Is it necessary to caulk a log house. Do-it-yourself caulking at home from a log house: tasks, stages, working tools and materials. Caulking in stretching

What is a caulk? In fact, this is the process of compacting the log house with fibrous materials - moss, tow and others; in this case, heat-insulating material can be used as an interventional insulation - flax-jute fiber, polyurethane foam, for example. But it’s not so easy to caulk correctly - you will learn about all the intricacies and features of this process from this article. So, how to caulk a log house - with moss, tow, tape and sealants.

Technology for the correct execution of work

As soon as the log house is laid, it is still impossible to caulk it - after all, there is shrinkage ahead. You can understand, of course, the desire of those building a bathhouse to earn money, which is why they offer to caulk everything right there, but this should be done only after at least six months.

So, as soon as the log house has shrunk, you can start caulking it - from the bottom up, from the lowest crown. You need to do this like this: one seam is caulked, strictly along the perimeter of the entire log house - outside, then inside. It is impossible to caulk each wall separately - otherwise the log house will warp over time. The same applies to a separate caulking of the outer and inner sides - because of this, a dangerous vertical deviation of the walls can easily occur.

Caulking is a carefully, laborious business. At the same time, the master is obliged to constantly monitor the log house so that there are no distortions of the walls. And it’s bad if, after caulking, the whole log house has risen to a whole crown - this will invariably lead to falling out of logs from dowels or locks, and therefore it is better not to allow this.

What material to give preference?

So, here are the most common materials for caulking a log cabin bath:

Moss - like in the good old days

Moss is an environmentally friendly material that has healing properties. It resists temperature changes and drying well, absorbs moisture, but does not rot. And most importantly - it has antimicrobial and tonic properties, and at the same time serves for a long time.

This material for caulking has been used since ancient times. To date, it cannot be called the best, but many owners of baths use only it during construction.

So, when laying, you can use only highly moistened moss - then after the log house has dried, it will turn into a homogeneous dense mass that will fill all the cavities and cracks. Therefore, you won’t have to caulk the bath anymore. However, experienced builders are not advised to attach particular importance to the historical experience of its use - such a finish is still quite expensive.

Tow - not everything is so smooth

Tow caulking is the most difficult. When the log house shrinks, it will gradually gain moisture and eventually rot, turning into dust. And then you will have to clean out this insulation, re-caulk everything and tightly fill the devastated cavities - and this will take a lot of time and effort.

Sealants - modern technologies

Sealants for a log cabin bath are much more expensive than tow, but they also have their undeniable advantages. Sealants as a means of caulking are suitable if the frame is rounded, or well cut from an ordinary log, and the groove in it is semicircular. And if there is a jute cloth between the logs. In this case, you can really get by with one sealant. But, if the log house was made with a chainsaw, and the groove in it is triangular in shape, then it is already necessary to fill the void, i.e. caulk for real.

If you use a sealant with tow, then everything should happen according to this scheme: the bath is caulked with tow twice, and after its complete shrinkage, the seams are sealed. And in order to save the sealant, it is advisable to lay a cord of insulation in the grooves.

Moreover, for seams of different widths - different types of sealant. But the seams are light and neat. Yes, and there is no risk of subsequent caulking.

Caulk tape insulation

One of the easiest ways to caulk is to caulk with tape. It does not need to be cut into strips, which makes the whole process much easier. And you need to do it like this:

  • Step 1. First you need to go to one of the ends of the log house, put the end of the tape on the ground, and, unwinding it, gradually move away to the other end. You do not need to cut the tape - it is only important that it does not twist and go in a strip. And most importantly - the tape cannot be pulled, it should go slightly relaxed.
  • Step 2. Returning to the beginning of the tape, you need to raise its end and, right from the end, begin to poke it between the rims - with the tool that was selected depending on the existing gaps. As soon as it has already been passed to the end, you need to leave a margin of 10-20 cm - and only then can the tape be cut, and only with well-sharpened scissors.
  • Step 3. At this stage, you can already caulk the tape. But only a little - otherwise it will go in folds. Moreover, it is necessary to caulk it not in one stage, but in several - until the tape disappears entirely in the logs, and the stock that was left initially also disappears. As for the process itself, the tape should be pushed diagonally, as it were.
  • Step 4. Now you need to repeat everything - between the same crowns. Oddly enough, two or three tapes will still quietly enter there, depending on their density. Those. the caulking of the insulation itself takes at least four times what it was originally used during installation - and this is only when caulking the outside, while by all rules the same must be done inside.

So, if the insulation stuffing has become dense, like wood, the caulking went well. By the way, the masters advise taking at least 10 mm jute - and the thicker it is, the better.

But today, a Chinese instrument is considered to be a quite worthy alternative, which is not expensive and is quite acceptable in quality.

By the way, if you use a solid tool for caulking, you cannot avoid chips and dents - because it will slide off. It is more difficult to use a soft caulk, but you can make it right on the spot, with your own hands. Wooden caulks with curved edges are also being made today, which are quite easy to penetrate into the depth of the seam, but skill is needed to use them.

In general, everything is within the power of a Russian person!

Round log cabins are in great demand. These building materials hold heat well in the room, have a pleasant appearance, and are environmentally friendly, created from natural material - wood. Thanks to the perfectly even shape of rounded logs, many people think that they do not need to worry about insulating their houses. In fact, this is not so, because it is impossible to lay the crowns on top of each other so that there are no gaps between them. Even if there are minor gaps, they will turn out, in the future, after the shrinkage of the house, they will become even larger, and heat will come out through them. It is necessary to insulate the cracks with the help of insulating materials immediately during construction and after using caulking.

The process of caulking is the driving of insulating material into the intervention gaps. It needs to be done several times:

  • immediately after construction;
  • a year or 1.5 after shrinkage of the house;
  • 5 years after construction.

For houses made of rounded logs, one caulk produced after shrinkage of the log house is enough. This process well insulates the seams between the logs, prevents the penetration of cold into the room, the ingress of moisture and freezing of the interventional joints. The main thing is to properly insulate the house and use only high-quality insulation materials.

Materials for caulking

There are many materials for warming wooden houses with caulking. All of them can be divided into two main types:

  1. artificial heaters. They are made from mineral, synthetic components.
  2. Natural interventional heaters. They are made from natural materials, plant fibers.

Artificial materials include:

  1. Mineral wool, glass wool and other fibrous mineral wool insulation. They are environmentally friendly, but still can lead to the development of allergic reactions in residents. They insulate well, rodents do not start in them. But these heaters are not hygroscopic and even afraid of moisture, it worsens their main characteristics.
  2. Foamed polyethylene and other closed-cell insulation. Materials from it well insulate the interventional seam. They don't let in the cold, they don't let out the heat. But at the same time, they don't breathe. They can be compared with a plastic bag, creating a greenhouse effect in the intervention joint, this can lead to damage to the wooden material, its decay.
  3. Foam rubber and other open-pore insulation materials. These heaters are not able to protect the interventional seam from freezing. Despite the fact that air and moisture are able to penetrate into the small pores of the material, they are compressed under the weight of the upper rims of the log house, and as a result, a non-breathing homogeneous mass of insulation is obtained.

Many artificial insulation materials do a good job with their thermal insulation tasks. But it is desirable to use them for structures built from bricks, concrete, cinder block and other mineral building materials. These heaters are not suitable for wood, they will shorten its life, worsening its strength characteristics.

