Table along the window with shelves. What should be the table for the child: the main types (23 photos). Corner table for several children

Actual question for parents with two children of school age - this is the organization of the workplace in such a way as to conveniently place children in a room and create comfortable space for study and recreation in the nursery. If the area of ​​​​the room is small, and you do not want to clutter it with furniture, but, on the contrary, you want to leave more free space, then installing one desk for two children will be the right decision. However, you can't just seat two students at the same desk. The psychology of a child is such that he needs to show individuality, feel unique and special, which you can’t do if you do one thing. workplace with a brother or sister. Therefore, when studying desks for children, you should pay attention to the main features of this type of furniture in order to make the right choice.

Desk, harmoniously combining two jobs at once, today many manufacturers offer buyers. Desks for two children can be made from various materials such as wood, MDF and chipboard panels or plastic. Consider their main features.

Tables made of solid wood.

Today, wood is the leader among the materials used in the production of children's furniture. It has such characteristics as reliability, durability, practicality, and beautiful appearance. However, these advantages of desks for children from natural wood you can feel it only if you buy this piece of furniture from a trusted seller who can provide all the necessary quality certificates.

More often, for the manufacture of children's furniture, such types of wood as beech, ash, birch or alder are used. These materials have a high degree of wear resistance. But the choice of a computer children's table made of wood conifers, however, like any other piece of furniture for a nursery, it will not be the best option. Even with the most careful handling during active use (for example, during daily reading and writing), scratches and dents can remain on them.

When buying such a piece of furniture, you should ask the seller what varnishes and paints were used in wood processing. Please note that they are non-toxic and do not leave multi-colored marks.

Among the shortcomings of natural wood furniture, we note its high cost, however, the service life of such a table will be quite long, which, taking into account two children, is an absolute plus.

Tables from MDF and chipboard.

Furniture manufacturers today offer options on how to furnish the interior of a children's room in a stylish, and at the same time budget. The main way to reduce the price of children's desks for two children is to use economical materials such as MDF and chipboard. They make it possible to create beautiful solutions for children in endless color variations and textures, and some manufacturers even offer a photo printing service on furniture.

Thus, choosing a desk from these materials, you can give the design of a child's individuality and take into account the wishes of each of the children in the design of the workplace. If you choose a trusted manufacturer, the quality of such furniture will please you for a long time. Taking into account the fact that children grow up very quickly, and their tastes also change, such a desk will be quite enough for several years.

However, it is hardly worth counting that a desk made of MDF or chipboard will serve for more than one decade. The wear resistance of these materials is higher than that of natural wood, in addition, it is very sensitive to moisture. This should be taken into account when caring for such furniture.


Children's furniture made of plastic appeared on the market relatively recently, but immediately gained popularity with parents. It has a number of advantages, which will be discussed below.

  • Light weight. If you are a fan of frequent rearrangements, it is unlikely that it will be convenient to move a heavy table made of natural wood. Lightweight and compact table made of plastic makes it possible to move it at will, and even cleaning with such furniture will not be difficult.
  • Hygiene. Children are often sloppy, and with two children the problem of cleanliness becomes double. The plastic desk is easy to clean with a cloth using the usual detergent without fear of spoiling.
  • Strength. Surprisingly, but modern technologies production allows you to make plastic products much stronger than it seems at first glance. And children's furniture made of this material has additional flexibility and protection against scratches.


When two children live in the same room, the arrangement of furniture should be such that each of them has a full-fledged workplace, and at the same time the space does not look “cluttered”. Depending on the size and layout of the nursery, you can choose one of the large number of types of tables offered by manufacturers today. Consider what options exist for the location of desks in the case when two children live in a room at once.


Corner desks for two children are placed in any of the corners of the room and effectively solve the problem of saving space. Such a table does not take up much more space than a standard single table, and the workplaces for each child are quite roomy and functional.

