How many people are on the football team. How many players are on a football team and what functions do they perform

  • Violation of the rules and unruly behavior of players
  • Number of futsal players:

    Two teams take part in the match, each of which consists of no more than five players, one of them is the goalkeeper.

    replacement procedure.
    Substitutions may be made in any match in competitions held under the auspices of FIFA, confederations or associations.

    The maximum number of substitutes allowed is seven.

    The number of substitutions during a match is not limited. The player who has been substituted may return to the pitch by replacing any player.

    The substitution is made when the ball is in play. Also when he left the game, subject to following conditions:
    A player must leave the pitch in his team's substitution zone only after the player leaving the pitch has completely crossed the touchline.
    The substitute is within the authority and jurisdiction of the judges, regardless of whether game in progress or it's stopped.
    The substitution is considered completed when the substitute enters the court, from that moment he becomes an active player, and the player he replaces ceases to be an active player.

    The goalkeeper may change places with any player on his team.


    If, during a substitution, a substitute enters the pitch before the player he is replacing has completely left the pitch:
    the game stops;
    the player being replaced is asked to leave the pitch;
    a substitute receives a warning with a yellow card;
    play is restarted with an indirect free kick to the opposing team from the place where the ball was located when play was stopped. However, if the ball was in the penalty area, the free kick is taken from the point on the penalty area line closest to where the ball was located when play was stopped.

    If, during a substitution, a substitute enters the pitch or a player to be replaced leaves the pitch outside of his team's substitution zone, then:
    the game stops;
    the offending player receives a yellow card warning;
    play is restarted with an indirect free kick taken by the opposing team from the place where the ball was located when play was stopped. However, if the ball was in the penalty area, the free kick is taken from the point on the penalty area line closest to where the ball was located when play was stopped.
    1. At the start of a match, each team must have five players.
    2. If there are less than three players left on either team (including the goalkeeper) after the removal of players, then the game must be abandoned.

    Football(from English. foot- sole, ball- ball) - the most popular team sport in the world, in which the goal is to score the ball into the opponent's goal more times than the opposing team does in set time. The ball into the goal can be scored with the feet or any other parts of the body (except the hands).

    The history of the emergence and development of football (briefly)

    The exact date of the emergence of football is not known, but it is safe to say that the history of football has more than one century and has affected many countries. Ball games were popular on all continents, as evidenced by the ubiquitous finds of archaeologists.

    AT Ancient China there was a game known as "Cuju", the mention of which was dated back to the second century BC. According to FIFA in 2004, it is considered to be the most ancient of the predecessors of modern football.

    In Japan, such a game was called "Kemari" (in some sources, "Kenatt"). The first mention of Kemari occurs in 644 AD. Kemari is still played today at Shinto shrines during festivals.

    In Australia, balls were made from the skins of rats, bladder large animals, from twisted hair. Unfortunately, the rules of the game have not been preserved.

    AT North America was also the ancestor of football, the game was called "pasuckuakohowog", which means "they gathered to play the ball with their feet." Usually the games were played on the beaches, they tried to score the ball into a goal about half a mile wide, while the field itself was twice as long. The number of participants in the game reached 1000 people.

    Who Invented Football?

    Modern football was invented in England in the 1860s.

    Basic rules of football (briefly)

    The first rules of football were introduced on December 7, 1863 by the Football Association of England. Today, the rules of football are established by the International Football Association Board (IFAB), which includes FIFA (4 votes), as well as representatives of the English, Scottish, Northern Irish and Welsh football associations. The latest edition of the official football rules is dated June 1, 2013 and consists of 17 rules, here is a summary:

    • Rule 1: Referee
    • Rule 2: Assistant referees
    • Rule 3: Duration of the game
    • Rule 4: Start and Resumption of Play
    • Law 5: Ball in play and out of play
    • Law 6: Definition of a Goal
    • Law 11: Offside
    • Law 12: Fouls and misconduct by players
    • Law 13: Free Kick and Free Kick
    • Rule 14: penalty kick
    • Rule 15: Throwing the Ball
    • Law 16: Goal kick
    • Law 17: Corner kick

    Each football team must consist of a maximum of eleven players (that's how many can be on the field at the same time), one of whom is the goalkeeper and he is the only player who is allowed to play with his hands within the penalty area at his goal.