Natural interventional insulation materials include:

  1. Moss. This is the best insulator. It was used for caulking a hundred years ago. It does a great job of insulating your home. It has good hygroscopicity, it is able to absorb moisture with a volume of more than 20 times its own size. The structure of the moss fibers contains lignin, which prevents rotting and damage to the insulation material and the logs themselves. It has bactericidal properties, will destroy the bacteria in the room in the air.
  2. Jute. It resembles moss in its properties, but it is easier to work with it. The density of jute is good, does not let heat and cold through. This material breathes, is hygroscopic. The appearance is also different, jute has a golden color, similar to the shade of wood. In interventional seams it looks beautiful and aesthetically pleasing.
  3. Linen. This is a cheaper material, but its properties are worse. He is afraid of constant contact with moisture, which can lead to rotting. The shade of this material is grey. The density is not large, linen is softer to the touch. It is advisable to use this insulating material for insulating houses built from dry wood; it is perfect for glued laminated timber.
  4. Lnovatin. Good insulation is made from jute and linen. These two materials together create an excellent insulation, which includes their positive qualities. Lnovatin is resistant to external influences, with good density and the ability to restore its dimensions. If the wooden material dries out, this insulation fills all the voids in the mezhventsovy space of the rounded log.

The process of caulking is not easy. It is best not to do it alone. Insulation material must be started from the lower interventional seams and gradually rise higher. Caulking must be done around the entire perimeter of the house at once, and not first completely insulate one wall, and then move on to another, otherwise the walls may squint, or even slip off the fastener, for example, a dowel.

For caulking a wooden house made of logs, it is best to use natural materials. They complement the wood material, improving rather than worsening its performance. If there is no experience with insulating materials, and caulking cannot be handled, you can use an alternative method of insulation - sealing.

Sealing seams

Sealing seams is easier and faster than caulking with sealants. It is easier to work with them than with insulating interventional materials. The hermetic formulations of the Neomid company have proven themselves well: Word Professional and Word Professional plus. These products are very similar to each other, but only the second sealant is more elastic and can be applied to surfaces with a large angle of inclination. Otherwise, they are no different.

Neomid sealants have good adhesion, excellent adhesion to wood material and excellent elasticity. Sealed compounds are applied with a construction gun. The hermetic seam is not afraid of weathering, moisture, does not turn yellow under the influence of sunlight, mold fungi do not form on it.

Wooden houses look beautiful. They are warm, because during construction, insulation is laid between the crowns of logs. But after shrinkage, cracks of various sizes may appear, cracks, which spoils its appearance, makes it cold. In addition, cracks can become a place for the appearance of rot, mold. To prevent this from happening, after shrinkage of the structure, the log house is caulked with moss or other material.

A house, a bathhouse made of logs shrink in the first 2 years after construction. In the first year, the shrinkage of the log house reaches up to 20 cm. This factor should be taken into account when designing a house. This is due to the loss of moisture, drying occurs.

During shrinkage, loose junctions appear in those places where everything was previously airtight. To eliminate this, they resort to caulking. It is necessary to carry out measures to seal the cracks so that there are no heat losses, drafts. These activities are carried out only after shrinkage of the structure.

Cavity sealing material

Material for caulking

Mezhventsovy heater - material for carrying out thermal insulation of seams of wooden houses. Insulation is often made from natural materials, which are distinguished by their environmental friendliness, the ability to "breathe", which provide sound and heat insulation. To fill the gaps, material is used: tow, felt, mosses (red, white). Each has advantages and disadvantages.

