Marigolds planting and care in the open field from seeds. When is it better to plant marigolds in open ground with seedlings When to plant marigolds in open ground

Well, who has not heard about Chernobrivtsy, beloved by our mothers and grandmothers - marigold flowers? They decorate flower beds, delight the eye in squares and parks, are frequent guests in the garden, palisade, and areas adjacent to shops. Marigolds are very famous for their varied bright colors, they have a pleasant specific smell that many insect garden pests do not like.

The scope of this plant is very wide: they are used to decorate decorative panels on the walls of the facades of houses, loggias, balconies, they also grow well in flower beds and flower beds. They look good when making a decorative landscape in the architectural design of the design of the plots.

How to grow marigolds?

How to plant marigolds for seedlings correctly photo

Marigolds are very picky in their care, it is not without reason that the glory of one of the most unpretentious flowers that are grown artificially has strengthened behind them. They can grow in any land. But they love bright places, waterlogging of the soil is undesirable. Watering is not frequent, which can be combined with fertilizing with mineral fertilizers, diluting fertilizers in water.

Often gardeners practice planting marigolds between beds or near a greenhouse.

  • Having a specific smell, this plant repels harmful insects. Marigolds can grow in flower beds, special containers, flowerpots and even shallow pots decorating walls or loggias.

All varieties of flowers can be sown in open ground with seeds. To do this, it is best to purchase seeds in specialized outlets. With further breeding, there will be enough of those seeds that cause after seed maturation. But be sure to consider: if you use the seeds of the same plants for several years, they may lose the properties of the original variety, and will not look like the variety that you purchased.

There are two ways to sow and grow:

  • pre-grown seedlings;
  • sowing seeds directly into the ground;

The choice of growing method may depend on growing factors: what time the flowers are needed, the duration of flowering, the required amount, weather conditions and growing conditions.

When to plant marigolds in open ground? Remember: night temperatures should not fall below 5 degrees. Usually it is the end of April in regions with a mild climate. You can plant seedlings in open ground until the end of May-beginning of June.

How to plant marigold seeds in open ground

Planting marigolds Marigolds growing from seeds when to plant

When to plant marigolds in the ground with seeds? It all depends on the climate, the main thing is that at night there are no more frosts and the soil is ripe. Keep in mind that the seeds of Chernobrivtsy are not afraid of frost, and can even overwinter or endure sowing before winter. They just won't come up until the ground warms up. Still often worries many how many marigolds sprout. If the weather is warm, you have to wait two to three weeks before the first shoots appear.

We sow like this:

  1. The embedment depth is small, you can make grooves with a chopper or small holes, up to 5 cm deep.
  2. They strive to make the distance no closer than 10-15 cm between plants. But you can also sow with a continuous tape, and then transplant extra plants.
  3. We cover the seeds with earth using a rake.
  4. Watering.

On this, all the wisdom is over. However, you can slightly speed up flowering and improve the conditions of detention, more on that below.

When sowing marigold seeds in open ground, consider the conditions that are necessary for the growth of young plants. Namely: the site should be well lit, they certainly tolerate the shadow, but still do not like it, reacting with a decrease in the abundance of flowering and stretching of the bushes, which causes their decorativeness to suffer.

To get marigolds without seedlings ...

  • In the garden, they often strive to prepare a fertile, well-fertilized soil mixture with mineral and organic fertilizers, but this is not an urgent need: the flowers are so unpretentious that they can grow on the poorest soils, it is enough just to provide them with the necessary amount of moisture.
  • They respond very well to watering, but drying out of the soil is fraught with trouble: the lower leaves dry up, and the bushes themselves stop growing, flowering is poor, inconspicuous.
  • Flowers will bloom only one and a half to two months after sowing, this should be taken into account. Early sowing (mid-April) and germinating the seeds before planting will help to slightly reduce the time before the buds open and increase the flowering time. It is this method that experienced flower growers use.

To do this, it is enough to place the seeds in a shallow plate, cover with damp gauze folded in several layers, place in a plastic bag or wrap with a transparent film. After completing these procedures, put the plate in a warm sunny place: one suitable place is a windowsill.

After two or three days, the seeds can be sown, having previously examined them for germination, healthy seeds should be swollen and with a slightly cracked peel. You can lightly dry the seeds in the sun for two or three hours until flowability, or do not wait, but mix with dry sand and sow with it.

Before planting, it is necessary to moisten the soil, make holes or grooves 4-5 cm deep. It is best to sow the seeds in a square-nest way, that is, the distance between the seeds should be 15-20 cm square. After the seeds have germinated, thinning should be done, leaving the healthiest seedlings.

For those who don't like extra action...

  • it is quite possible to confine oneself to simple sowing of seeds in rows without any preparation and soaking. Chernobryvtsy will rise anyway and will develop beautifully. Just a week or two later. But still do not be lazy to water, no flowers grow without moisture!

