Painting imitation timber indoors. Painting timber imitation - what, how and for what price: transparent and opaque compositions, painting features Processing timber imitation inside the house

In this article, we will touch on two questions that owners often ask us. country houses: how to paint the imitation of timber outside and what paint to paint the imitation of timber inside the house?

Imitation panels are dry, planed material that has been dried in special drying chambers. This means that absolutely any composition is suitable for coating the imitation of timber, whether it be impregnation, oil, paint or varnish. Preparing the wood surface for painting right choice LKM, a quality tool - this is the key to success in painting imitation timber inside and outside the house.

It doesn't matter what type of wood you choose - these recommendations will help you paint in the standard way, so that the result will please you for many, many years. Our experience of working in the paint shop and on customer sites has long made it clear that most people have no idea about the systemic work of wood staining. It is this method that allows the coating to serve the terms regulated by the manufacturer.

Photo 1. Imitation of pine timber

So, the first stage, the choice of material

There are two options here:

Travel by yourself povybirat on construction markets. Spend your time, but get 100% what you like. When choosing, you need to make a visual inspection of 2-3 packs, if everything is fine, then most likely the whole lot will be the same with a deviation from the variety of no more than 5% (any manufacturer has these 5% re-sorting, a simple human factor + loading shipments, at which they can broken spikes and grooves occur);

Will turn to a company with a good reputation in the market and giving a guarantee in the form of payment after delivery. They will bring you the goods, look at the quality, pay. Save a lot of time and get a good product, plus in online stores, consultants are much more informed about what fasteners to use, what beams for battens, than to paint imitation timber inside and outside the house.

Photo 2. Imitation of a beam of needles

Further, how to process imitation timber when applied outside?

When you mount an imitation of a beam after painting on the facade or hems of overhangs, then mature her with opened ends of packages no need. You can immediately start pre-grinding with an eccentric machine with a grit of 80-120. This is necessary in order to even out minor gouging defects and open the pores of the wood for better adhesion of the surface to the paintwork;

Photo 3. Imitation of timber

Roller or brush apply a primer. It would be better if you also prime the back side of the board, this will prevent torsion, mold, and uneven moisture from the board (in wet weather, the board “wet”, the sun came out, warmed up, and this is where the problems begin ...)

Photo 4. Painting imitation timber

- intermediate grinding for the purpose of removing lint. If your goal is to paint beautifully, so that it arouses the envy of passers-by, then it is necessary to grind, otherwise the paint or oil on the rearing pile will pretty much ruin the “clothes” of your house;

Photo 5. Painting imitation

Application first layerpaintwork. Now we have come close to the question of how to paint an imitation of a bar outside the house. So, LKM, you can choose any type, be it paint, oil, varnish or impregnation. In our long practice, we have settled on hydraulic oils and M0 46 Renner, Nordika Eko covering systems, Teknos translucent impregnations and varnishes, as the most resistant and easy to apply. LKM of these manufacturers we recommend for painting the house;

Photo 6. Teknos painted timber imitation

After the first coat of paint, you need to lightly walk on the surface abrasive stone with a grain size of 150-200, in order to remove the rest of the lint.

Photo 7. Imitation of pine timber

Not removed pile is the cause of non-painting, pigmented spots and destruction of the paintwork film on the surface before the declared service life.

Photo 8. Imitation of pine timber

- second layerpaintwork. When we paint in the paint shop, we add here the method of measuring the dry residue with a thickness gauge in order to know for sure whether another layer is needed, because the consumption rate liter / m2 is prescribed for a reason and any savings that are so pleasing at first can cause a reduction in the period operation.

How and how to process an imitation of timber inside the house?

Preliminary preparation, applying paintwork materials, applying oil, varnish or paint in order to paint an imitation of timber inside the house is practically no different from painting the exterior. But, here, if desired, the thickness of the dry residue of paint on the surface of the wood will not be critical. So if you save paint by applying one layer, then nothing bad will happen.

