communication for specialties: 5B020700 - "Translation" and 5B011900 - "Foreign language: two foreign languages", professionally oriented language and language for special purposes, practical grammar of the basic language (3rd year, specialty: 050119 - "Foreign language: two foreign languages")

Special courses developed and available:"English idioms in speech practice", "Speak Everyday English", "Business English".

Period of work in EAGI: from 2000 to the present.

Academic experience:
1971-1973 - English teacher at school No. 15, part-time at the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of the Central State Pedagogical Institute.
1973-1981 — Lecturer in the Department of English at the Central State Pedagogical Institute im. S. Seifullin.
1981-1984 - Head of the Department of English, Central State Pedagogical Institute. S. Seifullin.
1996 - Associate Professor of the Department of English at L.N. L. N. Gumilyov.
1996-1999 - teacher of language courses for senior officials of the Presidential Administration.
From 2000 to the present - Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of EAGI.


  • 1978 - Alma-Ata Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages;
  • 1983 - Leningrad State Pedagogical Institute. A.I. Herzen;
  • 1983 - Great Britain, studying in Cambridge and London through the British Council.

Professional achievements:

  • Certificate for attending The British Council Summer School for Teachers. (Cambridge & London, August - September 1983);
  • Certificate "Methods of teaching foreign languages", Research Center for Methods and Content of Teaching Foreign Languages ​​of the Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages ​​named after Abylai Khan. (2002);
  • Certificate of Participation in Global Education’s 2nd Annual Educator’s Conference “Pioneering Strategies for Interactive Teaching”. (2004);
  • Certificate of Participation in Global Education’s 3rd Annual Educator’s Conference “The Stories from Which We Learn”. (2005 year);
  • Certificate for attending Macmillan seminar “New ELT Technologies”. (2006);
  • Certificate for attending seminar “Blended Learning – Innovation in English Language Teaching from Cambridge”. (2011);
  • Certificate of Participation in 10th Annual International Teachers of English Conference. (year 2012)

Awards and prizes:

  • badge of the Kazakh Academy of Education with the title of "Teacher-innovator";
  • Breastplate of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan".

List of scientific and scientific-methodical works:

  1. Plotnikova N. Ya. "Ecology" - Textbook on the development of oral speech for 3rd year students - Astana: EAGI, 2011. - 89 p.
  2. Plotnikova N. Ya., Baizhumanova D. B. “Ecology” Textbook on the development of oral speech for 3rd year students with the Kazakh language of instruction. Astana: EAGI, 2011. - 89 p.
  3. PlotnikovaN. I. “Home Reading Guide on “Theatre” by W. S. Maugham” - Study Guide. - Astana: EAGI, 2011. - 53 p.
  4. Plotnikova N. Ya. “Workshop in English” Textbook for 3rd year students. - Astana: EAGI, 2014. - 164 p.
  5. Plotnikova N. Ya., Baizhumanova D. B. “PRACTICAL agylshyntiline arnalgan”
  6. 3rd year student arnalgan oқku ұraly. Oku kuraly. Astana: EAGI, 2015 - 161s.

Plugovaya Nina Vasilievna

Scientific, academic title: docent

Education: Tselinograd State Pedagogical Institute. S. Seifullina, 1972, specialty: "English".

Teaching disciplines: basics of typological research.
Awards and prizes: In 2008 she was awarded the jubilee medal "10th Life of Astana". In 2010, she was awarded a certificate of honor from the administration for the 15th anniversary of EAGI. In 2011, he was awarded the title of "Teacher-Innovator" of the Kazakh Academy of Education.
List of scientific and scientific-methodical works: Total number - 20, including:
1. "Collection of tasks in English for independent work of students", Astana: EAGI, 2011 (co-authored with Kyzyrova M.A. and Yasinova K.A.).
2. "Professional-oriented teaching of a foreign language at non-linguistic faculties of universities", Materials of the republican scientific-practical conference "Modern problems of the humanities and social sciences", Astana: EAGI, 2013.

Professional achievements:
2015 - certificate for participation in the seminar on the methods of teaching languages ​​"Policy of modern language training in Kazakhstan (72 hours).
2018 - certificate of participation in the republican online seminar held by the EAGI-Bilim center at the Eurasian Humanities Institute on the topic "Innovative methods of teaching the content of the updated education program."

Evseev Vyacheslav Stanislavovich

Education: Eurasian National University, 1996, specialty "German and English"

Scientific, academic degree: Ph.D(Dr. phil.), (Dr. phil. habil), Candidate of Philology(PhD)

Academic title: Professor

Teaching disciplines: text linguistics, research methods, basics of the theory of a second foreign language, advanced English in the IELTS program, professionally oriented foreign language, practical grammar level C1, basic foreign language, translation practice.

Periodwork in EAGI: from 2008 to 2016 as an associate professor, since 2017 he has been a professor.

Academic experience:
1996-2003 - Lecturer at the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of the Eurasian National University.
2003-2005 - Head of the Department of Languages ​​of the Diplomatic Academy of the ENU.
2005-2006 - Head of the Department of Languages ​​of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
2006-2008 - Associate Professor of the Department of Languages ​​of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Professional achievements:

  1. Ph.D(Dr. phil.) – degree awarded by the University of Bamberg (Germany) in 2002,
  2. habilitated Ph.D.(Dr. phil. habil) - degree awarded by the University of Bamberg (Germany) in 2014,
  3. Candidate of Philology(Ph.D.) - the degree was awarded by the nostrification method of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2004.

Membership in professional organizations:
member of the "Russian Union of Germanists" since 2007.

Awards and prizes:
the title of "Teacher-researcher" of the Kazakh Academy of Education. 2015

List of scientific and scientific-methodical works:

  1. Non-iconic chronology in Russian narrative texts: its types and motivations Magazine Zeitschrift fur Slawistik(Berlin) 2012 (vol. 57), no. 1, pp. 46-70. Impact Factor: 0.037
  2. Motivations for non-iconic chronology in English narrative texts. Magazine Linguistics(Antwerp / Belgium) 2013 (vol. 51), no. 3, pp. 555-584. Impact Factor: 0.718
  3. Nicht-ikonische Chronologie: Zeitlichkeit und Zeitreferenz im Deutschen, Englischen und Russischen ("Non-iconic chronology: temporal semantics and temporal reference in German, English and Russian"). Böhlau Publishing House (Cologne, Germany), 2017

Alipbekova Lazzat Usmanovna

Scientific, academic degree: master of pedagogical sciences

Job title: Senior Lecturer

Education: ENU them. LN Gumilyov, 2005, specialty: "English". In 2013 she defended her master's thesis in the specialty: 6M030100 - Pedagogy and psychology.