How to grow marigold seedlings from seeds at home

Planting marigolds for seedlings When to plant marigolds

When to plant marigolds for seedlings? To get flowering plants as early as June, it is necessary to prepare seedlings in advance, which will be planted immediately after the end of night frosts. Sowing dates begin from the end of February and shift until the end of March-mid-April.

You can prepare a nutritious soil mixture in the fall. Peat, turf land, humus and sand are mixed. Sand can be used river sand, but before adding it to the soil mixture, it is advisable to ignite it in the oven or treat it with potassium permanganate.

However, you can not bother yourself and just buy a ready-made flower substrate in which you can grow beautiful seedlings with strong trunks and spreading leaves.

How to grow seedlings of Chernobrivtsev on the windowsill:

How to plant marigold seeds for seedlings photo

  • Needle seeds are easy to distribute evenly in the planting container, it is better to leave a distance of 3-4 cm so that the plants turn out powerful. Embedding depth 1 cm, two can be.
  • You can immediately plant the seeds in separate cups, which will further simplify the task of transplanting to a permanent place. Marigolds get sick longer when the roots are damaged than the same asters, so it’s better not to disturb them once again. However, even withered bushes are accepted over time and take root perfectly.
  • For quick germination, you can cover with a film or glass, creating a greenhouse effect. Marigolds take a long time to sprout, so be patient.
  • When we see the first shoots, we open the greenhouse.
  • You need to water regularly, but do not be zealous so that rot does not develop and the seedlings do not die. A simple wet state of the soil is enough.
  • Do not overheat the air in the room where the seedlings grow. The temperature must be less than 25°C.
  • If you notice that the seedlings are stretched out and have a pale color, it means that there is not enough light for them. You need to choose the sunny side of the apartment or organize additional lighting.
  • If you really want to try, water the seedlings 1-2 times with a solution of complex fertilizer for flowers, with an interval of 10 days.
  • Before planting for a couple of weeks, we begin to harden the seedlings, accustoming them to the sun, wind and coolness. Take it out to the balcony, loggia, threshold of the house. We gradually increase the time spent on the street, so that by the time of planting the plants are completely accustomed to the street.

At a height of 10-15 cm, marigold seedlings are ready for transplanting into open ground.

How to sow marigolds for seedlings video:

As you can see, everything is simple: the seeds are large enough, which allows you to plant them one by one in cups without any hassle and just water them until the time comes to transplant the seedlings to a permanent place.

Here's another interesting way: sowing marigolds in a snail on paper, the video will tell about this:

Well, probably even the laziest florist will find an acceptable way for himself and grow Chernobrivtsy for his flower bed!

Planting marigold seedlings in open ground

How to plant marigolds in open ground

It's very simple:

  • We prepare shallow holes so that a clod of earth fits completely into them.
  • You can pre-pour water and put a handful of humus on the bottom.
  • Carefully release the seedlings from the cups, install vertically, sprinkling with soil.
  • We water so that the soil subsides, but the water does not stagnate.
  • You can immediately mulch the surface with what is at hand. It can be last year's leaves, fresh grass, hay or needles from the forest.
  • The distance between the holes depends on the selected variety. For undersized varieties, 10-15 cm is enough; for medium and tall varieties, leave more space, about 30-40 cm.

Chaotic landings look original, creating an unpretentious naturalness. We are all used to rows for a long time, they look boring and familiar. Create a composition, for example, by planting petunias in the foreground, and black-breasts in the background.

Another video on how to grow marigold seedlings, plant them in the ground and care for flowers:

Luxurious flower bed that does not require special care? Now you see that with marigolds it's easy!

Outdoor care

Marigold flowers planting and care in the open field photo

Plants are not demanding to care and do not require special costs and efforts. However, perhaps, like all cultivated plants, watering and weeding from weeds and tillage in the form of loosening are required.

How to water

Watering is necessary in moderation, but you can’t do without it, otherwise your flower bed will be covered with dried brooms, only the tops of which will keep a fresh look. Especially if it's a hot summer. Do not rely only on rains, water at least once every three days, remembering to loosen the ground after watering to conserve moisture. Simultaneously with watering, top dressing can be carried out by diluting mineral and organic fertilizers in water.

In summer, when the weather is hot, to prevent the formation of a crust on the ground, watering is best done in the morning or evening after sunset. If watering is done during the day, then it is necessary to loosen the top layer of the earth.

Foliar and root top dressing

If the land is prepared correctly before planting, then the marigolds do not need additional feeding. If the plant shows that the development is rather weak, you can fertilize with complex fertilizers on the leaves.

It must be remembered that an overdose of fertilizers adversely affects plant growth. Mineral fertilizers are applied for the first time during the period of intensive plant growth, the second time when the first buds appear, and the third time before flowering.