Photo 9. Painted timber imitation

In order to cover the imitation of a bar inside the house, it is enough to do a preliminary grinding, a primer - only if the selected shade stains heavily or non-paints are visible after the first layer. The use of coatings inside the house eliminates antiseptic additives and fungicides, the service life is significantly increased, for example, when painting with Teknos, an elite lacquer scheme will always stand idle. Yes, yes, always.

Photo 10. Imitation of timber interior decoration

You can paint the imitation inside the house with the same YS M300 hydraulic oil, or with covering paint Nordika Eco, lacquer Renner YO 30C301 , elite scheme Teknos. These are time-tested methods of staining, paintwork materials that are easy to apply, but the service life and aesthetic properties will truly delight you.

Photo 11. Painted timber imitation

Company "LesoBirzha" I am ready to offer you the service of professional painting of lumber in a workshop, and if you set out to do the work yourself, then our specialists will be happy to answer the question: how to paint an imitation of timber inside the house or outside. Photos of objects you will see on our website. Contact us, we are happy to help you.

Proper maintenance of false timber trim includes timely painting of this material. It is important to know what paint to choose in order to paint the imitation of timber with high quality and reliability. Periodic treatment of wood with the right paint guarantees a flawless finish. appearance interior and exterior walls of the house. Paints and varnishes on wooden panels maintain the safety of products long years. But in order for such protection of the ball to be correct, you need to know how to paint the imitation of a bar inside the house, which we will try to figure out now.

Types of paints

All paints intended for processing imitation panels are divided into transparent and opaque compositions. The former are indispensable where it is required to protect wooden panels from harmful effects environment while retaining the original texture of the false beam. For these purposes, varnishes or glazes are purchased that have good protective properties and light decorative effects.

Lacquers, in turn, are divided into:

  • Acrylic.
  • Water emulsion.
  • Polyurethane.
  • Epoxy.

Lacquers can be completely transparent or with a moderate tint; after application, a film is formed on the finish of imitation timber. Liquid glazes with protective components penetrate deep into the wood and leave a beautiful matte shine and the desired shade on its surface.

Opaque coatings include:

  • Acrylic paints.
  • Alkyd emulsions - oil and enamel.
  • Water-dispersion paints.

If opaque paint is applied to the imitation of timber, the real wood pattern will be completely painted over with pigments.

Interior paints

The primary function of painting imitation timber indoors is decorative purpose. Interior wall decoration usually does not impose special requirements for protection. The exceptions are rooms with high humidity - sauna, bath, bath, kitchen. It is advisable to treat such premises with stronger paints. In other cases, the emphasis is on the decorative properties of the compositions, for which opaque coatings are selected that create the necessary textural effect.

Range coloring compositions for internal walls consists of the following items:

  • Oil paint.
  • Enamels.
  • Acrylic paint.
  • Alkyd paint- for baths, saunas and pools.

Painting imitation timber inside the house

Before you paint an imitation of timber inside the house, you must follow the basic rule: when buying paint for a living space, you need to rely on the safety of the coating. When choosing a material, you should pay attention to a trusted manufacturer. Low-quality paint is toxic and releases into the air during the entire period of operation. harmful substances. Knowing how to correctly cover the imitation of a beam inside the house, a person will protect himself and his loved ones from negative consequences painting. Most best option paints for interior decoration- compositions based on water.

On our website you can find contacts construction companies, which offer the service of finishing and warming houses. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

The choice of paint material for exterior decoration

The outer cladding board may be damaged by exposure sudden changes temperatures, precipitation, scorching sun. The main criterion for painting imitation timber outside the house is the protective properties of the coating. Changing the appearance of the panel is in second place here.

Assortment of facade paints for timber:

  • Professional - applied using a special technology.
  • Alkyd.
  • Acrylic.
  • Silicone.

The final coating protects the panel from destruction as much as possible. Painting with a decorative layer for best effect is carried out in three stages. How exactly to paint the imitation of a bar on the outside depends on many factors - each paintwork differs in price, durability, application technology. To cover the imitation of timber, an acrylic variety of compositions has proven itself well. Facade water-borne paint, bonded with silicone resins, has worthy characteristics: resistance to moisture, cracks, abrasion. However, silicone paint is not as common in home repairs as other types of coatings, due to the inflated cost. Alkyd enamels are a good choice in terms of price-quality ratio.