    How many players are on the team?

    The team consists of 11 players: ten field players and one goalkeeper.

    A football match consists of two halves of 45 minutes each. Between halves there is a 15-minute rest break, after which the teams change gates. This is done to ensure that the teams were on an equal footing.

    The football game is won by the team that scores large quantity goals into the opponent's goal.

    If the teams finished the match with the same score of goals, then a draw is fixed, or two extra halves of 15 minutes are assigned. If extra time ends in a draw, then a penalty shoot-out is awarded.

    Football penalty rules

    A penalty kick or penalty kick is the most serious penalty in football and is taken from the corresponding mark. When performing a 11-meter kick, the goalkeeper must be in the goal.

    Breaking through the post-match penalties in football takes place on the following rules: teams take 5 shots at the opponent's goal from a distance of 11 meters, all shots must be taken by different players. If after 5 kicks the score is tied on penalties, then the teams continue to take one pair of penalties until a winner is determined.

    Offside in football

    A player is considered offside or offside if he is closer to the opponent's goal line than the ball and the opponent's penultimate player, including the goalkeeper.

    In order not to be offside, players must adhere to the following rules:

    • it is forbidden to interfere with the game (touching the ball that was passed to him or that touched a teammate);
    • it is forbidden to interfere with the opponent;
    • it is forbidden to take advantage of one's position (touching the ball that bounces off the goal post or crossbar or on an opponent).

    handball in football

    Football rules allow field players to touch the ball with any part of the body other than the hands. For handballing, a team is awarded a free kick or penalty kick, which is taken by a player from the opposing team.

    Two more very important points belong to the rules of handball in football:

    • accidentally hitting the ball in the hand is not a violation of the rules;
    • rebounding from the ball is not a foul.

    Yellow and red cards

    Yellow and red cards are signs that the referee shows the players for breaking the rules and unsportsmanlike behavior.

    A yellow card is a warning and is given to a player in the following cases:

    • for intentional handplay;
    • for delaying time;
    • for disrupting an attack;
    • for hitting before the whistle / going out of the wall (free kick);
    • for blow after whistle;
    • for rough play;
    • for unsportsmanlike conduct;
    • for disputes with an arbitrator;
    • for simulation;
    • for leaving or entering the game without the permission of the arbiter.

    The red card in football is shown by the referee for special gross violations or unsportsmanlike conduct. The player who receives a red card must leave the field before the end of the match.

    Football field size and marking lines

    The standard field for big football is a rectangular area in which the goal lines (front lines) are necessarily shorter than the side lines. Next, we will consider the parameters of the football field.

    The size of a football field in meters is not clearly regulated, but there are certain boundary indicators. For national matches standard length football field from gate to gate should be within 90-120 meters, and the width of 45-90 meters. The football field area ranges from 4050 m2 to 10800 m2. For comparison, 1 hectare \u003d 10,000 m 2. For international matches, the length of the touchlines must not exceed the interval of 100-110 meters, and the length of the goal lines beyond the limits of 64-75 meters. There are FIFA-recommended football field dimensions of 105 by 68 meters (area of ​​7140 square meters).

    How long is a football field?

    The length of the football field from goal to goal must be between 90-120 meters.

    The marking of the field is carried out with the same lines, the width of the marking should not exceed 12 centimeters (the lines are included in the areas they limit). The sideline or edge of the football field is commonly referred to as the "edge".

