Sarcoptic mange in humans treatment symptoms. Sarcoptic mange in dogs - symptoms and treatment. Video about skin diseases in dogs


Transmission routes

The tick can also infect the owner of the dog. It passes to the human skin in several ways:

When one dog is diagnosed appropriately, all animals in the household should be treated to avoid re-infection. People do not need to be treated, they are not able to infect a dog after it has been cured, even if they themselves are still carriers of the micromite.

Symptoms in humans

In rare cases, symptoms may persist for several months. Usually it goes away in a few days.


The most reliable diagnostic method in humans is microscopic examination of scrapings. This diagnostic method has several features:

  • It is carried out in laboratory conditions. The collected sample is immediately placed on a sterile glass slide for subsequent microscopic examination;
  • The procedure is completely painless, as there is no targeted damage to the skin;
  • Scraping is taken both from the damaged area (that is, from the one on which the symptoms are expressed), and from relatively intact ones (as prescribed by the doctor);
  • The disease is contagious and very easily transmitted. Therefore, sometimes scrapings are recommended to be given to all family members who are in close contact with an infected person (and especially sleeping with him in the same bed, using the same towels, etc.);
  • Such a study cannot become a method of excluding the disease, since its reliability is about 50%, and sometimes less. If the symptoms are clear, but the result of the study is negative, it is recommended to take scrapings a few more times.


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Ticks usually spend their entire lives on the dog. The female tick bites into the skin and lays eggs several times. The gnawed tunnels in the skin can be several centimeters long. One female lays 40-60 eggs. After 15-19 days, new mites develop from them. Having gone beyond the epidermis, the female can live 13 days. She dies after laying her eggs. After 3-8 days, larvae hatch from the eggs, which have 6 legs. The larvae turn into nymphs, which already have 8 legs. The nymph spends all the time in the skin until it becomes an adult. The entire life cycle requires 2-3 weeks.

Ticks prefer to live on the dog and can also survive for several days outside the host in the environment. In cool, humid conditions, they live up to 22 days. At normal room temperature in the house, they will live from 2 to 6 days. Because of the ability of the tick to survive apart from its owner, dogs can become infected without even coming into direct contact with an infected animal.

Canine scabies symptoms

The defeat starts from the head. Small nodules appear on the frontal arches, the back of the nose, and the ears of the dog, which turn into itchy, fluid-filled blisters. In place of blisters, scratches quickly appear, scabs and crusts form. Wool in places of strong scratching completely falls out, and wounds and bleeding scratches appear on the skin. An atypical flow is characterized by an abundance of dandruff.

The symptoms of canine mange are varied, but typically include hair loss and severe itching, especially:

  • on the ears;
  • in the armpits;
  • on the joints;
  • chest;
  • abdominal cavity.

Ticks tend to live on areas of skin with less hair. As the infection worsens, it can spread throughout the body. Due to severe itching and scratching, the skin soon becomes traumatized, and various ulcers and infections can develop as a result. If the infection is not treated, the surrounding lymph nodes may swell.

In addition, the intense itching caused by the sarcoptic mite is the result of a severe allergic reaction to the mite. When dogs are initially infected with Sarcoptes, they do not develop itching for several weeks. If animals are cured and then re-infected at a later time, intense itching begins almost immediately. This indicates that itching may be caused by an allergic reaction, however, standard allergy treatments in this case usually do not improve the symptoms of scabies.

Diagnostic methods

Sarcoptic scabies is a fairly common infection, and in many cases is often misdiagnosed as severe atopy (inhalation allergy). Every time we see a dog that has never had allergies and severe itching develops(if itching is not seasonal, but lasts all year round), canine scabies may be suspected.

To make an accurate diagnosis, the animal must be shown to the veterinarian. The standard method is to scrape the skin and then identify the tick under a microscope. Unfortunately, on average, only 20% of infected dogs will display Sarcoptes mites on scraping, so a negative scraping does not rule out sarcoptic mange. Therefore, most diagnoses are based on history and response to treatment for scabies.