Awards and prizes: badge “Teacher-innovator” of the Kazakh Academy of Education.
Breastplate "Bronze medal named after. A. Baitursynov” Association of Higher Educational Institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

List of scientific and scientific-methodical works: The total number is 26, including:

  1. Ertegі terapiyasymen psikhologiyalyk қyzmet kөrsetudіn аdіstemelіk erekshelіkterі. // Humanitarian zhane aleumettik gylymdardyn kazirgі maselelerі Republican gylymi-practical conference material gifts. Astana, Eurasia Humanitarian Institutes, 2013. - B. 347-349.
    2. "Audarma іsі" mamandygynyn student arnalgan kasibi practice bagdarlamasy, co-authors Ilyasova A.U. Astana: AF JSC "NC NTI", 2014. - 33 bet.
    3. Agylshyn tilindegi metaphorany қazaқ tiline berilui // II halykaralyk turkі alemi zertteulerі symposiums. Kazakh memlekettik kyzdar pedagogical university. Almaty: 2015. - B. 175-180.
    4. Psychologist қyzmetіndegі kұm terapiyasynyn psikhoteraperylyқ ұndylyқtary // Respublikalyk gylymi journal Eurasia humanitarian institutes Khabarshysy. Astana: 2015. - No. 2. - B.142-147.
    5. Audarmada ironiyany zhetkіzu tәsіlderі // Eurasia Humanitarian Institute 20 zhyldygyna arnalғan "Humanitarian zhane әleumettik ғylymdardyn қazirgi maselelerі" atty republicalyқ ғylymi-praktikalik conference material. Astana, Eurasia Humanitarian Institutes, 2015, B. 326-328.
    6. Psychologist Kyzmethyndigi psychology diagnostics қrylymi, functionlars, principle / қAZAKSTA Republica Tәuelsizizdіgіnіg 25 Zhyldyna Arnalgan “Humanitarlyk Zhna әlemetttyk qizіrgi” Astana, Eurasia Humanitarian Institutes, 2016, B. 50-53.
    7. Agylshyn tilindegi zhekeshelegen zhalky esimderdin semantikalyқ erekshelikteri // II International Scientific and Practical Conference "Integration of the scientific community in the face of global problems of our time." Osaka (Japan): 2017. - P. 350-357.
    8. Kazakh zhane agylshyn tіlderіndegі құramynda kielі sandar bar idiomsderdin salistyrmaly taldauy // IV halykaraliқ turkі аlemі zertteulerі symposiums. Niide (Turkia): 2017. - B. 617-624.
    9. "Audarma іsі" mamandygyna arnalgan diploma zhұmysyn oryndau adіstemelik nұsқaulary. Astana: EAGI, 2017. -30 p. (co-author Zagatova S.B.).

Professional achievements:
2014 - certificate of MES RK on accreditation. In accordance with Article 23 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Science", Alipbekova Lazzat Usmanovna is accredited as a subject of scientific and (or) scientific and technical activities.
2014 - Сertificate of participation at the international scientific-practical seminar "Pedagogical innovation. Methods of Teaching. Educational Projects, at the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Astana, Kazakhstan (72 hours).
2015 - Сertificate of participation in the II International Research Symposium on the Turkic World dedicated to the 550th anniversary of Kazakh Khanate and the 20th anniversary of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan in Kazakh State Women’s Teacher Training University.
2015 - certificate for participation in the training seminar "Preparation of a self-assessment report for a university within the framework of institutional and specialized accreditation."
2015 - certificate for participation in the seminar on the methodology of teaching languages ​​"Policy of modern language training in Kazakhstan". KAZGUU (72 hours).
2016 - certificate of participation in the training seminar "Approaches to the formation of educational programs".
2016 - scientific and methodological seminar "Brain Research and Learning" by Dr. Michael Naeder (SES), ENU L.N. Gumilyov.
2016 - advanced training courses on the topic "Consecutive and simultaneous translation: international standards and requirements" (Astrakhan regional branch of the Union of Translators of Russia).
2016 - scientific and methodological seminar "Turki tіlderi zhane tіl sayasaty" under the guidance of Professor E.Kapagan (Karabuk University, Turkey).
2017 - scientific and methodological seminar "Corporate culture and internal communication" under the guidance of Professor Kozlov V.V. (Russia).
2017 - certificate of participation in the seminar of the Center for Pedagogical Excellence of the AEO "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools" on the topic "Methods of subject-language integrated learning".

Bayturina Ulzhan Kabievna

Scientific, academic degree: master of pedagogical sciences

Scientific, academic title: Senior Lecturer

Education: Aktobe Pedagogical Institute named after. Kh.Zhubanova, specialty - "German and English", 1991. In 2014 she defended her master's thesis in the specialty 6M030100 - Pedagogy and psychology.

Teaching disciplines: basic foreign language, basic foreign language in the aspect of intercultural communication, history of the USA, regional studies of Great Britain and the USA, literature of the FFL and regional studies, practical grammar, literature of the FFL and problems of translation, regional studies of Kazakhstan, education and culture of the FFL, basics of the professional activity of translators, theory of translation recording , workshop on the culture of speech communication, specialty 5B020700 "Translation", 5B011900 "Foreign language: two foreign languages".

Awards and prizes:
2008 - Letter of thanks from the Akimat of Almaty district, Astana
2014 . — Honorary Diploma of the Department of Education of Astana,.
2014 - Diploma "Best curator of the year" EAGI, Astana
2015 - Honorary diploma of EAGI, Astana
2016 – A letter of thanks from the maslikhat for youth affairs of the city of Astana

List of scientific and scientific-methodical works: The total number is 5, including:

  1. Innovative technology of organizing cooperation in the process of teaching students // Collection of the Republican scientific-practical conference “Modern problems of the humanities and social sciences” Astana 2015, EAGI. Page 321-323.
  2. A collection of tasks for the SIWT in the discipline "Theory of Translation Recording" for students of the specialty "Translation Studies". Textbook Astana, 2015.
  3. 5В020700-“Audarma іsі” mamandygynyn student of “Audarma zhazbalarynyn theoryy” peninen SOOUZH-ge arnalgan tapsyrmalar zhinagy. Oku zhinagy Astana, 2016.

