Why is the line for the women's restroom longer than the line for the men's? How to choose a toilet for a summer residence

During the time that the average woman - even in Russia, even in America - is standing in line for a public toilet, the average man manages to visit the booth, do business, smoke and watch a quarter of the episode " Star Wars". What do women do in public restrooms for so long? The Village's question is answered by a psychiatrist, psychotherapist and creator of a site about toilets.

The answer to the question is on the surface. 90% of visitors go to the public toilet in a small way. For this, it is enough for a man to simply unbutton and fasten his fly after a while - and it does not matter, in winter or summer. Accordingly, most men use urinals for 1–1.5 minutes. Toilet bowls - no more than 2 minutes.

It takes about 4–5 minutes for a woman to visit the toilet: go into the cabin, lock it, hang up the bag, if the lady is wearing a coat, take it off, and so on.

Now in numbers. Suppose a public toilet has the same number of sanitary appliances: the men's section has two toilets and two urinals, and the women's section has four toilets. Respectively, throughput is as follows: the men's section - about 150 people per hour, the women's - about 50 people, that is, three times less. In winter - for obvious reasons (fur coats, two pairs of tights) - the throughput of the women's department is even less: about 40 people per hour. Hence the queue.

Historical fact: in late XIX and the beginning of the 20th century in Russia, women's urinals were installed in toilets. However, this fact has been forgotten, and it is unlikely that this tradition will simply be resumed.

Olga Miloradova

The excretory processes themselves in the human mind are inextricably linked with such emotions as disgust and shame, which in turn is associated with the idea of ​​​​a dirty and unreliable essence of our bodies in principle. At the same time, the degree of shame and disgust in public consciousness is not the same for different sexes. Women are thought to be more averse to bodily secretions, more likely to hide flatulence, more likely to try to hide the sounds and smells they make while using the toilet, and wash their hands much more frequently after using the restroom. Female excretion (excretion) is more hidden, emotionally suppressed than male.

In a 2004 experiment by psychologists Jamie L. Goldenberg and Tomi-Anne Roberts, girls who asked to go to the bathroom in the middle of a study were negatively perceived by other participants compared to girls who asked to go to the bathroom for other reasons than those who asked to go to the bathroom for other reasons. At the same time, for men, the reason for which they asked for leave did not play a role.

While in the toilet stall, the girl tries to make as little noise as possible, which can often be associated with time: less jet pressure so that there is less noise, plus excessive stress and acceleration is fraught with the danger of releasing gases. Also, the girl tries to hide the consequences of her visit to the toilet, shame is largely associated with the fear of contamination (pollution), in order to prevent which it is necessary to carry out hygiene procedures: Women are much more likely than men to use toilet paper after urination, and sometimes with wet wipes, which must also be removed from the bag.

In addition, many girls tend to endure for a long time before admitting that they need to use the toilet, respectively, emptying the crowded Bladder takes longer than a man who is more likely to go to the bathroom on time.


Apart from hygienic reasons - changing a tampon, for example - it must be taken into account that a woman generally has to make more movements: for example, lower her pants or tights, panties, then put them back on; perhaps adjust the skirt, bra. Plus, women, unlike men, need to take care of the toilet seat: sit on it or get up, and if you sit down, lay a napkin. Imagine how much longer the queues to the toilets would be if men wrote with the letter zu. Then - wipe. Some even fix their makeup.

In general, the queues are longer, because, as everyone knows, women have a more complicated body, and they have to spend more time staying in a booth.

illustration: Nastya Yarovaya

A designer is a person of art, and art is an inspiration that can overtake a designer even in a place like a washroom. Of course, at home, you are unlikely to allow too “slippery” and provocative interior design ideas to be realized. toilet room, but in public places, perhaps someone will want to see what can come of it.

1. This toilet in Hong Kong is made of solid gold and only one toilet costs $3 million. In order not to scratch the golden floor, you will have to wear shoe covers.

About three tons of gold, $50 million and five years painstaking work three hundred people. These are the statistics of the most luxurious toilet in our review. Even more amazing is that this toilet suite is an exhibition room for display jewelry in Hong Kong. Hang Fung CEO Lam Sai-wing and the Swiss watch company Swisshorn have decided to build an entire 7,000-square-foot palace to show off their craftsmanship and promote tourism in Hong Kong. They called it the "Swisshorn Golden Palace", and everything there is really made of pure gold.