Treatment for sarcoptic mange in dogs

There are several ways to treat scabies. Previously, the most effective treatment was with benzoyl peroxide shampoo, after washing which organophosphate ointments were applied. Dogs were usually bathed once every two weeks.

But these effective ointments are unpleasant for both the owner and the dog. In addition, since the ointment must come into contact with ticks, and most mites live on the muzzle and ears of dogs, great care must be taken when applying the ointment to these sensitive areas. These ointments can also be toxic to humans and are not suitable for very young, old, or debilitated animals.

There are several other products that are extremely effective, safe, and convenient in treating scabies. Selamectin is a topical solution, which is applied once a month, it also provides flea prevention, protection against ticks and scabies.

Ivermectin is also effective but should not be used in breeds such as collies or shelties.

It must be remembered that all these products should only be used under direct veterinary supervision.

Since Sarcoptes scabiei is easily transmitted between animals, all dogs in contact with an infected animal should also be treated. Due to the length of the life cycle and the ability of the tick to live outside the animal, treatment should be continued for a minimum of 4 weeks.

In parallel with the treatment of the disease in dogs, thorough disinfection and cleaning of rooms, cabins and cages is necessary by spraying a 2% solution of chlorophos or boiling water. The bedding of the animal is washed in soapy water and treated with acaricides.

Because of the damage to the skin from scabies, many dogs can also develop bacterial or yeast infections.

Protecting a dog from direct contact with an infected dog is quite difficult. Places where large numbers of dogs congregate are obviously more likely to contain ticks.

Treatment of sarcoptic mange in humans

When people infected with sarcoptic mange from animals, the disease is usually self-limiting, causing only temporary itching. But there is a human form of sarcoptic mange that is transmitted from person to person. This type of sarcoptic mite causes a rash on the wrists, elbows, or between the fingers. In infants, the rash may appear on the head, neck, or body.

Treatment requires drugs prescribed by a doctor in each individual case. These medicines will kill the mites and their eggs.

In addition to prescription treatments, it is necessary to clean linen and clothes by washing items with hot water, drying them in a dryer and placing them in a plastic bag for several days.

Your doctor may recommend treatment for other members of your family, even if they don't show signs of scabies. You can apply a cool compress to soothe the affected areas. Lotion Calamine applied to the skin helps soothe itchy or irritated skin.

If you have an allergic reaction, antihistamines may help reduce symptoms.

Scratching the affected areas can make you susceptible to a secondary bacterial infection. In this case, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics.

Development in dogs

Sarcoptic mange in dogs is caused by a mite of the genus Sarcoptescanis, which affects the auricles, muzzle, areas of the body with the least hairline, the elbow joints, and the abdomen and does not have a pronounced seasonality, as it occurs at any time of the year.

Ways of infection

Sick weakened dogs most often become the source of damage, and in the future, reproduction. Healthy individuals become infected by contact with the sick or through human household items, shoes, clothes, etc. Most often, the disease affects young individuals, which tolerate the disease more severely than their adult relatives.

Infection from people who are non-specific carriers is also possible. In humans, sarcoptic mange proceeds much more easily than in animals and manifests itself in the form of redness, followed by a rash and itching, the continuation of these signs is possible up to several months. In the human body, Sarcoptidal mites cannot live long because there are no suitable conditions for the development of their eggs.


The first days of sarcoptic mange are not noticeable, but after 10-14 days the first symptoms appear. So-called pimples (papules) filled with a clear liquid are formed on areas of the skin that are not protected by hairline, bursting, they spread the infection throughout the body. The disease is accompanied by unbearable itching, the infected animal constantly itches, which further leads to the formation of a scab, the animal continues to itch, turning the scales into open wounds of an abscess. With improper treatment and in advanced cases, the disease takes a chronic head start, which subsequently leads to thickening, pigmentation and even baldness of the skin. Photos clearly demonstrate how the affected areas of the skin look.