Professional achievements:

2011 – certificate of Completion “Innovative methods of learning English language” (Astana Education)
2011 - certificate of the International educational company Capital Education "Modern education of Kazakhstani youth: New methods and new perspectives in teaching English."
2013 - certificate of participation in the scientific and practical seminar "English, Russian, Kazakh in the modern language industry" of the scientific and educational center of polylingualism and translation of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (PFUR) (72 hours).
2014 – certificate of the University of Warwick (United Kingdom) of the professional development training “New understanding of culture and communication” May 12 – May 21, 2014 (45hours).
2014 – certificate of participation Universidad Catolica Boliviana San Pablo of the international scientific-practical seminar “Pedagogical innovation” 8-20 December, Astana, Kazakhstan L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University.
2015 - certificate for participation in the seminar on the methodology of teaching languages ​​"Policy of modern language training in Kazakhstan" (72 hours).
2016 - certificate for participation in the scientific and methodological seminar "Brain Research and Learning" by Dr. Michael Neader (SES) at the Department of Foreign Philology, L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, October, 04, 2016.
2016 - certificate of the training course "Foreign Language for Teachers of Pedagogical Specialties", Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages ​​named after Abylai Khan.
2016 – Certificate is awarded for participating at the International Scientific-practical Conference “Contemporary Issues of Humanities and Social Sciences” conducted at the Eurasian Humanities Institute on 9 December, 2016.

Additional Information:
2008-2011 - Chairman of the State Attestation Commission of the PCC of Foreign Languages ​​of the Humanitarian College of Astana
2013-2015 - Chairman of the State Attestation Commission of the PCC of Foreign Languages ​​of the Humanitarian College of Astana

Koszhanova Akmaral Sagatbekovna

Scientific, academic degree: master of pedagogical sciences

Job title: Senior Lecturer

Education: Taraz State University named after M.Kh.Dulaty, 2003, specialty: "English and German languages". In 2015 she defended her master's thesis in the specialty: 6M030100 - Pedagogy and psychology.
Courses taught: language for special purposes (C1-C2 level), professionally oriented foreign language, practical grammar in an intercultural aspect, stylistics, functional stylistics of English and Kazakh languages, analytical reading, business English, general theory of translation.
Awards and prizes: badge “Teacher-researcher” of the Kazakh Academy of Education.
List of scientific and scientific-methodical works: The total number is 14, including:
1. 5В011900 “Shetel tіlі: ekі shetel tіlі mamandygynyn studentterіne arnalғan kasiptik tazhіribeden өtu bagdarlamasy”. - Astana: TSNTI 2014. - 33 p.
2. Urey mazasyzdanudyn paida bolu septerinin psychology// Bulletin of EAGI 2/2015. - P.171-176.

3. Kishi mektep zhasyndagy balalardyn psychology stildik erekshelikteri// Reports of the Kakhakh Academy of Education. – Astana, 2015. – P.190-192.
4. Psikhologiyalyk kedergilerdi zhenu factorlary // Materials of the XVII interuniversity scientific conference of students and undergraduates "Science and the new generation - 2015", dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Eurasian Humanitarian Institute. - P.305-308.
5. Mazasyzdyk maselesinin theorylyk turgydan zerttelui // Republican scientific and practical conference: Modern problems of the humanities, 2015. - P.319-321.
6. Shaimukanova R.K., Koszhanova A.S., Kyzyrova M.A. Educational aid on analytical reading.- Astana, 2016.- 235p.
7. “Shetel tіlі: ekі shetel tіlі” mamandygyna arnalgan diploma zhұmysyn oryndau adіstemelik nұsқaulary. Astana: EAGI, 2017. - 34 p. (co-authors Zagatova S.B., Ilyasova A.K.).

Professional achievements:

2014 - Сertificate of Attendance the professional development training “New understandings of culture and communication” (45 hours).
2015 - Сertificate for participation in the practical training course “Pedagogy and Psychology” in an internship program at Istanbul European Institute, Istanbul, Turkey.
2015 - Certificate for participation in the training seminar "Preparation of a self-assessment report for a university within the framework of institutional and specialized accreditation."
2015 - Certificate for participation in the seminar on the methodology of teaching languages ​​"Policy of modern language training in Kazakhstan". KAZGUU (72 hours).
2016 - Diploma of the III degree in the republican competition "Teacher of the XXI century", Shymkent.
2016 – Сertificate of Attendance the scientific-methodical seminar “Brain Research and Learning. How ‘educational neuroscience’ can affect learning and teaching”, ENU.
2016 - Certificate for participation in the training course "Foreign language for teachers of pedagogical specialties", KazUMOiWL (160 hours), Almaty.
2017 - Forms and methods of support for integrated teaching of the subject and language (CLIL), Karaganda.

Sulyatetskaya Natalia Leontievna

Scientific, academic degree: master of pedagogical sciences

Job title: Senior Lecturer

Education: Akmola University named after S. Seifullina, 1999, specialty: "English and Kazakh languages". In 2013 she defended her master's thesis in the specialty: 6M030100 - "Pedagogy and psychology"

