We are equipping an "evergreen" artificial coating on the site. Artificial turf in the country: advantages and disadvantages Attaching artificial turf to concrete

Lawn cover is considered the basis for creating landscape design. But, growing and, importantly, providing excellent care for natural types of lawn is not easy (as you can see here - how to care for a lawn). Therefore, most summer residents today opt for artificial turf.

Laying artificial turf

Artificial turf is a surface consisting of a polypropylene base, to which green-colored synthetic fibers with a silicone coating are attached only vertically.

The easiest way to get a beautiful front lawn

Of course, you have seen the perfect lawn in the movies, on the alley, and perhaps on the neighbor's lawn. Those who have ever tried to grow a green area in their area will no doubt say that this is a huge job. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think so, professionals have long known about the innovative tool - liquid turf AquaGrazz.

There are the following types of artificial surfaces:

  • backfill- this type is used when it is necessary to obtain the maximum performance of the base and minimize injuries during falls;
  • sleepless- it is mainly used for decorating landscape design;

Completed front lawn

  • semi-filled- is considered the golden mean between the above types of coatings. It is used for both sports and children's playing field. (Here you can see other types of lawns).

Advantages and scope

Compared with a natural lawn, the artificial type has the following advantages:

  1. high strength and long service life, so it is not afraid of constant loads. The artificial type does not trample down moisture and always has an excellent appearance;
  2. ease of care - no need to fertilize or water this type of lawn;
  3. turf can be used throughout the year. At the same time, you can see by looking here - how to lay a rolled lawn, that this is a fairly easy process;
  4. base water permeability;
  5. huge selection of color palette and so on.

Now consider the scope of its application. Such grass is in most cases used for landscaping a summer cottage. Some summer residents alternate it with natural plants - the result is an elegant design project that you can experiment with. You can lay it near plants or garden buildings - a pool or gazebos. You can also see how we decorate the lawn in front of the house with the help of such an artificial lawn.

They are also used for arranging children's playgrounds. The result is a soft and at the same time very safe surface where kids can play comfortably. For decoration of a balcony, veranda, summer terrace of a building or in a cemetery.

Installed rolls of artificial grass

Its scope does not end there. Today, designers of an artificial type of grass are using it in the design of a living space. Create a corner in your apartment with a small graceful lawn. Design of exhibition stands, interiors of cafes, shops, shopping centers.

Stages of laying artificial turf on the street

Artificial grass laying technology:

  • Leveling the ground. We lay any roll on leveled soil. But it has to be slanted.
  • Soil compaction. Then we compact the base with a roller.
  • Formation of a drainage ditch. The coating is not afraid of precipitation, however, the soil under it can rot if a drainage base is not installed. On vast territories, we dig trenches along the edges, where the liquid will begin to drain.
  • Placement of the substrate with the lawn. The entire area must be covered with a substrate, and a roll is rolled on top. We overlap any of the rows with the previous one by 1.5 cm.
  • aging. We leave the base to rest for about 11 hours. During this period of time, it will straighten out, irregularities will disappear and the blades of grass will become vertical.
  • Attaching one roll to another. We glue the rolls after we cut the edges, so you will be able to maintain the linear dimensions of the sheets, which usually occur due to daily changes in air temperature. We glue one canvas to another with a connecting tape with a two-component adhesive. The tape should have a width of 280 mm. And the glue is applied with a width of 250 mm. As a result, approximately 350–550 g/r.m. of glue is consumed.

Artificial option for arranging football fields

We glue the rolls like this:

  1. turn off the edges of the rolls, lay the ribbons so that the joints of the canvases are in the middle of the ribbons;
  2. apply glue to the tape with a spatula or special tools, lift any fibers of artificial grass that have fallen into the seam until the period when the glue grabs;
  3. lower the edges of the rolls and firmly press them to the connecting tapes;
  4. at the end, we roll any seams with a roller.

When laying an artificial lawn for a football field, care should be taken to apply markings. If you have not stuck all the marking lines on the field, you need to sew in the marking line on it. These works are carried out only after the complete gluing of the artificial turf has taken place.

In order to sew in the marking line, we need to cut out the strips, the width of which is about 10 cm, inside the field with a special device that has a double blade, in order to prepare the area for sewing in the markings, put the connecting tape inside, apply glue to the connecting tapes with a spatula or a special tool, carefully way you need to lay out the marking lines. Care must be taken to ensure that there is no glue on the fibers of the marking line, so you can avoid dyeing the colored fibers of the marking.

  • Forming a curb. We glue the curb to the edges of the lawn.
  • Backfilling with sand and granulate. The amount and fraction of sand is determined depending on the type of artificial grass. We fill the lawn only when the weather is dry. Then we comb the top with a rake and pour rubber granulate. We remove all the garbage and our field is ready.