To make a correct diagnosis, it is necessary to take scrapings of the skin and, under laboratory conditions, obtain an accurate result by microscopy. Despite laboratory tests, no more than 50% of dogs infected with sarcoptic mange receive a positive result. Despite this, preventive treatment is prescribed based on clinical and epidemiological data.


Treatment of sarcoptic mange in dogs involves several steps. To begin with, the pet must be washed with soapy water using antiseborrheic agents. After that, the animal is treated with preparations with acaricide with an interval of several weeks. Dicrezil, karbofos, an aqueous solution of diazinon show good results in the fight against ticks. Macrolide preparations are administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly, the dose is 0.1 ml / kg per dog body weight, applied twice with an interval of 7-9 days. Outwardly, products containing selamectin, which has long been used to treat sarcoptic mange in many countries, are used.

The systemic means of brovermectin-granulate, ivermectin cope well with the disease. However, these drugs should not be prescribed to breeds such as shelties, kohls, bobtails, they have severe side effects. Therefore, on the basis of these drugs, ointments are made, which are then rubbed into damaged areas of the skin. Treatment is necessarily accompanied by the use of a muzzle in order to avoid licking the drugs and poisoning the pet. For the speedy restoration of wool, sulfur-containing preparations are recommended.

The development of the disease in cats

Signs of illness

Symptoms of sarcoptic mange are manifested in cats, as in dogs, affecting the skin. In the area of ​​​​the head on the ears, nose, near the superciliary arches, abscess vesicles filled with liquid appear, which cause constant itching, leading to the formation of scabs, combing the skin to blood. In these places, hair falls out, and the skin becomes rough and begins to crack. The photo on the Internet shows how the affected area of ​​​​the skin of a sick animal looks like.

Diagnosis takes place on the basis of a clinical examination of the pet by a veterinarian and by laboratory melons, for which it is necessary to take a skin scraping in the affected area and study it under a microscope.


A sick pet must be isolated from other animals and contact with other family members should be minimized. One of the most effective, albeit expensive, methods of treatment are drops on the withers Lawyer of the German company Bayer. A one-time application protects the animal from sarcoptic mange for up to 28 days, which is enough for a complete recovery. The use of sulfuric and aversectin ointments give a positive result in the fight against the disease. They should be applied several times a day for 5 days. The complex remedy amit containing in its composition anti-inflammatory, antibacterial substances perfectly copes with the infection.

In more severe cases, it is possible to use drugs that are injected subcutaneously, they act quickly and effectively due to the fact that they act from the inside. One of these is aversect, it is applied at the rate of 0.2 ml per 10 kg of weight twice with an interval of 5 days. Bathing with keratolytic shampoos also gives a good result in the fight against scabies. It is necessary to put on a funnel on the treated animal in order to avoid licking and poisoning of the pet. In parallel with the treatment, the room where the infected animal is kept should be disinfected.

Leakage in pigs

Sarcoptic mange of pigs is provoked by the mite Sarkoptessuis, which affects the epidermal layers of the skin, most often in the places where the hairs come out, where the skin is thinnest. Animals constantly itch, tearing the skin to blood, thereby provoking the formation of scabs. The photo in the medical literature shows what the infested pigs look like.

The disease often affects young individuals up to a year old, with not yet strengthened immunity. If the disease is not treated, then upon reaching the age of six months, the disease passes into the chronic stage. In adults, infection is noticeable on closer examination.

Despite the pronounced signs of sarcoptic mange, in order to obtain a correct conclusion in affected pigs, the skin is scraped off until blood appears, for diagnosis.


Treatment of sarcoptic mange in pigs should begin with softening and removal of hardened parts of the body. After that, the young are bathed, and adults are sprayed with such means as 2% SK-9 emulsion, 2% chlorophos solution, TAP-85 preparation, 1% creolin soap solution, 1.5% trichlormetaphosam. When treating animals with liquid solutions, the inner surface of the ears should be carefully treated. Intramuscularly, the animals are injected with the drug Ivermek, subcutaneously administered Novomek 1% at the rate of 1.5 ml per 50 kg, twice with an interval of up to 10 days. For disinfection of premises and walking areas where sick individuals are kept, the same preparations should be used as for spraying pigs.

