Tar solution for use in the garden. The use of birch tar in the garden and garden against pests. Treating trees with birch tar

Tar from birch bark (or Russian oil) is a product of dry distillation of bark (pyrolysis process). This thick, oily black mixture has a sharp, specific odor and contains a lot of paraffin.

Birch tar has long been widely used in gardening to combat pests and diseases. garden crops. There are 2 types of tar: birch and birch bark. In the second case, young bark is used as a raw material. The result is the purest product used for treatment skin diseases in people.

Birch tar is effective against:

  • Colorado potato beetle on potatoes, peppers and eggplants (10 g tar + 50 g laundry soap + 10 l water);
  • onion fly (half an hour before planting the sets, place the bulbs in a plastic bag with a small amount of tar and mix everything thoroughly; for 1 kg of sets, take 1 tbsp of tar);
  • cabbage butterflies (install small pegs on the cabbage beds and wrap them with rags soaked in tar);
  • wireworm (before planting, lubricate potato tubers with tar solution; take 1 tablespoon of tar per 10 liters of water and leave for 1 hour);
  • cabbage fly (water the mulch around cabbage and other cruciferous crops with the solution from the previous point);
  • codling moths (dissolve 1 tablespoon of tar + 40 g of laundry soap in 10 liters of water and apply the resulting composition to the tree and under it before the butterflies begin to fly out);
  • hawthorn (the method is similar to the previous one, only the spider nests are first removed);
  • bird cherry weevil (the tree is treated with the same composition when the first leaves appear in the spring and at the beginning of the appearance of the ovaries);
  • spider mite and raspberry-strawberry weevil (same composition, treatment before budding stage);
  • vole mice (mulch tree trunk circles trees with sawdust soaked in tar solution from the previous paragraphs before the onset of autumn cold weather);
  • hares (whiten the bases of the trunks with whitewash consisting of 1 kg of whitewash, 10 kg of mullein, 50 g of tar and 10-12 liters of water);
  • ants (lubricate the trunks of diseased trees and shrubs with undiluted tar; you can also wrap the trunks with cloth soaked in tar);
  • aphids (dissolve 50 g of grated tar soap in 1 liter of boiling water, add 5 ml of tar and 20 liters of water; spray trees and shrubs affected by aphids with the product, repeat the treatment after a month);
  • ticks (pour 500 ml of tar into a 3 liter glass jar, and then boiling water to the top, and mix everything thoroughly several times; after cooling, spread with the mixture open areas, and ticks will not attach to you);
  • mole crickets (dissolve 10 ml of tar in 10 liters of water and spray young potato bushes with the resulting solution in May);
  • moles (grease small wooden pegs with tar and place them over the entire area of ​​the site at intervals of 4 m from each other);
  • mosquitoes (dissolve 5 ml of tar in 2 liters of water and lubricate exposed areas of the body with the solution).

In addition to pests, tar prevents and stops the development of a number of diseases. For example, to prevent scab on a pear when young leaves appear, treat the tree with a tar composition: 1 tbsp. l. tar, 40 g of laundry soap and 10 liters of water (repeat the procedure in a week).

Birch tar has been used in the garden for a very long time; it is a black, thick liquid with a pungent odor. This is a squeeze of birch bark, which we used to harvest ourselves, but now we buy more often. Thanks to its pungent odor, the product successfully repels insects and rodents, while also treating plants.

How to use birch tar in the garden?

Birch tar found use in the garden as safe and natural remedy, which was successfully used by our ancestors to protect crops and fruits from pests. It has a unique composition: resins, paraffin, organic acids, phytoncides, guaiacol. Protects not only crops, but also fruit trees.

Using birch tar in the garden is very effective and the work is not difficult. The main thing is to follow the rules of use:

  1. When the first leaves appear on the trees, you need to make a solution: 10 g of birch tar per bucket of water and 100 g of grated laundry soap. Pour into bubbles and hang on branches. The smell repels pests well.
  2. If white dots appear on the fruit - scab, hang the containers in the same way, only 15 g of tar are added to the solution.
  3. You can save gooseberries, raspberries or currants if you spray the bushes with the same solution before flowering.
  4. The stems of the bushes are also coated with a mixture of pure tar and wood ash, this protects the plants from viruses.

Why do you need birch tar in the garden?

It is important to remember that birch tar is incompatible with synthetic drugs. They even need to be stored in different rooms. But it works well in combination with mineral and natural extracts. The effectiveness of tar was known back in the time of Tsarina Catherine II; in order to get rid of moles, they mixed it with camphor.

Birch tar works great against pests:

  • onion fly;
  • cabbage butterfly;
  • wireworm;
  • cabbage fly;
  • ants.