Material typeCharacteristicsAdvantagesdisadvantages
TowUsed for primary caulking, after shrinkage at home. Made from flax fiber 2 types: in bales, roll (tape). The latter is more convenient for work, better in quality, softer. Before laying, it must be treated with a special antiseptic solution to repel insects that feed on tow fibers and wood.
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • high absorbency;
  • dries quickly;
  • has bactericidal properties.
  • not aesthetic appearance after work;
  • labour-intensive installation process
JuteIt is made from linden wood, and is produced in the form of ropes, fibers, tapes of different thicknesses. Apply simultaneously for the first, repeated caulking. More often it is brought from abroad. The material is soft and plastic. Ropes are more convenient to use for work carried out after shrinkage.
  • strength;
  • maintains a favorable microclimate;
  • does not rot;
  • quickly caking;
  • short service life.
MossThese types of mosses are used: sphagnum, cuckoo flax, marsh red. Natural material with antiseptic properties. By collecting it yourself in late autumn, you can save money. After collection, it is sorted out, all garbage is removed, slightly dried. It is impossible to dry strongly, otherwise it will break during operation. Moss must be soaked in a special solution before work (0.5 liters of oil and 0.25 kg of laundry soap are added to 10 liters of water) to facilitate styling, but it can not be used with strong moisture either. Sphagnum should be fluffed up a little and placed across the log so that its fibers hang down by 50 mm (they are then hammered into cracks and crevices).
  • durability;
  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • small price;
  • antimicrobial properties;
  • prevents rotting.
  • pre-treatment required before use;
  • needs protection from birds;
  • hard to find for sale.

Each owner of a log house independently chooses the type of material, taking into account the quality, financial capabilities, and availability of the material.

Caulking technology

Before caulking, the moss is dried. However, before the start of the caulking process itself, it is moistened, otherwise it will crumble in the hands and it will be impossible to do any work with it. Caulking with moss is carried out with special tools: caulking, mallet.

The caulking tool is made from the same wood as the log house. This is done so that the tool and the log have the same hardness upon contact. Then there will be no traces left on the log house. A wooden mallet is used to strike the caulk, which makes it possible to push the moss into the gap with force and fill the space tightly.

Caulking with moss starts from the bottom row, passing along the perimeter. This approach avoids distortions. The crown is completely outside, inside. “Kukushkin len” is formed into 100 mm tapes before use, they are laid parallel to the log, cracks and cracks are closed with special tools. White moss is fluffed up a little before work. Laying is done perpendicular to the log with hanging fibers on both sides of the log by 100 mm, which are then pushed into the slot with tools.

Caulking moss at home from logs is not a difficult job, but it requires care. It is necessary to ensure that the house does not warp, the seams are full, the logs do not fall out, do not come off from each other. What is needed in this matter is perseverance, time, patience.

On the modern market, you can find various materials for warming a wooden house. Among the many traditional moss, wool felt, linen tow. Of course, their qualities are confirmed by time, but we will not dwell on them in more detail. Let's talk about modern material - jute. How to properly caulk a log house with jute, how much money you will have to spend on it and in what order to do it, you can find out by reading this article.

Neglecting the stage of caulking a log house, we significantly worsen its thermal characteristics. Wood cracks and shrinks as it dries. Slots and voids are formed between the log links, through which cold air enters the premises. This is not so scary at summer temperatures, but in winter, when the heat gets to minus temperatures, it will settle on the walls with frost, and this is excess moisture. The rotting of the tree and increased moisture in the house begins. Building a house from a bar is always accompanied by a double caulk.

Our great-grandfathers used moss and flax as caulking. Some passed on the secrets of what and how to caulk from father to son. But these materials have a number of shortcomings that have faded into the background with the advent of sealants and putties.

Do not forget that wood is a natural material and those who love everything natural and environmentally friendly build houses from it. Using artificial putties and sealants as a heater violates environmental friendliness. What if you want to get high-quality caulk and not harm the climate? A jute caulk comes to the rescue.

Jute - a combination of environmental friendliness and quality

Jute is a material made from a shrub of the linden family. Which in itself is the closest thing to wood and a frame from it. He came to Russia from China, India and Kazakhstan. There, jute has been successfully used for more than one century. Jute fibers are unique in that their strength is higher than that of fishing line, while it has excellent spinning and low hygroscopic qualities. So in a room with a humidity of more than 80%, the material will absorb only 20% of moisture, while it will be dry to the touch.