When buying a corner desk for two children, you should carefully consider its future location, as well as whether it will be possible to hang shelves and cabinets above the table. In conditions of limited space, it is through the use of walls that storage is organized school supplies and zoning.

It is rational to hang a shelf in the corner above the table, on which the common things of children (for example, books, photographs, etc.) will be stored. But the space above the countertops is better to arrange for each child individually to create the effect of personal space.

The disadvantage of a corner desk for two children is the location of those sitting behind it back to back. If the table is too small, it can feel cramped and uncomfortable. Therefore, if there is not a lot of free space in the corner of the room, it is better to prefer other options. An alternative to the corner table would be two separate tables that can be placed with the letter "g", and one child in this case will not be as close to the other as in the version with a standard corner table.

Along the window

The location of the desk for two children by the window is very profitable idea, which can be implemented in two ways:

  • purchase two standard children's tables, and place them near the window close to each other;
  • order one long table according to measurements corresponding to the width of the room and window.

Desk by the window great option for two children, especially if the nursery window is wide. Good lighting, emanating from the window, allows children to study without harm to the eyes and feeling tired. In addition, children will not interfere with each other during classes, as is possible with the corner table option.

An interesting solution when arranging a desk for two children by the window would be to use the window sill as extra space to store things.

By the way, at first glance it may seem that the location of the desk for two children at one of the windows, the children will experience inconvenience due to the lack of personal space. However, organizing it is quite simple: place a wall cabinet for each child on two sides of the window (you can choose, for example, furniture with facades different colors), and in the center between the countertops great idea there will be a pedestal installed, which will also act as a separator of work areas.

Along the wall

If you want to place a desk for two children along the wall, but there is no way to put it near the window, you can pay attention to the option of placing a double table for children, how to put it along the wall. Such a layout of workplaces has the same advantages as the location along the window. A free wall, unlike a window, allows you to hang hanging cabinets or shelves where children can easily place the necessary things - the only drawback in this arrangement is the lack of a source of natural light. To solve this problem, you should take care of buying two table lamps with the ability to adjust the angle and degree of illumination.

Table transformer

Furniture manufacturers are trying to offer customers options for children's desks for two children, which attract with their functionality and ergonomics. All these characteristics are met by a desk - a transformer for two children, which has the following advantages:

  • changing the height of the table as the children grow;
  • the ability to change the slope of the tabletop as the children grow;
  • Drawers and shelves for easy storage.

It is rational to buy sliding desks for two children only if they are close in age, or you are raising twins. Desk - transformer will delight your children bright design, and the ability to adjust the parameters of the workplace will allow you to create a comfortable workplace for two kids at once.

When purchasing a transforming desk for two children, you should think about where in the room you can place it. The advantage of this type of furniture is that it can be installed anywhere, unlike corner desks for two children. However, when placing a desk for two children, one should not forget about the light source, which should ideally fall on the left, as well as how comfortable it is for children to work in such a desk.

Two tables

When choosing desks for two children, it is very easy to get lost in the variety of options and materials. Especially when you need to buy a table "right now", but you still have not decided which model of a computer children's table is the most optimal for you. In this case, a good option would be to purchase two tables, which create a great variability in location. After the purchase, you will have time to think about optimal location similar to a desk: along a window, along a wall, perpendicular to each other, or face to face. Speaking of which unusual way will be discussed below.

Wide face to face

Placing desks face to face, or purchasing a wide table at which the children will sit opposite each other, is enough unusual option, which is rarely chosen by parents. This solution is undoubtedly one of the most original variants arrangement of furniture in the nursery. However, it has significant disadvantages:

  • takes up a lot of space in the children's room;
  • children will be distracted by each other instead of studying;
  • lack of storage space for personal belongings.

Of the advantages of this arrangement, it is worth noting that the chairs do not touch each other, respectively, each child at such a table will be quite comfortable. The only nuance that should be taken into account is that the tabletop should be wide enough so that one of the children does not interfere with the other when doing homework. The workplace of each child can be equipped with spacious storage boxes where books and personal items can be placed.