Scientific, academic degree: master of pedagogical sciences

Awards and prizes: letter of thanks from the rector of the Eurasian Humanitarian Institute, badge "Teacher-innovator" of the Kazakh Academy of Education (2016).
List of scientific and scientific-methodical works: total number -30, including:
1. Business game as one of the innovative technologies of the 21st century in teaching a foreign language // International round table "Actual problems of intercultural communication", ENU. L.N.Gumilyova, Astana 2014. - P.93-98 (co-author - Kuznetsova I.N.).
2. Group work in teaching communication in English at the university // Proceedings of the 12th International Scientific and Methodological Conference of the Linguistic Association of English Language Teachers of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov "LATEUM 2015: Research and Practice in Multidisciplinary Discourse", Moscow October 1-2, 2015 (co-author - Volkova L.V.).
3. The role of communicative competence in autonomous teaching of English at the university // Abstracts of the reports of the republican scientific-practical conference "Modern problems of the humanities and social sciences", EAGI, Astana, 2015 (December 4). - P.324-325.
4. Difficulties in translating professional jargon from English into Russian // Abstracts of the international scientific-practical conference "Modern problems of the humanities and social sciences", dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. - Astana: EAGI, 2016 .- P.312-314
5. Guidelines for the implementation of term papers in the disciplines "General Theory of Translation" and "Private Theory of Translation"// Educational and methodological manual, Astana: EAGI, 2016. - 23 p. (co-author - Volkova L.V.)
6. The use of translation transformations in the translation of literary texts// Reports of the Kazakh Academy of Education. - Astana, No. 1-2, 2017. - P.186-191 (co-author - Arenova G.U.)

Professional achievements:
2015 - certificate of completion of the 6-week online advanced training course "Shaping The Way We Teach English" (Webinar Course 15), 9 hours.
2015 - certificate of completion of the 6-week online advanced training course "Shaping The Way We Teach English" (Webinar Course 16), 6 hours.
2015 - certificate of participation in the international seminar "Writing research papers for journals and making your teaching and learning task-based in multilingual context", Astana, S. Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University.
2015 - certificate of completion of the advanced training course "American English Webinar Series 1", 5 hours.
2015 - certificate of participation in the seminar on the methodology of teaching languages ​​"Policy of modern language training in Kazakhstan" - 72 hours, Astana, KazGUU.
2016 - certificate of completion of the advanced training course "American English Webinar Series 3", "American English Webinar Series 4".
2016 - certificate of completion of the advanced training course "Improving the efficiency of the educational process: methods and technologies of pedagogical communication" - 72 hours, Kazakh Psychological Society, Astana.
2016 - certificate of completion of the advanced training course "Consecutive and simultaneous translation: international standards and requirements", Astrakhan regional branch of the Union of Translators of Russia, 72 hours.
2017 - certificate of completion of the advanced training course "American English Webinar Series 5", "American English Webinar Series 6".
2017 - certificate of the scientific and methodological seminar "Methodological foundations of scientific research", 72 hours, Astana, EAGI.
2017 - certificate of completion of the advanced training course "Innovative approaches to conducting contact hours with students: problems and directions for the implementation of new teaching methods", 72 hours South Kazakhstan Humanitarian Institute. M. Saparbayeva, Kazakhstan.

Toimbekova Aikerim Kamitovna

Scientific, academic degree: doctor PhD, candidate of philological sciences

Scientific, academic title: Associate Professor (VAK)

Education: Alma-Ata Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages, 1971, specialty: "German". In 1981 she defended her Ph.D. thesis in the specialty: 10.02.22 - Linguistics.

List of scientific and scientific-methodical works: The total number is 11, including:
1. "On some semantic-syntactic features of the verbs ausehen, auschanen, snblicken in German". Abstracts of the reports "44th annual scientific conference of the faculty and graduate students of the university", part 3. ASU. Abay, Almaty.
2. "Grammatical categories of nouns in the German and Kazakh languages". Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. ASU them. Abay, Almaty.
3. "Methodological manual on the German language for first and second year students of non-linguistic universities." ASU them. Abay, Almaty.
Area of ​​scientific research: linguistics

Professional achievements:
1995 - certificate of language courses at the Institute. Goethe, Düsseldorf, Germany.
2014 - certificate of participation in the work of the republican scientific and methodological seminar "Translation skills: modern teaching methods", at the Department of General Linguistics and Theory of Translation of the Philological Faculty of the L.N. L.N. Gumilyov.
2015 - certificate of participation in the seminar "Communicative and Interactive Approaches to Teaching German", Goethe-Institut Kazakhstan (40 academic hours).

Zhanabekova Gaukhar Zhakupovna

Scientific, academic degree: Candidate of Philology

Scientific, academic title: docent

Education: Tselinograd State Pedagogical Institute. S. Seifullina, 1983, specialty: "English", in 2008 she defended her thesis on the specialty: 10.02.19 - Theory of language.

List of scientific and scientific-methodical works: The total number is 24, including:
1. Interpretation. Understanding. Translation. (Training materials on translation). Tutorial. - Astana: KazGUU, 2006. - No. 3.- P.65-74.
2. Development of speech skills of communicants. Bulletin of KazUMO and MYa them. Abylai Khan, 2006.-No. 3.-S.77-86.
3. Implementation of the influencing intonations of speakers in a communicative-pragmatic principle. Proceedings of the international conference CIEURUS, University of Bologna, Forli, Italy, 2008.-p.263-268.
4. Proceedings of the International Conference CIEURUS, University of Bologna, Forli, Italy, 2011.

Area of ​​scientific research: linguistics

Mukysheva Ainur Kokenovna

Scientific, academic degree: Candidate of Philology

Job title: Senior Lecturer

Education: Eurasian National University. L.N. Gumilyov, 1996, specialty: "German and English". In 2014 she defended her doctoral thesis in the specialty: 10.02.20 - German studies.

List of scientific and scientific-methodical works: The total number is 16, including:
1. Methodological development for students of language faculties "Die Kunst Malerei", Pavlodar: publishing house named after. S. Torgaigyrova, 2003-12
2. "The picture of the world as a reflection of the relationship between language and culture" - a scientific article in the collection of articles of the international scientific and practical conference - Penza, 2011, pp. 206-208.
3. "Der status ues Futur I iunerhalb der Tempussystems" - Bulletin of PSU. S. Toraigyrov; Philological series - Pavlodar, 2011 No., pp. 120-124.
Area of ​​scientific research: linguistics, grammar

Professional achievements:
2014 — “New understanding of culture and communication” Visiting Professor from the University of Warwick (United Kingdom) Francesca Bargiela-Chiappini.
2015 - certificate of participation in the seminar "Communicative and Interactive Approaches to Teaching German", Goethe-Institut Kazakhstan (40 academic hours).