Sellers do not distinguish between jute and jute felt, but this is a mistake. Jute felt does not have all the qualities of jute and costs less. Although many manufacturers sell felt under the guise of jute. Jute felt is 70% jute and 30% linen. Sometimes sellers call it "lnovatin", but this is not true either. To compare these materials, we present a table with their qualitative characteristics:

Why is there such a big difference between seemingly identical material? It's all about a special polymer - lignin. In good heaters, its amount should not be lower than 20%. Lignin connects the fibers in the wood together making them waterproof. And the addition of flax with jute composition of lignin is only 2%. Therefore, water penetrates so easily into jute felt. And the damp material loses all heat-preserving properties and becomes a source of rot and mold. Therefore, it is useless to caulk them.

The density of jute is also relatively higher than felt, which affects its uniformity when folding and, consequently, heat retention. The blowing at the walls, the caulking of which is made with felt, is 70% higher.

You can distinguish these two heaters by color and touch. Jute has a pleasant texture with a slight roughness, while the color is always golden, light brown. Jute felt is gray in color and feels harder to the touch.

You can see more jute in the video below:

Caulking with jute has a number of advantages:

  1. There is no need for secondary insulation.
  2. It is convenient for caulking walls, ceiling floors and perfectly complements the construction of a house from glued beams, profiled and edged.
  3. Due to the even texture, it lies beautifully and looks aesthetically pleasing.
  4. Caulking time is reduced.

There are several types of this material, which can be bought in Russia. Indian is considered the highest quality. They produce both tape jute insulation, as well as a cord and a tourniquet, which are also used in interventional caulking at home. The latter options look more decorative and do not need additional finishing.

How to work with jute

Caulking with jute only at first glance seems to be a simple task. In fact, this is hard work. Various articles and videos come to the aid of beginners, which tell in more detail about the stages of work. You can watch one of these videos right now:

There are two ways to caulk crowns at home:

  1. In stretch.
  2. In a set.


This method is suitable for caulking walls with barely visible gaps, such as building a house from profiled timber. The insulation is taken in pieces and pushed into the cracks with a special spatula. At the same time, part of the insulation (4-5 cm) should remain hanging down. A roller is made from the remainder, which, with the help of a special chisel, needs to be caulked into the cracks.

To the set

This method is more suitable when the gaps are deep and wide. A tourniquet is folded from a heater or a ready-made one is taken and with the help of a chisel - caulks are hammered into the holes. It is better to fold the tourniquet right along the way, so you can control its thickness. The gaps are different everywhere and the seam will look neater.

With this method of caulking, the insulation is first hammered into the upper parts of the slots, then into the lower ones. For greater accuracy at the end, the seam is sealed with a special road builder.

The subtleties of caulking with jute

  1. The first stage of caulking must be performed at the stage of laying a beam or log. The jute is laid directly on each link and secured with a construction stapler. In this case, the jute should protrude beyond the grooves by 4-5 cm.
  2. Caulking with jute must be done in two stages. Although experts say that the second stage may not be needed, do not neglect it. The first stage immediately after assembly, the second after 1-2 years, when the wood shrinks and cracks.
  3. Jute caulking should be carried out from the outside and inside of the log house.
  4. It is better to caulk before finishing, as the walls can rise up to 15 cm.
  5. You need to caulk with jute strictly around the perimeter from the bottom up. You can not first completely process one wall, then the second. So the house or bath can warp.
  6. It is necessary to insulate the walls of each crown first inside, then outside, then move on to another link. Otherwise, the walls will warp vertically.
  7. For a chopped log house, jute is taken with a thickness of 1.5 cm, for a timber log 5 mm.