The use of meat of processed animals for food is allowed no earlier than 10 days after the last spraying with chlorophos, trichlormetaphos-3 after 45 days, and only two months after the application of creolin and TAP-85.

For preventive purposes, it is necessary to observe sanitary requirements, periodically inspect livestock, exclude contact of sick animals with healthy ones. New animals entering the farm should be quarantined for 30 days and treated with acaricidal agents for prevention.


Sarcoptic mange(Sarcoptoses) is pruritic scabies, an obsolete acarosis, an invasive animal disease caused by the pruritic mite Sarcoptes and characterized by pruritus and dermatitis.

Epizootological characteristics.The source of the causative agent of invasion is animals with sarcoptic mange. Infection occurs when sick animals are kept together with healthy ones, as well as through infested care items. Young and weak animals are more susceptible to sarcoptic mange. Ticks live on the host's body for 4-6 weeks, outside the host - 3-4 weeks. The greatest distribution of sarcoptic mange is reached in the autumn-winter period, as well as under unsanitary conditions for keeping animals.

Clinical signs.First, the skin of the head, neck, then other parts of the host's body is affected. Alopecia, hairless places, abrasions, crusts appear, the skin thickens, its elasticity is lost. Sometimes there are pustules on the skin. Animals lose weight, reduce efficiency (horses), productivity.

Diagnosis put on the basis of clinical signs, epizootological data and confirmed by the result of microscopy of deep skin scrapings taken at the border of healthy and affected skin areas. A scraping is placed on a glass slide or Petri dish, then kerosene is added to it, kneaded thoroughly, covered with a cover slip and examined under a low magnification microscope.

Treatment. For horses and camels in the cold season, fumigation is used in a gas chamber. In summer and autumn, anti-acaricidal baths are used for mass treatments. For bathing, use a 0.5% solution of creolin containing 0.03% of the gamma isomer of hexachlorane (prohibited for slaughter and dairy cattle). Treatment in baths is repeated after 10 days. It is possible to spray the body of the animal with a 0.5% aqueous emulsion of dicresyl, etc. For individual treatment, use: a) Murin liniment (crude carbolic acid 20.0 g; tar 20.0 g; turpentine 10.0 g; green soap 200 0 g; water up to 1 l); b) tar liniment (tar and sulfur 1 part each, green soap and alcohol 2 parts each), etc. Previously, animals are cleaned of dirt, hair is cut off and crusts are removed. Liniments (ointments) are rubbed into one half of the body, and after 2-3 days into the other (in cattle, no more than 1/4 of the body surface is treated at one time).

Prevention.In farms that are unfavorable in terms of sarcoptic mange, animals (horses, cattle, camels, pigs) are divided into 3 groups: sick, suspected of the disease, healthy. Each of the groups of animals is kept in isolation and staff is assigned to it. Sick and suspicious animals are treated. At the same time, the current desacarinization of premises, harnesses, care items and personnel overalls is carried out. Suspicious and healthy animals are examined daily to identify patients with sarcoptic mange. 20 days after the cure of all patients and the implementation of a complex of anti-scabies measures, the economy is considered safe.

How to treat sarcoptic mange

How to treat sarcoptic mange - types of sarcoptic mange

There is also a separate type of scabies mite in fur animals, as well as rabbits. Rabbits have this kind Sarcoptes cuniculi, and furry animals such as the fox and arctic foxSarcoptes vulpis. In rabbits, the disease initially affects the scalp, then the neck, paws, and abdomen. In foxes and arctic foxes, the paws, scalp, neck, chest, tail and inner thighs are affected first. Fur animals become infected with scabies from pets dogs, cats, rodents. Also from their sick relatives, through animal care items.