An interesting idea: experts designing the design and interior of children's rooms note that the option of arranging furniture "face to face", given the large area of ​​​​the room, allows you to create a feeling of spaciousness and freedom. practical and stylish solution, complementing this choice of a desk for children, will be a bookcase, which is installed in the center of the table and will allow two children not to interfere with each other and create their own, cozy work area.


For many years, folding furniture has been loved and trusted by those who value comfort and free space. So why not apply these advantages when designing a children's room? They usually try to make each children's room as spacious as possible, however, in a small area, writing children's table for two children can take up a lot of space and create a feeling of tightness and discomfort.

When choosing a desk for two children, you should definitely pay attention to sliding models that allow you to turn a small table into a full-fledged workplace with one movement. The advantage of this option is space saving and the possibility light cleaning. However, a desk for two children with folding mechanism it also has disadvantages - this is the need to remove things from the table daily, as well as the wear resistance of the mechanism, which, with frequent unfolding, may not become so stable.

Thus, when purchasing a desk for two children living in a small room, it is optimal to choose a double table for children with a folding mechanism. However, if there is space, it is better to pay attention to other options.

Desk under bed

The bed - the attic has long managed to gain popularity among parents and children with its originality and the ability to significantly save room space. When choosing a children's table, you can pay attention to the desk, which is located at the bottom of the loft bed for two children. Such a solution will definitely be appreciated by children, and in addition, within the framework of such a design, there are many options for arranging additional shelves, cabinets and drawers, and the space is not cluttered up, since the workplace, being, in fact, under the bed, occupies only one the wall of the room.


The right choice of furniture size is an important condition for the full growth and development of the child. In the case of two children, the responsibility doubles, because each baby develops at an individual pace, and therefore parents will have to choose a table for two children that matches the height of both babies. Simple rules will help you choose the height of the table for schoolchildren:

  • the distance between the knees of the child and the working surface should not exceed 15 centimeters;
  • the elbows of the child in a standing position should be 3-5 centimeters below the tabletop;
  • the table should be selected in height so that the child’s legs are comfortably on the floor, and the table top is below chest level;
  • the workplace must be supplemented with a chair that is adjustable in height, which can be adjusted depending on the height of the child;
  • if the difference in height between children is too high, optimally purchase a transforming desk for two children with the ability to adjust the height parameters of each workplace.

As for the length of the table, it should be such that one child does not cling to the other during work and does not interfere with him. As a rule, this is about 1 meter for each of the children. But if you plan to supplement the children's workplace with computers, the width should be about 10-20 centimeters larger.


When buying a desk for two children, you should pay attention to such parameters as:

  • material of manufacture;
  • quality;
  • the possibility of placing personal belongings of the child;
  • compliance with the interior of the nursery;

The most practical are those models that have drawers, cabinets, or the ability to complete wall cabinets or shelves. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the compactness of the model, as well as how you can place the purchased table in the nursery.


The main rule to consider when choosing the location of desks for children is proximity to a source of daylight. If it is possible to place a desk along the window, so that the light falls equally for two children. This option is the most optimal of all possible. In other cases, it is worth remembering that the light should fall on the workplace from the left side, because if this condition is met for only one child, it is advisable to change their places about once a month, in order to avoid vision problems.

If in the nursery small window, or the table can only be placed in a place far from the light source, you should take care of purchasing high-quality table lamps (individually for each child).

Also, when placing a desk for two children near the window, you should make sure that there are no cracks, wind from drafts from the windows - this is unlikely to be appreciated by children. Working in discomfort and cold can cause serious health problems.

What you need to know when buying a desk for two children

Every manufacturer of children's furniture today makes comfortable and functional tables, allowing you to effectively organize the nursery space, even if two kids live there at once. When buying a desk for two children, it is worth considering such points as:

  • location;
  • lighting;
  • the possibility of zoning the workspace.