Service life of various paints

One of the criteria for the quality of paint applied to imitation timber is the service life of the coating. The time during which the paint performs its functions is different for each type of coating. The performance of paints to some extent depends on the preparation of the surface to be painted and the technology of coating. In many ways, the durability of paints determines the degree of aggressiveness of the environment.

If during the production of paints all the requirements of GOST were observed, the coating acquires the properties indicated in the description. Accordingly, the right choice of coating guarantees a good result for many years. Performance characteristics Paintwork for wooden bases:

  • Oil paint based on natural drying oil - no more than 3 years.
  • Enamel based on alkyd resin - 10 years.
  • Acrylic paint with polyacrylate binder - at least 8 years.
  • Water-dispersion coating with organic solvent - 20 years.
  • Water-dispersion on a mineral basis - 10 years.
  • Silicone based on silicone resins - 20 years.

If the exterior panels are treated with a clear coat, you should be ready for re-painting after 2 to 3 years.

Paint preparation

The LKM market is crowded today different types coatings. For more quality products supplier installs pretty high prices. It is important to guess correctly with the amount of paint, so as not to further undermine your budget with unnecessary waste. Internal and exterior finish timber imitation is covered with paint in several stages, this must be taken into account when preparing paintwork materials. A smooth wooden surface, unlike a rough one, absorbs much less paint.

Multiplying total area walls by the number of layers of paint, you can find out how much you need to purchase paintwork material for exterior or interior painting. Paint consumption may vary if the composition is diluted with solvents.

Preparation of imitation timber for painting

Regardless of the type of paintwork, the surface of the sheathing board before starting painting work should be properly prepared.

As a rule, ready-made imitation panels for timber are already sanded and do not require additional machining. Except when you need to remove the old peeling layer of paint, dirt and dust. A clean machined surface improves the adhesion of the paints to the wood. The preparation of the finish also consists in protecting the wood from fungal infections.

Additional mechanical processing can give the tree a more pronounced naturalness. To do this, it is convenient to use a special brush with stiff bristles, leaving behind small depressions in the wood. This way pre-training appropriate if transparent paint is to be applied.

From the processes of decay and deformation wooden panels antiseptic preparations are suitable under the timber. Most paints work well on imitation timber, so priming the wood surface is not necessary. To painting work proceed after the final drying of the compositions on the surface of the base material.

Interior wall painting

The interior atmosphere of the room largely depends on comfort and coziness. You can achieve the desired result with the help of the original finishing under the timber. Lumber will retain its decorative properties, if they are periodically treated with special paint to imitate timber inside any room.

Practical Tips:

  1. When mixing the coloring composition, the proportions provided by the paint manufacturer must be observed. Information about this is contained on the packaging of the product.
  2. To work, you need a tool for painting. Ordinary brush is resistant to chemicals and withstand the load.
  3. To avoid smudges and uneven layer, you need to work slowly and carefully, immersing the brush in the composition up to half the bristles. A small amount of paint on the surface is distributed as thinly as possible.
  4. For large volumes, it is convenient to apply the composition with a roller or spray gun.
  5. Re-painting is possible after thorough drying of the first layer of coating.

Modern paints for internal works are non-toxic and do not have a strong odor. It is safe to work with such compounds even with prolonged contact.

Video description

Read more about painting walls from false beams inside - in this video.

Painting the facade under the beam

Exterior painting of imitation finishes according to technology is not much different from interior painting. Specific skills and equipment require the use of professional compositions, so it is rational to entrust such work to specialists. Before painting, wooden panels for timber should be prepared as described above. After opening, the coloring composition is thoroughly mixed. For the spray gun, the paint is pre-diluted with a solvent.