    Football field markings

    • Middle line - a line that divides the field into two equal halves. in the middle middle line is the center of the field with a diameter of 0.3 meters. The circumference around the center of the field is 9.15 meters. A kick or a pass from the center of the field starts both halves of the match, as well as extra time. After each goal scored, the ball is also placed in the center of the field.
    • The goal line in football is held on the lawn parallel to the crossbar.
    • Football goal area - a line that is drawn at a distance of 5.5 meters from outside gate posts. Two lanes 5.5 meters long are drawn perpendicular to the goal line, directed deep into the field. Their end points are connected by a line parallel to the goal line.
    • Penalty area - from points at a distance of 16.5 m from inside each goal post, at right angles to the goal line, two lines are drawn deep into the field. At a distance of 16.5 m, these lines are connected by another line parallel to the goal line. In the center of the goal line and at a distance of 11 meters from it, a penalty mark is applied, it is marked with a solid circle with a diameter of 0.3 meters. The goalkeeper may play with his hands within the penalty area.
    • Corner sectors - arcs with a radius of 1 meter centered on the corners of the football field. This line forms a limited area for corner kicks. In the corners of the field, flags are set at least 1.5 meters high and 35x45 centimeters in size.

    The marking of the field is carried out using lines, the width of which must be the same and not exceed 12 centimeters. The image below shows the layout of the football field.

    Football goal

    The goal is placed exactly in the middle of the goal line. Standard size goal in football is as follows:

    • gate length or width big football- the distance between uprights(rods) - 7.73 meters;
    • goal height - the distance from the lawn to the crossbar - 2.44 meters.

    The diameter of the racks and the crossbar should not exceed 12 centimeters. Gates are made of wood or metal and painted in White color, and also have the shape of a rectangle, ellipse, square or circle in cross section.

    A soccer goal net must fit the size of the goal and must be strong. It is customary to use football nets of the following size 2.50 x 7.50 x 1.00 x 2.00 m.

    Football field construction

    The standard design of a football field is as follows:

    • Grass lawn.
    • Substrate of sand and gravel.
    • Heating pipes.
    • Drainage pipes.
    • Aeration pipes.

    Football field surfaces can be natural or artificial. Grass requires additional care, namely watering and fertilizing. Grass does not allow for more than two games per week. Grass is brought to the field in special turf rolls. Very often on the football field you can see the grass of two colors (striped field), so it turns out, because of the peculiarities of lawn care. When mowing the lawn, the machine first travels in one direction, and then in the other, and the grass lies in different sides(multidirectional lawn mowing). This is done for the convenience of determining distances and offsides, as well as for beauty. The height of grass on a football field is usually 2.5 - 3.5 cm. The maximum ball speed in football is this moment- 214 km / h.

    Artificial turf for a football field is a carpet made of synthetic material. Each blade of grass is not just a strip of plastic, but a product complex shape. To artificial turf was suitable for the game, it is covered with a filler of sand and crumb rubber.

    soccer ball

    What kind of ball is played in football? A professional soccer ball consists of three main components: the inner tube, the lining, and the tire. The bladder is usually made from synthetic butyl or natural latex. The lining is the inner layer between the tire and the chamber. The lining directly affects the quality of the ball. The thicker it is, the better the ball is. Usually the lining is made of polyester or compressed cotton. The tire consists of 32 synthetic waterproof pieces, 12 of which are pentagonal, 20 are hexagonal.

    Football ball size:

    • circumference - 68-70 cm;
    • weight - no more than 450 gr.

    The speed of the ball in football reaches 200 km / h.

    football kit

    Mandatory elements of a player's football kit are:

    • Shirt or T-shirt with sleeves.
    • Underpants. If underpants are used, they must be of the same color.
    • Gaiters.
    • Shields. Must be fully covered by gaiters and provide adequate protection.
    • Boots.

    Why do football players need socks?

    Gaiters perform a protective function, supporting the leg and protecting against minor injuries. Thanks to them, shields are held.

    The goalkeeper's football uniform must differ in color from the uniforms of other players and referees.

    Players may not wear any equipment that could be dangerous to them or other players, such as jewelry and wristwatches.

    What do footballers wear under their shorts?

    Underpants are tight-fitting compression shorts. The color and length of the underpants must not differ from the color and length of the shorts.

