What height to make the ceilings in the house. What should be the comfortable height of the ceilings and what is this value in practice. Block and panel houses

Ceiling height is an integral part comfortable living and psychological sensation in the room. Generally accepted rules and regulations establish this value depending on the type of structure. In apartments, this height does not have to be chosen, it is set building standards and on average is 2.5-2.7 m. And if we are talking about a private house at the stages of construction and planning, then this parameter is given special attention.

Thanks to correct calculations you will not have problems with the installation of multi-tiered ceilings and the placement of any decorative elements inside the rooms.

Ceiling height depends on the purpose of the room

The decision on the height of the ceilings should be made at the stage of approval of the project of the house. There are no standards as such for its size. However, it will depend on the purpose of the room. For example, for saunas and baths it is absolutely not appropriate to choose high ceilings, since the heat consumed will be distributed for other purposes, and all the steam will be concentrated at the top.

For small living rooms increasing the ceiling will lead to an uncomfortable feeling. Rooms with low ceilings are ideal for nurseries, bathrooms and kitchens that do not require a huge area. But living rooms and halls, rooms reserved for a library or warehouse - will look great with the maximum high level ceilings in large houses.

Generally accepted norms and requirements of standards

A height of 2.7 m in a private house is taken as a generally accepted value. It will be quite enough for a comfortable stay, as well as cleaning and repairing the premises. With such a height, it is quite easy to design multi-level ceilings both mounted and tension. However, if you do not want to clutter up the ceiling surface various designs, but just paint it, a height of 2.5 m is quite suitable. These are private generally accepted standards.

Standards for the construction of modern buildings are regulated various norms sanitary regulations and requirements of state standards. They can be found in building regulations- SNiPakh. In houses where people permanently live, these rules are established by minimum value at 2.6 m. Guided by these norms, you should know that many of them have already lost their force and are recognized not as laws, but only as codes of practice. Despite this, many designers still use them. In the new urban planning rules architectural design ceiling height is not regulated. Therefore, you can choose it at your discretion, without violating fire safety requirements.

There is an opinion of the owners of private houses that the higher the ceiling height, the better. It is believed that in this case it is possible to equip a room in various options and according to your taste. But this is far from true. Imagine a room in a residential building, the walls of which are more than three meters. The total cubic footage of such a room will be larger, which will make it more spacious. But in winter period It will take a lot of time to heat such areas.

According to the laws of physics warm air always strives upward, and the cold one spreads on the floor. And even with the abundant use of heating devices, heat will be spent for other purposes. In addition, heat accumulating at the top of the room will destroy attic space and the roof itself. If it is wooden, then the material will soon dry out and crack.

Standard normal height in brick, frame or log house, as well as in a two-story country cottage must comply with SNiP. These rules are the same as on the first one. Same on the second floor.

Room geometry

Expert opinion converges at a ceiling height of 2.6 to 3 meters. In order to choose correctly from this range, it is necessary to determine the layout of the building and its use. An important role is played by the seasonal operation of the house. If you are planning to build a cozy summer house with small rooms, feel free to choose a height of 2.6 meters. Such houses are not characterized by huge living rooms and spacious halls. Therefore, the ceilings do not need elevation.

If the house is intended for year-round living, spacious bedrooms and a large living room will look appropriate in it. In this case, you can not do without high walls, especially if the layout of the rooms provides for the placement of bunk beds.

Optimal ceiling height format

Each owner of a house under construction wants to choose the optimal height for the rooms of his house. It must be remembered that the house has yet to be built, and then to maintain and care for its space, and not just enjoy its magnificence. To choose best option stick to three things:

  • your desires;
  • ergonomics rules;
  • building standards.

Everything is clear with our desires, and they are quite diverse, so they do not need to be discussed. But you should get acquainted with ergonomics at least in in general terms. This scientific discipline studies the effective interaction of a person with the space around him to maximize his functions. Therefore, when choosing a height, you should have an idea about the purpose of the room, the location of household items and decor elements in it.