Sarcoptic disease of pigs is a chronic disease that also has its own form - Sarcoptes suis. Symptoms are the same - itching, inflammation of the skin, the formation of thick, coarse skin folds.

Canine sarcryptosis. Most often, tick damage begins with the sacrum, groin, and earlobes. At the same time, animals scratch the affected areas very strongly. Hair falls off, scabs form and ulcers in animals due to the ingress of dirt into the wounds. Animal hair becomes dry and dandruff is formed.

There is also a separate type of sarcoptic mange in humans. Sarcoptes scabiei. Infection occurs most often through contaminated bed linen, household items, and also through pets. The hands, elbows, armpits are affected. The main symptom of the disease is severe itching. With this disease in humans, complications are possible in the form of dermatitis, as well as eczema! The diagnosis is made with a scraping, in which a tick is found (laboratory tests). For treatment, special sulfuric ointments, or emulsions, are used, for example benzyl benzoate.

How to treat sarcoptic mange And what preparations to use? Before using the drugs, the animal should be washed with warm water and soap. This is done so that the drugs can easily get to the affected area, penetrate deeper into the layers of the skin and have a better effect on the tick.

For treatment, first of all, washing animals in solutions or emulsions is used. Use a 2% solution of chlorophos. For pigs, 0.5% cyodrin emulsion, 0.15% neocidol solution, 0.5% dicresyl emulsion, 4-5% aqueous suspension of colloidal sulfur can be used. Various aerosols and acaricidal powders are also used. Of the injection preparations, you can use Ivomec, Ivermectin, Univerm. When using drugs that it can lick off, dogs wear a special collar or collar.

For the treatment of fur animals, you can use therapeutic baths with the above drugs. Sick animals are tied up before bathing, and then the whole body, except for the head, is immersed in the bath for 2-3 minutes, while doing a massage. The head is submerged for only a few seconds.

Prevention consists of identification and treatment of patients, compliance with hygiene rules. Animals brought from other farms must be kept in quarantine, while it is possible to treat animals with acaricidal preparations, as well as desacarize premises and animal care items.

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In cats, sarcoptic mange is manifested primarily by itching. What a cat infected with sarcoptic mange looks like is shown in the photo:

A correct diagnosis can be made only after receiving a scraping analysis. Diagnosis is difficult by the similarity of sarcoptic mange with and. Visually, you can understand that the cat has become infected with a tick, but its type can only be determined by a laboratory method.

Treatment of sarcoptic mange in cats

Effective in therapy "Amitrazin". These are drops based on rapeseed oil. It is this component that allows the drug to be absorbed as much as possible. Before treating the skin, we recommend that you take measures so that the cat cannot lick off the medicine - for this you can use a collar. Treat affected areas and capture healthy skin around about two centimeters to prevent tick migration. It is impossible to smear every day, manipulations are performed every three days. After the disappearance of signs of infection, one or two additional treatments should be performed. As a rule, up to 7 treatments are required for recovery. After the medication is applied, hold the cat's face for 20 minutes to prevent it from licking off the substance.

"Demos"- ointment from ticks based on sulfur. As you know, sulfur very effectively copes with skin mites and destroys their eggs. It can also be used for demodicosis. The ointment has a rather thick consistency, but upon contact with the body it becomes soft and is well absorbed. The use is the same as the previous preparation: a thin layer of ointment is applied to the cleansed skin, it is necessary to treat the skin around the passages and it is worth monitoring the animal for half an hour to prevent licking. Processing should be done once a week for 3-4 weeks. If the cat has irritation from the ointment, you need to rinse this place well and stop further use of the drug.

You can also use regular sulfuric ointment. It is effective in the fight against ticks.

"Ivermek-gel". An effective remedy that acts on ticks and larvae by paralyzing them. The gel contains panthenol, due to which faster healing of inflamed skin occurs; Lidocaine has an analgesic effect, and the medicine also relieves itching. The treatment should be done according to the scheme described above twice a day with a break of a week. The full therapeutic effect is achieved after 3-5 treatments. The maximum amount of use of means - 6 times. Precautions: if you have a predisposition to contact allergies, do not allow the product to come into contact with your skin.