Birch tar - benefits and harm for the garden

When purchasing, it is very important to distinguish between birch bark and birch tar. The first is obtained from chips, twigs and bark, and the second is from birch bark. The difference between them is the concentration of substances. Birch bark has a light aroma, it is used in medicine, but for the garden you only need birch, with a pungent odor. Birch tar for plants – best friend, although it has its pros and cons.

Positive properties:

  1. Does not require complex equipment.
  2. Safe for people.
  3. Does not harm plants, protects them from 20 days before the season until full ripening.

Negative properties:

  1. Along with pests, it also repels beneficial insects.
  2. Cannot be used on fruits and greens, since tar accumulates in all parts of plants.
  3. It dissolves poorly in water and sticks to parts of nozzles. You can only spray it with a broom.
  4. Soiled clothes cannot be washed.

How to use birch tar in the garden?

Birch tar - the recipe is simple: mix with water and laundry soap. Concentration is important; it is different for plants and trees. The smell affects insects and rodents with a keen sense of smell, as well as underground inhabitants. Enough to treat once a season. It does not repel ground pests for so long, so the treatment must be repeated once a month.

Basic methods:

  1. From insects. Dissolve 50 g of laundry soap and 10 g of tar in a bucket of water.
  2. From the wireworm. You can protect the potatoes by dipping the tubers in the solution for an hour and a half and watering the holes with the mixture.
  3. From butterflies. Wrap the ends of the pegs in the beds with tow soaked in tar.

Birch tar - use in the garden against insects

Even the larvae cause significant harm, since they not only feed on fruits and tops, but also spread bacteria. Birch tar protects well from insects, but from ants and adult beetles it is much weaker, only for a few days. So here you have to look for combinations with other means.

Successfully copes with the following pests:

  • onion, cabbage and carrot flies;
  • white butterfly;
  • sawfly;
  • carrot psyllid;
  • moth;
  • weevil;
  • sprout and sea buckthorn flies.

Birch tar in the garden against rodent pests

Rodents cause a lot of trouble for gardeners: moles, mice and hares. They destroy shoots and bark in winter, so it is important to protect plants and trees in cold weather. Today, birch tar is better known for its use in the garden against mice. But it also helps to cope with other harmful rodents.

The most effective ways:

  1. A mixture of 15 g of tar and 10 liters of water will help protect against moles and mice. Sawdust is soaked in the solution and buried around the trunks.
  2. A special whitewash, which is applied in the fall, eliminates the attacks of hares. You need to mix 10 liters of manure, 1 kg of whitewash and 50 g of tar, dilute with water until the consistency of kefir.

One of the most dangerous pests root vegetables are considered wireworm- a rather small worm that is difficult to notice. However, the most unpleasant fact about this pest is that it reproduces very quickly.

In gardening and gardening, you can often encounter very tenacious larvae onion fly, which are difficult to fight. The process of combating this type of pest occurs in two stages. First, you will need to thoroughly disinfect the soil into which you plan to plant the seed.

To do this, we dilute 25 grams of tar in a bucket clean water, after which we spray the entire soil with the resulting solution as thoroughly as possible from a spray bottle. Then you need to wait two to three days for the solution to do its job and kill all the pest larvae. After this, you can safely start sowing seeds.

The second stage to combat onion and carrot flies:

  • heat about 10 liters of water;
  • dissolve in hot water 25 grams of laundry soap;
  • add two spoons of tar to the soap solution and mix everything thoroughly;
  • spray the adrenal part with the resulting solution vegetable crops;
  • To achieve maximum effect, carry out the treatment twice during the summer: at the beginning and at the end.

Remedy for mole cricket

  • cook regular millet porridge in water;
  • cool completely healthy food and add tar to it;
  • For about 1 kg of finished porridge you need to take 4 tablespoons of tar;
  • mix the components thoroughly together, and then lay them out in your garden;
  • To do this, you will need to make several shallow grooves that will be located along the entire perimeter of the planting area;
  • put the prepared product into the grooves and cover everything with soil;
  • to achieve best effect, additionally make several furrows with mole cricket repellent between the rows of planted crops.

Tar against beetles

If you have long been tormented by the question of how to get rid of rats, voles and mice that have settled on your site, then in this case, birch tar will help to cope with the problem. To get rid of pests once and for all, you will need to take corn, wheat or oats as bait and mix them very thoroughly with tar.

In this situation, you do not have to dilute the resulting product with liquid. Everything you need coat the grains as well as possible with an oily substance for rodents. As soon as the product is ready, spread it in small portions in those places where, in your opinion, rodents are most often found.

