Dwarf birch habitat. Dwarf birch. Pest protection

Decoration of personal plots in lately is becoming more and more popular. In order to decorate the territory, plot owners purchase various exotic plants. Ornamental plant The dwarf birch, native to the tundra, perfectly decorates the garden and complements the landscape of any complexity. The birch tree is miniature but attractive and can tolerate low air temperatures.

Description of the plant

Dwarf birch is a shrub with a height of 20 to 70 centimeters. The leaves of the plant have serrated edges and can reach 15 centimeters in length. In autumn, the green color changes to bright red, which perfectly decorates nature. The plant bears fruit from May to June with small nuts with a very small diameter.

The tree resembles a creeping shrub that clings to the soil with its roots. Thus, one bush can occupy a significant area.

The wild birch bush grows in the mountainous tundra at an altitude of more than 500 meters. The plant does not resemble a birch tree neither in appearance, nor in height, nor in the color of its bark. Your name miniature tree derived from the word “yora”, which means “bush”. The thickets that the birch forms are impenetrable. Often they are intertwined with dwarf willow, which makes the path through their growth almost impossible.

It is correct to consider a dwarf birch as a shrub. Betula nаna grows no higher than 80 cm. The bush is covered with snow in winter, which protects it from blizzards and severe frosts. The leaves have a serrated edge. The foliage itself is smooth on top and shiny in color. The bottom of the leaf is matte, with a small fluff. In May, the plant blooms and produces earrings that look a little like the earrings of Russian birch. . Autumn plant is incredibly beautiful, as it turns bright red or bright orange, thereby decorating the fields and mountains.

Yornik tolerates northern climate well . You can meet the wild version:

Growing conditions

The low-growing bush loves sunny place , despite the ability to grow at low temperatures. The maximum that a tree can withstand is partial shade. Best place for planting - this is the one in which melt water collects in the spring. At the same time, birch can tolerate short-term droughts.

When planting in the ground, it is important to use drainage. The soil should conduct moisture well, and the substrate should be acidic or semi-acidic. The crop can be planted using seeds. They can be planted immediately after harvesting or in the autumn. The seeds are frost-resistant. The most the best seeds for planting are those that were collected in the year of planting. Every year, seed germination may deteriorate.

You can also plant a tree as a seedling. When purchasing, it is important to check that the roots are not damaged or overdried. A few days before planting, mineral fertilizers, humus and humus should be mixed into a hole 1-1.5 meters deep. When planting, the lump that is present on the roots is not removed.

The drainage that must be present in the ground should be represented by pebbles, crushed stone or expanded clay. After planting, the seedling should be watered with water and, if desired, mulched.

Rules for caring for birch

To prevent the tree from getting sick and drying out, the soil should be constantly moistened. If the birch tree is planted in a place where water accumulates, then it is important to carry out regular watering only in summer time. You can feed the crop not only with humus, but also mineral fertilizers. It is best to apply nitrogen fertilizers to the soil in the spring, and nitroammophoska in the fall. The plant needs soil nutrition every year.

Pruning of branches begins in the second year of the crop's life. Dry and diseased branches should be removed early spring. You can form a crown not only in spring, but also at the end of August.

Caterpillars, cockchafers, armyworms and aphids can infect dwarf birch. The plant should be treated with appropriate medications or it is best to take preventive measures.

Garden addition and design

Yora is used in decoration land plot. Use it when creating:

  • alpine slides,
  • exotic landscapes;
  • miniature mountain elephants;

The birch tree will complement the area decorated in Japanese style, and the tree should be planted near bodies of water. You can supplement the birch with bergenia, gentians, ferns, and moss.

This crop makes an excellent hedge that will gradually grow and weave. The bushes can be trimmed, so you can decorate them culturally. If you plant a shrub in a pot, you can get a bansai.

The dwarf birch is a decoration for any home garden. Growing shrubs does not require special knowledge or costs, and your imagination will help you design the landscape in a stylish and modern way.

“White birch, I love you, give me your thin branch.” These words from an old song express the tender feelings that people show towards a wonderful tree. The famous Russian poet Sergei Yesenin expressed his admiration for nature by describing a white birch tree under a blanket of snow. And such artists as Shishkin, Levitan and Kuindzhi captured it in their paintings.