Features of applying exterior paint:

  1. Use protective equipment if necessary.
  2. For work, you need to choose dry and calm weather.

Thanks to bright and saturated shades, the exterior decoration of the house always looks fashionable and stylish. The neutral natural color of the facade under the beam is combined with any shade of the roof, the bold colors of the houses need to be matched to the shade of the roof more carefully.


With the help of modern paints, you can ennoble even without that stylish finish beam imitation. And even if, for some reason, the shade of paint does not like it, you can always change it to another tone, and then your house will look new. The range of coatings presented on modern market, allows you to realize any design ideas.

For some time now, the facing of country houses has been popular with a cheaper version of wood decks - its copy. Therefore, the issue of caring for the material is relevant, in particular, how to paint the imitation of timber inside the house.

The most common “imitated timber” is a lining that has been previously processed and creates the illusion of a wooden timber structure.

A similar finishing method is equally applicable to wooden buildings, brick and concrete.

In order to form a dummy structure, linings of the same size range are fixed on a pre-installed crate in a clearly established manner, after which the structure is covered with specific mixtures.

In the production of lining, coniferous wood is often used: pine, spruce, larch. The variety of species used allows consumers to choose cladding according to quality and aesthetic requirements, financial possibilities, prioritizing before painting interior finishes.

Color matching

Painting imitation timber is characterized by coating the material with a composition that provides the wood with a certain color and aesthetic beauty. From a similar point of view, this stage is called the most important step in finishing the building.

Before covering the imitation of timber with a special mixture, it is advisable to study the available assortment. Presented on the domestic market wide selection products. Consider the key points when choosing a material:

  • Colored dyes are designed to be applied to pre-primed wood. As a dye, you can use all the compositions of the corresponding class (for interior decoration).
  • Invisible blends enhance the beauty of wood while preserving it original view. Working with transparent mixtures allows you to experiment with combining tones.

The bleached wood finish is eye-catching, showing off good taste hosts. Transparent mixtures include stains, glazes, impregnations, and many varnishes. Full combinations deserve attention clear solutions and half: the combined components successfully focus on the natural texture of tree species.

Staining options

It does not matter how to subsequently paint the imitation of the timber inside the house (whatever paint is chosen), and the surface in any case must be carefully prepared for the main painting procedure. visible side structures are primed, increasing its service life and strength. You should delve into the decoding of the methods of coating formation.

Using regular wood paint

Imitation of timber, painted with a conventional solution, in any case, goes through the standard technological stages. All known paints are acceptable for use: alkyd, acrylic, oil-based.

Painting imitation timber includes the following steps:

  1. Initially, the front side of the lining should be cleaned with a metal brush, then scrupulously sanded.
  2. After grinding with the treated elements of the lining, you should do it with a soft brush: remove the remnants of dust and dirt from it, covering it with an antiseptic solution (it is advisable to use colorless mixtures so as not to change the tone of the subsequently applied dye).
  3. Next, the wood is primed, the type of primer must meet the requirements of the dye. For example, before applying oil paint, lining is primed with drying oil.
  4. At the final stage, the imitated timber is painted with a brush, roller or spray gun.

Professionals insist on tinting the primer in order to better highlight specific areas and more evenly apply the finish layer.

  • It is better to postpone painting if it is hot outside or the humidity level is high in the room.
  • Paint for visual imitation of timber is applied in a double layer, with a break for drying the first.

On the video: how to distinguish high-quality and low-quality imitation of timber?

With colorless formulations

Such liquids are characterized by high adhesion to the base: the substance prevents the destruction of the imitation of the timber inside the room and emphasizes the texture of the rock. When dried, the composition does not emit bad smell, there is no need to create a draft for constant air circulation - it is completely environmentally friendly.

Coatings can replace all kinds of oils. A number of oils, penetrating the tree, polymerize, forming a strong barrier to environmental influences. The “Danish” mixture also has such properties, it is a combination of boiled flax oil, varnish and White Spirit degreaser.

The protective film is also created by the usual organic components: turpentine, linseed oil and colophon resin (rosin).

A simple recipe for natural protective enamel that covers the surface without significant financial costs: 90 parts turpentine, 9 parts honey and 1 part carnauba wax.