The most effective treatment for sarcoptic mange in cats is wither drops. They have a fairly strong therapeutic effect, and their use eliminates the possibility of licking off the medicine. Effective tick killers include:

  1. "Advocate". Drops are applied to the withers of the cat in the amount necessary for her weight. If the cat's weight is 2-4 kg, 0.4 ml of "Lawyer" is applied. With a weight of up to 8 kg - 0.8 ml. Do not drip into the ears, the product is intended for external application only. Contraindications are available for kittens up to 9 weeks. If the pet has a weight of up to a kilogram, the application is carried out at a lower dosage and under the supervision of a specialist. You can not use several drugs with a similar effect at the same time.
  2. "Stronghold". The dosage is calculated from the following indicators: with a cat weighing up to two and a half kg, the allowable dose of the drug is 0.25 ml. Up to 7.5 kg - 0.75 ml. Up to 10 kg - 1 ml. All data regarding the dosage are indicated on the packaging of the drops. They are applied once a month.
  3. "Dironet".
  4. Helminthal K.

Sarcoptic mange is a highly contagious skin disease in dogs that is caused by the scabies mite. These microscopic mites burrow into the skin and cause intense itching and irritation. The scabies that accompanies sarcoptic mange leads to severe hair loss in the animal. This disease is treatable, but is highly contagious to both other animals and humans. Pet owners are advised to keep all dogs in quarantine during treatment for sarcoptic mange.

Symptoms of sarcoptic mange

Symptoms of sarcoptic mange in dogs are similar to other skin problems such as pus and fungal infections. Scabies mites prefer bare skin or skin with short hair, so lesions are usually found in the joints, elbows and knees, on the abdomen, and on the ears. The most common symptoms are:

  • Severe itching (very intense itching)
  • Skin rash
  • Formation of scales on the affected skin
  • Hair loss (alopecia)

Causes of sarcoptic mange

The main cause of infection with sarcoptic mange is contact with another infected animal, as ticks are quickly transmitted from one animal to another. Animal shelters and kennels, busy parks, hairdressers and veterinary clinics have the highest risks of infection due to the close proximity of animals. The first symptoms of sarcoptic mange usually occur after 2 or 6 weeks.


The veterinarian will first perform a physical examination of the dog, to rule out possible problems such as a food allergy or a bacterial skin infection (folliculitis). Accurate diagnosis of sarcoptic mange is based on superficial skin scraping and microscopy.

Sarcoptic mange treatment

Dogs that have non-seasonal sarcoptic mange are usually treated with anti-scabies. In some cases, dogs are advised to bathe repeatedly with a special shampoo to kill any mites living on the skin. A single bath will not kill their eggs, as most drugs only work on live ticks.

Sarcoptic mange should be treated under veterinary supervision and under strict hygiene and quarantine rules to avoid reinfection and recurrence. Many treatments have been developed for scabies mites, but some may not work as the mites develop resistance to them. In the treatment, drugs such as ivermectin, ointments containing sulfur, selamectin, doramectin and others can be used. Depending on the dog's condition, he will likely need weekly baths for up to 6 weeks.

The full course of treatment may take four to six weeks. Also, since this type of scabies is infectious to humans and other animals, it is advised to limit contact with the dog. In extreme cases, the animal may need to be quarantined.

People who come into contact with a dog infected with sarcoptic mange may develop a rash on their arms, chest, and abdomen. The problem, as a rule, is solved after the first bathing of the dog. A healthy immune system can help prevent the problem from recurring, so it's important to keep the body strong and comfortable throughout treatment. If all dogs in the house are properly treated with anti-scabies drugs, then the treatment prognosis is good.


There are currently no known preventive measures against sarcoptic mange.