Although birch is found throughout the Northern Hemisphere from Alaska to cold Siberia, it is only in Russia that it has gained such popularity. Being an unchanging symbol of a powerful country, the tree has always been associated with kindness and love.

The tree got its name in honor of the ancient Slavic goddess good beginnings. Therefore, it is not surprising that our ancestors called it a tree of 4 things: for cleansing, healing, tenderness and lubrication. So, with the help of a birch broom, cleanliness was maintained. An infusion of kidneys was taken for treatment. The wheels of the cart were lubricated with tar. And the beauty of the tree was admired during summer evenings.

A birch beam reliably illuminated the huts of poor peasants when they returned home from the field. And ancient records on scrolls from white wood are still stored today.

Interestingly, the famous Faberge made a luxurious egg from birch wood in 1917.

In addition, this magnificent tree is minted on one of the anniversary coins of Russia. Truly, the birch is a symbol of a great country.

General characteristics of the famous tree

Despite the fact that birch is familiar to many people, it would not hurt to take a closer look at it. It is a deciduous tree with smooth white bark, on the surface of which dark streaks are visible. In old trees, the root part of the trunk becomes covered with a gray crust, on which deep cracks appear. Its height can reach over 30 meters. The crown is spreading. Despite this, there is always a lot of light in the birch grove, which causes considerable delight.

How many years does a birch tree live? Some species are up to 400 years old. Basically, the plant lives about 200 years. In any case, longer than a person.

U young tree the branches are colored brown or red, which over time acquire a bluish tint. Small warts resembling miniature beads are evenly distributed on them.

The leaves are shaped like diamonds or triangles. They are usually pointed at the tips and jagged. The leaf blade is slightly leathery and sticky in spring. Color – bright green.

Birch color appears on the tree in April or May. The inflorescences are different kinds of earrings. Male variants appear in summer and are colored, first in green, and then into brown. Each earring is covered with a special waterproof substance to protect against frost. It is in this shell that they spend the winter.

With the arrival of spring, the male catkin enlarges and yellow stamens protrude. During the flowering period, they release huge amounts of pollen.

Female catkins of common birch appear on the sides of branches. They are much shorter than their partners, but after pollination they remain on the tree. Men's earrings fall to the ground.

In August, the birch tree already has fruits that ripen until mid-winter. They are a miniature nut with transparent wings. Under favorable conditions, they germinate immediately.

Particularly striking is the complex root system birch, which constantly needs moisture.

It consists of 3 types of roots:

  • main root;
  • side elements;
  • adventitious roots.

During the development of birch, the main root dies and growth slows down slightly. After this, the lateral elements of the root system begin to actively grow in different directions. The adventitious roots are located almost on the surface of the soil and have no branches.

Usually there are few other trees near the birch. Main reason– a powerful root system pulls almost everything out of the soil useful substances. When growing birch in a summer cottage, you should consider this feature tree.

Since the birch roots are not very deep, when strong wind young seedlings may be damaged.

At first, the seedlings grow at a slow pace because main root is in no hurry to give up his positions. As soon as it dies, the lateral roots begin to actively develop and birch tree takes root.

In addition, birch is unpretentious in terms of soil. It takes root wonderfully on sandy and loamy soils, black soils and even depleted lands. It is found along the coasts of rivers and even seas. Dwarf species grow on rocky ground and in the tundra, where there is permafrost.

Due to its unpretentiousness, birch takes root well in a summer cottage. It can be planted in autumn or early spring.

You should not choose large, middle-aged trees for planting. They extremely rarely take root in a new area. Optimal age seedling for spring planting– 3 years. In winter, you can plant a birch tree that is seven years old. Seeds are planted regardless of the time of year.

The lifespan of a birch tree depends on the species and local conditions. Basically it is more than 100 years.