    Set pieces in football

    • Initial hit. In football, the ball is played in three cases: at the beginning of the match, at the beginning of the second half, and after a goal is scored. All players of the kick-off team must be in their own half of the field, with their opponents at least nine meters away from the ball. The player taking the kickoff may not touch the ball again before the other players have done so.
    • Goal kick and throw-in by the goalkeeper. Putting the ball into play after it went over the goal line (to the side of the post or over the crossbar), due to the fault of the player of the attacking team.
    • Throwing in the ball from behind the sideline. It is made by a field player after the ball has crossed the touchline and left the field. It is necessary to throw in the ball from the place where it was in the “out”. The receiving player must be facing the field of play on or behind the sideline. At the time of the throw, both feet of the player must be in contact with the ground. The ball is put into play without the referee's signal.
    • Corner kick. Putting the ball into play from the corner sector. It is a punishment for the players of the defending team who kicked the ball over the goal line.
    • Free kick and free kick. Penalty for deliberately touching the ball with the hand or using foul techniques against players of the opposing team.
    • Penalty kick (penalty).
    • Offside position.

    Refereeing in football

    Judges monitor compliance established rules on the football field. For each match, a main referee and two assistants are appointed.

    The duties of a judge include:

    • Match timing.
    • Recording match events.
    • Ensuring that the ball meets requirements.
    • Ensuring the equipment of the players requirements.
    • Ensuring the absence of unauthorized persons on the field.
    • Ensuring the care / removal of injured players off the field.
    • Providing relevant authorities with a match report including information on any disciplinary action taken against players and/or officials teams, as well as for all other incidents that occurred before, during or after the match.

    Judge's rights:

    • Stop, temporarily interrupt or stop the match in case of any violation of the rules, outside interference, injury to players;
    • Take action against team officials behaving incorrectly;
    • Continue play until the ball is out of play if the player, in his opinion, has received only a minor injury;
    • Continue play when the offending team benefits from such an advantage (remaining with the ball) and penalize the original offense if the team did not take advantage of the intended advantage;
    • Punish a player for a more serious violation of the Rules in the event that he simultaneously commits more than one violation;
    • Act on the advice of his assistants and fourth referee.


    Competitions are organized by the federation, each tournament has its own regulations, which usually prescribe the composition of the participants, the tournament scheme, and the rules for determining the winners.


    National teams

    • The World Cup is the main international football competition. The championship is held once every four years, the men's national teams of FIFA member countries from all continents can take part in the tournament.
    • The Confederations Cup is a football competition among national teams that is held a year before the World Cup. Held in the host country of the World Cup. 8 teams take part in the championship: the winners of the continental championships, the winner of the world championship and the team of the host country.
    • Olympic Games
    • The FIFA Club World Cup is an annual competition between the strongest representatives of the six continental confederations.


    National teams

    • The European Championship is the main competition for national teams under the leadership of UEFA. The championship is held every four years.
    • The UEFA Champions League is the most prestigious annual European club football tournament.
    • The UEFA Europa League is the second most important competition for European football clubs belonging to UEFA.
    • The UEFA Super Cup is a one-leg championship between the winners of the previous season's UEFA Champions League and UEFA Europa League.


    National teams

    • The America's Cup is a championship held under the auspices of CONMEBOL among the national teams of the countries of the region.
    • The Libertadores Cup is named after the historical leaders of the Spanish colonial wars of independence in the Americas. Held among the best clubs in the countries of the region.
    • Copa Sudamericana is the second most important club tournament South America after the Copa Libertadores.
    • The South American Recopa is an analogue of the continental Super Bowl. The tournament is attended by the winners of the two most important club competitions - the Copa Libertadores and the Copa Sudamericana of the previous season.


    National teams

    • The CONCACAF Gold Cup is a football tournament for the countries of North, Central America and the Caribbean.
    • The CONCACAF Champions League is an annual football championship among the best clubs in North and Central America and the Caribbean.

    Football structures

    The main football structure is FIFA (Fédération internationale de football association), located in Zurich, Switzerland. It organizes international tournaments on a global scale.