To choose the best option, you need to rely on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe rooms. There is a rule: what more area- the higher the walls. A small room with a huge ceiling will look ridiculous, and in a large hall, a ceiling of two and a half meters will put pressure on its space. There is another way to define desired height. To do this, you can choose the tallest member of your family and ask him to stretch his arms up. Add 30-35 mm to its height, and summing up to get the optimal value.

Cons and pros of high ceilings


  1. the cost of designing and building a house will become more expensive. In addition, you will have to spend money on materials for interior decoration;
  2. it will not be easy to organize a heating system, but in the process of use it will require large cash costs;
  3. any repair work ceiling will require considerable effort. Workers will have to use additional facilities in their work, which will also affect the price and time of repairs;
  4. household difficulties. When cleaning the upper half of the room will require skill. Replacing an elementary light bulb can turn into a big problem.

Despite this, high ceilings have become very widespread due to their advantages:

  1. high altitude has a special atmosphere and a free feeling in the house;
  2. limitless imagination in the design of decorating the ceiling. High walls will create unique design ceiling, using two or three-tier plasterboard constructions. Large-scale ceiling can be decorated with various decorative stucco which will look luxurious with classic style or medieval baroque.

Even such a huge space requires effective use. Designers recommend applying the "rule of three" - visually breaking the walls into three sections. Place on the bottom additional finishing, for example, sheathe it with stone or clapboard. Decorate the second section with paintings and shelves.

These items should not be placed above eye level to prevent a feeling of emptiness. Third, leave it untouched. With this layout, the ceiling will seem even higher! In the design of lighting, be sure to use massive chandeliers. They will emphasize the elegance and chic of the room.

So that space does not inspire boredom, accept bold decision- paint one of the walls in a contrasting bright color! This accent will add uniqueness.

Cons and pros of low ceilings


  1. Feelings of oppressive space will always accompany a room with a low ceiling. It will be uncomfortable to be in it.
  2. Limited use of hanging chandeliers. There are houses where the ceiling height is limited to two meters. In such rooms, the chandelier will have to be bypassed.
  3. Limited ability to create architectural compositions. If you dream of creating layered structure in a room with a low ceiling, you will have to seek help from professional designers. Creating such a ceiling will be difficult, but possible.

pros low ceilings are in the minuses of high. Therefore, we will not repeat ourselves. Let's take a better look at what designers will advise in these cases.

Ceiling height is an important parameter, the value of which determines the level of comfort in the room and the possibility of implementing certain design ideas. For different types premises have their own rules. These values ​​are specified in normative documentation Ergonomics also deals with these issues.

Calculations of the distance from the floor to the ceiling surface in the room should be determined at the design stage

Ergonomics of living quarters

The science of ergonomics develops parameters for the optimal ceiling height, at which a person would feel as comfortable as possible.

To create a comfortable atmosphere during construction, the following ergonomic conditions must be observed:

These requirements will vary depending on the size of the room.

The first optimal values ​​were calculated by Dürer and Ernst Neufert (about 2.7 m). It is they who are taken as the basis for calculating the standard height of ceilings in SNiP - building codes and rules used during construction.


It is worth noting that normative documents the only correct value is not set, but only indicated minimum height ceiling for living spaces different type. Below it, construction is not allowed.

  1. Living quarters and kitchens - 2.5-2.7 m.
  2. Corridors and halls - 2.1 m.
  3. Boiler rooms - 2.2 m.
  4. Baths, steam rooms, saunas - 3.2 m.
  5. Dry cleaners and laundries - 3.6 m.
  6. Offices and other administrative facilities - 3 m.

On practice

Modern indicator the distance from the ceiling to the floor depends on many factors. The main one is the standard of living of the owners of the premises. In multi-apartment and private houses, as well as cottages that are being built for further sale, developers can take into account the wishes of customers. As they say, any whim for your money.
Typically, ceiling heights panel house fluctuates within 2.5-3.2 m. It is believed that the value of 2.5 m is the lower threshold, at which there is no feeling of discomfort and a “pressing” effect.