Organic solutions not only provide protection and emphasize decorative aesthetics, the painted imitation of timber acquires a steam barrier that prevents moisture from entering deep into the finish.

Textured coloring

The advantage of textured dyes is that monochromatic dye mixtures do not have the opportunity to endow the material with special beauty or add original highlight. To give the simulated false beam greater aesthetics, the following methods of emphasizing its texture are used:

  • Achieving a relief contour through the use of a metal brush, several times in a row carried out along the wood fibers. As a result, hard fibers remain intact, soft fibers disappear. After the wood is painted, the resulting crumbs should be removed with a soft-bristled brush, and when completed, coated with glaze. Sponge should be wet with excess glaze, then cover the surface with a transparent varnish.

  • The original impression of "bleached" wood is achieved if the finish is processed in a similar way, however, the color of the glaze in this case- white, and it is applied to a colorless varnish, after which the excess is blotted with a soft sponge. Microscopic gaps between the fibers become white, while the embossed particles remain in their natural color.

  • Special "aging" of the breed with mechanical action on the surface with their own hands in order to form minor artificial damage. The primed lining is treated with a chisel, chips are formed in different places, they are pierced with nails several times, other mechanical microtraumas are applied to the tree. This method is not as widely used as the previous ones.

Imitation of natural timber is a cheaper option for creating the effect of a building entirely from wood decks. But the correct visual impression is achieved only after the correct painting of the cladding.

The coloring of the timber outside the house takes place using similar technologies, however, it is somewhat more time-consuming to process the structural elements of the outer walls. Processing imitation timber coating requires a simple but careful finish.

It is quite difficult to imagine houses without cladding today. A wide variety of materials are used to finish the facade, including timber imitation. This product needs some maintenance and staining.

Considering that in any case it will be necessary to paint the facade from an imitated timber, every homeowner is faced with the question of choosing suitable material, as well as the technology of work.

In this article we will look at how to process and paint wooden cladding outside the house.

The answer to this question is on the surface, because imitation of timber is one of the varieties of wood material for cladding along the facade. The tree needs certain measures aimed at ensuring a long service life, reliability and strength. Any wood material without additional measures, it is subject to cracking, shrinkage, drying out, rotting, damage by insects and rodents.

To avoid any problems with the wood, it is necessary to process the sheathing material using, as special preparations and paint products. All compositions are capable of providing required level protection of the material from adverse factors that destroy it. It is necessary to carry out surface treatment of a facade sheathed with imitated timber not only in order to achieve reliability and protect it from destruction, but also to maintain an attractive appearance of the entire wooden surface.

If we are talking not only about the purchased material, but already about the surface that has been on the building for more than one year, then painting may be necessary due to the loss of aesthetic appearance. A certain type of paint is used in cases where spots form on the surface of the facade, or the entire surface has darkened, lost its original appearance.

Types of paints

It is necessary to stop your choice on any particular type of paint and varnish product, starting from several factors:

  • degree of resistance to atmospheric phenomena and mechanical influences;
  • guaranteed service life;
  • vapor permeability level.

Otherwise, you can focus on taste preferences with regards to color (or lack of it). It is important to pay attention to climatic conditions in the region where the house is located.

Opaque formulations

Preference is given similar type compositions, if there is no desire to preserve the natural texture of the tree. Each of the varieties of paint and varnish material has a characteristic color, it is possible to choose the most suitable for overall design buildings. Of the entire available range of paints containing color pigment, the following varieties are distinguished:

  • oil. Despite the fact that the compositions are considered the most affordable, their quality does not always reach the desired level.. They are characterized by a low level of resistance to the relative influence of UV rays. For finishing works on the facade, it is very expensive to use such paint, since it requires reprocessing after two or three years, otherwise the imitation of the timber will begin to burn out and form cracks. These paints are also distinguished by the longest period required for the composition to dry and an unpleasant odor that enters only after a few days;
  • alkyd. Considered the most modern products. They have very big choice colors and the highest possible level of protective functions. The duration of preservation of color in its original form is great. As for their processing of the imitation of timber on the facade, they are not very reliable.
  • acrylic. This variety has established itself as ideal for woodworking. Their range is diverse and allows you to choose the most liked and suitable option. This type of paint is characterized by practicality and durability in comparison with other types of paints. A separate advantage emit the absence of pungent odors while working with the composition. The level of adhesion of surfaces of imitated timber with paint is very high. With regards to the drawback, it is one - the cost of materials is slightly higher than the previous ones.