You should not rush to remove the poison if rats or mice have not appeared on your site for a long time. It is best to play it safe and wait a while to make sure that the amount of pest control you prepare does not decrease over time. Only when you are sure that no one eats the poison can you say with confidence that you have completely destroyed all rodents.

Mole repellent

Aphids and ants are very unpleasant pests because they can attack both garden and vegetable crops. Therefore, as soon as you notice these insects in your area, immediately take appropriate measures until the pests spread over large areas:

Late blight most often affects tomatoes, and it can do this even during fruiting. To avoid such problems, it is recommended to do everything to destroy its spores while they are in the soil and in no case allow them to get on the plant.

To achieve a similar result, you need to dilute 2 tablespoons of regular baking soda and 7 big fly in the ointment in a bucket of water. The entire bed should be treated with this solution before planting vegetables in it.

In cases where this measure does not help get rid of late blight in in full, and it still gets on young seedlings, you need to thoroughly spray the diseased plants with a solution of tar and water. As a rule, only two such procedures should be enough to ensure that late blight never appears on your green pets again. However, keep in mind what to do spraying possible at intervals no more than once every 10 days.

For the destruction of mosquitoes, midges and midges

With the onset of summer, gardeners and gardeners begin to pester mosquitoes and midges. Most people are used to dealing with these pests very in a simple way which consists of purchasing and using special means, repelling midges with their smell.

However, no matter how good these remedies are, it is best to avoid them. If you carefully study their composition, you will notice that there is solid chemistry in the form of substances of synthetic origin. Therefore, it is recommended to use tar to get rid of mosquitoes and midges.

Can be purchased now ready-made meshes, then thoroughly saturate them with tar, and then distribute them around the perimeter of the area. However, it should be remembered that in order to be completely protected from insects, the nets must be fastened very tightly to each other, since even through a small gap insects can get inside a poorly protected garden.

Birch tar in the fight against spider mites

Until quite recently it was believed that spider mite is a pest that can exclusively infect greenhouse crops. However, in lately this insect has perfectly adapted to the conditions of open space and began to infect plants in open ground. Most often, the pest attacks young seedlings, thereby preventing them from intensively developing and growing.

Therefore, as soon as you see light yellow stripes on the seedlings (they remain as a result of the activity of the queen), immediately treat the affected plants with a solution of birch tar. To do this, dilute 5 tablespoons of an oily substance in 7 liters of water, pour the product into a sprayer and thoroughly treat all plants, including healthy ones, with it.

Benefits against powdery mildew

Therefore, if you grow plants in poor-quality conditions, you should at least carefully monitor that spotty plaque does not appear on your plants - this will be the first sign of a crop disease. If this does happen, prepare a solution of birch tar and ash as soon as possible:

  • first heat about 10 liters of water;
  • then dissolve 1.5 kg of high-quality wood ash;
  • here we add 4 tbsp. l. tar, mix the solution thoroughly;
  • It is necessary to spray with this product using a high-quality spray bottle, not forgetting to regularly clean the device from ash accumulated in small holes;
  • It is recommended to treat all plants on the site for preventive purposes;
  • It would also be a good idea to spray it with a spray bottle or simply spill the soil in the garden.

Useful remedy against ticks

It’s worth noting right away that in order to avoid these pests on your site, you need to take measures long before they appear. To begin with, it is recommended to cut down all the thickets on the site and carefully mow the grass. After completing this stage, you can directly proceed to preventive treatment of the garden or garden.

First you need to prepare a solution of mustard, soda and tar. Take 2 tablespoons of dry mustard and baking soda and 5 spoons of tar, dissolve all components in a 10-liter bucket of water and mix everything thoroughly. Part of this product must be sprayed over the entire area of ​​the site, and the rest should be applied to all shrubs and trees.

Tar against slugs

Experienced gardeners and gardeners, as a rule, fight slugs in stages. First they make special traps and then spray garden and vegetable crops. To make a simple trap, you will need to dig a hole in the ground, place a container in it, and pour a concentrated tar solution. Falling into such a trap, the slugs will die, thereby gradually clearing the area.

However, fighting slugs only with traps is quite a time-consuming task. Best process further all crops with a solution of sage and birch tar. Pour boiling water over the sage, let it brew, then mix 500 ml of the resulting infusion with 5 liters of water and 3 fly in the ointment.

Fighting onion fly with tar

If we delve deeper into history, our ancestors protected the harvest of fruit and vegetable crops without the use of pesticides, since they did not even know about their existence. Unfortunately, many methods have been lost.