The most famous types of birch trees

Studying this tree, scientists came to the conclusion that about 100 species of birch trees are found in nature. In general, they were divided into 4 groups:

  1. Albae. The group includes birches with white bark.
  2. Costata. The trees have a ribbed trunk and leaves with a rough surface.
  3. Acuminatae. Birches of this group grow in warmer latitudes and are distinguished by large leaves.
  4. Nanae. All dwarf varieties with small leaves belong to this group.

Let's consider the most popular types birches, which are found in Russia.

Birch warty

This type of birch grows up to 20 m in height. It has thin hanging branches and a smooth trunk with whitish bark. In older specimens, the lower part of the trunk acquires a dark gray bark color. Deep cracks also appear on it.

The branches of such a birch are reddish or brown in color. You can see small resinous warts on them. Hence the name of the tree species. In addition, because the branches stretch down, it is called silver birch. The crown is most often wide, but in adulthood it is slightly thinned out with branches hanging down.

The leaves are usually diamond or triangle shaped. They have a wedge-shaped base and a smooth surface. The edges of the leaves are jagged, the tip is pointed. They have a delicate aroma, especially in spring when the tree blooms.

During this period, bare and sticky buds appear on it. At the base they are slightly widened, and at the top with a sharp tip.

Birch catkins grow on twining branches. After pollination, fruits grow in their place in the form of an oblong nut with wings. They ripen in late summer or September.

Where the warty birch always grows clean air and unearthly beauty. The tree is found in mixed forests or pure birch stands.

The wood of the tree is considered one of the best natural materials for making furniture and various crafts. Greens are used in medicine. A birch sap- a unique healthy drink.

Fluffy birch

The most common species that is found throughout Russia is downy birch. It grows both in the European part of the country and in the Siberian tundra.

IN natural environment the tree feels great among other deciduous or coniferous relatives. IN ideal creates birch groves where there are no other trees. The tree is resistant to cold and tolerates fairly low temperatures.

In the photo of a downy birch you can see a gorgeous spreading crown, which gives the tree a majestic appearance. It grows up to 30 meters in height. The girth of the trunk reaches approximately 80 cm. The bark on it is always white without deep cracks. It feels smooth to the touch. Although young seedlings have a brown or red trunk, at the 10th year of life it turns white and does not change anymore.

Unlike silver birch, the branches of this species do not have small warts and do not droop. The crown of young seedlings is narrow and slender. In adults it has a spreading shape.

Male catkins are brown in color and appear on branches in summer or autumn. There they winter safely, and in the spring they meet with female catkins, which grow at the same time as the young leaves.

They bloom in April or early May, after which fruits appear in the form of oblong nuts. Each of them has 2 transparent wings, which allows you to fly far from the tree.

The leaves of the downy birch are alternate, up to 7 cm long. The shape is ovoid or rhombic with a pointed tip. In young trees they are light green. They darken with age and turn yellow in autumn.

Birch Schmidt

One day, a famous Russian scientist drew attention to the special properties of a cute tree. This happened during a special expedition to the Far East. He was the first to describe this unusual tree. It was named Schmidt birch, in honor of the famous scientist.

In its natural environment, in addition to the Far East, the tree is found on the Japanese islands, Korea and China. Most often it grows on rocky soil, near rocks. It is adjacent to different deciduous trees in mixed forests. Interestingly, during fires, she remains unharmed. Its unique wood does not burn, which is why it received the name iron birch.

The tree loves a lot of light, so in forests its trunk may be curved due to its desire for the sun.

This is unique eastern tree grown in many botanical gardens in Moscow and other Russian cities. Therefore, purchasing young seedlings and planting them in the country is quite possible.

Externally, the tree does not look too much like a birch. Its few branches grow at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the trunk. The birch tree grows up to 30 meters in height. The bark of young seedlings is gray or brown, the branches are brown. As a birch tree gets older, the branches darken and it takes on a black appearance.

The leaf blade of the tree is oval in shape with a jagged frame. The iron beauty blooms in May, after which egg-shaped nuts appear. When they are ripe, they are blown by the winds in different directions. Getting into suitable soil, the seeds germinate, turning into beautiful trees.

Dwarf birch

This miniature northern beauty is found in the cold expanses of the Northern Hemisphere. It also grows in the alpine mountains, tundra and moss swamps.