Transparent formulations

There is a term for of this type colors - glazing. These compositions are distinguished by their feature to emphasize and accentuate natural beauty wood, highlight their texture. The only thing to consider when choosing a transparent type of paint is the presence of defects, cracking or dark blotches on the surface of the imitation timber. They will not disappear after treatment with the composition.

There are the following types of transparent compositions:

  • lineups on water based . Considered the safest and most convenient to use, the main constituent is water;
  • polymer varnishes. Basically, polyurethane-based materials are used for external processing of timber imitation. They are characterized by the highest level of strength and wear resistance. The price of such materials is slightly higher than the previous ones;
  • impregnation. The most common of this type of transparent paint is drying oil. Despite its ease of use and good protective properties, there are most modern formulations having better performance characteristics;
  • glaze. Such compounds are used not only to provide protective functions to the tree, but also to give it a lighter or darker tone as needed. They paint a tree with it, if there is a desire to create an “antique” effect.

What is the best way to paint?

Given that the surface of the facade, lined with imitation timber, requires decent care and protection for the main surface of the walls of the house, it is important to purchase exactly those materials that are characterized by the most high parameters stability and reliability.


You can buy a quality composition not only based on the above parameters, but also by paying attention to the most popular and proven as high-quality manufacturing companies.

Of the most common are:

  • Zobel, made in Germany. The range is represented by water-based paints and varnishes;
  • Osmo, made in Germany;
  • Tikkurila, a Finnish company;
  • Termica, domestic manufacturer;
  • Finncolor, made in Russia.

Whether to apply varnish after paint

In order not to get confused in the technology of the timber imitation processing process, you need to understand that the main material for such work is either paint or varnish. It is not necessary to do the processing with both compositions.

A layer of paint will provide all the necessary protective functions and give the surface desired color (without the use of varnish on top of such a layer). If there is no desire to paint the tree in any specific color then use better varnish and preserve the natural beauty of the material.

Surface preparation

To achieve a high-quality result that will last for more than one year, the surface of the imitation timber must be prepared; for this, the following recommendations are used:

  • it is better to start work when the temperature reaches + 5 degrees Celsius;
  • to ensure improved adhesion of the paint composition to wood, it is sanded and sanded;
  • then it is recommended to prime the surface and wait for it to dry completely.


We should not forget about cleaning the surface, since dust particles accumulated after sanding and grinding interfere with quality work. It is recommended to use a vacuum cleaner to remove dust.

At the stage of surface preparation, you can use an iron brush and process the entire surface with it. This will ensure the deepest penetration of the composition into the wood material. In other words, this surface preparation technique is called brushing. It provides an enhancement of the natural texture pattern, and the method is also suitable for giving the tree an old look.

Surface painting

You can use for this stage of work, both a roller, a brush, and an airbrush. It is still recommended to choose a brush, since it provides the most thorough staining of the entire surface.

The paint begins to be applied only after the treatment of the wooden facade with antiseptic preparations. It is also recommended to use after antiseptics protective compounds protecting the tree from negative impact ultraviolet is the best, for example, Pinotex.

  • it is important to dilute the paint only in accordance with the instructions in the instructions;
  • to prepare the composition, it is necessary to use only a clean container;
  • everything has to be prepared in advance necessary tools for work;
  • after that, a coating is applied, I adhere to the thinnest possible layer;
  • it is necessary to paint over the surface as carefully as possible;
  • after the first or even it is called the base layer, completely dry, proceed to apply the second;
  • With regards to the work on the facade, its coloring involves from 3 to 5 layers.