How much does the material cost

The price of jute is directly related to its thickness, density, shape (roll, jute cord) and batch quantity. Buying more than 5,000 m reduces the cost by 10%, more than 10,000 m by 15%. We have analyzed the average jute price and present it to our readers in the form of a table:

Width, mm Price, rub./m
Thickness 5-6mm, density 400g/m2 Thickness 8-10mm, density 550g/m2 Thickness 10-12mm, density 700g/m2 Jute cord, thickness 10 mm, density 450 g/m2 Jute cord, thickness 15 mm, density 450 g/m2
100 From 5 From 7 From 11 From 13 From 22
150 From 9 From 12 From 18
200 From 11 From 15 From 22
250 From 15 From 20 From 30

Using jute for caulking walls is very simple, and the tightness of the walls increases significantly. It is considered the most popular material in many developed countries of the world and quickly took its place in the Russian market. Despite the fact that it appeared relatively recently, professionals and amateurs fell in love with this material. Treat walls, ceilings and floors with it quickly and easily. Moreover, using it with a one-sided bend, according to professionals, is more effective. Of course, do not neglect the linen and tow, which were used by our grandfathers. But we will not deny all the advantages of inexpensive and high-quality jute.

The construction of a log house is not only a tribute to traditions, but also a way to create a good, relatively inexpensive and spectacular building. Most often, a log is used for the construction of baths and residential buildings. And here it is especially important to know how to caulk a log house, which we will help you figure out. You will learn what materials can be used to seal gaps, what are the methods of caulking and how to work with jute, flax, tow, synthetic sealants. Read to the end to caulk the log house correctly.

The log cabin must be well caulked

Why you need to caulk a log house

The process of caulking is the insulation of a log house by sealing the gaps between adjacent logs. Most often, log cabins are used as baths, and in order for the steam room to warm up faster, and to wash in it even in winter, it must be properly caulked.

During caulking, a sealant is placed between the logs

Here are the main problems that the log house caulk helps to solve:

  • The presence of gaps between individual logs
  • Drafts and condensation
  • Rotting and premature destruction of wood

In addition, if we talk about the bath, then less fuel will be required to heat the caulked premises.

How can you caulk a log house

There is a large selection of options than caulking a log house. Each material has its own characteristics, its strengths and weaknesses, but they all meet the general requirements for insulation: they retain heat well, do not emit harmful substances, and retain their properties for a long time.

Below we provide a list of the most popular materials for log cabin caulking.

Jute for log caulking

Jute is highly durable and does not absorb moisture. It is made from natural ingredients. Jute provides an excellent level of thermal insulation of the room.

Jute - a natural material for caulking log cabins

There are three forms in which interventional jute is produced:

Tow is often used for caulking. It can be made of hemp, jute or linen. Provides good thermal insulation. However, the tow is subject to decay. Warming a log house with this material is not an easy task, because it is quite difficult to lay it in the gaps between the logs.

Caulking log cabin tow requires patience and painstaking

Tow is the cheapest option for insulation. But in terms of its performance, it is inferior to other materials. Tow during the shrinkage of the log house quickly begins to rot and crumble into dust. Therefore, after a few years, the caulking process will have to be repeated. It is believed that the service life of tow is 3 years. After that, it is recommended to replace it.

On our site you can get acquainted with the most - from the construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

Caulking log house with moss

Moss is a material that has been used for caulking log cabins for many centuries. He has his strengths. For example, an antibacterial substance of natural origin, due to which microorganisms do not multiply in the moss. This insulation also provides a high level of thermal insulation.

But there are nuances. If you use too wet moss, then the wood will soon begin to rot. Overdried material will crumble. This is despite the fact that before use, the moss is thoroughly soaked and then dried in the sun. In addition, the price of moss for caulking is quite high.

Moss is a traditional material for caulking log cabins

Those who are thinking about how to properly caulk a bathhouse with their own hands should take into account that working with moss is a complex procedure that requires experience. Moss must be laid correctly, otherwise it will not give the desired effect.

Lnovatin: is it suitable for caulking

Lnovatin is a material made from flax fibers. It has good thermal insulation properties, while being completely environmentally friendly. The strength of flax wool is that it is able to absorb and release moisture during changes in air humidity. This prevents the wood from rotting.