Formation of bushes

It's very rare for anyone to bother with this. However, if you have time, you can give the marigolds a beautiful shape. Trim some extra branches from the main stem. This procedure will significantly improve the nutrition of the remaining buds. The optimal pruning time is summer, when you can already see how the buds are blooming. Buds with signs of any disease, small or withered, are also cut off. After the formation of the bush, the appearance of new additional branches of the stem stops.

Seed collection

For planting next year, it is enough to use seeds that can be collected from flowers grown on the site. To do this, just choose a bright and healthy bush, let it fully mature, then cut the buds and dry them. After that, the seeds will easily separate, you can store them in a paper bag. When using this method, it must be borne in mind that this will not affect the health of the plant itself, but you can get a different color of the baskets, different from the mother.

Hello, friends!

I want to tell you today about the wonderful marigold flowers, about planting and caring for them in the open field, and of course a lot of photos of these beautiful flowers. Marigolds are very popular because of their bright beauty and unpretentiousness. And also because of its specific strong smell. Which repels many garden pests.

Growing marigolds in open ground

Varieties of marigolds:

How to grow marigolds from seeds

  • we grow seedlings
  • sowing in open ground
  • boarding, seat selection
  • summer care
  • seed collection

Growing seedlings

Marigold seeds can be bought once - choose the species you like - and then collect your seeds. They rise well afterwards.

So that marigolds begin to bloom early - in June, they are grown through seedlings. Usually they grow quickly and I sow them in early-mid April, and in the second half of May I plant them in a permanent place. Plant out after all night frosts have passed. Marigolds do not like frost, especially young plants.

We plant seedlings with good roots and three or four good leaves.

You can grow marigolds in boxes - they grow well, just have to be watered more often.

Sowing marigolds in open ground

If it is not possible to grow seedlings of flowers at home, then they are sown with seeds directly into the ground. It is advisable to do this in mid-late May, so that young shoots do not fall under frost. Flowers will be late for a couple of weeks, but still then they will delight you until autumn.

Marigolds in a drawer will decorate any place

Selecting a landing site

Marigolds do not like to grow in shade and damp places. Plant them in the sun and they will delight you with their bright colors. It is good to make borders out of them and plant them along the beds. In the garden, I constantly make rows of marigolds near cabbages, potatoes, berries - they not only scare away various pests, but also decorate the garden with bright colors until autumn.

After planting, young plants are regularly watered, and as adults they calmly endure drought.

Planting marigolds is better not to thicken, they love good ventilation. Therefore, planting in rows and along the edge of the flower beds is the best solution. High varieties are placed at a distance of about 40 cm, low ones are closer to each other.

flower care

These are the most unpretentious flowers - only calendula is simpler than them. You can safely come to the dacha only on weekends and water them once a week - marigolds will greet you with flowers. They can survive up to two weeks without watering.

For beautiful flowering, do not leave old inflorescences, but break them out after withering.

In order for the marigolds to bloom with beautiful bushes, pinch the tops of them, and side shoots from the axils of the leaves will begin to grow actively.

Marigolds in the flowerbed

Marigolds tolerate transplant well at any age. You can plant already flowering bushes in any other place, or put them in a pot with a clod of earth in the fall - they will delight you with their flowering at home. But it is better to put them on a loggia or other cool place. After the street they will be hot at home.

I think many people know what marigold flowers are. Growing from seeds, when to plant, how to care for these beautiful flowers - let's talk about it. There are so many varieties of marigolds that everyone will find and grow their own for high or low flower beds, decorate a garden path, or even disguise a nondescript place in the country. Marigolds on the balcony, veranda will also be appropriate. This bright and conspicuous flower, the people have several names: Chernobrivtsy, Tagetes, lights, but most often they are still called marigolds. This flower is loved by many for its attractive appearance and unpretentiousness, which makes it possible even for a novice gardener to quickly and easily grow them and decorate their plot or territory near the house.

Tagetes is not at all difficult to grow, and the palette of its shades and varieties is really striking in its diversity. There are undersized marigolds growing in different directions with a lush bush (rejected), among them there are real giants growing up to 100 cm in height. There are also miniature thin-leaved varieties, as well as terry large representatives that resemble balls of all shades of the sun.

Types of marigolds, their appearance and properties

All varieties of tagetes have an even stem and a dense “crown” of the bush itself; the characteristic, recognizable aroma of this flower is difficult to confuse with any other. Plant height can be from 20 to 120 cm, the shape of the buds is as diverse as the type of petals. They can be reed, twisted into long thin tubes, terry, the buds themselves are densely packed, “shaggy”, corolla-shaped, chamomile-like, similar to cloves. The foliage of the plant varies depending on the variety: pinnate, serrated, separate, light or very dark green. Marigold flowers delight the eye for a long time - from the beginning of summer until the onset of the first cold weather.