Rybakova Margarita Nikolaevna

Scientific, academic title: Senior Lecturer

Education: Akmola State Pedagogical Institute. S. Seifullina, 1993, specialty: "German and English".
Kazakh State University of World Languages, higher pedagogical courses, 1996, qualification: "German language teacher at the university."

Job title: Senior Lecturer

Courses taught: second foreign language (German), methods of teaching a second language

foreign language, specialty: 5B011900 - "Foreign language: two foreign languages", the practice of translating a second foreign language, a second foreign language (German) by specialty: 5B0207000 - "Translation".

Awards and prizes:
2015 - badge of the Kazakh Academy of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Teacher-innovator".

Professional achievements:

2015 - Certificate for participation in the seminar on the methodology of teaching languages ​​"Policy of modern language training in Kazakhstan", KAZGUU (72 hours).
2016 - Certificate for participation in the seminar "Professional-oriented German in the universities of Kazakhstan", Astana (24 hours).
2016- Certificate for participation in the international scientific-practical conference "Development of multilingualism in Kazakhstan and the processes of formation of a multicultural personality", L.N. L.N. Gumilyov.
2016 - Certificate for participation in the scientific and methodological seminar on the German language "Literarisches und filmisches Erzählen und ihre Relevanz für den Deutschunterricht", L.N. L.N. Gumilyov (72 hours).
2017 - Certificate of attending a course of lectures in the online mode "Innovative approaches to conducting contact hours with students: problems and directions for the implementation of new teaching methods", Shymkent (72 hours).
2017 - Certificate for participation in the seminar of the Center for Pedagogical Excellence of the AEO "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools" "Methods of subject-language integrated learning". (32 hours).
2017 - Certificate of participation in the Macmillan seminar "Developing critical thinking", November 10, 2017
2017 - Certificate of participation in an online seminar on the topic: "The use of modern information technologies in the educational process", KazNU. al-Farabi, Almaty, from December 19 to 28, 2017 (72 hours).
2017 - Certificate of participation in the online seminar on advanced training on the platform of the Goethe-Institut Moscow on the topic "DLL4: Aufgaben, Übungen, Interaktion", from 02.10. until 24.12. 2017 (90 hours).
2018 — Certificate of successfully completing the official Springer Nature Training How to use How to publish, held by Irina Alexandrova, Licencing manager Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, January 26, 2018.
2018 - Certificate of participation in the republican online seminar held by the EAGI-Bilim center at the Eurasian Humanities Institute on the topic "Innovative methods of teaching the content of the updated education program", from April 16 to April 27, 2018 (72 hours).
2018 — Certificate of participation in the online training seminar on the Goethe-Institut Moscow platform on the topic “DLL 2: Wie lernt man die Fremdsprache Deutsch?”, from 12.02. until 06.05. 2018 (90 hours).

List of scientific and scientific-methodical works:

1. The manifestation of language interference in the study of a second foreign language (German) // Materials of the republican scientific-practical conference "Modern problems of the humanities and social sciences". - Astana: EAGI. - 2013. - S. 360-362.

2. Educational firm as an interactive method of teaching a foreign language// Materials of the republican scientific-practical conference "Modern problems of the humanities and social sciences". - Astana: EAGI. - 2015. - S.359 -361.

3. Features of translation as a type of speech activity// Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference "Modern problems of the humanities and social sciences". - Astana: EAGI. - 2017. - P.337 -339.

Sirenova Botokoz Akhmetovna

Scientific, academic degree: M.A.

Scientific, academic title: Senior Lecturer

Education: Tselinograd State Pedagogical Institute. S. Seifullina, specialty: "French and English", 1987. In 2012 she defended her master's thesis in the specialty: 6M020700 - "Translation"

Scientific, academic degree: M.A.

Job title: Senior Lecturer

Teaching disciplines: French, Latin.

List of scientific and scientific-methodical works: total number - 7, including:

  1. Stylistic equivalence of translation and problems of intercultural communication, Proceedings of the RNPK "Modern problems of the humanities and social sciences". Astana, 2013. - 511 p. - P.372-375.
  2. The value of vocabulary work in the development of professional vocabulary // Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference "Pedagogical excellence and best practices of self-knowledge". Arkalyk, 2010. - 518 p. - S. 496-499.
  3. Foreign language as a priority of education. //Materials of RNPK "Kazakhstan on the way of social and economic modernization". Kostanay, 2012. 308 p. — S. 273-275.
  4. The use of professional vocabulary in students' oral speech. Annotated program of the XII interuniversity scientific conference of students and undergraduates "Science and the new generation 2010", Astana 2010. 149 p. - S. 112.
  5. Metonymy in cognitive linguistics. Republican scientific and practical conference "Modern problems of the humanities and social sciences", Astana 2015, 522 p. - P.334-336.
  6. "Foreign Language: Innovative Approaches in Teaching". Collection of materials of the International scientific and practical conference "Modern problems of the humanities and social sciences", Astana 2016
  7. "Language Policy of Modern Kazakhstan", International Scientific Forum "Language Education in the Conditions of Socio-Cultural Transformation of Society", Karaganda 2016, 292 pp. - pp. 169-172

Professional achievements:

2011 — certificate for attending in the Program "Perfection of Interpreting Skills" at the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Institute of Diplomacy. Instructor – Conference Interpreter, Counselor of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Oleg A. Krokhalev;
2014 — сертификат «Қазақстандағы аударматану (қазақ және шет тілдері): әдіснамалық негіздері және қағидаттары» ҚР БҒМ жобасы аясында Қазақстан Халықтарының Тілдері Күніне арналған «Қазақстанның социомәдени кеңістігіндегі тілдер: лингвистикалық, лингвоәдістемелік және аударма жасау аспектілері» лингвоәдістемелік семинарына қатысқаны туралы куәландырады. (KR Presidentinin zhanyndagy memlekettik baskaru Akademiyasy, Astana);
2014 – certificate For the participation in the Elsevier Author Seminar “How to Get Published in Scientific Journals” in the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2014 — Сertificat pour la participation au séminaire de formation en FLE organisé à l’ Université Nazarbayev à Astana. L'interessée a reçu 22 heures de formation en méthods d'enseignement du francais et a suivi avec assiduité les enseignements suivants: "L'évaluation des compétences en production orale, niveaux A1-A2". "L'évaluation des compétences en production écrite, niveau B1". "L'évaluation des compétences en production orale, niveau B1". "L'évaluation des compétences en production écrite, niveau B2";
2015 — Сertificat pour la participation au séminaire de formation en FLE organisé à l’ Université Nazarbayev à Astana. L'interessée a reçu 2015 - heures de formation en méthods d'enseignement du francais;
2015 – certificate “Kazakhstandagy kazirgі tіldіk dayarlau sayasaty” takyryby ayasynda ötken tіlderi oқytu adistemesі zhonіndegі seminarғa қatіsқany үshіn (72 p.), KAZGUU University.
2016 — Сertificat pour la participation au séminaire de formation en FLE organisé à l’ Université Nazarbayev à Astana. L'interessée a reçu 2015 - heures de formation en méthods d'enseignement du francais;
2016 - certificate of the international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the 20th anniversary of the ENU. L.N. Gumilyov "The development of multilingualism in Kazakhstan and the processes of formation of a multicultural personality."
2016 - certificate of advanced training courses: "Improving the efficiency of the educational process: methods and technologies of pedagogical communication."
2016 - certificate of the scientific and methodological seminar "Brain Research and Learning", L.N. Gumilyov
2016 — seminar "Using video materials in French lessons", French Alliance.
2016 - certificate of the international scientific-practical conference "Modern problems of the humanities and social sciences" Astana, EAGI.
2016 - certificate of the international scientific forum "Language Education in the Conditions of Sociocultural Transformation of Society", KSU. Academician E.A. Buketova
2017 - certificate of the scientific and methodological seminar "Methodological foundations of scientific research" (72 hours). Astana, EAGI.
2017 - certificate of the scientific and methodological seminar "Psychological competence of a university teacher: concept and structure" (72 hours) Astana, EAGI.
2017 - certificate of the scientific-practical conference "Innovations in Education", Astana.
2017 – certified Springer Nature training How to use, How to publish.
2017 — Сertificat pour la participation au séminaire de formation en FLE organisé à Astana. L'interessée a reçu 32 heures de formation en méthods d'enseignement du francais.

Baizhumanova Dinara Boztaevna

Education: Kazakh State University of International Relations and World Languages ​​named after Abylai Khan, 2001, specialty: "Foreign Philology", qualification: teacher of English and Turkish languages; University "Turan-Astana", 2015, specialty: "Pedagogy and psychology"

Scientific, academic degree: Master of Pedagogical Sciences

Job title: Senior Lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages

Teaching disciplines: professionally oriented foreign language (level C1), practical grammar of a basic foreign language (level C1) in the specialty: 5В011900 - “Foreign language: two foreign languages”, psychology of teaching foreign languages, intercultural communication, workshop on the culture of speech communication, theory and practice of intercultural communications, basics of professional activity of translators, foreign language in non-linguistic specialties.

period of work in EAGI : since 2010

Academic experience:
2001-2010 – Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay.

Professional achievements:

  • Certificate for participating in the methodology seminar on "Authenticity in ELT"(Macmillan Education: conducted by the author of "New Inside Out" Sue Kay), held in Astana. October 4, 2011.
  • Certificate of attendance seminar on "Solution for the classroom, Solution for life" (Oxford University Press), held in Astana. April 09, 2012.
  • Certificate for participating seminar on "Recent Developments in ELT"(Suleyman Demirel University), held in Almaty. November 3, 2012.
  • Certificate for participating in the methodology conference on “Ways of Working” (Inter Press), held in Almaty, 17 May 2013.
  • Certificate of participation at the international scientific-practical seminar “Pedagogical innovation. Methods of Teaching. Educational Projects, at the I..N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. — 8-20 December 2014, Astana. Kazakhstan (72 hours)
  • Certificate of participation at the international scientific-practical seminar "Pedagogical innovation", at the I..N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. 8-20 December 2014, Astana. Kazakhstan.
  • Certificate on practical training course in "Pedagogy and Psychology" in an internship program at Istanbul European Institute. 02/09/2015- 02/19/2015, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Certificate for participation in the seminar on the methodology of teaching languages ​​"Policy of modern language training in Kazakhstan". KAZGUU November 23 - 27, 2015 (72 hours).
  • Certificate for participation in the scientific and methodological seminar "Psychological competence of a university teacher: concept and structure" Astana March 10 - 25, 2017 (72 hours).

Awards and prizes:
2015 - "The best curator of the year",
2015 - a letter of thanks from the EAGI rector

Service activities: organization of language courses in EAGI

List of scientific and scientific-methodical works:

  • Information and communication technologies in education // Republican scientific and practical conference. Astana, 2013.- p.197-200.
  • "Ecology" // Textbook. Astana, 2013 - 87 pages
  • Development of professional and personal qualities of students of economic specialties in the study of English // Reports of the Kazakh Academy of Education. Astana, 2015.- p.60-64.
  • "Workshop in English (a manual for 3rd year students)" // Educational and methodological manual. Astana, 2015 - 153 pages
  • COMMON APPROACHES TO TEACHING READING AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE // Republican Scientific and Practical Conference. Astana, 2015 - p.345-347.

Duysek Tulek

Education: Xinjiang University, 2010, major: Chinese Language and Literature. Eurasian Humanities Institute, 2011, specialty: 050119 - "Foreign language: two foreign languages". In 2013 he defended his master's thesis in the specialty: 0000359 - "Foreign Philology".

Job title: Senior Lecturer

Scientific, academic degree: master of pedagogical sciences
List of scientific and scientific-methodical works:

  1. Қytaitylindegіmөlshersөzderdіңtүrlerі men қoldanu erekshelikterі // “ғylym zhane bilim – 2015” atty X halyқaralyқ gylymi conference son bayandama zhinagy. L.N. Gumilyov atyndagy EҰU. - Astana: 2015. - 3384-3388 p.
    2. Kazirgі қytay tіlinіnің soz zhasamtаsіlі // L.N. Gumilyov atyndagy Eurasia ulttyk universitetіnіn khabarshygylymi journals. Astana, 2016. - No. 1 (110) ІІІ bolіm. - 206-210 b.