The location of the table should harmoniously fit into the interior of the nursery. Of course, the best option there will be a purchase of a ready-made modular headset, where every detail has its purpose, and the functionality is thought out to the smallest detail.

To divide the space working area each of the children can be decorated in a different color, or even paste over the walls with wallpaper with different patterns. Remember that each child should have their own shelf or cabinet for storing books, notebooks, toys. This will help to maintain peace and friendship between the guys, despite the need for a close neighborhood.

Thus, a desk for two children is great choice in limited space, which will help to optimally preserve free place, and at the same time provide freedom for each child during classes or lessons. From a variety of models and options, parents can choose a desk that meets their needs and capabilities.


Even 50 years ago, parents did not even think about placing a schoolchild's table near the window. Folding desks were placed where there is space, but today a working area for a child can be organized even in a odnushka.

The location near the window performs several functions at once:

  1. Saves space in the room, especially if the table is corner or.
  2. The walls near the window can be used to place shelves, not flowerpots.
  3. Protects baby's eyesight sunlight prevents vision problems.

Cabinets are rarely installed near the window - they block the light. The sleeping area is also not a place by the window, if it comes from the window cold air. But this is a great area to place a desk (or even two).

We offer you a selection of photos that will help you choose and ergonomically place a table for a student.

An unusual model that combines two study spaces and a storage system. You can install a computer near the wall, and make the zone near the window a study area.

Room in british style co school table located near the window.

The function of the working area is performed wide window sill- This technique saves both space and money.

A small desk of a simple design does not take up much space at all. The downside is the lack of a storage system.

A long corner model that can combine both a study area, a computer work area, and a storage system for textbooks and notebooks. On the window there is a translucent tulle with tie-backs, which will not distract the child and interfere with learning.

Desk for two children

In our country, one room is often shared by two or even three children, each of whom needs to. In this case, each child should have his own corner where he can store textbooks, do homework or just draw. If children have joint boxes, conflicts cannot be avoided, but two separate lockers or.

When organizing such places ideal solution will be the placement of the study area for schoolchildren near the window. Modern manufacturers furniture offer a lot of solutions that allow you to install not only a table, but also lockers for it. The area above the workspace is reserved for lamps, hanging shelves.

This pencil-shaped room has three workplaces at once: two near the window and one near the wall. Each child has their own corner.

Table shape

When choosing, first of all, you need to rely on the shape of the room in which the child will live. There may be several solutions:

  1. A long table, the surface of which stretches along the entire window sill from wall to wall.
  2. Corner model suitable for not large rooms irregular shape.
  3. An oval table is the prerogative of large rooms in which there is no need to save space.

They help free up space in the room for a closet, bed or appliances. But if, then it is recommended to place a loft bed in the room, and the work area under it.

If you choose a two-tier design for a girl's room, pay attention to - they will help make the nursery's interior bright and unusual.

In a nursery with a working area by the window, it is better to use short curtains. In the photo above - roller blinds"day Night". They can be adjusted in height and degree of illumination of the room.

And in this room, Roman curtains are also installed - also a great option that will not interfere with the task.

Cabinet with drawers for storage can serve as a chair. For the comfort of the child, it can be equipped with a seat cushion.


Too bright furniture lit by direct sunbeams, reduces the ability to concentrate. Therefore, it is better for a child to purchase furniture in neutral shades:

  • peach;
  • cream;
  • light brown;
  • white;
  • shade of tea rose;
  • mint;
  • natural wood models.