The height of the Stalinist ceilings

The height of apartments in Stalinist houses is 3-4 m. They were built back in the 30-50s of the twentieth century during the reign of Stalin. These apartments are large and bright, have wide corridors, voluminous door and window openings, spacious bathrooms, kitchens, rooms. We can safely say that such rooms fully comply with ergonomic requirements.

Spacious rooms in stalinkas meet all the requirements of ergonomics

Ceiling height in Brezhnevka

High-rise Brezhnev houses (from 9 to 16 floors) appeared in the USSR in the 70s. At first, the premises in them were called apartments with an improved layout. If we compare them with rooms in Khrushchevs, then it really looked like the truth. The distance from the floor to the ceiling surface in Brezhnev's houses is 2.5–2.7 m. total area apartments - 20-80 sq. m.

Brezhnevkas are characterized by average parameters, which are considered optimal for life.

Ceilings in new buildings

Today, when building houses, different standards are applied. Elite class apartments can have a height of 3 m or more. Price square meter housing is well above average. AT budget options stop at a value of 2.7 m, which is considered optimal both from the financial side and from the point of view of comfort.
The average height of rooms in a nine-story building is 2.6–2.8 m.

High rooms in new buildings allow you to embody the most original variants design

Stretch ceiling

Tension structures it is recommended to install in high rooms from 2.7 m, as they tend to conceal space.
How much the ceiling will reduce the height depends on the type of luminaires mounted and engineering communications. Usually this value is about 10 cm. The minimum distance between the main and stretch ceiling coverings should not be less than 3 cm.

AT low rooms(less than 2.4 m) stretch ceiling must be used with caution. The best way in this case, simple single-level structures. If the room allows, then the space for design fantasies is not limited, and it is quite possible to stop at three- or four-level structures with complex configurations.

How to visually increase the height of the ceiling

If the room is low, you can add space to it visually:

  • choose correct finish ceiling, for example. glossy finish;
  • use materials of the same shade (white, milky, cream) when decorating walls and ceilings;
  • highlight the boundaries between the wall and ceiling with a mirror strip;
  • cover the walls with a pattern with a vertical orientation (the pattern should not be too frequent and not too bright);
  • install cornice lighting (cornice should be hung at a height of 5-10 cm from the ceiling).

LED lamps and led strip along the perimeter of the room will visually increase its space and diversify the interior with original lighting effects

The height of the room affects not only the cost of the housing itself and its maintenance, but also the well-being of those who live in it. This indicator determines the design options that can be applied for decoration, is responsible for comfortable atmosphere and comfort in your rooms.

Each person wants his home to be as spacious as possible, therefore, when purchasing a house or apartment, he first of all evaluates its area. But, unfortunately, during searches, people often lose sight of such a moment as the height of the ceiling for one-story house. Ceiling height can greatly affect the visual perception of the room. If the ceilings are too low, then a person, being in such a room, will constantly experience discomfort and inconvenience.

Very often, people in their homes prefer to make ceilings about 3.5 meters high. This option is very convenient, since only the upper 20 cm of the walls remain unoccupied in such rooms. Below this mark are cornices and carpets.

In addition, in apartments you can often find ceilings from 2.7 to 2.7 meters high. This option is also quite good - there is the necessary space in the room, and its price due to saving the materials used is quite acceptable.

The ideal option is a ceiling height of 3.2 meters - the room has large volume fresh air which is good for health. In addition, such a ceiling height does not have a visual "pressing" effect. If you do not have the opportunity to equip ceilings of this height, a mark of 2.5 meters is quite suitable. This height is quite comfortable for a person.

Ceiling heights and energy consumption in the house

The thickness of the floor, the space above the ceiling and the height of the room from floor to ceiling are the components of the floor height between the finished floor marks. The height of the floor, as a rule, is determined by the norms building design and the structure of the building itself. Ceiling height influences the efficiency of energy consumption in the room, as it affects the area of ​​the outer surface of the building, which is exposed to solar radiation and atmospheric influences.

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Construction of monolithic private houses

The main advantage of a low height is to reduce the amount of air conditioning required in the home, which can save unnecessary electricity. In some countries, special studies have been carried out regarding the most optimal ceiling height.