It is not recommended to carry out coloring of imitation timber before the facade of the house is sheathed with it. This will allow the coloring composition to be distributed as evenly as possible and allow the product to dry completely.

Lacquer application

Lacquer, as well as paint, is recommended to be applied only after the timber imitation has been treated with an antiseptic and a composition that provides UV protection. The process of applying varnish is not much different from painting the surface.

It is necessary to apply a varnish coating in two or three layers, waiting for the complete drying of the previous one.. It is also worth remembering that the varnish must be applied only using a brush.

If you choose yacht varnish for processing the imitation of timber, then there is no need to use any additional impregnations or antiseptics. This type of varnish is self-sufficient and provides all the necessary protective and decorative properties at a high level.

Factory painted boards

In addition to the fact that it is possible to paint the imitation of timber, you can independently betray it with the desired texture and color. There is an opportunity to purchase ready-made products, there is certainly no doubt about the quality.

The technology of industrial dyeing at the factory involves processing the product from all sides. Such a process cannot be carried out independently if the facade has already been finished with an imitation of timber.

During production coloring, polishing is carried out on the machine. This is necessary to eliminate any error that cannot be avoided by painting products by hand. Observed certain parameter the thickness of the composition, equal to 40-60 MKM.

When applying paint or varnish manually, this parameter is very difficult to achieve, but it is quite important. If you stop and the paint is thinner than the specified parameter, then it is not able to last for a long time. If you apply a layer more than the permissible one, then this threatens to lose the elasticity that characterizes the wood material.

The colors and textures of the products are very diverse. In the process of industrial coloring of timber imitation, any colors imitating various breeds trees, such as pine, spruce, larch, alder, oak and others. The same goes for textures. On sale there are products of white, black, dark brown, red colors.

Useful video

Master class on painting a wooden facade:


Despite the fact that at first glance it seems easier to purchase a finished product, painted in working conditions, it's much more interesting to do it yourself. Adhering to all the recommendations and rules, the staining process will pass without problems, and the imitation of the timber will acquire the desired color and aesthetic appearance. High level protective properties for the product is guaranteed if you carry out its processing with a paint and varnish composition yourself.

In contact with

Having completed the construction of a house or cottage, it's time to process the walls. Wooden panels used for cladding surfaces both inside and outside the room look popular and stylish.

But after the walls are covered with a board, the question arises - how to paint the imitation of a bar inside the house, so that the sheathing serves for a long time and reliably, protects the room from various weather and temperature changes, without losing external attractiveness.

Impregnations and paints used to protect wood from environmental influences and give the finished finish a pleasant look are divided into several categories and have different qualities.

The only thing that remains unchanged in their relation is that any coating must be breathable, protect the imitation of timber inside and outside the room from moisture and, as a result, from decay, and have an attractive appearance.

Varnishes and paints for processing inside the house

Diverse paints and varnishes used to process imitation timber indoors can be divided into two main categories. These are transparent and opaque coatings. Their main characteristics should be environmental Safety material, vapor permeability, which ensures the drying of wood and ensures that fungus and mold do not occur, the board does not start to rot.

Transparent compositions suitable for covering the imitation of timber inside the house or cottage:

  • Drying oils;
  • impregnation;
  • Water-based varnishes;
  • glazes.

Important! When re-painting the panels, the previous layers of impregnations and varnishes must be removed and the wood treated well again.

Opaque types of timber imitation coating are different kinds paints and enamels that completely change the appearance of the panels, allowing you to decorate the room in any style and color scheme.

When choosing this processing method, you should pay attention to the final color, coloring small plot wooden panel and let the impregnations and paint dry, as the finish paint may differ by several tones from the color indicated by the manufacturer.

Opaque coating materials for imitation of timber indoors include:

  • Water-based paints;
  • Acrylic paints;
  • enamel compounds.

Paint to simulate timber requires pre-treatment wood - primers, impregnations. On such a layer, the coating will lie evenly, and additional processing will protect the wood from negative external influences.

It should be borne in mind that when painting wood with transparent materials, their service life can reach 10-15 years. In the case of the use of coloring compositions, especially in frequently visited rooms or rooms with high humidity, it will be necessary to repaint the panels after 2-3 years.