Summing up

If you choose a table that you will install next to the window in the future, then pay attention to the following recommendations:

  1. Choose models that are adjustable in height, which will save you from having to buy new table after 1-2 years.
  2. For a child under 10 years old, it is better to purchase two tables, one of which will be used for classes, and the second for working at a computer.
  3. If the surface has a slight slope, it will be much easier for the student to complete the lessons.
  4. choose multifunctional models. The learning process will be easier and more enjoyable if the necessary books and notebooks are always within reach. outstretched hand child when he will perform homework, sitting at the table.
  5. If the workplace will be by the window, do not use long curtains. The best option for the nursery, depending on the style of the interior, there will be Roman, roller or Austrian curtains.
  6. Direction plays an important role. If the child is right-handed, the lighting should be on the left side, and if the child is left-handed, vice versa.
  7. Select the model of the chair together with the table so as not to provoke the development of scoliosis in the child. In addition, an uncomfortable or too low stool can cause visual impairment.

We hope that our tips will help you create beautiful interior children's room and successfully position the student's work area near the window.

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In this article I will tell you how to organize a place near the window for schoolchildren so that it turns out to be functional. I will explain how to choose furniture for the work area, a desk. In addition, I will tell you where in the room to install a table and a chair for a student and how to create proper lighting workplace. I'll give you some nice ideas.

Workplace organization rules

When equipping a place for schoolchildren, you need to consider a large number of all sorts of factors. For the working area, it is better to choose functional and comfortable furniture in the organization of the bedroom and suitable lighting in the interior of the room.

It is best to place the table near the window, because it is a source of natural light.

A beautiful and stylish desk-windowsill can be decorated in any interior. And order is guaranteed.

However, remember that the design should not remind the child of a school class.

At home, the child should not experience negative emotions, so you need to discuss the arrangement with him

So it will be possible to understand what the student wants, in which room he will feel comfortable.

Mandatory items in the work area are:

  • worker ;
  • convenient ;
  • several nightstands with drawers;
  • or whatnots for books, textbooks and notebooks;
  • magnetic, slate, Cork board or a bar to pin class schedules and other reminders.

It is desirable that all storage spaces be placed at arm's length from the student.

If possible quick access to school books is missing, they are placed in the nearest free place. And be sure to buy a student stand for books - he needs it.

Choosing a table and chair for a student

When choosing furniture for the workplace of a student, you need to remember a few basic rules.

Table in the interior

The tabletop should be located at the level of the chest of the person who is sitting at the workplace. It is easy to pick up in modern stores suitable model, including Ikea.

The best option are transformer models. They can be placed in the bedroom.

Such models can be adjusted to the growth of any child. Furniture does not have to be constantly changed, because it will grow with your child.

Such tables can change both height and angle of inclination. working surface which is important when doing homework.

One long desk for two students is very good decision, because this way you can save space and use it more functionally. Corner models, sliding, as well as nurseries for schoolchildren along the window. Can be embedded.

It also takes place computer desk. You can set up a work area glass table from IKEA. As an option for decorating a small bedroom - a table as a continuation of the wall. A closet around the window will look stylish.


This piece of furniture is best replaced with a chair. AT this moment in the furniture market, special chairs are in great demand, which can be adjusted to the anatomical features of each person. The following requirements apply to student seating:

  • the seat must rotate freely;
  • the angle of inclination and the height of the backrest must be adjusted;
  • the surface is covered with materials of the highest quality;
  • covers must be removable, as they will one day become unusable and will need to be replaced;
  • seats should be without armrests.

The seat should not be too soft and large, as this contributes to the development of scoliosis.

Shouldn't choose leather upholstery or its analogues. With prolonged contact with it, the child's skin will begin to sweat, and he will experience discomfort. And since leather chairs are more expensive, it will be a waste of money.

How to arrange school furniture in a room

Probably, every person knows that it is better to put a student's table in front of the window. This way you will be able to get the most suitable lighting for completing tasks and avoid glare on the computer monitor and smooth sheets of textbooks.