Pathogen- scabies mites (or itching) Sarcoptes canis and Notoedres cati are tortoise-shaped. The head, thorax and abdomen are fused into one. The color is off-white, and in more chitinous areas it is slightly brown.
The length of the females is 0.3-0.4 mm, the width is 0.25-0.38 mm.
The length of males is 0.18-0.27 mm, the width is 0.15-0.2 mm.

At the head end of the body of ticks is a horseshoe-shaped proboscis. The oral apparatus is of a gnawing type and consists of 6 parts: at the top are scissor-shaped chelicerae and pedipalps, and below them are the lower jaws (hypostomes), fused into a round chitinous plate.

The anal opening is located at the posterior end of the body.

Oval-shaped eggs with a transparent shell 0.15 mm long and 0.1 mm wide. The main difference between mites Sarcoptes canis and Notoedres cati is that their anus is located on the back, somewhat caudal to the middle of the body. The length of the females is 0.21-0.45 mm, the width is 0.16-0.4 mm. The length of males is 0.14-0.18 mm, the width is 0.12-0.14 mm.

The entire development cycle lasts 9-14 days, but under unfavorable conditions (temperature decrease, decrease in skin moisture, etc.) it can be extended (up to 22 days or more)!

The life expectancy of females is 42-56 days. During this time, each of them lays 25-50 eggs. Males live less: they usually die after the first copulations with telenymphs.

Outside the body of dogs, ticks die at a temperature of -10 ° C in 20-25 hours, at room temperature - after 9-18 days, in boiling water - instantly.


The disease is ubiquitous and is recorded at any time of the year, but in a more severe form occurs in the summer.

Sarc. canis, in addition to dogs, infects other animals of the canine family (often foxes and wolves), a Not. cati - animals of the cat family.

The source of invasion is sick animals.

The ability to infect dogs is possessed by teleonymphs and female itchs.

Invasion of healthy animals occurs through direct contact with sick animals, as well as through various objects (leashes, collars, etc.) and people who carry ticks on their hands and clothes. Hunting dogs can become infected from wild animals.

Predisposing factors are skin contamination, as well as improper feeding and maintenance of dogs and various stresses.


Females of the itch and telenymphs gnaw passages in the thickness of the stratum corneum of the skin. At the same time, they affect the nerve endings in the skin not only mechanically, but also by the products of their vital activity. The latter, being absorbed into the blood, cause a change in its composition and general intoxication of the body.

The incubation period is 12 to 20 days.

The earliest and most characteristic symptom of the disease is severe itching.

On the affected skin, redness first appears, then small bumps and, finally, vesicles filled with a watery liquid. When combing, the bubbles burst, and their contents dry up in the form of crusts or scabs that stick together the hair. Where the hair grows very quickly (tail, back, neck), the crusts are thick and dense like felt. The coat becomes dull, ruffled and gradually falls out, resulting in hairless spots of various sizes.

In places of scratching, scratches, pronounced dermatitis, and sometimes myositis occur.

The skin on the affected areas thickens greatly, loses elasticity, becomes rough, folded, with bleeding cracks.

With extensive lesions, dogs lose their appetite, become very thin and die from cachexia.

At sarcoptic mange of dogs primary lesions occur on the head, chest, root of the tail and the lower, hairless part of the abdomen (in males - in the prepuce).

At canine notoedrosis usually affects various areas of the scalp (bases and edges of the auricles, superciliary arches, back of the nose, forehead). Sometimes the disease spreads to the front, hind limbs, and then goes into a generalized form.

pathological changes.

The corpses of dogs are emaciated, the mucous membranes are anemic.

The skin in the affected areas is devoid of hair, thickened, folded, covered with crusts and scabs, sometimes cracked in places. When layering pyogenic microflora, pus is released from under the crusts.

The subcutaneous tissue is often edematous.

In places of scratching, pronounced dermatitis, sometimes myositis, is revealed.


Diagnosis on itchy mange in dogs established on the basis of symptoms and examination of skin scrapings.