The onion fly is considered one of the most dangerous pests of onions. This is a dangerous flying insect that looks like housefly. In spring, she lays eggs between the outer tissues at the base of the bulb. After 5–10 days, larvae emerge from them and feed on its fleshy leaves, which causes rotting of the bulb, wilting and drying of the leaves. In order not to apply chemicals you need to fight the onion fly with tar in the garden/vegetable garden.

To scare away the pest from the beds, half an hour before planting, put 1 kg of onion sets in a thick plastic bag and pour 1 tbsp into it. l. birch tar and stir for a long time.

Second processing option planting material before planting in the ground a little easier. You need to pour 1 liter of settled water at room temperature, 1 tbsp. l. birch tar and mix. Soak the onion sets in the resulting solution for 2–3 hours, with the tails pre-cut and, if possible, peeled.

The smell of birch tar is very specific, but it is what repels the onion fly. The product also has an antiseptic effect - it kills microbes, viruses, fungi that are in the planting material.

Tar from onion fly

If before planting the onion in open ground processing failed, attention needs to be paid appearance plants. When the feather reaches a height of 10 cm, the planting should be watered special composition: 20 g soap, 1 tbsp. l. tar per 10 liters of water. Repeated watering of the beds with a tar solution against onion flies is carried out after two weeks.

Birch tar against carrot fly

It is reliable and environmentally friendly safe remedy protection of root crops from carrot flies. These insects begin to fly early in the spring. At this time, they lay eggs at the base of young vegetable stems. At one time, the female can lay up to 120 eggs. The hatched larvae first damage the roots, and then make large number passages in root crops. Vegetables that have been gnawed by carrot fly larvae lose their taste, bitterness appears, change shape (become ugly), and become woody. Such root crops are not suitable for storage because diseases, such as white and black rot, quickly develop in them and they rot.

To prevent the appearance of the pest in carrot beds, it is necessary to flush the furrows with a solution of birch tar immediately before embedding the planting material into the soil. To prepare the composition, add 1 tbsp to a bucket of water. l. product and mix thoroughly.

The smell of tar reliably protects root crops from carrot flies. As the seedlings grow, you should look at their condition. If signs of the presence of a pest appear, it is necessary to re-water the plants at the roots with a solution of birch tar.

If the root crop is already growing in the garden, and there are carrot flies, twice a summer (in June and August) you need to water the plantings with the following composition: 20 g of laundry soap shavings, 1 tbsp. l. tar per standard 10-liter bucket of water.

From the comments:

In order for onions to grow well, before planting, you need to soak them the day before in a solution: 2 handfuls of ash per 1 liter of water, half a piece of tar soap (grate on a coarse grater) and add potassium permanganate. Today you soak it, and tomorrow you plant it. And when the onions sprout, you can also powder them with ash, but I didn’t do that. I have been using this method for three years now, the onions grow clean and beautiful and are well stored when dried well.

Anton Aport
I place the bed with carrots from north to south, as long as it is long enough. I make it narrow, 50 cm, and plant 2 rows. But I don’t like multi-rows; vegetables always grow better from the edge, so I settled on the second nearby method of planting in a narrow bed. A recent years Anyway, I loosened it, planted it, I don’t even dig it. The carrots are not complaining, they have even become larger. In general, carrots are not potatoes; they do not need loose soil, and they grow that way.
Regarding thinning, I plant carrots in a row every 5 cm in a group of 4-7 seeds, as it turns out. In general, I immediately lay down the distance. It then sprouts in bushes, after 5 cm. The strong ones are left, the rest are removed in the phase of 1-2 true leaves and are no longer thinned out until autumn.

Tar is a viscous liquid substance obtained after distillation of birch bark, peat, brown coal, etc. The birch variety of material is deservedly popular among summer residents. In this article we will look at the features of using birch tar in the garden.

Use of birch tar as fertilizer

Tar from birch bark is an environmentally friendly product that is used in crop production more like protective agent against harmful living organisms. Due to its harmlessness, it is used for any soil and plants: vegetables, fruits, trees and shrubs - in individual form: mulch, treating trees with whitewash or spraying with a non-concentrated solution.

Recipes for spraying plants against insects, rodents and diseases

Birch tar does not destroy harmful organisms, but only drives them away with an unpleasant odor.

Due to characteristic features the material has been successfully used in agriculture: protects crops and trees from diseases and mechanical damage which are caused by small rodents, insects and other pests.

Before combining tar with water, it is advisable to mix it with laundry soap: this will help better education solution without upper sedimentary film.

From the wireworm

The larvae have a detrimental effect on root crops (potatoes, carrots). Their influence can be prevented as follows: before planting, potato tubers are treated with an infused mixture of viscous birch product and water in a ratio of 15 g per 1 liter. Seed plants are treated with a solution when planting.