Bonding one roll to another

But keep in mind the following important point: we unload a roll with a synthetic type of coating for a football field very carefully (here you can see the types of lawns for a football field). The best device for unloading the roll is a forklift, which has attachments like a pin. The pin must have a length of at least three meters and a diameter of not more than 10 centimeters. The use of a device with a pitchfork can damage the lawn.

grass care

In areas with low loads, artificial grass will require almost no maintenance. A couple of times during the week it will be necessary to clean it from accumulated dust with plastic brushes. In particular, such a fact is interesting that the more and more actively the coating is applied, the longer it will retain a beautiful appearance. It turns out that with maximum use, the possibility of clogging holes between the villi with debris decreases, and the possibility of weed germination decreases.

The final stage - seam processing

Artificial grass of the highest quality with small loads can please for 15 years, while retaining its original appearance. More affordable types of grass cannot compete with excellent quality types, and you can use them to the maximum - about 4 years.

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A lawn is an area where a special perennial grass is sown. As it grows, it is sheared, watered, protected from diseases and pests, fertilized, aerated and mulched. Artificial turf is a flexible synthetic turf made from polypropylene fibers of various thicknesses and heights. To choose a natural or artificial lawn depends on where it is located and what the territory ennobled with greenery is intended for. Today we will talk about how to properly lay artificial turf.

Benefits of artificial turf

The advantages of artificial turf were appreciated by the owners of summer cottages of six acres, owners of spacious lands, public or private clubs, sports complexes and other places that require beautiful and high-quality coverage. Summarizing their opinions, we get the following list:

  • the lawn retains its properties and attractive appearance in any season of the year;
  • after laying does not require additional care. You can not spend money on a lawn mower, fertilizer, aerator, irrigation system;
  • "grass in a roll" is not afraid of insects and diseases;
  • feels great in places inaccessible to the sun;
  • a variety of coating colors and ease of installation allow you to quickly realize design ideas for any landscape in a short time;
  • durability - some manufacturers guarantee a service life of fifteen to twenty years;
  • the possibility of laying with your own hands on any basis: earth, cement-concrete, crushed stone, asphalt.

When choosing a false lawn, follow some rules:

  1. The pile should be elastic and soft to the touch - this is not afraid of mechanical influences.
  2. Matte finishes will last longer than glossy grass finishes.
  3. Close to natural color indicates a quality product.
  4. The density of the pile depends on the number of bundles per 1 m². The higher this indicator, the better the pile will hide irregularities and tubercles on the surface of the base.

Where applicable

The appearance of the decorative roll coating is not much different from real grass, and the labor costs for laying and further maintenance are minimized. Due to its qualities, the material has a good reputation, which contributes to the popularity of its application in various fields:

  • especially in landscape design. Such a coating can be seen in the country, on the site, in the design of the territory of sanatoriums, country clubs, recreation parks;
  • suitable for the garden (arrangement of paths);
  • backfill lawn is present on almost every golf or football field;
  • appropriate on the playground, in the recreation area around the pool in the water park;
  • artificial turf is used for interiors as an alternative to traditional materials, for example, in a loggia or on a balcony;
  • interior elements of shops, cafes are often equipped with artificial grass;
  • scenery is made from the material in cinema and theater;
  • used as a decoration of the territory (frame figures made of grass).

Types of artificial turf

The green carpet differs in characteristics and type of backfill: Non-backfill - best imitates natural plants. Thin polyethylene fibers 4-10 mm high, of which the grass is made, do not withstand mechanical stress. Designed for laying in places that are not used for walking. Arrange decorative areas. Semi-filled - beautiful and practical. Grass size from 7 to 35 mm. After laying, it is filled with sand. A wide range of applications - in playgrounds, recreation areas, parks, suburban areas. Backfill - used as a special coating in places with high loads. Pile length from 40 to 70 mm. Filled with a mixture of sand and rubber granules. Most often, they are equipped with football or golf fields, places for active sports. Backfill pillow softens blows, makes falls less traumatic.

It is worth mentioning the flower canvas - this is a type of unfilled lawn in which grass is combined with flowers.

Lawn laying

Having decided on the place and purpose of the coating, we proceed to the interesting creative part of the project - directly to the simulation device on the ground. The technology of laying artificial turf does not require professional skills and expensive tools. By following some principles and the correct sequence, you can achieve a flat surface with imitation of green grass.