    Continental Organizations:

    • CONCACAF (СConfederation of North, Central American and Caribbean Association Football) is the football confederation of North and Central America and the Caribbean,
    • CONMEFBOL (CONfederacion sudaMERicana de FutBOL) - South American Football Confederation,
    • UEFA (Union of European Football Associations) is a union of European football associations,
    • CAF (Confederation of African Football) - African Football Confederation,
    • AFC (Asian Football Confederation) - Asian Football Confederation,
    • OFC (Oceania Football Confederation) is the Oceania Football Confederation.

    We have tried to cover the topic as fully as possible, so this information can be safely used in the preparation of messages, reports on physical education and essays on the topic "Football".

    Quick answer: 11 players including 1 goalkeeper.

    Football is a team sport, the main goal of which is to score the ball into the opponent's goal as many times as possible. The ball can be touched by any part of the body, except for the hands. Today this game is the most popular in the world.

    The existence of other games that are very similar to football has been known for a long time. For example, they were in Ancient Rome and Egypt, and the most popular and famous of them was called harpastum, it was invented by the Italians. The official date of birth of football is considered to be 1863 - it was then that the first football association was created and the rules were invented, which, with some difference, have survived to this day. By the way, the English invented the sport.

    According to FIFA, in 2011, more than 250 million people played football around the world, and about 10 percent of them were women. At that time, about 300 thousand professional clubs and approximately 1.5 million teams were registered. The sport enjoys the greatest popularity, oddly enough, in the United States, followed by Indonesia, Mexico, China, Brazil, Germany, Bangladesh, Italy and, finally, Russia.

    A very important part of the football industry is the release of paraphernalia, which means a number of products bearing the logo image. football club. We are talking about flags, scarves, badges, stamps, uniforms, key rings and so on. Both the release of paraphernalia and trade are most often carried out by representatives of the clubs themselves. Earnings sometimes bring huge dividends - they all go to the development of the team. However, sellers often sell paraphernalia sportswear who preliminarily conclude agreements with clubs. In this case, they share with them part of the proceeds according to the contract.

    As for the fans, they like to compete in creating banners or banners that are unfurled during the match. As a rule, appeals are written on them, directed both to the team itself and to its managers. It is not uncommon for fans to send messages to opposing fans in this way. Some of the fans like to get huge tattoos on their bodies, symbolizing devotion to the club.

    And now a little about the rules. consists of two halves of 45 minutes each, a pause between them is 15 minutes. At this time, the teams change gates and rest. The field is covered with green grass. As for the number of players in one club, there may be 30 or even 40, but only 11 people are required to be on the field: 10 players and 1 goalkeeper. By the way, the last one is the only one who can take the ball in his hands, but only within the penalty area at his goal. He is also required to protect the gate from opponents. Defenders are closer to the goalkeeper, they must protect him from attackers from the second team. Midfielders are in the middle of the field (assisting attackers or defenders depending on the situation), while attackers can be seen on the opponent's side of the field - their main duties include scoring goals.

    If the number of goals scored is the same after the game, then either a draw is recorded or extra time is assigned. If the winner is not identified in extra time, then proceed to the penalty shoot-out. In this case, the winner will be revealed necessarily.

    The regulation, which controls the basic rules and nuances of football competitions, was first tested in practice in 1948.

    According to its provisions, during the match, the number of players in a football team should not exceed eleven people. This number includes the goalkeeper. In addition, there are players who, if necessary, can replace the injured or tired. Such players are called substitutes. There is also a minimum number of athletes on the field. If there are less than seven left, the referee stops the match.

    On the bench

    So, how many players are on the football team, we figured it out. The number of substitutes is regulated by the regulations of the competitions. In competitions of national championships, official international matches, as well as European competitions, a maximum of three substitutions can be made. In friendly matches, their number can increase to six.

    In all other cases, the question of how many players in a football team can substitute is governed by an agreement with the referee before the match. Only those players who are included in a special list submitted to the referee before the start of the game have the right to enter the field.