From carrot and onion flies

  1. soaking seeds and bulbs before planting (10 g of birch tar are diluted in 1 liter of water);
  2. interval root watering or spraying seedlings after flies lay eggs.

From the bear

From beetles

From mice, voles, rats

Spraying plants with birch tar will not eliminate garden plot from rodents. For this purpose would be better suited planting cereal seeds mixed with tar as bait, as well as mulching the soil with the substance (alternatively, saturate the mulch with it) throughout the area in the required places or around individual trees and shrubs.

From moles and hares

Moles have a detrimental effect on the roots of the plant, hares on the bark. The optimal mixture is the ratio of birch tar and vegetable oil 1 to 3. It is necessary to dip a cloth in the substance and place it along the holes and passages dug by the moles. Trees will be protected from chewed bark by whitewash (~1 kg), to which about 50 g of resin has been added.

The dosage of each component is selected individually based on the goals, size of the area, etc.

Another method is to install a low fence along the perimeter of the site, the posts of which are carefully treated with tar (enough for a season).

From ants and aphids

Aphids often live on the same shrubs and trees as ants, which makes pest control easier. Using tar to get rid of insects - ideal option due to their intolerance to strong odors. Spraying seedlings, then foliage, branches, and the trunk of an adult plant against aphids is carried out with a composition of tar, soap (previously melted in boiling water) and ordinary water. This product is used to additionally treat the trunk against ants, sometimes adding ash, or wrap it in treated cloth.

From late blight

Late blight is a common disease of tomatoes. Fungal spores are located in soil structures, therefore, to prevent the occurrence of disease in plants, a solution is prepared for foliar treatment of beds, bushes and diseased fruits. The combination of baking soda and tar obtained from birch with water in a ratio of 2 to 7 helps protect tomatoes from late blight. Spraying is carried out no more than once every 2 weeks.

From midges, midges and mosquitoes

Birch tar is used similarly to sprays and nets against small insects, but its difference is that it does not contain harmful chemical compounds.

From spider mites

At any stage of the growing season, a combination of birch tar with laundry soap and water is used. Average dose of substances: 10 liters of water, 1-2 tablespoons of the main ingredient, about 50 g of soap.

When spraying plants, do not forget about internal sides foliage.

From powdery mildew

This pathogen is a fungus that affects vegetables growing in conditions of excess moisture and low temperature. Foliar spray treatment is carried out with a prepared and well-mixed warm liquid mass consisting of water, ash and tar. It can be used as a preventive measure.

From ticks

From slugs

Complex disposal includes two stages: catching slugs in containers located in small depressions and filled with tar (or any liquid), and spraying with a solution.

From gadflies

When fighting these insects it is used standard scheme use of birch tar in gardening. It is similar to its use against mosquitoes, midges, etc., since the gadfly also does not tolerate a pungent odor.

From the bark beetle

The branches and the outside of the tree trunk are treated with a more concentrated solution. When the internal structures of wood are destroyed, it is important to use a needle and syringe to rinse the internal passages and moisten them generously with the solution.

From weevil

The pest causes damage to bush berry plants: they dry out and do not bear fruit. To avoid damage, carry out regular preventative treatment of the relevant parts of the plant.

Spraying should begin early spring, Bye young plant is being formed.

From cabbage pests

You can prevent the damage caused by cabbage butterflies and flies by mulching the soil with sawdust or rags on stakes around the bed, soaked in tar solution.

From apple and plum moths

With the first, the fight takes place during the flowering of apple trees liquid mixture birch tar (10 g) and up to 40 g of soap. With the second, it is better to carry out activities at the end of spring, immediately after the end of flowering of the trees.

From gooseberry and cherry sawfly

Treatment of gooseberries, currants, and cherries should be regular and repeated once a week after flowering, even if obvious changes have occurred. Working composition – 30-40 g of soap is mixed with a spoonful of resinous tar and diluted with water (10 l).

From gooseberry moth

From raspberry-strawberry weevil

The pest eats flowers, which is why berries cannot form. For foliar spraying, the following composition is used: birch ash is diluted in a bucket of water.

From hawthorn

Butterflies do not destroy vegetation - this is the prerogative of the larvae, which eat the green mass, drying it out, and the flowers fruit trees. To protect them, a solution with tar soap by stages of formation (appearance of leaves, flowers, caterpillars on them, larvae, etc. during the summer season).

Thus, I found birch tar wide application in gardening. It is the main component of formulations that are designed to combat pests and diseases of garden and vegetable crops.