For example, in the UK, the subjective opinion of people was ascertained regarding low ceilings of the order of 2.4 - 2.55 m. Upon completion of the research, it turned out that such a height is considered quite optimal and does not cause discomfort. Moreover, some people did not even notice that the ceilings are low.

When building a private house, the owner must be guided not only by his preferences, but also comply with current regulations. This is especially true for room heights. for various purposes. The height of the ceilings is also important in apartments, because it affects the comfort of living and the possibility of design decoration rooms. AT different eras different building codes apply. The indicators also differ depending on the purpose of the room. We will tell you which optimal height ceilings in a private house, apartment, and also describe what it depends on and what should be the height of the bath from floor to ceiling.

As for the height of the ceilings in the apartment, these standards are regulated by a document called SNiP, in particular its series 31-01-2003. You can read more about this indicator in paragraph 5.8 of this document.

It says here that the minimum height of a room or ancillary premises determined depending on:

  • its type and purpose;
  • construction region.

Important! Room height standards exist to ensure optimal natural circulation indoor air and a favorable microclimate.

To find out which climatic region a particular place belongs to, just refer to SNiP under the number 23-01-99. The entire territory of our country is divided into climatic regions, taking into account the average monthly temperature, air humidity and the direction of the prevailing winds. The territory of the Russian Federation is divided into 4 climatic regions. All of them are additionally divided into 16 districts. Zone ІA is considered the coldest.

Depending on the climatic region, the following norms for the height of the premises apply:

  1. In territories belonging to zones IA, ІB, ІГ, ІД, as well as VA, the minimum allowable height from floor to ceiling is 2700 mm.
  2. In all other zones, the norm is 2500 mm.

Residential regulations

Today, new apartments with high ceilings are not often found. This is explained by the fact that this moment there are norms according to which the optimal distance from the ceiling surface to the clean floor in the apartment is taken equal to 2400-2800 mm. Designing apartments with a height of less than 2.4 m is prohibited. A lower indicator will not only adversely affect the microclimate in the room, but will also not allow a person to feel comfortable in a low room.

These regulations do not apply to construction individual houses. If desired, the owner of such a building can equip rooms with a height of 3000-3500 mm. But in pursuit comfortable room do not forget that high rooms take longer to heat up and require significant heating costs.

Today, the following norms for the height of residential premises are in force:

  • children's room, bedroom, living room and office - at least 2500 mm;
  • kitchen - also not less than 250 cm;
  • if mezzanines are installed in the corridor or hallway, then under them the optimal distance from the floor to the ceiling surface is 2100 mm;
  • ceiling height in a private house with an attic can be reduced indoors with pitched roof twice (that is, the junction of the wall and the sloping ceiling should be at least 1.4 m-1.6 m from the floor).

The extreme maximum value for this parameter in private buildings is not specified. Most often, rooms in houses are made no higher than 3200 mm, and in buildings of the last century - 4000 mm.

Norms for non-residential premises

When designing non-residential premises, they are guided by the following standards for this indicator:

  • public buildings and sanatoriums - not less than 3000 mm;
  • auxiliary premises and corridors - at least 1900 mm;
  • production shops and dry cleaners - at least 3600 mm;
  • the height of the technical floors depends on the engineering communications passing there, but should not be lower than 1600 mm;
  • Kindergartens, schools, medical institutions - at least 3000 mm;
  • offices, shopping centers and administrative institutions - at least 3 meters.

Standard ceiling height in houses

Apartment buildings built in a certain era have a different parameter for the height of the premises. Moreover, the difference depends on the purpose of the structure and the time of its construction. For apartments built in different parts of our country, the same dimensions are characteristic.


Such apartments belong to the old housing stock and are characterized by impressive dimensions. This era is characterized by a lack of savings on space and materials, because mass housing construction was not observed. The distance from the ceiling surface to the floor in such apartments is 3300-3600 mm. On the ceiling, there is often decor in the form of stucco and decorative cornices.

Advice! To adjust the parameters of high "stalinok" suspended or stretch ceilings are installed. As for painting, wallpapering or whitewashing, they are inappropriate in such apartments.