To do this, at the border of the affected and apparently intact skin, a deep scraping is done with a scalpel (until blood appears). Scraping is placed on a watch or glass slide and 3-5 minutes. treated with a 10% solution of caustic potassium or sodium, and then examined under a low magnification microscope. In the scraping, ticks or their eggs are found.


In the cold season, the treatment of dogs is carried out in a warm room, in the summer it is possible on the street.

Before treatment, the affected areas are mechanically cleaned of dirt, crusts and scabs, after soaking them with warm water and soap or a warm 0.2% solution of caustic soda.

The hair around the affected areas is cut off. Cut hair and removed crusts and scabs are burned or boiled for 5-10 minutes.

Relatively small areas of lesions can be treated with various ointments and liniments: sulfuric ointment, Wilcoxon ointment, etc.

The most commonly used preparations of the following composition:

1) tar - 1 part, vaseline - 9 parts;

2) tar - 3 parts, green soap - 3 parts, sedimentary sulfur - 1 part, vaseline - 10 parts;

3) creolin - 1 part, green soap - 1 part, alcohol 96 ° - 10 parts.

Also used are oil solutions containing TAP-85 (at 1% concentration), colloidal sulfur (at 4% concentration), gardona (at 5% concentration), hexanal preparations (enriched hexachloran, lindane, hexalin, hexatalp, etc.) in concentration 0.025-0.03% by gamma isomer and other acaricidal substances.

As solvents, various liquid mineral, vegetable and animal oils are used that do not irritate the skin and do not have a sharp, persistent odor (vaseline and sunflower oil, fish oil, etc.). Before use, oil preparations are heated to 30-35 ° C.

Processing is carried out twice with an interval of 7-8 days.

Commercially available aerosols of cyodrin, dicresil, acrodex, and psoroptol are also effective.

Treatment can also be carried out according to the method of M. P. Demyanovich and M. G. Khatin.

First, a 30% solution of sodium hyposulfite is rubbed into the affected areas.

After it dries, the same places are treated with a 33% sodium bisulfite solution or a 5-10% hydrochloric acid solution.

Usually two treatments with an interval of 3 days are sufficient.

With extensive lesions, you can buy dogs with special means. Duration of bathing - 1-2 minutes. After bathing, to remove the remnants of medicinal preparations, the animal hair is carefully wrung out.

Bathe dogs twice with an interval of 7-8 days.

Highly effective and convenient drug with itchy scabies is ivomek (ivermectin), which is used in the same way as in canine toxascariasis.

When using all external acaricidal substances, it is necessary to prevent them from being licked and inhaled by dogs!
Persons handling animals must carefully observe personal safety measures!

Sometimes, when using organophosphorus compounds, dogs experience signs of intoxication (muscle tremors, rapid, shallow breathing, weakening of cardiac activity). In such cases, a 4% solution of atropine sulfate is immediately injected under the skin at a dose of 0.5-1.0 ml (depending on the body weight of the animal).

Prevention and control measures.

When the disease occurs, dogs with overt clinical signs itchy scabies are isolated and treated, and those suspected of being infected are quarantined.

Daily clinical examination of all animals is carried out.

Newly isolated sick dogs are immediately isolated and treated.

The floor, bedding and objects that sick animals have come into contact with are treated with 2% chlorophos aqueous emulsion, 3-5% hot (80 ° C) creolin or lysol aqueous emulsion, or hexachlorane-creolin preparations containing 0.03% hexachlorane gamma isomer .

You can also use blowtorch fire.

The consumption rate of aqueous emulsions of acaricides is 100-200 ml/m2.

The clothes of people who have been in contact with sick dogs are disinfected by boiling in water for 10 minutes, and shoes - in special vapor-formalin chambers.

In order to prevent the introduction of the disease into kennels, all newly arriving dogs are quarantined.

Ownerless dogs and cats are not allowed on the territory of the kennel.

Carry out regular extermination of rodents and insects.

In case of pruritic scabies of personal animals of service personnel, these persons are not allowed to work until the disease is completely eliminated.