The cost of its rent for one night will be 25 thousand dollars. It seems that the creators launched Midas inside and forced him to touch everything inside, including toiletries. 14-carat toilet bowl, mirrors made of polished gold .. in this toilet it will be difficult to find at least one non-sparkling detail. Don't want to pay 25 thousand? Then for three dollars you can take a tour of the mansion. At these prices, the mansion will recoup its investment in just 399 years. The countdown has begun.

2. In Paris, toilets are self-cleaning after each use. As soon as you leave, a 60-second cleaning cycle begins and the toilet is automatically disinfected.

3. And in London, the architect Monica Bonvicini created a one-way mirror toilet, so you can pass the time "at this business", looking at passers-by.

Venetian designer Monica Bonvicini wants to make us believe that her roaming installation, titled "Don't waste a second," is a commentary on art lovers' reluctance to waste precious seconds viewing an exhibition. Maybe, but for us, as for any person walking down the street, it looks like a mirrored silver box. But when you are inside, you can see what is happening in the world through transparent glass.

We wouldn't be surprised if you spend all the time you're in this booth praying that the one-way mirror actually works. Those who are especially shy will have to choose more traditional ways relieve themselves, for example, in the nearest restaurant. The work debuted as a public toilet in the middle of a street in London in 2003, and also at the Kunstkamera in Zurich last summer. Where the toilet will be displayed next has not yet been decided. But if you see a giant silver box in public place point your finger at her and laugh out loud. It will be a very cruel joke on whoever is inside.

Luckily, the toilet has a one-way mirror so passers-by can't see you (at least we hope so).

5. This space toilet with a special vacuum was considered by Prince Charles himself when he came to visit the Engineering Museum of Innovation in Tokyo.

6. Everyone knows that the Japanese are crazy about video games. Now they are even in the toilets! Moreover, there are several games to choose from, but they all have one thing in common: you control ... your urine stream. For example, in the game "Graffiti Eraser" you wash off graffiti from the walls with your urine, and in the game "The North Wind and the Sun and Me, pee steam lets you lift the girl's skirt. Thus, the stronger the pressure, the more the skirt rises. Before getting down to business, the player is prompted to choose one of the mini-games. They control the course of the game with a jet - you yourself understand what. At the bottom of the urinal there are sensors that determine the accuracy (the target is a blue mark) of the hit and the pressure of the jet. Here is a video from the exhibition:

In one of the games, for example, it is required to wipe off graffiti by pouring it from a "hose":

Another game is called "Inflate the skirt with the wind" - the stronger the pressure, the higher the skirt:

At the end of the game, you will definitely be told how many milliliters you have squeezed out of yourself. All your achievements can be dumped on a USB flash drive and then presented to friends, so to speak, to measure ... with jets

7. On the 15th floor of the PPDG penthouse in Guadalajara, there is a toilet located above an open elevator shaft, and the bottom of the toilet is transparent. So to speak, for the thrill of sensations.

8. Compared to the previous toilet, these "eggs" in Hong Kong look quite modest.

9. At the Madarao-Kogen hotel, again in Japan, the city of Iiyama, you sit on the toilet, as if on top of a mountain, ready to ski down at any moment.

10. And although in this toilet in Hong Kong mall you do not play video games, but you can watch some TV show in the process.

13. Public toilet in New York, the doors of which automatically open after 15 minutes For starters, on the good side - these toilets are self-cleaning. Moreover, cleaning is done after each visitor. As soon as you leave the establishment and the doors close, one special mechanism cleans the toilet bowl, another washes the floor. Then all this is dried with a powerful jet warm air. And in order to clean up, which good doesn’t start while you are still inside, the floor is equipped with sensors that measure weight. Now about the understandable - institutions are paid, twenty-five cents from the nose. Which, in principle, is not so expensive.