    Replacement procedure

    Players on a football team must rotate according to the following order:

    Initially, it is necessary to inform the referee about the need for a replacement;
    a substitute runs onto the field only after a certain player has completely left his limits (on a signal from the referee);
    replacement is made at the center touchline;
    after the substitute player leaves, the replacement is considered fully completed;
    the player who left the field no longer takes part in the match, and the one who takes his place is automatically credited to the main team.

    Defensive positions in football

    Goalkeeper - a player who has a special right to take the ball in his hands within the penalty area. The personality is legendary, as it defends the goal frame from being taken by the enemy. Represents almost half of the team.
    Cleaner - the position of the central defender, who is closest to all other players to his goal and cleans up their flaws in defense. In modern football, this role is practically not used.
    Central defender - a pillar of defense that directly opposes the opponent's forwards. Usually coaches use schemes with two participants of such a plan. These players attack only on set pieces.
    The right and left defenders work along the entire flank both in defense and in attack. Must have excellent speed and stamina. Can be used as wingers (the main team runners).
    Defensive midfielder - similar to a sweeper, however, he does not operate near the goal, but in the center line between the flanks and cleans up after the midfielders and attackers. Its main functions are the selection of the ball and the beginning of the attack.

    The choice of how many players in a football team will be focused on defense falls on the shoulders of the head coach.

    Attacking positions in football

    Right and left midfielders (wingers). Many teams use the winger position, but there is a tendency to combine the duties of a full-back and a winger.
    The playmaker is the central midfielder, the main conductor of the team's attacks. Must have excellent dribbling and understanding of the game, because almost any attack on the opponent's goal goes through him.
    Forward - a player who is the tip of the team's attacks. Its main function is to score goals, the more the better.
    The drawn forward plays under the attacker, that is, he is (towards his goal) closer than the main attacker. Usually has great technique and punch.

    How many players in a football team, and in what specific positions they will operate, depends on the tactical setting of the coach, taking into account the specifics of the game of the opposing team.

    Number of players

    A football match is played by two teams, each consisting of no more than 11 players, including the goalkeeper. A match cannot start if there are less than seven players on either team. Maximum amount substitutes who can take part in the match is established by the competition regulations, but must lie between three and seven.

    Maximum number of substitutions

    • In matches held under the auspices of FIFA or national federations, the maximum number of substitutions is three.
    • In domestic league matches, the maximum number of substitutions may be increased to six.
    • In other matches, by agreement, it is permissible to carry out more substitutions, provided that the referee is warned about this agreement before the start of the match. If the referee is not warned, or if the teams fail to reach an agreement, no more than six substitutions are allowed.

    In all cases, the names of the substitutes must be determined before the start of the match. A player cannot take part in a match if he is not on the list of substitutes, which must be given to the referee before the start of the match.

    Replacement procedure

    • The referee must be warned about the substitution.
    • Substitutions are allowed only from the center line of the field and only during a stoppage of play.
    • The substitute player enters the field only after the player who is being replaced has left him, having previously received a signal from the referee. From that moment on, the replaced player does not take any further part in the match.
    • All substitutes and substituted players are subject to the referee's jurisdiction, whether they take part in the match or not.

    Goalkeeper substitution

    Any player may change places with the goalkeeper during a stoppage of play. The referee must be warned of such a substitution.

    Violations and penalties

    If a substitute enters the field of play without permission, the game is stopped, the substitute is cautioned with a yellow card and instructed to leave the field. The game is restarted with an indirect free kick taken by the opposing team from the place where the ball was located when play was stopped.

    In the event of an unauthorized change of goalkeeper, the game continues. At the next stoppage of the game, both players are penalized with a yellow card warning.

    For any other violation of this rule, the respective players will be penalized with a yellow card warning.

    Remote players of the main squad and substitutes

    If a player is sent off before the actual start of the match, he can be replaced by one of the substitutes named for the game, while the substitution limit remains.

    Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

    See what "Number of players (football)" is in other dictionaries:

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