However, lnovatin does not last long - up to three years. Insects quickly start up in it, so you need to carry out processing once a year. And if we are talking about a bath, then such processing will not benefit the atmosphere in the steam room. Lnovatin is very similar to jute, but it is harder and stronger.

When caulking a log house, lnovatin is fixed with a construction stapler

On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer in any configuration. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

Is it possible to caulk with sealants

Before caulking a bath, you should pay attention to such material as synthetic sealant. It is easy and convenient to use, in addition, it does not leave cracks and gaps. The compositions have a different color, so it is easy to choose a sealant for a certain type of wood.

Often sealants are used in combination with other materials for caulking. For example, with jute or linen. With the help of the composition, you can create an even layer of insulation. Such material is sold in the form of pipes or briquettes. This method does not require repeated caulking of the log house, even after a long period of time.

Sealant is a modern solution for log cabin caulking

The sealant is only suitable for caulking log cabins. Moreover, the grooves in it should have a semicircular shape. Otherwise he won't be able to catch up.

There are two main ways of caulking: in a set and in a stretch.

First, about how they caulk into a set. This method is suitable when the gaps between the logs are too wide. The material is twisted into a ball, and then, gradually unfolding it, it is driven into the interventional space. Where the gap widens, the strip is folded into a loop and hammered in two layers. Moreover, the caulk must be started from the top of the gap.

Stretch caulking is made if the gaps between the logs are small and even invisible at first glance. First, a heater is taken and a strand is formed from it. Then they push it into the gap so that it protrudes by about 5 cm. Next, the free part is folded up and also driven into the gap.

Video description

This video talks in detail about the methods of caulking log cabins:

For caulking log cabins, they try to use wooden tools. They are softer and do not leave damage on the logs.

It is advisable to caulk the log house from the inside and from the outside. You need to start from the corners, you need to go from bottom to top, caulking to the end of each row. If you work on the walls separately, you can warp the entire building.

You need to start caulking the log house from the bottom rows

How to caulk a log house with various materials

To finally decide how to caulk a log house, it is worth studying the technology of working with various materials. Let's start with moss.

Dry fibers must not be laid. Before caulking, they are moistened and dried. Moreover, it is necessary to prepare a special solution. For it you will need a bucket of water, half a liter of vegetable oil and 200 g of soap.

Then the moss is laid out in strips 10-15 cm wide, the ends of these strips are twisted up. It turns out a roller that needs to be laid in the slot and hammered with a spatula and a mallet.

Moss must be tightly hammered into the gaps so that the edges do not stick out.

Many are interested in the question of how to properly caulk a log house with the help of tow. After all, this is the most accessible and common material. The first step is to process. To do this, take water and stir formalin in it. In the resulting solution, the insulation is soaked, and then dried in a natural way.

The tow is divided into strands, one end of which is driven in a continuous row into the intervention gap. Next, bend the upper part and also clog it with a spatula. After that, everything that protrudes outward is tamped into the gap, and this is where the caulk of tow ends.

So they begin to caulk the log house with tow

Video description

Watch a video on how to caulk a log house with jute:

And the last thing we will consider is the caulking of the log house with sealant. A sealing cord is preliminarily placed in the slot, and then the entire gap is blown with foam from the mounting gun. You can also close up large cracks in logs.

Then the seams that have not yet dried are moistened with water and gently smoothed with a brush or spatula. All excess foam is removed.

Caulking a log house with a sealant is the easiest way

Briefly about the main

Log cabins need to be caulked so that they are not blown from the street and retain heat well. This is especially true for baths and residential buildings.

For caulking log cabins, natural materials are used, such as jute, linen, tow or dried moss.

The easiest material to use for caulking is construction sealant.

There are two main ways of caulking log cabins - in a set and in a stretch.

Moss before laying in the gap needs to be moistened. The tow needs to be treated with a formalin solution.

After you have blown out the gaps between the logs with sealant, it is worth smoothing the seams and removing excess foam.