Initially, the board is sanded, processed wire brush and emery, giving Special attention front side. Such processing will even out possible irregularities and remove dirt and dust, preparing the tree for pre-treatment.

After that, the wood is impregnated with antiseptic compounds. If subsequently the panels are covered with transparent varnishes, it should be borne in mind that the antiseptic can change the color of the board.

For example, the transparent wood preservative Wolman (Vulman) also has water-repellent properties and is made on a water basis, which allows you not to worry about additional protective equipment when working indoors. It leaves the color of the square lumber unchanged, perfectly preparing the panels for subsequent painting.

Imitation of a bar perfectly absorbs various liquids and oils, which allows the use of impregnations taking into account the type of paint that will be used. Before painting oil paints, the tree is treated with drying oil., for other paints, the appropriate compositions are used.

To process the sanded panel with colorless compounds, you should also pay attention to the need for additional impregnations and the possibility of changing the color of the board. To darken the color of wood before varnishing, the board can be impregnated with various stains. Some oil and varnish compositions do not require additional processing and are applied to a clean panel.

When choosing varnishes, paints, impregnations, waxes and other materials for wood processing, you need to be based on the intended purpose of the room, finished with imitation timber. If the room is dry and without constant temperature changes - bedroom or hall, then wood processing can be simplified.

For processing saunas, baths, kitchens you should choose materials with maximum water-repellent properties, protection against steam and dirt. The higher the humidity of the room, the better it is to impregnate the wood.

Processing of external panels of imitation timber

Unlike interior work, facade processing of wooden panels requires a more careful approach. External walls are exposed to strong destructive effects - the sun's rays, temperature changes, rain, snow, mechanical damage. With the right treatment of the panels, most problems can be avoided by giving the wood the necessary protective properties.

It should be borne in mind that paints and varnishes for painting imitation timber outside the house, for the most part, have a chemical composition, therefore, before finishing work, it is necessary to prepare, in addition to tools, personal protective equipment - gloves, goggles, a mask or a bandage.

Important! Imitated timber is best covered with various compounds before the planks are fixed inside or outside the house. This will allow you to process the grooves and attachment points, and also guarantee that the external panels do not have time to deform under the influence of the external environment and retain their attractive original appearance.

Proper application of dyes for exterior panels

After machining simulation for external walls– sanding and removing dust and wood chips, the panels are treated with antiseptic and antibacterial glazing compounds. They allow you to impregnate the surface of the panels and protect them from ultraviolet radiation, moisture, decay and mold. Antiseptic creams are best suited for these purposes.

Such compounds will allow you to paint overhead panels without unnecessary streaks and impregnate the surface in just one layer. Thanks to this type of composition, it is also possible to change the color of the board before varnishing, making the panels look like white wood or imitating more expensive types of wood.

When processing external walls with conventional antiseptics, it is worth taking care of additional protection from ultraviolet radiation. It can be azure or additional impregnations that provide protection to the timber from the outside.

The main types of processing of panels imitating timber for external walls, as well as for internal ones, remain transparent or opaque compositions. Transparent varnishes for outdoor use can be acrylic, water, polyurethane.

Important! Irregularities, joints, chips, surfaces of nails or connecting screws must first be leveled with a primer. Otherwise, traces of rust can show through any layer of paint and spoil the appearance of the walls.

Paint vertical wooden surfaces correctly, using a roller or a special paint sprayer. It is convenient to paint over grooves and joints with a brush. In any case, the application of varnish or paint to the surface is carried out only in the longitudinal direction.

For processing the end sections of the board, as the most susceptible mechanical damage and weather influences, use additional sealants and primers, and also carefully paint over with a brush.

Imitation timber is an inexpensive option that allows you to visually change both the internal and external surfaces of any home. The walls will acquire a pleasant, individual view, creating a feeling of naturalness and naturalness. But it all depends correct processing wood surface and its care. Carefully approaching the choice of products that protect and change the color of wood, you can get an original design.