Dwarf birch is a branched bush that grows up to 70 cm. Its branches have a fluffy or velvety surface. The color of the bark is brown or brown.

Leaves are oval shaped. The edges are jagged. The upper leaf plate is dark green and slightly shiny. The lower part is light, slightly fluffy. When autumn comes, they turn bright red, which looks very chic.

The tree blooms before the leaves bloom and bears fruit for 2 months - May and June.

Modern biologists have bred several species of northern beauty that take root well on summer cottages. They modestly grow no higher than 5 meters, and some of them are even smaller.

One of decorative varieties dwarf tree is the weeping birch "Junga". It grows in 10 years to only 5 m in height. The diameter of the miniature crown is from 2 to 3 m. The branches hang down in an original way, reminiscent of willow or. It is this feature of the weeping birch that attracts connoisseurs of green beauty.

To maintain this form, you need to do decorative pruning birch trees This is especially true for branches that touch the ground. The procedure is performed during the period when the tree is “sleeping”. As a result, on personal plot a living umbrella from the scorching sun will appear.

Erman birch or stone

The tree received its name in memory of the German scientist Georg Ermann. Erman's birch can live up to 400 years of age, so it is a long-liver.

Grows up to 15 meters. The diameter of the trunk reaches 90 cm, which is considered an unusual phenomenon. Stone birch bark is brown or dark gray. As it grows, it becomes covered with cracks, forming intricate strokes on the trunk.

The translucent crown consists of erect branches cascading along the trunk. This is clearly visible in the photo of this type of birch.

The tree does not require special care. Grows on rocky, infertile soils. Tolerates lack of moisture very well. Grows on Far East Russia, Japan, China and Korea.

Cherry birch

Quite often this type of birch is called sweet or viscous. It grows up to 25 meters in height. Young trees have a pyramid-shaped crown. Older birches have a rounded translucent crown consisting of hanging branches. The trunk of the cherry birch is rough, dark brown With deep cracks. In young seedlings it has a fragrant, spicy smell.

The tree is long-lived. It grows well on rocky soils, but does not tolerate harsh winters. The cherry birch was first recorded in North America. Currently, it is taking root well in the Baltic states, Belarus and Russia.

River or black birch

This species is the most heat-loving among birches. It reaches a height of 30 meters. The trunk width is 100 cm. The openwork crown consists of flowing branches decorated with oval leaves. They are dark green above and white or grayish below.

The bark can be smooth or rough. Color – gray or brown. Some specimens have creamy pink bark that peels off like paper. River or black birch is found in the United States and is considered a heat-loving tree.

Karelian birch

This variety of birch comes in the form of a tall tree or bush. The trees grow from 5 to 8 m in height. The bushes are usually low-growing. On the trunk of the Karelian birch you can see numerous tubercles and irregularities that resemble a marble pattern. Truly a charming tree!

Having examined the most popular types of birch trees, you can see that each of them has its own charms. Tall and short, slender and weeping, “stone” and “iron” - they all give people a lot positive emotions. Being a symbol of kindness and love, birch trees continue to inspire romantic natures to write beautiful works.

Its branches are invariably used in Russian baths to completely cleanse the body. A tar soap considered first class natural remedy hygiene. In addition, birch is a decoration for summer cottages, filling it with greenery and shade. And perhaps, reflecting on the meaning of life under it, you will want to write a poem or a picture.

Video types and varieties of birch trees

Which require a lot of attention and expense. Today we will discuss an excellent dwarf version of a familiar tree - birch. You will learn where dwarf birch grows, what it is and how difficult it is to grow.


Dwarf birch is a small tree that has a height of 20 to 70 cm. Mini birch leaves are round or oval, reach a length of up to 15 cm, and have jagged edges. In the fall, as is the case with most trees, the leaves turn bright red, creating a beautiful picture. The fruit is a small nut that is several millimeters long and wide. Fruiting occurs from to.

In appearance, birch resembles a creeping shrub, the shoots of which grow roots and cling to them. Thus, one bush can occupy a significant area.

Important! In nature, the tree reproduces only vegetatively.

Popular varieties

You have learned what a dwarf birch looks like, now let’s talk about possible varieties that look more decorative than the wild version.