In the era of Khrushchev's rule, the task was to provide housing for every family. Since the project implementation timeframe and costs were rather limited, small-sized apartments were designed. On average, the distance from floor to ceiling was 2480-2600 mm, but in the northern latitudes, apartments were built at least 2700 mm high.

Important! The ceiling surface in Khrushchev is not decorated suspended structures who steal valuable centimeters. For visual expansion space it is recommended to use light glossy finishing materials.


Houses built during the Brezhnev era are distinguished by their improved size, because after the mass construction of the "Khrushchev" small apartments it's time to think about the comfort of housing. The apartments are distinguished by spacious areas, each room has a separate entrance, the kitchen is quite spacious, there are built-in cabinets and mezzanines in the corridor. As for the altitude, in Brezhnevka this parameter is 2600-2700 mm.

Block and panel houses

Active arming of panel and block houses started in the Khrushchev era. The distance from ceiling to floor in the first panels built was 2500 mm. At the same time, the layout of small-sized Khrushchev houses was completely preserved.

In the 80s, they began to build new block and panel apartment buildings with improved layout. Here the height of the rooms is in the range of 2650-2750 mm. The layout of the apartments was radically different from the Khrushchev buildings, and the height of the house exceeded 5 floors.


There are no exact norms regarding the height of outbuildings. Buildings for household purposes may differ in this parameter depending on the region of construction and the purpose of the premises. A shed for storing utensils and tools is made 1900 mm high. If it is necessary to store large items, the distance is increased to 2000-2200 mm.

Ceiling heights for utility rooms

Each apartment has ancillary facilities. These are places where a person does not stay permanently, that is, he does not sleep, does not cook or eat. When designing them, they are also guided by certain standards.


In apartments and private houses, the bathroom is arranged under the same ceiling as the living rooms, so the height of the room is directly related to standard height the rest of the apartment or house. If the bathroom area is small, and the distance from floor to ceiling is significant, then the room seems disproportionate and uncomfortable. To correct this shortcoming in the bathroom, suspended or stretch ceilings are mounted at the right distance from the floor.


Want to know the exact height of the ceiling in the bath, the standard is 2300 mm. Usually, this parameter is observed during the construction of a one-story separately standing building. The height of the ceiling in the bath less than 2200 mm is unacceptable, because it leads to poor circulation of heated air.

Attention! More precisely, the distance from floor to ceiling in the bath is determined taking into account the number of shelves and total number rows.

However, if the bath is made very high, then the room will warm up for a very long time to required temperature. Another disadvantage of too high a bath lies in the significant costs of raw materials or electricity for heating.

How to calculate ceiling height

For self-determination optimal distance from the ceiling surface to the clean floor in the room, adhere to the following rules:

  1. For living rooms and other premises of permanent residence of a person, this parameter is selected taking into account the growth of the tallest household. A height reserve of 1 m is added to its growth. A reserve of free space above human height is needed to protect against inhalation of dusty and very dry air, which circulates a meter from the ceiling.
  2. When determining the height of the rooms, do not forget to take into account the cost of heating. A high room takes longer to heat up and requires high costs for heating the coolant.

Interesting fact! With an increase in floor height by 30 cm, the cubic capacity of the house increases by 30 m³. As a result, for the device autonomous heating powerful expensive equipment is required.

  1. In multi-storey private houses, a significant distance from floor to ceiling requires the construction of an overall staircase, which takes up a lot of space. usable area. To save space, you can make a steeper staircase, but it is not safe to move along it.
  2. When calculating this parameter, consider the area individual rooms. So, a high ceiling in a small room looks disproportionate and causes an unpleasant feeling in people who are there. Too low ceiling surface in a spacious room makes it visually even lower.

When is it allowed to break the rules?

When erecting individual home you may not comply with the current regulations regarding the height of the premises. However, do not forget that this often leads to undesirable consequences in the form of high costs for materials and heating at home or an unfavorable microclimate in housing.

During construction apartment buildings and public buildings, designers and builders are obliged to comply with the current norms regarding the height of the premises.