It is better to isolate the child's workplace from prying eyes so he can do it on his own

It is better to use racks with open shelves. On the shelves are books, notebooks, flower pots and photographs within. The wall will not be blank, and the child will not feel abandoned, but at the same time, he will be able to fully concentrate on classes.

It is better to set the table in such a way that the child can see everyone entering the room, simply by turning his head. If the door is behind the back, then every time it is opened, the student will break away from the tasks and turn around.

When choosing a suitable corner for the desktop, you need to remember that it cannot be installed in the following places:

  1. Near the doorway, as the student will be distracted by every sound and will not be able to delve into the task.
  2. In the central part of the room, because not a single child wants to study in front of everyone.
  3. To save free space, parents often buy bunk bed, the lower tier of which is the workplace. This is not entirely correct and not safe. In this case working space It has minimum dimensions and if the help of an adult is needed, he will have nowhere to sit.
  4. If the child does not have private room, then don't even think about installing a student's desktop in the kitchen. In this room, he will not be able to fully immerse himself in his studies.

Rules for lighting a children's desk

If you equip a workplace by the window, then during the daytime the child will study in daylight, but the day may be cloudy and then there is not enough natural light. Yes, and most often homework is done in the evening and therefore you need to create the right lighting in the children's room.

The child should feel safe in his room, so the light should not be too bright or too dim.

If a homework is performed with the light on, then it is necessary to ensure that no shadow falls on notebooks and textbooks.

Install this lighting fixture follows from opposite side from working hand(for right-handers - on the left, for left-handers - on the right).

To create suitable lighting, it is better to take lamps that are easy to adjust the height and tilt.

The light from the lamp should be diffused, and if a lamp with a lampshade is chosen, then it should be of a soft milky, creamy or mint shade.

The maximum brightness of the light bulb should not exceed 80 watts, and ideally this value should be 15-20 watts. If the light is too bright, it will lead to overworking the student.

To create a functional and comfortable workspace, it is better to do it together with the child, because he will have to spend a lot of time here. In order not to overload your eyesight, it is better to choose calm, neutral tones for decoration.

It should also be remembered that tactile sensations are very important for a child, so it is better if all the materials from which the furniture is made are natural.

We are glad to welcome all those who have decided to do repairs in their own apartment or house. In this article, you will learn how to install a table by the window in the children's room, photo examples will help you navigate faster. Our advice will be useful for those who have two or more children and they live in the same room.

In such a situation, you will need to decide which table to buy and how to set it up. Please note that each child should have their own space where they can freely engage in writing, reading, etc. Let's start with the consideration of improving the design with the help of the table.

Parents have to decide a large number of questions regarding the children's room - where is it better to set a table, where to hang a shelf, how to arrange chairs correctly. the main task- so that the child feels comfortable and convenient to use their space.

Table position near windows

Because most children's rooms are equipped with one big window, you can put the table directly under the window.

With this decision, you will solve two issues - natural lighting will be enough with your head, and children will be able to follow nature, which has a positive effect on their development.

Take a closer look at hanging shelves- they will not be superfluous in this arrangement. However, you should choose them wisely - if the child already has a netbook or a bag, it will be inconvenient to hide them, and children should have everything within reach.

There are quite interesting idea- Instead of a window sill, put a suitable countertop. But, the battery, which is often located just under the window, can become a hindrance. To solve this problem, look for a table that has a back wall.

one line

Arranging tables in one line will be very beneficial for owners of rectangular rooms. It remains to decide which wall to give preference. To solve this issue, take a closer look at the lighting - where there is more of it, it will be more convenient for children.

Of course, you should not refuse additional table lamps.

Installing a table along the wall is the most common idea. It is also convenient that the shelves are quietly hung next to the workplace. To separate two tables, place a bedside table between them or bookshelf. So you will help the guys, because they will not be distracted by each other.

Corner solutions

If you decide to do the interior of a children's room with your own hands and strength, we recommend that you think about a corner desk. This is very beneficial if your room has enough space.