Marigolds and snow, photo:

In general, the varieties of tagetes are divided into:

  1. Upright - in diameter, their buds can reach 12-15 cm, and the bush itself is 1 meter or more tall.
  2. Undersized or rejected - they are small in size, their height can vary from 20 to 40 cm, the flower itself is 5-8 cm in diameter on average. Terry varieties are also found among the usual petal varieties.
  3. Thin-leaved marigolds are the smallest representatives, their multiple flowers are small but bright. The foliage is carved, as if openwork, the aroma of thin-leaved tagetes is always very expressive. In flowerbeds, these varieties form flower balls, and up to 100 flowers can bloom on each of the bushes. The bush itself is low, about 20 cm, and the flowers are up to 2 cm in diameter. Such marigolds are also called Mexican, to date, about 60 hybrid varieties of such low plants have been bred by the work of breeders.

You can often hear such a question from novice gardeners - marigolds are rejected and upright, what is their difference? Upright specimens often have one large bud per stem, while deviated varieties are actively branching and have many flowers on one bush. The color scheme, as mentioned above, differs in all sunny shades, as well as lemon, creamy white, bright orange and deep red. Tagetes decorate flower beds, balconies, large flowerpots, they are grown in containers - anywhere. In addition to their bright appearance, these flowers repel all kinds of garden pests with their aroma, and also suppress the manifestations of fungi.

Marigold flowers can often be seen near strawberry beds - and for good reason, as their intense aroma is not to the liking of weevils, who love it very much. Experienced gardeners plant tagetes next to cabbage beds, because it is very effective in repelling the whitefish, again, thanks to its strong smell. This flower can also protect its fellow representatives of the flower world. Marigolds will protect asters from fusarium, and phloxes, roses, chrysanthemums, clematis - from nematodes. Among other things, dried flowers (petals) of marigolds are used in cooking as a spice or spice. In folk medicine, tagetes is also actively used for the prevention and treatment of various diseases.

Marigolds along the path, photo:

When to plant marigolds for seedlings

This plant reproduces by seed, you can simply take the seeds and sow them right on the site with the onset of spring, when you are finally sure that the frosts will not return. The best time for this is May. After the seedlings have risen, the seedlings can be thinned out and placed more freely - this is planting marigold seeds in open ground. From the moment of sowing to the beginning of flowering, it usually takes two months or a little more. In terms of the timing of entry into the flowering phase, the seeds that were sown simply in the soil are two weeks late from the previously grown seedlings. But then, until the deepest autumn, they will delight your eyes with their bright flowering. Sprouts hatch on the 10-12th day, the main thing is not to deepen the seeds too much when sowing.

How to grow marigolds from seeds in another case? Tagetes are preliminarily planted in special containers, and after the end of frost, the ready-grown seedlings are transferred to flower beds, beds, etc. If we take into account the fact that about 40 or 50 days should pass from the moment the sprouts appear to the start of flowering, then it is necessary to sow the seed material somewhere in the first days of April. Marigolds are planted with seeds in a special earth mixture, which you can purchase at a flower shop or make up yourself. Such a composition is quite suitable: 2 parts of peat, 1 part of compost (or humus), 0.5 parts of pure river sand (can be pre-calcined). There should be holes at the bottom of the tank, as well as drainage laid in a thin layer (about 3 cm of fine gravel or expanded clay). For seed propagation, it is best to take the freshest material, but if the shelf life of the seeds did not exceed 2 years and was carried out according to all the rules (dryness and darkness), then they are also suitable. What marigold seeds look like can be seen in the photo below.

Photo of seeds:

Seeds are either bought at a flower shop, or collected with their own hands from completely dried inflorescences, which are left on the bush for this very purpose. Approximately 40-45 days should elapse from the moment the flowering begins and by the time the seeds are collected. Be prepared for the fact that the collected seeds may give slightly different-looking flowers - this is normal when collecting Tagetes seed on your own. Cross-pollination in marigolds often produces interesting hybrids. How to collect marigold seeds? Just pull the top with dried petals, and the seeds remain in your hand.

They should be stored in a dry and dark place, in a paper or cloth bag, and safely sown in the spring in the ground. The sooner you sow the seeds, the sooner they will sprout and bloom. Experienced gardeners sow upright varieties in the second half of March, and undersized and small-leaved varieties, in turn, are sown in the first week of April. Thus, it is possible to adjust the timing of the simultaneous flowering of all varieties, around June they should please you with the first buds and inflorescences.

This is followed by another interesting point - is it necessary to soak marigold seeds before planting? For sowing, the seed material can be pre-soaked in water, but it is not necessary. Soaked in water at room temperature, as well as slightly germinated seeds, give a higher percentage of germination and seedling density. This option will be relevant if you managed to get some very rare varieties, and even in small quantities. Then, in order to increase their germination, you can pre-soak them even not just in water, but in water with a growth activator solution.