Professional achievements:
2016 – Certificate of Springer Nature manager Irina Aleksandrovanyn zhetekshіlіgimen ötken How to use How to publish.
2016-certificate of the Eurasia Humanitarian Institute PhD doctor, kauymdastyrylgan professor EnverKapagannyңzhetekshіlіgіmenötken "Turkі tіlder zhane tіl sayasaty" қylymi-аdіstemelik seminars.
2016-certificate "zhana reformalar ayasynda tutor-curatorlar zhұmysyn zhetіldiru maseleleri" atta seminar-training, L.N. Gumilev atyndaғy Eurasia Ulttyk University.
2016 - certificate of the international seminar "Kazakhstan universities in the international educational arena: points of growth". ENU them. L.N. Gumilyov.
2016 - certificate of the International Winter School "Critical thinking in philological education as a synthesis of form and content". ENU them. L.N. Gumilyov.
2016 - certificate "Kytaytanu gylymynyn Kazakhstandagy manyzy" atty takyrybyndagy gylymy-tazhribelik seminar.
2016 - certificate "Kazakhstandagy kytaitanu gylymy: tarihy, bүgіnі men bolashagy" atty dastүrlі II Halyқaralyқ ғylymi-tаzhіribelіk conference.
2016 -Eurasia Humanitarian Institute "Humanitarlyk zhane aleumettik gylymdardyn kazirgi maseleleri"

"MEMORY OF THE HEART": memories and reflections on the TsGPI them. S. Seifullina (1962 - 1996)

Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. Year of foundation - 1962

How it was…

Nurtazina Karlygash Bekenovna

How it was... You can know about the past or not, be proud of it or be ashamed of it, accept it or not... But for today's generation of our compatriots, it is important to trace how the heroes of the past lived.

The history of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the Tselinograd State Pedagogical Institute (TSPI) begins in 1962.

First rector: Zhamanbaev Kadyr Zhamanbaevich

First Vice-Rector: Kamionsky Lev Samoilovich

First dean: Nurtazin Beken Tyutebayevich

Nurtazin Beken Tyutebaevich. By order of the Supreme Council of the Kazakh SSR, he was sent from Karaganda (Karaganda State Pedagogical Institute) to Tselinograd.

Nurtazin B.T.

Honored Worker of Education of the USSR Nurtazin B.T. stands at the origins of the creation of the Tselinograd State Pedagogical Institute (TSGPI). In the first year of the founding of the Central State Pedagogical Institute, he was the dean of three faculties at once: physics and mathematics, philology and music. He was a bright, talented person who loved his work and devoted himself to serving the cause of science, education and upbringing of the youth of Kazakhstan. Communication with him always made me become morally higher, more honest, more decent, more responsible. He constantly generated more and more new ideas, which were later brought to life by the staff of the CSPI.

Life at the faculty was in full swing! Colleagues were happy to come to work, they always went to the dean's office. Everyone was aware of their importance in the overall process of development of education and science in their country.

The role of Beken Nurtazin is also important in the formation of human resources. His sociability and ability to communicate with people of different levels on an international scale contributed to the fact that specialists from all over the world were invited to the faculty to give lectures. Thanks to this work, many teachers had the opportunity to establish scientific contacts with leading scientists and further improve their skills. Particular attention was paid to youth. Nurtazin B.T. had a serious impact on the fate of so many young people who had the opportunity to continue their education in graduate schools at the leading universities in the world.

The promotion of gifted schoolchildren, the need to create a full-scale system of their education always worried Beken Tyutebayevich. Due to the fact that professional altruists worked in the team, this work was carried out at a high level.

The first building of the TsGPI was located on the street. Ordzhonikidze, 31 (now Otyrar, 1/3). This building has survived to the present time - a one-story wooden structure. The Nurtazin family lived in one of the rooms (leftmost window), the other rooms housed the rector's office, dean's office, accounting, classrooms ...

The first building of the CSPI

The courage and enthusiasm of the entire staff of the Central State Pedagogical Institute should be especially noted, especially those who began work in the first years of the formation of the university. This is a special generation of people! They did not think about awards, did not try to “build lifetime monuments” for themselves, but humbly lived for the sake of a just cause! After classes, everyone unconditionally participated in the construction of a new building for that time at st. Tsiolkovsky, 4 (now at Yanushkevicha street, 4). They did any work - cleaning the territory, glazing and washing windows, helping builders, planting trees. It can rightly be said that it was the first employees of the Central State Institute of Physics and Technology who created the university brick by brick. They, not knowing themselves, created the history of our Fatherland by their actions, their human values ​​were made up of their daily personal obligations and vital tasks important for society!

After moving to a new building, independent faculties are formed at the Central State Pedagogical Institute.

The Faculty of Physics and Mathematics was headed by Nurtazin Beken Tyutebayevich for about 30 years. In 1962–1974, continuously, and later he was returned to the position of dean in the intervals between those who were dean in different years for a short time: Laber V.P., Bykova N.A., Li V.A., Shaprov V. K., Datkaev.

Data on the first teachers of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics are given in chronological order as they are hired, by year.


Nurtazin Beken Tyutebayevich

Seitov Maidan Nurkanovich

Sabitov Amanzhol Mazhitovich

Kravchenko Vera Nikolaevna

Maltsev Andrey Semyonovich

Posokhova Matrena Maksimovna

Seitov M.N.,

first head of the department of mathematical analysis


Department of Mathematical Analysis – Starchenko Anna Petrovna.

Department of General Physics – Borisenko Valery Evgenievich, Gubin Nikolai Stepanovich, Cheledinova Galina Ivanovna.


Department of Mathematical Analysis - Ashchukova Tatiana Yakovlevna, Cheledinova Galina Ivanovna (moved from the Department of General Physics, and in the following year, 1965, she moved to work at the Tselinograd Agricultural Institute).

Department of General Physics - Sokolsky Faustim Bronislavovich, Zharko Tatyana Stepanovna.

Zharko T.S.


Department of Mathematical Analysis – Lee Vladimir Alexandrovich.

Department of General Physics – Golubeva Galina Ivanovna, Pedyash Grigory Vasilievich, Parshintsev Nikolay Vasilievich, Deigraf Vladimir Davidovich.

Golubeva G.I.