Golden Treasure
It is a miniature version, which is from 60 to 80 cm, has a diameter of no more than 1.5 m. The shoots are densely located, the leaves are painted in a light green color.

This variety is used not only for decoration, where it is planted in swampy lowlands, but also for. The spreading shrub grows 10 cm per season, so you don’t have to wait several years to see the “adult” version of Golden Treasure.

Unfortunately, other varieties of birch cannot be called dwarf, since they grow up to 4-6 m in height and require completely different conditions. Therefore, if you want to purchase exactly dwarf birch, then you are unlikely to be able to find any other option.

Did you know? Decoctions and infusions from birch leaves help with male infertility, increase potency, remove salts and stones from the kidneys.

Where does dwarf birch grow?

Low-growing birch is also called birch and slate. It grows in northern regions all over the world (Europe, Canada, Russia). You can even find a miniature tree in the Alps at an altitude of several thousand meters. Dwarf birch grows in the tundra, where mosses and lichens cover the marshy soil. If we take the territory of the Russian Federation, then it can be found in nature in Yakutia, Siberia and Kamchatka.

Lighting and location

Although the dwarf birch can withstand extreme low temperatures, however, it has quite high requirements for lighting and space. It is impossible to grow shrubs in the shade; at a minimum there should be partial shade, and ideally a sunny place. In this case, the plant will hurt less and grow faster. You need to choose a place where a lot of melt water usually collects in the spring. Any more or less illuminated lowland where more valuable crops or trees cannot be planted.

Important! The shrub can tolerate short-term droughts without any problems.

Soil for mini birch trees

If you are going to plant dwarf birch in a lowland, then take care of good soil And . It is highly undesirable to use clay or other moisture-intensive options, since the bush cannot always evaporate large number moisture, and the crop is not immune from rotting.

Therefore, when planting, be sure to place drainage in the hole and use soil that best conducts moisture.

Important! The substrate must be acidic or slightly acidic.

Planting a plant


Planting seeds can be done either immediately after collection or in the fall. The seeds are not afraid of frost, so there is no need to additionally insulate the soil.
Before sowing, it is advisable to double-check all seeds and dry them well. Next, we select a place according to the criteria described above and sow. Several furrows should be made, 5 cm deep and up to 10 cm wide. Pour out all the seed and carefully wrap the soil. The distance between the furrows should be at least 30 cm. It is worth remembering that every year the seeds lose their viability, so it is advisable to sow them in the same year in which they were collected.


Let's start with choosing a seedling. Ideally, buy an option that is in a container, since there is no danger of damage or drying out the roots. Always thoroughly check the condition of the seedling at the time of purchase.
A few days before planting, a hole with a diameter of 1-1.5 m is dug. The lower soil is removed, and the upper soil is mixed with humus, fertile garden soil, sand and so that the roots of the seedling do not come into contact with clean or “mineral water”.

Next, planting is carried out, during which the roots of the plant are not separated from the earthen clod (if present). If there is no coma, then it is advisable to soak the roots in water, holding them for several hours. First, we line the bottom of the pit with drainage, which can be represented by small pebbles, crushed stone or expanded clay. The layer should be about 15-20 cm.
Next, pour out a little soil mixture so that a mound is formed in the center, on which we will place an earthen ball with roots. After placing the seedling in the hole, we adjust it so that it grows upward and not to the side. Pour out the remaining earthen mixture, lightly compacting it.

At the end, we water the bush and mulch it, if this option is acceptable to you.

Did you know? In northern latitudes, birch pollen sometimes causes seasonal hay fever in sensitive people.

How to care for shrubs?

After landing you need to take care proper care behind the northern beauty to ensure proper development. Let's also talk about crown formation.

Watering and fertilizing

It’s worth starting with the fact that the bush “fights” excess moisture very well, evaporating up to 250 liters of moisture through the leaves per season. Such scales indicate that even the slightest drying out of the soil should not be allowed, otherwise the birch will draw out and evaporate the remaining moisture and begin to dry out or become sick. It is for this reason It is necessary to water abundantly, maintaining constant soil moisture. Of course, if water accumulates at the planting site all year round, then watering is carried out only in the summer.
Speaking about feeding, we pay attention not only to the “mineral water”, but also to the humus. In the spring we add complex fertilizers, as well as humus or compost. In the fall, you can apply a similar fertilizer.