Another, no less interesting option on how to grow marigolds is planting seeds with cultivating the land with boiling water. What is all this for? The seed material has a natural ether shell, it "works" as a barrier when pecking. And hot water simply dissolves it, washes it off, thereby facilitating the germination of seeds. How does this happen? A container is taken, drainage is placed at the bottom, filled with pre-prepared soil mixture, then all this is generously poured with freshly boiled water. While the soil is hot, we take tweezers and use it to bury the seeds in the soil, not too deep, then the container is covered with plastic wrap, placed on the radiator (for about 1 hour), and then transferred to the windowsill, etc.

Marigold seedlings, photo:

You can beat a similar cultivation of marigolds through seedlings in a slightly different way. To do this, a container with earth is prepared, as described above, the seeds are slightly pressed into the soil (you can use a spoon), and only then the whole thing is poured with plenty of boiling water. The end result does not change. The container should also be covered with polyethylene, placed closer to the heat source (heating battery or its electric counterpart) for 1 hour, and after that transferred to the place designated for seedlings. After such a "shock" treatment, the seed sprouts much faster and better - checked.

How to grow marigold seedlings

And now let's look at the classic version of planting seeds for seedlings:

  1. Blackleg disease is what most often kills marigold seedlings. To prevent this from happening, it is better to first disinfect the planting container and steam the soil mixture itself. For processing, you can use Vitaros or Maxim fungicides, they are dissolved in water according to the instructions, and then the container already filled with earth is spilled. For greater certainty, if possible, steam the soil in a double boiler for about 1 hour. This procedure will destroy all harmful fungi and viruses.
  2. We press the treated soil a little (compact), slightly moisten it with a spray gun. On its surface we make shallow "beds", and they should be located a couple of centimeters from each other. Next, carefully place the seeds in the beds, sprinkle with a thin layer of soil (about 1 cm).
  3. Watering seedlings should be done very carefully so that the jet of water does not knock the seeds out of the soil. At the same time, it is extremely important that the soil mixture is always moderately moistened! Containers with planted seeds are constantly kept warm, while the air temperature should not be lower than +20..+23 ºС. If you want, you can additionally cover the container with plastic wrap, create a kind of greenhouse for plants. But such a "greenhouse" will need to be ventilated daily.
  4. How many marigold seeds germinate? With proper observance of these simple manipulations, the seeds should sprout no earlier than in 7-8 days.
  5. After the first shoots have appeared, the container must be transferred to the light - to a place where the temperature will be lowered to +16..+18 ºС.
  6. When the sprouts have the first 2 or 3 full-fledged leaves, they can dive. It is best to transplant plants into special seedling cassettes or plastic cups. Once every 2-3 weeks it will be possible to feed the young livestock with a complex fertilizer to give strength, "Agricola" or "Mortar" are well suited for this.

Next, dive marigolds. Planting seedlings in cassettes is still the most convenient in all respects. The soil mixture can be used similar to that which was bought / composed for sowing seeds. To improve the growth of marigolds, nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer and wood ash can be added to the soil (1 full tablespoon of fertilizer + 2 full tablespoons of ash for every 5 liters of soil mixture). Everything is thoroughly mixed and distributed among the cassettes, the earth is slightly pressed down, with the help of a pencil (conveniently) a recess is made in it, where the seedling will be placed.

Marigolds, seedlings, photo:

The seedling itself is carefully removed from the total container. To do this, you can use the handle of a spoon - convenient and will not damage the roots. We deepen the plant into the cassette cell by about 1 cm, making sure that the cotyledons (lower elongated leaves) do not come into contact with the ground. Next, very carefully water the young generation. If after watering the soil mixture settles significantly, then sprinkle more soil on top. As soon as they saw that the top layer of the earth began to dry out - immediately water the seedlings. But be sure to make sure that there are no overflows, it is better to underfill water than pour it in excess.

Marigolds - planting and care in the open field

Marigolds should be planted for permanent residence when the threat of frost has finally passed. Approximately for central Russia - this is approximately the second half of June. For warm regions, this may be the last week of April, but, more reliably, the first or even the second half of May for planting marigolds in the soil. One caveat: the seedlings of marigolds should be “hardened” by the time they are transplanted into the ground. About a couple of weeks before planting, take out a container with seedlings for a few minutes in fresh air. Continue to do this every day, gradually increasing the amount of time your plants spend outdoors.

You need to decide on a landing site in advance, it should be sunny, since in the sun the “sunny flowers” ​​of the Tagetes will feel most comfortable.

In some cases, you can plant them in a semi-shaded area, but be prepared for the fact that there marigold flowers will not bloom well and profusely.