Of particular note is the significant role of those who created physical laboratories from scratch: Zharko T.S. (an active supplier of equipment, in that Soviet era, when it was necessary to “get everything”, it was difficult), Parshintsev N.V. and Deigraf V.D. (Laboratory of optics, later they switched to work at the Tselinograd Civil Engineering Institute), Borisenko V.E. (laboratory of spectroscopy).

Golubeva G.I. lectured methodically and thoroughly. Her manner of correctly addressing teachers and students aroused sympathy. Her painstaking work with students during their teaching practice contributed to the replenishment of schools with qualified teachers.

During this period, the formation of a new faculty begins - the Faculty of Technical Disciplines (FTD).

Vyacheslav Stepanovich Sakovtsev, Tatyana Stepanovna Zharko, Vladimir Vasilyevich Sapozhnikov, Sergei Grigoryevich Selyanko, Eduard Anatolyevich Plisuchenko worked at this faculty of the OTD.


Department of General Physics - Shafner Evgeny Danilovich.


Department of Mathematical Analysis, Algebra and Geometry - Boyarskaya Zinaida Alexandrovna (second graduate of the Central State Institute of Physics and Technology), Gyrdymova Galina, Kazinachikova Valentina.

Boyarskaya Z.A.

Zinaida Alexandrovna was distinguished by professionalism, a desire for systematic professional development, exactingness towards herself and others. She received very serious scientific results in mathematical logic in Novosibirsk. With her love for mathematics, she gave a positive charge to students. This is the ideal of a mathematics teacher.


At the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, scientific work with students is being activated, and an elective for schoolchildren is working. These activities were carried out under the direction of V.A. Lee.

Scientific seminar at CSPI

Selfless performers who played a significant role in activating a steady interest in the study of mathematics, the study of mathematics and its teaching, were Starchenko A.P. and Kravchenko V.N., who worked in this direction.

Graduate of Chernivtsi State University Starchenko A.P. has made and continues to make a great contribution to the development of mathematical education in Kazakhstan and the education of specialists with fundamental basic education.

Starchenko A.P.

It is important to note the highest level of her lectures. Perfection in everything, exactingness to himself and to students. Successful students tried in those years to communicate with her as often as possible. Until the last days of her life, she exerted her positive influence on her graduates. Among them are honored teachers, and scientists of universities, and worthy workers of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Anna Petrovna worked a lot with schoolchildren until the last minute of her life. Many graduates of the Kazakhstan branch of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov are grateful to her for her significant role in their lives.

In the 1969–1970 academic year, 1–4 year students of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics voluntarily entered the Helicoid Mathematical Society under the scientific guidance of A.P. Starchenko.

The first group of the society "Helicoid"

Students conducted research on the history of mathematics, especially the history of mathematics in the East. In 1974–1975 scientific trips of a group of students were organized under the guidance of Starchenko A.P. and Kravchenko V.N. to Tashkent, Samarkand and Bukhara. The participants of the trip had the opportunity to visit the All-Union Research Institute of Oriental Studies in Tashkent, museums and mausoleums of scientists in Samarkand and Bukhara. As a result, many students made meaningful presentations at scientific conferences.

The work of the "Helikoid" society also included work with rural schoolchildren. The students Galina Ignatova (President of the Helikoid Society), Shaimil Shaimerdenov, Tanya Shibkova, Raya Rodionova, Ira Seldemirova worked very fruitfully, who made tasks, checked, and analyzed errors. Thanks to this work, many rural schoolchildren have chosen the profession of a school teacher. Schoolchildren from the village of Pervomayka especially excelled, and among them Kuyat Gena. In the future, it was they who adequately joined the ranks of students of the Central State Pedagogical Institute.

After a trip to Samarkand, the "Helikoidians" held mathematical evenings in rural schools, talked about the life, work and work of mathematicians of the East - Ulugbek, Omar Khayyam and others.

V.N. worked a lot, disinterestedly and fruitfully with city schoolchildren. Kravchenko. Vera Nikolaevna is exceptionally intelligent. Her lectures have always been distinguished by a high level of methodological approach, and her manner of explaining complex topics in understandable language, while maintaining mathematical rigor, still serves as a model for many of her graduates. Even now it continues to have an indirect influence on the quality of teaching mathematical disciplines.

Kravchenko V.N.

Boys and girls from different schools in Tselinograd had the opportunity to attend electives at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. These classes were conducted by teachers of the faculty on a voluntary basis. Now such actions cause deep admiration! Vera Nikolaevna did not even think about the fact that she was not paid for these classes. She systematically worked, infected schoolchildren with love for her work, love for mathematics. Particularly persistent schoolchildren entered the All-Union Correspondence Mathematical School at Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov (VZMSh). Thanks to systematic work on themselves, consultations at the elective course, three schoolchildren from the first enrollment to the elective course completed their studies perfectly and received diplomas from the VZMSh. Moscow professors who checked their work learned for the first time that there were worthy schoolchildren in then provincial Tselinograd.

As the VZMSH expanded, branches of the VZMS began to be created in many cities. The first Kazakhstani branch was opened in Uralsk, and later, on the initiative of Lee V.A. a branch of VZMSh was also opened on the basis of the Central State Pedagogical Institute. Teachers and students of the Central State Pedagogical Institute carried out painstaking work on carefully checking the work of schoolchildren, analyzing errors and sending out notebooks to addressees. Especially in this direction, it is necessary to single out such teachers as Stepakina Evgenia Stanislavovna, Zabara Lyudmila Mikhailovna. Evgenia Stanislavovna currently works at the Miras school, Lyudmila Mikhailovna - at the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Stepakina E.S.

At the initiative of the dean of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, professors are invited to the Central State Pedagogical Institute, including those who give public lectures for schoolchildren.

At the invitation of a researcher of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Content and Teaching Methods Glagoleva E.G. the Helicoid group had the opportunity to take part in the exchange of experience with the employees of the Higher School of Music at Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov.

In 1983, on the initiative and with the direct work of V.A. Lee Tselinograd becomes a full participant in the International Mathematical Olympiad of the five continents of the world "Tournament of Cities". "Tournament of cities" is valid to the present. The chairman of the organizing committee is Nurtazina Karlygash.