It is a close relative of the common birch and is a shrub with a large number branches. The height of the bush does not exceed one meter, and the width of its crown can reach one and a half meters. Has small and round leaves dark green above and light green below.

Sometimes dwarf birch is so small that only leaves can be seen on the surface of the lichen. The leaves are attached to the stems using short petioles. The earrings of this type of birch, in turn, are small and have a round-oval design. During ripening, they crumble into their component parts: scales and fruits.

The fruits are small, about 2 millimeters long, oval nuts with wings on the sides. Dwarf birch blooms in May, before the leaves bloom, with small, unisexual and unattractive flowers. Fruiting occurs starting in June.

Dwarf birch grows quite slowly. Its winter hardiness is very high, it is not for nothing that it grows in northern regions earth's hemispheres: North America, Northern Russia, Yakutia and Western Siberia. It is very often found in the highlands of the Alps. Her favorite places are rocky slopes and swampy areas of the Tundra.

The decorative type of dwarf birch is used for landscaping personal plots, areas around buildings, for landscaping park facilities and creating landscape views in landscape design. Thanks to the compact, rounded shape of the crown, this shrub does not require constant trimming.

Planting and care. Before planting, a hole is dug into which the mixture is added. garden soil, peat, humus and sand. Subsequently, the plants are fed with complex fertilizers, starting from spring until autumn. For fertilizing, you can use nitrogen-containing fertilizers such as mullein, nitrogen fertilizer and ammonium nitrate. In the fall, you can use nitroammophoska or Kemira-universal fertilizer for fertilizing.

After planting in the first 3-4 days, it is necessary to water the plant abundantly, and on hot days it is advisable to increase the volume of liquid.

To control weeds, loosen the soil in the area of ​​the root system. In addition, the soil will be saturated with oxygen.

After the earrings have ripened, you can sow the seeds. You can do this right away or wait late autumn, after collecting the seeds.

Reproduction. Dwarf birch reproduces by seedlings or seeds. Seedlings are planted in the ground in spring or autumn. They choose loose, well-fertilized soils, but as practice shows, they take root well on any type of soil. At the same time, the dwarf birch loves moisture very much, so it needs to be provided with regular watering. When planting large plants with an open root system, their death is possible, since stronger plants do not like replanting and do not take root well.

Pests. The dwarf birch has its own significant set of pests. These include mole crickets, bladderworts (thrips), beetleworms, goldfish, silkworms, and leaf sawflies. When fighting them, the shrub should be treated with fungicides and insecticides.

Tundra is one of the most suitable places for its growth. In this regard, it is the most common plant of the tundra. In this place there are entire thickets of this type of birch, especially in the southern part of the tundra. Moreover, it is distributed over almost the entire area of ​​the tundra zone. Its neighbors in these harsh areas are lichens, moss and dwarf willows. Basically, dwarf birch serves as food for animals, but larger specimens are used by the local population as fuel.

Dwarf birch Ernik

In the tundra, this type of birch is called “ernik”, which translated means “shrub”. IN harsh conditions It is very difficult to survive in the north, and therefore this type of bush has developed its own survival technology. It grows and moves further under layers of snow cover, spreading thick branches widely. Thus it is protected from severe frosts and freezing. That's why it grows not as a straight tree, but as a spreading shrub. Ernik is woven into the moss with its many branches to such an extent that on the surface you can only notice the leaves and catkins of the dwarf birch. With its thickets it occupies a very large areas and through the same thickets it moves deeper into the tundra.

In such conditions, propagation by seeds occurs very rarely due to the fact that the seeds do not have time to ripen, and they rarely develop. The birchberry has another one ready, more effective way– vegetative. The bush literally crawls along the ground, clinging to it with its branches. As a result of such contact, auxiliary roots are formed on the branches and at the points of their formation, young shoots of birchberry emerge in the coming year. Seeds of dwarf birch develop at the beginning of great cold weather and remain in winter period in earrings.