I already wrote about the neighborhood with vegetable and berry crops above - you know better what task this flower will perform, decorative or decorative-useful. They do not like too wet soil and flooding with water - keep this in mind.

They should not be placed too densely, next to each other, this plant prefers good air exchange. It is better to plant upright marigolds at a distance of 40-50 cm from one another, shorter varieties - closer, by 20-30 cm. For marigolds, it is important that the soil is loose and passes air well, fertility does not play a big role in this matter at all. If clay predominates in the proposed planting site, then add sand with peat to it in advance. When you make a hole for a plant, keep in mind that the stem will be additionally buried in the ground by about 2 cm. Each seedling is carefully removed from its “nest”, placed in the hole, the free space on the sides is filled with soil, the earth around the flower is slightly pressed with hands.

Marigolds (also known as marigolds, Chernobrivtsy, tagetes) are small suns that are widely grown in household plots. They are loved by flower growers for a huge number of various varieties, colors and shapes. Therefore, we highly recommend that you sow them first for seedlings, and then transplant them into open ground. What's more, they are great for beginner growers as Growing them is easy: you just need to familiarize yourself with the basic recommendations for planting and caring for them.

Marigolds are flowers that can be safely sown immediately in open ground, and first for seedlings. More importantly, marigolds grown by seedlings at home will bloom much earlier and more abundantly. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to plant them for seedlings, then be sure to do it.

When to plant seedlings: the best time in 2020

The optimal timing for planting marigolds for seedlings varies depending on the region where the flowers are grown. So, in the south they can be sown already in the second half of March, and in the Middle Strip (Moscow region), it is advisable to start planting marigolds only from the end of March, and even better from April. Such a late planting is explained by a rather short period of seedling development: as a rule, only 40-50 days pass between the appearance of the first shoots and the beginning of flowering.

According to the lunar calendar for 2020

It can help you choose the best date for sowing seeds Moon calendar.

So, favorable days for sowing marigolds in 2020, according to the lunar calendar, are:

  • in March - 2-8, 10-14, 29-31;
  • in April - 1, 2, 5-7, 9, 17-20, 24, 25;
  • in May - 2-6, 15-17, 20, 21, 25-31;
  • in June - 2-4, 7-9, 11-14, 16-19.

Unfavorable days, according to the lunar calendar for 2020, for sowing marigolds are the following dates (the days of the Full Moon and New Moon, as well as the period when the Moon is in Aquarius, because this is a barren and dry sign - highlighted in italics):

  • in March - 9, 19-21 , 24;
  • in April - 8, 15-17 , 23;
  • in May - 7, 13-14 , 22;
  • in June - 5, 9-11 , 21.

According to the lunar calendar, from the magazine "1000 Tips for a Summer Resident".

Container and soil mixture

You can use any containers for planting marigolds, but it is desirable, of course, that it be a planting box or container in which it is recommended to plant many seeds at once.

By the way! If you plant marigold seeds in a sufficiently large container and at a certain distance from each other, then later it will be possible to do without picking seedlings. Many experienced gardeners do this.

As always, you have a choice: purchase soil from a flower shop or make it yourself from the necessary components.

When preparing the soil mixture yourself, you will need to take in the following proportions:

  • 2 parts of peat;
  • 1 part humus (or compost);
  • 1 part sand (preferably river).

Since marigold seedlings are also susceptible to other diseases, the earth should be sure, for example, by spilling one of the popular fungicides, for example, or the simplest (but least effective) 1% solution of potassium permanganate. It will be even better if you pre-steam the soil mixture in the microwave or oven.

We sow seedlings

Step-by-step instructions for planting marigold seeds for seedlings:

Video: sowing marigold seedlings

Care for marigolds after planting seedlings

After 4-6 days from the moment of sowing marigolds for seedlings, friendly shoots should appear.

As soon as shoots appear, the shelter must be removed every day and aired plantings, because. during this period, the probability of seedling infection is high. After 2-3 days, the shelter can be completely removed.

Further care for marigold seedlings is regular watering, because. in no case should the soil be allowed to dry out.

The temperature regime should be maintained not lower than +18 degrees during the day and not less than +12-15 at night.

You should not have problems with daylight hours, because. in April, it is already quite long, no phytopamps are needed, but, of course, it is better to keep the seedlings on a bright windowsill.

If you notice that the seedlings are somehow slowly developing, then you can feed the marigolds with special fertilizers for seedlings, such as Mortar, Fertika or Agricola.


As soon as you find that the marigold seedlings have 2-3 true leaves, it's time to pick it up.

As a capacity for picking, you can use a more spacious box or container (depth 5-6 centimeters), individual cassettes are even more convenient. But the choice, as always, is yours.