And finally, the strangest thing is that the doors will open in fifteen minutes, regardless of what stage you are at. True, three minutes before the end of the allotted time, an alarm signal begins to sound, which can speed up the process. But if you have “big” plans, we advise you to still look for another institution, simpler. The idea was born in Seattle as a gesture of desperation by city officials. The fact is that public toilets became a favorite haunt of drug addicts and prostitutes. Ordinary people I had to dodge and look for other places to relieve myself. Unfortunately, the idea didn't work. Drug addicts and prostitutes perfectly adapted to the new conditions, and the establishments had to be closed as they did not justify the investment. This is the city of Seattle.

13. Bar 89, New York, USA Many New Yorkers know about Bar 89, located in Soho, in addition, this is one of the best places where you can "think about the meaning of life." The toilet cubicles in this establishment are made of transparent glass, but as soon as a visitor goes inside and locks himself there, the technical magic “freezes” this glass, so others will not see what they are doing inside. Although many are afraid that the amazing technique will not work during their visit and others will film everything on their mobile phones. However, it is unlikely that this will happen, because in all the years the system has never failed. The designer of these booths, Janice Leonard, assures that there will be no failure. In addition to the booths, she designed a curved window in the roof of the bar.

14. Street toilets in Amsterdam. They say that in the capital of the Netherlands, Amsterdam, people are very genial and open. If someone thinks otherwise, we suggest taking a look at the open booths installed on the streets of the city. Yes, that's right, these are toilets. Who said that in order to relieve a small need, a man needs solitude? Let's leave prejudices, as those who installed similar toilet cubicles left them. In general, this is unexpected decision one of the most ancient, but vital and recurring issues would be perfect for those who sometimes on the streets of our cities confuse the walls of houses and pillars with a latrine. Excuse me, what are the ladies to do? It looks like the solution this issue is currently under development.

But here another problem arises - at night this, of course, is very handy, but during the day the latrines lined up in a row do not look very aesthetically pleasing.

In London, they found an ingenious solution in terms of simplicity and elegance - folding urinals. During the day they remain underground and do not spoil the urban landscape, but as soon as the sun disappears behind the horizon and the night life, grow like mushrooms after the rain.

As soon as night falls on the city, as on the streets of London, like mushrooms after rain, toilets begin to “jump” out of the ground, no matter how silly it may sound! These seemingly strange futuristic objects are nothing but public toilets called Urilift. They were invented back in 1999 by the Dutch "toilet enthusiast" Mark Schimmel. Their clear advantage is space saving. European "jumping toilets" are free and can be used by anyone who wants to. At the same time, three people can fit in such a "cylinder". That's just in the instructions for using such unusual toilet nothing is said about what to do if the “capsule” together with the visitor suddenly sinks underground!?

The construction of a private house or cottage is best to start with the arrangement of the toilet. Building a house with your own hands or the work of builders will not be comfortable without all the necessary amenities, including a toilet for country toilet and washbasin. A toilet located outside the house is not the most convenient option, especially if you are going to live in the country all year round. Even for summer houses preferred option warm toilet located in the house and connected to the septic tank. And at the time of construction, you can buy a plastic dry closet. However, it is still worth building a toilet in the yard with a country toilet.

A country toilet bowl allows you to get such valuable fertilizer as compost. Such a building is also convenient when relaxing with guests on the street, they do not have to go into the room for this. outdoor toilet allows you to unload the home in the event that many residents live in the country. wooden building with interesting design fits perfectly into the landscape of the site. This object should be equipped thoughtfully and conveniently, especially for the country toilet.

How to choose a toilet for a summer residence?

It should be noted that the most convenient are plastic toilets They are easy to install and maintain. Most often, the installation and subsequent maintenance is undertaken by the supplier. However, such structures are quite expensive, and fertilizers cannot be obtained during the operation of such a toilet. Therefore, it is better to make a country toilet with your own hands. In the recent past, the only option for giving was wooden building with a hole in the floor, or a wooden toilet seat - an elevation with a hole made in it. Speaking of comfort, you can see that these designs are uncomfortable.

A good way out in this situation is a country toilet, installed above cesspool. Other options that involve installing a septic tank instead of a pit are also popular. It is not difficult to build a toilet with a toilet bowl on a site with water supply and sewerage. However, most often to a separate standing building water is not supplied.

Currently, there are special toilet bowls for summer cottages made of plastic. you can buy a plastic toilet bowl of any color, products of dark tones are in the greatest demand. The material is strong enough, it is able to withstand the weight of a person. The toilet itself is light in weight. Most cottage owners equip toilets with just such toilets. Conventional toilets are of great weight, wooden floors may not be able to withstand it.