Young dwarf birch shoots appear only in areas where nothing is growing at that moment. Such areas appear after animals visit these places, for example, caribou are reindeer. They very actively clear the territory of everything edible, especially since there is not so much of it in the tundra. This space is then irrigated by spring meltwater. The combination of all these conditions allows the dwarf birch to occupy this territory. In the future, having populated this area, it will become one of the links in a huge, and so necessary, root chain.

Despite its small size, the dwarf birch can live for about 100 years. After reaching this age, the process of rejuvenation of the bush begins to occur. Old branches begin to dry out and finally die. In their place, new young branches are formed, which begin new life. But not all shrubs thus continue their movement across the tundra. Many of them dry up on the root, and bearberry settles in its place. As soon as young dwarf birch shoots appear in this place, the bearberry gradually begins to retreat. Based on this, we can say that dwarf birch is resistant not only to the harsh conditions of the tundra, but also has great “survivability.”

Dwarf birch (lat. Betula nana)- a species of low-growing shrubs of the Birch genus of the Birch family. Other names are low-growing birch, dwarf birch, dwarf birch, dwarf birch. In nature, the plant is found in many European countries, Canada and Russia. Grows in small quantities in the Alps and Scotland. Typical places are hypnotic swamps, arctic tundra, moss forests.

Characteristics of culture

Dwarf birch is a deciduous shrub up to 120 cm high with spreading or erect shoots. Young shoots are densely pubescent or velvety, with age they are almost bare, with reddish-brown or dark brown bark, often with a bluish coating. The leaves are round-oval or rounded, small, short-petioled, up to 15 mm long, up to 20 cm wide, bluntly toothed along the edge.

The upper part of the leaves is dark green, smooth, shiny, the lower part is light green, with scattered pubescence. In autumn, the foliage turns dark yellow or yellow. During flowering, anther earrings form on plants; they can be of two types - male and female; after pollination they fall off. Female specimens produce small elliptical nuts with three lobes and an attached scale.

Growing conditions

Dwarf birch is also successfully cultivated in acidic areas. garden soils, and on peat bogs, and fertile black soils, and sandy loam soils, and loams. However, the culture develops best on light, slightly acidic, humus-rich soils. It is undesirable to grow dwarf birch on waterlogged, heavy clay and saline soils. The location is sunny, light shade is also possible.

Reproduction and planting

Dwarf birch is propagated by seeds and cuttings. Seeds are collected when the earrings turn brown. Seeds are sown immediately after collection or in late autumn under cover in the form of peat or sawdust. This procedure is quite labor-intensive and not every gardener can do it, so experienced agronomists I advise you to grow the crop by planting a seedling. Seedlings are available in large quantities in specialized nurseries; they should not be purchased from unverified places.

It is not recommended to buy seedlings with an open root system; even if planted correctly, they may not take root. It is better to purchase seedlings in containers or with a ball of earth. Seedlings are planted in spring or autumn. landing pit prepared in a couple of weeks, a mixture consisting of garden soil, peat, humus and sand is poured onto its bottom in a ratio of 2:1:1:1. It is important not to forget about applying complex fertilizer (150-200 g per hole). Immediately after planting, the tree trunk area is mulched with a thick layer of humus or other available covering material. Watering is required.


Dwarf birch is a moisture-loving plant, it’s hard to imagine, but in the summer it extracts about 250 liters of water from the soil. Therefore, watering for the crop is vital; during drought, the volume of water and the frequency of watering are doubled.

Fertilizing is also necessary; in the spring the plants are fed with nitrogen-containing fertilizers, in the fall - with nitroammophos or Kemira universal. Preventive pruning is carried out annually in the spring, before sap flow begins. Formative as necessary, but within the same time frame.


Dwarf birch has been actively used in landscape design. It looks great in group plantings, rock gardens and rock gardens. Shrubs look especially impressive in the fall, so they are often used to create autonalia (autumn gardens). Dwarf birch goes well with evergreen low-growing conifers, as well as closely related species of birch - ferruginous birch, Finnish birch and Middendordfa birch.