The soil is the same as when sowing, but this time it is worth doing without sifting it. If you want, you can add 1 tbsp. to 5 liters of soil mixture. a spoonful of complex mineral fertilizer and half a glass of ash, and then mix well.

Step-by-step instructions for picking seedlings of marigolds plank:

The essence of the second method tweezers next: each plant is carefully taken with tweezers and with the same tweezers is buried in the ground. The main thing here is to calculate the clamping power with tweezers so as not to transfer the root.

Video: picking seedlings of marigolds in two ways - with tweezers and a bar

1-2 weeks before planting marigold seedlings in the garden, it is advisable to start harden, gradually letting her stand in the fresh air and better adapt to external conditions. Naturally, the temperature should be positive and not less than + 12-15 degrees.

Planting marigold seedlings in open ground: when and how to plant

When the return spring frosts have completely passed, you can safely begin to plant seedlings of marigolds in open ground. In the Middle lane (Moscow region), as a rule, this occurs in the second half of May. In the south - the end of April-beginning of May.

Important! Marigolds do not tolerate return frosts, the seedlings will simply die, so it is better to wait once again when the warm weather stabilizes than to hurry up and be left without these beautiful flowers.

Marigolds love sunny places, although they can grow in light shade, but then they will not bloom so brightly and plentifully.

It is useful to plant marigolds next to tomatoes: then they can protect the bushes from the root nematode. And if planted next to potatoes, then the marigolds will scare away the Colorado potato beetle. It is good to grow eggplant and cabbage in the neighborhood.

Marigolds are very unpretentious plants, respectively, they can grow on any soil, where there is perhaps no stagnant water. It is desirable, of course, that the earth be loose and permeable. If your soil is too heavy and clayey, then use sand and peat to improve it.

The process of planting marigolds in the ground is as follows: carefully transfer the plant along with an earthen clod into a hole and sprinkle it with earth, then press it a little so that it is better fixed in the ground.

The distance between marigold seedlings, depending on the variety, should be from 15 to 30 centimeters.

To protect the root system and the plant itself from drying out, it is necessary to mulch the plantings with sawdust.

The final touch is light watering.

Video: planting seedlings of marigolds in open ground

Care for marigolds after planting in open ground

Marigolds do not require any special care measures. All that is needed is constant loosening, weeding from weeds (naturally, only at the initial stage of development, because as soon as the plants form powerful and dense bushes, the weeds simply cannot break through), watering as needed.

On hot and dry days, it is advisable to water the marigolds 2 times a day: early in the morning and after 6-7 pm.

If you are confident in the quality of your soil and see that the plant is green, the leaves do not turn yellow, the buds are quickly laid and the plants bloom well, then additional fertilization under the marigolds is not worth it.

If it is noticeable that the plant is lacking something, then it makes sense 1-2 times per season, preferably alternating organic and mineral fertilizers, in small quantities, apply liquid or granular top dressing under marigolds. However, it is recommended to do this before the period of their abundant flowering. Naturally, it is necessary to use phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, because. these elements stimulate more lush flowering.

Advice! If you want a long and abundant flowering, then you need to quickly remove faded flower stalks.

Types and varieties of marigolds

The most popular varieties and varieties of marigolds are the following:

Video: an overview of popular varieties of marigolds

Thus, planting and growing unpretentious marigolds in your dacha will not be difficult: you just need to follow the basic rules of care. And the ratio of efforts and results will definitely please you.

Video: growing and caring for marigolds

In contact with

These flowers are truly "folk". You can see them in almost every area. Tall and very small, red, yellow and orange "suns" unusually decorate the flower garden. And growing marigolds is not difficult at all.

So, marigolds - planting and care in the open field.

Today, flower growers can purchase dozens of varieties of marigolds.

According to the structure of the inflorescences, they are divided into simple, semi-double and terry varieties.

But more often, marigolds for planting are chosen according to their size:

  1. Giant - up to 130 cm.
  2. High - up to 90 cm.
  3. Medium - up to 50 cm.
  4. Undersized - up to 40 cm.
  5. Dwarf - up to 15 cm.

Fans stop at one or another variety, depending on where they intend to grow flowers. For example, only undersized and dwarf ones are suitable for balconies. And the giant marigolds planted in the middle of the flower bed will become its pride and main decoration.

Marigolds are also divided into erect, deviated and thin-leaved.

Erect - annuals, can grow more than 1 m in height, flowers - plain, from yellow to orange. The most famous variety is Kilimanjaro.

Rejected - got their name because of their escapes. Lush bushes, with small flowers. The most favorite variety of summer residents is Antoshka marigolds.

Thin-leaved - rarely higher than 40 cm, the flowers resemble daisies, the decoration is thin carved leaves. A popular variety is "Gnome".

How to breed marigolds?

Most often, summer residents buy bags of seeds of certain varieties. Rarely use seeds collected independently.