Choosing a place to build a toilet

Before the beginning construction works you need to choose a place for the future construction. The toilet, of course, should not be built in the center of the garden.

It is better to place it in the far corner personal plot, at a short distance from the back and side borders.

If there are wells or other sources on the site drinking water, from them, when choosing a place for construction, it is necessary to retreat 20 m. If there are hills and slopes on the site, the toilet must be built below the source of drinking water. The direction of the winds is an important criterion, otherwise the toilet will emit unpleasant odors. If the building will have a cesspool that requires regular cleaning with a sewer machine, it is necessary to equip the check-in.

How to build a country toilet with a toilet?

The construction of such structures on suburban area start with digging holes and erecting a foundation. Before starting work, prepare the following materials and tools:

  • concrete;
  • brick;
  • profile pipes;
  • shovel;
  • wooden bars;
  • welding machine;
  • wooden board;
  • clamps;
  • a hammer;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • screwdriver

The pit is dug according to the size of the toilet itself. It is desirable to combine the foundation pit and the foundation by creating a reservoir, on the walls of which the structure itself will be placed. The base can be brick or monolithic concrete. After the pit is dug, you can begin to build the foundation for toilet house. It is made from wooden beams or profile pipes, which are attached to the foundation by welding or anchor bolts. After the construction of the base, they begin to assemble the toilet. The frame for the toilet is best made from metal pipes. The crate must intersect with the main elements more than 3 times. This gives the structure the required strength. For the frame, timber 8x8 or more is usually used.

After construction vertical design begin arranging the crate for finishing. This is done using a mounting rail various sizes. Best for upholstery edged board nice looking and easy to attach. The board is placed on a wooden grate and attached to the frame with nails or self-tapping screws. After the construction of the external part of the structure is completed, you can proceed to the arrangement of the internal.

Most in a simple way arrangement of a country toilet is the installation of a wooden counter. To do this, an elevation is made 40-50 cm high, in the upper part of which a hole is provided, into which a plastic toilet seat with a lid is placed. This design has an aesthetic appearance, however, it does not always satisfy all the needs of the inhabitants of the cottage. If a wooden structure is located above a cesspool, it must be well ventilated. To do this, outside the structure is mounted ventilation tube 2-3 m high and 10 cm in diameter. Odors from the toilet will go out through this pipe.

People are constantly coming up with new ways to make a country toilet from the materials at hand. A convenient and practical toilet bowl can be built from galvanized steel. Prepare in advance the following tools and materials:

  • plywood sheet;
  • Bulgarian;
  • jigsaw;
  • plastic toilet seat;
  • steel sheets.

As a basis for the toilet bowl, a cylinder with a section of 35 cm is made, the top of which is cut into petals. The seat is made from thick plywood. required form. For the manufacture of a durable seat, it is necessary to take sheets of plywood 0.8-1 cm thick. It is attached to a steel chamomile. The resulting toilet is installed in a hole in wooden floor above a pit or barrel for receiving waste. A plastic toilet seat with a lid is attached to the plywood seat. Experienced Builders consider galvanized steel to be fragile and are advised to make toilet bowls from stainless steel.

How to install a plastic toilet?

When installing a plastic toilet bowl, people often face the problem of attaching it over a container for collecting feces. If a barrel with round hole, and the plastic toilet will have an oval hole, there will be a problem of combining these items. The way out of this situation is to use steel sheet. It is folded, giving the appearance of a cone. The narrow part is inserted into the opening of the receiving tank, the wide part is attached to the base of the floor of the building. The widest part of the cone should have a diameter larger diameter toilet holes. steel structure must be fastened without tension, so that the metal can withstand temperature changes.

The joints of the edges of the barrel, steel sheets and wooden planks covered with waterproofing mastic. Then cover the floor wooden deck. The toilet itself is placed on the floor, the bottom of which is circled. Then, along these lines, a hole is cut in the floor using electric jigsaw. A strip is cut out of the steel sheet, which will be used when finishing the hole. The edges of the strip are bent, holes are made and the toilet bowl is fixed on the floor by placing a special tape from below. All joints are covered with mastic.

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