Choose such furniture, it is necessary that each countertop has the same size.

Sometimes, such accessories will have to be made to order. In the event that you cannot get hold of such a table, do not despair. You can find two tables, and buy a cabinet in the kit. Arrange them in the form of the letter "G", take the free space with a nightstand. Don't forget extra lighting.

The advantages of such combinations are that it is convenient to use cupboards or racks as a “safe” for school supplies. Enough space is saved. Another idea is to paint each shelf in different colour. The atmosphere in the room will be diluted, and children will be able to easily learn where and whose shelf.

The advantages of such placement are as follows: children will not be able to be distracted, unless, of course, they really want to.

In this case, no plan will help.

Face to face

This innovative solution has several controversial points. By placing two tables face to face, you will break the necessary concentration, which means that the children will have confused attention, which will interfere with learning. In addition, such ideas do not save space well.

Right angle

A similar method was mentioned a little higher, but still a little different. There should be no empty space. This option will have a positive effect on the activities of children.

You can use this unusual idea- place a table under the bunk bed. The savings with this way of arrangement is simply enormous - parents save a lot of extra space and money, and children do not feel limited or deprived. Keep in mind that if your room has a long and narrow shape, the interior may be ugly.

From the outside, such a design can take on the appearance of a compartment car.

Nobody forbids experimenting. These ideas are good for square room, which is famous for its large dimensions. The bed, together with the table, fits perfectly under the wall or in the corner. Try to reckon with the layout of the room so as not to get cluttered.

The only drawback is that when the children grow out of the beds, you will have to change everything together, both the table and the bed.

Folding desks

Very useful in small rooms. During the lesson, the furniture is laid out, as soon as it is time to rest, it is folded. Keep in mind some disadvantages - it will get tired of carrying out such a procedure every day.

In addition, such structures, in general, have little durability.

The first thing you need to start arranging a room is a thoughtful design. So, you can foresee everything in advance weak sides in the interior. Try to build on the main subject - the children's desk.

We recommend, first of all, to buy adjustable tables - children will grow, and it is not advisable to immediately buy an "adult". In addition, one table for two, even in early age, will not be enough, and two large ones is a lot. Therefore, try to find golden mean in this matter.

Sure to do unique design you can do it alone, but no one will condemn the appeal to specialists who will help you, explain all the features of a particular solution. Do not forget that a good desk will become indispensable assistant in the realization of a successful study, for your children.

Also, you can view photos that show the implementation of some of the ideas described above. We wish you success!

Being engaged in the design of the room for their baby, parents think over areas for recreation, games and activities. Company " Stylish furniture» will help to equip the workplace in the nursery so that it meets accepted standards and is as comfortable and safe as possible.

Options for placing a table in the nursery

To provide good natural light, you should place the table along the window, but the battery often interferes with ideal placement of furniture. If it is difficult for you to choose a standard product from the store, the best way out is to place an order for an individual design.
With a room width of 2.5 meters or more, you can safely place two desks, which is especially important for families with two children. A great way to equip a spacious study area and at the same time rationally use the area is to build a table into the windowsill.

Additional elements and decoration

When ordering a table by the window, take care of the availability of additional cabinets and shelves for storing small items, and also do not forget to provide a place for the future computer. The table in the nursery should be equipped with shelves, compartments and cells where writing instruments can be neatly placed. Models with drawers, cabinets under the table and a separate pencil case are in great demand. If you invite the children to take part in the discussion of the design and colors, this will arouse their interest in future furniture and become an incentive for lessons and creativity.

Our designers will develop a table model for the nursery in accordance with the strict requirements for this type of furniture. With care for the health of your children, we will think over every little thing - size, design, functional content, and we will take into account all the wishes of our adults and small customers. Beautiful, comfortable, ergonomic products, created from safe high-quality materials in accordance with all the rules of the furniture business, will help you competently organize the space and provide a comfortable environment for classes.