Site preparation

Regardless of where you plan to lay the lawn, the place intended for the lawn is carefully cleaned. Garbage, weeds, roots, stones, chips are removed. Then, if necessary, the surface is leveled. The tops of the bumps are cut off, the removed soil is poured into the pits. Spill the area with water. When sagging, backfilling is repeated. They compact the territory with a skating rink, a log or the weight of their own weight, walking along the board. The site on which the false lawn is organized is made inclined.

Slope 6 mm per linear meter. This facilitates the outflow of excess water when it rains or when washing the lawn. Actual for bases made of solid materials that do not pass water well.

If you have to lay on a hard surface - concrete, asphalt, then be sure to use a rubber backing. It is needed to reduce the friction of the coating on a solid base. The manufacturer does not recommend the use of sand when installing the coating. If you put this loose, mobile material under synthetic grass, it will be problematic to fix seams and edges on it. Also, the substrate is used in the design of playgrounds. It will be an additional "airbag" that increases cushioning during movements, softening falls during active children's games. The substrate is overlapped, cut to the shape of the site.


The coating itself is not afraid of moisture. Perforations throughout the base let water through. If drainage grooves in the ground are not provided, accumulation of excess moisture and stagnation may occur. This will lead to decay or the formation of fungi. A drainage layer of crushed stone or gravel will do a good job of removing moisture deep into. To do this, a layer of coarse, then fine gravel is poured onto the soil, previously compacted. The drainage layer is compacted, spilled with water, waiting for several hours to shrink. If sagging places appear, gravel is added and compacted again. Do not be lazy to complete this step properly. The further appearance of the lawn will depend on the quality of the foundation.

Installation of canvases

After the drainage layer is prepared, proceed with the installation of green canvases. Proceed step by step:

  1. Roll out the canvases on the surface of the allotted territory. Make sure that the blades of grass look in the same direction, otherwise the difference in the slope of the pile will be striking. Dock the strips, do it with an overlap of 1.5–2 cm.
  2. Leave the unfolded material for 10-12 hours. During this time, the villi will straighten, folds and creases will disperse.
  3. Cut off the strips that have settled down so that both canvases adjoin joint to joint as tightly as possible.
  4. Glue the edges, for which bend them in different directions. It looks like an open book. Lay a connecting tape 20–30 cm wide. Bring the edges symmetrically under both canvases. Apply glue to the tape with a notched trowel, making sure that debris and dust do not get in.
  5. Gently join the edges of the lawn while pressing them against the adhesive tape.
  6. Tamp the seam with a roller, roller.
  7. Install fasteners around the perimeter of the coating using studs or nails.

Artificial turf care

Unlike natural grass, artificial grass does not require as much maintenance. Carry out simple manipulations to maintain cleanliness and extend the life of the lawn:

  • remove debris, branches, leaves from the surface;
  • use a fan rake or a synthetic brush to lift the blades of grass. Do this in the opposite direction from the slope;
  • remove emerging weeds;
  • check the joints and perimeter edges. Tape loose seams if necessary;
  • during the autumn leaf fall, do not allow the fallen leaves to remain for a long time. Decaying organic matter will reduce the decorative effect of the lawn;
  • in winter, it is not recommended to remove ice and snow with scrapers, shovels.

Artificial turf is a modern alternative to natural greenery where it is impossible to grow natural grass due to various circumstances. Equally attractive appearance in winter and summer, minimal maintenance, realism of a green carpet - everything speaks in its favor.

Artificial turf can be of two main varieties: decorative(landscape) and special, the characteristics of which depend on the intended purpose. If the decorative coating is designed to decorate the territory or an open terrace, then the special ones include, for example, artificial turf for a playground, golf or football field.

ON THE PICTURE: In autumn, a garden without greenery looks especially dull.

ON THE PICTURE: The same area after laying artificial turf, its bright saturated color does not depend on the season.

In recent years, artificial grass decoration of the cemetery plot has become popular. With its help, the grave, the last refuge of a loved one, acquires a neat and well-groomed appearance for a long time. This is especially true for such places, where the opportunity to care for the territory is not provided as often as one would like.

ON THE PICTURE: Artificial turf on a grave is the best option for places that are visited only from time to time.

A little about artificial turf technology

Get a synthetic grassy coating of polymers and plastics. The production process takes place in specially equipped rooms. At the first stage, grass stalks are squeezed out of the extruders, which are then mounted on a flexible latex-coated base. The manufacturer offers products in various colors, and, nevertheless, more often the usual green color prevails in the garden.

ON THE PICTURE: Artificial turf for children (under the swings or around the sandbox) in "grassy" colors looks fresh and bright.

But an artificial football turf or golf course cover can be decorated in white, blue or other shades. It is also practiced to lay artificial turf in two colors, with which you can delimit zones in a spacious area.