Sowing seeds in the ground

If you live in a fairly warm area where frost will not threaten seedlings at the end of spring, marigolds can be planted from April 20 to May 15. Then in about two months you will admire their flowering.

Preparing for planting, it is desirable to germinate the seeds. They take a separate saucer for each variety, put a clean rag there, pour the seeds on it and pour some water at room temperature. Each saucer is placed in a plastic bag and placed in a warm place - for example, on a windowsill near the battery. After 3-4 days, the seeds can be planted.

It must be remembered that each seed will turn into a bush, so when planting, you must observe the desired distance between future flowers.

Then the ground in the garden is leveled and watered. When shoots appear - see if they are too close to each other. Thin out the sprouts if necessary.

Planting seeds for seedlings

Since the warm season in Russia is relatively short, it is preferable to grow marigold seedlings. Usually flower growers who do this buy ready-made soil in Priroda stores. But you can make it yourself. To do this, take the land, you can forest, peat and some river sand. In this case, in order to disinfect, the soil is calcined in a stove on a baking sheet or watered with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Soil is poured on top, grooves are made - if there are no special tools, you can use a stick, a pencil. Seeds are planted at a distance of about 3 cm from each other.

The soil should be moist, watering should be done carefully so as not to wash the seeds out of the ground. Place the container in a well-lit place, but not in drafts.

A few days later, when shoots appear, the box is periodically turned to the window, first one side, then the other. They do this so that the plants do not stretch in one direction towards the light, do not bend.

Seedlings dive when 3 leaves appear. It is recommended to plant in the garden in the last decade of May.

Planting marigolds in open ground

This is the most crucial moment in growing flowers. It is necessary to determine a suitable place, prepare a garden bed, grow or purchase strong healthy seedlings.

Selection of planting material

If you are going to grow seedlings yourself, remember that you need to sow the seeds at different times. Tall marigolds are planted first of all - in March, in April, the turn of undersized varieties comes.

When buying marigold seedlings in a store or on the market, carefully inspect it - are the plants healthy, do they look strong? It is better when each plant is planted in a separate container - there is less risk of injuring the roots during planting.

Soil preparation and site selection

It is advisable to enrich the soil before planting - dig up a bed, introducing peat, humus, river sand, mineral fertilizers there.

The distance between seedlings will depend on the type of marigold. Tall ones need space: plants should be separated from each other by 40 cm, for dwarf marigolds this distance is halved.

It is advisable to put a little drainage at the bottom of the holes, and then plant the plants. After planting for a couple of weeks, marigolds need regular watering.

Care for marigolds in the open field

These flowers are easy to care for. It consists in watering, loosening, weeding and periodic top dressing.

Watering and feeding

During the growth period, marigolds need regular watering, with the onset of flowering, watering can be less frequent.

It is advisable to use not a hose, but a watering can, and to defend the water in advance in a container so that it warms up. The best time to water is in the evening when the sun is about to set.

If the summer is rainy, drainage will help prevent root rot.

In the case when the bed is prepared in accordance with all the rules, additional dressings can be omitted. Do you want to pamper the plant, achieve lush flowering? Use any fertilizer other than manure. Top dressing is applied 2-3 times before flowering, that is, during the period of active plant growth. The best option is to use complex fertilizers.

Loosening and pruning

Marigolds hate it when the earth is pulled together with a crust. It is necessary to provide air access to the roots. This can be achieved with regular loosening. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the root system. It is also important to remove weeds.

To make the bushes look more beautiful, fading marigold flowers are periodically cut off. Then new buds will appear, the overall flowering will intensify.

How to collect seeds?

Most often this situation occurs. You have purchased marigold seeds of a certain variety. In summer, the plants bloomed, and you really liked it. I would like to decorate the flower bed with such flowers next year.

There is nothing easier. Wait for the marigolds to bloom and collect the seeds. You can store them throughout the winter in paper bags.

But since most marigolds are hybrids, the flowers that bloom next summer may be somewhat different from the mother plants.

Diseases and pests of marigolds

Marigolds are strong and healthy plants largely due to their smell.

The most commonly threatened flowers are:

  1. Slugs. There are especially many of them if the summer is rainy. With a small number of pests, they can be collected manually. If the attack is massive, a drug such as Thunderstorm will help.
  2. Spider mite. To combat it, you can purchase special preparations in the Nature store. According to folk recipes - they use onions, yarrow - they prepare solutions and spray flowers.
  3. Gray rot. Occurs when watering rules are violated. It is better to immediately remove the affected plant from the garden - otherwise other flowers will get sick and die.

With proper care, marigolds, as a rule, do not get sick.

The use of marigolds in landscape design

Bright unpretentious marigolds will decorate any site and will delight the owners with abundant flowering for a long time.