ON THE PICTURE: With the help of artificial turf of different colors, you can create a whole sports ground.

Lawn parameters that guide the selection:

  • pile density and height;
  • thickness of individual blades of grass;
  • coating shade;
  • laying method (in rolls or tiles).

Type of artificial turf - which one to choose

Depending on where and how the lawn will be used, a non-filled, semi-filled or backfilled option is chosen.

Not backfilled lawn looks the closest to natural. The fact that the grass is not real can only be seen from a very close distance. True, such a coating behaves like a natural one - it relatively quickly loses its decorative effect when trampled.

Semi-filled lawn more often polyethylene, therefore soft and elastic. Such a coating softens falls, which is why it is preferred in the arrangement of children's playgrounds. Due to the fine quartz sand, which is covered with a finished grass surface, the lawn becomes more wear-resistant.

For loose type using polypropylene. The material provides sufficient strength and stiffness, so the coating is excellent for stadiums and other places with high constant loads. Artificial flooring after laying is covered with quartz sand and special rubber granulate. The surface becomes less slippery as a result, making falls safer.

The football field is usually covered with a backfill lawn with a grass height of 40-60 mm.

Step by step installation of artificial turf in the garden

Making an artificial turf with your own hands is not such a complicated process, as manufacturers of such lawns sometimes say. You can put it on the ground, and on an asphalted or concreted platform. Between the lawn and the solid base, a special substrate is laid at least a centimeter thick.

How to lay artificial turf on the ground

  • First you need to level the surface of the site. It is important to create a slight slope that will not allow puddles to form during rain.

ON THE PICTURE: All old turf in the area where the artificial turf will be installed must be removed.

  • The soil should be compacted with a roller or a heavy log. What other improvised material can be used instead of a skating rink, read our article.
  • It is worth taking care of drainage: the coating itself is moisture resistant, but rot can form on constantly damp soil under it. If the site is large, it is better to dig small grooves around the perimeter to drain water.

ON THE PICTURE: Crushed stone with sand or gravel perfectly performs drainage functions, not allowing water to stagnate.

  • Now you can lay the substrate (lutrasil or geofilm is suitable) and roll out the lawn. Laying is done in a straight line. The next roll overlaps the previous one by 1.5 cm.

ON THE PICTURE: The substrate is needed to prevent the growth of weeds under artificial turf.

  • The laid lawn should be left alone for 10-12 hours. This time is required to straighten the coating and blades of grass.
  • Now you can carefully cut off the excess at the joints with a knife so that the end of one roll fits snugly against the beginning of the other.
  • The edges of adjacent rolls are glued together with a two-component adhesive using a connecting tape, which is placed under the bottom of the lawn. The seams are rolled.

ON THE PICTURE: The connecting tape must be generously smeared with special glue using a notched trowel. Usually the manufacturer himself advises which adhesive is suitable for his lawn.

  • The edges of the lawn are decorated with borders, they are also fixed with glue.

ON THE PICTURE: You can fix the edges of the rolls usually with nails.

  • Semi-filled or backfill type of coating is covered with quartz sand. Fraction - up to 0.6 mm. Work can only be carried out in dry weather. After that, the surface is combed with a rake, trying to hammer the sand deeper between the blades of grass. The next layer is rubber or rubber granulate. Again, they rake through the site, then collect everything superfluous from the site, now you can use the lawn for its intended purpose.

ON THE PICTURE: Fine sand must be evenly distributed over the laid lawn.

When making out areas to which no impact will be applied, the rolled lawn can not be fixed to the base at all. This is especially true for shop windows, living corners (for example, on a balcony), or decorative areas of a summer residence with garden figures.

Pros of artificial turf

  • resistant to trampling, frost and heat;
  • does not require maintenance;
  • permeable;
  • wide range of colors: you can embody the most daring design ideas;
  • artificial sports turf easily turns into a skating rink at sub-zero temperatures: just fill it with water and wait until it freezes.

How much does artificial turf cost

The cost of a lawn depends on the length, thickness and frequency of the pile. The most economical, thin and, frankly, undecorative coatings start at 250 rubles. per sq. meter. Exclusive lawn models that are resistant to UV exposure and trampling cost up to 1,500 rubles.

There are several major artificial turf companies on the market: Balta, Clean Will, Domo, iDEAL (Belgium), Sintelon (Serbia), TenCate Thiolon (Netherlands), Dune Tuff t and Kalinka (Russia), CHINA DANS INTERNATIONAL CO.,LTD (China).

Not only photos in online stores, but also customer reviews will help you navigate this variety. The main thing to pay attention to is how long from the moment of laying the coating is able to maintain a decorative appearance and perform its functions.